Dixit 011021

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EDITION 128 1st October 2021

The weekly newsletter for the Holyport College family

This week we celebrated European Day of Languages. On Monday during tutor time, students had to use their knowledge of European languages to beat the escape room! On Thursday, we had a European-themed lunch which went down a treat!

Thanks to Miss Vilasanchez and Mr Smith’s Year 7 tutor group for designing European Day of Languages posters and decorating the refectory!




DIXIT 1st October 2021



From the Science Department A reminder about Biology Week


From the Sixth Form Year 13 PHSE day


From the Drama Department An exciting audition opportunity!


From the MFL Department Linguists of the Week


From the PE Department This week’s sporting news and upcoming fixtures


From the Student Leadership Team Our Head Boy and Head Girl report on a recent TVLP Student Leadership event


From the Art Department Details of the Holyport College Arts Challenge and Inktober!


From the Houses An invitation from Herschel House


From the DSL Information on setting parental controls on smartphones


From the Refectory Next week’s lunch menus


From the Calendar Upcoming events and items to note


www.youtube.com/holyportal 2


DIXIT 1st October 2021

Biology Week is back this year running from 2nd October - 10th October. There are many free online events and activities going on during the week - visit https:// www.rsb.org.uk/get-involved/biologyweek to find out more! Bio Bakes - The Physiological Society The Physiological Society is running a Bio Bakes competition. Your challenge is to create a cake showing a part of the body and how it works. Please visit the website below for information, inspiration and to enter.


DIXIT 1st October 2021


Biology Champions - Years 10-13 Biology Champions is a free six-week course being run in association with the Royal Veterinary College. It will run on Tuesday evenings between 17:30-18:30 BST online; launching on 5th October 2021 in Biology Week. •

5th October - Biology week- launch with Royal Society of Biology. Focus: Musculoskeletal system and anatomy

12th October - Physiology Friday linked event: Cardiovascular and digestive systems

19th October - Focus: ZSL London Zoo guests: Evolution and ecosystems

26th October - half term break

2nd November - Pathology week: Royal College of Pathology guests. Focus: Immunity

Please go to this website to register your interest: https:// www.rvc.ac.uk/study/rvc-is-open-for -all/visit-us/biology-champions

Economics Year 13 Economics students entered the annual Young Economist of the Year competition hosted by the Royal Economics Society. Whilst not winning the overall national prize, the students were assessed within Holyport. Congratulations and Economical (but meaningful), Economics prizes go to: Umair Irfan Hannah Pang Amal Aitbenmoussa Tom Wood Luke Thorley 4


DIXIT 1st October 2021

This term for PSHE, Year 13 attended a workshop presented by Graham from Gamblers Anonymous. They learnt about the different types of gambling, Graham's own personal story and the 12 steps to recovery. The main message Graham portrayed was 'Don’t think “it can't happen to me” because it can'. He explained how a gambling addiction can damage lives or make you pay the ultimate price. For more information about Graham's journal of experience, strength and Hope please visit newlife@gamblersanonymous.org.uk

Victor Anohu is the Brunel Head of House and he presented the newly appointed Brunel tutor representatives (one from each year group) with their badges this week, having a photo taken with each of them ☺


DIXIT 1st October 2021


Auditions for the Senior production of Brontë by Polly Teale will be held on Thursday 7th October in the Drama Studio at 4pm-5pm. These auditions are open to anyone in Years 11 -13. The play will be performed in March 2022.

Polly Teale’s literary re-imagining of the turbulent lives of the Bronte sisters portrays the women from childhood to death, weaving back and forth in time. In 1845, their brother, Branwell Bronte, returned home to Haworth, West Yorkshire, in disgrace, having been dismissed from his employment. As their brother descends into a breakdown, his sisters, Anne, Charlotte and Emily, attempt to keep the household together and protect their father, Patrick. In the midst of chaos, they write more furiously than ever before.

Focusing on their creation of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Jane Eyre, and Wuthering Heights, their journeys and engagement with their characters offers a glimpse into the states of mind of the sisters during this time. Each feels tortured and ill-at-ease in their own way, as they struggle to align their literary creations with real life. If anyone has any questions, please contact Miss Larsen-Edgar for information. This is an incredibly exciting opportunity to perform this masterpiece of a play. 6


DIXIT 1st October 2021

Linguists of the Week!

Each week the MFL & Classic Department will be choosing ‘Linguists of the Week!’ Congratulations to the following students for a great week!

Year 7: • Imogen Twigg - continuous hard work in Spanish and going the extra mile, completing all the extensions. Well done! • Oliver Young - excellent participation in lessons and lovely pronunciation in Spanish!

Year 8: • Sophie Wallace - excellent work in Spanish so far, answering lots of questions and all preps are to a very high standard! Year 9:

• • •

Alethia Koo - great effort in Spanish and great vocabulary test scores so far. Keep up the good work! Bilal Khan - excellent writing piece about your holidays in Spanish, well done! Millie McPherson - adapting to top set Spanish with ease, working hard and understanding all tenses so far.

Year 10: • •

Elis Helen-Goldring - an amazing piece of writing for prep in Spanish, lovely phrases and complex language used! Ella Mohan - amazing effort in the photo card description, keep up the hard work!

Year 11: • • •

Sofía Fernandez de Pinedo - consistently puts in excellent effort in French and wrote a great French paragraph on jobs for prep last week. Keep it up! Emmy Mullane - has been working very hard since the beginning of term in Spanish, creating excellent revision flash cards. Laila Rawlings - excellent effort in French this week, keep it up!

Year 12: • •

Philippa Lawrence-Chan - excellent contribution and hard work in French lessons! Cate Cowper - amazing answers and effort in Spanish. Excellent results in grammar and vocabulary tests so far! 7

DIXIT 1st October 2021

FROM THE PE DEPARTMENT It’s been another busy week of Sport for the students of Holyport College. The U12 Rugby team played their first competitive matches, showing significant improvement as the week progressed. Highlight performance being a highscoring victory vs Desborough with lots of great tries and cracking tackles.

The Senior Hockey team secured their 1st win of the league season with a 3-1 victory away at Claires Court. A solid performance and hopefully the start of a successful run. The Senior Rugby team had a productive training session due to a match postponement.

All U14 Netball teams performed well at the SE Berks Tournament this week. Special mention to the U13 Girls who stepped up and helped out. The U15 Football team were unfortunately knocked out of the National Cup by Great Marlow School. They showed tremendous resilience later in the week with a strong performance vs Ranelagh on the Rugby field. Rounding out this week’s Sport are the Year 7 Hockey team. They took on Newlands at Braywick in a league fixture displaying excellent grit and determination right to the final whistle. Well done all!


Upcoming Fixtures: Saturday 2nd October - U12, U13 & U14 Rugby vs Salesian College @ Eton - Agars Plough. 9:30 KO Saturday 2nd October - U14 & U15 Hockey Away @ LVS. U14 = 9:00 Start. U15 = 10:00 Start Saturday 2nd October - U12 A&B, U13 A&B Hockey vs LVS @ Eton - Willowbrook. 9:00 Start Monday 4th October - U14 Rugby Away @ Leighton Park Monday 4th October - U12 Rugby Away @ LVS Tuesday 5th October - U15 Rugby Away @ Leighton Park Tuesday 5th October - U13 A&B Hockey vs Claires Court @ Braywick Tuesday 5th October - U12 Rugby @ Furze Platt. 15:45 KO Wednesday 6th October - Senior U18 Rugby vs Reading School @ Great Oaks. 14:30 KO Wednesday 6th October - Senior U18 Hockey Away @ Shiplake College. 14:30 Start Wednesday 6th October - U13 Netball League @ Furze Platt. 16:15 Start Thursday 7th October - U15 Rugby vs LVS @ Great Oaks. 16:00 KO 8


DIXIT 1st October 2021

This past Wednesday the entire Student Leadership Team had the opportunity to spend the day at Slough and Eton Church of England Business & Enterprise College to participate in a leadership course run by Thames Valley Learning Partnership and Future Foundations. Ourselves and other student leadership teams from the other members of the TVLP were invited to participate in this conference to interact with each other and learn more about leadership. Throughout the day there were a number of activities to participate in, including a public speaking seminar, a workshop on the many types of leadership and finally a dragon’s den team competition. This competition involved us breaking into teams with members of different schools and then presenting our idea of how to tackle a number of issues we see in our schools. The day was a great opportunity to meet new people from local schools and make long-lasting connections. Lily and Marcus



DIXIT 1st October 2021

Holyport College Arts Challenge is open to students in Year 9 in Summer term and is concluded in Year 10. Please note that the Art Department website is internal, students can view it using their Holyport email. The Holyport College Arts Challenge hopes to help: Foster independence Enhance critical thinking Enhance Research Skills Inspire curiosity Build on skills for GCSE Art Build on presentation skills Develop communication and entrepreneurial skills Provide a platform to explore new materials, media and techniques Expand career pathways

Our eight Holyport Arts Challenge Students are en route for their certificate, badge for their efforts, along with an ARTS 'Holyportian' for your house. We look forward to showcasing their work on the Art website. Well done to: Kathy Cheung, Abi Harding, Ella Mohan, Tate Pickering, Jenna Russell, Vaishnavi Vatsavai, Katie Wood and Mu Xin. The Arts Challenge has 10 parts including a personal project in a chosen pathway:




1st October 2021

Kathy Cheung created this beautiful dress as part of her Holyport College Arts Challenge and presented her work to the rest of the Co-Curricular Arts Challenge group. This is the first time she has ever made a dress and she used curtain fabric and also wore it for her presentation. A fantastic accomplishment!

Here are some slides from students’ projects:

Follow the link on the previous page to listen to Miss Loudoun telling you all about it!



DIXIT 1st October 2021

Jake Parker created Inktober in 2009 as a challenge to improve his inking skills and develop positive drawing habits. It has since grown into a worldwide endeavour with thousands of artists taking on the challenge every year. INKTOBER https://inktober.com/ follow the link from Jake https://youtu.be/ Q320efwokQk


1) Make a drawing in ink (you can do a pencil under-drawing if you want). 2) Post it* 3) Hashtag it with #inktober and #inktober2021 4) Repeat Note: you can do it daily, or go the half-marathon route and post every other day, or just do the 5K and post once a week. Whatever you decide, just be consistent with it. Inktober is about growing and improving and forming positive habits, so the more you’re consistent the better. That's it! Now go make something beautiful. *Post it on any social media account you want or just post it on your refrigerator. The point is to share your art with someone. :)



DIXIT 1st October 2021

Herschel Charity Day Invitation to Parents of Day Pupils Monday 11th October, 5-6pm World Mental Health Day will be on October 10th 2021, which falls on a Sunday this year. The goal is to help raise mental health awareness and each of us can make a contribution to ensure that people living with mental illness can live better lives with dignity. Herschel would like to raise awareness in the Holyport Community by hosting a charity day on Monday October 11th, 2021. During the day students will be hosting fundraising events at break and lunchtime to raise money for this fantastic cause. The Herschel team would also like to invite all our Herschel Day students’ parents to our after school ‘Tea and Talk’ fundraising event from 5-6pm on Monday October 11th. Staying connected is often more important than we realise, as a society and as individuals, we must urgently prioritise investing in building and maintaining good relationships and tackling the barriers to forming them. As we haven’t been able to see, or even meet, so many of our Herschel parents we would like to take this opportunity to have ‘tea and talk’. Our fabulous Herschel tutor groups are planning fundraising activities for the evening too - and we would love it if you could join us. Miss Watchman, Day Housemaster of Herschel Follow us on Instagram: @herschel_holyport


DIXIT 1st October 2021


Downloading a new app or game is so quick and straightforward that, whenever a young person uses a smartphone (either their own or a parent’s) there’s always the possibility that they could expose themselves to inappropriate content (such as games with violent scenes or apps with adult themes) simply by sheer accident or, more likely, through youthful curiosity. Fortunately, the parental controls you’ll find on most smartphones are an excellent way of minimising this possibility. They don’t completely remove the element of risk – but they do limit it considerably. Our #WakeUpWednesday guides this week steer you through the process of setting up this useful protection on iPhone and Android

Download your guides 14



1st October 2021

Next week’s lunch menus Week 3 Monday

Holyport College - Autumn 2021 Tuesday

To the Right → Beef Lasagne & Gar- Crispy Fried Sweet & Traditional counter lic Bread Sour Chicken main choice

Vegetarian choice

Spinach & Lentil La- Quorn Stir Fry with sagne Ginger & Noodles

Starch & vegeta- Herby Roast Vegeta- Egg Fried Rice & Stir bles bles Fried Vegetables




Pizza Day

Chipotle & Honey Chicken

Battered Pollock

Pizza Day

Cajun Wedges, BBQ Beans

Butternut & Cheese Tomato & Aubergine Crumble Layer Bake

Champ Potatoes & Mixed Vegetables

Chips, Peas, Baked Beans

← To the Left Something different

Jacket Potato with RS Baked Beans Penne Pasta with Tomato & Basil Sauce

Jacket Potato with Jacket Potato with Jacket Potato with Jacket Potato with RS Baked Beans RS Baked Beans RS Baked Beans RS Baked Beans Pasta with Chilli & Pasta with Cauliflow- Pasta with Tomato & Spaghetti with Spicy Vegetable Sauce er cheese Sauce Vegetable Sauce Tomato Sauce

Sandwich & Snack Bar

Daily selection of fresh sandwiches, crisps and fruit

Daily selection of fresh sandwiches, crisps and fruit

Daily selection of fresh sandwiches, crisps and fruit

Daily selection of fresh sandwiches, crisps and fruit

Daily choice of fresh- Daily choice of fresh- Daily choice of fresh- Daily choice of fresh- Daily choice of freshly made salad boxes ly made salad boxes ly made salad boxes ly made salad boxes ly made salad boxes

Salad Bar

Main dessert

Cold Desserts

Sunshine Rice Pud- Steamed Marmalade ding Sponge Selection of cold desserts

Selection of cold desserts

Ginger, Honey & Lemon Cake

Banoffee Crumble


Selection of cold desserts

Selection of cold desserts

Selection of cold desserts

The Catering Department will make adjustments to the daily menus where possible to accommodate special dietary requirements, when this is not possible an alternative meal will be offered. If you have any queries please contact our Catering Manager Alan Cockerill on

alan.cockerill@sodexo.com or 01628 640154. 15



1st October 2021

Some Dates for Your Diaries Wednesday 6th October—Year 7 trip to Whipsnade Zoo Thursday 7th October—Celebration of Achievement evening at Eton College Friday 15th October—half term starts

A huge congratulations to Natalia Mclaren-Taboada (Year 13) who applied to be a UK representative for COP26 and has been chosen as 1 of the 16 students in the UKSSN to be chosen.

What an excellent opportunity Nat, can’t wait to hear all about what you have done! Here is a link to the COP26 website if any one is interested in learning more https://ukcop26.org/. We raised £350 on Jeans for Genes day - thanks to all those who took part! Miss Lunney

Parents’ Evening Dates 2021/22 Year 7 parents’ evening—Wednesday 17th November

Year 9 parents’ evening—Monday 22nd November Year 1 parents’ evening—Wednesday 26th January Year 8 parents’ evening—Tuesday 8th February Year 10 parents’ evening—Monday 28th February Year 13 parents’ evening—Wednesday 23rd March

Year 12 parents’ evening—Thursday 28th April 16

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