What is your First and Last Name you prefer to go by: Name? Kathie Wilson‐Parker Kathie Wayne Cook Joseph DeGrande
Wayne Joe
Lauren Cowan Anna Staples
Lauren Anna
Samuel Brown Jackie Carter Vickie Moore
Sam Jackie Vickie
Susan Arnold
Clarence Carter Ada ( Prue) Oxendine Karen Woods
Clarence Prue KJ
Rita Pauley Larry Johnson Terry Goodman
Rita Lee Terry
Michael Wieting
Jeremy McClain
Daniel C. Wright
Barbara Knowlton
Peter Kenny
Pamela Kiper Johnny Ramey Brandy Williams
Pam John Brandy
What church(es) are you What do you enjoy / what serving or attending brings you joy? Munsey Memorial UMC. Johnson Watching birds flit around and City seeing flowers grow and bloom. McFarland UMC Steam railroads Christ United Methodist Church ‐ I am passionate about being a Northampton, MA volunteer Chaplain in a Medical Facility and also working with those struggling with substance disorders, suicidal ideations, and Bethel United Methodist Church Spending time with my family, Valley View, Doe Valley, St. Helping others, cross stitch, John learning about Jesus and his Crosspoint Church My family. Music. Coffee. Fountain City UMC Reading Books Parrottsville Family, friends, Chip the dog, all children, people with different Blountville UMC Watching God unfold in daily life
What is your favorite hymn / worship song? O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing It is well with my soul It Is Well With My Soul
Remember by Lauren Daigle Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone Found ‐ Hillsong Worship All to Jesus, I surrender It is Well with My Soul King of Love ‐ by I am They
What Scripture / Verse is important to your life right Matthew 6:25‐34
What is your favorite book of the Bible? Luke
Micah 6:8 John 15:16
Jonah Chocolate cake I'm not sure I can narrow it down Vegan cheesecake to one
Romans 12:12 1 Corinthians 10:24
James Ice cream Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Banana pudding Genesis Acts Anything Chocolate/Peanut John Pecan Pie Ruth Any thing chocolate
Isaiah 61 Psalm 42:11 Matthew 25:40
What is your favorite dessert? Hot fudge sundae
Jeremiah 29:11‐13; The focus on James Hot Fudge.... anything ‐ or maybe God hearing us in prayer and just some hot fudge. having plans knitted together is Asbury and Haven Chapel The presence of the LORD and What a friend we have in Jesus Matthew 4:4 John Pecan Pie Damascus Circuit (Wright's Spiritual Hymns ‐ Love to Play It is Well with my Soul/ His Name 2 Timothy 2:15 Psalms Ice Cream Key Lime Pie Christ United Methodist Church Faith, Family, Football, Food, Precious Lord, Take My Hand Jeremiah 17:8. "They shall be like James Camping, Music, Golf, my Dogs a tree planted by the water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of Christ First & Pocahontas FUMC Working with kids & families Be Thou My Vision Psalm 27:1 Acts Chocolate Pleasant Hill UMC Pearisburg, Golf and camping Peace In the Valley Psalm 23 Job Brownies Annual Conference laughter with family There is a Fountain Filled with Psalm 42 Psalms Anything with sugar!! actually Blood lemon or cherry desserts Either "Holy,Holy,Holy" or New Tazewell UMC Being with close friends and Psalm 78:72: With upright heart, Romans, because it explains the Apricot or peach cobbler family; involvement with service "Amazing Grace" he shepherded them and guided importance of what happens in oriented activities in the them with his skillful hand. the Gospels and connects that to community and my work. other places in the Bible, a kind Macedonia UMC (Cleveland, GA) Reading, writing, cooking, Come Thou Fount James 2:14‐26 Mark Cheesecake swimming, music, art, family Jones Memorial UMC My daughter brings me joy and I Amazing Grace , Good good Joshua 1:1‐13 Daniel ( just kidding ) proverbs Upside down pineapple cake enjoying : singing, mentoring, father Luke 6:31 “And as you wish that John Angel food cake with butter Christ United Methodist Church Trying and running my dogs in Here I am Lord agility. I also get joy from helping others would do to you, do so to cream icing w unsweetened choc in Halls others through various missions them.” melted and drizzled over the Williamson Chapel Reading /Studying Scripture, At The Cross and I Give Him 2 Corinthians 5:17 The Gospel of John Banana Pudding Preaching, Grilling and Fishing Praise Dunlap United Methodist Church Art, writing, my grandchildren Wonderful, Merciful Savior 2 Peter 1:5‐8 Phillipians Chocolate cake Hills Union Fellowship with others Aint no Grave / Molly Scaggs John 3:16 Acts Pecan Pie Powell UMC Using my gifts and talents to Come to the table (Zach 1 Thes 5:16‐18 (ALWAYS ‐ Matthew (if I had to pick) Fruit further the Kingdom Williams) Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks)