Holy Family University Yearbook - 2011

Page 1



Thomas Manin. Phl> of Business Administration

Stt>nley Mauldin. Phf) S>chool

of Arts >vi Scicnccs

Pauick Mc(irain, Phly Sclxml of Arts »k Sciences

leohcn Mcintyrc. BA Assoc. Dir, of Il(i Adnussions

Mnrie Melnick Supervisor of Purchasing

Megan Meycr, Phl) School ol'rts fk Sciences

Karen Montalto, PhD Sclxx>l of Numing >'s Allied Health

(ittlgct hIm>telihano. BS

Joseph McBridc, BS Director ot Puhhc!ialety

Asst. to VP li>r Acade>nic AIT»irs

E.indsay Mclmcstcr. MA Asst. to lhc Dir. ol'Coopcnuivc Bd.

I aura McNamant. MSI.S Kcfcrcncc/Syslcms I.ihn>rien


Michael. MBB

I yirector

of Athletics

Manlvn McCormac IIA

Patricia M>chacl. I'hD >vs Allied Health

!iclmol ol Nursing

l)chnrah McCuskcr, BA .ichool ol'iducation

McDonahl. Phl) Advise>'itacy Sch(x>l ol Ahs



McNulty-liohholA 13!i

Activities Director




Head Won>en's B»skethull Coach

!itcphcn Mcdvcc, Phl) Sch>ml

Gn>duate Admission f. ouselor





Eilisahcth Moore. I'hD Sch(ml ol'rm >3> Sc>cnccs .

Lo»'ttt> Mace>

Duplicating Sl>pc>'vuo>




llriun Mmster. MA Asst. Dir. ol'ccalemic Atlv>sing

em M»ry Mnon. Phl)


.E; Jcnn>


'-.>., 5)

Murthm I'hD

ol'rts tk Sciences


gKytr. Kant>ngt» Oana>t>as>et:;: "Dnce we were a little college with big ideas," said communication and theater professor Dr. Kathryn Dsenlund of what time has taught her. She fondly recalls the many

[wheal the campus was vibrant with ideas." Just as times have changed since then, her 34 years at Holy Family have given her insight into how Holy Family has changed. "you lose something as you gain something moving forwardin time," she said, feeling

students who have passed through this school and when the hallways were once covered with "posters and notices and open-access bulletin boards bursting withinformation and possibilities." During her college years, she majored in film in art school and described it as a "pivotal time

nostalgic about Holy Family's small college days. Dr. Dsenlund compares how students were then to how they are now "Back then we actually lived in that place in the space/ time continuum.. Now many students, oblivious to the present physical moment around them, occupy a different and mediated space. Like so many across the globe, they are engaged in talking to someone who isn't there."

St'ttrpltrct ()( ilttftllt.( SlrN. AB

Sr. Ihuniltm 0'I)rien. ('M:N. KIA st«hoot of Ani R .'ii ieniui/Ari'hiici

l)ate(el I'ro nmmtin Suppiirt

(irace ()'Ncill. Fdl)

(.'hnmmc (YNcill. BA I A I.'P/I'N ('onuniiiinn

SCltoill Of FitttC(tttiltt

Kathryn OicnltnuL EdD of Anc d: Science

Lynn ()rlando. Phl) Schonl of flu«ation



I.iannc ()ucn. I'hD S

'hmtl ilt

Alti iu

S '1C(t

Patricia Ih) «, SISS Schmil ol Nunun A Alhcd

Allan Rcichenhach. S

'tarot rlf Alt '


Roicmar) I'annigitmi. MS Scltrtol ol Eiitlcrttiott


Pure«it. AIBA Hcutlt'«nucc School of Buiine Admtm tration

Rolicn Re«i«. MBA Aiioc, Mp tiu lhunllntent Bemire(



Ft it f1 PCII)tttrl. IrdD


of.Arri R Siicnici


Bruce Rachild. Phl) Schonl of Fducatinn

Dnnna Rafter. FdD School ot I..du )mon

Jeanne Ratiaan EdS

Rcnce Roienfctd. AIBA. Ll'iB'S. SPHR Aiit FP for HR

Dhnaunc Roiner. PhD (Dim) Scho«' Nur m /c Albinal Health

'( '.i


Director ol'hc Cmtnicliup (. enter

kathl««n I !umn. PhD Si'hoot ol Fducatmn

Slmlly Rohhini. PhD .i«tulol I Attn A S 'tettcc.

Diana piperatm Phl')

Karen Pci ton l)crelopment 1'cch. Spccialiat

atttct tttc Roaclthefu. BA


'i Inhon!!oty ( tuudin, t,



I>anm Pinle. PhD School of Ani R '.i Ieuiua

School ot Educauon

leos 'ite

Sarao, nursing professor at Holy Family for the past three

years, said time has taught her many things including "patience and consideration, that gray hair is more manageable, and that she shouldn"t take herself so seriously." Driginagy from Doylestown, PA, professer Saran fondly remembers her college


years. Friends, fun, laughter, tears, joy and sorrow are all things she remembers most. But she said they were only the beginning

her best years are still ahead of her. Shen asked what her favorite

memories from Holy Family were, she said ™Alwaysgraduation" because the students work so hard. '"They look like

they want to save the world. They will one patient at a time."


Sr. Paul Roranvkru C'.iFN.



Donna Ruder Accuuntam

Diane Shen, PhD School of Anv & Sciences

Theresa!iheridan Instituttomil Advancement Oflice

Sr. Rite Sparks. CSFN. MS)V Sch«il nf Anv & Science


Spencer New town Secre)at) /Recept ionivi


Kutherinc Ruppel. MLS f'Ir Coordinator „,

Muria Ryhicki. MEd !ichiiol of I=.ducation

Michael Suhara. BA Senior Adinivsionv ('ounselnr

Luri Schwahcntvuucf. 'Vl.il.g Lihrary Services 1)ircctor

Janicc 'ihoivlcr. PhD !ichool of Arts & Scicncev

David Sloimk, MBA Imtriictinnal )cchnolii Ivt

Timothy Smalarr. BA Avvivtant Registrar/Schcduler

lrconard!iuroku. I)lul tl)can Scluvll uf falls'IIII Iii

Joseph Stoutrenherger. PhD Sch I of Anv & Smencc

Luci Swcene) Athletic 0th r

Inurning Rewwrce

Matthew isvvi. Director

I-ior«nve Tilincr Lit D Staff

. MBA ut'Acti iirv/Reu Lift



Jsvcph Tripodi. BA - c Adi I"r un-


.'hchelleDirof Sr Avviu.

Tumuiu. MA LrG Adiniv i nv

Anna Tvsarcrk

Kathi)n Van Dvke Ha) cv. PhD Nur m & Allied Health


Careers Cer rer Oflice

Michael 'Van Thu)ne. MBA VP tur pi«",'. & Budcci


Veitz. CSFN. Edl

Sr. Nl.






Slane Va:sety. PhD cand

Assr . VP rur Avv Seri./Regi«r..

Anna Vt'ah.

Dupliv ting Services Avvtstn

Wagon. MEd CAP "CTC/ACT Cuurdin '

Mitda )trattsvc. MLS Tech Sert Ives & Lineman

0 ~ ~ C



L )Vztktwicr. CSFN. MA

Sr. M. Schi



r ttrv & Sclenrv

)k siiic.

"urche" " Offtcc Si.i"



4 ~ I

l Rathleen Warchol Alumni Developlnent Rep.

Mary Womhwelh EdD of Nursing & Allied Health


Sr. M. Noreen Warner, CSFN.


Associate VP Inst. Advancement

tohn Woznicki. PhD of Arts & Sciences


Rohcrt Wevel. JD Major Gifts Oflicer

Cyrus Whalcy, FdD Director ot Radlologlc!le<ence

Mei Ym. MS Wch Services Manager

Tiffany Younghlo<xl. BA Academic Attain OtY<ce

hlichacl White, Phn School


Sr. Beverly Wilde. RSM.!VtSEd Seh<xll of Nuo,ing & Atticxt Health

Wilham Zulch, PhD of Ans & S«ienc<cs

Bouc Yu. Ed!D


of Nursing & Allied Health


FeeNNig ~scot-'Naff lVe+ Piet~ed


Jennifer Andrews - Fitness Center Dr. Anthony Applegate - School of Education g. 0 / Kathleen Barkus - Library Thomas Barnelli - Maintenance Dr. Daniel Bassi - School of Arts & Sciences Brian Berry - Security Colleen Berry - Shuttle Van Patrick Black - Security Jennifer Bona - Admissions Representative at Newtown Michael Bradby - Head Men's Soccer Coach/Fitness Center Instructor Robert Brennan - School of Business Thomas Brill - Security Walter Broderick - Security Woodhaven Shannon Brown - Library 4 Joseph Calabrese - Sporty Coordinatof


Maryhelen Capella - Registrar's Offic Maryann Carey - Graduate Counseling Office Michael Carrozza - Security Newtown Ana Maria Catanzaro - School of Nursing & Allied Heath: Shelley Catanzaro - CSFN Community Mary Anne Collins - Academic Advising Center Cynthia Colton - School of Art & Spence Annette M. Conklin - School of Nuflng & Allied Health Barbara Cook - Academic Advising 5epter Charlotte Cooke - Business Office Patricia Corrigan - Admissions Alexander Cristobal - Academ!PCqgp@ing ~ Thomas Cummins - Security Edward Cutler - Security

Anthony D'more - Plant%lain e ance NWT Connie Dema - Alpha House Adam Dickman - Admissigns ounselor Denise Diorio - Administrtive Systems Support Manager Michael Domer - Spec/IAssistant to the Vice President for Institutional Adva



John Donahue - Security Rachel Donohue - Area, Coordinator - Saint Joseph's Hall Allan Drach Jr. - Library/School of Arts & Scienceq Thomas Dugan - Security Thomas Durso - Senior Director of Marketingg/ommunications George Dziedzina - Audio/Visual Christina Edamala - Accelerated Program Robert Ellermeyer - Refemqpe Librarian John Ernst - Security Gail Farr - Archivist I Kathleen Fenerty - Business Office Fred Ferrentino Fiolo - Cooperative Education Office Johanna„Fletcher - Hurhan Resources Zoe Gihgdld - Disability+etvices Coordinator PatriciaCiuffanna - School of Nursing & Allied Health Anne Marie Glenn - Graduate Admissions Office Edward Golderer>- School of Business Administration Trudy Gra'ham - Registrar's Office Margaretrggesko - Careers Center Office Cindy Guinank Business Office Carla Hamburg - School of School of Education James Harley - Security Steven Hartzell - SpctgrityCatherine Hei lfttrty - SqhooTof Nursing & Allied Health Janice Hetrick - Dftector qf Student Financial Aid Ann Marie Hoff - CSFN Community Diana Hoffman - Security AewtAriI, Jeanette Hofne) -'ecurity Gerard Holmes - Security Robert Hutchinstli!I; Sequrity John lacona =.Secuuf Michael Jasz&ag - Maintenance Woodhaven a<L Tamia Johnsdft-%ouot'en - Assistant Director of Student Financial Aid Ronald Jones - St'tCIttity Security'iane










FACULTY AND STAFF Troy Kersey - Security W Dr. Gloria - of Nursing & AlliedHealth James Knotwell - Security Robert Konefal - Security NewtowrA Eileen Konkolewski - School of Arts & Sciences Office Deborah Kramer - Library James Labarko - Assistant Director of Stude Financial AId William Lackman - Security Edward Lentz - Security Suzanne Libenson - Director of Corporate and ugdatio Relations Andrew Liebman - School of Business Ronald Lopit - Security Andrew Lutz - System Administrator Robert Macartney - Web Editor Lisa Madden - Financial Aid Counselor Terry Maguire - Infrastructure Support Engineer Chad May - Director of Institutional Research and Assessm Patricia McAnany - President's Office Marianne McBride - Shuttle Van Maura McConney - Accelerated Student Support Coordin ator Josephine McElwaine - School of School of Nursing & Allie( Health Patrice McGarry - Institutional Support Newtown ~ p Jennifer McGovern - Registrar's Office Paul McKenna - Security William McKenna - Security Annemarie McManus - Registrar's Office John McNevin - Security Newtown Lewis Megginson - Academic Computing Kirstin Midkiff- Assistant Athletic Trainer Kathleen Migliarese - Marketing/Communicatiorls Office Eleanor Miller - Purchasing Department Michael Miller - Mailroom Vincent Milnik- Senior Technical Services Manager Philip Moore - Asst. VP for Extended Learning Daniel Moretz - AudioNisual Richard Moss - Security Shana Narita - School ofgursing & Allied Health Richard Neal - Security Mark Ness - School of Nursing & Allied Health Thomas Nolan - Security Edward Nowakowski - Security Woodhaven John O'onnor - Head Men's Basketball Coach/Fitness Center Coordinator Michael O'Donnell - Maintenance Jane Palmer - School of Arts & Sciences Office Patricia Paluch - Institutional Advancement Janet Panek - Assistant Director of Athletics/Athletic Trainer Karen Peyton - Institutional Advancement Monica Pezzano - Academic Advising Office Susan Politsky - School of Nursing & Allied Health Kimberly Pontano - Area Coordinator -Stevenson Resi(ence Jacquelyn Prendergast - Financial Aid Dr. Patricia Price - School of Nursing & Allied Health! Vincent Purcell - Security Newtown Chris Quinn - Director of Accelerated Academic Services Patricia Reed - Switchboard


Donald Reimold, Jr. - director of Accelerated Admissions David Richards - Maintenance ~boyd Rodgers - Security'. Maria Roesener - Admi 'I Susan Rogers - SchOol anions qf Spool of Nursing & Allied Health Cgristine Runowskl - Lyrj'infhesource Center Assistant A. Sabol - Admission Counselor Rita Sarao - School of Nursing & Allied Health . David Savidge - Security' Antoinette Schiavo - Associate DeaMn, chool of Education Emilia Schmidt - Schoo~lf Business Michael Shane - Maintpnance,, Ronald Shane - Mpintenattcj Woodhaven Denise Shaw - Area Coordinator - GgrfIen Residence James Sheridan - Security Charles Shovlin - SecUrity Jay Soda - Greatly krvicqs Manager Katherine Stapfetyn - Graduate Counseling Office Matthew Strauss - Audiff/Visual Dr. Claire Ann Sullivan - School of Education Littleton Szelagowski - Security DenIse Tallarida - Admissions~ Julie Tangradi ~-Academic Services Coordinator John Tobin - Academic Comp/ing Candida Torres - Accelerated f rogram Rudolph Troccoli - Shuttle Van < Andrew Wakelee - AudioNisual Theresa Webster - School of Arts & Sciences Office Anthony White - Security Michael Wolk, Jr. - Security Nancy Wood - Switchboard Patricia Woods - Financial Aid Dr. Roseanna Wright - School of Education Donna Young - Purchasing Department Marie Zecca - Director of Alumni and Parents *





"Time can change everything," said Joanne Ma, a professor in the School of Business Administration. Originally from Shandong, China, Professor Ma has deen a faculty memder at Holy Family for one year. She never thought she would de teaching economics to American kids. Looking back, she rememders the fun times she had with roommates and friends during

college and

if she could

go hack in time, she would go to more seminars in college.

Annie McNulty . "'udent (!lent, H





eunvel ons.


overn en Associa ion e "Ti er" niversi y asco ou sioe u o en



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Peeeitig hreneraievc Retmat




My favorite part of the

trip was going to the after-school programs and working with the kids. It was fun to be able to interact with them, even though the languagbarrier was tough at times. Everything I saw, whether good or bad, was an eyeopening experience. Lauren Thiel, '12

what you missed! include as many events that happen in the spring & summer as we'd like. Take a look at what happened before Fall 2010!

Mant Mc. Matfwaq - Saaua

4Ăƒ Nial-i'eet

Me Halfway was an experience like no other. From the quiet prayer to laughing at joke= that one of the sisters had made, it made me realize that this was something different. We were there not just to show JESUS to everyone but to share time, prayer„and ourselves with each other Jerry utkowski, '13





MaMat far



My favorite part of the trip was getting to know the families that were going to get the houses we were working on. Although I knew the houses had meaning, putting faces and stories behind them made them ten times more important. Katie Blumensotck, '12



s udents The freshmen orientation for the class of 2014 occurred in late August 2010, just days before the fall semester began. The freshmen along with their families were shown around the school, shared a meal together, and had a chance to meet faculty and staff members as well as other Holy Family students. The Holy Family Tiger was there as well to welcome new students into the school ~


iI '


The best part of freshman orientation was being able to meet everyone such as the teachers, students, and coaches. It was great experience. —Anthony Palumbo, '14


Unlock Your




"If I could go back in time, I would have studied harderin high school. School naturally comes easy to me, but I know I could have done extraordinary and been Ivy League boundif I would have really applied myself. " -Porsha Haynes, '13 Communications

0 yeas

Where do you see yourself in aI

hope to be well established in my acting career since this is something I have been wanting to do since I was a small child." ynia McCloud-Clark ~ mmunlcatlons

"I'l be rich - I already own


my own business. I want to be a PR executive for a lucrative company. I'l probably be married by then - I'e already been engaged for 2 years."

"In I 0 years, I see myself married

and successful with one child and a bulldog or cat. I plan to start my non-profit organization involving special needs children in the community. I also plan to own a home and make sure my mother is cared for because she has Multiple Sclerosis." -Krista Zerkow, '13 Psychology for Business




honestly never thought i'd be going to Holy Family iaiways. wanted to go away, but I love it

"Hopefully a critical care nurse." -Katie Lombardi„'11 Nursing




What is one thi g you never thought would happen?


-Alyssa Ball,

-Stephanie Gross,=-.'11 Communications

"I never


thought I would be a student at Holy Family.'ducation

"I never

thought I would fall in love with art again." 0 ~ ~ I "I never thought I would like a Dane Cook movie." -Jesus Velez, Communications



have went to my senior prom." -Anikka Gran e, '13 Nursing

'I would have played football in high school." -Dan Egenlauf, '13 Nursing "I would

change choices I madein high school." -Oana Spinosa, '12 Communications

If you could go back in





"I would have

trusted my heart and picked my first choice major instead of changing it at the end of my coll- ae career." - 'anda

arker, '11 Communications

"Nothing, honestly. We all learn from our mistakes, they teach us life lessons. I would probably change my small wa but nothing too drastic." -Kaitiy oolidge„.'14 Early Childhood Edu.

"I see

myself being a nurse, living in a large home with my wife and kids and dog Spike, and owning my own beer company" -Nicholas Santiago, '12 Nursing "I see

myself at the Children' Hospital of Philadelphia in the nursery or with preemies. My plans are to further my education and specialize in Pediatrics. " -Ash ey


ndick, '12 Nursing


"I never

thought I would be so dedicated to devoting my time to help children learn. " -Monica Ricci, Early Childhood Edu. "I never

thought I would stay home and commute to college. But I guess things change!" -Samantha Leonardo, '14 Nursing

"I never

thought I would have the friends I have now and college is the main reason forit." -Brittany Frazer, 4 Undecided

thought I'd have met all the cool people, both fellow students and staff who have really made my experience here awesome." -Samantha Leonardo, '14 Nursing

"I never

thought I'd be living on my own." '12 Communications -Karleigh

"I never


It is easy to see how involved Megan McLoughlin was during her years at Holy Family. Not only was she a senior class representative and president of the National Psychology Honor Society, but she was also a member of the National Scholastic Honor Society and a volunteer for the Big Brothers, Big Sisters Association outside of school. A psychology major from Bensalem, PA, Megan describes herself as optimistic. Her favorite memories from HF include the Student Government Leadership Retreat and the Bear Mountain Challenge with Father Mac. When she was younger, she never expected to be interested in Occupational Therapy and instead thought she was going to be a teacher, an artist, or a ,princess. Now, her plans have changed and expanded. She wants to attend graduate school to get a Doctorate (and maybe even Master') degree, backpack through Europe, see all 50 states before she's 30, and start a family. Megan leaves this advice for underclassmen: "Take advantage of the opportunities presented and make your college experience the best it can possibly be. Because I promise you, these four years will go by quicker than you'e ever imagined."



nother for


bet er

After three months of renovations, Holy Family's Tiger Cafe was reopened at the start of term, offering new meal choices to the university's students, faculty and staff. New additions to the campus's main dining space include a panini grill, a soft-serve ice cream and frozen yogurt station, more vegetarian options, a coffee-shop style station, an all-day breakfast grill and more. A ribbon-cutting and dedication ceremony was held on September 8th and University President Sister Francesca Onley spoke about how Holv Familv is "Droaressina with vou and for vou."

My favorite part of the new cafeteria would be the expansion o I like how it is opened up with food tations in the middle. - Samantha Schultz, '12 ~









~ >S.

"Want a Fish? Make a Swish!" That was the slogan of the 5th annual Fish Pong event and it was a huge success this year. During the lunch period, students lined up with the determination of trying to get a ball into the bowl to win a goldfish! All proceeds went toward other SGA-hosted events such as the Halloween Dance and Christmas Rose.

Ticgiu ],

Fish Pong is almost similar to beer pong, in which the strategy plays a major role in each. After playing fish pong, I would have to say that beer pong is much easier to play than fish pong. Although it was hard, I still had a great time playing. - Brittany Frazer, '14





Family Weekend allows us the opportunity to bring our family and make them a part of our Holy Family. —Tim O'Driscoll,


~g M~pgfj( 28



Family Weekend was held at the end of September this year and this annual tradition is a great way for students their families, and the whole community of Holy Family to come together for a fun weekend. The entire weekend was filled with activities such as the festival, flea market, picnics, and game shows.




Alcohol Awareness week is aimed at spreading knowledge and awareness about the use of alcohol. It began with an intoxicating hypnosis where an expert played tricks on the mind to make people think they were drunk. As the week progressed, students had the opportunity to battle the rock climbing wall and bicycle riding with "drunk googles" on. All activities give factual information to help students make smart decisions in the future about alcohol.

(pap You are completely conscious during the whole event and have total free will. It's not like you are the puppet and the hypnotist is a puppet master. Vou can stop anytime you want. It even has it's benefits. When the hypnotist said it is the equivalent of 8 hours of sleep, he wasn't kidding. After 'waking up'rom the hypnosis, I felt completely refreshed! Hypnosis is an amazing thing. All you have to do is believe. Jonathan Dick, '13



axe ) Running around fulfilling Holy Family's Mission, students participated in various activities ranging from spelling out the mission with their bodies to the classic tug-of-war. The object of Mid-Day Madness is clearly stated in the title. This competition requires teams to run like crazy in order to complete these challenges the fastest. This year the winners were Joseph Tripodi and Dr. Danny Pirtle's Freshman Experience classes.

"Mid-Day Madness is a gr.at way to practice the r-ission of I.loly =amily. Taking part in .::e events'...„ ss not only learn abou our.:hool, but :lassmates." Melinda McGinly, '14 <


It's all games! The Holy Family student athletes came together for a day of fun, team-building activities. New teams were formed, each team comprised of athletes from the different sports teams. Together they faced events and challenges such as monkey ball, dodgeball, and the water balloon toss all while answering miscellaneous trivia questions! The day ended with a barbecue and the winning team receiving a gift card.

Student AChleCe



'10 pl'cele tl

Athlete tlec De@





My favorite part about Athlete Appreciation Day

is competing against other athletes. It's a break from our regular season sports. !I kP

Kristie Koczkodon, '12

BIG BUCK,;; ls it difficult for you to work while in school?

Our surve shows 19.4% don't work 51.6% have one job 6.1% work two jobs .9% handle three jobs

What if you won the lottery? What's the first thing you would buy? What would you do for a billion dollars? How would a billion dollars change your life? a

~ "If

won the lottery, I'd buy my best friend a car. He really needs one."

whi e attendin schoo!


- Daniel

Hoffman, '1 Biology

"If I won the lottery, the first thing I would buy would depend on how much I win. I would buy a car because taking the bus is getting old." - Krista Zerkow, '13 Psych. For Business



Amanda Parker, '11 Communications

"lf I won the lottery, I wouldn't buy anything just yet. I would off any

work one job. It's hard to balance all the work. but I have been doing it for years. have it down to a science."

"I work at an awesome


"I work 32 hours a

week and go to place called Bounce U. school full time. It's one of the best jobs involved with Being The debt. Then I would buy in my opinion. school and work work is sometimes a church, a better house can be a struggle hard and sometimes and my dream car." but as long as I easy, but I find it very - Thao Nguyen, '12 manage my time, I rewarding to put a Nursing smile on a kid's face." enjoy it. I also enjoy being constantly - Michael Newton, '14 "If I had a million dollars, I would talk smack to Bill active." Education Secondary Monica Ricci, Gates." Jesus Velez, '14 Communications Elementary Education "If I had a billion dollars, it would make my I would do anything fo " life a billion times easier. a billion bucks, I'm not - Samantha Leonardo, '14 Nursing

shy! would use the money to pay off my little brother's hospital bills." I


"If I had a billion dollars, it would change my life completely because then I would not have to worry about paying off my loans for school." - Jasmine Sotomayor

Ashley Zandick, '12 Nursing 33







"A Disney Princess because my friends and I want to coordinate."

—Karleigh Kolwicz

"Lady Gage" —Stephanie Gross

WOW " —Kaitlyn Hunter "J

"A ghost because it's easy to make the

costume." —Jason Forscythe

Earlier tha I for a night of horror eek students got together to visit the f t the Bates Motel, students went on a hayride and found their wa hrough Jason's Haunted Woods. Back on campus, residents ~ heir dorm room doors to looked spooktackular for the kids visiting St Everyone had a great time! oe's Hall to 35

Students danced the night away at the




~ CCCg

for a For the first time at Holy Family University on November 18, 2010, the St. Baldric k's event happened. St. Baldrick's is a foundation dedicated to spreading the awareness and raises funds childhood cancer research. Eleven students and one faculty member shaved their heads in this event with the help of the hairdressers Nikki, Shannon, Pam, and Kelly. The event started off as a Freshman Experience service project, but will now hopefully lead to many more years of St. Baldrick's at HF.














~j> ,


St. Baldrick's has changed my life. It started off as a mandatory service project that I had to complete in order to pass my Freshman Experience

class, and turned into a life changing experience that I will never forget. Knowing that my team and I made a difference in the life of a child„no matter how small the impact was, is one of the best feelings in the world. - Samantha Kiger, '14




"I have traveled to, California, plgJida, >Virginia, and Maryland.'It alI-wysXun and t relaxing."~,.f.: — I- -«~ ~


Nguyen, 'f E'Nqfain

-I have,



ii'gree times Florida,.ikd Spokarly„ashirigton witlhy h abitajfor Humanity IIrdup la'ht year,. Each .



p was uniqtle1nJIq.dlivn way and I c ~ ot--pick my favorite if rh~ad'to. we l„oy

filled with great memories,'re'at and great scenery' Michael Ulrich, also known as Mongo for his large size and his ability to make any situation a laughable one, was very involved at Holy Family. This Secondary Education and History major

was not only a Resident Advisor, Class Representative for SGA, and a Student Nlentor for an FEXP class, but was also on the Judicial Board for Student Services, Blue Crew, and a work study in the Activities Department. He wasn' always so involved, however. If he could travel back in time, he said he would go back to when he first transferred to Holy Family and "have a little attitude adjustment with myself." Nevertheless, he has made an impact on campus through all his activities and has earned many honors in the process that includes receiving the Sister Patrice Feher Scholarship Award, earning Dean's List, and being accepted in the Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society. His favorite memories from HF are the many friendships he made with other students. "Being in so many organizations has blessed me with the ability to network and find individuals who I have become extremely close with, and can attribute a lot of my success and happiness to„" he said. He leaves this piece of advice for underclassmen: "Do as much as you can, and give 100 percent in each facet of your life."


Stephanie Koszarek, '13 Pre-A






. pie..."




"I travel-toh~ei

state /pine everij>'ummer I go accuse I,have family dp ther.. It is very < excitin'g to see Coolklge, '14 Early Cgilgh od Edu.





traveled,to Tijuana in Mexico when was

youncf8'r, and'it,was a good experience seeing a

hole dNerent, culture. - Travis Perinho, '14 Criminal

~ .P~ Jultice44


"Well I'e been around the east coast of the U.S. a bit, but plan on doing my real traveling after i graduate!" - Michael Newton, '14 Secondary Education I


0«««ri ~


61.1% isted the beach as a favorite vacation spot when they were a kid. 48% chose the sandy paradise as a co ege student.

ssw easssv w






- "IppueI tr(vied to London and

Paris I ~r loved,Lond8q and learning abo utit's .history;the most." r ;-Bri@yihy Frazer,,'14










ul've'been to Ireland two times and it' 'a "azing So-beautiful, I'd recommend it-." '-Daniel Hoeff+%, '14 Biology hove tgpkrqlqd to@He Dominican..Republic and it as amati .'"-$ '"", MO~~, -A'nikka Grange, '13 Nursing



traveled so many states altzover the U.S, ri,rto Meyieo. I have bien to Net Yoik,'New - "Jers Ohio<Florida, Maryland, many qitiesin . Iifor vari Diego, Arizona, Texas, and thelist . TheyiIHtave theii oINn Personalities and goesAZ ': -~+ ." ~ I loved."al se places."'." '.: g-4uelisse Gonzalez,qt Nursing ha and e








"I have traveled to Czech Republic. My mom's

from there~i like'it.a lot better than this country." - Stephanie Gross, '11 Communications

have traveled to Albania, Texas, and Greece. Seeing the different places was a very nice experience." - Jurida Rusmali, '13 Accounting HI

44.4% picked the New Jersey shore beaches as their favorite vacation p ace.

66.7% iked to trave to a state other than PA for vacation as a kid. 72% of co ege students se ected other states for a vacation spot.




16.6% chose another country as their favorite vacation getaway. This increased to 20% of students who current y chose another country as a top vacation p ace. 39


Open Mic Night was organized by Residence Life staff to give all students a chance to show their talent and have a good time. There were poem readings, acoustic guitar acts with accompanied singing, and full band performances. All the performers were amazing and each had their own unique performances that made the night all the more enjoyable.

~ ~

- Jack Monari, '13


-4,) 1%

y1 11



Resident Advisors (or RAs) are trained peer leaderships who supervisor those living in the residence halls. Being an RA is a great way to become a leader on campus. It allows you to meet a more diverse population of students and helps you to build valuable leadership skills for the real world. A part of the RA position is to host many educational and social events throughout the year such as Open Mic Night and Hoopla of Health, just to name a few.

I.f eing taff.



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Samantha Schultz '12




4/ 041

teohanie Hue,




Christmas Rose is one of the most anticipated events of the school year. It is a time for everyone to come together and spread some Christmas cheer! The event entails a holiday Mass, a show performed by the talented students of Holy Family, and a bountiful meal to top it off. It is certainly the best way to end a stressful semester and welcome an exciting new year!



Class. Physical Education, Math, History, English, Reading,


Bowlingg Football, Cheerleading, Tennis, Lacrosse,

Phillies, Flyer s Eagles, Lakers, Bulls, Patriots, Yankees, Celtics, 78ers







*NSync, Run DMC, Puff Daddy, B2K, Backstreet Boys, YIICA,Savage Garden

Christina Aguiler a, Usher, Br itney Spears,Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, ,t


TLC, Destiny's Child Lo


Pirates of the Twister, Ilulan, Love and Basketball, 10'I Dalmatians



The Sandlot, Night at the Roxbury y, Toy Story,


Futurama, Rugrats, Lizzie McGuire, One On One, Hey Arnold, Keenan 8 Kel, Jef fersons, Full House, Boy Ileets Wor Id, TRL, Scooby Doo, Pokemon









Class: Public Speaking, Anatomy, Music, Religion, Nursing, Math, Education, History

S Phillies, Flyers, Eagles, Saints, Patriots,



ort & S ort Team:

Bowling, Football, Tennis, Softball, Baseball, Drag Racing


Yankees, Celtics Usher, KeSha,

A Day to Remember,

Rise Against,

Drake, Britney Spears


If this Psychology major could go back in time, she would not want to change anything. "everything that happened made me what I am today. I can honestly say that am proud of what I have accomplished and of the person I have become." While at Holy Family she was involved in many activities including SGA, Freshmen Experience, Habitat for Humanity, Poverty Immersion, Residence Life, and SAYS. She was also President of Kappa Theta Epsilon, Vice President of Psi and a member of Alpha Phi Sigma. For the past four years, she was nominated for the Above and Beyond award as well. Lauren says she will miss the bond she developed with professors, staff, and moderators of different organizations the most. "It will be strange for me to not see certain people everyday, and I plan on keeping in touch with them all." She gives this advice to underclassmen: "Enjoy the time you have at Holy Family. Oo not look too far into the future because you won' appreciate the people surrounding you now. Also, INVOLVED!!!Taking part in service to others and being involved at Holy Family is one of the best things you can do in the 4 years you are here." Her goals for the future are to be an adolescent psychologist after serving duty in the United States Army ~ logist. as a Clinical



Gaga, Nicki Minaj, Paramore, Trey Songz


'ET :

Here's how some of our students describe what they are passionate about in one word... Anikka Grange says, "God." Porsha Haynes says, "Love."

Krista Zerkow says, "Service." Dan Hoffman says, "Music."

Dana Spinosa says, "Fashion." Dan Egenlauf says, "Family."

Ania Osinska says, "Art." Monica Ricci says, "Happiness."

Stephanie Koszarek says, "Alms-giving." Jenna Spadaccino says, "Life."




In 1989, Holy Family initiated a community service volunteer program with the help of a $ 30,000 grant from ACTION, the federal government's

domestic volunteer agency? From this experience, the student club "Students at Your Service" (SAYS) was formed.







J ~ . ~






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Clubs & Organizations From clubs dedicated to artistic pursuits like the Visual Arts Association to organizations celebrating cerebral interests like the Albertans, Holy Family offers clubs and organizations for all. Take a look at our groups this year and the many students who were involved.




or ~



I/ l,4„.-j


Alexa Mangoni, Anahita Shahabi, Anilaury Fernandez, Bekki Smith, Brandon Yorty, Brittany Frazer, Brittany Schilling (President), Brooke Edwards, Candice Cook, Chandni Patel, Crystal Isaac, Devon Dixey, Dominique Thomas, Elizabeth Lane, Gabrielle Graff, Gene Glagolev, Hayley Brennan, Heather Roccamo, Jalyssa Barber, James Powell, JAson Grabski, Jessica Giunta, Jessica Zarzycki, Joshua Harper (Treasurer), Katie O'Donnell, Kelly Milano, Kevin Branigan, Lacey Murphy, Latifah Porter, Lauren Chambers, Lauren Peters, LeeAnn Still, Lindsey Tennett, Lisa The, Marek Kowalski, Matt Burns, Maureen Enwright, Merrilyn Dharmawan, Michelle Leonard, Nicole Felicioni, Rachel Helliman, Rachel Windisch, Rinju Jacob, Shannon Urena, Sherri Myers, Soniya Verghese, Stephanie Schmitt, Taylor Belser, Theresa Thomas (Secretary), Tom Philip, Tom Rooney, Tracey Cotrina, Vanessa Lopez, Victoria Werrnuth, Yi Cao (Vice President) Moderators: Dr. Robert Cordero, Dr. Dian He

Jessica Ashmore, Brittany Barnett, Nicolle Capanna, Maria Cianciulli, Victoria Cimadamore, Yi Cao, Calum Colton, Samantha Comely, Adam Etzl, Stephen Fediuk, Claire Fischer, Jessica Giunta, Christine Hail, Lauren Houtz, Seth Isaa=son, Elizabeth Lipinski, Liz Martin, Jillian Maine, Andrea Mantilla, Erica Mazza, Meghan Meyers, Mike Minniti, Ryan O'Driscoll, Gina Paulino, Lauren Petticrew, Katherine Podlinski, Lisa Rivera, Aiaina Russell, Diana Shakirova, Hilary Shiber, Sarah Stoy, Krystle Toth, Brooke Vermes, Courtney Williamson, Jamie Wright, Douglas Ulrich, David Young Moderator: Melissa Collett

Business Club left to right): Back row (from

Professor Andy Liebman (Moderator), Nicole Gianino (Secretary), Jurida Rusmali, Daniel Midgette (President), Kerri Drobish, Caitlin Haggart, Daniel Mitchell, Brianna Connelly Front row (from left to right): Maja Pantelic, Krista Zerkow, Linda Piecyk (Vice President) Not Pictured: June Cain (Treasurer), Melissa Galm


Cam us Minist

The Holy Family University cheerleading squad supports and cheers on our athletic programs as they generate excitement and enthusiasm in the fans.


Krystle Toth, Meghan Meyers, Murphy, Katie 3lumenstock, Nicole Keller, Stephanie 'morgan (President), Jerry Wutkowski, Jonathan Dick, Alaina Wojtkielewicz, Amy hu-Fong, Michelle Augustine, Rachel )unkle, Tatiana Malone, Sr. M. Frances leitz, Bill Monaghan (Moderator) musicians: David Young, Christian Spe


jr gf),1@ Cheerleading Team Amanda Gelovich (Captain), Morgan Redman, Brittany Barnett, Lauren Bell, Jolie Marrin, Amber Zisserman, Angelina Vitale, Becky Parfitt, Krista Pecora, Kiara Cosme, Versushka Friere, Casey Balcer, Liz Quigley, Colleen Murrin, Melissa Greco (Coach)

Dance Team Alyssa Szrankowski (Captain), Brittany Anisley, Eva Odrati, Nicole Ferreria, Michelle Leonard, Samatha Francis, Christina Sample, Melissa Greco (Coach)


The Waaay Off Broadway Tigers

Drama Club

Nicole Keller (President), Stephanie Morgan (Vice-President), Christian Murphy (Treasurer), Amy Chu-Fong (Secretary), Calum Colton, Andrew McErlean, Alaina Wojtkielewicz, Jonathan Dick, Bekki Smith, Angela Robb, Christian Speero, Ashley Brendle, Thuy Duong Tang, Catherine Hernandez, Jon Salamak, Pat Kozlicki, Erin O'eil



Education Connections $ HUN





tV Etta


Dr. Patricia Duncan (Moderator), Marissa lannarelli (President}, Kimberley Katelhon (Vice President),

Michelle Kustra (Secretary}, Alexa Cawley (Treasurer), Adrienna Michalko, Aimee Drabyn, Alison Davis, Alyssa Ball, Alyssa Jarmusik, Amanda Isaac, Amy Gindhart, Ashley Brendle, Ashley Laine, Brooke Edwards, Carla Gonzalez, Catherine Bishop, Catherine Kaminksi, Dan Madonna, Desiree Wheeler, Domenica Hogan, Emily Nellinger, Gabriella Cozza, Hilary Shiber, Jackie Latta, Jennifer Lentine, Jennifer Mitchell, Jessica Ashmore, Jessica Lewis, Jessica Mercier, Joanne Esterly, Julie Brown, Karissa Steer, Kathleen Mclntire, Katie Getley, Kezia Singh, Kim DellaCroce, Krista Mahoney, Kristen Helkowski, Kristen McCombs, Lauren Martin, Lauren Thiel, Lisa Casey, Loreto Araya, Megan Kilinger, Melissa Mulhearn, Mollie Cancelliere, Nick Webes, Nicolas Alejandro, Nicole Pfender, Nicolle Capanna, Rachel Bernaur, Rachel Hires, Regina Huebner, Sam Kiger, Samantha Byers, Samantha Pestridge, Sarah Park, Sheridan Goodwill, Stephanie Martins '


Environmental Club left to right): Deanna Cole, Eric Matt, Dr. Jenai Murtha (Co-Moderator), Lily Stepnowski (President), William O'onnor, Bridget Meehan, Dr. Megan Meyer (Co-Moderator), Jessica Przepiaski (Co-Secretary), Crystal Isaac Not pictured: John Kane (Co-Secretary), Maureen Enwright, Lauren Umscheid, Allison Fritz, Kevin Koshy, Christina Sunny




Yearbook Staff


(From left to right): Jurida Rusmali, Toni Sterling (Student Life Section Coordinator), Kayla Kontogeorgos, Ania Osinska (Division Page Design), Stina Maestroni, Corinne Yarnada (Editor-in-Chief), Jenna Morse, Jenna Spadaccino, Denise Shaw (Advisor), Vanessa Madrid, Katie Lombardi, Ashley Zandick Not pictured: Kaitlyn Getley (photographer), Mike McNulty-Bobholz (Advisor)



Literary Magazine

Anthony Rivera, Ben Dela-Pena, Bridget Bowne, Brooke Edwards, Corinne Yamada, Crystal .aac, Elizabeth Lane, Erin O'eil, Jenna Spadaccino (Co-Editor), Jennifer Gregory (CoJen Migliarese, Liz Mo re Moderator Porsha Haynes, Susan Ewart


The goal of the Fusion group is to share cultural knowledge and to assist in promoting a welcoming campus environment.



Math Club





Andrea Mantilla, Kevin Koshy, Ashley Zandick, Adam Trinh, Yi Cao, Tom Philip, Ania Osinska, Rinju Jacob, Merlin Thampan, Thuy Tang (President), Catherine Hernandez, Lisa Riveras, Bincy Varughese, Anna Tran, Jonathan Dick, Crystal Isaac, Felicia Pembroke, Allison Miller, Reshma Johnson Moderator: Gloria Kersey-Matusiak

Catherine Blumenstock (President), Michelle Kustra (Vice President), Michael Browning, Jacqueline Gallelli, Stephanie Morgan, Brianna Stone, Calum Colton, Alyssia Overline, Jill Keeve, Sister Marcella Louise Wallowicz (Moderator), and Dr. Guo-An Diao (Moderator)

Resident Advisors & Staff Back row:

Betsy Lane, Andrea Mantilla, Nicole Keller, Miranda Gibson, Liz Lipinski Middle row: Matthew Thomas (Assistant Director of Activities, Residence Life and Wellness), Lauren Nestel, Jack Monari, Steven Ramos, Mike Ulrich, Annie McNulty, Ryan O'Driscoll Front row: Rachel Donohue (Area Coordinator for St. Joseph's Hall), Courtney Williamson, Samantha Schultz, Calum Colton, Denise Shaw-Cleveland (Area Coordinator for Garden 8 Duplex Apartments), Kim Pontano (Area Coordinator for Stevenson Lane Residence Hall), Brett Buckridge (Director of Residence Life)

Student Government Association The elected SGA representatives seen below plan and implement programs that make all students an integral part of the University's life and operation.

Kevin Michell (President), Jonathan Dick, Jack Monari, Sarah Szymendera


Samantha Kiger (President), Michael Newton, Edward Singer-Meagher, Jessica Giunta

Juniors Seniors

Back row: Gina Cifaloglio, Lauren Nestel, Liz Lipinski,

Colleen Pearsall, Megan McLoughlin Front row: Keith Maysonet, Douglas Ulrich, Mike Ulrich (President), Tim O'Driscoll

Executive Board Amanda Jenigen (President), Nicole Keller, Erica Mazza, Adam Trinh

Moderators: Mike McNulty-Bobholz Senior Class: Mary Kay Doran Junior Class: Valerie Bell Sophomore Class: Stacy McDonald Freshmen Class: Liz Moore


Jonathan Dick (Secretary), Lauren Nestel (Treasurer), Gina Cifaloglio (Vice President), Tim O'Driscoll (President)




Social 8 Behavioral Sciences Back row: Maureen Enright, Ana Bayney (CoSecretary), Eric Matt (Co-Secretary), Lily Stepnowski, Rachel Windisch (Co-President), Allison Fritz, Jennifer Mariani, Jessica Przepioski Front row: Erin McGuckin (Co-Secretary), Elizabeth Lazorka, Deanna Cole, Lauren Umscheid, Sandra Roderig (Co-President), Jessica Raichle Not pictured: John Kane, Bridget Meehan, Ryan Lang The purpose of the Social and Behavioral Science Club is to further an interest in various fields of human services by means of lectures, films, and community service field trips.




Student Nurses Association of Holy Family

Nikki Shiffler (President), Elizabeth Faia (Vice President), Stephanie Hud (Secretary), Krystle Toth (Treasurer), Heather Escudero (Fundraising Chair), Colleen Morta (Community Service Chair), Lisa Winslow (Public Relations Rep), Nikita Patel (Senior Class Rep), Tabitha Phillip (Junior Class Rep), Chelsea Pierson (Sophomore Class Rep), Emma Glowania (Freshmen Class Rep) Freshmen: Regina Martin, Adam Flick, Alyssa Newman, Angie Rodriquez, Carly Szymanik, Crystal Conroy, Erin McLaughlin, Guelisse Gonzalez, Janette Dejesus, Kristin Mee, Pat Palommella, Mwasnoh Jebboe, Stephen Fediuk, Christopher Schoen Sophomores: Alyssa Lamson, Alyssa Super, Amanda Harris, Amanda Watson, Caitlin Hicks, Diana Dimarcantonio, Gina Cuffari„Julia Mastrome, Lauren Bell, Tonisha Davis. Juniors: Cailtin Press, Felisha Reid, Helen Hinke, Jenica Balmes, Sarah Stoy, Thalia Moise, Seniors: Adriana Rivera, Catie Lombardi, Hannah Lipson, Jenny Pittapilly, Julia Ferrell, Lauren Mang, Sangeetha Kalaparambath, Shannon Oliver, Nicole Maglione, Mary Collins, Alexis Novak, Yulia Violin, Tricia Kalinowski

p (.~ Back row: Linda DiGennaro (Moderator), Jerry Wutkowski, Crystal Isaac, Reshma Johnson, Nicole Keller (Co-Vice President) Emily Amick, Krista Zerkow (Events Coordinator), Emily Nellinger (Secretary), Matt Reese, Samantha Pestridge (Co-Vice President) Front row: Jessica Lehmann, Jaimie Hill, Samantha Swanson, Alyssa Lamson (Treasurer), Lauren Raczkowski President, Angie Rodriguez

student community service organization created to support oncampus service activities and offcampus community programs. SAYS is a



Ti er Vision Netwo"rk

Leaders: Corinne Yamada, Anna Osinska, Victoria Cimadore, Kristie Koczkodon, Jenna Spadaccino Members: Stina Maestroni, Sandy Naveiro, Kayla Kontogeorgos, Sam Mushman, Chris Kovacz, Jerry Wutkowski, Stephanie Morgan Moderator: Dr. Kathryn Osenlund




From left to right: Michael McDonnell, Jerry Wutkowski, Porsha Haynes, Jenna Spadaccino (Assistant Editor), Denise Avellino (Moderator), Jen Gregory (Editor), Jonathan Falu, Elizabeth Lazorko, Corinne Yamada Not pictured: Amy Chu-Fong, Billie Lafty, Brooke Edwards, Christina Maestroni, Jonathan Edmonds, Kaitlyn Getley, Monica Zahaczewsky, Valery Cadet

f.L+ q 4„:j ~

isualMic"--'er"'" Arts" Association .'-"--

Back row:

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evir) nedd, Jeremiah

$ 1


Meg"-n Meye--, Sam




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Front row:

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;ide Ma Ramos Not pictured: Lind y M





Honor Societies

Here at Holy Family we have many honor societies that recognizes excellence among students. The students named and pictured here are from the 2010-2011 Spring Induction award nights.

Al ha Si ma Lambda


rttHA sitttr LAMBDA

Al h.



~ Iirtte

Kathleen A. Brown, Mary K. Stewart, Maryellen Carey, Danielle M. Rose Moderator: Sister Mauren McGarrity




@xQ ~~~4' Un~~


Jennifer Buongiorno, James Derbeyshire, Lauren Nestel, Adais Rodriguez, Arielle Schwarz, Jamie Slichter, Tiffany


Moderator: Dr. Leanne Owen

Beta Beta Beta i+'y


Merrilyn Dharmawan, Piotr Kopinski, Marek Kowalski, Andrea Mantilla„ Katie O'Donnell, Lindsey Tennett, Alhagie Tobb Moderator: Dr. Robert Cordero

Beta Beta Beta, Lambda Chi Chapter accepts for membership students who achieve superior academic standing and evidence major interest in and aptitude for life science.


Delta Epsilon Sigma Aimee Drabyn, Susan Ewart, Danielle Ferrell, Carla Gonzalex, Piotr Kopinski, Marek Kowalski, Megan McLoughlin, Alison Montemarano, Heather O'ullivan, Brittany Schilling, Ryan Simon Moderator: Revered James Collins



p4 )










Kappa Delta Pi Katie Ackermann, Donna Marie Atkinson, Shelley Ann Baker, Kathryn Berrien, Meghan Bleistine, Kaitlyn Boccella, Breanne Cook, Elizabeth Croulet, Melissa Degen, Susan Ewart, Eileen Field, Jacqueline Gallelli, Sarah Guld, Lisa Harrell, Domenica Hogan, Alicia Jackson, Anne Jones, Kayla Kowalick, Michelle Kustra, Melanic LaBlanc-Mann, Michelle Layden, Jennifer Lentine, Seely Leyenberger, Alyssa Liles, Laura Marrash, Lauren Martin, Kelly McNab, Ke Bing Mei, Adrienna Michalko, Alison Montemarano, Lisa Pagan, Amy Lynn Petti, Brandy Rose Savage, Paula Schellhardt, Katherine Smith, Rachel Stearns, Karissa Steer, Kimberly Strow, Beth Ann Sulpizio, Carolyn Testa, Donna Tortu-Rueter, Olivia VanDenbergh, Brooke Vermes, Danielle Vokes, Samantha Wethman, Amanda Wiscom Moderator: Dr. Michael White

Kappa Mu Epsilon Catherine Blumenstock, Kristina Calhoun, Jillian Keeve, Piotr Kopinski, Michelle Kustra„ Alyssra Overline Moderator: Sister Marcella Wallowicz


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Kappa Theta Epsilon Nya Daley, Carly D'Err iam Ga agher, Janelle Gordon, ~ „.line (ate i, Pk Kopinski, Marek Kowalski, Sabrina Luczyszyr., Brit y McSorley, i~uren Ne. Rodriguez, Kyle Ryan, Gina Stanish, Jody Searfos~, Zarzycki, Dane Dobrowols'.'yle Ewald, Ra™".,'.0 Gilmore, Mic.,eel Hartley, Juli,vers, Je.. a Kane, Justin Kull., Jes= Metzler, teven Nic letti, Jennifer Rc --i, Da Ru, Ry" Simon Moderator: Siste M. France. Veitz


Lambda Nu ( $/


AW Jacqueline Brynan, Shannon Cummings, Kate Loesch, Brian McCrane, Matthew McTeague, Alexandra Moorhead, Laura Suarez, David Young Moderator: Dr. John Woznicki

Sonia Rose Afonso, Terri Bucci, Kathleen A. Hebert, Katy Ann Kelly, Brenna Marie McGlynn, Gamy K. Pathak, Tami Price, Carly AI. Rendfrey, Timothy John Shales,

Jennifer Sysol, Heather R. Ziegler Moderator: Mark Ness

Here's how some of our student-athletes feel about being a part of a Holy Family athletic team... Fred Tuwei says, "Being on the track and cross country team has taught me two things school alone couldn': determination and commitment. It taught me to strive to be the best I could and showed me that I had to work hard in order to achieve my goals."

Christina Maestroni says, "Being an athlete on campus has truly helped me understand the art of teamwork."

Latifah Porter says, "Track makes me happy.

feel good when I'm running and I feel good when I'm in class. I'm the first athlete and the first college student in my family and I want to do something different so my cousins have someone to look up to." I

Bree'an Blaney says, "Being a part of the soccer team keeps me working hard and striving to do my best both physically as an athlete and academically as a student. I'e also met so many nice people that probably wouldn't have if I didn't play soccer." I

Qid Y


ln the spring of 1957, Holy Family's first intercollegiate sport competed in their first basketball season. They were called the

"Hi-Fi's" and were the forerunner of the University's current athletics teams.




Running them



This season of women's soccer was a fierce one! Every player went out on the field to keep their enemies from not reaching their goals. The team made it to the CACC Tournament Final, but just missed winning their second straight conference championship. The tigers fought hard and still had a great seasonl


Paigemarie Pellicciotti, '12



j/4 =-'bid

5e Back row (left to right): Assistant Coach Jill Keehan, Taylor McKee, Yovanna Quisbert, Katie Helkowski, Jennifer James (Captain), Melissa Benson, Gina Mansi, Rachel Dunkle, Rhiannon Ruggiero, Amanda Trabosh, Paigemarie Pellicciotti, Lindsay Fisher, Kristie Koczkodon, Coach Mike Biddle Front row (left to right): Rachel Dillinger, Kristi Whittaker, Dawn Curry (Captain), Megan Tole, Jillian Shank, Kelsey Marvill, Lauren Sullivan, Katie Maguire, Megan McGuigan, Brea'an Blaney, Erin Blaney




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Holy Family's Womens'olleyball team surpassed goals and expectations set by many. With a top record, the Tigers made Holy Family history by coming in first place during the season. Through ups, downs, and injuries of all sorts, the team pulled it together and made it to the CACC finals!

"%'e had a great season. I look forward to getting even further next year!" - Jill Keeve, '12


From center, clockwise: Mackenzie Bickes, Jordan Beland, Aimee Drabyn (Captain), Chelsea Keegan, Cara Przybylowicz, Sarah Ambach, Beckie Tett, Alyssa Keihl, Katie Hornback, Jillian Keeve (Captain), Christina Maestroni Not Pictured: Head Coach Scott Hibbs





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tant Coach Tim The cross country team along with Coach Daryl cKeever and Assi Championship CACC the in team Hamill had a good season. The Tigers came in 6th as a In the Conference. Track and also came in 12th place in the Men's 4x400 Collegiate the was Kinkaid Jeffrey NCAA Division II for the cross country East Regional, senior came the Tigers Invitational, first runner to finish the 10-k course. In the Cabrini College for Week, the of Runner in 2nd place overall. Senior Fred Tuwei was named the CACC his performance at the Cabrini College Invitational.

"Being on the team is like being in a small family. On the track, we'e not always going to have our best days, but we support each other no matter what because we respect each other. We during grueling workouts each and every day, that we are all striving to achieve certain goals, and we motivate each other to reach





those goals."

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Back row (left to right):

Jeffrey Kinkaid, Patrick Monteith, Carlos Mejia, Christopher Mallard, Kevin Kuczynski, Travis Perinho

Front row (left to right): Head Coach Daryl McKeever, Kevin Hannon Fred Tuwei, Michael Grubby, Alex McBain, Assistant Coach Tim Hamill

Not Pictured:



- Carlos Enrique Miguel Vargas Mejia Jr., '13

David Richardson



Know gm defeat!

Last spring, the lacrosse team had a great season along with their coach Sarah Lautenbach and assistant coach Lizzie McDaniels. These determined athletes played hard and achieved great heights, making it to the championship and finishing second in the CACC. Not only did the team as a whole achieve, but every individual player on the team did as well. Jennifer James, attack of the lacrosse team, was named to the 2010 CACC spring All-Academic team, along with 8 other student-athletes at Holy Family. Also midfielder Stephanie McNesby was named CACC's rookie of the year, the first Holy family lacrosse player to earn it! And also goal keeper Melissa Jenkins received an honorable mention for rookie of the year. The lacrosse team has excelled to great heights and will excel even more next season. GO TIGERS!!


Team Standing (left to right): Head Coach Sarah Lautenbach, Brooke Vermes, Gina Mansi, Katherine Podlinski, Courtney Kroeger, Maria Mattioli, Stephanie McNesby Jennifer James, Kelly McLaughlin and Assistant Coach Lizzie McDaniel. Kneeling (left to right): Kelly Kinkier, Jamie-Lynn Wallace, Hannah Guida, Danielle Shurdich, Lauren Greco, Samantha Comely and Jessica Maloney

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Swing to

Last spring, Holy Family's softball team finished its 2010 season after placing second in the — Deanna Myers, '13 CACC Championship Tournament. Pitcher Jody Searfoss was named to the CACC Spring AllAcademic team for the third straight season. For the Spring 2011 season, junior Cassandra Fitzgerald-Black and sophomore Lindsey Iden were named team captains.




Taking it to the team, 30 games...unlimited action! The men's basketball team here a Holy Family got off to a rough start, but with every game you could see immense passion and determination for the game. As the year progressed they gained more confidence, as well as showing their ability to compete with the league's elite teams. 1

"Being on a team is really like being in a fraternity. You feel as if everyone is your brother and you feel as if you have to look out for everyone on the team because they would do the same for you. By the end of it, you create long-lasting relationships that you remember for the rest of your life."

Mt 41 uaar





Back row (left to right): Brian Duross, Brett MacConnell, Malik West, Matt Kravchuk, Sam Mushman, Rickie Crews, Levente Csorvasi, Chris Gordy, Alberto Munoz, Ben Savidge, Head Coach John 0'connor, John Wolfe, Barry Person Front row(left to right): Khiry Hankins, Lateef Beifor, Taylor Papion, Nate Hodge, Ben Badeen, Rashaad Sneed, Tim Smith

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F ball in play

o y Family University men's golf team finished fifth overall at the Wilmington University Fall Classic at the Frog Hollow Golf Course in Middletown, Del. The Tigers were led by freshman Matt Farrell and sophomore Robert Moratti as both finished in the top-ten. Let's hope for


another great season! j

"The harder you work, the luckier you get. Golf involves patience along with concentration. During my 4 years on the team, I have learned that this is what it takes to make you a better golfer."

ar y,





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Not in order of photo: Jonathan Burns, Daniel Costello, Matthew Farrell, Piotr Kopinski, Corey McDonough, Robert Moratti, Charles Prendergast, Christopher Webster.





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This sport nNo atter h,s hard the workout or requires how (Jtg the '-.l, the love and support extreme of the team gets us through every amounts of meet and practice." stamina and - Atiya Amis, '14 talent. Our team is composed of young, talented, and well-rounded athletes who have dedicated themselves to overcoming the difficulties of various obstacles in their everyday meets and practices.




4i Back row (left to right): Head Coach Daryl McKeever, Chelsea Plerson, latifah Porter, Delainey Price, Atiya Amis, Diamond McCoy, June Cain, Assistant Coach Tim Hamilh Front row (left to right): Jennifer Schrank, Dominique Thomas, Molly Finnegan.

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., Who's making all the






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OSSNss "When r look back at my onne with rÂťe tennis te~n this year, I could not be any prouder of our achievements! We made each othe~ better through our good advice, support, friendship, and hufiiuf.. wa to thank the team for a remarkable season and for stickin throuptf ir nlf together, on and off the court!"


Linda Piecyk,


In tennis you can fray your opponent's nerves by methodically bouncing the ball at least ten times before your serves. The Holy Family tennis team must have used this tactic as they got all the way to the CACC semifinals! Sophomores Juliana Victoria and Jin Querubin were also named to the CACC Women' Tennis All-Conference team.

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From left to righn Assistant Coach Quena Borres, Katie Cook, Juliana Victoria, Maja pantelic, Amanda Tofe (Captain), Chelsea Brown, Jennifer Sanchez, JJnda Piecyk, Jin Querubin, Head Coach Brett Shavftz. Not Pictured: Assistant Coach Betsy Prendergast

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it up a notch

This team had a great season, making it to the CACC semifinals! Some of the athletes including junior midfielder Colin Whalen, graduate student Nick Practico, and sophomore defender Dodji Freitas were honored by the CACC post-season. Seniors Rich Morawski, Jason Lopez, and Adrian Paul will be missed. "I'm glad to be a part of Holy Family' It has allowed me to meet a lot of good friends over the last four years. Good luck to next

mens'occer program.

year's tigers. ROAR!!!"

Back row (left to right): Assistant Coach Georg Montag, Assistant Coach Gary Stephenson, Seydou Ba, Jeff Wimsey, Nick Pratico (Captain), Osni Rocha, Kelly Diaz, Mark Ferretti, Ahmed Elgayar, Mark Fischer, Rich Morawski (Captain), Dodji Freitas, Head Coach Mike Bradby. Front row (left to right): Jason Lopez, Dennis Park, Colin Whalen, Adrian Paul, William George, Timothy Weglicki (Captain), Conor Rodgers, Ira Woodruff, Tom Stackhouse, Shane Chin.




It's not the Hype, it's the


Holy Family, ranked 15th in the recent USA Today/ESPN Division II Top-25 Coaches'oll as of December, improved to 6-2 overall and 3-0 in conference play. In the process, Holy Family increased its NCAA Division II record of consecutive regular season conference victories to 106.



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Back row (from left to right): Sam Swanson, Nikki Flores, Ashley Cieplicki, Devon Spirka, Mary Ellen McCollum, Carolyne Heston, Erin Mann, Katie Duma, Kelly Brady, Maggie Serratelli, Bethann Castone, Brian Devlin Front row (from left to right): Molly Hanlon, Samantha Thompson, Lindsey Tennett, Head Coach Mark Miller,Meghan Gibson, Catherine Carr, Lauren Peters




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The studentathlete







"'It as amazing to meet people with a ifferent outlook and dedication to othe people! Especially being there [at the fireho"""] 24l7 and the devotion they

10 pm advisory committee is a group of - Jill Keeve, SAAC Vice President, athletes that serve as a voice to the athletic administration as well as to the university. The group engages in community service, community engagement and works with the NCAA. Events include cooking dinner for Cornwells Fire Company of Bensalem Township in Bucks County, along with visiting elementary schools and instituting their Build-A-Library Fundraiser.





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f graduat


Lauren Kristi Acton Management-Marketing

Jesse F. Acevedo CMIS

Bridgette N. Adams Early Childhood & Elementary Ed.

"Do everything you can! Be involved! Attend to all the

activities! You will build relationships, makes friends and you will have fun! Be spontaneous! The opportunities are there, just get out of your comfort zone and do it! You won't regret it, I promise." This biology major from Esmeraldas, Ecuador not only left this great piece of advice to underclassmen, she lived it. While at Holy Family, she was a resident assistant, an ambassador, the president of Fusion club, a member of the spiritual group as well as being involved with the Plgers and the Albertans. She also excelled academically as she earned Dean's List since her freshman year. Her favorite memories from Holy Family include going Downtown with her friends, meeting her boyfriend freshman year, living with her first roommate, RA training, her first year as an RA„hanging out with the best people from Poland, and spending her summer with her friend



Kathleen Anderson Business Administration/HR

Veronica Altimari English


Amanda Marita Babiarz Psychology



Matthew F. Bateman Management-Marketing



Amanda Mane Arnold Nursing

Nicole Balzereit CMIS

Helen Balasabas Nursing

Martyn a.

After reflecting upon her years at Holy Family, Andrea said, "I will miss everything! It has been an incredible experience. These four years flew by so quickly. I wish I had more time, but I think all seniors feel that way." In the future, she plans to attend veterinarian school d complete her degree. 76

Stephanie A. Blaker Elementary & Special Education


Catherine Ann Bonner History

Jay Bowen III Business Administration

Kirstin Ryali Bradley Sports Management-Marketing

Dolores M. Brown Elementary & Special Education

Brianna Marie Buglak Nursing

Jennifer Buongiorno Criminal Justice

Samantha Byers Elementary & Special Education

Valery Cadet Communications

Nicholas Campbell Elementary Education

Catherine Carr Sports Management-Marketing

Katrina Lynn Carroll Pre-Art Therapy

Lisa Maria Casey Elementary & Special Education

Deanna Cole Sociology

Ashley Conway Psychology

Diana K. Cooperstein Nursing


Gina Michelle Cifaloglio Nursing

Rebecca J. Costa Criminal Justice





Wanda Cottom Business Administration

Brittany Craig Management-Marketing

Katherine M. Cushman Management-Marketing

Christine Cutler Radiologic Science

Christine Deussing Nursing

e 'e

I4I s

Michael J. Daily Elementary Education

Ann Daniel Nursing

Nykia Davis-Bradley Nursing

Chelsea Ann Dever Elementary & Special Education

Antonina Deverue Psychology

Brian Christopher Devlin Sports Management-Marketing




I e

Janell A. DeZolt Psychology


Merrilyn C. Dharmawan Biology

Patrick N. DiGiovanni Criminal Justice


Duval Dougherty Business Administration

Jennifer L. Douglas Elementary Education


Jamie Lyn Edwards Nursing

Christopher Esposito Elementary Education

Allison Marie Eife Elementary & Special Education


Lauren Esposito Business Administration

Heather Marie Escudero Nursing

Elizabeth Anne Mary Faia Nursing


Nicole M. Felicioni Psychobiology

Danielle Ferrell Studio Art

Julia D. Ferrell Nursing


Fred Tuwei, a finance major from Nairobi, Kenya, will be remembered as one of the most talented athletes in the class of 2011. As a member of the cross country and track teams, Fred was named the 2009 Nlen's Cross Country runner of the year. Winning the 2009 CACC Cross Country Championship was among his favorite memories from Holy Family. "I will miss my professors especially my advisor Dr. Cao Jiang, my teammates, and my friends," he said. Other than his involvement in Holy Family athletics, Fred was also involved in Fusion and the Business Society. He earned Dean's List honors in the School of Business Administration in 2009 and 2010 too. He encourages underclassmen "to join different clubs and organizations, to take leadership positions in order to be challenged so they ultimately learn more about themselves and about working with people. Ultimately, I encourage them to take classes outside their field of study in order to learn and explore as much as they goals for the future include attending graduate school and having a stable, successful career in banking. He also plans to open his own restaurant. can!"'is

Natacha M. Fils-Aime Nursing



Katelyn Marie Flanigan Management-Marketing


Joan Fong Business Administration



fOf tAIS f.



Looking back at his time spent at Holy Family, Piotr said, "I have learned about some great values that quicken the pulse of the American people and the Holy Family experience largely shaped me to be who I am today. I never thought I would travel that much in the US, and see Alcatraz, Miami Beach, the Library of Congress, the Statue of Liberty, and the room where the US Constitution was created and signed. I also never expected to like hamburgers." Besides enjoying hamburgers, this biochemistry major from Kielce, Poland has achieved many academic honors while at Holy Family. He was selected to present at the American Society of Hematology annual meetings, invited to speak at the European School of Haematology 12th International Research Conference in Washington, DC, and received the American Society of Hematology Trainee Research Award, an award given to only 40 students nationwide. Piotr has also earned Dean' List every semester and is a member of four honor societies. His favorite memory from Holy Family was Christmas Rose concerts. "I will miss their warm atmosphere." After graduation, he plans on becoming a physician scientist to investigate underlying molecular causes of cancer in order to design successful future therapies. In ten years, he also sees himself married with children and will have visited Australia, Alaska, and Tibet. He leaves this advice to underclassmen: "Do party, but don't waste your time. Discover what gives you joy and motivation and pursue it consequently. Demand more ~ yourself than others demand from you." 80

Jacqueline Jenna Foster Psychology

Christopher A. Fox Management-Marketing

William J. Frino, Jr. CMIS

Jacqueline Gallelli Mathematics Secondary Education

Melissa Emily Galm Finance

Colleen M. Gandy Sociology



ff ~

Nicole E. Gianino Management-Marketing

Dunia T. Gibson Nursing

Meghan Erin Gibson Nursing

Lauren Gindele Psychology for Business

Carla M. Gonzalez Elementary 8 Special Education

Matthew T. Good Accounting

Deborah A. Greer Radiologic Science

Stephanie H. Gross Communications

Christina Marie Guilliams Early Childhood & Elementary Ed.

Sarah Ashley Guld Elementary & Special Education

Christine Gloria Hall Religious Studies

Kristen Elizabeth Helkowski Elementary & Special Education

Anita Herzog Nursing

Kurt Hibner Communications

Lauryn Marie Hirschbuhl Psychology

Stephanie Ann Hud Nursing

Ashley Marie Huff Psychology for Business

Bonnie J. Humphreys Elementary & Special Education

Kelly Samantha Hyde Early Childhood & Elementary Ed.

Marissa Ann lannarelli Early Childhood & Elementary Ed.

Rinju Jacob Biology

Jennifer Lynn James Nursing

Toosdhi K. Johnson-Hill Nursing

Letisha Rishawn Jefferson Accounting

Sangeeta Kalaparambath Nursing

Kimberley Nicole Katelhon Elementary & Special Education


Piotr Karol Kopinski Biochemistry


Tricia Marie Kalinoski Nursing

Garam L. Kayed Elementary & Special Education

Morgen-Nicolle Kottler Nursing

Megan Jordan Management-Marketing

Kristin A. Kane Elementary & Special Education

Kelly P. Kinkier Nursing

Kayla Kowalick Elementary & Special Education

Melissa E. Kairis English

Jesse T. Karpovich History

Victoria Kochobay Accounting

Marek Mateusz Kowalski Biochemistry & Biology

Ashlea Kronberger Nursing

Amanda Kubasti Nursing

Ledina Kuka Finance

Yatta Katherine Kunneh Nursing

Michelle M. Kustra Elementary & Special Education

Seana Ann Lafty Elementary & Special Education

Jasper Wing Chui Lam Finance

Michael Seneca Lamparello Sports Management-Marketing

Thomas Lapteff Accounting

Linda Lewis Business Administration

Elizabeth Ann Lipinski Elementary 8 Special Education

Sean Lipschultz Business Administration

This Nursing student was not only an excellent student, but was also talented vocally, serenading the audience at Christmas Rose every year. Krystle named this annual tradition as her favorite memory from Holy Family, saying "It's a really great Holy Family tradition where we can come together with our family and friends hefore craziness of final~ begin." On campus she was involved in the Music Ministry, Student Ambassadors, the Senior Legacy Committee, and the Student Nurses Association. She also sang outside of school at weddings, funerals and masses at the St. Timothy Church. In her advice to underclassmen she quotes Ralph Waldo Emerson: "To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!" In ten years, she sees herself as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and working at the Children' Hospital of Philadelphia. 83


Gabrielle Kathryn Loesch Elementary Education

Catherine Lombardi Nursing

Jason Lopez Finance

Andrew Lopresti CMIS

Sharon Lowney Psychology

Dayna Marie Mader Elementary 8 Special Education

Molly Maguire Early Childhood 8 Elementary Ed.

Andrea Mantilla Biology

Laura Ann Marie Marrash Elementary Education

Kelsey R. Marvill Elementary 8 Special Education

Hannah B. Lipson Nursing

Christian, a History major, describes himself in one word as boundless, a word that could also describe his time here at Holy Family. He was a very involved student —Treasurer of the Art Club from 2009 to 2011 and then Vice President in the spring of 201'I, a member of the Drama Club performing in many plays and productions, and a member of the Music Ministry. He was also among the students who have spearheaded a campaign to begin a new student organization on campus to bring understanding, acceptance and equality to the world. Christian's favorite memories from HF were just hanging out with some of the best people he ever met. "From the friends I'e made in the Drama club, to those I'e meet in the art department, to my fellow history majors and the countless night classes we'e had together with Dr. Mariscotti. I will never forget the fun times we'e had and I know there will be more to come. I'l miss performing in the drama club productions the most." Looking back, he says "I never would have believed I would be as comfortable with myself as I am now. As my patron saint St. Francis De Sales would say, 'Be who you are and be that well.*"



Danielle Long Elementary Education


Lauren M. Mastropietro Psychology

Tibu Mathew Management-Marketing

Christy McCall Elementary Education

Kasey Marie McConnell Early Childhood & Elementary Ed.

Caitlin Rose McCourt Early Childhood & Elementary Ed.

Meghan McCusker Elementary 8 Special Education

Jenna McGuigan Elementary & Special Education


Heather Lynn McGuire Management-Marketing

Michael McKeown Business Administration

Jessica Lynn Mercier Elementary & Special Education

Meghan Marie Meyers Art Secondary Education

Anne Marie McCole Nursing


Patricia A. McGlothen Sociology


Megan McLoughlin Psychology

( QN~i

Matthew Brian McTeague English Secondary Education

Adrienna Helen Michalko Elementary & Special Education 85


Alexandra Moorhead English

Ashley Miller Nursing

Daniel R. Mitchell Communications

Alison Mary Montemarano Elementary & Special Education

Richard Morawski Management-Marketing

Colleen Patricia Morta Nursing

Melissa Mulhern Elementary Education

Christian James Murphy History

Natasha Marie Naldzin Elementary & Special Education

Stephanie Nemeth Elementary Education

Lauren Marie Nestel Psychology

Katie Nicole O'Donnell Biology

Timothy J. O'Driscoll Nursing

Heather Lauren O'ullivan Elementary & Special Education

Sarah Rosemarie Murray Psychology

William H. O'onnor Accounting



Shannon L. Oliver Nursing

Melissa Paige Orber Nursing

Danielle Marie Owen Nursing I



ne be

Amanda Parker Communications

Nikita Raj Patel Nursing

Gamy Pathak Radiologic Science

Kevin Peron Elementary 8 Special Education

Nicole Pfender Elementary 8 Special Education

Linda M. Piecyk Manag ment-Marketing

Jenny J. Pittappilly Nursing


Paul International Business 'drian

Tabitha Philip Nursing



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In one word, this Art Therapy major would describe herself as motivated. And it's easy to see why. Her plans for the future Include getting her Master' Degree in Art Therapy, opening her own practice in Creative Arts Therapy, and starting a foundation or charity. "My main goal is to help people through my passion for art," Katrina said. She was also President of the Art Club and a member of the Holy Family University Judicial Board as well as part of the Philadelphia Chapter in the Women's Caucus for Art and a student representative for the Delaware Valley Art Therapy Association. In addition to all her activities, Katrina earned Dean's List in 2008, 2009, and 201 0 as well as the Horatio Alger Society Scholarship. Her favorite Holy Family events were Freshmen Orientation, the Halloween Dance, hanging out in the Campus Center, and doing arts and crafts with the kids on Take Your Child to Work Day. She said she'l miss seeing her friends and her favorite professors every

day. Katrina leaves this advice for underclassmen: "Really take time to enjoy college. Go to campus events and get involved because it goes by so fast." Looking back, she said she wouldn't change anything. However, she never thought she would be graduating early or that she would be planning on attending graduate school in New York. "My professors at Holy Family have helped me to see that the possibilities for my future are endless and limitless and I'm ~ open to possibilities than I 88 was in high school."

Steven Pratt Business Administration

Jeffrey F. Purvis II History Secondary Education

Ashlene Briana Quinn Elementary & Special Education

Chelsea Elizabeth Quirk Elementary & Special Education

Jonathan Radick Manag ment-Marketing

Steven Ramos Accounting









ti ie'o i

Kristyna L. Raicliffe Sports Management-Marketing

Andriana Nelly Rivera Nursing


Kathleen Reim Management-Marketing

Sandra L. Roderig Psychology


~ ''a-




Tarah Lynn Repetski Accounting

Armindo Rodrigues Sports Management-Marketing

Mary Gabrielle Rossiter Manag ment-Marketing

Michael Rovinski

Walter Ryan Religious Studies

Arielle Schwarz Criminal Justice

Sindy Serna International Business

Jeremiah Shahene Psychology

Thomaleya N. Sherrod Criminal Justice

Nicole A. Shiffler Nursing

Megan Shirley Elementary & Special Education

Ryan Joseph Simon Sports Management-Marketing

Melissa Simprevil Nursing

Rachel Slack Early Childhood Education

Kasey L. Rogers Radiologic Science


Elise M. Schneiderreit Nursing



Krystal Marie Shapiro Elementary Education


Tanya Silva Nursing



Rebecca Carol Smith Biology

Gillian Snyder Elementary & Special Education


,t ,'p


' ~ 1


~ '111

Dennis Sparks Business Administration

Matthew James Snyder Nursing

Mary K. Stewart Accounting

Lance C. Stolle International Business

Monica L. Szyszkiewicz Psychology for Business

Lindsey Anne Tennett Biology


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Mark K. Snyder Fire Science 8 Public Safety


I ~





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Lily Kazia Stepnowski


Kelli M. Symes

Linsa Sunny Nursing


+ + +






Krystle Rose Toth Nursing


Rosechell L. Trautz Management-Marketing

Brittney M. Treude Nursing

p ~

Fred K. Tuwei Finance

Michael James Ulrich History Secondary Education

Britany Vespe Management-Marketing

Ryan Steven Vogt Sports Management-Marketing

Danielle C. Vokes Elementary & Special Education

Stephanie A. Wierzbowski Elementary & Special Education

Courtney Lynn Williamson Pscyhology



Lisa Marie Winslow Nursing

Vanessa Zayas Nursing


Jessica Winterbottom Nursing


Karen Loren Yust History


Elementary Education major. Captain of the Volleyball team. President of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. Alpha House volunteer. Math Tutor at the Center for Academic Enhancement. Representative for the National Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. Volleyball Coach. Make-A-Wish volunteer. It's clear from her list of activities and leadership positions that Aimee was very involved during her college years. She's also just as accomplished academically and

athletically. She's earned Dean's List 2008 through 2010 and holds numerous HF Volleyball records including sets in a season, sets in a career, sets per game, and aces in a season! Her future seems just as bright! Her plans inciude attending graduate school, working with student-athletes at the collegiate level, and living in the Midwest near her family. Her favorite memory from Holy Family was ail the time she spent with her volleyball teammates. "Traveling together, working hard together and working through adversity are memories that have changed my life forever and have made me a better person," Aimee said. If she could go back in time, Aimee would have went back to the championship volleyball game. She said she would give anything to play one more game with her team. To underclassmen, she leaves this advice: "Treat friendship as a fine art. At the end of the day you won't remember how you did on a test or a grade you received, but you will remember your friends and how people made you feel, so make others - special!"


Illet Pietwrsf Sonia Rose Afonso - Radiologic Science Olubisi Akintunde - Nursing Suzanne Elizabeth Allmond - Criminal Justice Firas M. Alsayyed - Finance Kristin M. Ames - Psychology Christine Amey - Nursing Alana Arthurs - Sport Marketing Management Jamie Baldwin - Communications Christina Barlett - Accounting Ana-Alicia Amalia Bayney - Psychology George A. Beckett, Sr. - Fire Science/Public Safety Jane Gabrielle Beeman - Elementary/Special Education Anu Benny - Nursing Kathryn Anne Berrien - Elementary Education Renea Berry - Nursing Janet Boccardo - Business Administration Catherine T. Bomer - Nursing Denver Booker - Criminal Justice Anne Bradley - Religious Studies Michael G. Browning Jr. - Mathematics/ Secondary Education Jonathan M. Bruce - Management Marketing Jeannine Bruno - Business Adminstration Dana Marie Brzyski - Nursing Therese Bucci - Radiologic Science Matthew R. Buckley - History Mary Ann Yema Bunders - Nursing Philip Laurence Buretta - Humanities Kelly Anne Burns - Elementary/ Early Childhood Education (NC) Kristina Calhoun - Mathematics/ Secondanr Education Megan Campbell - Nursing Shawn Carney - Sport Management-Marketing Sarah Catherine Carr - Sport Management-Marketing Ashley Carroll - Business Adminstration Kristina Marie Carroll - Biology Jessica Lynn Carver - Nursing Lauren Chambers - Biology Joseph Paul C. Cifelli - Management Marketing Jacqueline Marie Cole - Elementary/ Special Education Zainab Cole - Nursing Mary Elizabeth Collins - Nursing Kaitlyn Conlan - Nursing Mai Monica Constance - Psychology Kara Copestick- Radiologic Science Marisol Cosby - Business Adminstration Colleen P. Costello - Psychology John Michael Cravero - Management Marketing Yatta Katherine Crosby - Nursing Joseph J. Crotty - Criminal Justice Shannon Juliet Cummings - English John Stephen Cuorato - Accounting John Raymond Dailey Jr. - Criminal Justice William D'more - Sport Management-Marketing Ryan Anthony Davidoff - CMIS Teresa DeMaio - History Stephanie Lauren Dempsey - English/Secondary Education Kamindara Dhillon - Radiologic Science Lisa M. DiLeonardo - Nursing Robert M. Dodge - Fire Science/Public Safety Francis X. Doyle, Jr. - Criminal Justice Aimee M. Drabyn - Elementary Education Derrick Duggan - Nursing George Dziedzina - Communications Michael Eibel - Business Adminstration Jennifer Nicole Eibell - Nursing Keith Elliott - Business Adminstration Kelly Elmer - Business Adminstration Kristen Marie English - Communications Maureen G. Enwright - Sociology Joanne Marie Esterly - Elementary/Special Education Shawn Christopher Everman, Sr. - Humanities Susan Ewart - English/ Secondary Education Amanda M. Fath - Accounting Lisa Marie Felicione - Psychology Claire E. Fischer - Nursing Francesca R. Formica - Elementary/ Early Childhood Education Mary A. Fraietta - Elementary/Special Education Jennifer Frank - Business Adminstration Allison Fritz - Psychology

Stefan E. Ftomyn - CMIS Jeneen Garrett - Nursing Joanne Gefter - Management Marketing Lisa Geoghegan - Nursing Michelle Giambrone - Elementary/Special Education Jerremy N. Gibbs - Psychology Melissa Grab - Nursing Jason J. Grabskl - Biology John Graveley - Humanities Nicholas E. Graveley - Communications Jill Gregorowicz - Nursing Christine Elizabeth Gruber - Nursing Hannah Colleen Guida - Elementary/Special Educat Justin Guida - Elementary/Special Education Joanne P. Hamilton - Psychology Kristina Harple - Radiologic Science Margarita Harris - Nursing Ninette Harvey - Business Administration Matthew Thomas Hassey - Biology Kathleen A. Hebert - Radiologic Science Katherine June Herbert - Nursing Edward Christopher Heuser - Finance Ngoc N. Hoang - Nursing London C. Houston - Sport Management-Marketing Charles W. Howells - Finance Megan Hrosovsky - Nursing Kimberly Marie Hrubar - Management Marketing Regina D. Huebner - Elementary/Special Education Stefanie latarola - Elementary/Special Education Diane V. Janssen - Accounting Letisha Rishawn Jefferson - Accounting Veronica Jenkins - Elementary/Special Education Robert Jensen - Business Administration Ewald Jerrica - Nursing Phillip Johannes - Business Adminstration Nancy Johnson - Nursing Christy Jose - Nursing Tinju Jose - Nursing Jacqueline Katen - Criminal Justice David M. Kauffman - CMIS Elke Keane - Business Administration James J. Kedra, Jr. - Communications Jessica L. Keefe - Psychology Katy Ann Kelly - Radiologic Science Maria C. Kelly - Elementary/Special Education Robert Jude Kensil - Finance Nicole Knowles - Accounting Daniel Kochobay - Finance Elezaveta Kramarenko - Elementary/ Early Childhood Education Kristin Kubach - Business Adminstration Barbara J. Kubis - Humanities Melanic LaBlanc-Mann - Elementary/Special Education Billie Lefty - Psychology for Business Kate E. Lagsdon - Nursing Ashley Marie Laine - Elementary/Special Education Christopher Lamalfa - Business Administration Rosechell Laurito - Management Marketing Linda Leto - Business Adminstration Nicole L. Liczbinski - Nursing Dana Lopez - Nursing Denise Loughery - Business Adminstration Lindsay A. Mack - Communications Nicole Rae Maglione - Nursing Miguel Maldonado - Elementary/Special Education Kevin M. Maloney - Criminal Justice Olena Malynovych - Nursing Lauren Frances Mang - Nursing Colleen Mangold - Communications Paola Tatiana Martinez - Radiologic Science Brianne Nicole Martino - Nursing Lisa Masi - Radiologic Science Eric Matt - Psychology James P. McAnally Jr. - Radiologic Science Niia Marie McCabe - Nursing Maura Bernadette McCartney - Nursing Shannon McCrorey - Management Marketing Brian McDevitt - Nursing Brenna Marie McGlynn - Radiologic Science

Illet Pietlrarrt McGowan - Business Adminstration Andrea Marie Tryon McGrath - Elementary/Early Childhood Ed Colin J. McKeever - Fire Science/Public Safety Kelly McKenna - Radiologic Science Edward J. McNicholas - Criminal Justice Gary Mcouade - Business Administration I Lindsay M. Melnick- Art/ Secondary Education Sean Patrick Melody - Communications Dominic Joseph Mergard - Sport Management-M arketing ,'essica Marie Micucci - Elementary/Special Educ ation Sontae Mitchell - Nursing Deno Montgomery - Business Adminstration Joseph P. Moore - History Jessica Mullins - Nursing Justina M. Mullins - Elementary/Special Education Christie Alysse Murt - Nursing Nicole Muzychka - Psychology Kristin E. Myers - Elementary/Special Education Alba Navarreto - Nursing Tracy D. Nevarez - Psychology Anthony Neveil - Radiologic Science Catherine Ann Norton - Nursing Alexis Novak - Nursing Michael Patrick Nugent - Radiologic Science Madeline O'rien - Nursing Patrick O'rien - Business Adminstration Stephanie Marie O'rien - Management Marketing Adrienne O'onnor - Business Adminstration Kyle M. Orth - Sport Management-Marketing Lauren Katherine Osmolski - Psychology Alyssia Mary Overline - Mathematics/ Secondary Education Miriam Pappas-Nemez - Psychology Michelle Parent - Finance Meghan Pasternak - Nursing Pranaliben Patel - Biology- Medical Technology Pedchenko - Nursing Stephen F. Penko - CMIS Brittany L Persson - English Amy Claire Peruzzi - Nursing Beth A. Peters - Accounting Demetrios Pittaooulis - Adminstration Patricia Potero - Nursing Tami Price - Radiologic Science Nicole Pruitt - Business Adminstration John Rambo - Humanities Nicole Ashley Redmond - Nursing Adam Regnery - Business Administration William Reidy - Radiologic Science Kathryn A. Rementer - Nursing Carly A. Rendfrey - Radiologic Science Alyssa Lynn Rettinger - Nursing Christine Denise Richter - Nursing Heather Rose Ritchie - Nursing Lorrie Robinson - Nursing Lisette Rodriguez - Nursing Adais Rodriquez - Criminal Justice Richard J. Romano - Fire Science/Public Safety Georga Antonio Romu - Fire Science/Public Safety Melissa Rosati - Communications Jesse Roussakis - Business Administration Jacquelyn Rucci - Elementary Education Amanda L. Rudolph - Elementary/Special Educati on Laura T. Russo - Elementary/Special Education Carolyn M. Ryan - Elementary/Special Education Kimberly Ryan - Business Adminstration Nicole Telismon Sainta - Nursing Jennifer A. Santana - Psychology Andrea Scarcia - Nursing Amanda Lynn Schaeffler - Nursing Lindsay M. Schafer - Nursing Arielle Schwarz - Criminal Justice Denise Scott - Business Adminstration Amanda C. Searle - Elementary Education Bridget A. Sercow - Management Marketing Jonathan Shmilovich - Business Adminstration Tricia Sieger - Nursing Sarah Andreia Silva - Radiologic Science Jamie Slichter - Criminal Justice Michael






- Business Adminstration - Business Adminstration

Walter Smilowski Annemarie Smith Megan Smith - Nursing Jessica Lynn Stauffer - Nursing Kathryn A. Stott - History Michele Szarak - Business Administration Krista Marie Tarducci - Nursing Jacqueline R. Tomasco - Nursing Nancy Toussaint - Nursing Tran B. Truong - Nursing Genesis Alise Tucker - Criminal Justice Anson Mathew Vaidhyan - Accounting Joy Van Marter - Accounting Brooke Ashley Vermes - Elementary/Special Education Michelle Viola - Nursing Yulia Volin - Nursing William Martin Vorhaus II - Management Marketing Joseph Michael Waclawski - Sport Management-Marketing Lori Ann Walp - Accounting Lisa Joyce Walz - History/ Secondary Education Kathy Warchol - Adminstration Elnora M. Weeks - Art Michael R. Wells - Communications Susan Wesner - Nursing Samantha J. Wethman - Elementary/ Early Childhood Education Brynne Aileen Whalen - Communications Ryan Patrick White - Communications Kelly Anne Whitfield - Sport Management-Marketing Trenton Williams - Business Adminstration Nicole Wilson - Elementary/Special Education Courtney Wimmer - Radiologic Science Amanda Winscom - Elementary/Special Education Christen D. Worth - Psychobiology Karen Loren Yust - History Korey Zehender - Radiologic Science Heather R. Ziegler - Radiologic Science Stanley R. Zio - Psychology James Steven Zlupko - Finance

If thi najot uuur ~e wouldn' go be~~ u hange a u ...„. everything I'e dealt with, every situati< n I'e encountered haa mLtrferf mo ii fn fho person I an Megh~~,~s a niember >f the women' cap~ basketball earn is well as a member oi lhe S udentAthlete Adv immi«ee. ..>u>, e also I a g I's AAi II tean with the NE Rockers as well as helping out at various ~ttntcs and ca/nps for girlo u etfetbe Her faVOrite mf tuariea err vere frc t Holy Far ime on tt with ter - nlll ve ai bondc nd cr ie to one ai



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back in .Jorkirtg to~vard hr " Master's " .gree and with a family. To ur. Srclassmen, sh< aves Hie:e of advic Get ir...ved, '- " «r ingS! YO sow rrtei ainu sh or vho y neet. ~ ~







minute .s by 93

The fina words from our

Some of our graduating seniors took the opportunity to say a few last words. Some gave thank yous, some shared memories, and some left advice for hte underclassmen. Here's what they had to say...

" wou

Michae White for providing so many oppor unities for me to grow and exce a Ho y Fami y Universi y. 'Throughout y four years at Ho y Fami y, he has a ways been someone cou d turn o for advice, support, and guidance. Dr. White encouraged me to be invo ved in the campus community and he has he ped me to f ourish in the Schoo of Education. — Marissa annare i d ike to thank Dr.

s memorai e

or 'mania ~ was" e oeer 'on men


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"I'l remember how nice everyone at Holy Family was.

I'l miss

how tight-knit it was

The most memorable events were the Tiger Paw-looza and the caricaturist that came in," says Stephanie Gross.


Kurt Hibner leaves this advice for underclassmen: 'Be on top and efficient when choosing classes and making academic decisions. College is expensive so don't waste it. 4'ork hard, learn, and don't fall behind."

"These last four years have been the most influential years of my life. I started as a freshman nursing major and now I'm about graduate as an Early Childhood/Elementary Ed major. I have discovered myself and have learned so much about myself as well as the real world. I have grown into the person that I have always dreamed of becoming. I'm proud of myself and the determination that I gave to my education." - Caitlin McCourt

Samantha Byers sayÂť, "Reflecting back as I prepare to graduate from Holy Family, there are many people who have helped me get to where I am today. But none deserve my thanks more than my family. My Grandmom and Pop have taught, guided and spoiled me in every way they could think of. Grandmom Moyer was among my first teachers. She helped me grow and learn, she is my compass in my faith and my life. Aunt Tammy has supported me in all things and has helped guide me through life. My brother, Larry, has always pushed me to do my best and is always there for me. But most of my thanks goes to my parents. My mom and dad have provided me with everything I could ever want or need, they have shown me what it means to work for what you want and to be proud of what you'e accomplished. They have guided me and supported me in everything I'e done. Each of these people has played, and still play, an important role in making me who I am Never will I ever be able to express my love aud gra~titude for each of them."


uva > ou erty says, " wou d su arize my ast four years at Ho y Fami y as it bein akin to an inte ectua ro er coaster ride. One is experiencin. the ri ~ e with others, there are moments of inte ectua ows and there are moments of epiphany and inte ectua hi.hs. A the whi e one is ho din on for dear ife whi e si u taneous y and quizzica y en'oyin the ride. What a ride! ~ a a ore co ete an ric er in ivi ua or t e ex i erience. Thanks Ho y Fami y!" ~







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4" Kelly El er said, "One of my favorite memories is m first class at Holy Family four years ago: I was terrified and giving my first presentation. didn't know a soul i the c ass. One of my classmates ooked at me, told m not to worry and to look at him the whole time. He would be my "happy face." It worked. I got through t presentation and the class —and he has been my frien ever since! I ill iss the ca araderie, the shared experiences, and learning from my classmates —not just the teachers! I would like to thank the teachers who inspired me to keep on learning: especially Donna Conrad, Jim Shie ds, and Amy Drobi e!n


"I liked all the

free food days such as Charter Day and the first day of school. I also liked the teachers who truly

care about the students. My favorite memories would be working in the Duplicating Office and the trips with my Tennis team," - Linda Piecyk 96

Veronica A limari wou d ike to thank "Dr. Patricia Michae and Dr.John Woznicki. Two very different teachers but two peop e respec t immense y and want to thank so much for putting up with )or four years."









Looking back, but moving forward. (


said, "The key to my time aad success at Holy Family University can be summed up in one word: family. The love and support of my parents and sisters, as always, was constant throughout the duration of my time here, but my "family" grew to include many of the teachers and classmates 1 encountered during these past four years. I will treasure these relationships and will always look upon this time with fondness as I move forward with my life. Thank you to everyone at Holy Family with special thanks to Professor Liebman, for three years if you taught it l took it, the work was challenging but it was fun and I honestly learned the most from you; Dr. Duggar, thanks for all your guidance, support, and for letting me serve the School of Business; Sister Frances Veitz, thanks for all of your insights, encouragement, and for the seemingly limitless opportunities you opened for me."

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That's all we ave for now.

See you next year!

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