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From the Chess Club
12th November 2021
Wednesday 10th November saw the first international chess challenge between Holyport College and Rivendell College, from Toluca, Mexico. There were 12 players from each school participating in an arena style tournament where just winning isn’t sufficient, you have to win as quickly as possible so as to play more games.
The start was delayed due to internet problems at Rivendell, but once underway the two schools proved to be evenly matched. Sharing 5th place were Alex F Y13 Rivendell and a Uriel Y10, a rival from Mexico, each on 8 points. Gilbert Y10 scored 12 points but was narrowly pipped to 3rd place by Shirel also Y10 on 13, Rivendell’s most experience player. However, the two outstanding scorers were Rivendell’s Oscar Y9 who managed to play the most games scoring 20 in the time available, but was just edged out by Holyport’s Peter Y9 with 21 points.
Next Thursday we play in the National Schools Chess Championship against up to 7 other schools from around the country, so anyone looking to show they have what it takes to be on the team will have to do so on Wednesday when we will have an internal tournament for Holyport players only. The current team, based on the results from this match is as follows: Peter, Gilbert, Alex, Teagan, Yuvraj, Elroy, Alfie, George, Ramayan and Rhiannan.
Team Holyport . . . and team Rivendell

Inclusion and Diversity Working Group
This year, one of the College’s most important development priorities is reviewing its policies and practice in relation to diversity. With this in mind, we are seeking parents and carers to join a working party which will play a key role in advising the governors and the senior team as to their strategy in this area. The terms of reference for this group are outlined below. If you’re interested in joining, please email Mrs Smith on hmpa@holyportcollege.org.uk. Within your email, please outline why you would be interested in joining the group and what skills/ experience you would hope to bring to the group.
Scope and Composition:
• The working group will be chaired by the Head Master and will report to the
General Welfare Committee • The group will operate for a fixed term of one academic year in the first instance (until July 2022) • It will be comprised of no more than twelve individuals and should include:
Governors, parents or carers, College staff and students in Year 11 or above • The membership of the committee will be specifically selected from groups underrepresented at Executive level (women, black people and people of other ethnicities representative of the student body, none hetero-normative people and those with disabilities) • The group will meet 3 times per year and its membership may also meet in smaller groups in preparation or follow up to these meetings as agreed by the group as a whole
• Review and advise upon College strategy and policy in relation to race, identity, relationships and sexuality • Make recommendations to the executive as to measures which could be taken to improve student and staff attitudes towards diversity, awareness, training, education and opportunity • Report to the General Welfare Committee on the appropriateness and effectiveness of measures taken by the College
Terms of Reference:
1. To receive reports on the measures the College is taking to promote community cohesion, inclusivity and diversity awareness 2. To consider and advise upon the effectiveness of strategies in place 3. To suggest opportunities for improvement in all areas of College life including, but not limited to: the curriculum, the co-curriculum, boarding provision, staff training and recruitment, governance