2022 Candidacy Process Step-by-Step

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Candidacy Process – Step‐by‐Step BOM - Candidacy Process: Step-by-Step

Applicant Name:

________________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Email address:



[__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR


Pre-Candidacy - Individual Preparation [__] Read and discuss The Christian As Minister with your pastor. [__] Must have been a member of United Methodist Church (or another recognized United Methodist ministry setting, such as a campus ministry) for 1 year immediately preceding candidacy, including a year of service in some form of leadership.


Beginning Candidacy [__] Send a letter to your District Superintendent, including a statement about your call, stating that you would like to begin the candidacy process. [__] You will receive an email from notifications@umcares.org inviting you to login to www.umcares.org Most of the following steps of the process will be completed on this website. [__] Candidacy Application 1) Login UMCARESplus (www.umcares.org) 2) Choose “Mentors and Track” in the left-hand navigation 3) Open “Candidacy” track 4) Choose “Candidacy Application Form” a) Follow the directions on screen [__]

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Beginning Candidacy – Background Check Holston Annual Conference uses Safe Gatherings to provide background checks for persons entering the candidacy process. In order to participate, the candidate will go to: 1) www.safegatherings.com and choose “Get Started” from the menu bar. 2) On the register page, the candidate will: a) Choose Your Type of Organization: from the drop down “Church or Faith Based Organization.” b) This brings up the option: “To what denomination does your church or congregation belong?” Choose from the drop-down menu: “Methodist” c) Select the state/province for your organization: Choose “Tennessee” d) Type: “Candidates for Ministry” the city should autofill to “Alcoa” e) Continue to complete the page, and then click next. 3) On the next Registration page, complete appropriate fields. a) On Applicant Type choose: “Candidates” from the drop-down menu. b) Since we require a DMV check, you should also check the box: “My ministry role will include driving, so I need a DMV check included in my background check.” c) Enter your Driver’s License info in the appropriate fields. d) Click Next 4) On the next Registration page, complete all appropriate fields and then click NEXT.

Update: 2021-09

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