1 minute read

From the Biology Department




2nd October 2020

Silver DofE weekend

Year 11 Silver DofE participants had a very successful but chilly 3 day practise expedition in the Chilterns last weekend. #DofEWithADifference basically means that they complete every element of the expedition (walking, pitching tents, cooking etc) but they don’t stay overnight. It did feel a little strange boarding the coach and abandoning our tent village on Friday & Saturday night, once everyone had cooked their dinner and planned their routes for the next day, but we knew that the BXM instructors would be our in situ security team! Arriving back at the campsite on morning of day 2 everyone was a little worried that the high winds might have decimated their tents, particularly as they didn’t have any incumbents, but luckily the tent pitching skills learnt on Bronze paid off and the temporary village was still intact!

The participants were brilliant all weekend, impressing the instructors with their campcraft and navigation skills. They’re now looking forward to completing their assessed expedition in warmer weather once their GCSE’s are finished.

More pictures on twitter @HolyportHum

DofE Bronze

Next weekend it is the Bronze DofE expedition for Year 10. Participants need to remember to sort their bags out this weekend, Mrs Day has shared some excellent packing advice with them!

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