“Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the Universe,
or you want to pursue a career in the 21st Century, basic Computer Programming is an essential skill to learn.” - Stephen Hawking We live in the Computer Age and are surrounded by a myriad of examples of it’s digital technology. Our lives are circumscribed by it, from work to leisure and every area between. Digital literacy is arguably as important as literacy. To make the most of what the world now offers, we will need to understand how these technologies work and what impact they have on our lives. Further, it is essential that we are able to maximise the way in which technology can help us develop as a well rounded and self-sufficient member of today’s society. As global citizens, we must be discerning of the information available, able to it, analyse it, use it and create it in a morally and ethically unassailable manner.
Knowledge Term 1 13
Term 2
Term 3
Project (Examined)
Applications Generation Project (Examined)
Project Examination
Types of Processor
Project (Examined)
External Examinations
Computing related Legislation Moral and Ethical Issues
Systems Software Computational Methods
Applications Generation Programming techniques
Data Structures Boolean Algebra Software Development Algorithms
Ethical Impact of Technology
Review of Programming
Preparation Network Communication
Non-Examined Assessment (NEA)
Non-Examined Assessment (NEA)
Data Structures
Problem Solving Programming (Python) Components of a Computer Programming Concepts
Networks Programming Structures Environmental Impact of Technology Exchanging Data Programming Review
Types of Programming Languages Compression, Encryption and Hashing Networks Databases Web Technologies Review and Revision GCSE Exams
Data Representation Internal Components Programming Methods The Bigger Picture Network Security
Review of eSafety Computer Crime and Cyber Security
Text-based Code Review [Python] Python Next Steps
Practical Programming Revision Techniques
eSafety Elements of a Computer
More Visual Programming [FMS Logo] Introduction to Text-based Co [Python]
Algorithms and Computational Methods Programming Journal [Update] Revision Techniques
Induction eSafety eSafety Presentation Introduction to Computers
Visual Programming [FMS Logo] Applications [Spreadsheets]
Applications [Spreadsheets] Programming Journal [Update] Revision Techniques
Communication and the Network
Computational Thinking Systems Software
Problem solving and programming
Data & Data Representation
Structure and function of the Processor
Data Types
Programming and Development
Input, output and storage
Problem Solving / Algorithms
The focus for Year 7 is to both introduce them to the workings of the technology that is ubiquitous in today’s World and to give them a basic understanding for now to use this safely. We begin with a tailored overview of the Digital World they inhabit, focusing on how it can be navigated safely by being aware of the dangers it presents, bringing awareness of Phishing, Cyberbullying and other forms of potential dangers concomitant with having a digital presence. We look at what defines a computer, using specific examples through history to illustrate this. This leads from Alan Turing and Colossus to Tim Berners-Lee and the creation of the World Wide Web, then on to Moore’s Law as we consider how computing will progress. Students then begin their journey into computational thinking. This begins with an immersion into a visual programming language, designed to lead them gently through programming concepts by getting them to work on more and more complex tasks - building upon earlier tasks and tools they have put together themselves. This is detailed in a contemporaneous journal which serves to reinforce the logical steps they are undertaking. Their journey concludes with a practical application of computational modelling in the form of spreadsheet usage. They move from identifying the components and syntax of a spreadsheet to being tasked to create simple models for problems with them - taking design requirements and translating these into a modelled solution.
Term 1
Summary of Content
eSafety Presentation
Term 2 Visual Programming [FMS Logo]
Applications [Spreadsheets]
Introduction to Computers
Induction covers an introduction of the basics for students using ICT facilities at Holyport College.
The eSafety Presentation is a group based project to display an aspect of eSafety which they researched.
Visual Programming [FMS Logo]
5. Logo Journal [Tracking the methods they learned].
1. Basic Usage [syntax]
Applications [Spreadsheets]
Introduction to Computers This gives pupils an Insight into what makes a computer, with examples through history (focus on Colossus/ENIAC) leading students through to consider Moore’s Law to gain a view of computers
2. Simple Methods [Basic Commands, Creating Basic Shapes]
1. Introduction [Functionality and usage]
eSafety This is an overview of internet safety; covering how social media affects students, cyber bullying, Digital footprint, email scams and the methods they can apply to best ensure online safety.
3 . Teaching Shapes [EdAll and ‘Do’ methods] 4. Procedures [Advanced shapes and parameters]
2. Basics [Simple Terms and Methods] 3. Formulae [Referencing cells, simple operations]
Term 3 Applications [Spreadsheets] Applications [Spreadsheets]
Programming Journal [Update] Revision Techniques Programming Journal Update
4. Functions [usage of Review and Basic functions, consolidation: intermediate references 1. Group Journal for and basic formatting]. eSafety with 5. Problem Solving presentations [Problem solving using a spread- sheet model] 2. Solo Journals for FMS Logo updates. 3. Solo Journal to explain use, and modelling, in spreadsheets. Revision: [Techniques and good practice]
End of Year Trial
The focus for Year 8 is to introduce them to the inner workings of the very computers they take for granted and expose them to the basics of Computer Programming. We begin by investigating the elements of a computer, looking at components such as the CPU and storage devices. To build on this, they are shown the fundamentals of binary, including how binary addition is used. Students are then introduced to computer programming, and hence exposed to computational methods and algorithms. Initially this is done using a visual programming language (LOGO), a modern iteration of ‘turtle graphics’ developed in 1966 and which has stood the test of time. It allows students to develop their computational and logical thinking skills as they move through a series of tasks to create shapes. Following on from this, the students will be introduced to a text based programming language namely Python. This is a language well suited to teaching since it relies on a reduced instruction set and a simpler design for code blocks. They are shown the fundamentals of syntax and the constructs needed to create simpler programs. Finally, this is followed up by an introduction to algorithms, using flow charts to illustrate the program logic needed to program specific tasks - giving context for the steps between a problem’s initial definition and the resultant final code blocks.
Term 1
A review of online safety: Cyber bullying, Digital footprints, Email scams, Phishing, Malware Summary of and methods to best Content mitigate these and so ensure online safety.
Elements of a Computer Covering: Computer Basics, The CPU, Binary overview, Binary Addition, Storage Devices, New Technology
Term 2 More Visual Programming [FMS Logo] 1. Simple Methods [Review of Basic Shapes and Commands]
2. Algorithms and Programming 3. Procedures in Programming
Introduction to Text-based Code [Python]
Algorithms and Computational Methods
Programming Journal [Update] Revision Techniques
1. Strings and Variables
1. Writing Algorithms Review and [Pseudocode] consolidation:
2. Numbers and Arithmetic
2. Flowcharts and program logic.
3. Selection Statements
3. Solo Journal to explain use of Algorithms.
4. Loops [while]
4. Parameters
Term 3
1. Pair based Journal for single eSafety topic with projects 2. Solo Journals for FMS Logo updates. Revision: [Techniques and good practice]
End of Year Trial
Year 9 focuses on the introduction of some of the basic skills and information needed in preparation for being built upon in the Computer Science GCSE. Initially we cover computer crime and the cyber security used to counter it. It introduces the concept of Hacking, as defined by the Computer Misuse Act UK (1990), and runs through many of the hazards such as email scams and phishing. We look at the safety of personal data and it’s protections, such as copyright. Following on from this, the students will review the fundamentals of Python programming and the IDE used to create it that they studied previously. They are then led through the next steps towards being more confident programmers. This builds on the fundamentals and introduces new concepts such as lists and procedures. Finally, the students cover and overview of networks. This covers the simpler network topologies, computer connectivity - which leads to the internet - and finally encryption something that is both essential and ubiquitous in all modern day communications.
Term 1 Review of eSafety Topic
Computer Crime and Cyber Security
A review of online safety. Cyber bullying, Digital footprints, Email scams, Phishing, Malware and Summary of methods to best Content mitigate these and so ensure online safety.
Computer Crime and Cyber Security Online Hazards, including: Email Scams, Phishing, Hacking, Personal Data, Copyright, and Health & Safety
Term 2 Text-based Code Review [Python] 1. The IDE
Python Next Steps 1. Using the Basics
2. Strings and Varia- 2. Using Loops bles 3. Using Lists 3. Numbers and 4. Using Procedures Arithmetic 5. Using Functions 4. Selection Statements
Term 3
1. The Internet 2. Connectivity 3. Topologies 4. Client-Server 5. Encryption
Practical Programming Revision Techniques 1. Task based programming 2. Debugging techniques Revision: [Techniques and good practice]
5. Loops [while]
Leading into Cyber Crime and Security Assessment
End of Year Trial
In Computer Science, students will begin by exploring systems architecture: how keystrokes are translated into binary, how machine code as binary instructions are used to code computer instructions and how this data representation extends to Images and Sound. Networks and cyber security follow, as these concepts play a large role in how computer systems affect our modern, digital, lives. This broadens to online safety, looking at how both malicious code and social engineering can be utilised to attack systems. This is all alongside an introduction to computational thinking. This is the basics needed for the solution of problems via flowcharts, pseudocode algorithms and eventually fully worked high-level programming solutions. As a means of creating these solutions, students are introduced to Boolean operators, string-handling functions, searching and sorting algorithms.
Term 1
Problem Solving
Components of a Computer
Programming (Python)
Programming Concepts
Problem Solving: - Decomposition - Analysis Programming: - I/O Functions - Formatting Summary of - Selection Constructs Content
Components of a Computer: - H/W vs S/W - Von Neumann Architecture - the IPO Model - Binary - Hexadecimal Programming Concepts: - Flow Charts - Boolean Operators - Truth Tables - Pseudocode - Data Types
Term 2 Networks Programming Structures
Networks: - LANs and WANs - Client-Sever vs. Peer-Peer - Connectivity - Topologies - Protocols Programming Structures: - Data Types - Validation - Functions - Scope - Constants
Environmental Impact of Technology
Term 3 Data Representation
Exchanging Data
Internal Components
Programming Review
Programming Methods
Environmental Data RepresentaImpact of Technol- tion ogy: - ASCII/Unicode - Health - Images/Bitmaps - Energy Use - Dictionaries - Resources - Sound Exchanging Data: - Compression - Encryption - Data Storage Programming Review: - Libraries - Boolean Logic Trail
Internal Components: - Hardware - ROM / RAM Programming Methods: - Decomposition - Error Checking - Testing
The Bigger Picture Network Security The Bigger Picture: - Copyright - Licensing - Intellectual Property - Open Source vs Proprietary Network Security: - Cyber Attacks - Social Engineering - Phishing - Shoulder Surfing - Protection
End of Year Trial
In year 11, the main focus is the undertaking of a programming project; solving a problem specified by the exam board. Students utilise, practice and improve their existing programming repertoire by looking into more on procedures, functions and methods for passing parameters. In tandem with this, we look into the ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital technology on the wider society, including such issues as privacy, development of critical thinking and the impact of the digital divide. We also look at aspects of professionalism within the Information Technology industry and how it impacts society. All of these areas are studied in relation to the World Wide Web and the Internet, upon which it sits. This includes it’s method of operation: methods for routing communications and the DNS system that underpins this.
Term 1
Summary of Content
Ethical Impact of Technology:
Network Communication
Non-Examined Assessment (NEA) Preparation
Non-Examined Assessment (NEA) Preparation
Term 2 Review of Programming Non-Examined Assessment (NEA)
Ethical Impact of Technology:
Network Communication
Review of Programming
- Privacy - Inclusion - Professionalism
- The Internet - Routing / DNS - The WWW
- Algorithms - Analysis - Testing
NEA Preparation
NEA Preparation
- Analysis - Design - Implementation
- Implementation - Testing Cycle - Refining - Evaluation
- Analysis - Design - Implementation - Testing
Mock Exams
Non-Examined Assessment (NEA) Evaluation Data Structures
Term 3
Review and Revision GCSE Exams
Review and Revision
- Evaluation
- Gap Analysis - Exam Technique - Sample Papers
Data Structures - Structured vs Unstructured - Databases - Tables - Relationships
Mock Paper
In KS5, students revisit all the basics of computer systems, but in much greater depth. The first year of this begins with a look at the structure and function of processors, storage methods and a greater understanding of the purpose and use of the OS and BIOS. It continues with a look at Networks and Web technologies, including use of HTML, CSS and Javascript.
We follow this with a further look at how systems operate, with a detailed look at more complex uses of Binary: representing floating point arithmetic, signed numbers and their normalisation to optimise memory usage. Students will also carry out work to look into computational thinking methods and more advanced programming techniques: linked-lists, stacks, queues, and advanced algorithms from those of Von Neumann to Dijkstra.
Term 1
Input, output and storage
Systems Software
Structure and function of the Processor
Applications Generation
Computational - How I/O and storage devices can be applied to the solution of different problems. - The uses of magnetic, flash and optical storage devices. - RAM and ROM. Summary of - Virtual storage. Content - The ALU, CU and Registers - Buses - The Fetch- Decode - Execute Cycle - Thinking Ahead
Term 2
Programming techniques - Defining OS and comparing types of OSs. - BIOS. - Device drivers. - Programming constructs. - Recursion, use and comparison to iterative approach. - Use of an IDE to develop/debug a program. - The nature of applications. - Utilities. - Open source vs closed source.
Data Types
Data Structures
Data Structures
Boolean Algebra
Problem solving and programming
Software Development
Primitive data types - Binary: Sign and magnitude, two’s complement, addition and subtraction. - positive integers in hexadecimal. - Floating point arithmetic, positive and negative numbers, normalisation.
Create/amend linkedlists, stacks, queues, search trees and hash tables.
- Arrays (of up to 3 dimensions), records, lists, tuples. - Programming techniques - Computational methods
- Define problems using Boolean logic and simplify these expressions with Karnaugh maps. - Development Methods including waterfall lifecycle, spiral model, RAD and others, - Write and follow algorithms.
Topic Tests, Code Tests
Term 3 Types of Programming Languages
Networks Databases
Compression, Encryption and Hashing.
Web Technologies
- Characteristics and variety, with Procedural and Assembly languages as example paradigms. Also includes Memory addressing. - Object Oriented languages.
- Internet structure and networks, with TCP/IP stack, DNS andNetwork Security. Also Protocols and standards.
- Lossy vs. Lossless Compression - RLE and Dictionary encoding - Symmetric vs. Asymmetric encryption
- RDBs, keys, normalisation and function such as ACID. - HTML, CSS, JavaScript with PageRank algorithms and Server vs Client side processes.
- Uses for Hashing.
End of Year Exam
The second year of KS5 will be primarily focused on the solution of a complex problem of the student’s choice. This task involves applying the total software development life cycle to the problem, from initial analysis all the way through to final testing. It will be a problem requiring evidence of proficiency in computing techniques and detailed application of design methods and evaluation criteria. This work will run concurrently with a detailed look at both the legal and moral issues that circumscribe the use of computing technology in the real world today.
Term 1 Computing related Legislation Topic
Moral and Ethical Issues Project (Examined)
Summary of Content
- Data Protection Act (1998) - Computer Misuse Act (1990 - Copyright Design and Patents Act (1988) - R.I.P.A (2000) - Risks and digital technology: - AI, Censorship, Piracy, Internet and Environment Project - Project Analysis - Project Design
Term 2
Term 3
Types of Processor
Systems Software Computational Methods
Applications Generation Project (Examined)
Project (Examined)
Project Examination
External Examinations
Project (Examined) - CISC vs RISC - GPU uses - Multicore/Parallel system - Interrupts, paging, OS, FDE cycle, BIOS and device drivers.
Nature of Applications - Utilities - Open vs Closed Source - Translators - Compilation stages - Linkers /Loaders
Project - Detailed Design - Testing cycle - Evaluation cycle
Project - Completion - Assessment for external moderation.
External Examinations Paper #1 - Computer Principles Paper #2 - Algorithms and Problem Solving
- Recognition and decomposition - Methods with heuristics, pipelining Project and abstraction. - Detailed Analysis Project - Detailed Design - Project Analysis - Evaluation cycle - Project Design
Topic Tests
Topic Tests
Code Test
Code Test
Mock Exam
Project Examination
External Examination
Underpinning our knowledge rich curriculum are essential skills. Both knowledge and skills intertwine to enrich the learning experience of our students at Holyport College. Our curriculum has been designed to ensure the students acquire the knowledge and skills that they need and gives them opportunities to practice and apply them over time, in order to master them. The following skills are vitally important and are assessed at regular intervals throughout each academic year.
These are the assessment descriptors' for the key skills in English;
Problem Solving / Algorithms
Recognises that some problems share the same characteristics and use the same algorithm to solve both. (AL) (GE) • Understands the notion of performance for algorithms and appreciates that some algorithms have different performance characteristics for the same task. (AL) (EV)
Programming and Development
Designs and writes nested modular programs that enforce reusability utilising sub-routines wherever possible. (AL) (AB) (GE) (DE) Understands the difference between ‘While’loop and ‘For’ loop, which uses a loop counter.(AL) (AB) Understands and uses two dimensional data structures. (AB) (DE) Understand how to manipulate files using computer programs [read from file into a data structure, write into file](AB) (DE) (AL)
Data & Data Representation
Understands and can explain the need for data compression, and performs simple compression methods. (AL) (AB) Knows the relationship between data representation and data quality. (AB)
Communication and the Network
Understand the role of and need for network protocols (Ethernet, Wi-Fi, TCP/IP, HTTP. HTTPS, FTP, email (POP3,SMTP, IMAP))(AB)(EV)(DE)(GE) Understands the hardware associated with networking computer systems,including WANs and LANs, understands their purpose and how they work,including MAC addresses. (AB) (AL) (DE)(GE)
Link to full A Level and GCSE Skills Assessment Grid for Computing