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From Herschel House

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From the Calendar

Herschel Charity Day

Miss Watchman, Mr Wingate and the Herschel team would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who contributed and supported the Herschel Charity Day this week. Students across the school adapted their uniform with an ‘intentional mistake’. This was to emphasise that mental health issues are not always clear to see, but we can sometimes spot that someone may be struggling by subtle changes in their behaviour. It was great to see so many students getting involved in this and helping raise awareness and reduce the stigma that has been historically associated with mental health issues.


In addition to this, Year 8 ran a bake sale at morning break which consisted of a large number of sweet treats that were lovingly baked by Herschel students over the weekend; the Year 11 girls ran a second hand clothes sale at lunch time with donations from Herschel students and staff - which proved very popular with the younger Holyport community. We were joined in school at 5pm by a number of parents for a ‘tea and talk’ event. It was so wonderful to see those Herschel parents and catch up!

We raised a total of £314.10 for the Mental Health Foundation Charity - which is a fantastic achievement for one day of fundraising. Thank you all for your support!

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