Clergy Session Protocols - Questions and Voting

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Update from the Director of Clergy Services Clergy Session Protocols: Questions and Voting June 4, 2020

The Clergy Session will begin on Monday June 8, 2020 at 1:00 pm. Each clergy person should have received an email with the link to this event and to the document: Business of the Annual Conference (BAC). We will be using a ZOOM Webinar format. Only selected people will be seen on the screen. Most of the time that will be the Rev. Mickey Rainwater, Chair of the BOM and Bishop Taylor. Others can be brought onscreen as needed throughout the session. During the session we will address individually each of the questions in the Business of the Annual Conference that the clergy session is required to vote upon. Please note, only Full Connection Elders and Deacons are voting members at the clergy session. Associate Members and Local Pastors are able attend and have voice, but not vote. We will utilize an honor system in this matter. There will be no chat feature in this Webinar. Instead, there will be an opportunity for persons to raise questions that will be viewed by a moderator, most likely the Rev. Terry Goodman, Director of Clergy Services. Persons asking the question must be clearly identified by their name: John Smith or Sue Smith not by a screen name: GoodPreacher123ABC. So please change your onscreen name when you sign into the ZOOM Webinar. Questions related to each vote will be answered either by Rev. Goodman, or will be brought to the attention of Mickey or Bishop Taylor before a vote is taken on that particular question. Once questions are answered, Bishop Taylor will call for the vote. Voting will be done via the ZOOM Webinar. We will allow 30 seconds for you to enter your Yes or No vote. Bishop Taylor will close the vote and Mickey Rainwater will then move to the next BAC question that requires a vote. If you have any questions about these items, please contact the Rev. Terry Goodman, Director of Clergy Services, at (865) 690-4080 or via email at

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