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Holyport College Public Examinations Handbook

Dress Code

All Year 11 candidates must wear their complete school uniform; hoodies, hats etc. are not permissible. Sixth Form students should refer to the Sixth Form Dress Code.


Personal belongings in exams

Coats and bags are to be left outside the Exam room. All phones and watches to be handed to the invigilator on entering the exam room.

Late arrival for an exam

If parents know their child is late (e.g. car broken down) they must phone the school immediately and make sure your son/daughter has no access to the internet/materials until they are in school in secure exam conditions.

Call School Reception 01628 640150

Depending on how long the exam has been in progress, it may be possible for you to be admitted. Up to one hour is considered late, more than one hour very late and must be reported. The school is bound by a) the length of the exam and b) examination board regulations on this matter.

Feeling unwell on the day of the exam

In case of an emergency or family circumstances that may affect examination performance, please contact the Exams Office as soon as possible for advice on how to proceed.

Students are reminded that even if they would not normally visit their GP for minor illnesses, they must do so at examination time

Should you fall ill during an examination, you should raise your hand to alert an invigilator, who will then assist as necessary.

Special Consideration

● Should a candidate be ill days before or on the day of an exam, suffer bereavement or other trauma, be taken ill during the exam itself or otherwise disadvantaged or disturbed during an exam, then it is the candidate’s responsibility to alert the centre, the Exams Officer, or the exam invigilator, to that effect.

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