outer limits Aliens, UFOs, moons and stars— this collection is for anyone who feels like a visitor on planet Earth. 10
Flat lay— from top left: holographic earrings by Lime Tree Designs; pins by Cakeslime and Pretty Useful Co.; print by Sarah Day Arts; earrings by Pastelware; prints by Em Varian Art & Bone Spell Arts; original art by LadyLexiMonster; alien card by Moon Rock Collective; earrings by Babycreep; jellyfish sticker by Metaphorically on Fire; sticker by The Crybaby Club; star earrings by Babycreep; pin by Space Babes Art; ufo stickers by Pretty Useful Co. & The Crybaby Club; pouch by Stray Dog They; stickers by Pepper Lou & Bone Spell Arts; print by Smeary Soapbox; ufo pin by Pretty Useful; earrings by Babycreep & LadyLexiMoanster. Pins— by Pretty Useful Co., Cakeslime, and Space Babes Art. Held by our model, Zoe— alien pillow by Zoe Jett. In our still life— stuffed creatures by Stitchliings.