Checklist Seminary Requirements 2016BOD

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Checklist: Seminary Seminary Requirements

1. 2016 Book of Discipline ¶324.4 a. Candidates for deacon or elder shall have completed a minimum of twenty-four (24) semester hours of graduate theological studies in the Christian faith. These graduate studies must include the areas of: [ ] Old Testament [ ] New Testament [ ] Theology [ ] Church History [ ] Mission of the Church in the World [ ] Evangelism [ ] Worship / Liturgy [ ] United Methodist Doctrine [ ] United Methodist Polity [ ] United Methodist History 2. Holston Conference, Board of Ordained Ministry – Requirements for a. Candidates for Deacon [ ] Supervision / Administration [ ] Education / Teaching  Unless undergraduate degree or specialty is in education [ ] Homiletics b. Candidates for Elder [ ] Pastoral Care (introductory course) [ ] Homiletics – two (2) courses; Introductory Course and an Advanced Course covering:  Sermon construction  Practice Preaching [ ] Pastoral Leadership / Administration c. The following courses be completed on-campus:* [ ] Worship / Liturgy [ ] Introductory course in Pastoral Care (Candidates for Elder) [ ] One of the two required Homiletics courses (Candidates for Elder) 3. University Senate – Requirements a. Seminary must be on the List of Approved Seminaries created by the University Senate of The United Methodist Church. Current list can be found at: b. As of 2012, the University Senate of The United Methodist Church allows for up to two-thirds (2/3) of a clergy candidate’s seminary training to be completed online or in an online / oncampus hybrid format. The remaining one-third (1/3) must be completed on-campus.*

*This was voted and approved by vote of the full board, this requirement begins with Students entering Seminary in the Fall 2013 Semester. Questions: Board of Ordained Ministry Administrative Registrar Office 865-690-4080 Phone

Updated: 2020-10

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