DIXIT 1st October 2021
Holyport College Arts Challenge is open to students in Year 9 in Summer term and is concluded in Year 10. Please note that the Art Department website is internal, students can view it using their Holyport email. The Holyport College Arts Challenge hopes to help: Foster independence Enhance critical thinking Enhance Research Skills Inspire curiosity Build on skills for GCSE Art Build on presentation skills Develop communication and entrepreneurial skills Provide a platform to explore new materials, media and techniques Expand career pathways
Our eight Holyport Arts Challenge Students are en route for their certificate, badge for their efforts, along with an ARTS 'Holyportian' for your house. We look forward to showcasing their work on the Art website. Well done to: Kathy Cheung, Abi Harding, Ella Mohan, Tate Pickering, Jenna Russell, Vaishnavi Vatsavai, Katie Wood and Mu Xin. The Arts Challenge has 10 parts including a personal project in a chosen pathway: