EDITION 40 14th Dec 2018
The weekly newsletter for the Holyport College family
Merry Christmas! It’s hard to believe we have already reached Christmas after what has been a busy but also very successful term. In my opening assembly to our students in September, I told them that they should prioritise two things this year: seizing any opportunities which came their way and finding opportunities to smile, laugh and be kind in and around their studies. It is a delight to see that so many of them have taken this to their hearts. I can’t possibly list everything here are just a few of the highlights from my point of view: The way in which our new Year 7, 9 and L6 students have thrown themselves into College life and embraced new friendships and opportunities The number of boarders taking part in our enhanced programme of evening activities and entertainment The extensive opportunity for Sixth Form students to attend conferences and academic enrichment activities The expansion of the Scholars’ Programme to include weekly events in the Dudley Room The success of our senior sports teams in the first season in which the College has been full The beautiful music at our end of term concerts and Carol Service The work ethic of Years 7-10 in preparing for their Christmas trials Next term begins with mock examinations for Year 11 and Upper Sixth and I wish them well in their preparations over the Christmas holidays. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish our whole community a restful, safe and enjoyable holiday. Our students certainly deserve it! I look forward to seeing them back and refreshed in January. Ben McCarey
DIXIT 14th December 2018
From the Community A Year 7 student does some filming
From the English Department Suggested reading for the Christmas period
From the Music Rooms Our end of term music events
From the Sixth Form A round up of our visiting speaker events
From the College An update from Development and Fundraising
From the Boarding Houses Recent events
From the Sports Department Plans for next term
From the Calendar Upcoming events and dates for your diaries
@holyportcollege www.youtube.com/holyportal 2
DIXIT 14th December 2018
Maleeka makes news This week Year 7 student Maleeka Abbas was interviewed by a television crew from Sky making a short documentary which will be aired in the new year. The team from Sky were interviewing Maleeka about her involvement and progress at her local Archery club. Watch this space for news of when the programme will be on TV!
DIXIT 14th December 2018
Suggested Christmas Reading List 2018 KS3: 2018 Carnegie Shortlist
Ks4: Classics
KS5: Contemporary
DIXIT 14th December 2018
Music Department News Carol Service 2018 On Tuesday we had our annual carol service in Eton College’s glorious chapel. The Key Stage 3 Choir, Girls’ Chamber Choir and Anima all performed to a very high standard in their individual items and Combined Choir items. Particular highlights were the KS3 Choir’s joyous and uplifting ‘Bells of Christmas’ Medley arranged by Gilpin, Chamber Choir’s ‘Mid-Winter’ by Chilcott and Anima’s ‘Stille Nacht / Silent Night’. We were all bowled over by the magnificent arrangement of Coventry Carol by Mark Hayes, set over Bach’s ‘Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring’, which the Combined Choirs delivered with suitable drama and style. Special congratulations to our soloists this year: Eloise White, Samara Anderson, Martha Pearce, Connor Jones, Jamie Harris and Hector Walker. You performed beautifully! All the students in the choirs have been dedicated and an absolute joy to work with this term, and have worked so very hard to produce music of such a high standard in a very short time. Bravo!
Christmas Music for Our Community On Wednesday, we took as many choir members that space allowed to Foxleigh Grove Nursing Home to sing and share our Christmas music. This was a very special occasion which meant a great deal to some choir members and staff who have close relatives in the nursing home. As always, the students were tremendous and rose to the occasion brilliantly.
Holyport College Choirs Perform at Windsor Castle Yesterday, we were thrilled to be invited back to perform to the general public around the beautiful Christmas tree in St George’s Hall at Windsor Castle. We performed all of our Carol Service repertoire to a delighted audience. In addition, Arte Sershi, Martha Pearce, Cate Cowper, Maisie Russell, Deborah Oyewole and Maite Alvargonzalez performed their own 2-part harmony arrangement of ‘Winter Wonderland’ as our finale which was fantastic and a fitting end to a joyous term of music making! Many congratulations to all the members of Key Stage 3 Choir, Girls’ Chamber Choir & Anima on yet another remarkable performance, and special thanks to Mrs Crocker, Mrs Dawson and Miss Loudoun for helping to staff the trip and making it such a lovely day.
14th December 2018
Holyport College Key Stage 3 Choir: Rachel Agbeyegbe; Maite Alvargonzalez; Samara Anderson; Amelie Bellinger; Darcy Clarke; Lois Clark; Cate Cowper; Diya Davda; Lillian Davidson; Dyllan Campisi-Dignan; Katherine Dudley; James Harris; Emma Heath; Dominic Holmes; Darcey Howe; Connor Jones; Daniel Leaver; Evie Mcpherson; Elwyn Mollart; Deborah Oyewole; Martha Pearce; Bea Powell-Harper; Maisie Russell; Arte Sershi; William Shone; Rose Squire Cross; Remy Stannard; Cara Terry; Victoria Williams; Sophie Wisa
Holyport College Girls’ Chamber Choir: Grace Allen; Maite Alvargonzalez; Chantelle Amusan; Maame Asante; Anna Box; Pamela Chaoldson; Cate Cowper; Katherine Dudley; Grace Galvin; Jacqueline Green; Skye Grigg; Millie Hall; Imogen Harrison; Darcey Howe; Jemima Jones; Ella King; Isabella Ladimeji; Evie McPherson; Giulia Moretti; Azeezah Okoya; Eszter Olah; Flynn O’Leary; Deborah Oyewole; Camilla Pearce; Martha Pearce; Teagan Pickering; Bea Powell-Harper; Maisie Russell; Arte Sershi; Megan Shakespeare; Lily Smyth; Cara Terry; Amelia Tierney; Elizabeth Wales; Eloise White; Juliette White
Elite Choir Anima: Grace Allen; Anna Box; Cate Cowper; Jacqueline Green; Imogen Harrison; Flynn O’Leary; Teagan Pickering; Arte Sershi; Megan Shakespeare; Elizabeth Wales; Eloise White
Thank you all for working so hard! Mrs Bryant Head of Expressive Arts
DIXIT 14th December 2018
Holyport Students Shine in Visiting Speaker Programme! Given that this was our first term with a full Sixth Form it seemed appropriate to relaunch our visiting speaker programme to accommodate an intellectually hungry group of students anxious to cut their teeth on a range of real-world issues. Keen to put our own students front and centre we turned the traditional 'lecture-style' format on its head by having our guest interviewed by two of our excellent sixth-formers. The onus was therefore on them to research the guest's background beforehand, to draft questions and then conduct the interview before our eager audience. Whether their style was more 'Phillip & Holly,' or Andrew Neill in full attack-mode of course depended on the interviewers and guest. But we certainly had our share of feisty moments! Tan Dhesi the MP for Slough was a fittingly high-profile guest to kick the season off. And he was the first of a number of guests from the world of politics and the media. Scott Pepe and Lloyd Mattingley, both former parliamentary aides, discussed the inner workings of the House of Commons and charmed us all with a fair dose of gossip from the campaign trail. Connor Woodman, a social activist at the Centre for Crime & Justice Studies and left-wing firebrand, electrified our audience on issues of social justice and the inequities of global capitalism. Meanwhile, Councillor Simon Dudley dropped in on a day of Brexit turmoil to talk WTO rules, Backstops and leadership contests! After all of this we were grateful to Alex Gonzalez from the Financial Times who gave us the opportunity to take a step back by offering a tour d'horizon of the current political landscape, fake news and the dangers and opportunities of the digital age. But it wasn't all politics! We had a good dose of science too, which presented an opportunity to step into a saner and more rational universe! Fergus Walsh, the BBC's medical correspondent was brilliant and engaging in explaining exciting and mind--boggling developments in medicine. Emilia Skirmuntt from Oxford University came and talked evolutionary virology, bats, dolphins and fencing. Dr Tim Mollart wowed the audience with his passion for science and his synthetic diamonds! Professor Almond from Reading University came and talked astronomy, spectroscopy and crime scenes too. These talks also provide an opportunity to expose our students to various potential career paths and give them a chance to ask questions of professionals in the field. Sonia Sharma from Channel 4 entranced a packed Dudley Room and inspired our students in stressing the value that diversity brings to the workplace. Her enthusiasm for engaging female students in tech careers was contagious #techshecan! Likewise Dr Rachel Horton from Reading University delivered a masterclass on the legal profession covering a range of hot topics that had our students debating into the night! A huge thank you to our extraordinary guests that visited this term. Many independent schools pay hundreds of pounds on their visiting speaker programmes. Our speakers do it for a free dinner! We're very grateful to all of them. Also, a big thank you to the students from all years who've supported the events and especially to those sixth formers that stepped up and interviewed so capably. A daunting prospect at first but they all did themselves proud. We already have a full roster for next term, so the programme goes from strength to strength. From January, amongst others, we'll be welcoming entrepreneurs, academics, rocket scientists, educationalists, philosophers and religious leaders. Do join us. It should be a lot of fun! Mr Carr
DIXIT 14th December 2018
Update from Development and Fundraising As our wonderful new science classrooms are now complete and fully functioning, we’d like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you who has donated towards our appeal, purchased a personalised brick through the campaign or given your time and effort towards our Fundraising Events run by the Friends of Holyport College. We couldn’t do it without you, the fantastic Holyport College community. We will be celebrating with an Official Opening in the Spring.
As we move into the New Year, the Fundraising Appeal and “Buy a Brick” Campaign will continue, so its not too late to be a part of history and leave a legacy here at Holyport College. For a minimum donation of £100 you can personalise a brick with your family name or childs name and dates of attending, or even be creative with an inspiring quote! You can see the attractive display of bricks purchased so far on the wall of the new science department.
The Friends of Holyport College will be available to take your order at the HoHoHo! event or you can pledge your support by making your donation through the following link: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/holyportcollegeappeal ** Please remember to tick the gift-aid box if you are a UK Tax Payer to enable us to claim an extra 25% on top of your donation from the government ** Have a healthy, happy and restful festive period. 8
DIXIT 14th December 2018
Boarders’ Christmas dinner Wednesday 12th December
Year 9 Boarders’ Bronze DofE Baking Skills Club We made Christmas mince pies this week, in 3 different styles. They were delicious. Mrs Belbin
DIXIT 14th December 2018
Fixtures for the first week of term
For the first few weeks back in the new term, our students will have an opportunity to try new sports. Therefore they boys will be playing Hockey and girls playing Rugby. Kit requirements: Boys: Blue Outdoor Kit Black Rugby/Football Socks Shinpads Gumshield Girls: Blue Outdoor Kit Hockey Socks Black Shorts if possible Gumshield
14th December 2018
Some Dates for Your Diaries Friday 14th December—end of term, school finishes at 2.15pm Sunday 6th January—boarders return at 6pm
Monday 7th January—term starts
Parents’ Evening Dates 2018/19
Reporting Dates
Year 7 and 8 parents’ evening: Monday 5th November 2018
Year 7/8/10 interim reports—18th January 2019
Year 11 parents’ evening: Wednesday 5th December 2018
Year 9 full reports—25th January 2019
Year 10 parents’ evening: Wednesday 6th February 2019
Year 11 mock exam reports—30th January 2019
Upper Sixth parents’ evening: Monday 25th February 2019
Year 13 mock reports—15th February 2019
Year 9 parents’ evening and GCSE options presentation: Wednesday 24th April 2019
Year 7-10 interim reports—8th March 2019
Lower Sixth parents’ evening: Wednesday
Year 11 full reports—8th March 2019
May 2019