2 minute read
From the MFL Department
Linguists of the Week!
Each week the MFL & Classics Department will be choosing ‘Linguists of the Week!’ Congratulations to the following students for a great week!
Year 7:
• Noah Taylor - Well done for a great first term in Spanish, keep up the hard work! • Stacie Smith - What a fantastic first half-term in Spanish. You have been amazing even when learning online!
Year 8:
• Jennifer Hall - A great start to Year 8 Spanish, always participating in class and completing the extension work accurately! Muy bien Jennifer! • Daniella Dixon - A brilliant start to Year 8 Spanish, well done for your hard work this half -term!
Year 9:
• Brendon Chan - A great start to Year 9 Spanish. Well done for working hard and being focused on every lesson.
Year 10:
• Dara Adebola-Hassan - An outstanding first half term in Spanish. Great focus and amazing linguistic skills. • Rose Losel Daly - Fantastic notes on the buildings in a Roman fort in Latin. • Abi Harding - Outstanding essay in the Latin test.
Year 12:
• Katherine Dudley - Showing great improvement in Spanish by giving correct answers in class and completing classwork accurately, continúa así!
Year 13:
• Angelina Bicker, Leo Demeneix, Lucas Andre and Matt Andre - All 4 Year 13 students took part in a debate in French about young people and voting. Excellent effort and spoken French!
15th October 2021
Year 10 & Year 11 GCSE Latin trip
On Friday, Miss Drake took the GCSE Latin students on a trip to Bignor Roman villa and Fishbourne Roman palace - huge thanks to Mrs Nikki Smith for driving us! At Bignor Roman villa, we were given a tour and saw some of the best preserved and most detailed mosaics in the UK, from a villa owned by a Roman family who had grown rich from farming. We also found out that the Roman soldiers invented hopscotch as a military training drill!
At Fishbourne, we first did a workshop on the Roman military. Students were able to try on all the Roman military equipment apart from the weapons and we saw the different levels of protection given by different types of Roman armour. We then visited the museum and the rest of the villa - it’s easily the largest in Britain and was probably home to King Cogidubnus himself. We also enjoyed exploring the gardens and the outdoor dining room, which was described as “surprisingly comfortable” according to Nye and Adam!