Clergy Services MAY 2022
Vol. 1 — No. 2
Sue Weber’s Retirement Brings Changes to the Office of Clergy Services By now, most have heard that Sue Weber is retiring effective May 31, 2022. Her role within the Office of Clergy Services (OCS) has primarily focused on: COS/ ACOS (billing, class taken tracking); MEF (paying Seminaries, administering the funds); Continuing Education (WLI newsletter, CEU tracking); Convocation Design Team (Administrative support and planning.) With the announcement of her retirement I was able to reinvision the OCS and divide it into OCS: BOM Concerns and OCS: DCOM Concerns. Brandy was to handle BOM related matters and the new hire was to handle DCOM matters. In the middle of the interview process, I was informed that CFA had requested that Personnel Resources Committee institute a hiring freeze and undertake an evaluation of the personnel needs of the annual conference. Until that was completed, no new hires would be allowed. Personnel Resources, however, did approve retaining Sue on a part time (20 hours per week basis) for the foreseeable future
(i.e. later in the year when she would then really retire.) Of that 20 hours some will be used by Congregational Development so, I really will only have Sue’s services for about 12 hours per week. Moving forward, Personnel Resources hopes to finish their study and present something at the 2023 Annual Conference. In the meantime, I am undertaking my own evaluation of things the OCS does and will have to move some of those responsibilities onto other entities within the annual conference. In regard to BOM and DCOM, that means that some BOM functions will not be fully supported and some things formerly done by OCS will now have to shift to the DCOM’s. This reorganization is ongoing and will slowly roll out as the year progresses. I cannot wait until Sue does “retire” to make some of these changes. I must begin integrating a new way of doing things with the hope that one day PRC is able to allow more administrative support to be hired. Until then, we must all do our best to adapt to a new way of doing things. -Rev. Terry Goodman
A Quarterly Publication for District Superintendents, DCOM’s, and the Board of Ordained Ministry