DCOM to DCOM Transfer of Local Pastors Issue From me to me, a local pastor from another annual conference seeks to transfer and serve in Holston or a Holston local pastor seeks to serve in another annual conference. This involves what is referred to as a DCOM to DCOM transfer.
Background If Pastor X is serving in Another Annual Conference and approaches a DS in Holston seeking an appointment within Holston, such a request can happen. However, there are certain things that need to be considered. 1. Does this person have legi mate reasons to seek a transfer? 2. Are there issues with this pastor in the other annual conference? 3. Did this person approach a Holston DS or did the Holston DS reach out to this person? 4. Does the bishop or anyone on the cabinet know of any issues that might preclude this persons service in Holston? 5. Is this person willing to meet with a Holston DCOM and is a Holston DCOM willing to recommend that this person serve within Holston? 6. Does the DS of this pastor know that the pastor is seeking to transfer to another annual conference?
Analysis The analysis of this ma er—how the above and other ques ons are answered will determine whether or not it is appropriate for the pastor to serve within the Holston Annual Conference. Careful thought should go into the process at each stage before the request is granted. On the one hand, we want the best persons possible to serve our churches, on the other hand bringing someone in from another annual conference involves a certain level of uncertainty. We have the assurances of the other DS and the other DCOM, but are their standards the same standards that we would apply within Holston. Once we determine that they are, then we are ready to engage in the protocols that follow.
Next Steps These protocols are based upon the assump on that a Local Pastor in another annual conference is seeking to transfer into the Holston Conference.
Items to note:
This is considered a DS/DCOM to DS?DCOM kind of transfer. Persons cannot transfer into Holston un l they have been discon nued in the other Conference. Failure to discon nue would result in the person being ac ve in the BAC’s of both Holston and the other annual conference.
Steps to Bring in a Local Pastor from Another Conference: 1) A Person comes to a DS in Holston or (in rarer circumstances) a DS in Holston approaches person in another annual conference. a) Holston DS has a conversa on with the person to determine if the person is viable as a local pastor in Holston. b) Holston DS runs the person’s name and circumstances (why person wants to transfer and gi s and talents person might bring) past the appoin ve cabinet to see if there might be any red flags that the Bishop or other DS’s might know about in regards to this person. c) At this point, the prospec ve local pastor should meet with the DCOM and have the DCOM make a determina on as to whether the person is a viable candidate. 2) Once it is determined that the person is a viable candidate, then the DS will no fy the Office of Clergy Services so that a transfer request can be entered into the UMCares system. a) Please supply full name, address, conference, and district. 3) A er no fying Clergy Services, the DS should then no fy the DS in the prospec ve local pastor’s conference that a request for transfer has been made through UMCares. a) If by chance the DS in the other conference is unaware that the person is seeking to transfer to Holston, this might be considered a red flag and a more detailed DS to DS conversa on needs to take place. b) At this point, the prospec ve local pastor’s DCOM should discon nue the prospect. 4) Once the other conference releases the person to Holston in the UMCares module, the Office of Clergy Services will inform the Holston District Superintendent. a) If necessary, there can be another mee ng of the DCOM or, if already approved at the prior mee ng, then the prospec ve local pastor will be listed in the BAC’s as of the date of the UMCares Transfer. 5) At this point the person is now fully under the authority of Holston Conference. a) PLEASE NOTE: A local pastor cannot be “on loan” to another conference as is some mes done with provisionals and elders. A local pastor must have a DCOM in Holston. b) However, a local pastor can serve in an extension ministry, under certain circumstances, in places other than Holston and maintain affilia on with a Holston DCOM.
Steps to Transfer a Local Pastor Out of Holston Conference: 1) A local pastor should approach the DS and state their desire to transfer to another conference. 2) Holston DS will contact the DS of the district in the other conference to which the person wishes to transfer. a) Holston DS will determine whether or not the other conference, through that conference DS, is willing to accept the person. 3) If the other conference is willing to accept the person, then the Holston DS will a) Convene a mee ng of the Holston DCOM to discon nue the person seeking to transfer. b) The Holston DS will no fy the Office of Clergy Services and supply: i. Name and district of the local pastor and the conference and district to which the person seeks to transfer. 4) The Office of Clergy Services will make the request in UMCares and no fy the Holston DS when the transfer has been completed. 5) The Holston DS will inform the DCOM and the date of transfer will be recorded in the records as the official date of discon nuance. 6) At this point, the Holston DCOM may transfer copies of the files on the person to the other conference. PLEASE NOTE‐only transfer copies. Maintain a record on our end in case an issue ever arises involving the person that transferred. The person seeking transfer must complete the appropriate release of informa on document prior to informa on being sent. (Release R02: Permission to Release Files) Ques ons on these protocols should be directed to the Office of Clergy Services at clergyservices@holston.org
Documents That Must Be Transferred in a DCOM to DCOM Transfer When a person is coming into the Holston Annual Conference from a DCOM in another Annual Conference, Holston will require the following documents: Release 02: Permission to Release Files: (In this case the person seeking to transfers authorizes the DCOM of their current annual conference to release the following files to Holston Annual Conference en es.) Psychological Assessment (completed no longer than 5 years prior to transfer) Background Check (completed no longer than 3 years prior to transfer) Medical History (completed no longer than 2 years prior to transfer) Credit Check (If these files are not available from the sending Annual Conference, then candidate will need to have the relevant items updated. Candidate will have six months to provide updated files.) Form 16: Notarized Disclosure Form: (This form will be supplied by HAC to the candidate for comple on.) Safe Gatherings Cer fica on: (If this cer fica on is not done in the sending annual conference then the person would need to complete cer fica on within 6 months of being appointed in Holston Annual Conference.) DCOM files including: Date Candidate was Cer fied. Record of comple on of Local Pastor Licensing School (if completed) Record of Licensing (including date of licensing) Record of progress in Course of Study/Advanced COS Other files that the sending DCOM deems are per nent. When a Holston clergyperson seeks to transfer to another annual conference, Holston will comply, in as much as possible, with the document requests of the other annual conference. Holston will require a release be signed prior to release of the following documents: Psychological assessments, Background Checks, Medical History, and Credit Check. The aforemen oned documents are personal in nature and require acknowledgement that they are being transferred and release given to make the transfer. All other Holston documents can be shared without requiring a release form be signed, as such documents would tend to be supervisory in nature and would be a part of the DCOM file and the property of Holston Annual Conference. Please note: Holston Annual Conference will maintain the original copy of all files. A duplicate shall be sent to the reques ng annual conference. The Holston DCOM shall send the complete file on the person that transferred out to the Office of Clergy Services and the file will be archived in case it might be needed at a future date. In the event that the person was a licensed local pastor, the person shall surrender the license to preach to the DS of record who shall place the document in the supervisory file for the person transferring.