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From the Calendar
12th November 2021
Some Dates for Your Diaries
Friday 19th November—Exeat weekend Friday 26th November—Nations Day Tuesday 7th December—Carol Service at Eton Chapel Friday 10th December—end of term
The Friends of Holyport College would like to thank everyone for coming to last week’s drinks event, it was great to see so many of you there! There is a meeting at the College on Sunday evening at 7pm for those who have said they would like to join the committee. If you are I nterested in joining and haven’t said so yet, it’s not too late - please email friends@holyportcollege.org.uk
Also, a date for your diaries - we are holding our very popular Christmas wreath making evening on Monday 6th December at the College. Cost will be £30 and more details on how to reserve your space will follow on Monday. Feel free to bring family or friends!
TikTok 'black out challenge'
It has come to our attention that a number of schools are experiencing students entering into a TikTok game called 'black out challenge.' This involves strangulation to the point of unconsciousness, with the students then discuss the feeling. We want to bring this to your attention so that you can be vigilant and discuss this with your sons and daughters if appropriate.
Parents’ Evening Dates 2021/22
Year 7 parents’ evening—Wednesday 17th November Year 9 parents’ evening—Monday 22nd November Year 1 parents’ evening—Wednesday 26th January Year 8 parents’ evening—Tuesday 8th February Year 10 parents’ evening—Monday 28th February Year 13 parents’ evening—Wednesday 23rd March Year 12 parents’ evening—Thursday 28th April