4 minute read
A Reading For You
by Annie Gebel
For this reading, the Light Seer’s Tarot is here to open our eyes to a piece of information we need to hear but might not want to. Sometimes the cards can be used to nudge us out of a stupor. Today is one of those days. Take a few deep breaths. Roll your shoulders back and/or gently stretch your neck. Take a look at each card and choose the one that seems to connect most with you.
4 of Pentacles
The woman in the picture is holding a purse with pentacles, clutching it really. She’s not looking at it, but rather has her eyes closed and isn’t looking at anything, even though there’s a lovely view of the city and hills beyond for her to see. The message held in the 4 of Pentacles is that you are leading an abundant life. When you notice some success (whether financially, emotionally, or in some other way) don’t hold it so tightly that you stop the flow. Abundance is meant to come and go, flow in and out and in again. You’re meant to appreciate it, not live in fear of losing it.
When I think about the woman on this card recognizing the flow of her success, I envision her being pulled from her worries by the breeze and setting her purse down to stand up and look out over the scenery around her. I imagine that breeze reminding her that what comes, goes. The spaces are filled with more, which continues the cycle of abundance. The breeze can teach us much and hopefully it not only encourages her to recognize all of the abundance she’s got and not just the money, but also reminds you.
Where can you appreciate success for yourself? How can you open your eyes to the flow of all that you have achieved? In what ways can you show your gratitude for what you have?

Sometimes people think that an upside down card means something bad. I don’t believe that and don’t read the cards that way. It’s all simply information, this King in reverse included.
The King is the highest of the minor arcana suits. Cups is the suit of emotions, nurturance, and relationships. So, the King of Cups is kind of a guru in these areas. He represents a maturity in situations that are emotionally charged and has an extensive library of ways to be in healthy relation with others.
In reverse, he’s using his wisdom to withdraw from a triggering situation. Or he’s diving into self care to relieve excess stress. He might have caught himself being a bit too dramatic or temperamental and have to take some action to nurture, heal, and reconnect.
The message of this card speaks to me of the emotional maturity that allows us to realize we’ve done something we’re not proud of, apologize for it, and mend the relationship. In that, we are leaders and mentors to anyone around us who witnesses our recognition and repentance. Think about how you can use your deep wisdom to respond to any situation, but especially hard ones, with and through love. And know that sometimes, stepping back is love.
2 of Pentacles
This card is about balance. If you’re anything like me, you might have a love/hate relationship with that word - which is actually kind of balanced, isn’t it?! Anyway, balance in our lives is what allows us to not fly off the handle when something upsets us. It’s what helps us appreciate the simple joys of children’s laughter or cute puppies. Balance is what allows us to find our center again and again when life comes at us with highs and lows.
On the card, the two circles could be the sun and the moon, but they’re also being held with strings and can be swung around in harmony. Have you ever seen fire twirling? I’ve seen a few videos and it’s incredibly impressive. That’s kind of what I picture when she gets her pentacles swinging around her - rhythm, excitement, and harmony!
Where do you need a new equilibrium in your life to easily or at least comfortably juggle the various pieces of your life? How can you create more balance, or uphold current balancing acts that are working, to allow you to live as your best self?
*** If you keep Home&Harvest around your living room for a while, feel free to pull this reading out again and again and see what part of it speaks to you at different times. We’re constantly evolving and need to hear different truths at different times. Sometimes you can hear the wisdom from within you without help and other times you can turn to the cards and let them speak to you.