Holston Conference
Guidelines and Applications for Certified Lay Minister
Holston Conference DCOM Credentialing, Evaluation, and Interview Guidelines Certified Lay Minister General Information :
The DCOM has a role in the process of Credentialing and Evaluating Certified Lay Ministers. After consultation with the Board of Lay Ministry, the following items are provided for use by the DCOM in their evaluation of persons that come before them as a part of this process.
Credentialing Standard: Fitness for Ministry. Does this person demonstrate a fitness (mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual ) for ministry.
Possible Motion: “I move that (name) be / not be recommended to the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries for final certification by that committee.” [Majority vote] [Record in DCOM minutes.]
Interview and Credentialing Requirements: 1. The following steps will have been completed by the Board of Lay Ministries prior to the person coming before the DCOM.
Review the Disciplinary Guidelines for Certified Lay Minister
Review Steps to Certification and Recertification as a Certified Lay Minister
Review Application for Certification as Certified Lay Minister (BLM Application 01)
Review Application for Re-Certification as a Certified Lay Minister (BLM Application 02)
2. The person coming for review should supply these items for the review of the DCOM.
Review Letter from Pastor of Applicant (Supplied by applicant prior to DCOM Session)
Review Covenant for Ministry from Applicant (BLM Application 02)(Supplied by applicant prior to DCOM session.)
3. The DCOM should review items in step 2 prior to meeting with the person and then proceed with the following items:
Complete Interview of Applicant (not to exceed 20 minutes)
Questions should be similar to those asked of a Supply Pastor coming before the DCOM for initial approval or for a Supply Pastor coming back for subsequent approval. (See Guidelines for DCOM pages 24-27)
Approve or Disapprove of Applicant (using motion above)
Communicate Recommendation to District Director of Lay Servant Ministries
Certified Lay Minister (CLM) Process Disciplinary Guidelines for Process For initial certification: A. Be certified as a lay servant, lay missioner (or equivalent as defined by the central conference). B. Obtain written recommendation form the pastor and the church council or charge conference of the local church in which the individual holds membership. C. Complete a track of study for certified lay ministers relevant to the candidate's assignment as defined by the General Board of Discipleship, or the National Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry in collaboration with the General Board of Discipleship, and the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries or equivalent structure. D. Have all requirements for certification, including appropriate screening and assessment as defined by the annual conference, reviewed by the conference committee on lay servant ministries, or equivalent structure, for referral to the district committee on ordained ministry, or equivalent structure, for referral to the district committee on ordained ministry for examination of persons who have applied in writing to be certified lay ministers and to make recommendation for certification (see Âś666.10). After the district committee on ordained ministry interviews the candidate, the district committee on ordained ministry will make a recommendation to the conference committee on lay servant ministries for final certification by that committee.
For recertification every two years: A. Submit an annual report to the charge conference or church council where membership is held and to the conference committee on lay servant ministries, or equivalent structure, giving evidence of satisfactory performance as a certified lay minister. B. Obtain a ministry review by the committee on pastor-parish relations, church council, or charge conference from the congregation of which the individual is a member, or when under assignment, from the committee on pastor-parish relations, charge conference, or supervisory board of the ministry setting in which the person is assigned. C. Complete a lay servant ministries advanced course or approved continuing education event, as defined by the conference committee on lay servant ministries or equivalent structure in the last two years. D. Obtain recommendation for recertification from the district superintendent. E. Have all requirements for recertification reviewed by the conference committee on lay servant ministries, or equivalent structure, for referral to the district committee on ordained ministry for examination of persons who have applied in writing to be renewed as certified lay ministers and to make recommendation for recertification
(see ¶666.10). After the district committee on ordained ministry interviews the certified lay minister, the district committee on ordained ministry will make a recommendation to the conference committee on lay servant ministries for final recertification by that committee.
Additional Suggestions for the Process It is strongly encouraged that a person be designated to compile and maintain all files, records, and statistics for all CLMs. This could be a person at the conference level, such as a registrar, or a person in each district. Forms are provided at the end of this resource. Education:
Clarify and explain the role of CLM
Get the word out
Visit the DCOM’s, cabinet, LSM classes
Advertise in conference, district, local church newsletters
Participate in CLM module training, or equivalent and all other coursework and requirements as determined by the conference committee on lay servant ministires.
Provide a certificate of course completion
After all requirements toward certification have been met, candidate goes before dCOM for interview and recommendation for certification DCOM gives reasons and suggestions, if the person is not being recommended DCOM relays recommendation to the conference committee on lay servant ministries for certification Conference committee on LSM, or its equivalent, reviews entire process and provides certification for the lay minister Hold a service of recognition for those being certified
Offer courses, such as advanced LSM courses or other continuing education, for all CLMs needing recertification Provide materials for ministry review every two years, as defined under CLM Accountability dCOM receives a copy of the ministry review, interviews, and recommends the CLM for recertification dCOM gives reasons and suggestions, if the person is not being recommended dCOM relays recommendation to the conference committee on lay servant ministries for recertification.
Conference committee on lay servant ministries again reviews the entire process and provides renewal of certification.
Steps to Certification and Recertification as a Certified Lay Minister Certification Process 1. Complete the Application for Certification, sign the original, and obtain the signature of your church pastor. Send the completed application to (the person who conducts your district's CLM training). After completion of the training, he or she will sign your application as the equipping pastor or instructor. 2. During the training, prepare a one-page paper on "My Call to Lay Ministry," telling how you feel called to the ministry your church is asking you to perform. Describe how your gifts and experience will help you do this ministry and tell why this ministry is important to your church. 3. Work with your pastor to develop a Covenant for Ministry between you and your church, using the Holston Conference template for this. This covenant should be no more than two pages. 4. Complete the District training for Certified Lay Ministers, based upon the approved four modules developed by the Board of Higher Education and Ministry and Discipleship Ministries. This training includes a hands-on component in which you learn by doing your selected area of ministry in your church under the mentorship of your pastor between class sessions 3 and 4. 5. Your pastor must write a letter to your Church Council or Administrative Council, recommending that the Council endorse your candidacy for certification as a Lay Minister. The pastor should attach your Application for Certification, your call to lay ministry paper, and Covenant for Ministry (Items 1, 2, and 3 above) to this letter. 6. The chair of your Church Council or Administrative Council must write a letter to your District Superintendent (DS), stating the Council's decision to recommend that you be certified as a Lay Minister. Please enclose the following items in this letter: · · · ·
Your pastor's recommendation letter to Council (Item 5) Final Application for Certification, signed by the CLM training instructor (Item 1) One-page paper on your call to lay ministry (Item 2) Covenant for Ministry between you and your church (Item 3)
7. Send a copy of the letter and your complete package, all as described in Item 6, to the Chair of your District Committee on Ordained Ministry. 8. Your CLM training instructor or another designated person in your district will notify the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministry that you have complete all requirements
for review by your DCOM for certification. 9. Assuming the DS recommends your certification, your CLM training instructor will schedule a time for you to appear before the DCOM for review for certification. If the committee approves your certification and the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministry concurs, the DS will assign you as a CLM to your church as appropriate.
Recertification Process 1. Recertification is required every two years, based upon the Certified Lay Minister's successful and effective performance of their ministry and completion of the required continuing education and training as provided or approved by their pastor. 2. The Certified Lay Minister is required to request recertification in writing by completing and submitting the Application for Recertification form, which is available in your district office. 3. By completing and obtaining the appropriate signatures on the application form, the CLM will be reporting on their ministry review by their charge conference or church council and will be describing the continuing education event completed during the previous two years. 4. After coordination with the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries, the DCOM will review the candidate for renewal of their certification as a CLM.
Board of Lay Ministry: Application 01
Application for Certification as a Lay Minister ሺLMሻ
Personal Background _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name: First
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Street City State Zip Best Contact: (______)________‐__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year _____________________________________________________________________________________ Email address ______________________________ ____________________________ ___________________ Occupation Marital Status Gender Educational Background _______________________________________________________________ __________________ Name of High School Graduation year ____________________________________ ________________________ __________________ University Degree / Major Year ____________________________________ ________________________ __________________ Graduate School Degree / Major Year Church Background and Service [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR _______________________________________UMC [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR Church Membership District I have been a member of The United Methodist Church for __________ years. I have been a member of my current church for __________ years. What key area of ministry are you called to perform or lead and which your pastor wishes you to serve in your current church? ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ I wish to be assigned to a specific church. [__] Yes [__] No. If yes, I would like to be assigned to ____________________________________________________________________________ UMC.
Revised: 2020‐05‐07
Board of Lay Ministry: Application 01
Date I completed the basic coursework for certification: (four modules prepared by GBOD & GBHEM) (to be completed after completion of training)
_________ _________ __________ Month
[__] I am / [__] I am not a Certified Lay Servant. [__] I am / [__] I am not a Certified Lay Speaker. Describe your service in the UMC, including any leadership positions in which you have served:
___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Pastor Signature _____________________________________________ Applicant Signature _____________________________________________ (Equipping Pastor or Trainer) Certification of Completion of Training: Signature
Date ________________________________ Date ________________________________ Date
Revised: 2020‐05‐07
Board of Lay Ministry: Application 02
Application for Recertification as a Lay Minister ሺLMሻ
To: Chair, District Committee on Ordained Ministry (DCOM) From: _____________________________________________________________________________ Name of Certified Lay Minister: First Middle Last This is to request that I be recertified as a Certified Lay Minister (LM) in the _______________________ District of The United Methodist Church. I have completed each of the requirements for biannual recertification in accordance with ¶268 of the 2016 Book of Discipline and as summarized in this application. These requirements are a review of my ministry by our Church Council, completion of an approved continuing education event and a recommendation by the District Superintendent. __________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Name of Church Name of Certified Lay Minister Mailing Address: P.O. Box or Street __________________________________________________ City __________________________________________________ State Zip _____________________ _____________________ (______)________‐______________________ __________________________________________________ Best Contact: [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Year Certified or most recent Recertification _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Email address A description of the primary ministry I perform in my local church as a Certified Lay Minister, as reviewed by my Church Council: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________ Date review by Church Council or Charge Conference
Revised: 2020‐05‐07
Board of Lay Ministry: Application 02
The continuing education event may be a workshop, seminar, Lay Servant Ministries advanced course, or similar event that provides training and enhances my abilities to perform my primary ministry. It may be provided by my pastor or any subject matter expert. The following is a description of my continuing education event: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________ Date Education event completed _____________________________________________ Lay Minister Signature Recommended for Recertification: _____________________________________________ Pastor Signature _____________________________________________ Church Council Chair Signature _____________________________________________ District Superintendent Signature
________________________________ Date
________________________________ Date
________________________________ Date
________________________________ Date
Revised: 2020‐05‐07
Board of Lay Ministry: Application 02
Covenant for Ministry between Church and Lay Minister
__________________________________________________________ United Methodist Church (UMC) located in Name of church __________________________, ___________________ and _______________________________________, as City State Name of Certified Lay Minister Certified Lay Minister, hereafter LM, jointly enter into this covenant for ministry, effective ___________________. Month Day, Year This covenant agreement is subject to the ministerial assignment by our District Superintendent, and acceptance by the LM. Commitment to Mission: Include a brief statement of the mission of ___________________________________ UMC and state how the work of this LM will help carry out that mission. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Duties and Responsibilities: List the duties and key responsibilities of the LM in this role for the church. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Supervision and Relationships with Staff and Church Leadership: Mentor: Reverend _______________________ will serve as the clergy mentor, providing guidance and advice as needed on this ministry. Reverend will provide specific guidance as needed to the LM. Church Council: Recommends certification and recertification and approves the Covenant for Ministry. Staff Parish Relations Committee (PRC): Is informed of the ministry of the LM in order to make decisions regarding church staffing. Compensation: The work of the LM at __________________________________________ UMC is voluntary and is therefore not monetarily compensated. The church will pay for training materials required for certification and recertification, as well as any other training that the church may require for the work of the LM.
Revised: 2020‐05‐07
Board of Lay Ministry: Application 02
Recertification as Lay Minister: The LM is to apply in writing for recertification biannually to the District Committee on Ministry (DCOM). The Church Council will review the ministry of the LM and, if in agreement, recommend recertification to the District Superintendent (DS). The church shall provide or pay any expenses for the continuing education required for recertification. Evolution of This Covenant: As the church’s needs evolve, it may be necessary to modify this covenant. The convent shall be reviewed at least annually, and any appropriate changes will be made at that time with the mutual consent of the LM and the Church Council. Tenure of Service: It is expected that the LM will serve __________________________________________ UMC indefinitely in this role. However, at any time, the LM may provide notice to the church and discontinue service for whatever reasons. Likewise, the Church Council may decide that the service of the LM is no longer needed. In either case, this covenant will be considered terminated. __________________________________________ UMC appreciates the dedicated Christian service of this person, whose ministry is a witness to his/her faith in our Lord and love for the church. _____________________________________________ ________________________________ Church Council Chair Signature Date Approved _____________________________________________ ________________________________ Date Lay Minister Signature Concurrences: _____________________________________________ ________________________________ Pastor Signature Date _____________________________________________ ________________________________ District Superintendent Signature Date
Revised: 2020‐05‐07
Section XI. Lay Servant Ministries œ 266. Certified Lay Servant—1. A certified lay servant is a professing member of a local church or charge, or a baptized participant of a recognized United Methodist collegiate ministry or other United Methodist ministry setting, who desires to serve the Church and who knows and is committed to Scripture and the doctrine, heritage, organization, and life of The United Methodist Church and who has received specific training to witness to the Christian faith through spoken communication, to lead within a church and community, and to provide caring ministry. 2. The certified lay servant serves the local church or charge(or beyond the local church or charge) in ways in which his or her witness, leadership, and service inspires others to a deeper commitment to Christ and more effective discipleship. The certified lay servant, through continued study and training, should prepare to undertake one or more of the following functions, giving primary attention to service within the local church or charge, United Methodist collegiate ministry, or other United Methodist ministry setting: a) Provide leadership, assistance, and support to the program emphases of the church or other United Methodist ministry. b) Lead meetings for prayer, training, study, and discussion when requested by the pastor, district superintendent, or committee on Lay Servant Ministries. c) Conduct, or assist in conducting, services of worship, preach the Word, or give addresses when requested by the pastor, district superintendent, or committee on Lay Servant Ministries. d) Work with appropriate committees and teams which provide congregational and community leadership or foster caring ministries. e) Assist in the distribution of the elements of Holy Communion upon request by a pastor. f) Teach the Scriptures, doctrine, organization, and ministries of The United Methodist Church. 3. One may be recognized as a certified lay servant by the district or conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries after he or she has: a) Obtained recommendation from the pastor and the church council or charge conference of the local church or other United Methodist ministry in which he or she holds membership. b) Completed the Lay Servant Ministries BASIC course. c) Completed a Lay Servant Ministries advanced course.
d) Applied to and had qualifications reviewed by the district committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure (See ¶ 668.3). 4. Recognition as a certified lay servant may be renewed annually by the district committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure, after the certified lay servant has: a) Submitted an annual report and renewal application to the charge conference or church council and to the district committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure, giving evidence of satisfactory performance as a certified lay servant. b) Obtained recommendation for renewal from the pastor and the church council or charge conference of the local church or other United Methodist ministry in which he or she holds membership. c) Completed a Lay Servant Ministries advanced course in the last three years. 5. A certified lay servant may transfer certification to another district or conference upon receipt of a letter from the previous district’s committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure, confirming current certification and the completion date of the most recent advanced course taken. Further renewal is in accordance with ¶ 266.4. 6. It is recommended that a service of commitment be held for persons recognized as certified lay servants. 7. Lay Servant Ministries courses shall be those recommended by the General Board of Discipleship or alternative advanced courses approved by the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries. Courses should be inclusive of language and cultural groups as relevant to the context. Lay Servant Ministries courses are open to all, whether or not a participant desires recognition as a certified lay servant. 8. A certified lay servant is a volunteer but an honorarium for pulpit supply is appropriate. ¶ 267. Certified Lay Speaker—1. A certified lay speaker is a certified lay servant (or equivalent as defined by his or her central conference) whose call has been affirmed by the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries or equivalent structure to serve the church in pulpit supply in accordance and compliance with ¶ 341.1. 2. The certified lay speaker serves by preaching the Word when requested by the pastor, district superintendent, or committee on Lay Servant Ministries, in accordance and compliance with ¶ 341.1. 3. One may be certified as a lay speaker after he or she has: a) Been certified as a lay servant (or equivalent as defined by his or her central conference). b) Obtained recommendation from the pastor and the church council or charge conference of the local church in which he or she holds membership. c) Completed a track of study including courses on leading worship, leading prayer, discovering spiritual gifts, preaching, United Methodist heritage and polity, and/or
other courses as determined by the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries or equivalent structure. d) Interviewed with and obtained recommendation from the district committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure, to be submitted to the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure, for approval and certification. 4. Recognition as a certified lay speaker may be renewed annually by the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure, after the certified lay speaker has: a) Submitted an annual report and renewal application to the charge conference or church council and to the district committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure, giving evidence of satisfactory performance as a certified lay speaker. b) Obtained recommendation for continued recognition as a certified lay speaker from the pastor and the church council or charge conference of the local church or other United Methodist ministry in which he or she holds membership. c) Completed a Lay Servant Ministries advanced course in the last three years. d) In the last three years, interviewed with and obtained recommendation for renewal as a certified lay speaker from the district committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure, and the approval of the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure for recertification.
5. A certified lay speaker may transfer certification to another district or conference upon receipt of a letter from the previous district’s committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure, confirming current certification and the completion date of the most recent advanced course taken. Further renewal is in accordance with ¶ 267.4. 6. A certified lay speaker is a volunteer but an honorarium is appropriate. ¶ 268. Certified Lay Minister—1. A certified lay minister is a certified lay servant, certified lay missioner, or equivalent as defined by his or her central conference, who is called and equipped to conduct public worship, care for the congregation, assist in program leadership, develop new and existing faith communities, preach the Word, lead small groups, or establish community outreach ministries as part of a ministry team with the supervision and support of a clergyperson. A certified lay minister is assigned by a district superintendent in accordance with ¶ 419.2. 2. The certified lay minister serves to enhance the quality of ministry much like a class leader did in early Methodism through service in the local church, circuit or cooperative parish, or by expanding team ministry in other churches and charges. As with lay ministry in early Methodism, the certified lay minister uses his or her spiritual gifts as evidence of God’s grace. 3. One may be recognized by the conference committee on lay servant ministries, or equivalent structure, as a certified lay minister after he or she has:
a) been certified as a lay servant, lay missioner, or equivalent as defined by his or her central conference; b) obtained written recommendation from the pastor and the church council or charge conference of the local church in which he or she holds membership; c) completed a track of study for certified lay ministers relevant to the candidate’s assignment as defined by the General Board of Discipleship, or the National Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry in collaboration with the General Board of Discipleship, and the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries or equivalent structure; d) received a letter of recommendation from his or her district superintendent; e) had all requirements for certification, including appropriate screening and assessment as defined by the annual conference, reviewed by the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure, for referral to the district committee on ordained ministry for examination of persons who have applied in writing to be certified lay ministers and to make recommendation for certification (see œ 666.10). After the district committee on ordained ministry interviews the candidate, the district committee on ordained ministry will make a recommendation to the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries for final certification by that committee. 4. Recognition as a certified lay minister may be renewed every two years by the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure, after the certified lay minister has: a) submitted an annual report to the charge conference or church council where membership is held and to the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure, giving evidence of satisfactory performance as a certified lay minister; b) obtained a ministry review by the committee on pastor- parish relations, church council, or charge conference fromthe congregation of which he or she is a member, or when under assignment, from the committee on pastor-parish relations, charge conference, or supervisory board of the ministry setting in which he or she is assigned; c) completed a Lay Servant Ministries advanced course or approved continuing education event, as defined by the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries or equivalent structure in the last two years; d) obtained recommendation for recertification from the district superintendent; e) had all requirements for recertification reviewed by the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure, for referral to the district committee on ordained ministry for examination of persons who have applied in writing to be renewed as certified lay ministers and to make recommendations for recertification (see œ 666.10). After the district committee on ordained ministry interviews the certified lay minister, the district committee on ordained ministry will make a recommendation to the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries for final
recertification by that committee.
5. A certified lay minister may transfer certification to another district or conference upon receipt of a letter from the previous conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure, confirming current certification and the completion date of the most recent advanced course taken. Further renewal is in accordance with ¶ 268.4. 6. A certified lay minister is not eligible for support by equitable compensation funds or pension funds that are provided for clergy. If a certified lay minister is a lay staff member of a church, circuit or cooperative parish, the local congregation is encouraged to provide compensation and withhold taxes appropriate to a layperson. ¶ 269. Lay Missioner—Lay missioners are committed laypersons, mostly volunteers, who are willing to be trained and to work together as a ministry team with their pastor-mentor, in order to develop and lead faith communities, establish community ministries, develop church school extension programs, and engage in congregational development with and into the local community. Lay missioners are formed according to, and follow the guidelines established by, the National Committee of the National Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry, working in conjunction with the annual conference. They are certified jointly by their annual conference and the National Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry. The ministry team is supported by and accountable to the local congregation, district or annual conference entity that assigns it to its mission. The concept of the lay missioner is based theologically on the ministry of the laity, in order to complement the work of the pastor.13
A certified lay missioner shall be equivalent to a certified lay servant in the processes of certification as a lay minister (¶ 268.3-6); and the Module I-Module II formational sequence and Module IIIs for continuing education of the National Plan for Hispanic/ Latino Ministry shall be equivalent to the track of study for certified lay ministers relevant to the candidate’s assignment, and the advanced course or approved continuing education events described therein. 13. See Judicial Council Decision 693.
Board of Lay Ministry: Application 01
Application for Certification as a Lay Minister ሺLMሻ
Personal Background _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name: First
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Street City State Zip Best Contact: (______)________‐__________ Birthdate: _________ _________ __________ [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Month Day Year _____________________________________________________________________________________ Email address ______________________________ ____________________________ ___________________ Occupation Marital Status Gender Educational Background _______________________________________________________________ __________________ Name of High School Graduation year ____________________________________ ________________________ __________________ University Degree / Major Year ____________________________________ ________________________ __________________ Graduate School Degree / Major Year Church Background and Service [__] AP [__] CM [__] HI [__] MV [__] NR _______________________________________UMC [__] SS [__] SM [__] TV [__] TR Church Membership District I have been a member of The United Methodist Church for __________ years. I have been a member of my current church for __________ years. What key area of ministry are you called to perform or lead and which your pastor wishes you to serve in your current church? ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ I wish to be assigned to a specific church. [__] Yes [__] No. If yes, I would like to be assigned to ____________________________________________________________________________ UMC.
Revised: 2020‐05‐07
Board of Lay Ministry: Application 01
Date I completed the basic coursework for certification: (four modules prepared by GBOD & GBHEM) (to be completed after completion of training)
_________ _________ __________ Month
[__] I am / [__] I am not a Certified Lay Servant. [__] I am / [__] I am not a Certified Lay Speaker. Describe your service in the UMC, including any leadership positions in which you have served:
___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Pastor Signature _____________________________________________ Applicant Signature _____________________________________________ (Equipping Pastor or Trainer) Certification of Completion of Training: Signature
Date ________________________________ Date ________________________________ Date
Revised: 2020‐05‐07
Board of Lay Ministry: Application 02
Application for Recertification as a Lay Minister ሺLMሻ
To: Chair, District Committee on Ordained Ministry (DCOM) From: _____________________________________________________________________________ Name of Certified Lay Minister: First Middle Last This is to request that I be recertified as a Certified Lay Minister (LM) in the _______________________ District of The United Methodist Church. I have completed each of the requirements for biannual recertification in accordance with ¶268 of the 2016 Book of Discipline and as summarized in this application. These requirements are a review of my ministry by our Church Council, completion of an approved continuing education event and a recommendation by the District Superintendent. __________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Name of Church Name of Certified Lay Minister Mailing Address: P.O. Box or Street __________________________________________________ City __________________________________________________ State Zip _____________________ _____________________ (______)________‐______________________ __________________________________________________ Best Contact: [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Year Certified or most recent Recertification _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Email address A description of the primary ministry I perform in my local church as a Certified Lay Minister, as reviewed by my Church Council: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________ Date review by Church Council or Charge Conference
Revised: 2020‐05‐07
Board of Lay Ministry: Application 02
The continuing education event may be a workshop, seminar, Lay Servant Ministries advanced course, or similar event that provides training and enhances my abilities to perform my primary ministry. It may be provided by my pastor or any subject matter expert. The following is a description of my continuing education event: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________ Date Education event completed _____________________________________________ Lay Minister Signature Recommended for Recertification: _____________________________________________ Pastor Signature _____________________________________________ Church Council Chair Signature _____________________________________________ District Superintendent Signature
________________________________ Date
________________________________ Date
________________________________ Date
________________________________ Date
Revised: 2020‐05‐07
Board of Lay Ministry: Form 01
For use only when LM is appointed to a local church as a supply pastor
Certified Lay Minister (LM) Supervisory Agreement with the District Superintendent Name:
______________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last
______________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip
Best Contact # (______)________‐__________ Birthdate: [__] Cell [__] Home [__] Work Email:
_________ _________ __________ Month Day Year
As a Certified Lay Minister (LM), I have been asked to serve the following: District Charge Church 1
Church 2
State Zip
State Zip
Worship Time Frequency Church 4
State Zip
State Zip
Worship Time Frequency Weekly Monthly
Worship Time Frequency
Worship Time Frequency Weekly Monthly Church 3
Weekly Monthly
Weekly Monthly
FORM 17‐LM Supervisory Agreement
Revised: 2020‐05‐07
Board of Lay Ministry: Form 01
For use only when LM is appointed to a local church as a supply pastor
I realize that I am a lay person and that I am not allowed to administer the sacraments of Baptism or Holy Communion. However, I understand that I can serve the elements if they have been consecrated by and Elder. I also realize that I will not be able to perform weddings, since I am not a licensed pastor. I realize that I will be expected to act like a minister and will have, at least, the following responsibilities: ____ Home & Hospital Visitation ___ Performing Funerals ____ Conducting and Leading Worship ___ Overseeing/Conducting Church Meetings ____ Administration of the Church: Charge ___ Meet, as requested, with the DCOM Conference and Year End Reports ___ Maintain an up to date Safe Gatherings ____ Attend District Minister’s Meetings Certification In addition to the above items, I understand that the District Superintendent expects the following from me as I minister at the charge to which I have been assigned:
___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ LM Signature ________________________________________________ DS Signature
________________________________ Date ________________________________ Date
A copy will be given to the Certified Lay Minister (LM) and will be kept:
In this person’s DCOM files In this person’s supervisory files within the District Superintendent’s office
FORM 17‐LM Supervisory Agreement
Revised: 2020‐05‐07
Board of Lay Ministry: Form 02
Covenant for Ministry between Church and Lay Minister
__________________________________________________________ United Methodist Church (UMC) located in Name of church __________________________, ___________________ and _______________________________________, as City State Name of Certified Lay Minister Certified Lay Minister, hereafter LM, jointly enter into this covenant for ministry, effective ___________________. Month Day, Year This covenant agreement is subject to the ministerial assignment by our District Superintendent, and acceptance by the LM. Commitment to Mission: Include a brief statement of the mission of ___________________________________ UMC and state how the work of this LM will help carry out that mission. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Duties and Responsibilities: List the duties and key responsibilities of the LM in this role for the church. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Supervision and Relationships with Staff and Church Leadership: Mentor: Reverend _______________________ will serve as the clergy mentor, providing guidance and advice as needed on this ministry. Reverend will provide specific guidance as needed to the LM. Church Council: Recommends certification and recertification and approves the Covenant for Ministry. Staff Parish Relations Committee (PRC): Is informed of the ministry of the LM in order to make decisions regarding church staffing. Compensation: The work of the LM at __________________________________________ UMC is voluntary and is therefore not monetarily compensated. The church will pay for training materials required for certification and recertification, as well as any other training that the church may require for the work of the LM.
Revised: 2020‐05‐07
Board of Lay Ministry: Form 02
Recertification as Lay Minister: The LM is to apply in writing for recertification biannually to the District Committee on Ministry (DCOM). The Church Council will review the ministry of the LM and, if in agreement, recommend recertification to the District Superintendent (DS). The church shall provide or pay any expenses for the continuing education required for recertification. Evolution of This Covenant: As the church’s needs evolve, it may be necessary to modify this covenant. The convent shall be reviewed at least annually, and any appropriate changes will be made at that time with the mutual consent of the LM and the Church Council. Tenure of Service: It is expected that the LM will serve __________________________________________ UMC indefinitely in this role. However, at any time, the LM may provide notice to the church and discontinue service for whatever reasons. Likewise, the Church Council may decide that the service of the LM is no longer needed. In either case, this covenant will be considered terminated. __________________________________________ UMC appreciates the dedicated Christian service of this person, whose ministry is a witness to his/her faith in our Lord and love for the church. _____________________________________________ ________________________________ Church Council Chair Signature Date Approved _____________________________________________ ________________________________ Date Lay Minister Signature Concurrences: _____________________________________________ ________________________________ Pastor Signature Date _____________________________________________ ________________________________ District Superintendent Signature Date
Revised: 2020‐05‐07