African EduWeek 2014 - Conference Guide

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African Education Event

CONFERENCE GUIDE 8th Annual Edition

Empowering you in the classroom and beyond

10 - 11 July 2014 Pre-conference 9 July







Sandton Convention Centre Johannesburg

Diamond sponsor

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Bronze sponsors

Pre-conference workshop

Pre-conference Workshop R1995

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Pre-conference workshop BASIC EDUCATION



Enhance your student’s learning through the use of mobile devices in the classroom practical

During this workshop participants will experience how to practically implement learner centred teaching strategies in their classrooms, using mobile devices. Many schools are currently providing learners and teachers with tablet devices in the hope that it will change teaching and learning, but sadly this is no guarantee for success. This workshop will draw from our experiences in a large scale mobile device implementation as we model some of the ICT4RED teacher professional development course elements in a hands-on practical fun environment. We will investigate how to embed mobile devices within: • Change management • Lesson gamification • Learner centered teaching strategies

Please bring all your mobile devices along and come and play with us! You will leave with a toolkit of lesson plans, strategies, apps and ideas to change your classroom into a 21st century, mobile enabled innovation hub!

Early booking advised as workshop places are limited 12:30

Maggie Verster, Senior Consultant, ICT4Champions, South Africa

A light lunch is provided for delegates attending the workshops

Opening keynote address


Thursday, 10 July 2014 Fulfilling Africa’s education potential beyond the millennium goals Panel discussion: Empowering teachers to deliver quality education everywhere 09:30

Welcome address Graeme Bloch, Independent Education Specialist Graeme Bloch is an education analyst and development activist. He is a visiting adjunct Professor at University of Witwatersrand Public and Development Management School. He was DBSA education policy analyst and has written and published widely, in particular on education, in both academic and more popular publications.


Why teacher education should include neuroscience Dr Judy Willis, Neurologist turned classroom teacher, United States of America


African Education Update: Is Africa’s education potential beyond the Millennium Development Goals being met? How are we measuring up?

Let’s hear from our panel of experts • Edem Adubra, Chief of Section, International Taskforce on Teachers, UNESCO, France • Prof. Rehabeam Auala, Professor of Educational Management and Leadership, Faculty of Education, Educational Foundations and Management, University of Namibia, Namibia • Marius Ehrenreich, President, South Africa Principles Association, South Africa


Breaking boundaries and reaching your full potential Sheri Brynand, Teacher, South Africa

Sheri Brynard is a 30 year-old South African lady from Bloemfontein who is living with Down Syndrome. She has set new boundaries for people with Down Syndrome by qualifying as an assistant teacher in a public school and becoming a motivational speaker nationally and internationally.


Closing remarks and VIP tour of the exhibition floor Keynote delegation to visit the exhibition floor to see the latest technologies and products


Exhibition and refreshment break

Let’s discuss: • Addressing the shortage of teachers in Africa • Attracting new teachers and retention of existing teachers • Professional standards for teachers • Support programmes to assist teacher training and development in Africa

Register now at

Attend the full conference:

Programme - day 1

Gold Passes FULL

Thursday, 10 July 2014 EduTheatre One

Individual Session Pass

R495 each

R495 each


School leadership: How to empower teachers to deliver quality education

Chairperson: Daya Chetty, Principal, Laudium Secondary School & Gauteng SAPA President, South Africa


Evidence shows pupil achievement is closely related to the quality of leadership and management in a school. Swift progress on this is essential, especially where there are not currently plans in place to deliver it.


Poor performing and high performing schools with reference to the professional development and induction of principals Daya Chetty, Principal, Laudium Secondary School & Gauteng SAPA President, South Africa


Addressing the shortage of skilled teachers Gizelle McIntyre, Director, Institute People Development, South Africa


Educational leadership in the beyond zone: The eighth dimension approach Erich Cloete, Principal, Laerskool Westerlig, South Africa


Exhibition and refreshment break

The Africa maths and science renaissance: Let it begin

Chairperson: Graeme Bloch, Independent Education Specialist, South Africa Rebranding and driving maths and science cultures throughout African Education This session will focus on changing perceptions around maths and science. There is a big drive in Africa to rebrand these two subjects so that they are no longer seen as ‘monster’ subjects by educators and learners alike. How to engage learners in subjects they perceive as difficult Stephen Taylor, Advisor and Researcher, Department of Basic Education, South Africa

Rebranding Maths and Science Patrick Rasehwete, Project Manager, South African Mathematics Foundation, South Africa

Individual Session Pass

R495 each

R495 each


Session 3



Chairperson: Mpho Lakaje, award winning journalist, eNCA, South Africa

14:00 Dealing with socio economic issues: Experts share coping mechanisms Socio – economic issues are becoming more and more prevalent in the classroom therefore educators need to be better equipped to deal with them. This panel will share and provide you with coping mechanisms to implement in your classrooms such as infrastructure, disruptive classes, gangs and discipline.

Session 4

Knowledge Grazing in a soundbite generation & embrace ICT to enhance teaching and learning

Educating in today’s social and economic climate: Best approaches for educational challenges?


Africa’s maths and science at 1000 mph, BLOODHOUND SSC Christopher Maxwell, STEM Product Manager, Edit Microsystems, South Africa

Individual Session Pass


Session 2

Session 1


EduTheatre Two

Individual Session Pass



THE EXPERT PANEL: • Justin Lupele, Chief of Party, WASH Project, Zambia • Ann Petty, Lecturer, Department of Social Work, South Africa • Tshepo Motsepe, Co – Head Gauteng, Equal Education, South Africa • Michael Lenora, Managing Director, Vanquis Bank, & Trustee, Hatua Charity, Kenya • • • • • •

Listen how to minimise the effect of overcrowded classrooms Cope with lack of resources and infrastructure Learn how best to deal with disruptive learners How to deal with stressful situations Develop skills to address the lack of discipline in learners. Increase community involvement


Afternoon exhibition and refreshment break


Networking and prize giving function

How the social web has arrived and with it, the self-organised learning environments of Web 3.0 Workshop facilitator: • Jaye Richards – Hill, Director, Education Technology and Training, Tablet Academy Africa/Middle East, South Africa To increase student achievement and keeping them interested institutions and lecturers need to change the way lessons are conducted Workshop facilitator: • Ryan Williams, Education Specialist, College of Cape Town, South Africa • • • • • •

Learn how to effectively use search engines for research and lesson preparation Discover how to create engaging presentations to engage learners Develop video to support face to face learning Discover LMS – Using a learner management system to keep track of students Improve your file management and be organised Build mind maps to help learner’s retention

10 - 11 July 2014, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg

Attend the full conference:

Programme - day 2

Gold Passes FULL

Friday, 11 July 2014



EduTheatre One


EduTheatre Two

Individual Session Pass

Individual Session Pass

R495 each

Session 5



R495 each


Session 6

E-learning the education evolution: The A-Z of e-learning

The session explores e-learning, m-learning (mobile learning) in Africa and using it easily and effectively. This is and e-learning crash course on the current implementation and the possibilities.

Motivating and engaging learners in the online environment Robert Paddock, CEO, Get Smarter, South Africa

E-learning at Springs Boys High School and the impact on learners’ reading skills and the transformation of teachers’ pedagogy Hazel Bonarett, Teacher, Springs Boys High School, South Africa

Lessons learnt - roll out of e-learning Glen Jacobs, Senior Associate Dean & Professor, St. George’s University, West Indies

Looking beyond MOOCs: adaptive learning technologies to interrupt current education models Tabitha Baily, Founder, CEO,, South Africa

E-learning in the world’s largest classroom Alfie Alhamid, Head of Corporate Africa, CISCO, South Africa


Breakthroughs in technology for inclusive education

Chairperson: Kobus Van Wyk, Head of e-learning, Mustek, South Africa 09:30


The session highlights technology and how it is breaking barriers to education and opening doors for learners with disabilities and learning difficulties in a mainstream environment. It includes hands on demonstrations and examples of successful projects and individual case studies. Workshop facilitators: • Gerhard Erasmus, Blindness and Low Vision Sales and Support, Edit Microsystems, South Africa • Tamryn Smit, Product manager, Edit Microsystems, South Africa • Michelle West, Product and Sales Specialist, Inclusion and Special Needs, Edit Microsystems, South Africa • •

Discover how technology can assist individual learners of all abilities in achieving their full potential Learn why appropriate technology is crucial to effective mainstreaming or inclusive education

• Understand how to create content and digitising of curriculum • Learn about the challenges, successes and roll out pitfalls of e-learning • Discover how to select the right technology for your institution 11:00

Exhibition and lunch break

Individual Session Pass

Individual Session Pass

R495 each


R495 each



Session 7

Session 8

Technical and vocational education and training colleges – new and improved?

Technology showcase for educators: Learn how to utilise programmes to improve interactive learning techniques


The white paper for post school education training has set the tone for the direction of higher education for the next 16 years. Hear from key stakeholders and contributors what it means for you? Speaker to be confirmed • • •

Explore the Department of Higher Education’s vision of expanding access, improving quality and increasing diversity in TVET Colleges. Learn about the different phases of implementation and what is in store for the next 2-3 years. Understand what the regulations for minimum qualifications for vocational educators in colleges mean for educators.

An interactive technology session where teacher play with and use different technologies which could be used in the classroom, such as augmented reality, response systems, and various other technologies. Workshop facilitator: • Karen Walstra Consulting, South Africa: Karen Walstra, Independent Educational Consultant, South Africa How will it work? Work stations would be set up and the delegates would move from station to station throughout the morning, spending 30 minutes at each station. An interactive discussion will follow about their experiences with each of the technologies, showing the teachers how to use technology within their classrooms.


Exhibition and lunch break

Register now at

Attend the full conference:

Programme - day 2

Gold Passes FULL

Friday, 11 July 2014


EduTheatre One



EduTheatre Two

Individual Session Pass

Individual Session Pass

R495 each



R495 each



Session 9

Session 10

A guide to creating online educational resources for your lessons

Strategies to develop your learner’s literacy skills – the foundation to all subjects

Chairperson: Maggie Verster, Senior Consultant, ICT4Champions, South Africa

14:00 The session will focus on the different teaching and educational tools available and how best educators can access and use them. • • • •

Lulu Burger, iPad Training Manager, Apple, South Africa Brett St. Clair, Enterprise Country Manager, Google, South Africa Angela Schaerer, Academic Programme Manager, Microsoft, South Africa Karen Durant, Professional Development Manager, Smart Exchange, South Africa

Best skills/practice to teach literacy in any language This session will look at the various languages of instruction available in Africa and how an educator can best equip learners to shine in various subjects using literacy as the foundation. Panellists from across Africa and the globe share their best practice and experiences. THE EXPERT PANEL: • Maggie Owen Smith, Manager, Home Language Project, South Africa • Christa van der Walt, Professor, Department of Curriculum Studies, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa • Tessa Harmse, English Teacher, Hoërskool Grens, Centurion, South Africa • Immaculee Harushimana, Assistant Professor, City University of New York, United States of America • • •

Learn how to use a variety of literacies in your classroom to build academic literacy Understand the challenges that the development of biliteracies may have for institutions and policy makers; and Discover ways to improve the overall performance of your learners

African EduWeek 2014 Closing Session 15:30

Feedback and closing ceremony Graeme Bloch, Independent Education Specialist, South Africa • Key outcomes from 2014 • Best practices, tools and tips • The road to 2015

Exhibitors will be giving away amazing prizes for you and your school. DO NOT MISS OUT!

Book your conference pass now at or call +27 (0) 21 700 3524

10 - 11 July 2014, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg

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