Other Methodist DenominaƟon (OE) Approved for Appointment See 2016 BOD ¶346.1
General informaƟon: • CredenƟaling standard: Readiness for service in the UMC; Effec veness in past service in another denomina on; has this person demonstrated effec veness in previous service se ngs? • OE clergy must meet with DCOM within five months of start of appointment (or the next scheduled DCOM interview). OE clergy will meet annually with DCOM un l the OE clergy person is no longer appointed by the Holston Bishop or the OE successfully transfers to the Holston Annual Conference.
Possible moƟon(s):
Ini al Mee ng with DCOM: "I move that [name], creden aled and in good standing in [other Methodist denomina on], be recommended to serve an appointment in the Holston Annual Conference.” (majority vote)
Subsequent Mee ng(s) with DCOM: “"I move that [name], creden aled and in good standing in [other Methodist denomina on], be recommended to con nue service in an appointment in the Holston Annual Conference.” (majority vote)
Interview & credenƟaling requirements for iniƟal credenƟaling: District Superintendent will work with BOM registrar to receive "*" requirements prior to the start of the appointment. • *Safe Gatherings cer fica on • *Copy of creden als (needs to be an ordina on cer ficate not a license to preach) • *Assurance of Chris an faith and experience (cer fica on of good standing in denomina on and recommenda on of Holston clergyperson) • *Agreement with and support of UM doctrine, discipline and polity • Current cer ficate of good health • Background check • Psychological assessment • FORM 16‐Notarized Disclosure Form • APPLICATIONS‐Applica on to Serve as an Other Denomina on (OE) Pastor in Holston Annual Conference. • Form 102‐ Biographical Informa on Form • Official Transcripts documen ng college and seminary work (sent to BOM Registrar) • DCOM interview (min. 45 minutes)
Required interview quesƟons: • First year: What has brought you to appointed service in the Holston Conference of The United Methodist Church? What differences have you experienced compared to your denomina on? What similari es? • Ongoing years: What have you learned from your service in Holston? What do you seek to accomplish in the next year? What are the highpoints of your past year? What are some of the difficult aspects of the last year?
Suggested interview quesƟons: • What is your understanding of some of the unique characteris cs of the UMC? • What does your support system look like? How do you care for yourself physically, mentally, emo onally and spiritually? • What has been your greatest joy and greatest challenge in ministry? Why?