1 minute read
From the Refectory
from Dixit 021020
Parents of Year 9 students, please see the message below from Buckinghamshire Council:
Dear Parent/Carer
We are writing to you because the Department for Education introduced legislation that requires local authorities to contact families with children due to move into Year 10 in September 2021, to ensure that you are aware of all educational opportunities available for Year 10 pupils.
Your child may be very happy at their existing school and can, of course, remain there as most children do.
University Technical Colleges (UTC) admit pupils directly into Year 10 (pupils can remain until Year 13) and, at GCSE, offer a similar curriculum to secondary schools including the basics of English and Maths as well as their specialist subject. UTCs are set up by universities and businesses to specialise in one or two technical subjects.
Please see below information on the Bucks UTC and other UTCs within a reasonable travelling distance. You may wish to look into these, and consider whether your child would want to apply for a place starting in September 2021. Full information on all these UTCs including details of open events and how to make an application are available here https://www.buckscc.gov.uk/services/education/school-admissions/how-to-applyfor-a-university-technical-college-place/
You should also look at the GCSE curriculum at your child’s current school, to help consider what the best option is for the next two years of your child’s education.
All schools have a statutory duty to secure impartial careers guidance for all Year 8 to Year 13 students, to inspire young people to fulfil their potential, and to make them aware of all opportunities available to them. We strongly recommend that your child discuss their options with a Careers Adviser in their current school or college.