2021 LPLS Location and Schedule Hybrid (80 hours) Format...........Date.......................................... Notes In-Person ...Aug. 13-14 .............................Alcoa, TN Online.......... Aug. 20 ............... Week 1 Assignments Online.......... Aug. 27 ............... Week 2 Assignments Online........... Sept. 3................ Week 3 Assignments Online.......... Sept. 10............... Week 4 Assignments Online.......... Sept. 17............... Week 5 Assignments Online.......... Sept. 24............... Week 6 Assignments Online............ Oct. 1 ................ Week 7 Assignments Online............ Oct. 8 ................ Week 8 Assignments In-Person ... Oct. 15-16..............................Alcoa, TN
of The United Methodist Church
Open Hearts
Open Minds
217 S. Rankin Road 866-690-4080
Open Doors
Alcoa, TN 37701
Questions: or (865) 293-4148
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, By now you have already completed many of your first steps toward becoming a Local Pastor in The United Methodist Church. You have began your candidacy process and been recommended by your District Committee on Ministry (DCOM). You are now ready to take another important step in that process. Enrolling in and completing the Holston Conference’s 2021 Local Pastor Licensing School (LPLS). This is an important preparation experience for licensure as a Local Pastor, contingent upon your receiving an appointment to a local church. The purpose of the LPLS is to offer basic skills that you will need in the local church. These basic skills are public worship, pastoral care for spiritual formation, the organization of the local church for nurture and mission, and educational ministries. Upon your registration, you will begin receiving additional information about the school and homework assignments for the first weekend of the school. It is our belief that the resources and training you experience at LPLS will be an important component for your future ministry. 2021 LPLS is intended to be an exciting, challenging and meaningful learning opportunity designed to assist you in preparation for ministry to the Lord’s people. As you plan and prepare for it, pray and study accordingly – that God’s will be done.
HOLSTON CONFERENCE Local Pastor Licensing School
HOLSTON CONFERENCE Local Pastor Licensing School
2021 LPLS
2021 LPLS
Location and Schedule Hybrid (80 hours) Format...........................Date.............................................Notes In-Person ...................Aug. 13-14 .................................Alcoa, TN Online...........................Aug. 20................... Week 1 Assignments Online...........................Aug. 27................... Week 2 Assignments Online........................... Sept. 3.................... Week 3 Assignments Online.......................... Sept. 10................... Week 4 Assignments Online.......................... Sept. 17................... Week 5 Assignments Online.......................... Sept. 24................... Week 6 Assignments Online............................ Oct. 1 .................... Week 7 Assignments Online............................ Oct. 8 .................... Week 8 Assignments In-Person ................... Oct. 15-16..................................Alcoa, TN
_____________________________________________ Candidate Name
( ________ ) ___________ - ______________________ Best Phone number [__] I can receive text on this number.
_____________________________________________ Street Address
______________________ _______ _____________ City
Prerequisite Must be Certified Candidate to Register Must have District Superintendent Approval
Email Address
Payment Included: Check #______ Amount: $_______ Candidate Notes: ____________________________________
Registration ..................Date.............................................Notes Registration Deadline.....July 1 Payment 1 of 2 ...............July 1 ...................$300 Initial Payment Payment 2 of 2 ...............August 1 ............... $300 Final Payment
Mail Registration Form & Payment(s) to: BOM Admin. Registrar’s Office Attn: Brandy Williams PO Box 850, Alcoa, TN 37701-0850
Susan Dean 2021 Su usa san n N. N. Arnold, Arn nol old, ld, d, D ean 20 021 LPLS LP PL LS
Make check payable to: Holston Annual Conference Register & Pay online:
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Charge: _______________________________________ District: AP CM HI MV NR SS SM TV TR Non-Holston: _____________________________________ Annual Conference to which you relate
_____________________________ 2021 / ____ /____ DCOM Chair Signature
Certified Candidate
_____________________________ 2021 / ____ /____ Questions: (865) 293-4148
District Superintendent Signature
Date Approved
_____________________________ 2021 / ____ /____ Candidate Signature
Date Completed