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Holyport College Public Examinations Handbook

● Personation - deliberate using of wrong name or number or arranging to be impersonated

Make sure you know what you can and cannot do in an exam room, before it is too late. Do not take unnecessary risks otherwise; all your efforts during the year could be wasted.


Results days

GCE results: Thursday 17 August 2023

GCSE results: Thursday 24 August 2023

Results will be available for collection from school, exact times and the venue will be notified beforehand

Results will not be given out over the phone

If you cannot collect your results in person, you can give permission for another person to collect (must provide ID on the day).

Results that have not been collected will be retained in school to be collected at the start of term in September.

Post-results services

“what can I do if results are significantly different from what is anticipated”

It is important to keep in mind that examinations can only record performance on the day; students can do better or worse than expected for various reasons. However, in case of serious concerns about a result, an enquiry can be initiated by school. Students can request Review of Marking through school but are reminded that if the grade does not change the pre-paid fee will not be refunded. Students are reminded that grades can go up or down or stay the same.

Speak to the subject teacher/Heads of Departments after the exam results have been published regarding grade boundaries and advice.

Please refer to Appendx 10 for details regarding all the services available to candidates.

Certificate distribution

Summer 2023 certificates will be available for collection from November/December 2023. A communication will be sent out when they are available for collection.

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