Serving the Poor and Homeless, Care for the Elderly, Food Access and Insecurity, the South Bend Catholic Worker Community. IDST 270 Human Rights in a Globalized World (3) PREREQUISITE: IDST 110 This interdisciplinary course fulfills the Core Curriculum requirement in Global Studies fostering the virtues of a citizen, leader and disciple. It is designed to explore the impact of the work of the United Nations in promoting human dignity and human rights in our globalized world. Theories and principles of human rights will guide this conversation. This study will include investigation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and their operational component as outlined by the 2017 Sustainable Development Goals. Human rights are not timeless, and must be historically, socially, politically, economically, and culturally contextualized to be considered the means to a just world. The complexity of their universally merits a dialogue that emphasizes global distributive justice and integral human development as the guiding principles in implementation and safeguarding. The course is designed in focus on historical and philosophical foundations, significance of diverse religious and cultural implications, the concept and application of “universal” human right, group rights, and state sovereignty. A case study method will be used regularly to place these concepts within our present moment. IDST 272 (3) Common Home PREREQUISITE: IDST 110 This interdisciplinary course meets a Core Curriculum requirement in Global Studies. It will explore life, identity, worldview and imagination in a global age. Concepts and topics explored will include Globalization, Subsidiarity, Solidarity, Common Good(s), Global Solidarity, the Globalization of Indifference, Heedlessness, Moral Thinking and Moral Relativism, Charity in Truth, Integral Human Development, Co-operative Economics, Stewardship, Justice Across Generations, Agriculture, the Technocratic Paradigm, Integral Ecology, War, Migration, Global Inequality and, in a special way, the crisis of Climate Change and Climate and Creation as a common good. In addition to sections of Sacred Scripture and The Catechism of the Catholic Church, we will consider together writings by St. Augustine, St. Paul, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, and various contemporary domestic and global authors who have recently contributed to this dialogue. A central text of this course will be Pope Francis' encyclical letter Laudato Si': On the Care for Our Common Home. IDST 274 Global Interreligious Encounter (3) PREREQUISITE: IDST 110 This interdisciplinary course meets a Core Course requirement in Global Studies. It is designed to introduce students to the historical and modern Muslim-Christian encounters and movements and how the Roman Catholic Church has understood and collaborated with other religions. Through class discussions, lectures, and assignments, students will be introduced to the potential and conditions of inter-religious encounter around the world. This course has three major components. The first part of this course offers an introduction into Catholic Social Teaching (CST) on “Other Religions” – emphasis is placed on Islam. Lectures and discussions include but are not limited to the following questions: How has the Church addressed the “religious other” from the first century to the Second Vatican Council? What are the official teachings of the Church regarding salvation for non-Christians? Can “God’s” truth be found in other religions? Is there any significant value in inter-religious dialogue? How does the Church understand and implement inter-faith dialogue? What are various means of inter-religious dialogue? Is there a difference between dialogue and evangelism? The second part of this course offers an introduction to historical Islam and explores the lived spirituality of the Prophet Muhammad and consequently, the general beliefs held by the majority of Muslims. The third part of this course considers the social movements and implications of modern Islam and raises some of the following questions: Are Muslims and Muslim communities distinct? What is Islam? What are social teachings of Islam as it pertains to humanitarian rights? The aim of this course is to help you develop a better understanding of CST on the “religious other” and acquire a deeper and objective comprehension of Islam via reading, writing, films, discussions and lectures. IDST 276 Global Movement of People (3) PREREQUISITE: IDST 110 This interdisciplinary course fulfills the Core Curriculum requirement in Global Studies. It is designed to investigate a wide range of factors that influence why people move from place to place around the world. We will look at forces that cause people to leave one place — e.g., economics, war, climate change, etc. — as well as the factors that govern them upon arrival to a new place — e.g., immigration law, citizenship requirements, refugee policy, etc. In