tom rettig
Rev. Philip L. Boroughs, S.J., addresses the Class of 2019 in St. Joseph Memorial Chapel at Fall Convocation.
A Journey to Define Us
s I write to you, it is early September and the members of the Holy Cross campus community—along with so many other Catholics and non-Catholics across the nation and around the world—are not only looking forward to Pope Francis’ historic visit to the United States, they are deeply and personally invested in hearing and seeing him. A group of our students is preparing to travel to the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. Chaplain Normand Gouin, our director of liturgy and music, will travel there, too; the hymn he composed, “Sound the Bell of Holy Freedom,” is the official hymn of the meeting. I am very fortunate to be in the audience when Pope Francis addresses Congress (at the gracious invitation of our Congressman Jim McGovern), and the campus community will gather in Rehm Library to view that speech. And, in the weeks following the papal visit, we have scheduled panel discussions and talks by faculty experts, commentators and community and religious leaders in order to better understand and consider what this moment in history is asking of us as an educational institution with a distinct faith commitment. When the Pope was traveling between Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia, this copy of Holy Cross Magazine that you hold in your hands was on press and being prepped for mailing. So, our own coverage and reflections on the papal visit will appear in the Winter issue. I am glad we will have that time. I am confident that we will have much to learn and reflect upon in the days, weeks and months following his visit—and look forward to sharing the impact Francis’ words and actions have here on Mount St. James and beyond. Also, as I write today, the accomplished and talented young women and men in the Class 2019 are very much on my mind. Along with our faculty and administrative colleagues, I have spent much of the recent days—from the morning of
Move-In Day to the afternoon Mass of the Holy Spirit to Fall Convocation and the beginning of classes—welcoming and getting to know them. They are entering college at a complex and challenging time. Sweeping cultural changes and pressures, environmental concerns, crises and injustices here and abroad and rapidfire technology advances—all are shaping their lives and our collective futures. In my convocation address, I reminded students that they were beginning a new communal life. “You will make new friends who come from different parts of the country and the world,” I said. “They may have different racial or cultural backgrounds, they may speak different languages or belong to a different religious tradition, they may have a different sexual orientation or come from a different socio-economic community. By listening to those with a different view of the world, you will grow in proportion to your ability to value, learn from and appreciate the differences which enrich the quality of our common life. Know who you are, where you come from, but at the same time, don’t limit yourself to your comfort zone.” The world needs these 738 Holy Cross students, who have just begun the fouryear journey that will define their lives. And like our first-year students, Holy Cross as an institution is on the brink of a moment that will define our future. As you will read beginning on Page 26, we have begun a carefully considered, ambitious and essential campaign to create and enhance the distinctive educational opportunities at Holy Cross. Thank you for your prayers as we begin this academic year. I look forward to you accompanying me on the journey that will define the future of Holy Cross. ■ Very truly yours,
Rev. Philip L. Boroughs, S.J., President
PH OTOS BY TOM RE TTI G (top and bottom right) / TODD PLITT (bottom left) / PERRY SMITH (second from right)
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Ellen Ryder Executive Editor / Suzanne Morrissey Editor / Stephen Albano Designer
H O LY C R O SS M AGA Z I N E (USPS 0138-860) is published quarterly by College Marketing and Communications at the College of the Holy Cross. Address all correspondence to the editor. Periodicals postage paid at Worcester, Mass., and additional mailing points.
From the President Table of Contents Dear HCM Editor’s Note Campus Notebook/Snapshot
62 Sports 64 Alumni News/Mystery Photo 66 A Message from Kim and HCAA News 72 F rom Our Alumni Authors 74 In Your Own Words
78 82 85 86 88
The Profile Class Notes In Memoriam Milestones Artifact/Next Issue
FEATURES 26 A Defining Moment Holy Cross has arrived at a moment of transformation. A new comprehensive campaign, “Become More: Campaign for the Future of Holy Cross,” imagines what Holy Cross will be in the decades to come.
48 In the Land of the Tango Enjoy a look back at the College Choir’s recent international tour— its first in 10 years. The students and their conductors traveled to Argentina, and returned with more than just stamps on their passports.
H O LY C R O S S M A G A Z I N E O N L I N E : W E B E X C L U S I V E S After their immersion trip to Guatemala, several students had heart-felt insights and memories to share with friends and family. They share some of these with HCM readers in this moving Web Exclusive.
52 Love Is the Answer A group of students and chaplains learned more about the needs of others—and gained important insights about themselves—during the College’s first immersion trip to Guatemala with the organization Education and Hope.
magaz i ne . h o l ycros s .edu
Look at some of the archival photos HCM uncovered while researching this issue’s cover feature, including this pic of Rev. Vincent Lapomarda, S.J., pointing to a time capsule at the opening of the Hart Center.
CONTACT US A 1958 topographical map of campus serves as the backdrop for the cover (and back cover), which announces our in-depth and revealing feature about the vision behind the College’s Become More campaign.
Holy Cross Magazine One College Street Worcester MA 01610-2395 PHONE (508) 793-2419 FAX (508) 793-2385 E-MAIL hcmag@holycross.edu CIRCULATION 43,864
DEAR HCM, They both went to Holy Cross and spoke so highly of it that I applied and was accepted with “off campus housing.” At the last moment I wound up on the 4th floor of Wheeler with Dick Dooley and Bill Kennary— my roommates for the next three years and lifelong friends. My thanks to George Merritt ’43, to George Connor ’46, P87; Billy Donovan, M.D., ’50; the Jesuits; Holy Cross; Dick Dooley ’56; Bill Kennary, D.D.S., ’56 and the host of lifetime pals I met there and have loved and respected. And tell my newest Holy Cross hero that as an 80-year-old physician in practice 50 years, I’m getting a lot of palliative care and hospice experience as well—God bless. ■ Warren Furey III, M.D., ’56 P87, 83
“My thanks to George Merritt ’43, to George Connor ’46, P87; Billy Donovan, M.D., ’50; the Jesuits; Holy Cross; Dick Dooley ’56; Bill Kennary, D.D.S., ’56 and the host of lifetime pals I met there and have loved and respected.” — Warren Furey III, M.D. ’56, P87, 83 Hinsdale, Ill.
Personal Connection Loved the George Merritt ’43 story (Summer 2015 issue, “Serving with Grace,” Page 28). His work in hospice is really beautiful. Then to make it even more personal for me, he mentions the Nov. 28, 1942 Holy Cross win over heavily favored Boston College that saved lives from the scheduled celebration and major fire disaster that night at the Cocoanut Grove. George Connor ’46, P87, the Notre Dame all-American and all-
time Chicago Bears great was a freshman on that Holy Cross team. George went into the Navy, played at Great Lakes and on discharge transferred to Notre Dame. George’s uncle was a Jesuit, and I found his picture on the wall at the Fitton Gym. Come 1951, I am headed to a Midwest Jesuit college. I meet George Connor and Billy Donovan ’50 at the South Shore Country Club in Hingham, Mass., playing golf.
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Hinsdale, Ill.
Inclusive Language Thank you for making the switch to inclusive language in Holy Cross Magazine’s guidelines for submitting photos of alumni milestones. Where you once referred to “the bride and groom,” you now refer to “the couple.” This may seem like a small matter, but it sends a powerful message of inclusivity to LGBT alumni who might otherwise hesitate to share their milestones with their alma mater. I hope more samesex couples will submit their wedding and other celebration photos to the Magazine as a result of this important and appreciated change. ■ Christina Barber-Just ’97
Leverett, Mass.
An Exemplar May I join those who have sadly noted the passing of Professor John E. Reilly (Spring 2015 issue, “In Memoriam,” Page 81). I was fortunate to have taken two of his courses, and I was later privileged to count him as a friend. John Reilly brought to his classes a scholar’s command of the material. He had an open and easy way with students that complemented his presentation. He projected a cheerful confidence that he could get you to share his appreciation of the literature. He was a marvelous teacher and a wonderful human being. Holy Cross has lost an exemplar. ■ Had Bush ’72
Flemington, N.J.
Erratum and an Opportunity We’re so grateful our readers have a sense of humor. Due to a design error, the letter in our last issue titled “Siga, Siga,” was attributed to Paula Kelleher Ryan ’90 of New Rochelle, N.Y. The letter’s author is actually Nancy Parkes ’76, who wrote of her many years living in Athens, Greece. Kelleher Ryan emailed us, saying, “Imagine my mirth when I discovered I had married a Greek national and lived in Greece for the past 35 years. Last I checked, I was still living the mini-van-soccer-momPTA-president dream in Westchester.” Parkes was equally gracious about our mistake. She wrote her letter after being moved by “Sit Down, My Child” (Winter 2015 issue, Page 68), an essay by Melissa Luttman ’15 about her experience studying abroad in Greece. Since that time, Greece’s financial crisis has been at the top of the news cycle, and Parkes offered to share her insights into the
situation. Though it is not a “letter to the editor,” we decided to share her essay with you here. Life Goes On: Greece in Crisis BY NANCY PARKES ’76 I have lived in Greece for more than 30 years. My love for archaeology brought me here in 1979, but my love for Greece and the Greeks (and one in particular) kept me here. I was here before Greece was part of the European Union. Back then we waited years to get a telephone because there were only a finite number of lines. We also lived with a form of capital controls, as it was difficult to send money out of the country. I enjoyed the heady years of the 1980s and ’90s when Greece first joined the European Union (EU) and 2001 when Greece became part of the Eurozone (giving up the drachma for the Euro). They were wonderfully exciting times culminating in 2004 when Greece put its best foot forward in a beautiful and touching homecoming of the Olympic Games. That was also the year the Greek National Football Team (real soccer) surprised all of Europe by winning the European Championships. Greece, who gave the name Europe to the continent, was finally a full and equal member of a burgeoning social and economic partnership called the EU. Life in Greece was European with mandatory monthlong vacations in August and the ability to buy products from all over Europe with a common currency, but most of all, a sense of optimism ensconced in the ideals of a united Europe. Of course, we
LOVE THIS PHOTO The staff of Holy Cross Magazine was thrilled to see Kerry O’Connor Amidon ’87 and her father, Timothy J. O’Connor Jr. ’58, holding our favorite magazine (and we hope theirs!) in this photo taken outside Kilgarvan, County Kerry, Ireland, during a family vacation. Kerry reports that the family group stayed in Killarney and enjoyed “many day trips in some fine weather.” Their favorite stop? “Ladies View in Killarney National Park, which has stunning views of the lakes,” she notes. Have you taken HCM on a trip near or far? Snap a photo and send it to us. We’d love to see where you take the Magazine.
all knew of some abuses—of a bloated public sector, of some pensions that were as high as salaries, of tax evasion and of some 40-year-olds getting early pensions. There was misconduct involving bribery, corruption—and a huge scandal involving Siemens, the German multinational. Yet we felt we were safe as part of the European family. Naiveté perhaps. The government had to borrow to keep up as Greece has a population of only 12 million and an economy based on tourism, shipping and agriculture, with little or no heavy industry. I’d like to blame the politicians
who were more interested in their pockets and their party, the economists for being dead wrong that we had the money, but we are all to blame for not asking the right questions. The main question now being, How are we going to pay for this? And now we come to 2015. After five years of austerity imposed by the troika of the EU, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the IMF, salaries and pensions have been cut and prices and taxes have risen. Many companies and shops have gone out of business as there is less disposable income. Greece has a 25 percent plus unemployment rate and
50 percent unemployment among 18- to 25-yearolds. Greeks went to the referendum in July with a choice between anger and fear: Those angry at the situation voted no to more austerity and those afraid for the future voted yes. Anger won. 61 percent voted no to more austerity, and it’s like the tagline in the 1970s movie Network. “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!” Yet, a new agreement with the troika will finally bring more austerity, but this crisis has not only changed Greece, but changed Europe. It has highlighted the disparity between north and south,
The Caryatids in the Acropolis Museum are one of many treasures Nancy Parkes ’76 loves about her home, Greece.
has brought harsh criticism of austerity measures as a means to economic recovery and has underscored the incompetence (and greediness) of banking and loan institutions. Hopefully it will also prompt the EU to take a long look at its raison d ’être. Everyday I go to the bank to queue for the 60 Euros that I am allowed to take daily under the rules of capital controls. People are incredibly kind and compassionate to each other, helping those, especially older folks, who don’t know how to use an ATM. As usual in Greece, talk turns political. Supporters of the government argue that there was no choice but to accept the new measures. Detractors disagree and say the government dithered too long. Political discussion and debate is lifeblood here. But I have found no discussion turn violent and so far all demonstrations have been peaceful.
We hear that some uninhabited islands are for sale and that actor Johnny Depp has bought one. Greece has more than 2,000 islands. Some are concerned about selling them for reasons of national security, but others rightfully remark that they can’t take the islands home with them. They will remain in Greece. But the crisis affects us all. It brings about uncertainty, change and loss. Our lives get smaller. I’ll give you some examples from my own experience:
We own two apartments in Aghia Paraskevi, a green and leafy northern suburb in northeastern Athens. We live in one and rent the other. Our tenant just lost his job, and he’s asked for a lower rent for a while. Otherwise he will leave, and it might be months before we can find another tenant at the original price, if at all.
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• My son is a chemical engineer who could not find a job in Greece, and so he moved with his family (and my two beautiful granddaughters) to Baden, Switzerland, where he found a good position.
flood the outdoor cafés in plateias and towns, but order one coffee instead of dinner and drinks. The laiki, the farmers’ market, still brings in plentiful, fresh vegetables daily, and there is still calamari in the sea.
And life goes on. ■
I cannot order books from Amazon with my Greek credit card, as I am not allowed to send money out of the country.
• Usually, as soon as Easter is over, we start to talk about where we will go in the summer—which island, which village. This year is different. Many will not take vacations because of the uncertainty and the sheer stress of it all. Will I get paid next month?
Holy Cross Magazine One College Street Worcester, MA 01610-2395 EMAIL
hcmag@holycross.edu FAX
(508) 793-2385 FOLLOW
@holycrossmag There are some things that have not changed and are reassuring. We have the sun and the sea, the Acropolis and great cuisine. The beaches are still packed, but the beach cantina is not. People still
Letters to the editor are edited for space and content. Letters should not exceed 250 words and must include the writer’s full name, address, phone number, email and class year, if applicable.
A Happily Busy Start to Fall TOM RETTIG
he fact that I have so much to share with you in this issue’s Editor’s Note seems to mesh with the happy frenzy of activity that is taking place at Holy Cross right now. The beginning of a new academic year always brings the excitement of new faces and returning students and faculty, but this fall seems even more electrified. Perhaps that is because more and more people in our community—on campus and around the world—are learning about Become More: Campaign for the Future of Holy Cross. This unprecedented campaign imagines what this College will be in the decades to come, building in meaningful ways on the rich Holy Cross legacy we all know so well. In “A Defining Moment,” our cover feature, Rev. Philip L. Boroughs, S.J., president of Holy Cross, helps explain the impressive scope of Become More, saying, “This is the most ambitious project Holy Cross has ever attempted. And it has the potential to strengthen every single dimension of the institution. This is a terrifically exciting moment in our history and for our community.” Once you read “A Defining Moment,” starting
on Page 26, I hope you will agree. The story outlines the six important priorities of the campaign and gives an update on some of the progress already made on the three building projects that will significantly enhance the face of campus. It also spotlights another time in the College’s history—beginning in 1919—when a group of visionary leaders looked to the future and made thoughtful decisions about the needs of the institution. Feature writer and former editor of Holy Cross Magazine, Jack O’Connell ’81, tells the tale of the College’s 17th president, Rev. James Carlin, S.J., and how he developed his great ambitions for Holy Cross (which included the building of St. Joseph Memorial Chapel, Kimball Hall and Carlin Hall). Those of you who enjoy reading the history of the College will appreciate the information Jack was able to include in the feature. (And we’d like to acknowledge that Thy Honored Name, a history of Holy Cross by history professor Rev. Anthony Kuzniewski, S.J., was once again a valuable resource for our work.) This issue also includes a feature about the experience a group of Holy Cross students had as they prepared for a trip
to Guatemala (see Page 52). We enjoyed learning, through writer Debra Steilen’s story, how these students immersed themselves in the lives of the people they met there. You’ll also find a report about the College Choir’s tour in Argentina, which was made possible, in part, by the generosity of alumni (see Page 48). A year ago, I was sharing with you the new look of Holy Cross Magazine, and asking for your feedback on our redesign. Not only did readers respond positively to the new style of HCM, you also told us how much you enjoyed the tear-out postcards we included in that issue. “You should do this in every issue!” we heard. Well, our budget won’t allow that, but I’m very happy to say that we are able to make postcards an annual tradition in the Magazine. Flip to Page 16 and you’ll see a new set of four cards, each one showcasing a beautiful season on campus. All the best from Mount St. James,
Suzanne Morrissey, editor hcmag@holycross.edu DEAR HCM, / EDITOR’S NOTE / 7
WELCOME, FALL Autumn in New England is beautiful. Autumn at Holy Cross is breathtaking. With the help of biology Professor Robert Bertin, photographer Tom
Rettig and designer Stephen Albano created this still life of the foliage we’re enjoying on campus this season.
A Big Purple Welcome!
he steady stream of packed cars making their way up College Hill and snaking through the campus gates on the morning of Aug. 29 signaled the start of another school year at Holy Cross. The 738 members of the Class of 2019 were greeted by 200 student leaders, athletic teams and alumni. Clad in gray T-shirts, the volunteers helped move
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students into their new rooms. Sunny skies and temperatures in the high 70s served as the perfect backdrop for Move-In Day. In a letter to the Holy Cross community, Rev. Philip L. Boroughs, S.J., president of the College, described the “spectacular late summer day,” noting that the campus was “alive with energy and enthusiasm.” In addition to unpacking, students
also took care of business needs, such as completing a first-year student survey and receiving their Holy Cross IDs. Receptions for new students and their families took place in the Hogan Campus Center Ballroom. In the late afternoon, the hustle and bustle of Move-In Day turned into reflection during the traditional Mass of the Holy Spirit on the Hart Center Lawn.
Circle the wagons! Easy Street is the place to be on Move-In Day, when families drop off their students to begin their Holy Cross adventure.
Fr. Boroughs formally welcomed new students and their families, inaugurating the new academic year. Members of all faith traditions attended the service, which included the blessings of the new students by faculty and parents as well as prayers for the gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, courage and knowledge. Of the 6,595 applicants who applied
tom r e tti g / dan vai l l ancourt
LEFT TO RIGHT Dozens of enthusiastic student and alumni volunteers handled the heavy lifting as members of the Class of 2019 moved into their residence halls. Rev. Philip. L. Boroughs, S.J., president of the College, helped direct the new arrivals and visited some of the rooms to greet students. Roommates took little time making their rooms feel like home away from home (a mini fridge, microwave and fan are staples of dorm life).
for admission to the Class of 2019, 37 percent (or 2,442) were accepted. And the academically accomplished class includes students come from 36 states and 10 other countries, including Bosnia
(1), Canada (5), China (12), Hong Kong (1), Korea (1), Nigeria (2), Somalia (2), Spain (1), Taiwan (1) and the United Kingdom (1). Approximately 24 percent of the class is African-American, Latin
CAMPUS NOTEBOOK American, Asian-American, and Native American (ALANA), and about 84 percent of the students rank in the top 20 percent of their high school class. The gender breakdown is fairly even: Men represent 48 percent of the class and women 52 percent. Sixteen percent are first-generation college students, and 11 percent are sons or daughters of Holy Cross alumni. A total of 331 members of the class who enrolled applied Early Decision. This option allows students who consider Holy Cross to be their top choice to apply early and receive a decision by midDecember.
Classes for this motivated and diverse first-year class—and all returning students—began on Sept. 2. ■ —with Nikolas
Markantonatos CLOCKWISE FROM TOP 1 Fluttering banners led the way for the Mass of the Holy Spirit on the Hart Lawn. 2 “Live the Mission” T-shirts were the uniform of the day for the move-in volunteers. 3 Andre Chevalier ’19 helped his new classmates get in formation for their class portrait. 4 As part of a series of welcoming events, known as Fall Gateways Orientation, students enjoyed an enthusiastic induction into Sader Nation, Holy Cross’ community of students. 5 There were also several receptions, including one for Latino, African-American, AsianAmerican, Native American (ALANA) and international students and their families. OPPOSITE PAGE The family of the late John Morrissey ’53 recently gave the College this portrait of the Class of 1919 that Mr. Morrissey had in his attic. How appropriate that the thoughtful gift was made the same week the Class of 2019 arrived on Mount St. James. The bottom photograph shows the Class of 2019 getting into position for its official class photo. This is what a century of change looks like, and yet the values and mission of Holy Cross remain the same.
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tom r etti g / da n va il l a n co u rt
tom r e tti g / dan vai l l ancourt
Holy Cross Announces Faculty Promotions tom r ettig
ix members of the Holy Cross faculty were promoted to the rank of full professor this summer.
May Sim, who joined the philosophy department in 2004, earned her Ph.D. in philosophy from Vanderbilt University and her B.A. from the University of Iowa. Her research focuses on ancient Greek, classical Chinese and Neo-Confucian philosophies; East and West comparative philosophy; Confucian approaches to human rights and the systematic relations between metaphysics, ethics and politics. Josep Alba-Salas, of the Spanish department, earned his Ph.D. and M.A. in linguistics from Cornell University, his M.A. in comparative literature from the University of South Carolina and his B.A. in translation from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Alba-Salas has taught at Holy Cross since 2002. His research interests include Romance philology, Romance linguistics, theoretical syntax and second language acquisition. Susan Elizabeth Sweeney earned her Ph.D. in English, M.F.A. in creative writing and M.A. in English from Brown University. She received her B.A. in English from Mount Holyoke College. A member of the English faculty since 1986, Sweeney specializes in American literature, especially detective fiction, women’s writing, postmodernism and the works of Edgar Allan Poe and Vladimir Nabokov.
Newly promoted professors (from left) May Sim, Josep Alba-Salas, Susan Elizabeth Sweeney, Constance S. Royden and Madeline Vargas (not pictured, William Sobczack).
tom rettig
Constance S. Royden, of the mathematics and computer science department, earned her Ph.D. in neuroscience from the University of California, San Francisco and her B.S. in biology and engineering from the California Institute of Technology. A member of the faculty since 2000, Royden focuses her research on developing computer models
YUMMY Kimball Dining Hall has received the bronze
WOO HUB On July 7, Fr. Boroughs and Congressman
award from the National Association of College and University Food Services (NACUFS) in the annual Loyol E. Horton Dining Awards. Kimball placed third out of 14 entries in the category “Residential Dining Concepts,” and was judged on its menu, merchandising and presentation, marketing and nutrition and wellness.
Jim McGovern joined state and local leaders to celebrate the announcement of Phase I of the Blackstone Heritage Corridor Visitor Center in Worcester. The center, slated to open in 2017, will be a hub for recreational, historical, cultural and geographic attractions in Worcester and the National Heritage Corridor.
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Trustee News dan vaillancourt
of the neural mechanisms for human motion perception. Madeline Vargas earned her Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Connecticut and her B.S. in microbiology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. A member of the Holy Cross biology faculty since 1995, Vargas focuses her research on microbiology, including iron respiration in bacteria that grow in deep sea vents. William Sobczak, of the biology department, received his Ph.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology from Cornell University, his M.S. in zoology from Michigan State University and his B.A. in biology and English from Bucknell University. A member of the Holy Cross faculty since 2002, Sobczak’s research specialties include urban river ecology, the effects of melting permafrost on aquatic ecosystems and forestatmosphere hydrology. Ten professors were also promoted to the rank of associate professor with tenure: Chris Arrell (music), Matthew T. Eggemeier (religious studies), Kendy M. Hess (philosophy), Ben Kain (physics), Munya Bryn Munochiveyi (history), Justin D. Poché (history), Lorelle D. Semley (history), Giovanni Spani (modern languages and literatures), Justin Svec (economics and accounting) and Melissa F. Weiner (sociology and anthropology). ■
ight distinguished leaders from industries ranging from high tech to higher education joined the Holy Cross Board of Trustees this year. They are 1 Linda LeMura, president of Le Moyne College in Syracuse, N.Y. 2 Rev. Michael Gilson, S.J., provincial assistant for secondary and presecondary education for the California and Oregon Provinces of the Society of Jesus in Portland, Ore. 3 Thomas Joyce ’82, president and CEO of Danaher Corp. in Washington, D.C. 4 John Mullman ’82, P07, managing director and portfolio manager of Jennison Associates in New
York City 5 Francine Rosado-Cruz ’94, director of global diversity and inclusion at Microsoft in Brooklyn, N.Y. 6 Edwin McLaughlin ’78, P11 10, founder and CEO of Blue Sunsets LLC in Darien, Conn., and 7 John Milner ’15, research technician at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. An eighth new Trustee, Rev. Thomas Greene, S.J., is not pictured. Fr. Greene is the director of Bellarmine House of Studies at Saint Louis University in Missouri. 8 John Mahoney ’73, P13, 00 is the chair of the Board of Trustees and welcomed the new group in September. ■
«« tom rettig
MAKE RANK Holy Cross ranks No. 18 on Money Magazine’s list of “The 50 Best Liberal Arts Colleges,” and No. 89 overall on Money’s list of “Best Colleges,” which ranked 736 schools nationwide. According to Money, students said “Holy Cross is a challenge, which prepares you for any career that you wish to pursue. But, more importantly, this school matures your character and turns you into a future leader.”
WEB, WOW! This summer, Holy Cross launched a new mobile-friendly website, featuring a comprehensive redesign, more photography and improved navigation to better convey the College’s story to multiple audiences. You’ve got to see it: holycross.edu. CAMPUS NOTEBOOK / 15
Campus Worship Schedule tom rettig
Curtain Up on Seelos Film Series
eel like catching a flick? Enjoy free movies in Seelos Theater each Wednesday, Friday and Saturday through Dec. 12. Note that on Oct. 21, there will be special showings of The Grief of Others at 3 and 7 p.m., followed by a discussion with the director. The film is based on the book of the same title by Leah Hager Cohen, distinguished writer in residence at the College. ■
12:05 p.m. Mass/McCooey Chapel 8-8:45 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Reconciliation Chapel next to McCooey Chapel 9 p.m. Mass/McCooey Chapel
12:05 p.m. Mass/McCooey Chapel 8-8:45 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation/Reconciliation Chapel next to McCooey Chapel 9 p.m. Mass/McCooey Chapel
12:05 p.m. Mass/McCooey Chapel 8-8:45 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation/Reconciliation Chapel next to McCooey Chapel 9 p.m. Mass/McCooey Chapel
12:05 p.m. Mass/McCooey Chapel 7:30 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/St. Joseph Memorial Chapel 9 p.m. Mass in Spanish/McCooey Chapel
WEDNESDAY FILMS (showings at 3 and 8 p.m.) Oct. 7 Ex Machina Oct. 21 The Grief of Others (special showings at 3 and 7 p.m.) Oct. 28 I’ll See You in My Dreams Nov. 4 Timbuktu Nov. 11 The Babadook Nov. 18 ’71 Dec. 2 Inherent Vice Dec. 9 Amy FRIDAY/SATURDAY FILMS (showings at 7 p.m.) Oct 30 & 31 Furious 7 Nov. 6 & 7 Avengers: Age of Ultron Nov 13 & 14 Ant Man Nov. 20 Jurassic World (no Saturday showing) Dec. 4 & 5 Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation Dec. 11 & 12 Trainwreck
11:30 a.m. Mass/St. Joseph Memorial Chapel 4:30 p.m. Inter-denominational Service of Praise and Worship/Mary Chapel 7 and 9 p.m. Mass/Mary Chapel
12:05 p.m. Mass/McCooey Chapel 12:45 p.m. pickup from Hogan Campus Center for transportation to the Islamic Center of Greater Worcester for Friday prayers, which begin at 1 p.m.
4:30 p.m. Mass/Mary Chapel
NOTE Mass in American Sign Language will be celebrated on Oct. 21 and Nov. 16 at 6 p.m. in McCooey Chapel. To view the celebrants for all upcoming services, look at the Worship Schedule online at holycross.edu/faith-service.
JULY/AUG UST SCRUB A DUB Cleaning of statues (left) was just
tom rettig
one of the almost 50 projects crews tackled on campus this summer. There were fresh coats of paint in Hanselman Hall, new flooring and railings on the Hogan Campus Center’s main stairway, a renovated landscape on the roof of Dinand Library and masonry repairs for Clark Hall, among others.
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PRAISED The College has again been featured in the Fiske Guide to Colleges as one of “best and most interesting” throughout the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Holy Cross has been highlighted for its accessible professors, top-notch academics and strong Jesuit identity that emphasizes community engagement and responsibility.
chris navin
ach semester, the Rev. Michael C. McFarland, S.J. Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture plans and co-sponsors lectures and conferences that provide a forum for intellectual exchange that is interreligious as well as interdisciplinary, intercultural and international in scope. The programming aims to enhance both the intellectual and spiritual life of those participating in an environment where inquiry and dialogue about basic human questions are the focus. “We look for topics that complement our course offerings and support classroom teaching,” says Thomas Landy, director of the McFarland Center. Through lecture series supported by gifts to the College, as well as co-sponsored events with other academic departments, the McFarland Center supports events that integrate themes of religion, ethics and culture with interdisciplinary scholarship. “McFarland Center programming is designed to engage the campus Alex Trebek and Eric Fleury ’08 community, as well as our alumni and
the public, in deepening thought on issues of meaning, morality and mutual obligation,” Landy explains. This semester’s lectures will bring scholars from across the country to discuss topics ranging from dialogue between Jews and Jesuits during certain moments of history, to an exploration of comics as documentary vehicles in times of war. “We support the College’s Jesuit mission by bringing a really wide range of issues and perspectives and by enhancing understanding of Catholic thought and experience,” says Landy. “We try to illuminate the complexities and tradeoffs of moral decision-making, the richness of faith and culture and the challenges and joy inherent in the pursuit of intellectual discovery.” McFarland Center lectures are listed at right, and more details about all the Center’s events can be found online at holycross.edu/mcfarlandcenter. ■
—Evangelia Stefanakos ’14
tom rettig
Oct. 26 at 4:30 p.m., Rehm Library Jesuit Kaddish: Encounters between Jesuits and Jews and Why These Might Matter to Us — Rev. James Bernauer, S.J., professor of philosophy and director of the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College. Co-sponsored with the Mission and Identity Committee. Oct. 28 at 4:30 p.m., Rehm Library Comics as Documentary: Words, Images, and War — Hillary Chute, associate professor of English at the University of Chicago. This talk is the inaugural Thomas More Lecture on the Humanities. Nov. 10 at 4 p.m., Rehm Library Educational Justice — Meira Levinson, professor of education at Harvard Graduate School of Education and author of “No Citizen Left Behind” (Harvard University Press, 2012). This talk is part of the Charles Carroll Speaker Series. Nov. 12 at 4:30 p.m., Rehm Library Cultures of Capital Enhancement: Who is the Neoliberal Subject and What Does It Know of Democracy? — Wendy Brown, Class of 1936 First Professor of Political Science at the University of California Berkeley. Co-sponsored with CIS. Nov. 18 at 4:30 p.m., Rehm Library Bringing Equal Opportunity for Children to an Unequal Society — Mary Jo Bane, Thornton Bradshaw Professor of Public Policy and Management at Harvard Kennedy School. One of the Deitchman Family Lectures on Religion and Modernity.
The McFarland Center Offers Dynamic Fall Lecture Series
INSIDE LOOK Several students, faculty and
staff—including Katrina Black ’18 of Stamford, Conn., ( far left) and Michael DeSantis ’18 of Pittsburgh, (left)—have volunteered to offer a glimpse of life on Mount St. James through personal online journals featured on the Holy Cross blogs page: me.holycross.edu
“The Rebirth of Art,” the second installation of “Katrina Then and Now: Artists as Witness,” will be on display at the Cantor Art Gallery, Oct. 22 through Dec. 18. C AMPUS NOTEBOOK / 17
Faculty In the Media: Caner Dagli
ational media outlets have called upon Caner Dagli, associate professor of religious studies and an expert in Islamic studies, to shed light on the ongoing struggle against ISIS. After The Atlantic ran its much-discussed cover story, “What ISIS Really Wants,” by Graeme Wood, Dagli wrote a rebuttal, titled “The Phony Islam of ISIS.” On Feb. 27, the day the article was posted, it was the second most popular article on The Atlantic, after the original cover story. Dagli argues that ISIS does not take the texts of the Quran seriously. He writes, “Wood expands on his impression of the religious seriousness of ISIS fighters by pointing out that they speak in coded language, which in reality consists of ‘specific traditions and texts of early Islam.’ Speeches are ‘laced with theological
and legal discussion.’ But there is a wide chasm between someone who ‘laces’ his conversations with religious imagery (very easy) and someone who has actually studied and understood the difficulties and nuances of an immense textual tradition (very hard). I personally know enough Shakespeare to ‘lace’ my conversations with quotations from Hamlet and the sonnets. Does that make me a serious Shakespeare scholar? I can ‘code’ my language with the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, but is that proof of my assiduousness in relation to the Bard?”
History Professor Examines Key Gilded Age Figure
Dagli also wrote an op-ed for CNN about whether or not Muslims should condemn terrorist acts, in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris. Prior to coming to Holy Cross in 2008, Dagli served for a year as an interfaith affairs consultant at the Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan. While in Jordan, he provided consultative support to HM King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein and his special advisor HRH Ghazi bin Muhammad and performed tasks related to interfaith and Islamic affairs for Jordan’s vision of interfaith understanding and cooperation. He has been actively involved in the Common Word Initiative promoting interfaith dialogue between Muslims and Christians. ■
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n his recently published book, associate professor of history Edward T. O’Donnell ’86 (above) explores the biography of 19th-century American social activist Henry George. The New York Times highlighted Henry George and the Crisis of Inequality: Progress and Poverty in the Gilded Age (Columbia University Press), calling it “timely and accessible.” O’Donnell, who specializes in 19th-century urban history in the United States and Irish-American history,
offers readers a window into the American Gilded Age (1870-1900)—a time marked by dramatic increase in the country’s wealth and industrial output—but more specifically, into the rising prominence of George during this period of change. George spoke widely about the growing economic inequality during this time, highlighting the pitfall of this new industrial revival: an increase in poverty around the country. In his book, O’Donnell recognizes that George’s mounting fame led to a broader social movement by working class
“What Science Is All About!”
Americans to combat poverty and gain workplace rights. The book explores topics that are still pertinent today. “Given that many people now say we live in a Second Gilded Age, a term that reflects concern over increasing wealth inequality, poverty and corporate influence in politics, Henry George is more relevant than ever,” O’Donnell explains of his biographical subject. “He makes clear in terms we can readily understand today why these problems pose a direct threat to our democracy. And the movement he led reminds us that we citizens possess the power to remedy these social and economic problems.” O’Donnell has authored several books, including Visions of America: A History of the United States (2nd ed. Pearson 2012) and Ship Ablaze: The Tragedy of the Steamboat General Slocum (Random House/Broadway Books, 2003). Recently, he wrote an op-ed for Newsweek discussing the meaning and origin of Labor Day in light of contemporary issues. ■
—Evangelia Stefanakos ’14
oly Cross Magazine continues to highlight the research being accomplished by students working with faculty members. In this issue, meet Alo Basu, associate professor of psychology, and Marie Cronin ’17. The pair worked on a summer research project, titled “Circadian Effects on Working Memory in a Mouse Model, as Assessed by a Cued Spatial Navigation Task.” Their results might surprise you. ALO BASU Associate professor, psychology department since 2011 MARIE CRONIN ’17 Biology major from Plymouth, Mass. Why did you come to Holy Cross?
MC I came to Holy Cross in order to study science in an environment that emphasizes the multiple dimensions in which scientific thinking can be addressed: within science itself and in the realms of the humanities. AB I strongly believe in the dual mission of academic excellence and broad educational access at Holy Cross. I chose to come here because of the strength of the academic culture and the need-blind, full-need admissions and financial aid policies of the College. Could you briefly explain your research? MC We sought to understand the differences in working memory between rodents in their awake and sleep phases. We hypothesized that rodents tested during their waking hours would learn about their en-
vironment more effectively than rodents tested during their sleep time. Working memory was studied through a cued water maze, where the rodents were taught to swim towards a cue placed on top of a hidden platform. The rodents’ ability to find the platform when the cue was removed represents their working memory capacity. How is your research practically applicable? AB We are developing methods to test basic, evolutionarily conserved cognitive functions in mice so that we can learn about genes and neural circuits related to those functions. This type of knowledge may, in turn, inform practices and interventions in the fields of education, cognitive disability and medicine. (story continued on page 20)
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F A C U LT Y (story continued from page 19) What were the main findings of your research? MC We found that the rodents in their waking hours, once the cue was removed, actually made more mistakes when locating the hidden platform. The rodents in their sleeping hours, on the other hand, made fewer mistakes, and located the platform more quickly. How did the idea for the research develop? AB Our lab had developed a new cognitive test for mice, which we believe taps into working memory, a specific type of memory that is affected in schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease. We believe this test is an improvement over previously used tests of working memory because it does not use a food reward, which can interfere with brain biochemistry, and because it allows the animal more freedom within the maze to use natural patterns of exploration. How did you assess the usefulness of this new test? AB We decided to use a naturalistic cognitive challenge by testing nocturnal mice during the day, expecting that they would make more mistakes. One of my mentors, who happens to be an alumnus of Holy Cross, always emphasized the importance of testing one’s own ideas and being prepared for contradictions. As Marie said, in light of the published literature on this topic, the results of our study have been surprising. Figuring out an unexpected result is what science is all about! ■
—Evangelia Stefanakos ’14
Behind the Data
ryan Engelhardt’s father saw his share of labor issues as a semi line worker for Ford. There were contract negotiations and squabbles, along with the occasional threat of a strike. Where his father worked may have been miles down the road in Loraine, Ohio, but Engelhardt’s hometown of Oberlin had its own issues. “There were many people who were, at times, out of work,” he says. “High wages were hard to come by. There were problems.” And Engelhardt wanted to be a part of the solution.
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As a labor economist and associate professor of economics at Holy Cross, he has a passion for underappreciated members of the labor force, ones who do much of the work and often are clutching what little piece of the pie they can get a fork on. As a result, he became a key leader in a study on the federal government’s Environmental Career Worker Training Program. The program centers on environmental and construction opportunities, explains Sharon Beard, industrial hygienist for the National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). “It trains individuals in skills such as dealing with hazardous waste and installing solar panels and developing a holistic skills set with areas like carpentry,” she says. The ultimate goal of the study was to analyze whether this program was living up to its dream of being a benefit for both attendees and society. Though Engelhardt appreciated the thought behind the program, he admitted to being uncertain of the numbers that would be found. “I often was skeptical of these kinds of programs, so it was easy to
But it also demonstrated benefits to the employer— lower turnover resulting in a savings of $23.7 million in reduced hiring and training costs. And for the government? Increased tax collections and reductions in government transfers resulted in an estimated $711.6 million boost. “Society sees the government give out subsidies for education through government loans, but also grants—and some say we shouldn’t do it,” Engelhardt says. “But I can hold this up to my students as a likely good investment. Because if the government doesn’t do it, then those individuals aren’t paying taxes when they could be. These are the kinds of statistics that can give people faith.”
be passionate when it came to getting answers,” he says of the study, which looked at roughly 9,600 workers who were unemployed or underemployed. The study’s findings pleasantly surprised him. “It was found that people in the program made around $12 an hour instead of $9.75,” he says. It may not sound like much to some, but it could make the difference between an unpaid electric bill or skipping a needed prescription. “It’s staggering over a lifetime that this boost is literally the difference of hundreds of thousands earned per person,” he says.
Beard, for one, is ecstatic by what the study’s work yielded. “We feel it’s a success because 70 percent of people in the program get jobs in the field, but now we have the analysis that validates more,” she says. Beyond this work, Engelhardt was involved in several projects with a research assistant during the summer. One area he is analyzing is the length of prison sentences. “Some economists say if you increase punishment, then you’re less likely to do that behavior,” he says. “However, some recent stats show that’s fine if everything else is held constant—but the problem is when you increase punishment, the person is less likely to be punished if the jury knows it would put them away for twice as long. It’s important to look at
sentencing guidelines that are less stringent—they might be less likely to result in a guilty verdict.” In addition, Engelhardt wants to further pursue his passion for considering alternative ways to think about the employer relationship, from whether one should bargain with a current employer or move on, to whether there is a better choice than the present unemployment insurance model. “Sometimes we get used to old structures,” Engelhardt says. “You question and might find out they still work—or it may lead to something much more innovative.” He brings this attitude into the classroom—partly by taking students out of it. “I enjoy getting students involved with communitybased projects and learning how labor market institutions help or hurt,” he says. “I’ve had my students write newspaper op-eds over the years, and it actually got to the point where around 35 percent were published (in a school year). They could see how they could share what they learned with others. I want them to have a rigorous experience in analyzing a topic effectively, but to also engage.” And, for Engelhardt, it is just as important to remember what’s really behind so many statistics. “Some in my position can be too far above what’s actually going on,” he says. “They just see data points. But we have to remember—there are often people behind much of that data.” ■ —Eric Butterman
Faculty by the Numbers
332 number of full- and part-time faculty at Holy Cross
percentage of full-time Holy Cross professors who hold doctoral degrees
the College’s ranking on The Princeton Review’s list of schools with the most accessible professors
4 0
number of Guggenheim Fellows
number of courses taught by teaching assistants here
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Creating a Culture of Belonging
Esther Levine has brought a unique voice, strong convictions and a deeply personal narrative to matters of diversity and inclusion throughout her 35 years at Holy Cross. B Y E L I Z A B E T H W A L K E R
n the many vital roles Esther Levine has shouldered during her academic and administrative career at the College, the former class dean’s love for teaching, advocacy for her students and belief in the Jesuit mission have remained strong, vibrant and freely expressed. The authenticity that distinguishes her everyday interactions with her students continually reinforces that they belong at Holy Cross and that their very presence enriches the campus community. Levine’s 35 years on campus got off to a fast start. “I loved Holy Cross from day one,” she says. “I think it was a natural fit.
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The Jesuit ideal is about respect for people and the education of the whole person, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Religion, learning and people have always been important to me, plus Holy Cross showed confidence in me from the beginning. I was offered opportunities to grow professionally by taking on administrative responsibilities, beginning with the foreign teaching assistant program.” In spring 1979, Levine was hired to teach one semester of Spanish. The next fall, she joined the Spanish department faculty and went on to teach for 70 more semesters. In 1986, she became advisor for the interna-
tional scholar and student program, and advised international faculty, scholars and students on immigration matters as her knowledge increased. In 1997 she was named dean with special responsibilities for ALANA (African-American, Latin American, Asian-American and Native American) students, while continuing as adviser to the international scholars and students program. That same year, she was named class dean for the first of four classes and founded the Odyssey program. In her heart, Levine always remained a teacher. Through the years, as she wore different administrative hats
simultaneously, she always managed to teach at least one Spanish class every semester. Last May, she stepped down after 16 years as class dean to the classes of 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014 in anticipation of her retirement, effective May 2016 . For this academic year, her last on the Hill, she has retained one of those hats. “The only hat I have left is international scholar and student advisor, which I’ve been doing forever,” Levine says. “My job in the 2015-16 academic year is to advise the international students and to continue to train people at the College about immigration matters as I transition to retirement.” A significant part of Levine’s legacy at Holy Cross is the success of the Odyssey program, which offers students who may not have had much exposure to college life from family members a one-week preview of the Holy Cross experience, including a morning of community service. She included ALANA and international students, American students living abroad and students for whom English is not their first language in the program, which she created in 1997, beginning with the Class of 2001, and directed for nearly two decades. Odyssey has grown from 20 participants in 1997 to nearly 100 from the class of 2019. “Esther has played a major role in reaching out to underrepresented students at the College,” says Estrella Cibreiro, professor of Spanish and dean of the class of 2018. “She has created and directed programs, like Odyssey, that have been crucial to supporting an inclusive environment for students who aren’t always sure that they belong.” Melisa Jaquez ’06 is a shining example. “From the moment I arrived on campus for the Odyssey program, Dean Levine took me under her wing,” says Jaquez, assistant director in the College’s Center for Career Development. “Whether I was in her office sharing good news or bad news, she always supported me and helped me grow as a student in such an honest, caring and loving way. I feel privileged to have had her as my class dean and now as a colleague.” Ronald Jarret, associate dean of the College and professor of chemistry, often turned to
Levine for advice when he was dean of the class of 2012. “She creates a bond with her students that manifests itself in events like the ALANA and International Student Showcase during Family Weekend,” says Jarret. “Her interactions with her students were personal and often seemed like conversations in progress. I was a better class dean because of her influence and example.” Levine’s conversations with her students often take a familial tone. “She interacts with her students in a very warm and frank manner,” Cibreiro notes. “She balances being very approachable with being serious about communicating what she wants the students to do to meet their goals.” Levine respects and values differences in others. “When you come from another country with another language and another culture, people can be insensitive at times,” she explains. “I try to help my students understand that even if they have come from somewhere else, have no money, have parents who don’t speak English or are the first in their family to go to college, they still belong here.” As a child, Levine experienced the disruption of her family’s comfortable life during the Cuban Revolution. She was displaced from her home, her parents and her culture, which shaped her understanding of and sensitivity to what it means to feel different. She and her sister came to the United States in 1961 as part of Operación Pedro Pan, which airlifted 14,000 Cuban children whose parents were deeply concerned about the direction their children’s lives and education might take under Fidel Castro’s new regime. Jewish Family and Children’s Service placed the Spanish-speaking Jewish sisters with a host family in Miami who Levine described as “kind, but who spoke only English.” It was seven months before her parents, who had to leave everything behind, arrived in Florida to reunite with their young daughters. “Esther is Latina, she’s Cuban and she’s Jewish at a Jesuit school,” says Tina Chen, director of academic services and learning resources. “In many ways she has experienced herself as outside the majority
culture in the United States. She knows what it is to be a stranger in a strange land. But it’s important to remember that her efforts to make students feel comfortable and thrive at Holy Cross extended beyond the ALANA and international students. She showed the same care and concern for the students in the four classes for which she was class dean.” During Levine’s years as dean, the College made an institutional commitment to ethnic diversity. “She worked tirelessly to try to ensure that those students could succeed, be happy and be successful here. It came from her heart,” Chen says. Levine leaves the Hill confident that Holy Cross will continue to seek out and celebrate differences within the campus community. “We’re increasing the diversity at Holy Cross,” Levine says. “We’re doing it slowly and for the right reasons, not just following trends. The international student population has been on the increase. Through Fr. Boroughs’ impetus we convened a cross-campus committee to talk about the recruitment and retention of international students. I’d also like to see us continue to increase religious diversity on campus. I know Holy Cross is working on it.” Levine knows well that ensuring a diverse community of faculty, staff and students increases the College’s capacity for excellence in teaching, learning and research—and prepares students for an increasingly connected and diverse global world. It also meshes with the College’s Jesuit foundation, which celebrates the relationship between diversity and the pursuit of social justice. Retirement means that Levine can leave meetings and committees behind to spend more time with her husband and family, including her two married daughters and six grandchildren. She also plans to travel, head to the beach, read all day if she wants and seek out volunteer opportunities. “It will be a time of discovery,” she says. “I’ve been so busy working. What I’ll miss most is interacting with students.” And so will they. ■
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Ronald Jarret says he enjoys the “puzzle-solving nature” of his Spectroscopy course— and watching students ask questions and piece together clues; skills that he notes “support a lifetime of learning.”
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Spectroscopy with Associate Dean of the College and Professor of Chemistry Ronald M. Jarret
Students focus on chemical structure identification through the interpretation of spectroscopic data. A problemsolving approach is utilized in this seminar-style class, where active student participation is expected. Information is extracted from individual spectra and used in combination to propose the most likely identity of the unknown chemical compound.
TOPICS Infrared spectroscopy; mass spectrometry; 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; dynamic/exchange processes detection with NMR spectroscopy; multipulse and 2-dimensional NMR spectroscopy
PREREQUISITE Organic chemistry 2 TEXT D.L. Pavia, G.M. Lampman, G.S. Kriz and J.R. Vyvyan, Introduction to Spectroscopy, 5th edition
WORKBOOK L.D. Field, S. Sternhell and
J.R. Kalman, Organic Structures from Spectra, 5th edition
REQUIREMENTS Three in-class examinations, a takehome final examination, in-class student presentations
ON THE DAY HCM VISITED CLASS topic: NMR spin-spin coupling. Examining complex splitting patterns in the proton NMR spectra, several students, selected at random, presented to the class proposed molecular structures for an unknown compound, based on analysis of spectral data for a given problem. Taking into consideration the size, appearance and proximity of the signals, they postulated the placement of the hydrogens on a carbon backbone of the structure and the impact of neighboring hydrogens
on each other—whether a hydrogen stands alone as a singlet or forms a doublet or triplet—and the significance of the coupling in interpreting the data. Discussion about the problem expanded through questions from professor and students as the class tested the validity of the presenter’s approach, posed other credible options and delved deeper into the intricacies of the data—with the students referencing IR and mass spectrometry results learned earlier in the course to determine the presence of other elements and groupings of atoms.
PROFESSOR BIO Receiving his Ph.D. in physical organic chemistry from Yale University in New Haven, Conn., Jarret joined the Holy Cross chemistry department faculty in 1986; promoted to professor in 2001, he has served as department chair, initiating the development of the newly constructed Integrated Science Complex, 2012 class dean, assistant dean—and, since 2013, associate dean of the College. His research interests include Discovery Lab Development for organic and general chemistry; development of new methods of analysis with NMR spectroscopy; and computational modeling and calculations. Involved in many College and professional committees and activities during his career, Jarret serves as a member of the National Science Foundation MRI (major research instrumentation) proposal review panel; belongs to the Holy Cross Mission and Identity and Curriculum committees; and oversees the student academic conference, among other endeavors. The recipient of numerous grants (including two from NSF for NMR spectrometers widely used within the department), author of many articles, invited lecturer and research presenter at scientific meetings, he was honored during the 1995-96 academic year with the College’s Distinguished Teacher Award.
“I introduced a spectroscopy course into the curriculum as an elective for chemistry majors when I started at Holy Cross 29 years ago,” says Jarret. “It has evolved over the years, where the theory behind the detection methods has been de-emphasized to make room for study and application of more advanced structural determination methods, building upon concepts introduced in organic chemistry.” He further explains: “The greatest advancements have come in NMR—the main tool in my research program. I use examples from my work in spectroscopy to illustrate the kinds of questions about structure and bonding one can answer with NMR.” Noting that one of the goals of the class is “to advance the students’ ability to articulate their logical interpretations of complementary, and sometimes contradictory, data leading to the identification of a compound,” Jarret continues: “I enjoy the puzzle-solving nature of the course; it is exciting to see students grow in confidence as they improve at making observations, piecing together clues, asking questions and seeking ways to answer those questions—skills that will support a lifetime of learning.”
ALUMNA QUOTE “Spectroscopy is a science, but also an art form,” says Kaylie E. Gage ’14, of Ashburnham, Mass. “The molecules leave portraits of themselves for us to interpret and are oftentimes incomplete. The problem-solving skills gained in spectroscopy are not only vital to chemical research, but the process of interpreting results and making decisions is applicable to virtually every career path.” She continues: “Spectroscopy was one of my favorite classes at Holy Cross, and the tutorial style gave me a lot of independence in learning how to read spectra.” ■
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aDefining Moment
More than ever before,
the world needs H
F R OM LEFT Local dignitaries at the formal opening of St. Joseph Memorial Chapel on May 7, 1924, included architect W.I. Phillips; Monsignor Cernard Conray; architect Charles Maginnis; Holy Cross President Rev. James Carlin, S.J.; Bishop Thomas O’Leary; Bishop John Murray, Class of 1897; Justice Carrol; Rev. James Howard of St. Peter’s in Worcester and Joseph Guinor, the mayor of Providence. Barry Loffredo, D.D.S., ’68 and Rory Ogden, D.D.S., ’08
In the 1920s, the College’s leaders dedicated themselves to ensuring Holy Cross stepped boldly into a new era. Our community finds itself at that moment again.
Holy Cross.
I believe that passionately. Richard “Dick” Simitis, D.M.D. ’68
Rev. Philip L. Boroughs, S.J. TOM RETTIG
he year 1919 was an eventful one: The Senate passed the Women’s Suffrage Bill. The League of Nations was founded. The Radio Corporation of America was created. And atop a hill in the bustling mill city of Worcester, in central Massachusetts, a Jesuit priest was beginning to formulate a vision of what the small college over which he presided might one day become. Rev. James Carlin, S.J., the 17th president of Holy Cross, had great ambitions for his College. As the weeks went by that year, Fr. Carlin began to develop those ambitions into detailed plans by which the College might begin a long and steep ascent into the loftiest of perches in the realm of American higher education. Those outsized plans were transcribed in a letter to the Superior General of the Society of Jesus. Fr. Carlin expressed a momentous dream of renewal, expansion and modernization. There was an urgent need, he argued, for first-rate higher education among Catholic youth. And his little college, with a volatile financial history, he insisted, should be the answer to that need. What Fr. Carlin proposed was the construction of three new buildings: a dormitory, a dining hall and a majestic memorial chapel. Given the College’s history and the enormity of Fr. Carlin’s dream, it is not inappropriate to call the president’s proposal audacious.
(left) Senator David Ignatius Walsh, Class of 1893, (left) and President Rev. James Carlin, S.J., led Holy Cross through the same kind of visionary progress the College is embarking on now. (above left) Loyola Hall shortly after it was built. It was later renamed Carlin Hall as a tribute to Fr. Carlin after he died in 1930. (above right) Today’s view toward Carlin Hall from Alumni Hall with Kimball to the right.
Dinand, S.J., wrote a letter to alumni that included the following appeal:
And yet, in autumn 1920, Fr. Carlin received word that both Pope Benedict XV and the Very Rev. Wlodimir Ledóchowski, S.J., the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, agreed with and supported his expansive vision. With that support, he seized the moment and launched what became known as “The Million Dollar Drive.” The passion of those involved in the campaign was obvious. Former College President, Rev. Joseph
“I personally, with all the love in my heart for Holy Cross and her interests, call on your love for Holy Cross to come to her aid now. … Before God, I tell you this is the hour in which Holy Cross stands or falls!” The fundraising materials sent to alumni and other friends of the College included a bold quote from President Theodore Roosevelt, who was the Commencement Speaker in 1905. “It is eminently characteristic of our nation that we should have an institution of
learning like Holy Cross,” Roosevelt said, “in which the effort is consistently made to train not merely the body and mind, but the soul of a man, that he should be made a good American and a good citizen of our country.” In the end, Fr. Carlin’s vision carried the day. Under the chairmanship of Senator David Walsh, Class of 1893, the College achieved a goal that many thought impossible. By June of 1921, one million dollars had been raised. And soon thereafter, ground was broken for construction of the flagship buildings we know today as Carlin Hall, Kimball Hall and St. Joseph Memorial Chapel. More
Barry Loffredo, D.D.S., ’68
\ H OOgden, 3 and 0 Rory LY CRO D.D.S., S S M’08 AGA ZINE \ FALL 2015
(above) In West Boylston, Mass., a short drive from the College, President Rev. Philip L. Boroughs, S.J., led the commemorative groundbreaking for the Thomas P. Joyce ’59 Contemplative Center (one of the Become More campaign’s capital projects). The Center is named in honor of the late Mr. Joyce, a member of the Holy Cross board of trustees, civic leader and father of six Holy Cross graduates. The Joyce family is a lead donor to the project, and special guests at the groundbreaking included Claire and Tom ’82 Joyce (standing on Fr. Boroughs’ right).
importantly, Holy Cross was now poised to become a leader in Catholic higher education. A dream that had seemed at the outset a vast overreach had become, through the dedication and tenacity of the College community, a vibrant reality.
reality—was far from guaranteed. And yet, this visionary Jesuit could not be deterred. He would imagine no other future than one in which his College prospered, expanded and helped to construct a model of excellence.
Today, the very title—“The Million Dollar Drive”—may strike the reader as quaint. And perhaps the campaign’s success seems to the contemporary Crusader a foregone conclusion. But in its time, Fr. Carlin’s vision of a new era of excellence and influence for Holy Cross—and the capital required to bring that vision into
lmost a century after The Million Dollar Drive, the College arrives, once again, at a moment of transformation. Just as Fr.
Carlin’s vision enabled the College to become a leader in Catholic higher education, a new comprehensive campaign is about to transform Mount St. James. This campaign, titled “Become More: Campaign for the Future of Holy Cross,” imagines what Holy Cross will be in the decades to come. It will also be the largest fundraising effort in the history of the College, with an announced goal of $400 million over the next several years. “This is the most ambitious project Holy Cross has ever attempted,” says College President Rev. Philip L. Boroughs, S.J. “And it has the potential to strengthen every single dimension of the institution. This is a terrifically exciting moment in our history and for our community.” Senior Vice President of the College Frank Vellaccio agrees.
(left) Rev. Francis Hart, S.J., longtime director of intramural sports, speaking at the Men’s Basketball game vs. Lehigh on Jan., 17, 1976, a day after the opening of the Hart Center.
For months, the dialogue continued across the various constituencies of the College community. Grounded in the question of the best way to enact its mission, the conversation considered all manner of future scenarios for Holy Cross—including the possibility of regression and missed opportunities. “With a presidential transition, the hiring of a new vice president for advancement, a new athletic director and a new vice president for academic affairs and dean of the College, the planning process continued,” Fr. Boroughs continues, “and with Board encouragement, the scope of the campaign began to take shape.”
“Growing support for the Holy Cross Fund is also crucial. Current-use, unrestricted funds are essential to our future and critical to these big undertakings. And I am confident in this area. It’s no secret that the College has a stunningly supportive alumni body. More than 50 percent of our alumni give to the College every year.”
Tracy Barlok
“This initiative is the product of a long and thorough planning process,” Vellaccio says. “We have been engaged in an extensive study of strategic possibilities, analyzing and discussing every aspect of Holy Cross. We took our time to wrestle with the biggest questions: What do we do well? What could we do better? Where do we want to go? And how do we get there?” The strategic planning for the College’s future was complex, inclusive and took place over several years because of leadership changes and a variety of challenges facing higher education.
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“Become More is bold and ambitious on the same level as Fr. Carlin’s Million Dollar Drive,” says Tracy Barlok, vice president for advancement. “And like that campaign that happened a hundred years ago, it is both exhilarating and a bit daunting. But just as Fr. Carlin had a vision of the future, and the passion to take Holy Cross to the next level of excellence and recognition, we, too, have grand plans. We are truly speaking about transforming Holy Cross and positioning the College at the pinnacle of higher education.”
“Our strategic planning process began under Fr. McFarland’s leadership when I was a new member of the Board of Trustees,” explains Fr. Boroughs. “These were long and serious conversations. We started at square one and re-examined our mission and its relevance to the contemporary world. And the one thing that everyone could agree on was that more than ever before, the world needs Holy Cross. I believe that passionately. This College thoughtfully and creatively engages many of our global community’s most difficult and urgent problems.”
s the Become More campaign’s name suggests, following years of discussion and planning, and with strong Board encouragement, consensus regarding a vision for the future of the College emerged. “In the end,” says Fr. Boroughs, “after we had assessed our history and envisioned possible futures, we understood that we were in a unique position at a crucial time in the landscape of higher education in America. That is why we are embarking on this great undertaking. As an exclusively undergraduate liberal
New Hart Center and Field House THE SITE Hart Center and land to the east (expanding toward Figge Hall), and the Field House THE DESIGN FIRM Sasaki Associates, Inc. HART CENTER FEATURES 64,000 square feet of indoor practice space (with 100 yards of turf for use by all field sports), 9,500 square feet of new space for strength and conditioning
training, 3,000 square feet of new space for sports medicine services, auxiliary gymnasium for basketball team practice and volleyball practice/competition, new ERG (a rowing simulation machine) room for rowing teams, locker rooms for all varsity teams, offices for all programs and new meeting rooms/ recruiting space, offices for all athletic administrators and athletic support services
FIELD HOUSE FEATURES Basketball courts, exercise studios, weight training rooms, new shower and locker space and centers for health, wellness and fitness programming for all members of the Holy Cross community THE WOW FACTOR There are a lot of features in the plan that warrant a “wow,” including a new exterior plaza for events at the Hart Center. ■
“Sustaining our need-blind and full-need policies, as well as increasing financial aid, will allow access to a larger pool of exceptional students across a wider cultural, geographic and economic spectrum.”
arts college in the Jesuit tradition, we feel that we offer a hopeful antidote to many of the problems and challenges which plague our world: fragmentation and fanaticism, apathy and meaninglessness, runaway technology and mindless acquisitiveness. Through our academic rigor and religious values, careful discernment and strategic service, we offer alternative ways of thinking and being in the world. What we now need to do is significantly develop our resources so that we can become even more authentically and effectively who we are, but at a much higher level. “The goals of the Become More campaign are reflective of the Jesuit principle of the magis—that is, how our lives and our commitments can increasingly reflect God’s love in the world,” Fr.
Boroughs continues. “From an Ignatian perspective, we respond to God’s unconditional love for us by living ever more generously and wholeheartedly in service to the world.” Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College, Margaret Freije, echoes this theme in speaking about the ambitions behind the campaign and its initiatives. “What I would want to convey to the Holy Cross community,” Freije says, “is the notion that this is a coordinated effort to transform the entire College, to raise every aspect of the Holy Cross experience to a level we have never before attempted. This is not simply a ‘bricks & mortar’ undertaking. We’re talking here about a comprehensive evolution in which we take our rightful place in the higher education firmament.”
y focusing on four fundamental aspects of the undergraduate experience—mind, body, spirit and community—this evolution, in many ways, appeals to the strongest aspects of our Jesuit identity. “Jesuit education is committed to an integrative formation of the individual,” says Fr. Boroughs. “This is the core of our work. It is holistic and derived from St. Ignatius’ gift of ‘finding God in all things.’ Consequently, educating the individual leads not only to personal transformation, but has social consequences as the individual joins a community of others in striving to make a difference in the world. This, then, is the impact of the magis.” To tackle an initiative of this size, the College has identified six campaign priorities, outlined in the pages that follow.
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Fenwick and O’Kane halls, 1902
his campaign initiative will give faculty and students additional resources and opportunities to become immersed in the essence of the liberal arts experience.
As part of the College’s push to expand and deepen its students’ liberal arts experience, the Become More campaign will also embrace all facets of the arts—the performance and study of the arts as well as the ways the arts might infuse creativity throughout the curriculum. That has always been the belief of Cornelius B. Prior, Jr., ’56, whose lifelong interest in the arts was first ignited at Holy Cross. In his first year on the Hill, Prior took a Fine Arts course with Rev. J. Gerard Mears, S.J., and the experience had a profound and lasting effect. Over the years to come, Prior would fund and foster interest in all manner of arts programs around the world. But a recurring dream was to establish a center devoted to the arts
(above, from left) As part of the Arts Transcending Borders initiaive last year, professors Osvaldo Golijov (music), Leah Hager Cohen (English), Edward Isser (theatre), Michael Beatty (visual arts), Lynn Kremer (theatre), David Chu (economics), Mark Freeman (psychology) and Renee Beard (sociology and anthropology) co-taught a course called CreateLab in “The Pit” (below), a teaching space in the basement of O’Kane Hall. The Prior Center for the Arts will present new and exciting opportunities for the next group of professors teaching this course, which breaks from the traditional parameters of the typical classroom.
on Mount St. James, where students might incorporate the arts into the essence of their everyday lives—and find the inherent connections between study and performance. Toward that goal, Prior has pledged $25 million for the construction of a state-of-the-art complex that will provide performance, exhibit, studio, gallery and study space for students to explore the worlds of music and theater—as well as multimedia components for creativity and design. TOM RETTIG
“Our goal for the future,” says Dean Freije, “is to expand and enhance every aspect of intellectual life and academic programming at the College. We know that, in the years to come, we will need to continue to attract the best faculty and students to the College—and to support the work they do individually and collectively. We will need to creatively explore new areas of the curriculum and the cocurriculum in order to ensure that a Holy Cross education will continue to provide a strong foundation for the challenges and opportunities our students will encounter. This will require additional funds for faculty scholarship, funds for new faculty lines, funds for visiting artists and scholars, funds for new curricular initiatives, funds to both compensate
faculty and support student initiative in independent learning opportunities— opportunities to allow our students to integrate and apply their learning in new contexts, opportunities that make visible to our students the ways they might use their education in the world.”
“The students on our campus today will be part of the global community of the next four decades. Our goal is to help them begin thinking about that fact now.”
“Neil’s generous gift is a consequence of his experience and his values,” says Fr. Boroughs. “He was powerfully enriched by his almost accidental exposure to the arts when he was a student at Holy Cross. For him, learning turned particularly joyful and creative as he studied music. Many years later, listening to the priorities of the faculty which emphasized the performing arts in the strategic planning process, Neil wanted to ensure that subsequent generations of Holy Cross students would be enlivened as he was by the arts.” “The Prior Arts Center has the potential of being a transformative force on campus,” says Barlok. “While our many talented students and faculty already provide us with a rich artistic environment, the new Arts Center will provide us with a space that better integrates that environment into the everyday academic and social life of the entire College community. Our Hill will truly be alive with the look, the sound and the joy of music, theater and art.”
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(left) Rev. Joseph J. LaBran ’38, S.J., leading Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius at Our Lady of Peace Spiritual Life Center in Narragansett, R.I.
2. The creation of new programs that promote leadership, service, and social justice—both across the globe and in our local community. 3. In addition, the expansion of the many existing versatile outreach programs. 4. And support global Catholicism, in both a scholarly and a participatory manner, finding the common ground between theological investigation and all manner of service to others.
ne of the primary goals of the comprehensive campaign is to enhance the Catholic and Jesuit nature and identity central to the mission of Holy Cross. Toward this end, four priorities have been established: 1. The establishment of ministers in residence, Jesuits and lay people who will be available in the residence halls, making the discernment and reflection process a perpetual aspect of our students’ lives.
The largest initiative in this category is the construction of a new Contemplative Center. The Thomas P. Joyce ’59 Contemplative Center will be a new facility for spiritual retreats. Situated on a stunning 52-acre hilltop site, located about 20 minutes from campus in West Boylston, Mass., the Center will allow the College to expand programming opportunities for students, faculty, staff and alumni. The 33,800-square-foot complex— with a target opening date in Fall 2016—will be specifically designed with the College’s well-established retreat programs in mind. The main building will include a chapel, meeting rooms and dining rooms. Adjoining the main building will be living quarters with bedrooms and shared baths for all retreatants. “The Joyce Center really is a dream come true,” according to Marybeth Kearns-Barrett ’84, director of the Office of College Chaplains. “Retreats— such as the Spiritual Exercises—have always been popular at Holy Cross and the demand for additional contemplative programming is only growing.” “The Center will fit all of our many requirements,” Kearns-Barrett continues, “It is nearby, but it’s also removed from the bustle of campus life. It will be beautiful, tranquil and serene— overlooking a pristine reservoir. And it is the right size and cost for our proposed
The Prior Arts Center THE SITE Behind Healy Hall THE DESIGN FIRM: Diller Scofidio + Renfro (DS+R), the firm responsible for the design of the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston and New York’s High Line Park.
FEATURES A 400-seat concert hall and theater; 200-seat performance space; multimedia center for recording, editing, design; multipurpose rehearsal spaces; lobby and café
THE WOW FACTOR A highly visible “beehive” space with flexible workspaces, sophisticated technological resources and moveable furniture will allow students from all academic areas to collaborate on a wide variety of creative projects. ■
(from left) Charles Renfro, Neil Prior ’56, Ricardo Scofidio, Rev. Philip L. Boroughs, S.J., and Ben Gilmartin at the Architect Naming event for the Prior Arts Center, held in the Integrated Science Complex in January. Holy Cross selected Diller Scofidio + Renfro, an internationally acclaimed design firm known for its vibrant, interdisciplinary approach.
vision. This will be a sanctuary for Holy Cross, a sacred place for renewal—both individually and as a community. We might think of the Center as a fine metaphor for the work we do on the Hill, instilling the continuous growth of the interior life and that growth’s attendant self-knowledge.”
The Center has been named by the Joyce family in honor of their father.
“One of the things that Holy Cross has always done well is produce leaders. That’s another function of our unique commitment to the liberal arts—the integration of critical thinking and ethical decision-making in our students. We train minds to think critically, across the spectrum of disciplines and within the complexity of ever-changing situations.”
Rev. Philip L. Boroughs, S.J. COLLEGE PRESIDENT
t honestly feels like the beginning of a new era,” says Athletics Director Nathan Pine. “This is monumental. The initiatives on which we’re just getting started will have an impact on Holy Cross Athletics for the next 20 years.”
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Pine is referring to the announcement made this summer that the College had received the largest gift in its history, a $32.5 million pledge by John Luth ’74, and his wife, Joanne Chouinard-Luth, D.M.D., toward the renovation and expansion of the Hart Center (see story, Page 44). When completed, the new and improved Hart Center will be beautifully versatile. The new Hart will include indoor practice fields for all field sports, an additional practice court for basketball and volleyball teams, expanded sports medicine and strength and conditioning areas and equipment to service 750 student-athletes—as well as locker rooms, team meeting rooms and office space for all varsity sports teams. “The new Hart Center will give Holy Cross student-athletes the tools they need
(left) The football team celebrates over a 2719 win over Monmouth on Sept. 5. (above) The original gymnasium in O’Kane Hall, 1895. (opposite, top) Adrienne Randall ’15 analyzing data with Professor Leon Claessens in his chemistry laboratory as part of the Summer Research program at Holy Cross.
to become champions in the years ahead and for decades to come,” says Pine. In conjunction with the renovation and expansion of the Hart Center, the Field House will be entirely revamped. The plan is to upgrade the existing building and create a top-flight recreation complex for the entire campus community, featuring basketball courts, multiple exercise studios, weight training rooms, new shower and locker space and centers for a wide assortment of health, wellness and fitness programming.
The Value of Quiet Contemplation Ann Marie and Bill Teuber ’73
ne of the things that Holy Cross has always done well,” says Fr. Boroughs, “is produce leaders. That’s another function of our unique commitment to the liberal arts—the integration of critical thinking and ethical decisionmaking in our students. We train minds to think critically, across the spectrum of disciplines and within the complexity of ever-changing situations.” In the coming years, the College will begin to create and broaden a series of “discernment initiatives” that will help students develop leadership skills and a sense of responsible global citizenship. Discernment is a central dimension of Ignatian spirituality which assists the individual in identifying one’s calling or way of making a difference in the world, which then frames one’s decisions and actions. “The students on our campus today,” says Freije, “will be part of the global community of the next four decades. Our goal is to help them begin thinking about that fact now. To begin
he process of spiritual discernment has always been important to Bill Teuber ’73. In his undergraduate days, he volunteered as a teacher of religious education in a Worcester parish. Over 40 years later, Teuber, along with his wife (a fellow religious ed volunteer) Ann Marie, is as passionate as ever about the need for meditative retreat—especially in our fast-paced world of ongoing technological revolution. That’s why he and Ann Marie were the first donors toward the construction of the Thomas P. Joyce ’59 Contemplative Center. Their $3 million commitment inspired others to participate in insuring that the Contemplative Center would be an integral part of the spiritual life at Holy Cross.
benefits that the new Contemplative Center will bring to the College.
“The retreats and the spiritual direction are part of what makes Holy Cross unique,” says Teuber. “And our students’ desire for these opportunities is on the rise.”
Teuber is the Vice Chairman at EMC Corporation, a global leader in technology infrastructure and security. Bill and Ann Marie live in West Newton, Mass., and are the parents of Christine ’02, Elizabeth, and Rachel. ■
Teuber well understands the
“You can get an excellent education at a lot of colleges,” says Teuber, “but going to Holy Cross will change your life. Having a contemplative center will advance that mission for countless students of future generations. Ann Marie and I are so pleased to be part of that initiative.” “It’s a testament to the Holy Cross experience,” says College President Fr. Philip L. Boroughs, “that people such as Bill and Ann Marie Teuber and the Joyce family see the importance, the value, of the Contemplative Center. They view the Center as a manifestation of our mission itself.”
In addition to new discernment programs, there will be an additional emphasis in academic programming on experiential learning. “Project-based learning, community-based learning and internships are becoming increasingly valuable and important,” notes Freije. “We need to increase opportunities for our students to integrate all that they’re learning in the classroom and apply this learning to the complex challenges of the world. We also want to increase student research experiences—to give them more opportunities to work with their professors on cutting-edge projects. And we will be encouraging students to design their own projects and opportunities based on their specific interests and talents.”
“We know that, in the years to come, we will need to continue to attract the best faculty and students. We will need to creatively explore new areas of the curriculum and the cocurriculum to ensure that a Holy Cross education will continue to provide a strong foundation for the challenges our students will encounter.”
understanding how the world around them is changing and how they might best steer and serve that world in a meaningful way.”
his particular initiative is a hot button in the higher education community. Holy Cross is a “needblind” institution. In addition, the College meets the full demonstrated need of its students.
5 bold policies, which have traditionally been regarded as cornerstones of the College’s mission. In a similar vein, part of the capital raised by the campaign will be devoted to financial aid. Currently, 60 percent of Holy Cross students receive needbased financial aid.
“I’m not sure everyone in our community understands the significance and impact of combining these two principles,” says Vellaccio. “Few institutions both admit students blind of need and then meet the full demonstrated need of all admitted students. This means that our applicants for admission are judged solely on their merits, regardless of their ability to afford tuition costs. Our dedication to admitting students this way rises out of our history as a Catholic and Jesuit college. We view this position as a crucial part of our mission—as a defining characteristic of who we are and of how we think about our work. But it gets harder every year to fund this part of our mission.” The success of the Become More campaign will help ensure that Holy Cross can maintain both of these
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(above) The Class of 2019 Odyssey students on the steps of Dinand Library gather for a group photo.
Margaret Freije
“There is no way around the truth that we must increase financial aid,” says Fr. Boroughs. “It’s the only way that we can keep a Holy Cross education within the reach of all the exceptional students who earn admission. Aside from increases in tuition, our only source of increased revenue for aid is the increased giving of our dedicated and generous donors.” Vellaccio concurs. “This is also where our commitment to academic excellence and diversity intersect,” says Vellaccio. “Sustaining our need-blind and full-need policies, as well as increasing financial aid will allow access to a larger pool of exceptional students across a wider cultural, geographic and socioeconomic spectrum.”
The Thomas P. Joyce ’59 Contemplative Center THE SITE A 52-acre parcel of land in West Boylston, Mass., adjacent to a conservation area THE DESIGN FIRM Lamoureux Pagano & Associates, the Worcester-based firm that also designed the Brooks Concert Hall and Seelos Theater for Holy Cross
FEATURES A facility designed specifically to fit the pastoral location will accommodate the College’s retreat programs (including the Spiritual Exercises and Manresa program), and feature a chapel, meeting rooms and dining room, with bedrooms and bath facilities for 60 individuals. This Center will serve students, faculty, staff and alumni who are seeking contemplative spaces and experiences
to balance the intensity of their highly committed lives. THE WOW FACTOR Situated in a beautiful, cloister-like setting, the Center will be constructed within the Wachusett Reservoir watershed and will overlook the reservoir. ■
generations to come.” (Anne Schiffmann Fink ’85, P17 and William Phelan ’73, P04, 01, 99 are the Campaign’s other co-chairs.) “Growing support for the Holy Cross Fund is also crucial,” says Barlok. “Current-use, unrestricted funds are essential to our future and critical to these big undertakings. And I am confident in this area. It’s no secret that the College has a stunningly supportive alumni body. More than 50 percent of our alumni give to the College every year.”
erhaps the most important initiative in Become More is the focus on the long-term health and sustainability of the College.
“We need to keep endowment growth robust,” says campaign co-chair Richard Patterson ’80. “We have to be perpetually vigilant on this front. This is about the continued viability of Holy Cross. I’m looking for the day when we have a billion dollar endowment. That would keep us solid and secure for
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“I can’t emphasize enough how important the Fund is,” says Barlok. “It enriches every aspect of our academic enterprise and of the campus environment. It supports every student, faculty member, and department on campus. The Fund provides flexibility for responding to evolving circumstances and allows the College to take advantage of emerging opportunities quickly and effectively.” “When I think about the future of Holy Cross,” Fr. Boroughs says, “it makes me optimistic about the future in general. I believe the Become More campaign will enable us to transform our College into a paragon of how the liberal arts, in the Jesuit tradition, should be cultivated, taught and embraced, as a lifelong value, in the 21st century.” In making such statements, Fr. Boroughs sounds more than a little like his predecessor, Fr. Carlin.
(above) Fr. Boroughs, shown here chatting with history professors Stephanie Yuhl, Noel Cary and Gwenn Miller, notes that the bold ambitions of Fr. Carlin (left) were “spot on,” and that the College finds itself in a position to make bold moves once again, to secure the future of Holy Cross and its mission.
“With the benefit of hindsight, we can look back and see that Fr. Carlin’s ambitious vision and bold initiatives were spot on,” says Fr. Boroughs. “From our vantage, it seems clear that he launched Holy Cross onto a trajectory that eventually brought us to the prominence we enjoy today. “I believe we are in a similar moment right now,” says Fr. Boroughs. “I think our vision has to be bold and our resolve must be unwavering. And I feel that if we truly commit to this vision and this course of action, Holy Cross will not only be secure for decades to come, but the College will grow and thrive. We are forging an increasingly powerful and transformative educational experience on this campus, which has in the past, and will in the future, consistently make a disproportionate difference in our world. That is what makes Mount St. James sacred ground. And with the efforts we are now undertaking, like those of Fr. Carlin almost 100 years ago, the success of our mission will be assured, with the help of God.” ■
FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT Become More: Campaign for the Future of Holy Cross, please visit www.holycross.edu/becomemore
“With the efforts we are now undertaking, like those of Fr. Carlin almost 100 years ago, the success of our mission will be assured, with the help of God.”
Rev. Philip L. Boroughs, S.J.
The Christ the King statue has one of the most beautiful views on campus: the front of Fenwick Hall.
BY R E B E C C A S M I T H ’ 9 9 A N D K I M B E R LY S TA L E Y ’ 9 9 TODD PLITT
n July, Holy Cross received a recordbreaking commitment—$32.5 million— from alumnus John E. Luth ’74 and his wife, Joanne Chouinard-Luth, D.M.D. Their extraordinary gift represents the single largest donation in the College’s history—and it will be used to dramatically expand and enhance the College’s indoor athletics and recreational facilities. “They made huge sacrifices,” says John E. Luth ’74 of his parents, the late Louis Henry Luth Jr. and Ann Luth. “While they made a reasonable living, they were never wealthy. We never really had much: The pants I wore were the same ones my two older brothers wore. You make do with a large family.” Luth’s father worked, for the better part of 30 years, at his wife’s family’s trucking company; his mother, now 91, stayed at home with Luth and his nine siblings. “My father was an executive on the board, but he was, in truth, more of a blue-collar guy,” reflects Luth, who grew up in St. Charles, Mo. “He wore his overalls and got dirty every day.” Following high school, like most of his classmates, Luth stayed close to home and enrolled at the University of Missouri (MU), where he planned to study engineering. “Given my background, I was focused on getting a degree and getting a job.”
“This gift is a game-changer. It will have an impact on all aspects of Crusader athletics—from recruiting talented players and coaches, to improving the student-athlete experience, to enhancing the game atmosphere—and it will improve the overall quality of life across campus.”
Nathan Pine
In the summer of 1970, Luth landed a job as a busboy at Noah’s Ark, a local restaurant co-owned by the late John M. Flavan ’53, then a St. Louis hotelier and restaurateur. But his busboy career was brief: He outbused the entire crew and, by the end of his first day, was promoted to maître d’. It was that initiative and work ethic that drew Flavan’s attention and began a decades-long mentorship and friendship between the two men. John E. Luth ’74 and Joanne Chouinard-Luth, D.M.D., at their home in New Jersey.
A proud Holy Cross alumnus, Flavan became interested in Luth’s academic plans and, after seeing his first semester grades from MU (straight As), was convinced that he was looking at a future Crusader. From then on, Flavan encouraged Luth to transfer to Holy Cross with his financial support. “He was subtle at first, but he got pushy over time,” recalls Luth with a laugh. “Truthfully, I resisted. I was adamant about not taking help. It was a bit of my family heritage: You don’t take things from others. You don’t live beyond your means,” he explains. However, Flavan’s persistence paid off, and Luth transferred to Holy Cross in the fall of 1971.
Despite his reservations, he was quickly won over by the beautiful campus, the sense of community … and the soccer team. A captain of his high school soccer team, he joined the College’s then-fledging soccer program as a walk-on, after a chance encounter with practicing team members. “It was a dream come true,” says Luth, who reveled in the camaraderie and competitiveness of the nascent soccer program, which he credits with preparing him for success in the business world. “Being a student-athlete, first and foremost, teaches time management, which is a life skill that has paid dividends to me … ,” he begins. “Secondly, it taught me the need to work with others to accomplish a common purpose that isn’t a straight forward march down the field … Third, it taught me the need for endurance—that quick gains can easily be followed by setbacks—so that playing for the duration is as important as getting early wins.” Off the soccer field, the economics major fully embraced his liberal arts classroom experience, describing it as “transformational.”
But plans have a way of changing.
“I was excited about going to Holy Cross, but I was [still] reluctant from a fiscal standpoint,” recalls Luth.
“My years at Holy Cross … prepared me to think independent of others, to consider my role and responsibilities within the great global community … and [to] further demand more of myself in every aspect of my life,” he reflects. “In particular, the Jesuits taught me to consider the development of the whole person, not just during my years on Mount St. James, but for a lifetime of development.”
••••• After graduating magna cum laude from the College, Luth went on to earn his M.B.A. in finance from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1976. Since then, he served in the Corporate Finance Division of Exxon Corporation’s
“At Holy Cross, you understand that you have a legacy to leave, a personal contribution to make. Anyone who is more active— because they have more energy, because they are more fit—is better able to contribute. It’s always about contribution, because that’s where the joy comes from.”
Joanne Chouinard-Luth, D.M.D. Treasurer’s Department; held several executive positions with Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company; and served in several senior executive positions with Continental Airlines, from 1989 to 1995, including senior vice president of finance and chief financial officer. In 1995, he founded Seabury Group LLC, a New York City-based global advisory and investment company, and currently serves as its founding partner, chairman and chief executive officer.
mutual acquaintance helped get them back together while Luth was organizing his class reunion. The rest, they say, is history … almost four decades of history, but “it was like we had just seen each other the week before,” says Luth. The couple married in September 2013, and they live in Chatham, N.J., parenting Hamilton (18), Edward Avery (12) and Martha (12), and caring for Dr. Chouinard-Luth’s 95-year-old mother.
Despite his busy schedule, Luth has always remained connected to the College. He served on the Board of Trustees from 2005 to 2013, and joined the Advisory Board in 2013. He was a member of the regional campaign committee of the College’s “Lift High the Cross” campaign, and, last year, he co-chaired the reunion gift effort for the Class of 1974.
Exceedingly grateful for the role Holy Cross has played in his life—and well aware of the critical need for renovating the College’s athletics facilities—Luth had been contemplating making a gift to Crusader athletics for some time. He was also looking for a way to pay forward the kindness of Flavan, who refused to be paid back for the money he gave to Luth more than 40 years ago.
But, for him, the best outcome of College fundraising was deeply personal: Reconnecting with the woman who first caught his eye during a Healy Hall mixer (at the then all-male campus) in the spring of 1971—his wife, Joanne Chouinard-Luth, D.M.D. An undergraduate at Newton College of the Sacred Heart at the time, Dr. ChouinardLuth, a dentist and nutritionist, attended a mixer that John had organized. The two became college sweethearts and made many fond memories at Holy Cross (The Allman Brothers concert in the Field House ranks high among those!). But, they grew apart and lost touch, until a
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So when an anonymous donor committed $15 million toward the estimated $87 million Hart Center renovation—with the promise to give an additional $5 million if total donations reach $60 million by September 2015—the Luths seized the opportunity with an astounding $32.5 million gift. “[That challenge gift] drove it home for us: if not now, when? And why not now?,” explains Luth. All 27 varsity athletics programs at Holy Cross will directly benefit from the Luths’ gift, which will extensively expand and renovate the Hart Center, helping studentathletes to compete at the highest levels of
Division 1 athletics. In addition, a portion of their gift, $7.5 million, will go toward converting the Field House into a state-ofthe-art recreation complex to promote the health and wellness of the entire campus community. “This historic gift is an extraordinary vote of confidence as we embark on an exciting journey to ensure Holy Cross Athletics remain vibrant and relevant,” says Vice President of Advancement Tracy Barlok. “The Luths’ generosity plays a vital role in cultivating the values of leadership, service, teamwork and integrity that are at the core of our athletics program.” “This gift is a game-changer,” adds Director of Athletics Nathan Pine. “It will have an impact on all aspects of Crusader athletics—from recruiting talented players and coaches, to improving the studentathlete experience, to enhancing the game atmosphere—and it will improve the overall quality of life across campus.” And the Luths agree. “At Holy Cross, you understand that you have a legacy to leave, a personal contribution to make,” says Dr. Chouinard-Luth, who, in addition to her professional interest in fitness, nutrition and preventative medicine, is an avid social dancer. “Anyone who is more active—because they have more energy, because they are more fit—is better able to contribute. “And for us, it’s always about contributing, because that’s where the joy comes from.” ■
What the Coaches Say
The Become More campaign is about realizing our full potential as an institution.
BILL CARMODY (above left) Head Men’s Basketball Coach “We are very grateful to the Luths for their generous donation, which will benefit all of the student-athletes at Holy Cross. This will include a number of new upgrades for our program, including a practice court, locker room, offices and meeting rooms, which can help us have success for many years to come.” BILL GIBBONS (above right) Head Women’s Basketball Coach “This unbelievably generous gift by the Luths is a testament to the pride and passion they have for Holy Cross athletics. It will help us to develop and recruit top student-athletes for many years to come. Our program is ecstatic and we cannot wait to thank the Luths in person for their generous gift that will help Holy Cross women’s basketball immensely!” LINDSAY JACKSON Head Field Hockey Coach “In my short time here I have seen and experienced the pride that the alumni have in Holy Cross, and this gift from the Luths is an absolute testament to that excitement and pride behind the College
and athletics. Even more exciting for us in athletics, the vision that we all share in making this athletic department the best it can be in every way is moving forward in a very positive direction, and I am so thankful to be a part of it. DARREN GALLAGHER Head Women’s Soccer Coach “This gift propels the Hart Center renovation, allowing our teams to be housed in one of the finest facilities in the Northeast. There is no doubt that the entire student-athlete experience will be upgraded with this facility. Having an indoor turf facility to train in inclement weather will be a fantastic boost to our soccer program and other fall and winter sports.” JEFF OLIVER Head Strength & Conditioning Coach “The excitement level in athletics has been very high over the past year, and this gift has brought that excitement to a new level. The new strength and conditioning facility and field house will allow our student-athletes to train at more conductive times, in larger groups and with significantly higher energy.” ■
Past generations of students, faculty, alumni, staff, parents, friends and some of the most loyal and generous benefactors anywhere have placed the College in an enviable position. But the challenges ahead, and the unyielding spirit of Holy Cross, call on us to do more. Now is the time to seize this moment. It is the time for Holy Cross to realize its full potential as one of the leading academic institutions of the 21st century. ■ For more information about the campaign, visit www.holycross.edu/ becomemore
(opposite page) The Holy Cross choir tour group outside St. Ignatius Church, the oldest Jesuit church in Buenos Aires. The original adobe part of the structure was built in 1675.
Students in the Holy Cross Choir immersed themselves in the vibrant culture of Argentina during the group’s first international tour in nearly a decade.
In May, the Holy Cross Choir took its pursuit of creative innovation and expression on a 10-day tour of Argentina, the first such tour in nearly a decade. Under the guidance of Director of College Choirs David Harris, the students performed at some of Argentina’s most prestigious locations, while learning more about the country that gave the world its first Jesuit pope, Francis.
he northwest corner of Argentina is scarred by the jagged peaks of the Andes. In the old times the mountains were home to the Inca, and when the sun rose each morning, the people would sing sacred jaillis so that the gods might bring them health, happiness and prosperity. Singing, it would seem, is tied to this land, and Argentina still enjoys a musical culture heavily focused on the choral arts. Opera is a widely popular pastime in South America’s second largest country, yet step onto the streets outside the grand classical theatres and you will become immersed in the hypnotic pulse of chacarera and candomblé folk music. This varied musical tapestry has proved seductive to many over the years, and in David Harris, a specialist in the music of the Americas and director of the College choirs, it found another ready admirer. Harris had originally considered taking the choir to Europe, but instead opted for a country few of the choir members knew much about. “Places such as Argentina afford students a lens into a new part of their education,” he explains, “and the combined influences of indigenous, African and European traditions found within the country broadened their understanding of music as an art form as well as a culture. “We are keen for this tour to become a model for similar ventures in the future,” he continues. “Besides performances, the tour also included cultural visits and engagement in community activities. Only with that sort of educational and emotional variety can you provide a true liberal arts education.” During the tour, the 21 travelers would also experience Argentinian gastronomy,
learn the tango and play with a youth orchestra. But such a grand undertaking comes at a price, and at $4,200 per student, there were doubts the trip would ever get off the ground. In a gesture of solidarity, the College community rallied to reduce the financial burden of the trip. Santander Bank, N.A. through its Santander Universities Global Division, made generous contributions. And alumni, working through the College Advancement Office, also showed their support, raising $35,000. Preparation for the trip began at the beginning of the 2014 academic year. The extended run-up afforded the choir time to master the nuances of a selection of tour music that was not only varied, but at times highly unfamiliar. Argentinian opera rarely finds itself on a bill alongside American folk, nevermind interpretations of indigenous singing and “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars. But Harris was confident in the talents of the voices at his disposal.
UPCOMING CHOIR PERFORMANCES OCTOBER 23 PA$$ION Family Weekend Concert Holy Cross College Choir & Chamber Singers St. Joseph Memorial Chapel 8 p.m.
NOVEMBER 18 Love and the Fyer Holy Cross Chamber Singers Brooks Concert Hall 8 p.m.
DECEMBER 10 Advent Festival of Lessons & Carols With the Holy Cross Chamber Orchestra St. Joseph Memorial Chapel 8 p.m.
Students in the Holy Cross Choir represent all academic disciplines, each bringing his or her own understanding and interpretation to the music. “For a lot of us, this was the first time we worked with Argentinian choral music. This experience has exposed us to musical concepts that we might not have otherwise discovered,” says political science major Rose Fusco ’17 of Southport, Conn., the coleader of the sopranos. Rehearsals progressed steadily throughout the year, Mondays and Wednesdays like clockwork, but as the year wore on, the choir’s talents were increasingly sought elsewhere. By the spring semester they found themselves with only a small window of time to undertake one of the
The first concert of the tour took place at the Stock Exchange Building in Buenos Aires. Behind the stage, the choir members shuffled nervously. Not only was this opening night, the show had sold out one of the most prestigious venues in the city.
project’s most difficult tasks: satisfying the music connoisseurs of Buenos Aires. Working with the College’s vocologist, Laurel Mehaffey, Harris developed an approach to singing based on scientific knowledge of the voice. The pair explain to their students how biomechanics align with the physical sensations of singing, and teach them how to recreate sounds through an understanding of these phenomena. “Our goal was to achieve what most people reserve for decades of study; we had 45 days for them to master operatic singing, for example, and, in the end, the students nailed the core elements,” Harris says. “They even became quite facile at singing in Spanish.” On April 17, the College Choir and Chamber Singers presented “Libertad,” their last performance of the academic year on campus—and the last concert before heading to South America. With the tour just around the corner, they made sure to include pieces by noted Argentinian composers, including Ástor Piazzolla’s “Reminiscence” and Fernando Moruja’s “Lux Æterna.” And with that, the group was ready as they’d ever be for their adventure in Argentina.
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Adam Ouellet ’16, a tenor section leader from Hubbardston, Mass., recounts the feeling backstage. “We weren’t sure if we would receive the kind of love and feedback from our Argentinian audiences as we always get back at home, but I was pleasantly surprised. I could see many audience members grooving in their seats to ‘Uptown Funk’ and some were even singing along to ‘Brindisi’ from La Traviata.” The trip was not just about performances. With Harris, the students led a workshop for the musicians in El Arranque, a youth orchestra established to expose music to marginalized teens “Our students engaged so quickly and beautifully,” Harris recalls, “and lifted their spirits while offering them a new musical experience. Many in the orchestra had never sung before.” Things took a turn back toward the familiar the following day when the choir met up with a group of Holy Cross study abroad students in Buenos Aires. These far-flung Crusaders were pleased to see some faces from home, and treated their compatriots to a whirlwind of sensory stimulation. Not
(left) Director of College Choirs David Harris and vocologist Laurel Mehaffey (top left) Alex Simrell ’16 helping one of the El Arranque orchestra players follow the music. Harris counts teaching “Shenandoah” to the Argentinian youth orchestra as a highlight of the tour. (opposite page) The choir’s last performance before heading to the Southern Hemisphere was “Libertad,” which included selections they would sing on the tour.
only did the choir feast on traditional Argentine cuisine and fine South American coffee, but they also explored the bustle of a street fair in the city’s Ricoletta district. Once the sun set, the group spent the evening being thrilled by the mesmerizing twists and twirls of a professional tango troupe, enjoying both a lesson as well as a full performance. The connections to Holy Cross continued the next morning when the choir sang at a Mass at Saint Ignatius, the oldest Jesuit church in Buenos Aires (the original adobe part of the structure was built in 1675). From Buenos Aires, the choir travelled to Córdoba to perform at the city’s Cultural Center, in what was to be the last show of the tour. For many of the choir members, however, it was also the last time they would ever perform as a Holy Cross student. “I had to fight back tears knowing that our core four Chamber Singer altos will never sing together again,” Julia Dunn ’16 of Danvers, Mass., remembers. “But this sadness inspired us, and we poured all that we had into the performance.” Ouellet also remembers that great evening in Córdoba. “Apart from a standing ovation and even an encore, several audience members took the time to come up to us following the concert to
commend our performance. However, it wasn’t their cheers and bravos that moved me the most; it was the genuine love and happiness they displayed toward us.”
Harris says the most amazing performance moments in Argentina happened when his students transcended their technical training and communicated emotion and soul to the audience. “In Buenos Aires,” he says, “while performing with the orchestra from Universidad del Salvador, we ended the concert with four operatic pieces. Singing over an orchestra is tough with hundreds of singers. We had 20. They had been trained on how to use their bodies to make sound that would project over the orchestra, but it was still a tricky situation. “When they sang, their sound filled the room,” he continues, “reaching out over that full band so those listening were consumed by their sound, their words and their warm intention. When they reached the final moments of Bernstein’s ‘Make Our Garden Grow,’ they were speaking straight to the heart of humanity, and encouraged everyone in the room to come together for the betterment of all people.” Harris reports that the tour gave this year’s choir members a greater sense of togetherness and purpose. “They are
singing at a level that I haven’t heard before, and we just started rehearsals for the fall semester,” he says. “This is typical of a touring experience, in that, when a group gets to perfect music as you do for a tour, their understanding of what they can accomplish increases to new heights, and their sense of trust for one another, and belief in what they can do together, soars.” Soon after the group returned to Worcester, Abe Ross ’16 of Holden, Maine, who traveled with the group as student accompanist and assistant conductor, expressed his gratitude to the tour’s alumni donors and other supporters. “It is impossible to quantify the experiences provided by this tour—whether performing with a full orchestra or teaching a group of middle school students how to sight read— our musical exchange with every person we encountered had a great impression on me,” he says. “I feel very fortunate to have been a part of this special outreach and will treasure the memories I gathered and the skills I learned.” Harris was equally grateful in his letter of thanks: “The students were exemplary. They traveled easily, were humble with their talents, powerful in their music, and generous with one another. We couldn’t have done it without all of your encouragement and support. Thank you, from all of us, for helping to shape this vision of the Holy Cross Choirs.” ■
Gina Morales ’18 and Efi Ramirez ’17 (in purple Sader Nation T-shirt) were quite popular with their young charges during a spring immersion trip to Guatemala.
LOVE IS THE ANSWER A handful of Holy Cross students traveled on the College’s first immersion trip to Guatemala, where they experienced Jesuit principles in action and reflected on the meaning of solidarity. BY DEBRA STEILEN
leven Jesuit-educated college students. More than 100 underserved children eager to learn. One trip defined by the gritty realities of life in the western highlands of Guatemala. This is the equation Holy Cross students Sarah Barrett ’18, Meaghan Body ’17, Emily Breakell ’17, Caitlin Daniels ’18, Dan Donahue ’18, Kara Donahue ’15, Marily Gonzalez ’17, Gina Morales ’18, Sean Pacheco ’17, Efi Ramirez ’17 and Edgar Rodriguez ’16 accepted in late May, opting to participate in the College’s first immersion trip to Guatemala rather than begin their summers hanging out at home. Their journey began in the Chaplains’ Office.
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ONE PERSON CAN CHANGE THE WORLD “As former Jesuit superior general, Rev. Peter Hans Kolvenbach, S.J., reminded us, ‘The measure of a Jesuit education is who our students become.’ And what we want them to become is men and women with a well-educated solidarity developed through contact as well as concepts,” says Marybeth KearnsBarrett ’84, director of the Office of the College Chaplains and mother of Sarah. “We hope immersion experiences will expand students’ understanding of reality and challenge them to ask new questions in their classes and of their faith. We believe this has the potential to shape their understanding of their own vocations.” That’s why any new location KearnsBarrett and her colleagues choose for an immersion trip needs to help students build relationships with people on the margins. How do these relationships start? By students witnessing firsthand the poverty that so many people in the
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Before departing for Guatemala, the students and their parents attended a Mass celebrated by Rev. James Hayes, S.J., ’72, on the Eve of Pentecost. “We prayed that the Spirit, which came upon the apostles, would assist us in our mission,” he says. “One of the things I teach the students is to always ‘invoke the blessing’ upon our travels, upon the people we meet each day, and everything we do.” Students took that lesson to heart, saying “ITB” throughout the trip.
world live with each day. “We want them to stand in the shoes of someone else, understand the world from his or her perspective and start to see the world with new eyes,” says Colleen Melaugh ’12, the campus ministry fellow who accompanied the Holy Cross students to Guatemala. “We see the people we’re with as teachers and ourselves as learners.” Holy Cross was seeking a new international immersion site when Leslie Grattan Donahue ’85 visited the College to tout the Guatemala-based organization Education and Hope as an ideal fit for such an experience. (The College has organized immersion trips to El Salvador, Haiti and Nicaragua as well as Appalachia, here in the United States.)
Education and Hope offered a Central American location, but Grattan Donahue explained to Kearns-Barrett that it also offered something else: the ability for students to interact with underprivileged children as well as the inspirational role model who runs the program. That role model is Connecticut native Julie Coyne, who founded Education and Hope in 1997 with the goal of increasing access to education for impoverished children and young adults by providing scholarships, afterschool tutoring, hot meals, school supplies, school uniforms, shoes and even medical care. Coyne also makes sure every person who walks through the doors feels seen, worthy and recognized, according to Grattan Donahue, who works as a human resources consultant and has been an
Education and Hope board member since 1997. (She’s also the mother of Kara and Dan, who went on the Holy Cross trip in May and who had been to Guatemala before with their family.) “I always felt there would be a tremendous natural fit between Holy Cross and this organization,” says Grattan Donahue. “There’s Julie’s focus on social justice. Her commitment to doing what she can to break the cycle of poverty. And her incredibly hopeful organization that looks at not only sending these kids to school, but also being part of their lives for the long term.” Holy Cross staffers worked out the trip details with Coyne, who says she knew it was going to be a great partnership from the very first conversation (see “The Jesuit Influence on Education and Hope,” Page 57). Once the Guatemala trip was a go, Holy Cross put out the word and got four times as many applications as they had slots on the trip, Melaugh says. The Chaplains’ Office—which includes Rev. James Hayes, S.J., ’72, who also traveled with the group—sought students who had demonstrated their commitment to social justice and a willingness to learn from the hospitality and experience of the poor by taking part in a domestic immersion trip first. Kara served as a student leader for the trip, and, along with Melaugh, helped choose the final group of travelers. An ability to speak Spanish was a given, Melaugh says. “But we also looked for people who really understood the meaning of solidarity, and who would be willing to share their feelings and experiences with the group.”
THE NIGHT BEFORE THE TRIP HCM asked Sarah Barrett ’18 to describe the day before the trip, when all the travelers spent an afternoon and evening on campus before their departure.
e all showed up at Campion House around 4 p.m. and checked in with our group leader, Colleen Melaugh, to get our room codes. We would spend the night in Clark Hall before we left for the airport (at about 2 a.m.). Then we had a small Mass in the Mary Chapel, celebrated by Fr. Hayes. The Mass was really nice because it was just the group and our parents, so it felt very focused on what we might experience in Guatemala, and how we hoped to be touched by Education and Hope. Afterward we had dinner in Campion. It was very casual, just all of us sitting around the living room. I remember feeling a little
(above) Campus Ministry Fellow Colleen Melaugh ’12 talks details of the trip to Gina Morales ’18, Caitlin Daniels '18 and Sean Pacheco '17. (below) Director of the Office of the College Chaplains Marybeth KearnsBarrett with her daughter Sarah Barrett ’18
nervous because I didn’t know anyone else very well. Some people had closer friends on the trip, but many of us had just met. So there was definitely a feeling of excitement, coupled with nerves about what we might encounter. My parents had both spent time in Guatemala after college, and they had always wanted to return with their kids, so I think they were both very excited for me! Hearing both my parents’ stories and Leslie Grattan Donahue talk about Julie Coyne and Education and Hope reassured me. I felt confident that this was a special place, and that we would be well taken care of.” ■ —Sarah Barrett ’18
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Emily, a Spanish and political science major, says the trip caught her eye because of her fascination with Central America’s political situations, social justice issues and economic hurdles. “I spend a lot of time learning about situations of injustice around the world,” the Connecticut native recalls. “I thought it would be useful to see those injustices across borders and cultures.”
rob carlin
LEANING INTO LIFE IN XELA On May 24, the chosen students “climbed into a van … headed to Logan airport, in order to go to Atlanta, in order to travel to Guatemala City airport, in order to get in another van for five hours and drive to Quetzaltenango, Guatemala,” wrote Emily in her blog on holycross. edu. Quetzaltenango is known as Xela [pronounced SHAY-la] to the indigenous Mayan population. Along with Fr. Hayes and Melaugh, the students unpacked in a modest bedand-breakfast inn—their home for the next seven days—across the street from the Education and Hope buildings. Cell phones and iPads, if brought to Guatemala at all, were always left back
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in the rooms to make sure the outside world did not interfere with the students’ experiences. After a 7 a.m. breakfast of eggs, beans and plantains (a food new to the Holy Cross students, but quickly declared delicious), a small cadre of students would accompany some of the Guatemalan women (“the señoras”), who work for Education and Hope, to the local market. Instead of store shelves neatly stacked with boxes and jars, the students saw blocks of vendors crammed next to each other in tiny booths, women selling vegetables from bins while they squatted on the street and children, the same age as those at Education and Hope, working instead of going to school. Among the offerings? Limes, potatoes, raspberries,
(above left) The “señoras” preparing meals for Education and Hope students. (above right) Edgar Rodriguez ’16, a first-generation MexicanAmerican, won praise from the señoras for helping with baby duty. “They would say, ‘You’re going to be a great father,’” Edgar recalls.
blackberries, mangos, passion fruit, watermelon, lettuce, corn, coconuts, pineapple, chicken heads, chicken hearts, chicken bodies, pigs, pigs’ feet and “a lot of fish with their heads still attached,” says Sarah, an English major from Worcester. “What really stuck with me about the market was the chaos of it: Food and people were everywhere. It was so different from grocery shopping at home.” After hauling the señoras’ heavy purchases back to the Education and
Hope kitchen and office building, which is adjacent to its two-story classroom building, the Holy Cross students would dice, chop, peel, slice and grate enough fruits and vegetables to make vast quantities of dishes: cucumberand-mango salad, spinach-and-carrot quiche, tamales and pupusas, thick corn tortillas filled with a blend of beans, meat and cheese. Everything needed to be done in time to feed lunch to 100 students from the afterschool program, approximately 40 staff members and the 11 students and two chaplains from Holy Cross at 1 p.m. The children are also given a nutritious snack at 3:45 p.m. For some, it is their last meal of the day. “That’s when I kind of felt at home … when I was speaking to the señoras while we worked,” recalls Edgar, from Pomona, Calif., whose parents came to the United States from Mexico. “I felt like I was basically sitting there right beside my mom, who came to the United States for a better life.” Edgar helped one of the women in a special way: He wrapped her 5-monthold baby to his back with a length of cloth, tying it in front (just as she did) while he worked. “I got many compliments,” he recalls. “They would say, ‘You’re going to be a great father.’ In reality, I was just being helpful. I wanted to be a good male role model.” “Indigenous women are at the bottom of the ladder, so they’re largely voiceless,” Coyne says about the largely Mayan population she deals with inside a racist, sexist culture. “Many of their children have grown up with trauma. I’m always eager for them to have new experiences that build their self-confidence and selfesteem.”
WALKING IN SOMEONE ELSE’S SHOES The school day in the city ends at 12:30, at which time the participating children walk to Education and Hope for a hot lunch followed by tutoring. During their immersion trip, Holy Cross students
Julie Coyne (center) with two of her greatest supporters, Rev. David Blanchfield ’66 and Leslie Grattan Donahue ’85
early 3,400 miles southwest of Holy Cross lies the city of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, where overwhelming poverty strips children of their potential. The average income is $3,440 per year, compared to $55,200 in the United States (per the World Bank). Kids often leave school to help take care of their families. Enter Julie Coyne in 1994, the Wake Forest University graduate who calls herself “an accidental activist.” That’s because she originally traveled to Quetzaltenango to study Spanish, not to change the world. But her language-fluency program organized community-service projects—such as building latrines for homes without sanitation—and that contact with the local Guatemalans helped her
understand how poverty and illiteracy damage families. “I wasn’t seeking immersion, but that’s what I got,” Coyne recalls. “I saw families with young children running around at home rather than attending public school. I knew that without education those children would never escape the vicious cycle of poverty. That reality opened my eyes.” Coyne’s realization planted a seed that eventually grew into Education and Hope. But the path was not an easy one. By 1995 Julie’s meager savings had all been spent and she had no way to sustain her volunteer work. She raised a little money back home in Norwalk, Conn., thanks to a small group of friends and fellow parishioners from St. Jerome (CONTINUED ON PAGE 59)
(right) During the immersion trip, Holy Cross’ Campus Ministry Fellow Colleen Melaugh ’12 and Meaghan Body ’17 helped some of the Education and Hope children with their homework. (far right) The kids conscripted Dan Donahue ’18 to play soccer and basketball with them in the Education and Hope courtyard.
met the children—who were dressed in gray school uniforms and colorful backpacks—to walk with them to the building where lunch is served. “The first time we picked up the kids from school, a little girl named Paty grabbed my hand,” recalls Efi, a Spanishspeaking New Yorker majoring in French. “ ‘Can I walk with you?’ she asked. So she’s holding my hand and talking. She asked my name. I answered ‘Efi.’ She said, ‘I like it’ and started laughing. This was my first interaction, the first moment of happiness.” The kids sit at long tables covered in bright red-and-white tablecloths. No picky eaters here. Hungry, smiling children wolf down their food and fresh juice with gusto. Holy Cross students and chaplains sat amidst the children, taking the opportunity to nourish friendships while nourishing their bodies. “Lunchtime was when I felt closest to everybody … just sitting there and talking to them,” says Marily, a Waltham, Mass., native majoring in psychology and Spanish. (Marily’s parents, who now live in the United States, are from the southern part of Guatemala.) “I felt the joy they got from eating. One little boy, Leonardo, was so excited to eat that he forgot to use his fork. He was eating chicken with both of his hands.” Once lunch is finished, the children funnel into their respective classrooms to finish their homework—aided by teachers and this week, at least, by Holy Cross students. Each child appreciates the one-on-one attention from students who had traveled thousands of miles just to visit him or her.
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“One of the best sounds every day was when the kids came [to Education and Hope] from school; you’d hear happiness and laughter from all of them,” says Caitlin. “I worked every day with kindergarteners who would read to me in Spanish. And all the kids were excited to teach us about their culture.” Sarah spent time getting to know Maria, a 14-year-old who is still in 4th grade. “She lost both of her parents,” Sarah says. “I was very impressed by her because she comes from a difficult background, but acts like a normal teenage girl despite the challenges. She doesn’t shy away from going to class and interacting with her classmates, even though they’re a lot younger than she is.” Post-homework soccer and basketball enthralled the older kids, who persuaded Edgar and Dan to play every day inside a play-yard bordered by tall mural-covered buildings. A clothesline stretches from one side to the other, holding towels and blankets to dry in
the sun. Playing sports doesn’t require the ability to speak fluent Spanish, Dan notes. “Two kids, Alvin and Paty, asked me to play one-on-two against them,” Dan says. “We did fancy dribbling, spinning, shooting the ball the entire length of the court. If they made the shot, they would go nuts. Experiencing that, and feeling like I was one of them, was just incredible.”
REFLECTING ON KEY MOMENTS “Where did you find God today?” “What breaks your heart about this reality?” “Whom did you connect with the most?” With questions like these posed by Fr. Hayes and Melaugh, each evening carried with it the opportunity and responsibility to reflect upon the day’s experiences. Each person dug down deep to verbalize how experiences, conversations and smiles were already
Church. She also found an enthusiastic supporter (and made her first Holy Cross connection) in Rev. David W. Blanchfield ’66, who was new to the parish “but totally on board from day one,” she recalls.
changing their understanding of a country different than his or her own. “I saw the face of Christ all around me, in the smiles and laughter of the children,” Efi says. “I also saw it in Julie Coyne. She was such a bright light, every day. Her love for the children was easy to see, with every smile and every kiss. It was definitely something beautiful.” “What surprised me the most was how much I learned about my own life and my own family while being thousands of miles away from home,” says Emily. “One of the señoras was in the process of divorcing her husband. I mentioned that my parents are split. I asked her: ‘How do you feel about it?’ She said, ‘I want to make sure my children are going to be OK.’ This made me appreciate all that my mother has done for me in my life.” “One of the kids told me how he travels four hours to the city every day to be at the market by 7 a.m. to sell produce. Then he goes to school,” Edgar says. “I don’t know how he does it; he has to survive, of course, and help out his family. But he’s 13 years old and only in the second grade. That’s the reality. I’m lucky.” “You can’t really imagine experiences with people until you have them,” says Caitlin, a political science major with a concentration in women and gender studies. “Now I can understand more
Fr. Blanchfield says he was astounded at Coyne’s generosity of spirit and commitment to the children of Guatemala. “She needs no mentor, but I listened to her, encouraged her and made connections between the work she was doing and the Scriptures,” he says. “She radiates basic goodness and love. People responded and doors opened.” Among those open doors: St. Jerome Church, which continues to provide personal, spiritual and financial support to help Education and Hope keep growing. Still, by 1997 Coyne thought she’d be forced to move back to the States and take a new path. “The way I was living just didn’t seem sustainable or healthy,” she says. Without health insurance, for example, she had to go on Medicaid to be able to pay for emergency surgery. She was still paying off her student loans. Travel in Guatemala was difficult. Sanitation was worse. “I’d love to make a difference, but does it have to be this hard?” Coyne recalls thinking. A miraculously unexpected donation of $20,000 let her found Education and Hope as a nonprofit in 1997—which opened the door for tax-deductible donations. The first board of directors included three Holy Cross alumni—Fr. Blanchfield ’66, Leslie Grattan Donahue ’85 and Kathleen McLaughlin LaCroix ’79. Additional graduates from Boston College, Fairfield University and Fordham University made Jesuiteducated board members the majority. More than a dozen scholarships were awarded that first year, along with school uniforms, supplies and bus fare to and from the school. Continued
donations made it possible to add an afterschool program in 1998, complete with teachers, cooks and hot lunches. “Setting up the nonprofit status started me on a renewed path in Guatemala without me even realizing that I’d continue on that path forever,” she says. Today the Education and Hope afterschool program serves more than 100 students each day, providing tutoring services, nutritious meals, medical care, clothing and access to showers—things most North Americans take for granted. More than 200 scholarships take children from grade school through college. Nearly 120 of Coyne’s students have graduated from high school and eight students have graduated from college—an amazing accomplishment considering the average level of education among Guatemalan adults is only about four years. The program also provides jobs to men and women who serve as teachers, cooks and positive role models to the boys and girls. An early childhood education program nurtures the small children of parents who work for the organization. In retrospect, Coyne started her program in 1994 knowing very little about Jesuits. But from the beginning, her approach to education and her vision for the program has been completely aligned with Jesuit philosophy, she says. And her supporters agree. “What she has done over the last 20 years is to create systemic changes in a community that make a lasting change in the lives of people who are poor and in need,” Fr. Blanchfield says. “My hope is that this immersion trip will encourage Holy Cross students to join the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. And I hope that even if they go to Wall Street, they do so with sensitivity for the world’s problems—knowing that with the gifts they’ve been given, they can make a difference in a concrete way.” Learn more about Education and Hope by visiting educationandhope.org. ■
(right) Doña Lipa took a Polaroid of the Holy Cross crew, saying, “This way I can keep you with us.” (below) As the group prepared to leave Guatemala, the children of Education and Hope put on a show of skits and dances as a farewell treat. Fr. Hayes says he hopes the Holy Cross travelers will “continue to step outside their comfort zones, take risks and seize opportunities to travel outside the United States.”
way much of the world lives. We strongly believe that minds can change when hearts are touched.”
about the realities of people who live in Guatemala, especially where we were working. I can visualize more about the struggles of women in these countries, because I got to see firsthand the [poor and abused] women who go to work each day to send children to school in the hope of better lives.” “We visited the house of Doña Lipa [one of the cooks]. Their kitchen had a hole in the ceiling; every time it rained, the room would get wet,” recalls Marily. “Doña Lipa
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told us how hard it is for her and her sick husband. Listening to her, I realized we aren’t so different after all. She has a harder life, but I can relate to her and her daughter. I could see my mother in her. I cried my eyes out.” “Their comments always moved me,” Fr. Hayes adds. “I hope they will continue to step outside their comfort zones, take risks and seize opportunities to travel outside the United States. I hope they will realize the way we live here affects the
For a week, the younger children at Education and Hope had secretly practiced a show of skits and dances to celebrate the last school day in Xela for the band of Holy Cross travelers. After their performance, the whole group joined in a dance party, where even some of the littlest children were out on the floor, feeling happy and important. (Imagine a 2-year-old doing the merengue.) “I was dancing with three second-grade friends: Alvin, Wilson and Jonathon,” Dan recalls. “I came off the dance floor and stood next to Efi, trying to hydrate. Efi says to me: ‘You know those three were imitating every dance move you made for the past three hours.’ That’s when it really hit me how important this week was not only for me, but for people we were there to immerse with.”
“It was the start of something beautiful at the dance party,” Efi adds. “Doña Lipa took our picture with a Polaroid camera. ‘This way I can keep you with us,’ she said. ‘I will never forget all of you.’ Just as we will never forget her.” Before the night was over, each Holy Cross student was presented with a miniature Guatemalan Worry Doll, a handmade pinkie-size toy that, according to Mayan legend, will take away your troubles if placed under your pillow at night. “It was a very profound experience for me to witness the Holy Cross group move through our program with so much grace and ease. We had a farewell ceremony, and different students asked to present our gift to someone in the group who was very special to them. Seeing each beaming child line up proudly beside their new friend reduced me to tears,” Coyne says. “What a beautiful expression of the community that was created.”
MOVING FORWARD In retrospect, Holy Cross students learned last May what Coyne has known for a long time. “Building relationships in a place like this changes something in you,” she says. “You are moved in a way that shapes how you see the world, and how you will choose to live in it.” Grattan Donahue explains it this way: “When you spend a week with these kids, help them with homework, play with them, speak with them, meet their mothers and grandmothers, and visit their homes, they become fully dimensional. You understand how the deck is stacked against them … and you are challenged to make sense of what your faith means to you and what your response in the world is going to be going forward.” ■ O NL I NE ONLY See more amazing photos and powerful student reflections in this issue’s Web Exclusives at magazine.holycross.edu
INSPIRING WOMAN, INSPIRED STUDENTS Leslie Grattan Donahue ’85 has known Julie Coyne since 1997, when she joined the Board of her then-new Education and Hope organization. Since then, Grattan Donahue has been a passionate supporter of the work being done by the group. We asked her to describe why Coyne inspires her.
hen this one person— Julie Coyne—is not very different from you, and of ordinary means and social stature, but has chosen to live a life dramatically different from your own, that contrast is powerful and compelling. Several of the students, my kids included, were and are significantly transformed by Julie’s selfless example
(above) Julie Coyne with several of her Education and Hope friends.
of genuine love and compassion. While few believe that they will ever become a ‘Julie’ in the world, the power of Julie’s inspirational journey prompts each and every student, indeed person, to ponder his or her own ‘power of one.’ Julie’s accomplishments with Education and Hope set the bar fairly high, but at the same time, offer recognizable encouragement for each and every one of us to respond to the varied and countless opportunities we have to make a difference. Inspired, thoughtful reflection fueling the action of our choices in life is a primary goal of Jesuit education. It all weaves together like a beautiful Guatemalan blanket.” ■
— Leslie Grattan Donahue ’85
Off the Field WITH AUDRA KINNEY ’17
ield hockey midfielder Audra Kinney ’17 shares why Holy Cross is the place for her in our latest installment of “Off the Field,” where HCM asks the College’s student-athletes about their lives when they’re not pursuing their sport. Kinney also reveals what the locals do in Louisville during the Kentucky Derby.
HOLY CROSS MAGAZINE How did you first hear about Holy Cross, and what made you decide to come here? AUDRA KINNEY I heard about Holy Cross through my parents. Both of them are
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from New Bedford, Mass., and my dad went to Boston College, while my mom went to Providence College. My brother was also interested in swimming for Holy Cross when he was a looking at colleges. I decided to come to Holy Cross for several reasons: the opportunity to play field hockey at the Division I level, Holy Cross’ academic rigor and focus on service. Plus, when I went on my campus tour and spent the night on my official visit, it felt like home.
HCM What is your major? KINNEY I am an international studies
major and a French minor. So far my favorite class has been Introduction to International Relations with Professor Loren Cass. He is so brilliant and really cares about his students, and although it was really challenging, that class made me want to be an international studies major.
HCM What’s the toughest part of being a student-athlete here at Holy Cross? And what is the best part? KINNEY The toughest part of being a student athlete is probably our off-season training. In the spring, my team conditions and practices from 7 to 9 a.m. five days a
week, in addition to lifting three evenings a week and playing in scrimmages and tournaments on the weekends. Waking up at 6:15 every morning and trudging to the Field House in the dark through freezing temperatures, snow, wind and ice wasn’t the most fun experience. The best part of being a student-athlete is definitely the community. There is such a sense of unity not only within my team, but throughout the community of student-athletes at Holy Cross. It’s so rewarding and fun to be part of such a large network of people who can relate to each other about so many aspects of academic and athletic life.
HCM Your brother John is also an athlete and also went to a Jesuit college. Is that a coincidence, or were you both “set” on a Jesuit education? What makes a Jesuit education important or special in your eyes? KINNEY That’s right. John swam for Xavier University for four years, cocaptaining the team his senior year when the men’s team placed first in the Big East conference. John and I respectively attended all-boys and all-girls Catholic high schools that incorporated and emphasized many values found at Xavier and Holy Cross. Both of our high schools stressed the importance of community service through outreach programs and extended mission trips. John and I also attended several overnight retreats throughout our four years of high school and enjoyed the small class sizes, academic excellence and strong athletic programs our high schools offered. I think that when we were looking for colleges, we sought schools that incorporated the values we were taught in high school. We found those values embodied in Jesuit schools, such as Xavier and Holy Cross. HCM Were you competitive with John growing up? Did you ever play the same sport? KINNEY John and I were always competitive growing up and we still are! He’s my best friend, but he’s also my best competitor. John and I swam year-round in Louisville, Ky., for a nationally ranked club team. We both swam competitively year round for nine years. Swimming is such an individual and intense sport, it
fuels competition unlike any other sport I’ve played. As if that wasn’t enough, he also played soccer in high school, while I played field hockey. We were always competitive about what place we finished at a certain swim meet or how well we did in our respective field sports. In the end John edged me out in the water, but I’m not bitter because I beat him on land.
HCM Your family lives in Massachusetts now, but you’re originally from Louisville. Can you tell us about being in that city during the Derby? KINNEY Yes! I was born and raised in Kentucky. Now my parents have moved back to the area where they grew up in Massachusetts. Being in Louisville during the Derby season is an indescribable experience. I could talk for days and days about it. Louisville kicks off the season with the largest fireworks show in North America, called “Thunder Over Louisville.” From that weekend in April until the first weekend in May, there are Derby events all week every week celebrating the countdown until the big weekend. It’s the best time of year. School is almost out, it’s hot and sunny everyday, celebrities come to town and we get the Friday before Derby Saturday off from school to celebrate the Oaks. The Oaks is the day before the Derby when the fillies race. In high school the infield was the place to be for both events. On Oaks Day, my friends and I would spend the day in the infield watching the races, eating good food, betting (when we were old enough) and meeting people from all over the country. Then we would do it all over again the next day for Derby. It’s amazing to witness hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world come together for a race that lasts only two minutes. I haven’t been since high school because Holy Cross is still in school that weekend, but I’m counting down the days until I can go back!
HCM What is your way to treat yourself? KINNEY During the school year I treat myself by taking naps. I’m so busy all the time, that if I want to reward myself for
a job well done, I let myself rest. That or pizza—they’re both great.
HCM What question do people ask you the most when they learn you play field hockey? KINNEY For some reason a lot of people ask me if we hit girls on the other team with our sticks in field hockey. I guess during games they think we stick check girls’ bodies left and right, but thankfully we’re not allowed! HCM What was the best advice your family gave you before you came to Holy Cross? KINNEY The best advice I received going into college came from my dad and brother. My dad stressed to me the importance of being on time by saying that 10 minutes early means you’re on time. Just that piece of advice alone has been integral in becoming a more responsible young adult. I remember John telling me about balance and hard work. Between athletics, academics, a social life and sleep, he told me, I couldn’t have it all. However, if I learned to balance my life by putting the most important elements first, then I could have some of the others, too. Also, while he was still in school, he told me that college was the hardest he’s ever worked, but the most fun he’s ever had, which I’m finding to be very true as well. HCM Do you have any pets back home? Tell us about them. KINNEY I don’t have any pets now unfortunately, but I grew up with a pet chinchilla named Dusty. He was pretty neat, and I would definitely get another one in the future. HCM Is there any non-athletic annual event that you look forward to on campus? KINNEY Although it is athletic-related, a non-athletic event I look forward to on campus is the date auction. Every spring, each sports team selects one member to be in the auction, and people in the audience bid on a date with that studentathlete. The host asks the participants questions and both the questions asked and answers given are always so funny. The past two years have been a riot, and all the proceeds go to St. John’s Food Pantry in Worcester. ■
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6 6 HCAA News • 72 Alumni Authors • 7 4 In Your Own Words • 7 8 The Profile •
8 2 Class Notes •
8 5 In Memoriam •
8 6 Milestones
Mystery Photo Not being auto aficionados, our team guesses that this is a pic of Move In Day circa 1957. We’re relying on your eagle eyes to tell us for sure, and to reveal the identities of the three chaps who appear to be all tuckered out. Email us at hcmag@holycross.edu
A Message from Kim TOM RETTIG
through new spirituality initiatives we are establishing this year and through a friendly spirituality “challenge” I plan to set out in my next column.
In July, I had the opportunity to speak with some of our ALANA alumni in Manhattan, during the inaugural reception organized by our Bishop Healy Committee. We all gathered on a hot night in New York City to reconnect with one another, but I also reminded them—as I want to remind each of you— of some of the many opportunities there are for you to reconnect with Holy Cross through the HCAA:
reetings! I am starting my second (humbling) month as the President of the Holy Cross Alumni Association (HCAA), and it is such an honor both to serve in this role and to have the opportunity to reach out to all of you through this column this year.
• Find your local alumni club. This is a great way to start getting engaged in the alumni arena.
I have spent my entire life engaged with Holy Cross. My father, John Stone, is Class of 1968, and I grew up attending basketball games on campus with him. My husband, Patrick Jones ’92, and I are raising our four children with a purple hue. A dear friend and her mom work for Holy Cross, so I get to see that side of campus life through them. This year, I hope to help you engage with Holy Cross along with us—through the HCAA,
• Participate in HCAA committee work. Even if you cannot commit to the board, all alumni are welcome to volunteer.
• Nominate yourself for a position on the HCAA board. Service on the board is fun, and you can help to direct your alumni programming.
• Join HCAA events planned for your local area: Holy Cross Cares Day, Welcome to Your City receptions and spirituality events like God on Tap. • Open an HCAA credit card issued by our partner, Bank of America. The funds
we receive from BOA from this program allow us to award our McCarthy scholarships to very deserving children of alumni—more than $1 million over the last 25 years!
• Attend the HCAA flagship dinner, when we honor the Patrick L. McCarthy scholarship recipients and present the Young Alumni Leadership and In Hoc Signo Awards. The dinner is always held on the Friday of Homecoming weekend in late September. • Mentor recent graduates and engage with our young alumni. • Sponsor a Book Prize. The HCAA partners with the Admissions Office to award a beautiful book set to 350 high school juniors across the country, to encourage these students to consider, apply to and attend Holy Cross. • Help with Move-In Day on campus each August. My point in all of this is please engage, please participate in the HCAA. There are many ways, large and small, to do so. I look forward to working with you this year! ■ Kimberly A. Stone ’90 President, HCAA
stonejones@charter.net @hcalumni
he HCAA Committee on Nominations and Elections will convene at the College this fall to draft a slate of nominees for the vacant seats on the HCAA Board of Directors. The deadline for submitting nominations is Oct. 30. Those chosen will assume office on July 1, 2016. The committee members will nominate a president, a president-elect and two vice presidents. They will also nominate 12 directors for three-year terms, with two directors from each of the following: current or past regional club presidents; Classes of 2007-2016; Classes of 1997-2006; Classes of 1987-1996; Classes of 1977-1986; Classes of 1976 and earlier. For more information as well as a nomination form, visit holycross.edu/alumni/volunteer/hcaa or email hcaa@holycross.edu. ■
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Theatre on the Sand
Kimberly A. Stone ’90
pr e side n t Bryan J. DiMare ’06
pr e side n t-e lect Brian P. Duggan ’96
vice pr e side nt Laura A. Cutone ’96
vice pr e side nt Michael H. Shanahan ’78
t r e asur e r Kristyn M. Dyer ’94
e xe cut ive se cr etary
questions, comments and suggestions: hcaa@holycross.edu 508- 793- 2418 alumni.holycross.edu/hcaa
lumni, parents and friends hit the beach in Nantucket on July 10 to celebrate Holy Cross and the 40th anniversary of Alternate College Theater (ACT). Richard Carlstrom ’78 (top photo, right) hosted the event that included a reading by original ACT members (top photo, from left) Larry Beckerle ’77, Neil Donohoe ’78 and Jean-Marie (Regan) Minton ’78 from the one-act comedy “Laughs” by Mary Louise Wilson. If you’d like to attend an ACT production, visit the group’s website for information about upcoming performances: holycross.edu/hcm/act.
The Holy Cross Alumni Association (HCAA) supports alma mater in its Catholic, Jesuit mission by bringing together the diverse talents, experience and knowledge of Holy Cross alumni. We accomplish this by engaging alumni for life through our reunions, regional clubs, community outreach and intellectual and spiritual formation programs. By these means, we nurture our love for and dedication to Holy Cross, its students and its alumni as men and women for others. ■
ALANA Networking in NYC
n July 29, 75 ALANA alumni from classes spanning five decades gathered at The Catholic Center in New York City for an evening of friendship and networking. Attendees included Torey Thomas ’07 (top left); Andrew Jaico ’07, Juliet Fernandez ’07, Luisa Lora ’08, Vondre Ossorio ’08 and Morgan
Travel with Holy Cross in 2016 6 8 \ H O LY CROS S M AG A ZINE \ FA L L 201 5
DeChalus (top right); Vanessa Reyes Kranwinkel ’15, Career Development Center Assistant Director Melisa Jaquez ’06, Chesley Parker ’02, Elvis Candelario ’03 and Gabriella Betances ’14 (bottom left); and Renee Bostic ’96, Francine Rosado-Cruz ’94 and Rey Cabrera ’94 (bottom right). The event was cosponsored by the Holy Cross Alumni
Association’s Bishop Healy Committee and the Office of Alumni Relations. Ron Lawson ’75, chair of the Bishop Healy Committee, hopes that “this will be just the first of many more ALANA alumni events to be held across the country.” To see more images from this event, visit holycross.edu/hcm/alananyc.
ull out your calendar and start planning your next adventure with Holy Cross! Alumni, parents and friends are invited to participate in these upcoming tours.
Amsterdam April 9-16, 2016 Germany October 8–15, 2016
Go to holycross.edu/alumni/crusadersconnect/alumni-travel for itineraries and registration forms. ■
Alumni Career Services Relaunches
Crusader Contingent
everal employees at Murtha Cullina LLP’s five offices in Connecticut and Massachusetts share a Holy Cross connection. Robert Heinimann Jr. ’04 was kind enough to share this photo of the firm’s Crusader contingent. From left: David Sullivan ’79, partner; Heinimann, associate; Audrey Gehring ’12, human resources coordinator; Mazda Cintrón ’14, paralegal; Michael Donnelly ’85, partner; and Jane Murphy ’84, government affairs consultant. Donnelly and Murphy have been with Murtha Cullina for 25 and 20 years, respectively. ■
Join Us for Reunion 2016 JUNE 3, 4 & 5, 2016
Classes of 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006 and 2011
JUNE 10, 11 & 12, 2016
Classes of 1956, 1961, 1966, 1971, 1976, 1981, 1986 and Purple Knights
re you looking for career advice, networking opportunities or jobs targeted to Holy Cross alumni? Jinny VanDeusen (above), director of alumni career services, says her team can assist. They’ve recently re-launched, with an updated website and even more ways to help you tap into the Crusader network. Here is just a sampling:
• Alumni Career Services Cross Connect: a series of regional events for career development and networking • Career development webinar series kicking off in 2016 • Career Advisor Network with more than 6,000 fellow Crusaders to offer advice and career guidance • Searchable online directory where you’ll find alumni in specific industries or geographic regions • Career affinity groups help you connect with Crusaders in your industry • Online job board where you can post open positions (and hire a Crusader) • Student opportunities—you can share your career tips and insight with current Holy Cross students Questions? Email alumnicareers@ holycross.edu or call 508-793-2418. ■
HCLCNY Welcomes Interns
n June 25, more than 80 alumni and students networked with a view of Times Square at the Holy Cross Leadership Council of New York’s annual reception to welcome student interns working in the metro N.Y. area this summer. NASDAQ Marketsite was the setting for this evening of food, fun and Crusader camaraderie. Top, from left: Will Bonnel ’16 (interned at BNP Paribas), Katie Luther ’14 and Brendan Collins ’16 (interned at Part of the Solution). Bottom, from left: Keith Plummer ’17 (interned at Auburn Theological Seminary) and Michelle Jin ’17 (interned at Amerasia Bank) spoke with Rev. John H. Vaughn ’82, who works at Auburn Theological Seminary. View more photos from the event at holycross. edu/hcm/internwelcome ■
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REMINDER: Hall of Fame Nominations Due November 1
f you have an alumni athlete in mind for the Holy Cross Varsity Club’s 2016 Hall of Fame, don’t forget that nominations are due Nov. 1. The nominee must have made an outstanding contribution to Holy Cross Athletics in one or more sports, and must have been graduated five years. You’ll find the new online nomination form at http://www.goholycross.com/hallfame/ HOF_information/HOF ■
Share Your Expertise
ould you like to help current students? Whether it’s answering a few questions in an email, helping out with mock interviews or speaking on an industry panel, your help and expertise are critical to helping young Crusaders succeed after they leave Mount St. James. The Center for Career Development (CCD) is looking for alumni willing to help out, and here are just a few of the upcoming opportunities:
• Alumni job shadowing—host a student at your workplace for a few hours during winter break. • Industry networking nights held on- and off-campus— industries include finance/ accounting/banking, health care, gap year/service and more. • Industry career panels—share your insight on your profession with students considering the same industry. • Academic department career panelist—reconnect with your Holy Cross major and offer advice to current students in that department. For more information on any of these CCD programs, call 508793-3880. ■
Are You a Career Coach? Let Us Know!
o serve as a resource for Holy Cross alumni, we’re building a list of Crusaders who provide career development services to clients. If you would like to be included, please email Jinny VanDeusen at alumnicareers@holycross.edu.
From Our Alumni Authors The Last Blasket King
By Gerald W. Hayes ’69 with Eliza Kane
The Collins Press
hree decades into the 20th century, the Great Blasket Island, off the west coast of Ireland, was still ruled by a king, Pádraig Ó Catháin. This biographical account of the King’s life and leadership is a rich history of the island’s tumultuous past. The King helped the islanders navigate the Great War and the 1916 Rising, and oversaw the transfer of the island’s ownership in the early 1900s. Hayes and Kane collaborate with the King’s many descendants, in both Ireland and the United States, to create a detailed portrayal of the island’s most forceful presence. WHAT OTHERS SAY “Pádraig Ó Catháin was king until 1934, when he set his face towards eternity. There were to be no further kings, and 20 years later the island was empty, a kingdom of sheep and rabbits. If you can possibly do so, pay it a visit. If you can’t, read this moving and authoritative book. The Last Blasket King will make you feel welcome.” —John Wyse Jackson, The Irish Catholic ■
Gap Year Girl: A Baby Boomer Adventure Across 21 Countries By Marianne C. Bohr ’78
She Writes Press
nspired by a year spent in France during her early twenties, Bohr and her husband, Joe,
(now empty-nesters), quit their jobs, sell their house and move to Europe for a year. Bohr returns to Europe with a rough itinerary and excitement to relive the freedom and adventure of her first gap year. The couple traverses the continent, attending language school, running a marathon and reliving a youthful year abroad. Bohr’s account of their year, from Paris to Austria to Slovenia to Greece, is an honest and exciting story of a liberating journey. WHAT OTHERS SAY “Gap Year
Girl is a celebration of life in all its vivid intensity. Fueled by memories of another time and place, the author takes her maturity on the trip of a lifetime and rediscovers the exuberance of her youth. The exuberance is contagious. I defy anyone to read this book without being uplifted by it.” —Kev Reynolds, author of The Tour of Mont Blanc ■
Cold Hard News
By Maureen Milliken ’83
S&H Publishing
mysterious murder in small-town Maine leaves Bernie O’Dea, the town’s newspaper editor, a tough assignment as she attempts to uncover the truth. In the process, O’Dea discovers more about the motives and loyalty of her friends and neighbors than she expected. She must decide her role in telling this tragic story; meanwhile, the danger continues to escalate for all the townspeople. This character-driven, investigative
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novel is the first in the Bernie O’Dea series from Milliken, who knows the newspaper life. She is the news editor for two of Maine’s daily papers—the Kennebec Journal in Augusta and the Morning Sentinel in Waterville—and learned the trade at the knees of her editor father, Jim Milliken ’58, and grandfather, Cornelius J. Milliken ’23. WHAT OTHERS SAY “Cold Hard
News is an extraordinarily accomplished and entertaining debut. Maureen Milliken writes vividly about life in rural Maine, and she has created a likable, engaging heroine in reporter Bernie O’Dea. Quick-witted and quirky, brave but believable, Bernie is my favorite kind of accidental sleuth … I am already looking forward to her next adventure.” —Paul Doiron, author of The Precipice ■
Negotiating Latinidades, Understanding Identities within Space Edited by Kathryn Quinn-Sánchez ’92
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
his collection of essays explores the themes of exile transnationalism, the borderlands and the metaphor for the open road. It is a thoughtful collection edited by Quinn-Sánchez, who opens by saying, “By writing to self-define … Latinos are transforming the world of letters into a multicultural, gendered landscape while simultaneously changing how people of color are perceived.” In Negotiating Latinidades, the
authors analyze the work of Hispanic writers and artists, thereby remarking on what it means to be Hispanic and multinational. ■
A Reading of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura By Lee Fratantuono ’95
Lexington Books
n this sharp reflection of the earliest surviving full-scale epic poem from ancient Rome, Lee Fratantuono comments on the character of the epic’s author, Lucretius. This is a contemporary look at Lucretius’ thoughts on mortality, nature and human identity as a Roman, showing the timeless themes in the epic. Fratantuono’s analysis brings clarity to this historic, important work and is perfect reading for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of this complicated author. WHAT OTHERS SAY “There
is much to like—no, really like—about this book … Lee Fratantuono clearly loves the poet of the atoms, and it’s contagious. Just as important, he understands the mind and muse of Lucretius better than any modern commentator. Like the round and smooth atoms that, in the world of Lucretius, bring pleasure, Fratantuono’s commentary brings clarity, comprehension and even enjoyment to a re-reading of the poem. Both learned and accessible, this book will be the first off the shelf for years to come.”
—Blaise Nagy, Holy Cross professor of classics ■
Mystery Photo Updates
teve McManus ’73 helped shed a little more light on one of our previous mystery photos (remember the six chaps on the steps of Dinand Library, above?). “I just saw this picture in the Summer 2015 edition,” he wrote to us, “and, lo and behold, there was our father, Joseph A. McManus ’38, on the far left wearing his hat!” We learned that McManus ’38 went on to Harvard Law School (Class of 1941), followed by service in WWII as part of Naval Intelligence. He then practiced law in New York with Coudert Brothers, prior to joining his son’s practice—McManus, Shorr, Asmar and
Darden—located in Washington, D.C. That son, Joseph McManus, is also a Crusader, Class of 1969. But we are still perplexed by the Mystery Photo in the latest issue. Despite 42,904 copies of the Summer 2015 issue delivered around the world, not a single reader could give us a clue about the plaid-clad lad and the lass in the poncho perched on the bench. We truly do have a mystery on our hands. So here it is again (top). If you recognize this pair, please let us know: hcmag@holycross.edu. ■
B O O K N OT E S / PH OTO U PD AT E / A LU M N I N E W S / 7 3
Joe Arnstein ’66 on his trusty bike in Portsmouth, N.H.’s Market Square. He says his daily rides help him stay in shape “in case the members of the Class of 1966 who rowed crew decide to put a boat in the water at the 50th Reunion.”
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For our Fall installment of “In Your Own Words,” Joe Arnstein ’66 weaves a tale of friendship and campus housing, and takes credit for causing the Great Northeast Blackout of 1965.
How I Caused the Blackout of 1965 BY JOE ARNSTEIN ’66
oing away to college today seems truly an electrifying experience.
Or maybe that should just be electrical. According to the survey I recently conducted, a typical two-person residence hall room can now contain the following: one microwave, one fridge, at least one music system, laptops and/ or tablets, printers, phones, iPods and lamps. Perhaps also a TV, DVD or Blu-ray, camera, fan, heater and an electric blanket or two. Then, depending on gender, blow dryers, hair straighteners and curling irons, or electric shavers and various game consoles. Maybe even guitar amps and pedals, facial exfoliators, nightlights, pencil sharpeners and toothbrushes.
sum total of our electronic devices. Almost. I seem to remember something in the College catalog from those days about roommates being carefully selected for similarity of interests and compatibility of habits. Thus it was Tom Versocki ’66, starting center on the freshman football team, Gene Garrity ’66, diminutive adrenalin addict, and yours truly, perfect nerd. It was Gene, soon to be known as Pixie, who brought in one more plug-inable. The heating coil. An answer to the notyet-extant microwave, this little twist of exposed metal, when immersed in a cup of any liquid, would bring it to an almost immediate boil. Soup, hot chocolate, coffee, tea, instant oatmeal—the world was ours.
What? No flux capacitor? A far cry from those “good old days” when I matriculated. “Where were you in ’62?” they asked in American Graffiti. Well, the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass., is my answer. My freshman year on Mount St. James was spent in Wheeler in an antiquated two-man room that wound up holding three. With a new dorm still under construction, it was necessary to put a regular bed, a double bunk, three desks, chairs and dressers into not very much space. Oh—and a lamp for each desk. It was so crowded in that room that in order to create some floor space we put the double bunk on top of two dressers— heady stuff indeed for me, who slept on top. I quickly learned not to sit up straight when awakened. Anyway, the three lamps were almost the
And, as Pixie soon discovered, if exposed to open air, the coil would self-destruct in a glittering shower of molten aluminum. Wake up to that happening inches from your head, and you will suddenly sit up straight regardless of the consequences. Sophomore year was calmer. My friend Pete Timperman ’66 and I landed a room in the just-finished Hanselman. Better than a number of hotel rooms I’ve stayed in, this one had comfortable beds, big desks, chairs with lamps, floor space, an overhead fixture and two closets with adjoining built-in dressers, mirrors and vanity lights. Plus, there was enough wiring that Pete had a radio, and I could use my electric shaver without going to the communal bathroom. As a junior, I moved off campus to a school-approved boarding house. Here, my room could easily handle
illumination, alarm clock, radio, shaver and more. Next to me resided Dennis Larmour ’68, and he actually had a sunlamp. Perhaps not wanting to appear that vain, he convinced me it was a hot dog cooker. Down the hall lived Charlie Adams ’67 and Pat O’Hare ’66. The latter wasn’t worried about outlets. His idea of fun more involved intake. He used to drive Charlie nuts by staggering in late on weekend nights, collapsing fully clothed onto his bed, going right to sleep and then … about an hour later, he would sit straight up—no ceiling problem here—laugh uproariously and instantly resume sleeping. Charlie always tried to find out what had been so funny, but Pat, whether awakened at once or the next morning, could never remember. Anyway, the taste of freedom that the boarding house offered led to even more independent living quarters for my senior year, as well as the greatest disaster I have ever caused. They say that confession is good for the soul. I don’t know. In fact, I don’t even know who they are. But since I’m told that my soul could use some serious work, here goes. Besides, the statute of limitations is on my side. November 9, 1965. The Great Northeastern Power Failure. For those of you who were in another country, or didn’t yet exist, here’s a quick summary: grid down from New Jersey through most of New England. Even a bigger area of Canada in the dark. Lights out for as much as seven hours. Millions trapped in subways and elevators. Traffic jams and fender benders everywhere. Mea culpa.
Arnstein in the 1966 Purple Patcher
The story begins, as did many during my senior year, in the kitchen of our apartment. By “our,” I’m referring to Billy Dowling ’68, the aforementioned Charlie Adams and myself, who rented a fiveroom flat in Worcester for $45 a month. Even if you’ve only seen movies that take place in Boston, you know what it looked like: a flat-roofed, walk-up tripledecker in a neighborhood not known for prestigious addresses. Each floor had a “parlour” off the front stairway, a porch off the one in the back and three bedrooms plus a bathroom, all grouped around the kitchen. The latter being the center of our off-campus existence. Like our individual rooms, it was furnished in Salvation Army contemporary. Specifically, a Formica table, four metal chairs with pale green, slightly ripped vinyl seats and that center of our existence, the stove. Ah, yes … the stove. If an extraterrestrial anthropologist had been secretly observing our little chunk of earthling culture, they would surely have thought that it was an altar of some kind. And that wouldn’t have been far from correct. After all, it was around this
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large, rectangular, marvelous hunk of white enameled metal that we regularly gathered to worship over its gas-fired flames.
but the results were, perhaps, less than hygienic. In stocking feet it was usually possible to do a little skating, sort of like Tom Cruise in Risky Business.
I wish I still had it.
Ok, not very much like.
For one thing, the oven took up only the right side of the part that was under the burners. The left side had what was called a “gas log,” a heater that provided the only warmth on our entire third floor. I don’t even remember if it was vented or not, but no matter. On windy nights enough cold air passed through our walls to make candles gutter.
And now, getting back to the blackout.
For a second, it was the focal point of our favorite study interruption. “Food break!” Yes, any college student, then or now, recognizes that siren call to put down the books and pick up a snack. With us it occurred pretty much hourly. Well, truth be told, Charlie, Billy and I managed to remain out of synch for the entire school year. As such, the call to graze could ring out as often as every 20 minutes.
You know that thing on the front that you push down to make the bread drop and the heat go on? I don’t know what it’s called either. What I do know is that when we pushed it, the results were usually heat, but sometimes only a blown fuse.
Finally, that stove had a most delightful and useful feature: a griddle on the top. A rectangular metal plate with a fifth burner underneath, it had a groove around its perimeter that channeled any grease into an opening that, in turn, led to a can strategically located below. Fantastic. This meant that nothing we could cook on the griddle resulted in our having to wash a single pan. Instead, flip the burgers, chops, eggs or whatever onto your plate, use a spatula to scrape any goop down the opening and clean up was done. It is probably needless to say that if it didn’t involve boiling water, we managed to cook almost every food we could afford on that griddle. Whole pounds of bacon were a particular favorite. Alas, there was one drawback. No one wanted to empty the grease can. The result, thanks to overflow, was a well-lubricated linoleum floor. True, when the tide threatened to reach one of the bedrooms, whoever was in danger would do a cursory mopping,
We had a toaster. Another thrift shop special; I don’t recall if it was dented or not. I do remember that it resided almost permanently on the fourth chair, the one we’d originally thought could be used by the various cuties who would vie to dine with us.
I had just turned a few pork chops and decided that they would go great with toast. So while the griddle was sizzling, I took two slices of Wonder Bread, resisted the urge to roll them into the smallest balls possible, dropped them into the slots and depressed the whatever. The lights dimmed. I pulled up again and the bulbs regained their brightness. “Feel lucky, punk?” Well, I did, so I pushed down again. No simile can simulate the intense hissing sound that simultaneously surfaced. Take my word for it. Years later, while traveling in the Peruvian Amazon, I almost stepped on an anaconda. That “hiss” wasn’t even close. Well, truth be told, wetting oneself doesn’t make that much noise. But the visuals? I took 10 quick steps to the back porch thinking I’d have to make the dreaded descent to the basement where the fuse box was located. But from there, off in the distance, even in the waning twilight I could clearly see immense clouds of steam rising from the power plant. Picture, if you will, the last gasp of the
“I took 10 quick steps to the back porch, thinking I’d have to make the dreaded descent to the basement where the fuse box was located. But from there, off in the distance, even in the waning twilight, I could clearly see immense clouds of steam rising from the power plant. Picture, if you will, the last gasp of the Titanic as its boilers were breached by the sea. Oops.” — JOE ARNSTEIN ’66
Titanic as its boilers were breached by the sea. Oops. Ten steps, kind of furtive this time, back to the toaster. Pulled up that thing again. Too late. The lights never brightened. The pork chops were quite tasty. I ate them by flashlight along with some applesauce and raw bread. Pushed the grease down the opening in the griddle. And then? Couldn’t do homework in the dark. The weather was very pleasant for early November in New England. My motorcycle was beckoning. I went for a ride to see what I had wrought. Uh, oh. One little defective appliance had
taken out the whole city. And, as I was to discover later, the whole grid. I never said a word. I’d bet that if your world went dark that evening you will never forget exactly where you were. If you spent hours between floors, my condolences. On the other hand, if you were born around August 9, 1966, you’re welcome. And all that without a flux capacitor. ■
Joe Arnstein ’66 recently retired as the chair of the Latin department at Portsmouth High School in Portsmouth, N.H., and reports being
“super pleased” that his position has been taken over by Anne Salloom ’14. Arnstein says in retirement he is “considering a matchmaking website for septuagenarians, to be called either ‘Christian Wrinkles’ or ‘Dates, and Prunes’.” His essay originally appeared in the online journal “Orange and Magenta: the World of Thomas Lee Jones,” thomasleejones.com, and is reprinted with permission. EDITOR’S NOTE Readers, care to share your stories of the Great Northeast Blackout of 1965? Email us at hcmag@holycross.edu or tweet us at @holycrossmag. We’re also looking for our next “In Your Own Words” author. Could it be you?
Meredith Lavender ’00 on the set of her hit show, Nashville, and in the 2000 Purple Patcher (opposite page)
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Finding Her Voice: Meredith Lavender ’00
hen Meredith Lavender arrived from Illinois for her first semester at Holy Cross in 1996, she wasn’t thinking that someday she would move to Hollywood and become a writer/ producer for television shows, such as Missing and her curent hit, Nashville. All Lavender wanted to do was sing.
So Lavender moved to L.A., to pursue work as a singer-songwriter. She dug right in collaborating with her friend and fellow Chicago native, Jessica Sullivan, co-writing and performing a musical comedy, Roommate Wanted, which opened in L.A., then played in Chicago for a year. “We wrote it as a vehicle for ourselves, but I really enjoyed the writing part,” says Lavender.
“My father was a commodities trader at the Chicago Board of Trade for 35 years, and when I was three years old, my mom used to say, ‘This kid either has to be a trader or a singer.’ I was very vocal and very loud,” Lavender reveals. Through her high school years, Lavender sang with a girls’ choir at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church and performed in plays, which sparked her interest in majoring in music. “I’d done musical theater, and when I got to Holy Cross, Maria Tegzes, my voice teacher there, was pushing me that my voice was bigger and I could do opera,” she says. Besides studying opera and vocal performance, Lavender and classmate Kim Harrison ’00 started 8 Track, the first co-ed a cappella group on campus. “From arias to a cappella,” she says. “Very disparate.” But according to Lavender, disparity— or rather, variety—was the best part (besides small classes and access to professors) of Holy Cross. “There was always room to pursue other interests,” she says. “The bulk of my time was spent in a practice hall, but I took science and sociology classes and American Sign Language. I love that we were encouraged to be curious.”
“There was always room to pursue other interests [at Holy Cross]. The bulk of my time was spent in a practice hall, but I took science and sociology classes and American Sign Language. I love that we were encouraged to be curious.” — MEREDITH LAVENDER ’00 Lavender says she never seriously considered going to Hollywood after graduation (New York City was on her radar) until one particularly bonechilling Massachusetts morning. “We’d had a nor’easter the spring of my senior year, and there was so much ice on my windshield that my roommate had to sit with her head hanging out the passenger window so we could move the car for the plow. I called my brother, Jay, who lived in L.A. and he said, ‘It’s really nice here.’ ”
Back in L.A., Lavender got a job as an assistant to MGM Pictures President Michael Nathanson and despite the “pretty terrible” salary, gained invaluable entertainment business experience, and met people who would change her life, most importantly, then fellow-assistant Marcie Ulin, who became her friend and remains her writing partner to this day. In 2005, Lavender left MGM to work as an assistant to her brother, Jay, screenplay co-writer for the Vince Vaughn/Jennifer Aniston movie The Break-up, which was filming in their hometown of Chicago. “Working together had its challenges,” says Lavender, “but we’re very close. No one’s going to have your back like your brother or sister. We champion each other.” After the movie wrapped, Ulin and Lavender wrote a script for a TV comedy series, Eight Days a Week, which they sold to the CW Network in 2007. But it was shelved due to the writers’ strike. Still, they persevered, co-writing and producing 2009’s The Lake, a TV web series directed by Jason Priestley. Producing and writing episodes of Covert Affairs and Charlie’s Angels soon THE PROFILE / ALUMNI NEWS / 79
THE PROFILE followed. Then, in 2012, the duo teamed up as writers/producers on ABC’s Nashville, the perfect avenue for their deep musical connections. “Marcie’s grandfather was an RCA recording engineer and a couple of us in the writer’s room are musicians,” says Lavender. “There have been storylines where Rayna (Connie Britton) was worried about her voice and the pressures of that. I was able to bring in the technical part of singing.” The original music is what sets Nashville apart from other shows. And true to form, there has been and will continue to be plenty of drama this fall. “I think what this show does well is getting into the raw part of human emotion,” says Lavender. “We’ll continue with the characters who have been on the show, and we’ll be delving deeper into new characters and the skeletons in their closets.” Did Lavender ever think that someday her job would involve wrestling with whether or not to hide the real-life pregnancy of Hayden Panettiere, who plays saucy singer Juliette Barnes on the show (they didn’t) or whether or not Deacon and Rayna end up together (not saying)? “If you told me when I was at Holy Cross that this is what I would be doing, I would have laughed,” she says. “I don’t believe that anyone knows at 18 or 22 what they really want to do with their life. It’s about looking at the world around you and not just looking at your own path and what you see. That links directly back to the Jesuit tradition and ‘men and women for others,’ which to me is very similar to ‘ask more.’ I think that’s a great new tagline for the College and everyone, frankly.”
8 Fun Questions WITH MEREDITH LAVENDER ’00 HOLY CROSS MAGAZINE You are listed as “a friend of ice hockey” at Holy Cross. Did you play? MEREDITH LAVENDER No. When I was in college, the women’s team hadn’t formed yet. It was kind of a club team. But when I was in high school, I dated hockey players and we won state. At Holy Cross, our men’s team was excellent. They won the conference a bunch of times. I always liked hockey. It was just a fun sport to be a part of. Plus, my a cappella group sang the National Anthem at all the home games at Holy Cross. I’m still a big fan. I cheer for the (Chicago) Blackhawks first, then the (L.A.) Kings and then the (Vancouver) Canucks.
HCM If you could sing with absolutely anyone, who would it be? LAVENDER That’s easy. Renee Fleming. She came through the Lyric Opera of Chicago years ago, and I was there with my parents. I thought her voice was the most spectacular thing I’d ever heard. I’ve been watching her career and how diversified it’s become. Singing the National Anthem at a Super Bowl, who knew? She’s incredible. HCM Is your husband, Ian Wilson, in the entertainment business too? LAVENDER No. I married a civilian! He’s got a Ph.D. in molecular genetics and runs a clinical diagnostic lab. He’s my polar opposite! I’ve known him for years. He is my writing partner Marcie Ulin’s exhusband’s best friend. Our lives are like a soap opera. Marcie and her ex are happily remarried, and we’re happily married, so, all’s well that ends well.
HCM Do you have a personal motto? LAVENDER My thing is, be kind to people. That’s something my parents and grandparents taught me. Just be nice to people. Be kind, because anything could come out of it. I took a
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friend to a hockey game recently. She’d never been to one. I said, “Hockey’s really simple. Follow the puck and don’t be a jerk.” So I guess life is like hockey.
HCM Who would your dream dinner date(s) be? LAVENDER My husband, because he is one of the smartest people I’ve ever met, and I learn things at dinner every night, which is pretty cool. Besides him, I’d have to say John Hughes and Ella Fitzgerald. I have no idea what we’d talk about. We’d probably end up talking about taxes or something bizarre. HCM You’ve said that writers should read a lot. What books are on your bedside table? LAVENDER I think it’s really important to read a lot if you want to be a writer just to understand voice and how other people write. I’ve been working in the realm of soapy drama, so I’m reading things like crime novels that are not at all in that genre. I’m a sucker for a Jack Reacher novel by Lee Child or Michael Connelly’s Harry Bosch novels. My husband reads a lot of sci-fi and dystopian novels, and I’ve gotten into those as well. But I’m not beyond reading a soft “rom-com” beach novel. HCM Do you have any other guilty pleasures you’ll admit to? LAVENDER My husband and I are absolute suckers for the Fast & Furious franchise. It’s so fun and ridiculously fabulous. HCM What is your favorite place and time to write? LAVENDER At work, we sit in a room breaking the story, and then the writer will go off and write. So when I’m in purely writing mode, I like to sit at the end of our dining room table at home, so I’m close to the kitchen and a sliding glass door I can open. I start early, before the rest of the world is awake. That’s when I tend to get most of my good work done, from 6 in the morning to noon. ■
The ivy on Fenwick Hall gets a much needed mid-summer trim from the groundskeepers. Here is the before and after proof, courtesy of staff photographer Tom Rettig.
A Special Note about In Memoriam
hose of you who receive alumni magazines from other colleges or universities may have noticed that the way Holy Cross Magazine handles deaths within our community is unique. Most magazines print a list of deaths but do not offer accompanying obituaries. The editorial staff at HCM has always believed that the deep, lasting connection this College shares with
List of Recent Deaths AUGUST 2015 William H. Phelan, M.D. ’49 Eugene A. Conrad ’50 John B. Pickard, Ph.D. ’50 Robert J. Swan ’50 James E. Hayes ’52 Philip T. Breen ’54 Thomas McGrory, M.D. ’54
its alumni warrants a more respectful tradition when one of those alumni passes. That is why we dedicate several pages in each issue to the In Memoriam section. It contains obituaries for alumni, with expanded remembrances for faculty, senior administrators, Jesuits, honorary degree recipients and Trustees. There is also a “Friends” listing, to note the passing of other people important to those in our community, such as staff members and non-alumni relatives.
Until then, we are sharing this list of alumni deaths from this summer, and offer the friends and family of these Crusaders our condolences. Full obituaries will appear in a future issue.
I share this information with you because in this issue, we are taking a pause from printing the In Memoriam pages as we regroup after the retirement of Pam
Suzanne Morrissey, editor
Joseph T. Stagnone ’59 John P. Leddy ’61 William P. Brosnahan, Jr. ’62 Bernard H. Dempsey ’64 Robert F. Shandorf ’68 Daniel J. Giblin ’69 Mark L. Lynch ’70 Thomas J. Burke ’71 John T. Christensen ’07 JULY 2015 Joseph W. Bergin Jr. ’49
Reponen, our longtime assistant editor who prepared that section so well for many years. In the Winter 2016 issue, you will see the obituaries once again, along with an invitation to share special memories of classmates from their days on the Hill.
George F. Cahill ’49 John D. Colgan Jr. ’50 Robert E. Horgan, D.D.S. ’50 David W. Scholl ’51 Alan L. Larson ’53 James M. Fitzgerald ’54 John J. O’Grady III ’54 Brian J. Collins, M.D. ’57 Robert E. Rainone ’57 Robert J. Ridick ’57 Martin Rodriguez Ema, M.D. ’57 James H. Woods Jr. ’58
James Southwood ’60 Edward L. Mahoney ’62 John L. Shanahan Jr. ’65 John B. Fulham ’69 JUNE 2015 Thomas F. McGillicuddy ’40 Joseph H. Harney ’45 Thomas E. Deem ’46 Joseph F. Driscoll ’47 David W. Judge ’48 Thomas P. Moran ’52
Pasquale J. Quitadamo ’55 John W. Connelly Jr. ’56 Paul J. Riordan ’56 Edward T. Dowling ’57 John J. Dumphy ’59 Charles E. Splaine ’60 Richard M. Warren, M.D. ’65 Gerard L. Donnelly ’69 C. Anthony Martignetti ’73 Christine M. Carlin ’78 Kathleen A. Smith ’78 Christopher D. Corbett ’97
In this new feature, HCM searches for interesting objects around campus and shares their storied past.
Smoke Break
ummer renovations around campus included an upgrade to the heating system in St. Joseph Memorial Chapel. The crew made an interesting discovery as they began their project: this pocket tin of tobacco and an empty liquor bottle hidden in the ductwork behind the altar. Founded in 1877, the Larus & Brother
Company was one of the most successful small tobacco companies for almost a century. Edgeworth pipe tobacco in the distinctive blue tin was its best-known product, sold around the world. It was also apparently known to the workmen who built the Chapel between June 1923 and April 1924. We conjecture that these items were one workman’s smoke break stash on the massive
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building project that had an original pricetag of $291,000. We doubt that Bishop O’Leary of Springfield, who consecrated the Chapel in a lengthy and solemn dedication ceremony on April 7, 1924, knew of these remnants of one person’s vices secreted behind him as he stood in architect Charles Maginnis’ grand Italian Renaissancestyle basilica addressing the campus community and visiting dignitaries. ■
DID YOU SEE THE POPE? If you are attended any of the Papal visit events, please let us know. We’d like to hear your thoughts about the atmosphere, the message, the people you met along the way, what moved you and especially what the experience meant to you.
CARE PACKAGES Attention parents of Holy Cross students: Have you ever mailed your son or daughter a care package? Something to remind them of home, or to make sure they had a special treat to help them destress during final exams? Share your secrets for a well-received box from home as HCM researches what goes into “The Ultimate Holy Cross Care Package.”
Holy Cross Magazine is entering its 50th volume with the next issue. To celebrate, we are going to be giving updates on some of your favorite stories. So let us know: Which features in the alumni magazine have touched you? Which ones warrant an update? And how would you like to see us grow as we hit this Magazine milestone?
How are we doing? We’d like to hear from you.
The Pope’s Visit
M A IL Suzanne Morrissey, Editor One College St. Worcester, Mass. 01610
Our Winter issue will feature full coverage of the panel discussions and other campus events surrounding Pope Francis’ historic visit to the United States. PLUS Special alumni reflections on the Pope ALSO The 2015 Sanctae Crucis honorees • Alumni and faculty authors • Memories of Kimball Hall • A behind-the-scenes look at the College’s admissions process • Class Notes • Performing arts events on campus
E M A IL hcmag@holycross.edu
aDefining Moment Researching the Fall issue’s cover feature about the vision behind the College’s Become More campaign, HCM staffers discovered a treasure trove of maps and archival documents—like this topographical map of campus from 1958—each showing the important growth spurts Holy Cross has experienced over the decades. Now, as the College stands at the entryway to another era of growth, taking a look at where we’ve been has been an exercise in nostalgia and education. Enjoy this cover story, and then access some of the archival materials the HCM team used as reference online at magazine.holycross.edu.