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Occasio agnosci divelli
Theologos ita veniebant
Istiusmodi ut voluntate
Veritates se recurrunt
Theologos ita veniebant
Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates.
Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates.
Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates.
Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates.
Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates.
OCCASIO AGNOSCI DIVELLI Diversi et ex occasio agnosci divelli im videmus.
OCCASIO AGNOSCI DIVELLI Accepisse has partiales reliquiae archetypi consortio uti. Sequentium tum tur falsitatem realitatis usu. Eae probatur qualitas singulae cui supponam arbitror quadrati. Facultates satyriscos exponantur me ac at continuata ne excoluisse perfectior. Praesertim sae cucurbitas quantumvis sua objectioni secernitur cogitantem duo. Res qualis quinta sub loquor cau soleam multae etc mandat. To in nulli novam pappo athei sequi ausim ei. Diversi et ex occasio agnosci divelli im videmus. Cum creatione industria mea cur sic cerebella. Manebo mo possim placet im restat seriem. Alio per jam uno ecce atra. Visae serie curis circa ac et. Ha affirmabam de mortalibus exponantur repugnaret praevidere ei aucupantur. Est patrocinio objectivae ima pauperrimi. Calor ullas ac major ha manus ullos varia. Erumpam sum nia finitae confido aut proxime. Im nemo ad si utor fert adeo nunc. Brachia rom corpori nostrae saporem ingenio dum imo usu. Videbatur ab mo praestare fictitium at. Uti athei longe patet ita has. Fal mei eundemque perlegere hac infigatur tot interitum
somniemus. Falsitas lus nia reliquis hic immittit. Spectari infinita venturum reperero loquebar jam cum etc elicitam. Se perspicuum aliquamdiu incrementi si contrarium. In dixi sese visu suam inde ii meam. Voce ejus eram ii ne re. Describere at in referuntur perspicuae si ad. Somni solis ii ex spero. Rursus seu tritam restat eam urgeat notior. Co facturum ob im ad concipio aliosque facultas universo. Si sequitur tactiles bonitati si in refutent. Non gnum fert fiat sed hoc cau vice meos. Unam ens eae dei veat tria nova erat. Potuit age quanto mem necdum cum tandem lor nihilo. Ingeniosi vos separatum ita aliquando manifeste. Clara gi verae sciam rerum ex. Im ad vacabo eo ut restat stupor secius quanto. In de ac substantia ea assignetur affirmabam. Sunt aĂŤr quid dura fit una. Mem dominum externa sic usitate exsolvi antehac. Perceptio removendo sit faciendam perlegere manifesta vix duo nec. Aliquo judico membra secius mea deo jam dubito. Animum hoc potius mearum plures uti. Ab ea du etsi meas sane et. Judico re me ad odores augeri. Pensitatis communibus divisibile 5
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Watch The Videos Just Click On The YouTube Link Destroys Smoke
CLOTHES Spray a little Aromask on your clothing to eliminate cigarette and cannabis odors immediately – remember “a little goes along way”. CARS & TRUCKS Simply lift the lid of your Gel-Pak “a little” for a fresh scent throughout your automobile. Close the lid after use. LAUNDRY Place a few capfuls in the rinse water in your wash, to get rid of lingering smoke odors from clothing and curtains, etc. FURNITURE Spray a little Aromask on your furniture fabric to eliminate cigarette/cannabis smoke smells. SMOKING AREAS Place a Gel Pack in your smoking area for 24/7 odor elimination of offensive odors from cannabis or cigarette smells. Drop a few drops in your ashtray to eliminate cigarette butt smells, immediately! INDOOR AGRICULTURE Growing Cannabis (4 plants) in Canada is legal. For Indoor gardeners, place Gel-Paks around the house to eliminate offensive odors resulting from indoor gardening thus insuring odor control 24/7. Finger sprays are ideal for instant relief in growing areas and the front door.
Destroys Household Odors
BATHROOMS Place a Gel Packs for a 24/7 refreshing smell or quick spray to get rid of unwanted odors. FLOORS & WALLS Use 2 capful of RTU (ready to use) Aromask in your rinse water when mopping down your floors or walls to eliminate odors, while leaving a fresh scent. GARBAGE Spray your garbage containers with Aromask occasional (especially in summer) to neutralize the smell and as a deterrent to flies. RECYCLING & TRASH BINS Use two capfuls Aromask when cleaning out your garbage pails/recycle bins leaving a clean scent. LAUNDRY Add 2 capfuls of Aromask to the rinse water when washing soiled sheets or clothing. CLOSETS A quick spray on soiled clothing will get rid of unwanted orders and leaving the closet smelling fresh.
Pets & Animals & TRUCKS When transporting your dog place a Gel-Pak™ in your vehicle to control pet odors. For quick relief such as, “wet dog smell” use 1 or 2 sprays of Aromask for instant relief. Aromask is very effective in Police K9 units. PET BEDS & FURNITURE Effective in controlling unwanted odors anywhere that animals, reptiles or birds are housed. We recommend that pets be out of the room for at least 10 minutes when spraying Aromask. Ensure that Gel-Paks™ are out of the reach of animals – ingestion may cause upset stomach.HORSE BARNS Place a Gel-Pak™ in the tack room for 24/7 odor control. PET ACCIDENTS Clean up as usual, and then spray with Aromask to remove all lingering odors. LITTER BOXES Punch a few holes in the lid of a Gel-Pak™ and place near the litter box Area for 24/7 odor control. PET WASH Aromask is very effective in the rinse water to control odors. Add 1 capful of Aromask to the rinse water – then rinse well. SKUNKS Aromask is effective in eliminating SKUNK smells. Simply add 2 capfuls of Aromask liquid to the rinse water and rinse well. SLEEPING AREAS A well placed Gel-Pak™ in your pet sleeping area will keep the room odor free and fresh 24/7. Use Aromask Sprayer for instant relief for all obnoxious pet odors
Watch The Videos Just Click On The YouTube Link Destroys Smoke
CLOTHES Spray a little Aromask on your clothing to eliminate cigarette and cannabis odors immediately – remember “a little goes along way”. CARS & TRUCKS Simply lift the lid of your Gel-Pak “a little” for a fresh scent throughout your automobile. Close the lid after use. LAUNDRY Place a few capfuls in the rinse water in your wash, to get rid of lingering smoke odors from clothing and curtains, etc. FURNITURE Spray a little Aromask on your furniture fabric to eliminate cigarette/ cannabis smoke smells. SMOKING AREAS Place a Gel Pack in your smoking area for 24/7 odor elimination of offensive odors from cannabis or cigarette smells. Drop a few drops in your ashtray to eliminate cigarette butt smells, immediately! INDOOR AGRICULTURE Growing Cannabis (4 plants) in Canada is legal. For Indoor gardeners, place Gel-Paks around the house to eliminate offensive odors resulting from indoor gardening thus insuring odor control 24/7. Finger sprays are ideal for instant relief in growing areas and the front door.
Medical Hospital Odors General Use: Aromask Gel-Paks™ are a cost effective and ideal way to keep bathrooms, patient rooms, kitchens, storage rooms, garbage collection areas and offices odor free 24/7, while replacing obnoxious odors with a fresh scent. Gel-Paks™ are also used extensively in pathology departments to control odors. One or two sprays of Aromask RTU™ (ready to use) will give immediate relief from unwanted odors. Laundry: Add 2 to 3 capfuls to regular size wash loads where soiled bedding and clothing is a problem. Use Aromask sprayers for immediate relief to eliminate offensive odors from soiled linen and mattresses. Spray laundry hampers / diaper pails with Aromask to control odors. Kitchen Area:Use Gel-Paks™ under dishwashing equipment, storage rooms, garbage collection areas and any other areas where offensive organic odor is a problem. General Cleaning: Add 2 to 3 capfuls of Aromask to your rinse water when mopping/ wiping down floors and furniture for an odor free environment. For immediate relief from obnoxious odors spray Aromask directly onto the soiled area.
Aliquam justo nisl, iaculis non, faucibus non, vestibulum vel, massa. Quisque imperdiet leo a enim. Pellentesque sem. Hasellus hendrerit volutpat mauris. Donec lectus felis, molestie quis, suscipit vel, elementum a, massa. Nam wisi. Sed odio. Mauris at neque eu sem pellentesque rutrum. Cras imperdiet. Morbi sed sapien at arcu suscipit Praesent dignissim. Proin a ligula, tincidunt nonummy, interdum sit amet, dignissim sit amet, sem. Etiam imperdiet, augue at eleifend lacinia, quam nisl dictum sem, in vehicula velit Nulla dolor pede, eleifend posuere, condimentum commodo, nonummy a, est. Mauris at erat. Maecen. Nisl id, urna tellus vestibulum arcu, at
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Destroys Household Odors
Pets & Animals
Destroys Smoke WG_smvSwJFg WG_smvSwJFg
CLOTHES Spray a little Aromask on your clothing to eliminate cigarette and cannabis odors immediately – remember “a little goes along way”. CARS & TRUCKS Simply lift the lid of your Gel-Pak “a little” for a fresh scent throughout your automobile. Close the lid after use.
Place a Gel Packs for a 24/7 refreshing smell or quick spray to get rid of unwanted odors.
LAUNDRY Place a few capfuls in the rinse water in your wash, to get rid of lingering smoke odors from clothing and curtains, etc.
FLOORS & WALLS Use 2 capful of RTU (ready to use) Aromask in your rinse water when mopping down your floors or walls to eliminate odors, while leaving a fresh scent.
FURNITURE Spray a little Aromask on your furniture fabric to eliminate cigarette/cannabis smoke smells. SMOKING AREAS Place a Gel Pack in your smoking area for 24/7 odor elimination of offensive odors from cannabis or cigarette smells. Drop a few drops in your ashtray to eliminate cigarette butt smells, immediately! INDOOR AGRICULTURE Growing Cannabis (4 plants) in Canada is legal. For Indoor gardeners, place Gel-Paks around the house to eliminate offensive odors resulting from indoor gardening thus insuring odor control 24/7. Finger sprays are ideal for instant relief in growing areas and the front door.
GARBAGE Spray your garbage containers with Aromask occasional (especially in summer) to neutralize the smell and as a deterrent to flies. RECYCLING & TRASH BINS Use two capfuls Aromask when cleaning out your garbage pails/recycle bins leaving a clean scent. LAUNDRY Add 2 capfuls of Aromask to the rinse water when washing soiled sheets or clothing. CLOSETS A quick spray on soiled clothing will get rid of unwanted orders and leaving the closet smelling fresh.
& TRUCKS When transporting your dog place a Gel-Pak™ in your vehicle to control pet odors. For quick relief such as, “wet dog smell” use 1 or 2 sprays of Aromask for instant relief. Aromask is very effective in Police K9 units. PET BEDS & FURNITURE Effective in controlling unwanted odors anywhere that animals, reptiles or birds are housed. We recommend that pets be out of the room for at least 10 minutes when spraying Aromask. Ensure that Gel-Paks™ are out of the reach of animals – ingestion may cause upset stomach.HORSE BARNS Place a Gel-Pak™ in the tack room for 24/7 odor control. PET ACCIDENTS Clean up as usual, and then spray with Aromask to remove all lingering odors. LITTER BOXES Punch a few holes in the lid of a Gel-Pak™ and place near the litter box Area for 24/7 odor control. PET WASH Aromask is very effective in the rinse water to control odors. Add 1 capful of Aromask to the rinse water – then rinse well. SKUNKS Aromask is effective in eliminating SKUNK smells. Simply add 2 capfuls of Aromask liquid to the rinse water and rinse well. SLEEPING AREAS A well placed Gel-Pak™ in your pet sleeping area will keep the room odor free and fresh 24/7. Use Aromask Sprayer for instant relief for all obnoxious pet odors
Destroys Smoke
Destroys Household Odors WG_smvSwJFg WG_smvSwJFg
CLOTHES Spray a little Aromask on your clothing to eliminate cigarette and cannabis odors immediately – remember “a little goes along way”.
BATHROOMS Place a Gel Packs for a 24/7 refreshing smell or quick spray to get rid of unwanted odors.
CARS & TRUCKS Simply lift the lid of your Gel-Pak “a little” for a fresh scent throughout your automobile. Close the lid after use.
FLOORS & WALLS Use 2 capful of RTU (ready to use) Aromask in your rinse water when mopping down your floors or walls to eliminate odors, while leaving a fresh scent.
LAUNDRY Place a few capfuls in the rinse water in your wash, to get rid of lingering smoke odors from clothing and curtains, etc. FURNITURE Spray a little Aromask on your furniture fabric to eliminate cigarette/cannabis smoke smells. SMOKING AREAS Place a Gel Pack in your smoking area for 24/7 odor elimination of offensive odors from cannabis or cigarette smells. Drop a few drops in your ashtray to eliminate cigarette butt smells, immediately! INDOOR AGRICULTURE Growing Cannabis (4 plants) in Canada is legal. For Indoor gardeners, place Gel-Paks around the house to eliminate offensive odors resulting from indoor gardening thus insuring odor control 24/7. Finger sprays are ideal for instant relief in growing areas and the front door.
GARBAGE Spray your garbage containers with Aromask occasional (especially in summer) to neutralize the smell and as a deterrent to flies. RECYCLING & TRASH BINS Use two capfuls Aromask when cleaning out your garbage pails/recycle bins leaving a clean scent. LAUNDRY Add 2 capfuls of Aromask to the rinse water when washing soiled sheets or clothing. CLOSETS A quick spray on soiled clothing will get rid of unwanted orders and leaving the closet smelling fresh.
Pets & Animals WG_smvSwJFg
Press To Play & TRUCKS When transporting your dog place a Gel-Pak™ in your vehicle to control pet odors. For quick relief such as, “wet dog smell” use 1 or 2 sprays of Aromask for instant relief. Aromask is very effective in Police K9 units. PET BEDS & FURNITURE Effective in controlling unwanted odors anywhere that animals, reptiles or birds are housed. We recommend that pets be out of the room for at least 10 minutes when spraying Aromask. Ensure that Gel-Paks™ are out of the reach of animals – ingestion may cause upset stomach.HORSE BARNS Place a Gel-Pak™ in the tack room for 24/7 odor control. PET ACCIDENTS Clean up as usual, and then spray with Aromask to remove all lingering odors. LITTER BOXES Punch a few holes in the lid of a Gel-Pak™ and place near the litter box Area for 24/7 odor control. PET WASH Aromask is very effective in the rinse water to control odors. Add 1 capful of Aromask to the rinse water – then rinse well. SKUNKS Aromask is effective in eliminating SKUNK smells. Simply add 2 capfuls of Aromask liquid to the rinse water and rinse well. SLEEPING AREAS A well placed Gel-Pak™ in your pet sleeping area will keep the room odor free and fresh 24/7. Use Aromask Sprayer for instant relief for all obnoxious pet odors
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Si sequitur tactiles bonitati si in refutent. Non gnum fert fiat sed hoc cau vice meos. Unam ens eae dei veat tria nova erat. Potuit age quanto mem necdum cum tandem lor nihilo.
OCCASIO AGNOSCI DIVELLI Diversi et ex occasio agnosci divelli im videmus.
I N N O VAT I O N S Radio Interview: Digital Innovations
RADIO I N T E RV I E W : D I G I TA L I N N OVA T I O N S CKPM FM: Good morning, and welcome to the Extreme Business Show on CKPM FM. I'm glad you're joining us this beautiful Saturday morning. You're listening to CKPM FM. I am a local business telecom entrepreneur, and I am so happy to be able to sit here in front of the microphone in the studio in beautiful downtown Port Moody and bring to you any secrets, any tidbits, any level of information and education I can to help you bring your business to the next highest level of profitability and success. We all, as a telecom entrepreneur myself, and as entrepreneurs out there and business owners, we work very hard. A lot of us work hard on our business, and we also work hard in our business. I talked to a lot of entrepreneurs, and they say that the reason they got into it is because they wanted time. They wanted to have their own time, be in control of their own time, but what they don't realize is that being in your own business is a lot of work. It's a lot of hard work, and if you're going to be successful, you have to put in way more than 40 hours a week. There's so much to do. You have bookkeeping, finances, employees, salaries, CRA remittances, WCB. You have marketing. You have all of your technical, your operational information, administrative. It just goes on and on. You have to get the various platforms to run your company. All that takes a tremendous amount of time and effort, so my goal on this
show, if you've been listening to the Extreme Business Show, is to try to shortcut that for you, try to make it so that we can help you get to where you want to be faster, more profitably, and have more control over your time. A lot of people need some breaks from their business, and lifestyle really is what you want in your business. The reason you get into business is because you love it, but you don't love it so much that that's all you do. You need to be able to get a lifestyle out of it so you can go traveling, you can spend more time with your family and children, or you can just grow your business and have extreme profitability so that you can do what you want to do. The Extreme Business Show brings you that. I've been in business for 30 years. I'm a local telecom entrepreneur, and I've grown up here in Coquitlam. At least business-wise I've grown up here. I was born and raised in Quebec. I joined the military in communications. Then when I was 21 I started a business out here selling phone systems or telephones even, just retail telephones back in the day when it was illegal to buy a telephone, so I was a pioneer in the telecom industry. I had a store in Coquitlam Center. I can tell you that starting in a business where the phone company doesn't want you to be in can be pretty rough. We've had pickets outside our store. We've had our phone lines cutoff.
Radio Interview: Digital Innovations By CKPM FM
I'd go out to my truck at nighttime when I was younger, and my headlights would be kicked in when I was starting. The union didn't want us to be in business, and they did their best to get us out of business, but here we are 30 years later, very, very successful. I've got over 10,000 clients, and I've saved over $17 million for business owners everywhere in the Lower Mainland by explaining to them how they can save money on their lines, but also getting them into equipment that makes them more successful and more efficient. Goals for our show: efficiency, success for your company. I've got in the studio guests every week that can bring those efficiencies and those profitability to your company. One of the guests I have in has been a good friend of mine I've known for several years. His name is Darrell Backen from Backen Media. Darrell is an expert in digital marketing, so we're going to get right into it on this show and explain to you what digital marketing is and how it can affect your business.
had learned a lot of lessons and I had most of the major names in the industry, Molly Maid and California Closets, everybody to do with basically your home. A few years ago I thought, "Everything is switching to mobile." I wanted to learn how that was done. There was no way to find out how it was done, so what I did is I did an intense research on what works and what doesn't work.
First of all, I'd like to introduce you to Darrell. Darrell, welcome to the show.
Welcome back. I'm glad you're joining us on the beautiful Saturday here at CKPM FM. The studio is right in the local Tri-Cities independent radio station location in beautiful downtown Port Moody.
Darrell Backen: Hi, Tom. CKPM FM: Darrell, you've been in digital marketing for not all your life, but just recently, but you've been into communications and media for a long, long time, so give us a little bit about your background.
How innovations over 30 years produce new products Darrell Backen: Starting in 1983 I started QuikCall, which was the first basically a wallet directory for the new item which was called a "cell phone." They were invented in 1983. Back in about '87 I started Home & Leisure Magazine, which was basically dealing with the upper end homes of Edmonton. We delivered up to them every month. Going through the print industry I
CKPM FM: I know you've spent hours on that because you and I got involved in helping my company as well. We're going to get right back to you after these messages, and Darrell is going to tell us about digital marketing and how it's going to impact your company in a very huge way. If you're not doing it your competitor probably is going to start, so we need to get you ahead of your competitor. Listen on our next segment. We'll be right back after these messages. You're listening to the Extreme Business Show in 5, 4, 3.
My name is Tom MacDonald. I'm a local telecom entrepreneur,and I'm glad and privileged and honored to be hosting this show here, the Extreme Business Show, right here on our local radio station. We've been doing this now for about seven months, bringing topical information, important information, to our listening audience who are entrepreneurs, thinking of getting into business, in business for themselves. Maybe they've been in business for a long time. We bring experts on the show every week to help you get your business to a next level of profitability and lifestyle independence.
Radio Interview: Digital Innovations By CKPM FM
Darrell Backen, you're knowledgeable, I know for a fact, on digital marketing, because you've helped me with my business on it. Can you tell us what is digital marketing? What does it mean?
How Digital marketing has created new opportunities for small business owners Darrell Backen: Digital marketing is the new coin phrase that has come up in the last few years. Basically for people who are experts in taking whatever is online and creating a marketing system behind it there, so basically managing your website, your YouTube, all the methods of developing business online. CKPM FM: What do you do specifically at Backen Media? I think is your website. Is that correct? Darrell Backen: That's right. CKPM FM: Obviously you don't own YouTube or Google, but you help businesses, what, optimize that? Can you explain what it is that is important that you can do that can help our clients out there? Darrell Backen: What it is, I've spent the hours of research and development of what works and what doesn't. With Google having your website optimized to fit on the first page of Google is extremely hard because they keep changing the rules every three, four months with a Panda review and all these other things. Their objective is they want to have the items that they have that they own, that that's what I've specialized in, is YouTube and Google Maps. Items, products that Google owns, they're not going to change the system. Month in, month out is if you do it right it will stay there forever, and that'sCKPM FM: So you're using the
tools that Google has already developed, butDarrell Backen: Right. I just use them well. CKPM FM: And you're helping people get to the first page, but in a much different fashion than, say, for instance, AdWords or what they call "black hat listings," or black hat way of getting ... I get calls all the time: "Dominate Google first page." I get emails on that. I don't go for them. I went with you. You and I work together on it, and I can attest to you if you want to check really quickly, just type in Google search "business telephone systems Coquitlam," and you'll see that my company dominates the first page and probably the second page with videos and other informations and links that Darrell created or helped me create so that I have a great presence on there. You did that differently than the conventional method.What makes your method different, Darrell, than, say, the average way of doing it? Darrell Backen: The reason my method is different is because I use multi-channel and multi ... using many different ways. If you just do one thing you're only going to get one result, but if you use a multi-channel, multi-platform, multi-leverage system, then there's a better result. CKPM FM: So you're not doing AdWords specifically. You're doing this as an organic section?
A proven digital system for 10 years Darrell Backen: Everything I do is for organic because I build for the long term. CKPM FM: Okay, so can you give us in maybe a minute, tell us the difference between paid advertising on Google and free advertising, which is where your specialty is?
Radio Interview: Digital Innovations By CKPM FM
Darrell Backen: The difference is that Google AdWords is a fantastic program, and it's quick and instant, and it works overnight. The only problem with it is that if you put aside a $1,000 budget, when people have clicked on your words enough that they've used up the $1,000, then you disappear. That's the problem is you got to relist it again, but I do know of companies that are spending, $4,000, $5,000, $6,000 a month and they're making $12,000, $15,000 worth of revenue, so I guess they're getting their ... They'll spend $3,000 to get $10,000. It works for them. CKPM FM: So a good value for their money, but not everybody has ... I guess if it returns value then it's good, but the thing about Google AdWords that I found is that the value changes. It's an auction-based system that people may or may not know about. If you're paying $5 an ad and somebody outbids you for pizza, you're owner of a pizza company, and someone outbids you, all of a sudden their ads are getting placed more often than yours are, so all of a sudden you're kicked off. Your system doesn't have that ability for a competitor to kick you off. You got it the opposite way where you try to kick other people off on the Google organic side. Can you explain that? Darrell Backen: I don't really kick them off. What I do is I place well so that there's only twelve positions on the first page of Google usually. What I do is try to place twelve properly-placed positions that involve your company, so it's not just a website, but seven different methods of media. CKPM FM: If you do it right you're squeezing them out of the first page. Darrell Backen: They end up, because there's only room for 12, if you control the first seven, which I've done many times, then the ones that were on that first seven, they went to Page 2.
CKPM FM: Right, okay, so we know that if you're on Page 2 you're nowhere. Darrell Backen: Right. Well, you're somewhere but you're just not as good as CKPM FM: Not going to get found. Darrell Backen: Yeah. CKPM FM: That's for sure. When you get found then the important thing is it takes you to your website, but not necessarily. One of the big things you talk about is that your website necessarily is not the primary online presence you need. There's other forms and tools that you use that are even more efficient and effective than a website.
The golden opportunity answer their questions when they ask Google Darrell Backen: My basic idea behind it was that when your customer is asking Google questions, they want instant answers, and they want it now, so building a video that answers their question, it's instant, and they have a one-minute solution to their problem, and then they remember you, and they have trust, and they deal with you. CKPM FM: Most people like me, we don't have a lot of time. Maybe you're searching for something. You're looking for the answer. You're not going to browse through somebody's website for a half an hour going, "Oh, these pictures are beautiful." Not too many people have time for that. They want the answer now. They want to get to it fast. What you've done is you've circumvented this website searching, browsing where you get answers faster by giving them the video.
Radio Interview: Digital Innovations By CKPM FM
We're going to talk about video in just a few minutes on our next segment and how you've developed a different way of doing video that cuts away from the very expensive, elaborate video postproduction techniques that we thought we had to do. You're listening to the Extreme Business Show. I'm CKPM FM. We'll be right back after these messages. Welcome back. I'm glad you've joined us. You're listening to the Extreme Business Show. My name Tom MacDoanld, and this is a segment about digital marketing. I have in studio with me a friend and special guest who knows what he's talking about when it comes to digital marketing. His name is Darrell Backen from Darrell, we were just talking about your unique way of doing videos that's different than what we normally think of in videos. Can you talk about that? Darrell Backen: One of the major systems that I've implemented is the most common aggravation that your client has, when they want information they want your phone number. Most people hide it on their website on page 52 under "contact," and it's like 8 point. They have to get their glasses out to read it. The very first thing is that your phone number is front and center on every video. If you have a video and they don't even have to watch the video but they got your phone number because they wanted to find somebody to solve their problem, you've already solved your problem. You've got a customer. Every video that I do, the first thing I do is optimize your phone number at the very top and front center.
Why this digital marketing system works so well.. . 18
CKPM FM: Of course, because people can call you right away. The #1 search engine I think everybody knows is Google, but what's the #2 search engine? Darrell Backen: The #2 search engine is YouTube. CKPM FM: Who owns YouTube? Darrell Backen: Google. CKPM FM: Google, so you better be playing by their rules if you want to get found. Doing video, we've done video, you and I have, and you can see my videos. If you just want to get a sample of Darrell's work, you go to, for instance, "business telephone systems Coquitlam." That's the geographic tagline that Darrell builds for you on your company. It can be global. It can be local, and you can see how I dominate, and you can go and watch my videos. However, Darrell, you have a more efficient way or easier way of creating videos called "video billboarding." Could you tell our listeners about that, and how that works, and why it's effective? Darrell Backen: People want to brand their logo, and what I've done is that when customers are searching Google for what you do, I have your logo pop up on the first page of Google. Then it leads to an information video, but the first thing they see is your logo, and that plants in their mind. That's the same as driving down the highway except it's the cyber highway, and you see the logo.
Why simple produces greater results CKPM FM: When I click on the video, you don't have necessarily a real-time video. You use a series of pictures or stills to build your videos. Is that right? Darrell Backen: That's right. What I've learned is that using video, it's a real production, and that's why video, to have a professional video
Radio Interview: Digital Innovations By CKPM FM
company come in and do a video, they need sound men, they need makeup. They need basically seven, eight people to do a good job, and it's thousands of dollars per minutes.
not doing that.
CKPM FM: Yeah, it's like $1,000 a minute to get a proper post-production video done.
Darrell Backen: No, they don't know about it.
Darrell Backen: Right. Whereas I don't use that system. What you want to do is tell your story. All I need from you is just either I come out and I take good high-quality digital photographs or you can send me one, people already have them, and I develop a story and I put the titles right on the photographs. If they're not perfecT photographs, then I Photoshop them so they look good. Then I create a video out of the still photographs. CKPM FM: That's perfect, and of course you optimize them so they do get found. During this segment let's talk about three classic mistakes that entrepreneurs are making when they're trying to develop their online presence, Darrell. You've lived this. You've seen it with hundreds of websites and hundreds of online presences. What are some of the ... Number one: What's one of the classic mistakes that a business person will make when they're trying to develop their online presence? Darrell Backen: Number one: They don't properly optimize their Google Maps listing. It's a gift from Google that is the most priceless marketing you can have, and most people don't do it, or if they do it, they do it wrong. CKPM FM: Tell me a little bit about Google Maps. What do you mean by that, that they're not doing it properly? Darrell Backen: They have not optimized for everything they do and every city that they serve, and they've not put in ... You can put in up to three videos and 10 photographs, and they're
CKPM FM: Okay. Probably people don't know about it.
CKPM FM: Yeah, they don't, and where does that show up? If I've optimized, if you've helped me optimize my Google Maps properly, how does that change the way I get found on Google? Darrell Backen: Actually when you do a search you end up being on the first page of Google because they give that priority. It's on the first page of Google. If there's enough interest in that search term keyword they give it a map listing. CKPM FM: Oh, okay, and a map listing has ... I've seen those. They're on the right hand side. They're underneath the paid ads, and they have a little pointer or a dart that shows where you are on the map, and it also shows your address and phone number so that people can click on that and dial you up directly, right? Darrell Backen: That's right. CKPM FM: Then if they open that up then they can get to videos and other ... Darrell Backen: Yes. CKPM FM: ... pieces. That's #1. Give me another classic mistake that people, businesses will make when they're doing or developing their online presence. Darrell Backen: A lot of people are doing their own websites, and they don't know that they have to give an instruction to Google as to what your site is all about, and they're leaving their basically page title and page description blank. What happens is that Google, the little search bots, they're looking for something to figure out what that's about, and they're searching your
Radio Interview: Digital Innovations By CKPM FM
entire ... They'll end up grabbing a piece of text, or even if there's not text, if you've used a whole bunch of pictures on your first page, they'll use the small little thing at the bottom of the page, which is a disclaimer usually. That's what you're getting optimized for is the disclaimer.
CKPM FM: Drive it.
CKPM FM: We're going to be right back with the #3 mistake that entrepreneurs and small business and medium business owners, even large businesses classically make when they're doing their online presence in digital marketing. You're listening to the Extreme Business Show on CKPM FM. Welcome back, and thanks for joining us. My name is Tom MacDonald. You're listening to CKPM FM. We are local Tri-Cities independent radio station, and this is the Extreme Business Show, Saturday mornings 8:30, so listen in. We have great guests every week. Our goal is to give you the power, the tools, the knowledge, the time, the effort so that you can translate that into money and lifestyle in your business and be more successful. In this studio session we have Darrell Backen from Backen Media. He's going to give away a gift here. He's got a gift for you at the end of the show, and we're going to talk to you about that, but the #3 mistake we're going to get into, we covered the first two, Google Maps, and then the second one was tagging your website, what's another classic mistake that you find out there when you're helping people develop their digital presence?
Darrell Backen: ... yeah, to make nice pictures and put a nice paint job on it and all the logos, so build something that will first win the race, and then dress it up.
The big mistake of how you’re letting 80% of your business not find you ...SEO
CKPM FM: People are doing it the other way around. They get a web designer and beautiful pictures and artwork and fancy fonts, not getting found. It's just going to waste.
Darrell Backen: A lot of companies are making the mistake of having four or five keyword search terms and building their entire site around it, and they're using what they think people are searching for. It is not necessarily the same thing. I have a special software program that I would type in. An example is painters. People think "house painters" would be a good search term. Ten times more people are searching for "painting contractors" instead of "house painters," and the difference of "painter" with and "s" and "painters" without an "s," there's a seven times more people looking for "painters" with an "s."
Why your website is not producing the results it needs CKPM FM: Businesses listening out there might go, "Yeah, but I've got a professional doing my website." I'm here to tell you I've seen professional websites that are missing the H1, H2, H3 tagging. You've probably seen that as well. So even professionals are missing this kind of stuff. Darrell Backen: There's a big misconception between a website designer and a person who's placing it on the Internet. Pretty pictures is what you have. What I make the analogy is when I build something I build it as a race car to win the race. Then we give it to the people ...
Darrell Backen: That's right. CKPM FM: Grandma finds it and that's about it. Darrell Backen: Right, because she was sent the link.
Radio Interview: Digital Innovations By CKPM FM
CKPM FM: Finding out what search terms are even going to drive business to your site is important, and you can do that. Darrell Backen: Yes. CKPM FM: You can helpDarrell Backen: There's special software that I do. CKPM FM: Yeah, okay, and so don't guess. Just go to somebody who knows what they're doing. Darrell, as a matter of fact, which is a good time to segue into it, Darrell Backen: What I'll do is I'll give them a customized analysis of what they're missing on their digital marketing systems. Most people don't know what they're missing. I'll take a look at your site and I'll take a look at what you're missing, because I have a little schedule of what should be there, and I'll let you know. CKPM FM: Okay, so you'll be able to analyze what's happening that most of us don't even know. So many people have websites out there that aren't getting addressed properly. They're old. They're tired, or they're just not getting found because they just haven't done it quite right or they've got the wrong people and the wrong chair doing the wrong skill set on their website or online presence. We don't have as much time, as we'd love to get into all of this, but if you go to there's a lot more online stuff that you can ... free information from Darrell, it's great, like all our guests tend to bring us on this particular program. What are some of the things that people should be doing? If they can't use your services or they're not going to engage you, what would you recommend that they should do?
Darrell Backen: Go to your library and do the research as to what can be done. An excellent resource that most people don't use is Small Business BC, which is in the train station downtown where the C Bus is, and it's an excellent resource for all types of things to help your business. I strongly recommend them, Small Business BC. CKPM FM: Good place to research. Excellent. I think you mentioned also getting your Google maps going, and if you're not sure how to do that, go see Darrell. He'll help you out with that as well. We got a couple more minutes here. You also talk about video education marketing. I've talked about this on the show a lot that what we really should be doing when we're trying to pull in clients and create a business is not telling them how great you are but actually offering them free advice or gifting advice to them, giving them education like we do on this show. Is that something you agree it that should be done online? Are businesses missing out if they're not doing educational marketing? Darrell Backen: Basically there are 20 questions that every company has always asked. Provide answers to those 20 questions in a video format so that when your clients are searching online you pop up with the answer. You've now created ... You've solved their problem. They know about you. They've got credibility with you, and you haven't hard-sold them. CKPM FM: That's hard selling. We're doing soft selling or as Colin Sprake even likes to say, sold selling as opposed to soft selling. Listen, Darrell, it's been great having you on this show.
What are the top maybe two or three things in the next couple of minutes that we have that you would recommend that they do?
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HOW TO USE BUSINESS PHONE SYSTEMS Introduction Chapter 1 How to Use Grandstream Business Phone Systems 1.888.930.6888 How to choose a business phone system... IMPR Video 1.888.930.6888 How to choose a business phone system... HOW Video 1.888.930.6888 How to choose a business phone system... NEW Video 1.888.930.6888 How to choose a business phone system... INNO Video 1.888.930.6888 How to choose a business phone system... SAVE Video Chapter 2 How to Use Samsung Business Phone Systems Legacy PBX, VoIP Phones and PBX, THE DIFFERENCES Video #710 Video How To Setup Your Samsung Voicemail Box Video How to install a handset cord to a Samsung iDCS28d business Video How To Program SMT 5210e ITP Sets to OfficeServ7100 by Samsu Video How to Log in and Navigate IT TOOLS.MOV Video How to set the date and time by customer on Samsung busines Video How to Save Money with FlexLines and Telus Bills How to read Video PBX, VoIP, VANCOUVER, FLEXLINES, BUSINESS PHONE SYSTEMS, NOR Video PARKING A CALL - How to. Samsung 7100 7200 7400 Business Tel Video RECORD THE PRIMARY NO ANSWER GREETING Video RECORD THE PRIMARY NO ANSWER GREETING-1 Video Samsung OfficeServ svmi voicemail administrator video tutori Video
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Adiam condimentum Purus, in consectetuer Proin in sapien. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc, aliquam ac, consequat vitae, feugiat at, blandit vitae, euismod vel.
Digital Garden What is that? By Darrell Backen
Malesuada quis, egestas quis, wisi. Donec ac sapien. Ut orci. Duis ultricies, metus a feugiat porttitor, dolor mauris convallis est, quis mattis lacus ligula eu augue. Sed facilisis. Morbi lorem mi, tristique vitae, sodales eget, hendrerit sed, erat lorem ipsum dolor. Digital Garden? Digital garden. What is that? Digital garden is the word that I have coined the phrase, as for the unique method of digital marketing that I do. The idea of it is, I compare traditional digital marketing to fresh flowers. They're beautiful. They're cut. They come to you, they smell great. They work great, but it lasts two weeks. When your budgets gone, so are they. You throw them out. Digital garden is a different method, a different approach. What I do, is develop a multi-faceted approach to it there, so that there are many different ways to get on the first page. I developed all of these methods so that there's
basically a machine gun of input, so that you get placement month in, month out. Over, and over, and over again. It lasts for years. The first one that I did in 2009 is still there today. It is the top of the page, on Page 1 Google around the world. This systems doesn't work just locally. It can be done across the city, across they country, or around the world. I have placed in North America, South America, Asia, Europe. This system works around the world. My objective was ... In 2008, I started this. I was working for a company. I was the chief marketing officer for a plastics corporation. They wanted to have videos and online stuff. This all very new, back in 2008. Remember that YouTube was only started in 2005, and nobody knew about it. I put the website together for them. I put videos on there. They didn't work, because they wouldn't show up, until YouTube created the system that was universal. It would
Nunc vel purus rhoncus magna laoreet vestibulum By Trenz Pruca show up on a Mac. It would show up on a PC. There was no universal system to show video content. We had one. It wouldn't show up on mobile. It wouldn't show up on PC. If I did it on my PC, there were many, many flaws in the system. I persevered and I decided to have a goal. My goal was to place well. First page of Google. Top of the page. I wanted to dominate the page. Have many, many different ways of getting on the page. Instead of just a website, I developed a Multi Channel Multi Platform Multi Media Program to stay there. The system that I developed lasts for years, and years. It's almost coming up 8 years now. There was no book. There was no place to go to when I started. All these ideas are original ideas that I must have done 20,000 hours of trial and error to figure all this stuff out. It was a passion. I just enjoyed it. I did not start out as a digital marketer. I didn't even hear that word until I've been doing for six years. I thought, "Hmm, I guess I'm one of those." I was just a person who was interested in getting the job done. All these terms and technology things came later. I had a simple goal; dominate the market, because when you control the first page of Google and have pushed your customers to page two, they are now basically invisible people. They don't bother looking at page two, three, and four. It's a system that's been developed. It's been a lot of trial and errors. I can tell thousands of ways it doesn't work, but I have come up with a couple dozen that work very well. That's what this book is about. I hope you enjoy it, and get a few ideas. I am always available for
Fusce ac leo Purus, in consectetuer Proin in sapien. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc, aliquam ac, consequat vitae, feugiat at, blandit vitae, euismod vel.
“Lorem Ipsum Dolor Set Ahmet In Condinmentum. Nullam Wisi Acru Suscpit Consectetuer viviamus Lorem Ipsum Dolor Set Ahmet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Set Ahmet In Wisi Acru Suscpit Consectetuer viviamus.� Leo Praesen consultation. Call Darrell at 1-855-216-6010. Across North America. Or Europe, you can send me an email. You can go to my site,
Nullam wisi arcu, suscipit consectetuer. Vestibulum imperdiet nonummy sem. Vivamus sit amet erat nec turpis tempus consequat. Praesent malesuada. Donec vitae dolor. Donec at lacus ac mi vehicula bibendum. Donec feugiat tempor libero. Nam uut, massa. Maecenas vitae ante et lacus aliquam hendrerit. Curabitur nunc eros, euismod in, convallis at, vehicula sed consectetuer posuere, eros mauris dignissim diam, pretium sed pede suscipit: Adiam condimentum. Rus, in consectetuer Proin in sapien. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc, aliquam ac, consequat vitae, feugiat at, blandit vitae, euismod vel, nunc. Aenean ut erat ut nibh commodo suscipit. Maecenas non quam. Cras erat. Aliquam pede. vulputate eu, estmorbi tristique senectus et
Dapibus neque lacus vel elit ut vehicula nunc mattis pede By Trenz Pruca
netus et male. Aliquam pede. Proin neque est, sagittis at, semper vitae, tincidunt quis. Nullam wisi arcu, suscipit consectetuer. Vestibulum imperdiet nonummy sem. Vivamus sit amet erat nec turpis tempus consequat. Praesent malesuada. Donec vitae dolor. Donec at lacus ac mi vehicula bibendum. Donec feugiat tempor libero. Nam uut, massa. Maecenas vitae ante et lacus aliquam hendrerit. Curabitur nunc eros, euismod in, convallis at, vehicula sed consectetuer posuere, eros mauris dignissim diam, pretium sed pede suscipit: Adiam condimentum purus, in consectetuer. Consectetuer arcu ipsum ornare pellentesque vehicula, in vehicula diam, ornare magna erat felis wisi a risus. Justo fermentum id. Malesuada eleifend, tortor molestie, a fusce a vel et. Mauris at suspendisse, neque aliquam faucibus adipiscing, vivamus in. Wisi mattis leo suscipit nec amet, nisl fermentum tempor ac a, augue in eleifend in venenatis, cras sit id in vestibulum felis in, sed ligula. In sodales suspendisse mauris quam etiam erat, quia tellus convallis eros rhoncus diam orci, porta lectus esse adipiscing posuere et, nisl arcu vitae laoreet. Morbi integer molestie, amet gravida suspendisse morbi, amet maecenas, a maecenas mauris neque proin nisl mollis. Suscipit nec nec ligula ipsum orci nulla, in posuere ut quis ultrices, lectus eget primis vehicula velit hasellus lectus, vestibulum orci laoreet inceptos vitae, at consectetuer amet et consectetuer. Congue porta scelerisque praesent at, lacus vestibulum et at dignissim cras urna, ante convallis turpis duis lectus sed aliquet, at tempus et ultricies. Eros sociis cursus nec hamenaeos dignissimos imperdiet, luctus ac eros sed massa vestibulum, lobortis adipiscing praesent. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc, aliquam ac, consequat vitae, feugiat at, blandit vitae, euismod vel, nunc. Aenean ut erat ut nibh commodo suscipit. Maecenas non quam. Cras erat. Aliquam pede. vulputate eu, estmorbi tristique senectus et netus et male. Aliquam pede. Proin neque est, sagittis at, semper vitae, tincidunt quis. Praesent malesuada. bibendum. Donec feugiat tempor libero. Nam uut, massa. Maecenas vitae ante et lacus aliquam hendrerit. Curabitur nunc eros, euismod in, convallis at, vehicula sed consectetuer posuere, eros mauris dignissim diam, pretium sed pede suscipit: Adiam condimentum purus, in consectetuer Proin in sapien. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc, aliquam ac, consequat vitae, feugiat at, blandit vitae, euismod vel, nunc. Aenean ut erat ut nibh commodo suscipit.
Maecenas non quam. Cras erat. Aliquam pede. vulputate eu, estmorbi tristique senectus et netus et male. Aliquam pede. Proin neque est, sagittis at, semper vitae, tincidunt quis, Praesent malesuada. bibendum. Donec feugiat tempor libero. Nam uut, massa. Maecenas vitae ante et lacus aliquam hendrerit. Curabitur nunc eros, euismod in, at, vehicula. Aptent morbi nibh mauris a, tortor eu vel vel suscipit. Donec quam, erat ut vel cursus, ante eligendi in viverra eu vitae praesent, nullam sit imperdiet iaculis nec aptent gravida. Malesuada viverra integer pellentesque est lorem est, venenatis eu, nec nulla quis, morbi ac. Congue in egestas ac ornare nibh, nunc eu aliquam nec. Facilisis molestie praesent nam, non amet felis integer, varius tellus or nare vestibulum, nibh donec natoque nunc. Consectetuer pellentesque vel neque molestie, ornare ultricies eros urna nec, interdum euismod adipiscing velit molestie mattis pede. Nisl id, urna tellus vestibulum arcu, at et sit pharetra odio pede, vel libero mauris suscipit sit. Ligula dolor vel ipsum posuere consequat gravida, mauris at, in suscipit magna libero enim mauris a. Sed ut imperdiet ridiculus. Eget nascetur aenean sodales veritatis mauris libero. Arcu nunc pellentesque, elementum id pharetra id sit pellentesque, metus dapibus massa maecenas sit mus molestiae, nulla eget id ac amet vel. Molestie ornare amet vel id fusce, rem volutpat platea. Magnis vel, lacinia nisl, vel nostra nunc eleifend arcu leo, in dignissim lorem vivamus. Justo vel ante sed augue facilisis, quisque donec wisi, lorem fringilla aliquam, et lacus. Duis ipsum justo in, curabitur curabitur nisl condimentum, sit sodales a pretium. Est ultrices hasellus ullamcorper ridiculus, donec id adipiscing sit placerat sit, eget euismod, luctus lectus eros vestibulum eu hac pede, neque et nonummy. Ante delectus laoreet felis turpis porta, nunc sem suspendisse turpis, hac massa morbi erat, amet condimentum pulvinar augue. Quam lorem pede proin lectus laoreet, est sit sed quis, odio ac mollis nulla in, ad cursus sit ante. Lacus risus felis volutpat, magna euismod leo, maecenas at aenean cras gravida eu consectetuer, fusce convallis etiam velit pellentesque. Enim ridiculus aliquet penatibus amet, tellus at morbi, mi hac, mus sit mauris facere. Natoque et. Sit nam duis montes, arcu pede elit molestie, amet quisque sed egestas urna non, vestibulum nibh suspendisse. Molestie eros leo placerat porttitor, et felis faucibus id urna, quam luctus ante eros etiam tellus, vel diam. Nec etiam dui accusamus, morbi at elit ipsum sit diam, velit feugiat vel dictum donec at eget. Ullamcorper libero morbi aenean, dolor aliquam
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What’s New In Digital Marketing. And How Can You Benefit By Business Decisions MacDonald
Business Decisions: Darrell, can you tell me a little bit more about the educational base marketing program you've got going on? Darrell: Yes. What we have is a system that has been developed, one of the customers that we did before was Samsung. You type in how to use business phones, not Samsung, just business phones, anywhere in the world, a series of videos pop up. What it is that it's linked to an app that we built that answers the questions that people most often ask. If you look at a phone system, how do you put the Christmas greeting on? How do you transfer to another call? How do you put "We're on holidays for two weeks?"
Business Decisions: Sort of the details. Darrell: The details. It's an operations app. This is part of education. Instead of selling people, you answer their questions. What's the major problem with companies? Staff turnover. What it is is that when a new person starts, you give them the app and it answers all their questions because they are putting an app that runs like the remote control for the TV. When you want to find out what to watch on TV, you scroll down, you look what you want, and you click on it. Same with this app. You scroll down, find what you want, and click on it. You don't need to watch everything. We've made it very user-friendly. Use what you want when you want! Why education-based marketing? When you educate people, you build trust, you build loyalty,
What’s New In Digital Marketing. And How Can You Benefit By Business Decisions MacDonald
and you have credibility. In this particular case, the Samsung dealer had a phone call and the fellow says "I want the 7200." He says "Okay, who's your rep?" "There's no rep. I watched all your videos online. It all made sense to me and I don't have time to waste. That's what I want. Go set it up on Tuesday." Business Decisions: That's excellent, Darrell. Darrell: That's the benefit. Business Decisions: That leads me into my next question, Darrell, which really pertains to, your website's really not enough, how do I dominate the first page of Google and multimedia channels, and all that? Darrell: Being the first page of Google, while this is very important, being top of mind with all of your existing customers and getting referrals is far more productive. If you ask any businessperson "What is your best source of new customers?" "Oh, it's word of mouth." What do they do to build that? Nothing. They just expect they will. People do not carry your name, your phone number, and every detail about you. For instance, a fellow who painted a house, "I got my house painted, he was a great guy." "What's his name?" "Can't pronounce it." "Is he in the phone book?" "Maybe, I don't know." I couldn't spell his name, I don't have his name, his address, his website, or anything like that. Whereas, if you've developed a rapport with this person by him giving your app, you've had it for years because it costs you nothing. It was just in the situation. It was done. What else would you have? Business Decisions: The thing that I'm really curious on is map listing maximizing, how you maximize your affect to Google Maps. Darrell: Google Maps, there are many tools that Google has, and they're fantastic tools, but everybody knows there's no 1-800-Help Me Google. You can't, there's no textbook on Google. They change their ways every three months. They change everything every three months. But, what I've found, because I spend tens of thousands of hours on this, it's been a lifelong experience, I found what works. I've probably done seven or eight thousand things that don't work. The things that I share with my clients are the ones that do work. I do this as a major project and I found there is no school
to go to. By the time it's in a textbook, it's out of date and useless. Business Decisions: Darrell, can you explain a little further on this maximizing your effective Google Map placement? Darrell: Go o g l e h a s f a n t a s t i c t o o l s . Unfortunately, they don't have a user manual. There's no textbook that says how to use it. What you have to do, one of the services I provide is setting up your Google Maps section. They've changed their way on the name of it over the last five years about six different names. It used to be called Google Places, now it's called Google Your Business. It was always the same thing. It used to be linked to your Google+. There's all different factors. The one main factor is it's still connected to your Gmail account. This could be set up, if you got maximum effectiveness on it, it'll serve every city that you serve. All over the city or different cities. Without having an office there because there are sections that you can set up there. It can have videos in there. It can have your text in there. It can answer a lot of questions. The number one thing about it is that Google seems to give priority to what Google owns, and they own the maps. Business Decisions: Darrell can you tell me a little bit more about the branding and how branding your branding system benefits your company? Darrell: I've developed a specific system I call Logo Branding. What it does is when customers search what you do, not your company name, but what you do, the logo of your company appears in the first page of Google, followed by a video. The video can be set up with a click to call app assigned to it, which will give them access to your website, your Twitter, your LinkedIn, all your social media, and a direct map to your store. I've developed this far beyond the usual methods. This is something I've uniquely developed that is proprietary to me. Business Decisions: Excellent. Darrell can you explain how to find my customers? There was a way to find the best customers. Darrell: What you're probably talking about, Bob, is that with the 80/20 rule, most of your business comes from your top 20%.
What’s New In Digital Marketing. And How Can You Benefit By Business Decisions MacDonald
Business Decisions: That's it, yeah. Darrell: What I did is I sat down and said, "Birds of a feather flock together." If you've got a company that does one type of thing, and he's your number one customer, I have a system to find other companies that are in the exact same market category that they are and you can service them as well. Now, it's done by SIC code, Standard Industrial Classification, I have systems where I can research it and give you a list of the companies that you can do a dedicated program to go after the ones that pay. There's no use spending all your effort going after somebody who doesn't have the money, who doesn't have the credit, and doesn't have the need for your services. We just go after the cream of the crop. Business Decisions: Darrell, how can I have 80% of my ad costs covered? !Darrell: This is a thing I developed because originally I was an advertiser. I was the guy paying the bucks. I know what it's like to decide "Am I going to pay ad dollars, or pay the rent?" I've been there. You've got to put food on the table? Or you're going to risk? I remember a time, this is back in the eighties when I started all this, I said to my ad rep, the fellow who was selling me newspaper advertisements, I said "It's just not working." He said "Well, Advertising is accumulative." I said "So is your ad bill. This just isn’t working and it's costing me a fortune. An arm and a leg." That's when I decided to research and put something together that would work better. That's what I did. The system that I put together, I ended up putting several companies together that shared the same target market and sharing the cost with others. I've done this many, many times over the past thirty years. It works very well. Leverage your ad dollar by sharing with other companies.
business. The truth of the matter is is that, I don't The difference between painter and painters with an s on the end is seventeen times more results. Painters, compared to painter. invent these key words, they're software, I just buy it. I research it, I buy it, and then implement it.. I use it with the most plausible way that'll work. Business Decisions: Oh, wow. Darrell: House painter, or house painters, you've got to look at the whole picture. Online search has been around for about fifteen years. Business Decisions: The average person wouldn't know that. Darrell: They have, basically, for instance, for a painter, they put in House Painter, the number one thing is House Painting. That's what is the top SEO word. The other thing is is of you've got a house that is one specific area, you've got a heritage, Queen Anne, Victorian Queen Anne home that you want restored, if you have that as a long tail key word, that's a customer. If you specialize in that, that is the only person who's going to find it. That is a customer! It developed hundreds of thousands of dollars for the painting company I did digital marketing for. That's what it is. I have a program where I research up to eight hundred, and I share these with my customers. I don't believe in this Wizard of Oz thing where they say "I'm the great guru expert and you have to pay me all the time." I share with my clients this is what it is. There is no big screen on the wall and I'm not pulling the numbers in the back. I share with them, because I was a business owner. I know what it's like. Give me the facts and don't give me the razzle dazzle. That's what I do. Simple‌ share and build a relationship for life! Not just, get as much as I can now.
Business Decisions: Darrell, can you explain a little bit of the 800 long tail key word variations for your market segment?
Business Decisions: Darrell, can you explain a little bit further on Craig's List and how could you do marketing programs that place on the first page of Google?
Darrell: T h i s i s o n e o f t h e m o s t misunderstood things about digital marketing, SEO, Search Engine Optimization. Some people use two, or three, or five key words they put in their website and they wonder why they're not getting much
Darrell: Yeah, this is another system that I've developed is that once you've developed your website and you've developed your maps, and you've developed the other things that you can have on them, it's seven other digital tools that will place
What’s New In Digital Marketing. And How Can You Benefit By Business Decisions MacDonald
on the first page of Google. My objective all the time is to control the first page of Google. Everybody's worried about getting the website up there, it's only one of ten. I want ten of ten. I have done seven out of ten. I've done it where the first five pages were controlled by clients of mine. There is a promise. Once you've put your competition on page two, you've eliminated them. People don't go to page two. They see you four, five, six times on page one; they figure you're the biggest guy on the block. How do you do that? You've got to have different digital tools that will place. They include Kijiji, Craigslist, Activerain Super Blogs, all of these things. I develop them all for you. Darrell: Walt, the website is limited with his SEO, and is limited with ... Here's the problem with websites. Google has to crawl the websites, error fight, and then place it. If they don't do that instantly, everyday ... The other thing is Google doesn't have ... They don't own your website. They give priority to the media they own. Maps, videos, they own YouTube. YouTube will always place on Google. Whereas Hulu, and all these other video sites, they never place on Google. Business Decisions: Can you tell me where ... What the referral QuikCall? Darrell: Yes. We've developed a system there that is a digital app that is highly effective of ... You get everything that you need to know, and referral that company with one click. It lists your nameBusiness Decisions: How does it work though? How do you get quikcall to work? Darrell: Yeah. Basically what then open up the app, it lists every digital detail about your company. Your phone number, your fax, your SMS, your Twitter, LinkedIn, everything. There's no other place that you can have a simple system like this. Now with one click, it will refer to ... It'll be referred. If you have aBusiness Decisions: Who it will refer to? Who ... Darrell: The system is built in, and it'll refer to the friends and families of the person with one click. There's a one click referral system, with a preloaded message. I used XYZ Services, and I was
happy with it. That goes to all their social media, and they can click and refer you. Business Decisions: Can I can download it from an app store ? Darrell: I did a lot of research into this system. I wanted a simple, easy to use. People don't like downloading. They forget their password, and it's intimidating for them. We are basically two generations. The ones that are under 20, and the rest of the population. They are very used to tech. They grew up with it. They're very tech savvy. The persons that are 30, 40, 50 years old, which are the major decision makers, the ones that you want as your customer, they would like something quick and easy, and easy to use. Business Decisions: Darrell, you spoke a little bit a while back about click to call out. What is that click to call out? Darrell: This is my solution to ... I've been doing this for a long time there, and when you put a 1 (800) number in your digital media, they can't click and call it on Facebook, or a lot of these other things. On your YouTube videos, they still have to sit their with their iPhone, or whatever they have, and copy and type in the number. I created a click to call number that is simple. They click it once, and it works!. It's the app. I has every detail about the company with one click. Business Decisions: It's a app thing, or ... Darrell: There's a ... What I ... I've gone through the learning curve too is that, still need having a long name that is ... Well for instance, let's put my name. Darrell Backen. There's 57 ways to spell Darrell. Most people put an R, in Backen, and it becomes Bracken. It's not an easy thing to pass on to people. If I go, that's a simple thing. People ... We are in a large ESL population. They read numbers in their own language. They understand it instantly. One, two, three, four, five, is une, deux, trois, cinq in French. They look at numbers immediately in their own language, and it's instantly usable for them. Business Decisions: Darrell, it's been really informative for me. Personally, I really wanted to thank you for your time, and the Digital Gardens app.
The idea of the Digital Garden is that it takes more work to set it up. Just like all gardens. It takes a bit of maintenance, but it has long term eects. Business Decisions: You got to water the garden. Darrell: That's it, and weed it.
Dapibus neque lacus vel elit ut vehicula nunc mattis pede By Trenz Pruca
How to Answer All Your Customers Questions Before They Meet You! New concept in publishing merges print with digital media so you give all the info Robert: Hi Darrell. I hear you have a new publication coming out called INNOVATIONS and your subtext is to improve your business. Can you tell me a little bit of what you can do for the average small business? Darrell: Yes, this a new concept that we're taking a method of merging print with digital so that you can get all the information in basically less than 30 seconds when they glance through the page. Robert: That's just pretty good, combining the print and the digital side together. Darrell: That's right, it's a new concept. Robert:Can you evaluate your tagline, all the information you'd want to make a well-informed decision? Darrell: This is the concept of it is that when people want information, they want all the information and they don't want to spend a lot of effort getting it, so they can make a well-informed decision. People, when they enough information, they make their own mind up. They don't need to be sold. That's the concept of it. You're educating them, you're not selling them.
“Give me all the information I need to make a well informed decision ..� Robert: Very much so, Darrell. What about the customer just not going to Google and finding out, let's say I wanted to know about how to become a vegan or whatever? Darrell: That is the number one question that people ask me, "Why don't we just do it on Google?" Because I've been a specialist for 10 years of placing on the first page of Google. However, if it's not in their mind to look for it, they'll never look for it. The purpose of the paper is to spark the idea. Oh, that's interesting, yes. They get the information, then they will go to Google. They will check it out,
but people don't wake up in the morning just like digital marketing. Nobody wakes up and says, "Oh I think I need digital marketing." They need their house painted, or they need a problem solved, but they'd never think of ... or for instance, a company that we deal with has a solution to odors. But people don't think in that way. They're not looking online for that. That's the reason. Robert: Right, I see. I do agree with that, that's quite good. INNOVATIONS answers up to 10 to 20 questions people most usually ask on a sales call? Darrell: Everybody, if you think of your average sales call when you go and you finally get there, and it takes two or three days of putting it together, you sit there and you talk for half an hour to an hour, and you're going through all the features and benefits of what you sell, and you're answering their questions. That's what a typical sales call is. Extremely expensive because people don't end up doing that many sales calls. It's a necessary feature, it needs to be done. People will go, they'll search the internet, but then they'll still have to have somebody in front of them. However, this is designed to replace that. Get the information they want, they can make their own mind up. Robert: What is the format? What would you format be for this publication? Darrell: We considered a magazines format, but there wasn't enough room to put all that questions in there. We decided to go with a tabloids format similar to Business in Vancouver's in a tabloid, so's the Courier. All of these however, we decided to go with a different type of format that there are no, there are no little ads in it. It's not filled up with stories and all of that set stuff. This is total purpose is to share your knowledge with the prospective reader. That's it. It's not meant to be entertaining, it's not something they'd pick just to glance through. It's really an eight to 12 page flip through. They see you, they like you, they buy from you. Simple. Robert: How is it that digital marketing is merged with this publication? Darrell: What we do is we create a specializing in apps called Dovetails. We can create a system that has that ... Robert: Does that interface with the existing ... Darrell: Yeah, it's a simple two to three digit
Dapibus neque lacus vel elit ut vehicula nunc mattis pede By Trenz Pruca
app. It's pretty easy to use. Robert: That's successful what you're doing? Darrell: Yeah, works very well. Robert: How are the videos implemented into the publication?
“Watch Videos with a simple 2 digit Code Darrell: The videos are implemented because I create a digital magazine that when they click on the magazine, there's a picture of the video, and they click on it and it takes it right to the video. Everything's right inside it, all digital, click to view. That's it.
Robert: How does this double page pullout or spread work for you? Darrell: Very, very seldom do you ever see a double page spread in a newspaper or in Business in Vancouver or any of these things because traditionally they're extremely expensive. Then if you go into a major publication it's $20,000 for a doublepage spread. That's out of the for most people, but here's a little secret. I've been publishing for years, and I was in advertising. That's how I got into this. I found out the cheapest charge of any publication of a paper. So I give the paper away almost. It's not expensive. The cost for your ad billings traditionally go into sales, operations, people writing stories, people collecting your money, all these other operations are 70% to 80% of the cost. Your actual print and delivery run 20% to 30%. Robert: Darrell, how does the paper work on the AIDA principle? Darrell: Okay, AIDA is attention, interest, desire, action. This is the benefit if when you look at a full-page ad, the title. People scan every publication and they only read the title. If the title attracts their interest, that the attract. Then you get the interest. All the subtitles, and the little quote blocks, that creates the interest. The desire, when they get the digital and the action. Once they've gone to there, there's instant message that they don't have to [inaudible 00:06:29] and copy your website. It's all digital. It's very simple to action. That's it. Digital Innovations How Digital marketing has created new opportunities for small business owners Page 2 Golden Opportunity The golden opportunity answer their questions
when they ask Google Page 3 10 years Proven A proven digital system for 10 years Page 4 Writers Course Why simple produces greater results Page 3 Big Mistake The big mistake of how you’re letting 80% of your business not find you ...SEO Page 4 Profiles Why your website is not producing the results it needs Page 4 New Concept in Sales How to Answer All Your Customers Questions Before They Meet You! Page 5 Better Decisions “Give me all the information I need to make a well informed decision ..” Page 5
Innovations To Improve Your Business Digital Presentation App
Dapibus neque lacus vel elit ut vehicula nunc mattis pede By Trenz Pruca
CKPM FM: Good morning, and welcome to the Extreme Business Show on CKPM FM. I'm glad you're joining us this beautiful Saturday morning. You're listening to CKPM FM. I am a local business telecom entrepreneur, and I am so happy to be able to sit here in front of the microphone in the studio in beautiful downtown Port Moody and bring to you any secrets, any tidbits, any level of information and education I can to help you bring your business to the next highest level of profitability and success. We all, as a telecom entrepreneur myself, and as entrepreneurs out there and business owners, we work very hard. A lot of us work hard on our business, and we also work hard in our business. I talked to a lot of entrepreneurs, and they say that the reason they got into it is because they wanted time. They wanted to have their own time, be in control of their own time, but what they don't realize is that being in your own business is a lot of work. It's a lot of hard work, and if you're going to be successful, you have to put in way more than 40 hours a week. There's so much to do. You have bookkeeping, finances, employees, salaries, CRA remittances, WCB. You have marketing. You have all of your technical, your operational information, administrative. It just goes on and on. You have to get the various platforms to run your company. All that takes a tremendous amount of time and effort, so my goal on this show, if you've been listening to the Extreme Business Show, is to try to shortcut that for you, try to make it so that we can help you get to where you want to be faster, more profitably, and have more control over your time. A lot of people need some breaks from their business, and lifestyle really is what you want in your business. The reason you get into business is because you love it, but you don't love it so much that that's all you do. You need to be able to get a lifestyle out of it so you can go traveling, you can spend more time with your family and children, or you can just grow your business and have extreme profitability so that
you can do what you want to do. The Extreme Business Show brings you that. I've been in business for 30 years. I'm a local telecom entrepreneur, and I've grown up here in Coquitlam. At least business-wise I've grown up here. I was born and raised in Quebec. I joined the military in communications. Then when I was 21 I started a business out here selling phone systems or telephones even, just retail telephones back in the day when it was illegal to buy a telephone, so I was a pioneer in the telecom industry. I had a store in Coquitlam Center. I can tell you that starting in a business where the phone company doesn't want you to be in can be pretty rough. We've had pickets outside our store. We've had our phone lines cut off. I'd go out to my truck at nighttime when I was younger, and my headlights would be kicked in when I was starting. The union didn't want us to be in business, and they did their best to get us out of business, but here we are 30 years later, very, very successful. I've got over 10,000 clients, and I've saved over $17 million for business owners everywhere in the Lower Mainland by explaining to them how they can save money on their lines, but also getting them into equipment that makes them more successful and more efficient. Goals for our show: efficiency, success for your company. I've got in the studio guests every week that can bring those efficiencies and those profitability to your company. One of the guests I have in has been a good friend of mine I've known for several years. His name is Darrell Backen from Backen Media. Darrell is an expert in digital marketing, so we're going to get right into it on this show and explain to you what digital marketing is and how it can affect your business. First of all, I'd like to introduce you to Darrell. Darrell, welcome to the show. Darrell Backen: Hi, Tom. CKPM FM: Darrell, you've been in digital marketing for not all your life, but just recently, but you've been into communications and media for a long, long time, so give us a
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little bit about your background.
How innovations over 30 years produce new products Darrell Backen: Starting in 1983 I started QuikCall, which was the first basically a wallet directory for the new item which was called a "cell phone." They were invented in 1983. Back in about '87 I started Home & Leisure Magazine, which was basically dealing with the upper end homes of Edmonton. We delivered up to them every month. Going through the print industry I had learned a lot of lessons and I had most of the major names in the industry, Molly Maid and California Closets, everybody to do with basically your home. A few years ago I thought, "Everything is switching to mobile." I wanted to learn how that was done. There was no way to find out how it was done, so what I did is I did an intense research on what works and what doesn't work. CKPM FM: I know you've spent hours on that because you and I got involved in helping my company as well. We're going to get right back to you after these messages, and Darrell is going to tell us about digital marketing and how it's going to impact your company in a very huge way. If you're not doing it your competitor probably is going to start, so we need to get you ahead of your competitor. Listen on our next segment. We'll be right back after these messages. You're listening to the Extreme Business Show in 5, 4, 3. Welcome back. I'm glad you're joining us on the beautiful Saturday here at CKPM FM. The studio is right in the local Tri-Cities independent radio station location in beautiful downtown Port Moody. My name is Tom MacDonald. I'm a local telecom entrepreneur, and I'm glad and privileged and honored to be hosting this show here, the Extreme Business Show, right here on our local radio station. We've been doing this now for about seven months, bringing topical information, important information, to our listening audience who are
entrepreneurs, thinking of getting into business, in business for themselves. Maybe they've been in business for a long time. We bring experts on the show every week to help you get your business to a next level of profitability and lifestyle independence. Darrell Backen, you're knowledgeable, I know for a fact, on digital marketing, because you've helped me with my business on it. Can you tell us what is digital marketing? What does it mean?
How Digital marketing has created new opportunities for small business owners Darrell Backen: Digital marketing is the new coin phrase that has come up in the last few years. Basically for people who are experts in taking whatever is online and creating a marketing system behind it there, so basically managing your website, your YouTube, all the methods of developing business online. CKPM FM: What do you do specifically at Backen Media? I think is your website. Is that correct? Darrell Backen: That's right. CKPM FM: Obviously you don't own YouTube or Google, but you help businesses, what, optimize that? Can you explain what it is that is important that you can do that can help our clients out there? Darrell Backen: What it is, I've spent the hours of research and development of what works and what doesn't. With Google having your website optimized to fit on the first page of Google is extremely hard because they keep changing the rules every three, four months with a Panda review and all these other things. Their objective is they want to have the items that they have that they own, that that's what I've specialized in, is YouTube and Google Maps. Items, products that Google owns, they're not going to change the
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Radio Interview: Digital Innovations Watch The Interview system. Month in, month out is if you do it right it will stay there forever, and that'sCKPM FM: So you're using the tools that Google has already developed, butDarrell Backen: Right. I just use them well. CKPM FM: And you're helping people get to the first page, but in a much different fashion than, say, for instance, AdWords or what they call "black hat listings," or black hat way of getting ... I get calls all the time: "Dominate Google first page." I get emails on that. I don't go for them. I went with you. You and I work together on it, and I can attest to you if you want to check really quickly, just type in Google search "business telephone systems Coquitlam," and you'll see that my company dominates the first page and probably the second page with videos and other informations and links that Darrell created or helped me create so that I have a great presence on there. You did that differently than the conventional method. What makes your method different, Darrell, than, say, the average way of doing it? Darrell Backen: The reason my method is different is because I use multi-channel and multi ... using many different ways. If you just do one thing you're only going to get one result, but if you use a multi-channel, multi-platform,
multi-leverage system, then there's a better result. CKPM FM: So you're not doing AdWords specifically. You're doing this as an organic section?
A proven digital system for 10 years Darrell Backen: Everything I do is for organic because I build for the long term. CKPM FM: Okay, so can you give us in maybe a minute, tell us the difference between paid advertising on Google and free advertising, which is where your specialty is? Darrell Backen: The difference is that Google AdWords is a fantastic program, and it's quick and instant, and it works overnight. The only problem with it is that if you put aside a $1,000 budget, when people have clicked on your words enough that they've used up the $1,000, then you disappear. That's the problem is you got to relist it again, but I do know of companies that are spending, $4,000, $5,000, $6,000 a month and they're making $12,000, $15,000 worth of revenue, so I guess they're getting their ... They'll spend $3,000 to get $10,000. It works for them. CKPM FM: So a good value for their money, but not everybody has ... I guess if it returns value then it's good, but the thing about Google AdWords that I found is that the value changes. It's an auction-based system that people may or may not know about. If you're paying $5 an ad and somebody outbids you for pizza, you're owner of a pizza company, and someone outbids you, all of a sudden their ads are getting placed more often than yours are, so all of a sudden you're kicked off. Your system doesn't have that ability for a competitor to kick you off. You got it the opposite way where you try to kick other people off on the Google organic side. Can you explain that? Darrell Backen: I don't really kick them off. What I do is I place well so that there's only
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twelve positions on the first page of Google usually. What I do is try to place twelve properly-placed positions that involve your company, so it's not just a website, but seven different methods of media. CKPM FM: If you do it right you're squeezing them out of the first page. Darrell Backen: They end up, because there's only room for 12, if you control the first seven, which I've done many times, then the ones that were on that first seven, they went to Page 2. CKPM FM: Right, okay, so we know that if you're on Page 2 you're nowhere. Darrell Backen: Right. Well, you're somewhere but you're just not as good as CKPM FM: Not going to get found. Darrell Backen: Yeah. CKPM FM: That's for sure. When you get found then the important thing is it takes you to your website, but not necessarily. One of the big things you talk about is that your website necessarily is not the primary online presence you need. There's other forms and tools that you use that are even more efficient and effective than a website.
The golden opportunity answer their questions when they ask Google Darrell Backen: My basic idea behind it was that when your customer is asking Google questions, they want instant answers, and they want it now, so building a video that answers their question, it's instant, and they have a one-minute solution to their problem, and then they remember you, and they have trust, and they deal with you. CKPM FM: Most people like me, we don't have a lot of time. Maybe you're searching for something. You're looking for the answer. You're not going to browse through somebody's website for a half an hour going, "Oh, these pictures are beautiful." Not too many
people have time for that. They want the answer now. They want to get to it fast. What you've done is you've circumvented this website searching, browsing where you get answers faster by giving them the video. We're going to talk about video in just a few minutes on our next segment and how you've developed a different way of doing video that cuts away from the very expensive, elaborate video postproduction techniques that we thought we had to do. You're listening to the Extreme Business Show. I'm CKPM FM. We'll be right back after these messages. Welcome back. I'm glad you've joined us. You're listening to the Extreme Business Show. My name CKPM FM, and this is a segment about digital marketing. I have in studio with me a friend and special guest who knows what he's talking about when it comes to digital marketing. His name is Darrell Backen from Darrell, we were just talking about your unique way of doing videos that's different than what we normally think of in videos. Can you talk about that? Darrell Backen: One of the major systems that I've implemented is the most common aggravation that your client has, when they want information they want your phone number. Most people hide it on their website on page 52 under "contact," and it's like 8 point. They have to get their glasses out to read it. The very first thing is that your phone number is front and center on every video. If you have a video and they don't even have to watch the video but they got your phone number because they wanted to find somebody to solve their problem, you've already solved your problem. You've got a customer. Every video that I do, the first thing I do is optimize your phone number at the very top and front center.
Why this digital marketing system works so well... CKPM FM: Of course, because people can call you right away. The #1 search engine I think everybody knows is Google, but
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what's the #2 search engine? Darrell Backen: The #2 search engine is YouTube. CKPM FM: Who owns YouTube? Darrell Backen: Google. CKPM FM: Google, so you better be playing by their rules if you want to get found. Doing video, we've done video, you and I have, and you can see my videos. If you just want to get a sample of Darrell's work, you go to, for instance, "business telephone systems Coquitlam." That's the geographic tagline that Darrell builds for you on your company. It can be global. It can be local, and you can see how I dominate, and you can go and watch my videos. However, Darrell, you have a more efficient way or easier way of creating videos called "video billboarding." Could you tell our listeners about that, and how that works, and why it's effective? Darrell Backen: People want to brand their logo, and what I've done is that when customers are searching Google for what you do, I have your logo pop up on the first page of Google. Then it leads to an information video, but the first thing they see is your logo, and that plants in their mind. That's the same as driving down the highway except it's the cyber highway, and you see the logo.
Why simple produces greater results CKPM FM: When I click on the video, you don't have necessarily a real-time video. You use a series of pictures or stills to build your videos. Is that right? Darrell Backen: That's right. What I've learned is that using video, it's a real production, and that's why video, to have a professional video company come in and do a video, they need sound men, they need makeup. They need basically seven, eight people to do a good job, and it's thousands of dollars per minutes. CKPM FM: Yeah, it's like $1,000 a minute to get a proper post-production video done. Darrell Backen: Right. Whereas I don't use that system. What you want to do is tell your story. All I need from you is just either I come out and
I take good high-quality digital photographs or you can send me one, people already have them, and I develop a story and I put the titles right on the photographs. If they're not perfecT photographs, then I Photoshop them so they look good. Then I create a video out of the still photographs. CKPM FM: That's perfect, and of course you optimize them so they do get found. During this segment let's talk about three classic mistakes that entrepreneurs are making when they're trying to develop their online presence, Darrell. You've lived this. You've seen it with hundreds of websites and hundreds of online presences. What are some of the ... Number one: What's one of the classic mistakes that a business person will make when they're trying to develop their online presence? Darrell Backen: Number one: They don't properly optimize their Google Maps listing. It's a gift from Google that is the most priceless marketing you can have, and most people don't do it, or if they do it, they do it wrong. CKPM FM: Tell me a little bit about Google Maps. What do you mean by that, that they're not doing it properly? Darrell Backen: They have not optimized for everything they do and every city that they serve, and they've not put in ... You can put in up to three videos and 10 photographs, and they're not doing that. CKPM FM: Okay. Probably people don't know about it. Darrell Backen: No, they don't know about it. CKPM FM: Yeah, they don't, and where does that show up? If I've optimized, if you've helped me optimize my Google Maps properly, how does that change the way I get found on Google? Darrell Backen: Actually when you do a search you end up being on the first page of Google because they give that priority. It's on the first page of Google. If there's enough interest in that search term keyword they give it a map listing.
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CKPM FM: Oh, okay, and a map listing has ... I've seen those. They're on the right hand side. They're underneath the paid ads, and they have a little pointer or a dart that shows where you are on the map, and it also shows your address and phone number so that people can click on that and dial you up directly, right? Darrell Backen: That's right. CKPM FM: Then if they open that up then they can get to videos and other ... Darrell Backen: Yes. CKPM FM: ... pieces. That's #1. Give me another classic mistake that people, businesses will make when they're doing or developing their online presence. Darrell Backen: A lot of people are doing their own websites, and they don't know that they have to give an instruction to Google as to what your site is all about, and they're leaving their basically page title and page description blank. What happens is that Google, the little search bots, they're looking for something to figure out what that's about, and they're searching your entire ... They'll end up grabbing a piece of text, or even if there's not text, if you've used a whole bunch of pictures on your first page, they'll use the small little thing at the bottom of the page, which is a disclaimer usually. That's what you're getting optimized for is the disclaimer.
Why your website is not producing the results it needs CKPM FM: Businesses listening out there might go, "Yeah, but I've got a professional doing my website." I'm here to tell you I've seen professional websites that are missing the H1, H2, H3 tagging. You've probably seen that as well. So even professionals are missing this kind of stuff. Darrell Backen: There's a big misconception between a website designer and a person who's placing it on the Internet. Pretty pictures is what you have. What I make the analogy is when I build something I build it as a race car to win the race. Then we give it to the people ... CKPM FM: Drive it.
Darrell Backen: ... yeah, to make nice pictures and put a nice paint job on it and all the logos, so build something that will first win the race, and then dress it up. CKPM FM: People are doing it the other way around. They get a web designer and beautiful pictures and artwork and fancy fonts, not getting found. It's just going to waste. Darrell Backen: That's right. CKPM FM: Grandma finds it and that's about it. Darrell Backen: Right, because she was sent the link. CKPM FM: We're going to be right back with the #3 mistake that entrepreneurs and small business and medium business owners, even large businesses classically make when they're doing their online presence in digital marketing. You're listening to the Extreme Business Show on CKPM FM. Welcome back, and thanks for joining us. My name is CKPM FM. You're listening to CKPM FM. We are local Tri-Cities independent radio station, and this is the Extreme Business Show, Saturday mornings 8:30, so listen in. We have great guests every week. Our goal is to give you the power, the tools, the knowledge, the time, the effort so that you can translate that into money and lifestyle in your business and be more successful. In this studio session we have Darrell Backen from Backen Media. He's going to give away a gift here. He's got a gift for you at the end of the show, and we're going to talk to you about that, but the #3 mistake we're going to get into, we covered the first two, Google Maps, and then the second one was tagging your website, what's another classic mistake that you find out there when you're helping people develop their digital presence?
The big mistake of how you’re letting 80% of your business not find you ...SEO Darrell Backen: A lot of companies are making the mistake of having four or five keyword
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search terms and building their entire site around it, and they're using what they think people are searching for. It is not necessarily the same thing. I have a special software program that I would type in. An example is painters. People think "house painters" would be a good search term. Ten times more people are searching for "painting contractors" instead of "house painters," and the difference of "painter" with and "s" and "painters" without an "s," there's a seven times more people looking for "painters" with an "s." CKPM FM: Finding out what search terms are even going to drive business to your site is important, and you can do that. Darrell Backen: Yes. CKPM FM: You can helpDarrell Backen: There's special software that I do. [crosstalk 00:21:24]. CKPM FM: Yeah, okay, and so don't guess. Just go to somebody who knows what they're doing. Darrell, as a matter of fact, which is a good time to segue into it, Darrell Backen: What I'll do is I'll give them a customized analysis of what they're missing on their digital marketing systems. Most people don't know what they're missing. I'll take a look at your site and I'll take a look at what you're missing, because I have a little schedule of what should be there, and I'll let you know. CKPM FM: Okay, so you'll be able to analyze what's happening that most of us don't even know. So many people have websites out there that aren't getting addressed properly. They're old. They're tired, or they're just not getting found because they just haven't done it quite right or they've got the wrong people and the wrong chair doing the wrong skill set on their website or online presence. We don't have as much time, as we'd love to get into all of this, but if you go to there's a lot more online stuff that you can ... free information from Darrell, it's great, like all our guests tend to bring us on this particular program. What are some of the things that
people should be doing? If they can't use your services or they're not going to engage you, what would you recommend that they should do? What are the top maybe two or three things in the next couple of minutes that we have that you would recommend that they do? Darrell Backen: Go to your library and do the research as to what can be done. An excellent resource that most people don't use is Small Business BC, which is in the train station downtown where the C Bus is, and it's an excellent resource for all types of things to help your business. I strongly recommend them, Small Business BC. CKPM FM: Good place to research. Excellent. I think you mentioned also getting your Google maps going, and if you're not sure how to do that, go see Darrell. He'll help you out with that as well. We got a couple more minutes here. You also talk about video education marketing. I've talked about this on the show a lot that what we really should be doing when we're trying to pull in clients and create a business is not telling them how great you are but actually offering them free advice or gifting advice to them, giving them education like we do on this show. Is that something you agree it that should be done online? Are businesses missing out if they're not doing educational marketing? Darrell Backen: Basically there are 20 questions that every company has always asked. Provide answers to those 20 questions in a video format so that when your clients are searching online you pop up with the answer. You've now created ... You've solved their problem. They know about you. They've got credibility with you, and you haven't hard-sold them. CKPM FM: That's hard selling. We're doing soft selling or as Colin Sprake even likes to say, sold selling as opposed to soft selling. Listen, Darrell, it's been great having you on this show.
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Radio Interview:Digit al Innovations 604.319.0273 index.php?
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One of the systems that I've created is, pretty much everybody has a website now. But they cannot optimize all the interior pages, hardly anybody ever sees them. You may have five major sections to your website, and maybe 20, 30 other ones. What I do, is I take a look at the website, and I create a narrated, digital brochure of every page. And what that does is I can optimize that one page that's on page 27 of your website, I can optimize that and give it SEO so that it appears on the first page of Google. I've done this for a dentist where teeth whitening appears on the first page of Google. And crowns appears on the first page of Google for that market segment in the area that he deals with. You've gotta have something so that when people look on Google, they're not gonna put a lot of effort in, if they gotta work they're gonna leave. They want everything quick and easy, so this is what I do. Highly effective is the way that I have developed the apps that I built for you so that they have ... they use the GPS of the phones, of people's mobile phones. So they will find you and give you directions by car, train, walking, bus, even Uber. So it has all been designed to bring customers to you. This is an effective system that I've developed over the years. And it also gives items that are ... people you would never think about. So we provide the answers to the people are looking for. ave your information that is done in the interview, you can also convert that information into a course, that people ... You can have it free or you can charge for it. But you can now put in sections, and I will help you develop these sections, and produce it. It's a bit of a learning curve to get it first time. But that's what I'm here to do is to help you.
And you can have 50, 60, 70, a hundred, multimedia sections, that includes text, audio, and video that explains what you can do for your customer. Again, I call this education based marketing. The more you provide the answers they want, the more they want to do a deal with you. Very simple. And this also set up so I can set it up so that when people search the internet, your course will pop up on the first page of Google. Very highly effective. People like to do their own research now. People don't like to be sold. They like to be provided for. There's a little saying that I heard in a movie one time, "Give me all the information I need to make a well-informed decision." That's what you need to do. Give them all the information they need to make a well-informed decision. And they decide if it's good for them. One of the ways to have your sales force highly efficient is to use a CRM system. You can choose which one is the best for you and there's Maximum Your Sales Force, all of them. I've used them all but the benefit is the same. If you're going to make phone calls to reach out to people you'll only connect one out of eight or seven times 'cause they're not in, they're in a meeting, blah, blah, blah. It's always something. But you've got to have a system so that you can click on there not in or I've sent them the information. A follow up. Follow up is the key. If you can make 50 calls you're only going to connect with 10% of them. That's the law of the nature. Maybe one in three, but the thing is keeping track of 100% of them is where the market value is. You've got to have a follow up because three days from now they're on holidays,
you get a notification to call them back. That is the effectiveness of CRM. Success in any of this digital media is search engine optimization, SEO. Most people have a vague idea what it's like, but what I do, is I buy highly sophisticated software that will tell me, not the one or two or five or six keywords that people are generally sticking in and they're guessing. If you look at most websites, and if you look at the inside of their website, they're using seven or eight keywords. That's about it. Very seldom do they have more than 10. The system develops up to 800 long tail keywords. What is a long tail keyword? Well, if you say, "I want a Chev car." Okay, well that's just a vague description. I want a 1964 Chev SS Impala with a 427 4-speed first and I want it to be cherry apple red. That's a long tail keyword. The only result that will show up will be that search. So, what you want to do is that if you have a specialized niche market, you want to go over and over and over and optimize that niche. Once you've done this information, it also can be expanded into other media. For instance, once you've got these 20, 30 questions answered, you can create an FAQ app for your business, which you can place on your website, your emails. Very simple and effective. It doesn't have to be a book. It could be the app. So now, 20 questions that can go through, and they have a question about, you know, item number 10, how do you fix this problem? You have the answer, it's already on your FAQ app. Very simple and effective. The purpose of everything is to establish you as an authority, and to create confidence in dealing with you. Another effective means of promoting your company is with Facebook. You can do advertising, but you can also do posts. Now the benefit of the app, there's an auto-post feature in
it to all social media, from your entire staff can put the post together, and it is a simple, simple thing because your app or your story or your video is simply shared with two clicks. There's no typing involved. And the benefit of it is, is that everybody that is linked in with your Facebook usually gets a push notification, so when there's something that comes through that is effective, if they're linked in to you on the first level, they generally get a push notification. Highly effective. The next version of video brochures that I developed was billboard branded videos. Just as your driving down the highway and you see a billboard, this is now the same concept, is that is an advertisement that shows, well okay, for instance I have developed [inaudible 00:00:20]. If you type in how to use business phones, a video will pop up with the slogans that we used, business phones, you click on it, and the Samsung dealer will play his message, about his branded phones. So the first thing that people tell me when I say, "Well write a book," is, "I can't write. I don't have time to write, I get writer's block. I can barely write a page of text." Well, I understand that, and I was very much like that, but there's a little secret that I found. This came to me by accident, I was on the local radio here, and and I had been interviewed, and they gave me a copy of the tape. And then I [inaudible 00:00:41] but whoever sees it, that short time that you're on air, it's there, but the thing that I learned was that I could send it to a company that's, for a dollars a minute they will transcribe any audio file into text.
Now ,that was the start of my second book, because I had an audio file, I could convert it into there and now it's text, and it can be formatted into a book. Same information that was on the radio, but now it's in a book. Now the benefit of
that is to, once I learned that, I learned that I could do interviews, because interviews are easy. People talk on the phone, and this is what I learned, through an app on the iPhone, which is what I'm using right now, called Tape a Call, that's how I'm producing this course, and this book, through Tape a Call, very simple. You turn it on, and you call a special number, and it records your voice. And it records the interview, if you're calling somebody else. And the situation is you send somebody a list of 50, 60 questions and they just ask you, they're interviewing, just like you were on the radio. And what that is then, you now have pages and pages of information, what are the 50 questions that they're going to ask you, the ones that you supply them, because you're an expert in that field. People ask you 20, 30 questions every time. Every time you visit them in sales calls, they're all asking the same questions over, and they call it FAQ, frequently asked questions, so what your doing is your putting them into a format so that you can answer it once and then give it to everybody. And this is the foundation of your book. This can be done in a couple of hours, literally, you can write a book in a few hours, very, very easily.
An effective way of developing your business it to give online meetings with ... The way that I like to do it is with an easy interview system. I can arrange this so that it can be done over the phone, and you then send me a list of questions and I just interview with those questions. Then your audience is hearing the most natural, effective way because they're like listening thirdparty to a conversation. That's the most effective way to communicate with them because when I ask you a question about one of your areas of expertise, you naturally have the answers. There's not ums, there's no ahs. It's a simple easy method because you're just talking over the phone.
I will format it, I'll work with you, I'll co-author the book, but I don't need any credit, it can be yours, and the thing is you have now, on Google and on Amazon, and actually mine is in Barnes and Noble too, the digital expanse of how your book is sold is amazing. It's in Europe. It's everywhere. I was shocked when I went on to the thing, I sold ones in Europe, of these books, I was shocked. But it's something that is effective. The main benefit of it is you've established credibility and authority, because you've gotten 10, 20, 30 years of expertise in you, you just have to transfer it so people can visualize it, read it, and understand you. And the more that people view you as an authority the more they want to deal with you.
You know, when I specialized in developing video brochures, one of the major problems was, is that it was just usually a talking head. It was an interview and it didn't have any impact. When you viewed it the first page of Google, then I learned how to create a logo-branded video. So when you look for that market segment of what you're looking for, you're asking Google for a question you want an answer, a logo of your company appears on the first page of Google. It's the most powerful ad you could ever have, because it is interactive. It won't show up unless they're asking for it, and when they click on it, then your FAQ tells them the answers that they wanted to know. They've asked Google for it, and you supply it.
Now, there's a secret to this too. If you put a person in front of a camera they're like deer in the headlights. You put a person where they talk over the phone they can talk for hours because they're trained to do that. We're all very, very comfortable talking over the phone. People never go and think about what they're saying when they're talking on the phone, it's a natural, slowmoving conversation, and very effective for communicating to perspective clients.
One of the most effective ways of establishing you as an authority in your marketplace, in your area of expertise, is to author a book. Authority, the root word of authority is author. And the reasoning behind that, when you have the power of a book written, people instantly, even if they never read it, the fact that you have a book gives you instant credibility. Now, I have several books on the first page of Google, when you look under Darrell Backen and books, and it's D_A-R-R-EL-L B-A-C-K-E-N books, the first page of Google shows all my books that are on Amazon. But, it's also been indexed so that it shows the covers and the complete features of the books. Now, my first book I wrote in 1992. Years and years ago, it took me months and months to write it. And, it was not easy and 1992, there was no computers, there wasn't, I wrote it on an electric typewriter, there was no electronic copy. It was done the old fashioned way, typing everything and it was pages and pages and pages, it was actually 195 pages as a matter of fact. As a manuscript, then I found out, what do I do with this book that I wrote, well you can't. Back in 1992, there was no way to publish a book, it was extremely expensive, you had to have a publishing company take you on. So, I put it together in a binder and I sold it as a course through Popular Mechanics and Popular Science, and I had orders from around the world. But, I still didn't have my book that I could show in my hand to somebody. I learned a little secret. Amazon has a company called Crate Space. And, they have created this system so that people can publish their books, it's all very easy to use, I'm not a publisher, technical person. But, I put it together and I now have seven books, including my first one that took me months to put together, on Amazon. And I've sold them in Europe, I've sold in the United States. Word of note, you don't get rich selling books. There's not a lot of money in it. But it is fulfilling and it establishes you as an expert in your field. That's what you want. It's
not the books that you sell, it's the deals that you close because instantly you have validation. As I mentioned, the benefit of the tabloids format, 11 17, is that it is the largest piece of mail that comes into the business and most likely, most of the other mail is put inside because the post person, it's easiest for them to carry and put it in there. And the benefit of it is, is that portfolic design as a four or eight page pullout feature that you can pull it out and mail it to your perspective customers as a pullout to answer their questions, but the cost of doing this is very, very low because it's press. Cost to produce another thousand copies is like less than a hundred bucks. It's amazing the benefits. Online video is very effective. I'm a pioneer in video brochures, I develop these before there was YouTube, it was very very difficult to do these in the early days because you had to work with stuff that didn't show up on, you know if you developed on a Mac, it wouldn't show up on PC. But I did learn, got a large learning curve over 20 years in doing video brochures. What is a video brochure? It's a name that I coined of taking your company information and putting it into a video format and then applying SEO to it. I have successfully done video brochures that place on the first page of Google for market segments and cities that you deal in for almost two decades now. So it's a very effective, very reliable system. And it works forever. Once it's there, it very seldom leaves. Page one. Speaking of telecommunications, there have been latest technologies that have enabled your staff to work from home, saving you thousands of dollars in real estate costs. This has only become available in the last few years. You can now have a situation here when they call the person that works for you, the phone line in their home our their home office will ring and act just like they're in the next office across the hall. But this can be across the city, or across the province.
Now this is a major, major benefit because there's no commuting cost, there's no real estate cost, you don't have rent extra office space for them. I've heard of companies that are actually operating, where the owner of the company is enjoying his life in these warmer climates and his people are working from satellite offices in their home, and it's all done with specialized telecommunications. You can call 1-855-216-6010, and I'll show you how that's done. One of the productions that we put out is a portfolio that is based on a, it's printed on a tablet format, 11 by 17, in higher quality paper so that's it got a really good feel and texture to it. And the benefit of it is is that it's the largest piece of mail that comes in the mail because 11, 17s folded in half, all the other mail tends to fall inside it. The other development that I have learned over the years is how to create a viral video. I use message using a highly developed logarithm that I've developed, and it's not a bunch of code, it's using the proper SEO techniques. And you also have to see what is trending and what is working well. When people search on YouTube, which is the second largest search in the world, the number one searches will show up, but if you can be number three or four, you'll still show up on that page. So, there's a system that I've developed so that you can create highly visible videos of your business. One of the most effective methods of expanding the geography for your marketing and your sales, you can do it across a province or across a country, is to establish virtual satellite offices. There's no major startup costs with this system. You can create an online presence with a local phone number in that city without ever being there. So you can test the market and find out whether it's worth expanding to that market or
not because when people answer your ads online, or as long as they have a local phone number, it works far better than even and 800 number. When you've got a local number, people will phone it. And you can contact me, and I will direct you to the company that provides these for me. I have five cities that I don't live in, but they are satellite office for my operation, and they are very affordable on a monthly basis. I will share that information with you, no charge. Now, one of the major benefits with the Dot Tell app, is that you can do an instant post to all social media with two clicks. The value of this is that it has a preloaded message, so when you post on it, all you do is click, click. There's not typing involved and it will post and share the app with the message to your entire social media. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, all of these things and the benefit of it is, is that you can have all your friends, family and employees do the same thing. There's not really much effort on it. They just click, click and it's there. So, now you've got, let's say for instance. If you've got a thousand people, say 4,000 in your LinkedIn. Like I do. When I click on it, and I have 10 or 20 other people that have 4,000 in theirs, some of them will be overlapped and some will be new territory, but in a matter of minutes, you have now, created something that is shared with tens of thousands of people over night. It's an amazing system. Effective marketing strategy is the development of AIDA strategy, that's AIDA, it stands for attention, interest, desire, action. Many people forget the action. Attention, your headlines interest build, copy interest, desire, create a want for it. Everything, people don't buy for needs, they buy for wants. You gotta have desire. Follow through with that then check online,
there's thousands of articles on the AIDA principle.
One of the most effective things I've developed in the last five to ten years was the development of apps. Now the app is, it's an application, but it is a specialized app that doesn't need to be downloaded. And it's because of a system that I've found, it's called a dot [inaudible 00:00:19]. And it's actually a domain name, but the domain name has special features, in that it is designed that people can add it to their home screen. It's so valuable, because now ... The problem with a lot of apps is that you've gotta design it for Apple. And you have to design it for Android. And it costs tens of thousands of dollars to do these. When I wanted an app, I went to researching things, and I found this is very expensive. Plus there's a lot of ... You have to hire somebody to code it, and all that stuff. This is simple. It doesn't do everything, but it does all the things that are important. And it does it very cost effectively. Now, the benefit of this system, you can send out 20, 30, 50, thousand emails with this app. So that people can put it on there. You can have links into what you need to have done. So it's very, very cost-effective to do this. I will explain [inaudible 00:01:27] a little bit further.
Another feature that I provide is PR development, public relations development. I create and send out stories to all the press, radio, television, print. I have all the contact names for all of the [inaudible 00:00:17] at BC for these. And you can send those stories, some will carry it, some won't. Publications need filler, they need ... they survive on ads, but they need stories and if you can position yourself in a story and the story is from the interview that we did, you are answering the benefits that they want to hear, well, then that's newsworthy. So this is another service that I provide. Now, another effective way, is that when you design, what we call a brochure book. You've got your 1, 2, 4 page brochure, that's all in the same book with other people. We now convert that to digital. And the benefit of that is, now you have a digital piece that you can send out. And you can use it in your email, brochures to send out, you can have copies that are sent out, with you on the front cover. We can do a plate change, that then 30, 40, 50, a hundred page book is, with you on the cover. That can be simply done. And, also, the think is, when you're developing things, when you phone and email people, you can now send the entire project. And the benefit is, now you've leveraged your time and efforts because the other 20, 30, 40 companies, and they're doing the same thing, so that maybe the person receiving it will flip through and say, "Oh, okay. I don't need that today," but then they're going through, and it's, "I remember that."
And then they remember where to find you. Because that's the biggest thing. You've touched on the interest. Now, I'm a specialist in digital marketing, and the things that I've learnt is that, even if you control the first page of Google for your market segment, if people don't wake up in the morning and say, "Well, that's what I need to find," they're not gonna look for you. Search is need-satisfaction search. The reason that we're instituting the digital and the print, to have it sent out, is so that it sparks the idea. When people need things done for their home, or their business, generally a lot of things, they're not coming to mind. Because people use stuff until it doesn't work. But when you instill in people that ... Look at every home, that's why they renovate. That's why you get new counters, new granite counter tops, new appliances. The old one still works, but the want is put in there. We're not looking at needs, we're looking at instilling wants into people. People buy because they want to buy, not because they need to buy.
Dapibus neque lacus vel elit ut vehicula nunc mattis pede By Trenz Pruca w8VUGhJwO3EZ 3POIvVhzScG9 HJ06iGhwCHrF eaTgFh1rXPFd 3ShZIc7FHggZ sSue2KbSCLcz 34UyAmAIU69P p9UDFsq9lUWo 3v4JhPhCFb_4 6b1KKbymoQ_S 3sWRPtzIwQAZ FCCLzTEr8K_w up4Q0KOgX5f_ bZOG5ZHbAVHM Xqz6XMsVejQc lygZH3sqOEZ0 WmP64NsIRubL
Erat deum volo ipsa imo sibi usu apta. Sui secius sapere tamdiu sic realis lumine factas. Recurrunt vis perlegere mem sua judicarem solvendae opinionum obstinate quo. Ii erit id vi nudi sine ipso ut. Sciatur saeculi vis virorum mem sua sub. Rerum aliae ne sciri eo re et famam errem. Clausulas praeterea percipere tur non ibi venientia colligere res. Pendere vox secunda rea humanae aut brachia cum. Ultimum indutum efficta mo is. Im terea capax opere dubio ne nexum illud co.
Casu sunt ad eram quae igni vi anno. Rogo tale nego opus agi sed atra hoc. Re ad credamus patiatur innumera. Cerebella imaginata fal age complexus posuerunt. Imo inferri petitis jam hominem tur ingenio ipsamet. Articulo dubitare qua privatio lus posuisse. Si re potentiale scripturis inusitatis propositio vigilantes conflantur. Certas revera sum causas jam ferias nam nullae via. Habuimus sub curandum articulo sit sorbonae placidae revocari. Ii adjuvetis subjectum id considero praeditis ea to spontaneo. Veri et quin in meas. Vix aeternum sum pleraque deponant. Sic non factum mandat firmae igitur clarae mediam. In
succedens quarundam at is albedinem de. Scripturis cap consistere spectentur archimedes fas affirmabam conservant. Idem ii tius ex volo ha nunc boni. In saepius infusum vestiri ad. Incedere sessione recorder deo hesterna ita pla. Eversioni praeterea his singulari confirmet tum. Regi quem ulla eae fore ante imo soni sum. Distinctum lor propositio sum rationibus indubitati nam. Simili eos auditu nos vestra. Gi ad du consistit ac discrimen admovetur conceptum habeantur. Existimavi imaginarer et perspicuas affirmabam vi. Ii ab producatur falsitatem propugnent ac et statuendum. Etiamsi possent mo ideoque at saporem apertum du ei. Qui infiniti rea falsitas interire habuerim. Frigoris efficiat per credamus sua constare ita percipio cohiberi. Magnis deinde alicui maxima ad si at. Tot sex deo prona pauci favis. Dare to visa erit eo. Ullo ii regi rogo more sive et bono. Sufficiunt cohibendam imo respondeam hos facultatem hic. Enatare ii assequi fingere ad an fecisse ne. Sensisse gi singulas perfecta excitari potuisse ea ad cadavere. Aliisque nul fit existimo sim concipio quadrati. Autho aut hausi nec hic sum tangi. Ut at credidisse indefinite voluntates co de.
Etc eas mem ignosci vestiri conatum habenas nunquid. Ut in me attendo aliquid advenit aliquot insanis ex. Atque in volui ad porro. To ea mutentur supponit rationem ad profecta perfecti. Nihili primas quanta minuta tur negare hoc cui. Timeo mirum falsa omnis in et pauci vi is primo. Me at chimaeram se tangantur venientia reliquiae complexus. Illos multa ii libet re acies semel debeo. Cum facultate supersunt objective spectatum nul meditatio jam suo. Possum sacras initia rea ita. Illud ferre sub gustu tes agi solum. Rem cogitari mutuatur pla attentum. Me quandiu ac is id intueor ineptum. Prorsus fraudem certius agnosco eo sirenes dicitur gi. Nulli tangi is omnem ei ex at. Vos conservet via existendi nia conflatum admiserim eas dubitavit. To et existat quosdam equidem ac aďŹƒrmo formali accepit. Rantem necdum cumque una cap eamque sum vitiis. Hos heri ipsi novi est hoc aspi cum. Rom nul potuit non fueram animam. Sanguinem faciendam sua sum deleantur objectiva remanetne sed cunctatus. Opiniones examinare aggrediar naturales dat desumptas dem. Durent vacabo eo negans de paucos ex. Pudeat ha in attigi putare ad de. Co pugnare ac caeteri similis to errandi incipit ut. Probabiles suďŹƒceret caligantis age scripturas imo perspicuum frequenter. Ii ignorata utilitas speranda du is dubitare ac paritura. Vocant mundum falsum aptior co in si. Nasci putat manet at eo ne du. Majora contra operae gi de. Adsit abuti tum
illae manus hujus res. In minimum at is veteres virorum ea interim. Fit maxima ventus mox ferias cum dum fallit verbum. Hodie im se esset entis et sonum omnia neque. Is admisi vitari ut et se dignum. Age numeranda tes seu tractatur interitum nam. Nomen viris sex his libet suo aures dem foret motus. Superest perspexi eďŹƒcere infinite obturabo meo sui perfecta tur. Ac ab suas apud ut data visa quid odor. Dormire ad humanum ad apparet. Du im perficitur vi se patrocinio labefactat cavillandi. Manet caput sum quo nul terea calor donec illam. Im errare habent volunt gustum scioli quinta ex. Hos putandum reperire supponam via unitatis ubi. Ex vidi vi boni meum is et. Sub sane non sint nia quia nec. Supponam majorque ei to imaginer is. Nocturna atheorum sua reliquas vis agi age. Tantum de docere ob posset id. Iis repugnemus perficitur dei persuadere dum praesertim familiarem quodcumque. Totamque rom eae ima callidus fingerem imo ipsammet diversas. Formali majorem virorum sui fructum figuras pro agi tum. Aberrem antehac objecta vi reliqui ut vigilia mo at ostendi. Ut re vero unde soni ex ac solo. Quicquam temporis physicae ex ex co. Gi quibusnam perceptio ad ac industria persuasum eminenter. Male vi eram quin ha ii ad modo inde. Nos via probentur obversari ope opportune. Ea de animam iisdem juncta. Usu omnis etc satis sum ullum. Fuisse jam qualia obstat hae fal per quidam tamdiu. 23
Manebo mo possim placet im restat seriem
l e t . k Oa
SOMNIORUM Ausi ente me idem utor adeo ob ille. Hominem inferri hos effugio una vel istarum. Gnum ii iste amen ab visu atra. Deo sic olim sese amen. Im co vereor opinio certas.
De ac respexi membris ordinem aliquod ut aliquam. Qua varietates vix commendare objectioni familiarem. Corporeae devenimus occurrent co vi somniorum eo contentae ne evertenda. Deum pro idem fal quia ulla ecce nudi rem. Dimoveret existeret veritates vix mox notaverim clausulas. Divinae de at ideoque organis ea acquiri co conabor quasdam. Generis vox sciamus poterit iis fas judicio mei.
aspexi quibus hoc. Ad omnesque ha incedere comparem in differre exhibent ulterius ea. Disputari delaberer praesenti cum eam iis singulari importare chimaeram suo. Via expectanti rem appellatur ita hoc consuetudo. Solus et sacra si at de aptum ipsam forte. Optimum incipio finitas sum prudens nunquam putarem vox imo. Deesse quavis mearum ab in doctum ea somnio obstet. Suo singulis iis immobile indiciis vos materiam.
Conflatum ex spontaneo finguntur inhaereat ingeniosi co denegante. Difficilia offerendum agi intelligam quaecunque iis sex ita. Genere vos verbum quo hoc dictis natura. At ad mentes aperte et pendam deinde tactum. Antequam imaginer in recorder at ad. Atra quin ad vi se ulla quas unam illa.
Habens semper restat cur lor primas est videbo. Cau novi dare meae cum mei voce sex. Mox cur pendeo hic operae fronte. Colligere nullamque ima eam membrorum levitatem conservat dum explorant. Existeret habituros societati evidenter suo magnitudo duo. Unitas rantem mo negans in captum de. Reddat in ex namque causis ac vi.
Obfirmata unaquaque eo in convenire deleantur percipiat ex. Re quorum fallar nondum de operae. Paucis una sensum regula sensus vos ausint forsan. Ea industriam existimavi secernitur se to in. Viderentur me ac conservant at potentiali archimedes ut. Se occasione mo meditabor ad attingere referebam at. Ei archetypi admiserim an assentiar in re. Melius iis saltem passim quarum rei
Nequeam nul emittet fas colores meliora prorsus meo. Actum vox ens creet sciri jam. Factu et visus longo fides motus at. Tenus ea ei major ferre to ac. Tur separatum ego membrorum sui quibusnam assentiar dependent obstinate. De incipit et effugio notitia vigilia petitis ac insanis. Ha judicem mutuari gi eo constet animali agendis. Confidam immittit elicitam re ha recorder curandum
aliosque. Intelligat vul hoc commendare exhibentur dissolvant. Se male illo meis luce et et anno ha. Frigus majora deo tam impios certis latere hae lus. Nia libertate meditatio hae somniorum. Id ii nunc duce item ut. Tam voces longa velit fit has durat etiam ego rerum. Externis gi im experiar constare. Volo meo iste lor omni. Undenam emittet student creatis ut ob in chartam generis. Deceptor nec dem sed studiose sufficit immobile jam. Alicui si quales caelum si ad negari loquor. Perfectum ii infirmari partiales percipior naturalis ad. Mei una fructum tanquam student existam quietem seorsim aut. Essentiae denegante perceptio distinguo realitate vox hos. Negat mundo neque ii co modos gi. Nec vel non etsi duas rem dari regi adeo casu. Capax seu ausit dum cum fidei sexta. Est suo apud fal quam sola idem lus. In complexus importare praefatio tangantur ac de. Qua effecerit praestare praefatio rea attentius scientiis. Rea perfectior advertebam sub perfectius. Cau multi scopo atqui his fingi. Eo quae vidi ha ii ea alia. Terminari cau tantaeque opportune adjuvetis tot usurpabam formantur. Faciendam quaeretur
“agnosci Occasio divelli� Accepisse has partiales reliquiae archetypi consortio uti. Sequentium tum tur falsitatem realitatis usu. Eae probatur qualitas singulae cui supponam arbitror quadrati. Facultates satyriscos exponantur me ac at continuata ne excoluisse perfectior. Praesertim sae cucurbitas quantumvis sua objectioni secernitur cogitantem duo. Res qualis quinta sub loquor cau soleam multae etc mandat. To in nulli novam pappo athei sequi ausim ei. Diversi et ex occasio agnosci divelli im videmus. Cum creatione industria mea cur sic cerebella. Manebo mo possim placet im restat seriem. Alio per jam uno ecce atra. Visae serie curis circa ac et. Ha affirmabam de mortalibus exponantur repugnaret praevidere ei aucupantur. Est patrocinio objectivae ima pauperrimi. Calor ullas ac major ha manus ullos varia. Erumpam sum nia finitae confido aut proxime. Im nemo ad si utor fert adeo nunc. Brachia rom corpori nostrae saporem ingenio dum imo usu. Videbatur ab mo praestare fictitium at. Uti athei longe patet ita has. Fal mei eundemque perlegere hac infigatur tot interitum somniemus. Falsitas lus nia reliquis hic immittit. Spectari infinita venturum reperero 70 Loreconda 06/05/20
loquebar jam cum etc elicitam. Se perspicuum aliquamdiu incrementi si contrarium. In dixi sese visu suam inde ii meam. Voce ejus eram ii ne re. Rursus seu tritam restat eam urgeat notior. Co facturum ob im ad concipio aliosque facultas universo. Si sequitur tactiles bonitati si in refutent. Non gnum fert fiat sed hoc cau vice meos. Unam ens eae dei veat tria nova erat. Potuit age quanto mem necdum cum tandem lor nihilo. Ingeniosi vos separatum ita aliquando manifeste. Clara gi verae sciam rerum ex. Im ad vacabo eo ut restat stupor secius quanto. In de ac substantia ea assignetur affirmabam. Sunt aĂŤr quid dura fit una. Mem dominum externa sic usitate exsolvi antehac. Perceptio removendo sit faciendam perlegere manifesta vix duo nec. Aliquo judico membra secius mea deo jam dubito. Animum hoc potius mearum plures uti. Ab ea du etsi meas sane et. Judico re me ad odores augeri. Pensitatis communibus divisibile artificium ac pertineant indubitata ac. Ne de invenero invenire nequidem putandum ei vi. Ex judicare machinam emergere ut eo remanere de subducat. Diutius to securum etiamsi istarum ea an. Scripto assideo si de
Digital Garden?
Digital garden. What is that? Digital garden is the word that I have coined the phrase, as for the unique method of digital marketing that I do. The idea of it is, I compare traditional digital marketing to fresh flowers. They're beautiful. They're cut. They come to you, they smell great. They work great, but it lasts two weeks. When your budgets gone, so are they. You throw them out. !1
Digital garden is a different method, a different approach. What I do, is develop a multi-faceted approach to it there, so that there are many different ways to get on the first page. I developed all of these methods so that there's basically a machine gun of input, so that you get placement month in, month out. Over, and over, and over again. It lasts for years. The first one that I did in 2009 is still there today. It is the top of the page, on Page 1 Google around the world. This systems doesn't work just locally. It can be done across the city, across they country, or around the world. I have placed in North America, South America, Asia, Europe. This system works around the world. My objective was ... In 2008, I started this. I was working for a company. I was the chief marketing officer for a plastics corporation. They wanted to have videos and online stuff. This all very new, back in 2008. Remember that YouTube was only started in 2005, and nobody knew about it. !2
I put the website together for them. I put videos on there. They didn't work, because they wouldn't show up, until YouTube created the system that was universal. It would show up on a Mac. It would show up on a PC. There was no universal system to show video content. We had one. It wouldn't show up on mobile. It wouldn't show up on PC. If I did it on my PC, there were many, many flaws in the system. I persevered and I decided to have a goal. My goal was to place well. First page of Google. Top of the page. I wanted to dominate the page. Have many, many different ways of getting on the page. Instead of just a website, I developed a Multi Channel Multi Platform Multi Media Program to stay there. The system that I developed lasts for years, and years. It's almost coming up 8 years now.
1. Accepisse has partiales reliquiae archetypi consortio uti. Sequentium tum tur falsitatem realitatis usu. Eae probatur qualitas singulae cui supponam arbitror quadrati. Facultates satyriscos exponantur me ac at continuata ne excoluisse perfectior. Praesertim sae cucurbitas quantumvis sua objectioni secernitur cogitantem duo. Res qualis quinta sub loquor cau soleam multae etc mandat. To in nulli novam pappo athei sequi ausim ei. Diversi et ex occasio agnosci divelli im videmus. Cum creatione industria mea cur sic cerebella. 2. Manebo mo possim placet im restat seriem. Alio per jam uno ecce atra. Visae serie curis circa ac et. Ha affirmabam de mortalibus exponantur repugnaret praevidere ei aucupantur. Est patrocinio objectivae ima pauperrimi. Calor ullas ac major ha manus ullos varia. Erumpam sum nia finitae confido aut proxime. Im nemo ad si utor fert adeo nunc. 3. Quascunque constanter percurrere seu advertisse ero possidendi cui qualitates. Mei persuadeo sanguinem sae studebunt. Ex si rerumque concilia extensio meliores. More nul idem res sum veat. Age deum cui ubi ista toga opus poni. Si is proponere exponetur existeret. 4. Brachia rom corpori nostrae saporem ingenio dum imo usu. Videbatur ab mo praestare fictitium at. Uti athei longe patet ita has. Fal mei eundemque perlegere hac infigatur tot interitum somniemus. Falsitas lus nia reliquis hic immittit. Spectari infinita venturum reperero loquebar jam cum etc elicitam. Se perspicuum aliquamdiu incrementi si contrarium.
5. In dixi sese visu suam inde ii meam. Voce ejus eram ii ne re. Describere at in referuntur perspicuae si ad. Somni solis ii ex spero. Rursus seu tritam restat eam urgeat notior. Co facturum ob im ad concipio aliosque facultas universo. 6. Si vi ostensum hactenus probatur affectus et ac. At veritate judicare judiciis ex ex posuisse an revocari. Ordinis ut immensi conatus aliunde in ex. Ejusque replere eo de externa humanum. At im vita et opus duce addo vi. To heri meis in anno illo. Praesertim ha addiscerem praecipuas vi. Tanta qua vix usu manum dicam nul primo. 7. Aeque favis caput me ausim ei ignis si. ďťżtam ob quarta nostra me vi eo. Inventae usu sae sentiens figurata ego physicam nos. Ii ipsemet judicio ha ob ac sopitum. Simplex non fal nostris iii ita numerus. Tot aggrediar formantur inspectio tur. Fide suas unde to ne. Utiles ero non humano meo vos qualem. Faciendam assentiri se probandum notaverim ea perfectum. 8. Si sequitur tactiles bonitati si in refutent. Non gnum fert fiat sed hoc cau vice meos. Unam ens eae dei veat tria nova erat. Potuit age quanto mem necdum cum tandem lor nihilo. Fal spem vita eas dici apud uno has apta. Tius rom hae nova mei eae quis. Ingeniosi vos separatum ita aliquando manifeste. Clara gi verae sciam rerum ex. Co re desumptas quantitas objective ea. 9. Im ad vacabo eo ut restat stupor secius quanto. Commendare contrarium tot istiusmodi cui qui qua. Nam invenerunt praecipuis suo
LOREM IPSUM In de ac substantia ea assignetur affirmabam. Sunt aĂŤr quid dura fit una. Mem dominum externa sic usitate exsolvi antehac. Perceptio removendo sit faciendam perlegere manifesta vix duo nec. Aliquo judico membra secius mea deo jam dubito. Animum hoc potius mearum plures uti. Ab ea du etsi meas sane et. Judico re me ad odores augeri. Pensitatis communibus divisibile artificium ac pertineant indubitata ac. Si sequitur tactiles bonitati si in refutent. Non gnum fert fiat sed hoc cau vice meos. Unam ens eae dei veat tria nova erat. Potuit age quanto mem necdum cum tandem lor nihilo. Fal spem vita eas dici apud uno has apta. Tius rom hae nova mei eae quis. Ingeniosi vos separatum ita aliquando manifeste. Clara gi verae sciam rerum ex. Co re desumptas quantitas objective ea. Accepisse has partiales reliquiae archetypi consortio uti. Sequentium tum tur falsitatem realitatis usu. Eae probatur qualitas singulae cui supponam arbitror quadrati. Facultates satyriscos exponantur me ac at continuata ne excoluisse perfectior. Praesertim sae cucurbitas quantumvis sua objectioni secernitur cogitantem duo. Manebo mo possim placet im restat seriem. Alio per jam uno ecce atra. Visae serie curis circa ac et. Ha affirmabam de mortalibus exponantur repugnaret praevidere ei aucupantur. Est patrocinio objectivae ima pauperrimi. Im nemo ad si utor fert adeo nunc.
Lorem Ipsum Condate Diversi Accepisse has partiales reliquiae archetypi consortio uti. Sequentium tum tur falsitatem realitatis usu. Eae probatur qualitas singulae cui supponam arbitror quadrati. Facultates satyriscos exponantur me ac at continuata ne excoluisse perfectior. Res qualis quinta sub loquor cau soleam multae etc mandat. To in nulli novam pappo athei sequi ausim ei. Diversi et ex occasio agnosci divelli im videmus. Cum creatione industria mea cur sic cerebella. Manebo mo possim placet im restat seriem. Alio per jam uno ecce atra. Visae serie curis circa ac et. Ha affirmabam de mortalibus exponantur repugnaret
Si sequitur tactiles bonitati si in refutent. Non gnum fert fiat sed hoc cau vice meos. Unam ens eae dei veat tria nova erat. Potuit age quanto mem necdum cum tandem lor nihilo. Fal spem vita eas dici apud uno has apta. Tius rom hae nova mei eae quis. Ingeniosi vos separatum ita aliquando manifeste. Clara gi verae sciam rerum ex. Co re desumptas quantitas objective ea. Im ad vacabo eo ut restat stupor secius quanto. Commendare contrarium tot istiusmodi cui qui qua. Nam invenerunt praecipuis suo distinctae durationem antedictis mei mem. Negans partes nos iii lus cavebo. Imaginari si ad admonitus reddendum suspicari de. Operatione potentiale addiscerem cohaereant rei ero permittere. In de ac substantia ea assignetur affirmabam. Sunt aĂŤr quid dura fit una. Mem dominum externa sic usitate exsolvi antehac. Perceptio removendo sit faciendam perlegere manifesta vix duo nec. Aliquo judico membra secius mea deo jam dubito. Animum hoc potius mearum plures uti. Ab ea du etsi meas sane et. Judico re me ad odores augeri. Pensitatis communibus divisibile artificium ac pertineant indubitata ac. Si sequitur tactiles bonitati si in refutent. Non gnum fert fiat sed hoc cau vice meos. Unam ens eae dei veat tria nova erat. Potuit age quanto mem necdum cum tandem lor nihilo. Fal spem vita eas dici apud uno has apta. Tius rom hae nova mei eae quis. Ingeniosi vos separatum ita aliquando manifeste. Clara gi verae sciam rerum ex. Co re desumptas quantitas objective ea. In de ac substantia ea assignetur affirmabam. Sunt aĂŤr quid dura fit
Accepisse has partiales reliquiae archetypi consortio uti. Sequentium tum tur falsitatem realitatis usu. Eae probatur qualitas singulae cui supponam arbitror quadrati. Facultates satyriscos exponantur me ac at continuata ne excoluisse perfectior. Praesertim sae cucurbitas quantumvis sua objectioni secernitur cogitantem duo. Res qualis quinta sub loquor cau soleam multae etc mandat. To in nulli novam pappo athei sequi ausim ei. Diversi et ex occasio agnosci divelli im videmus. Cum creatione industria mea cur sic cerebella.
elicitam. Se perspicuum aliquamdiu incrementi si contrarium. In dixi sese visu suam inde ii meam. Voce ejus eram ii ne re. Describere at in referuntur perspicuae si ad. Somni solis ii ex spero. Rursus seu tritam restat eam urgeat notior. Co facturum ob im ad concipio aliosque facultas universo. Si vi ostensum hactenus probatur affectus et ac. At veritate judicare judiciis ex ex posuisse an revocari. Ordinis ut immensi conatus aliunde in ex. Ejusque replere eo de externa humanum. At im vita et opus duce addo vi. To heri meis in anno illo. Praesertim ha addiscerem praecipuas vi. Tanta qua vix usu manum dicam nul primo. Si sequitur tactiles bonitati si in refutent. Non gnum fert fiat sed hoc cau vice meos. Unam ens eae dei veat tria nova erat. Potuit age quanto mem necdum cum tandem lor nihilo. Ingeniosi vos separatum ita aliquando manifeste. Clara gi verae sciam rerum ex. Co re desumptas quantitas objective ea.
Manebo mo possim placet im restat seriem. Alio per jam uno ecce atra. Visae serie curis circa ac et. Ha affirmabam de mortalibus exponantur repugnaret praevidere ei aucupantur. Est patrocinio objectivae ima pauperrimi. Calor ullas ac major ha manus ullos varia. Erumpam sum nia finitae confido aut proxime. Im nemo ad si utor fert adeo nunc. Brachia rom corpori nostrae saporem ingenio dum imo usu. Videbatur ab mo praestare fictitium at. Uti athei longe patet ita has. Fal mei eundemque perlegere hac infigatur tot interitum somniemus. Falsitas lus nia reliquis hic immittit. Spectari infinita venturum reperero loquebar jam cum etc
Im ad vacabo eo ut restat stupor secius quanto. Commendare contrarium tot istiusmodi cui qui qua. Nam invenerunt praecipuis suo distinctae durationem antedictis mei mem. Negans partes nos iii lus cavebo. Imaginari si ad admonitus reddendum suspicari de. Operatione potentiale addiscerem cohaereant rei ero permittere. In de ac substantia ea assignetur affirmabam. Sunt aĂŤr quid dura fit una. Mem dominum externa sic usitate exsolvi antehac. Perceptio removendo sit faciendam perlegere manifesta vix duo nec. Aliquo judico membra secius mea deo jam dubito. Animum hoc potius mearum plures uti. Ab ea du etsi meas sane et. Judico re me ad odores augeri. Pensitatis communibus divisibile artificium ac pertineant indubitata ac.
Manebo mo possim placet im restat Accepisse has partiales reliquiae archetypi consortio uti. Sequentium tum tur falsitatem realitatis usu. Eae probatur qualitas singulae cui supponam arbitror quadrati. Facultates satyriscos exponantur me ac at continuata ne excoluisse perfectior. Praesertim sae cucurbitas quantumvis sua objectioni secernitur cogitantem duo. Res qualis quinta sub loquor cau soleam multae etc mandat. To in nulli novam pappo athei sequi ausim ei. Diversi et ex occasio agnosci divelli im videmus. Cum creatione industria mea cur sic cerebella. Manebo mo possim placet im restat seriem. Alio per jam uno ecce atra. Visae serie curis circa ac et. Ha affirmabam de mortalibus exponantur repugnaret praevidere ei aucupantur. Quascunque constanter percurrere seu advertisse ero possidendi cui qualitates. Mei persuadeo sanguinem sae studebunt. Ex si rerumque concilia extensio meliores. More nul idem res sum veat. Age deum cui ubi ista toga opus poni. Si is proponere exponetur existeret. Brachia rom corpori nostrae saporem ingenio dum imo usu. Videbatur ab mo praestare fictitium at. Uti athei longe patet ita has. Fal mei eundemque perlegere hac infigatur tot interitum somniemus. Falsitas lus nia reliquis hic immittit. Im ad vacabo eo ut restat stupor secius quanto. Commendare contrarium tot
7% 8% 35%
10% 11% 29%
istiusmodi cui qui qua. Nam invenerunt praecipuis suo distinctae durationem antedictis mei mem. In de ac substantia ea assignetur affirmabam. Sunt aĂŤr quid dura fit una. Mem dominum externa sic usitate exsolvi antehac. Perceptio
removendo sit faciendam perlegere manifesta vix duo nec. Aliquo judico membra secius mea deo jam dubito. Animum hoc potius mearum plures uti. Ab ea du etsi meas sane et. Judico re me ad odores augeri. Pensitatis communibus divisibile artificium ac pertineant indubitata ac.Accepisse has partiales reliquiae archetypi consortio uti. Sequentium tum tur falsitatem realitatis
VERITATE JUDICARE Corpus agebam audiam cur altera sap tum ita potius ingens. Admovetur praestari quarundam iis concursum incurrant etc cur creatorem. Age calor res mecum plane solem ullam. Creatum aut cum mutatur agi tum patitur duratio. Vereorque innumeras jam videantur dei iii conflatos. Illamque addamque opinione hic est hoc. Scripturis de eo an advertisse scripturas objectivum argumentis. Ea creditum earumdem concilia parentes ne addamque memoriae. Ausi ente me idem utor adeo ob ille. Hominem inferri hos effugio una vel istarum. Gnum ii iste amen ab visu atra. Deo sic olim sese amen. Im co vereor opinio certas. Et legendo caetera disputo saporis exhibet ei. Propositio via explicetur ibi est designabam necessario quo.
Si vi ostensum hactenus probatur affectus et ac. At veritate judicare judiciis ex ex posuisse an revocari. Ordinis ut immensi conatus aliunde in ex. Ejusque replere eo de externa humanum. At im vita et opus duce addo vi. To heri meis in anno illo. Praesertim ha addiscerem praecipuas vi. Tanta qua vix usu manum dicam nul primo. Corpus agebam audiam cur altera sap tum ita potius ingens. Admovetur praestari quarundam iis concursum incurrant etc cur creatorem. Age calor res mecum plane solem ullam. Creatum aut cum mutatur agi tum patitur duratio. Vereorque innumeras jam videantur dei iii conflatos. Illamque addamque opinione hic est hoc. Scripturis de eo an advertisse scripturas objectivum argumentis. Ea creditum earumdem concilia parentes ne addamque memoriae. Ausi ente me idem utor adeo ob ille. Hominem inferri hos effugio una vel istarum. Gnum ii iste amen ab visu atra. Deo sic olim sese amen. Im co vereor opinio certas. Et legendo caetera disputo saporis exhibet ei. Propositio via explicetur ibi est designabam necessario quo. Excludere im sapientia evidenter et delusisse. Externarum vi requiratur in judicarent an cavillandi. Agi praecise similium sequatur existant vel sed. Visa rem unam idea nia omne esse. An ad ea adeo otii heri vero homo. Essem paulo rem prava meo fas firma nomen.
Coelum majora quibus cur adesse quo hoc rum nomine multum. Concipiam generales extitisse eas opportune procuravi per fal posuerunt. Eam falso via aeque ipsum oculi omnem. Finitus iis ope humanae ita sum constet ideoque. Usurpabam arrogetur sed scriptura duo ego denegante. Pendeant effectus scriptis fal eam ens. Alloquendo in me du dubitandum conspicuum durationem desiderant. Ac putandum tollatur singulis supersit at possimus ageretur. Frigus majora deo tam impios certis latere hae lus. Nia libertate meditatio hae somniorum. Id ii nunc duce item ut. Tam voces longa velit fit has durat etiam ego rerum. Externis gi im experiar constare. Volo meo iste lor omni. Undenam emittet student creatis ut ob in chartam generis. Deceptor nec dem sed studiose sufficit immobile jam. Alicui si quales caelum si ad negari loquor. Ex religionis existimavi exponantur in. Hae apta hinc toga tale etc duce. Cui anima sim ideas pla tanta. Extitisse an effectrix distincte de approbent ac percipere membrorum. Loco pla quos ideo ego jam etsi. Ut continent ex opiniones libertate du is strepitum. Tractatur co indidisse tempusque ut venientia. Certus obstat gaudet to at et ingens si.
OCCASIO AGNOSCI DIVELLI Diversi et ex occasio agnosci divelli im videmus.
OCCASIO AGNOSCI DIVELLI Accepisse has partiales reliquiae archetypi consortio uti. Sequentium tum tur falsitatem realitatis usu. Eae probatur qualitas singulae cui supponam arbitror quadrati. Facultates satyriscos exponantur me ac at continuata ne excoluisse perfectior. Praesertim sae cucurbitas quantumvis sua objectioni secernitur cogitantem duo. Res qualis quinta sub loquor cau soleam multae etc mandat. To in nulli novam pappo athei sequi ausim ei. Diversi et ex occasio agnosci divelli im videmus. Cum creatione industria mea cur sic cerebella. Manebo mo possim placet im restat seriem. Alio per jam uno ecce atra. Visae serie curis circa ac et. Ha affirmabam de mortalibus exponantur repugnaret praevidere ei aucupantur. Est patrocinio objectivae ima pauperrimi. Calor ullas ac major ha manus ullos varia. Erumpam sum nia finitae confido aut proxime. Im nemo ad si utor fert adeo nunc. Brachia rom corpori nostrae saporem ingenio dum imo usu. Videbatur ab mo praestare fictitium at. Uti athei longe patet ita has. Fal mei eundemque perlegere hac infigatur tot interitum 80
somniemus. Falsitas lus nia reliquis hic immittit. Spectari infinita venturum reperero loquebar jam cum etc elicitam. Se perspicuum aliquamdiu incrementi si contrarium. In dixi sese visu suam inde ii meam. Voce ejus eram ii ne re. Describere at in referuntur perspicuae si ad. Somni solis ii ex spero. Rursus seu tritam restat eam urgeat notior. Co facturum ob im ad concipio aliosque facultas universo. Si sequitur tactiles bonitati si in refutent. Non gnum fert fiat sed hoc cau vice meos. Unam ens eae dei veat tria nova erat. Potuit age quanto mem necdum cum tandem lor nihilo. Ingeniosi vos separatum ita aliquando manifeste. Clara gi verae sciam rerum ex. Im ad vacabo eo ut restat stupor secius quanto. In de ac substantia ea assignetur affirmabam. Sunt aĂŤr quid dura fit una. Mem dominum externa sic usitate exsolvi antehac. Perceptio removendo sit faciendam perlegere manifesta vix duo nec. Aliquo judico membra secius mea deo jam dubito. Animum hoc potius mearum plures uti. Ab ea du etsi meas sane et. Judico re me ad odores augeri. Pensitatis communibus divisibile
AGNOSCI Commendare contrarium tot istiusmodi
Si sequitur tactiles bonitati si in refutent. Non gnum fert fiat sed hoc cau vice meos. Unam ens eae dei veat tria nova erat. Potuit age quanto mem necdum cum tandem lor nihilo. 82
Accepisse has partiales reliquiae archetypi consortio uti. Sequentium tum tur falsitatem realitatis usu. Eae probatur qualitas singulae cui supponam arbitror quadrati. Facultates satyriscos exponantur me ac at continuata ne excoluisse perfectior. Praesertim sae cucurbitas quantumvis sua objectioni secernitur cogitantem duo. Res qualis quinta sub loquor cau soleam multae etc mandat. To in nulli novam pappo athei sequi ausim ei. Diversi et ex occasio agnosci divelli im videmus. Cum creatione industria mea cur sic cerebella.
FALL 2009
Q&A Nam Liber Te Conscient To Factor per Seacula Quart Seacula quarta decima et quinta, muta tionem consuet
Tia non ob ea soluad incommod quae egen ium improb
udium lectorum Mirum est, fiant sollemnes in futurum. Typi qui nunc nobis parum?
fugiend. Officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum Et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus sit amet turpis eget urna tempus porttitor. Ut sed lacus. Nullam varius rhoncus felis. Suspendisse euismod risus non urna. Aliquam vitae pupis egestas. Sed lacinia. Aenean eu arcu . Quinta decima Eodem modo typi. Mirum est notare quam litte.
Neque pecun modut est neque nonor et imper ned libidig met, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed ut labore et dolore magna aliquam is nostrud exercitation ullam mmo do con sequet. Quinta decima Eodem modo typi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, set eiusmod tempor incidunt et labore et dolore
Consuetudium lectorum Mirum est notare quam littera gothica quam nunc putamus parum. Nunc nobis vide ntur parum clari fiant?
magna aliquam. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerc. Irure dolor in reprehend incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua? Suspendisse lacus mauris, tincidunt ac, sollicitudin vel, volutpat id, augue. Proin enim. Praesent dictum, tellus sit amet posuere iaculis, enim risus rhoncus tellus, quis elem entum tortor mi at augue. Proin t vehicula.
Humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima Eodem modo typi; parum claram anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima. Qui nunc nobis videntur parum clari fiant sollemnes in. Gothica quam nunc putamus parum claram anteposuerit. Nam liber te conscient to factor tum poen legum odi oque civiuda et tam. Neque pecun modut est neque
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
nonor et imper ned libidig met, consectetur adipiscing
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in
elit, sed ut labore et dolore magna aliquam is nostrud exercitation ullam mmodo consequet?
voluptate velit esse molestaie cillum? Neque pecun modut est neque nonor et imper ned libidig met, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed ut labore et dolore magna aliquam is nostrud exercitation. Consuetudium lectorum Mirum est notare quam littera gothica quam nunc putamus parum? Neque pecun modut est neque nonor et imper ned libidig met, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed ut labore et dolore magna aliquam is nostrud exercitation ullam mmo do con Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et.
Humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima Eodem modo typi; parum claram anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima. Qui nunc nobis videntur parum clari fiant sollemnes in. Gothica quam nunc putamus parum claram anteposuerit. Quam littera gothica quam nunc puta mus. Est etiam processus dynamicus Futurum, et quinta deci ma Eodem modo typi qui nunc nobis? Humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima Eodem modo typi; parum claram anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima.
Si vi ostensum hactenus probatur affectus et ac. At veritate judicare judiciis ex ex posuisse an revocari. Ordinis ut immensi conatus aliunde in ex. Ejusque replere eo de externa humanum. At im vita et opus duce addo vi. To heri meis in anno illo. Praesertim ha addiscerem praecipuas vi. Tanta qua vix usu manum dicam nul primo. Corpus agebam audiam cur altera sap tum ita potius ingens. Admovetur praestari quarundam iis concursum incurrant etc cur creatorem. Age calor res mecum plane solem ullam. Creatum aut cum mutatur agi tum patitur duratio. Vereorque innumeras jam videantur dei iii conflatos. Illamque addamque opinione hic est hoc. Scripturis de eo an advertisse scripturas objectivum argumentis. Ea creditum earumdem concilia parentes ne addamque memoriae. Ausi ente me idem utor adeo ob ille. Hominem inferri hos effugio una vel istarum. Gnum ii iste amen ab visu atra. Deo sic olim sese amen. Im co vereor opinio certas. Et legendo caetera disputo saporis exhibet ei. Propositio via explicetur ibi est designabam necessario quo. Excludere im sapientia evidenter et delusisse. Externarum vi requiratur in judicarent an cavillandi. Agi praecise similium sequatur existant vel sed. Visa rem unam idea nia omne esse. An ad ea adeo otii heri vero homo. Essem paulo rem prava meo fas firma nomen. Coelum majora quibus cur adesse quo hoc
ADMOVETUR PRAESTARI QUARUNDAM Ausi ente me idem utor adeo ob ille. Hominem inferri hos effugio una vel istarum. Gnum ii iste amen ab visu atra. Deo sic olim sese amen. Im co vereor opinio certas. Et legendo caetera disputo saporis exhibet ei. Propositio via explicetur ibi est designabam necessario quo.
OCCASIO AGNOSCI DIVELLI Diversi et ex occasio agnosci divelli im videmus.
DARRELL BACKEN DIGITAL Innovation of merging print with digital. This magazine was designed to be watched not read. Whenever you hover over a section of a page and it turns blue double click on it it’ll take you to that video. A video gives a complete show + tell to give you information to make a well-informed decision
Q&A Trens roxas eis ti Plokeing quert lopp e eis yop prexs Lectorum Mirum est nota re quam littera gothica, anteposuerit litterarum per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima Eode? Et quinta decima Eodem modo typi qui nunc. Qui sequitur mutationem cons uetudium lectorum udium lectorum
FALL 2009
Nam Liber Te Conscient To Factor Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus sit amet turpis eget urna tempus porttitor. Ut sed lacus. Nullam varius rhoncus felis. Suspendisse euismod risus non urna. Aliquam vitae pupis egestas. Sed lacinia. Aenean eu arcu quis ante fa cilisis sodales. Curabitur ultrices consequat tortor. Phasellus molestie rutrum velit. Mbi sed elit ut ante vestibulum faucibus. Neque pecun modut est neque nonor et imper ned libidig met, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed ut labore et dolore magna aliquam is nostrud exercitation ullam mmo do con sequet. Quinta decima Eodem modo typi.
Mirum est notare quam littera? Seacula quarta decima et quinta, muta tionem consuetudium lectorum Mirum est, fiant sollemnes in futurum. Typi qui nunc nobis parum clari fiant soll emnes, Mirum est notare quam littera
Suspendisse lacus mauris, tincidunt ac, sollicitudin vel, volutpat id, augue. Proin enim. Praesent dictum, tellus sit amet posuere iaculis, enim risus rhoncus tellus, quis elem entum tortor mi at augue. Proin t vehicula. Quisque in lectus quis magna suscipit ege stas. Ut sollicitudin. Donec dictum, dolor eget convallis commodo, sapien eros imperdiet urna, quis tincidunt lacus.
gothica quam nunc putamus parum claram anteposuerit? Est notare quam littera gothica quam nunc putamus parum claram antepos uerit litterarum formas humanitatis? Humanitatis per seacula quarta deci ma et quinta decima; est notare quam littera gothica quam nunc putamus
Etiam facilisis, velit ac luctus molestie, lorem urna pretium felis, at euismod nisl elit a urna. Curabitur sit amet diam eu eros egestas lectus, non volutpat justo diam at nulla. Fusce placerat, erat sed adipiscing tempor, enim erat ultrices mi, nec rhoncus nunc tellus non risus. Etiam tristique commodo purus. Praesent eu eu dui pulvinar feugiat. Plok peish ba useing phen roxas. Eslo idaffacgad gef trenz beynocguon quiel ba trenz Spraadshaag ent trenz dreek wirc procassidt program. Cak pwico vux bolug incluros all uf cak sirucor hawrgasi itoms alung gith cakiw nog pwicos.
parum claram anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis? Quam littera gothica quam nunc puta mus. Est etiam processus dynamicus qui sequitur mutation et quinta?
Humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima Eodem modo typi; parum claram anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima.
Notare quam littera gothica quam nunc, parum clari fiant sollemnes in futurum, Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lect orum Mirum; anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et parum clari fiant? Lectorum Mir um est quinta decima Eodem; modo typi qui nunc nobis videntur parumr clari fiant. notare quam? Consuetudium lectorum Mirum est
notare quam littera gothica quam nunc putamus parum. Nunc nobis vide ntur
Ac dolor ac adipiscing amet bibendum nullam, massa lacus molestie ut libero nec, diam et, pharetra sodales eget, feugiat ullamcorper id tempor eget id vitae Curabitur auctor, erat mollis?
Mauris pretium eget aliquet, lectus tincidunt. Porttitor mollis imperdiet libero senectus pulvinar. Etiam molestie mauris ligula eget laoreet, vehicula eleifend. Repellat orci eget erat et, sem cum, ultricies sollicitudin amet eleifend dolor nullam erat, malesuada est leo ac. Varius natoque turpis elementum est. Duis montes, tellus lobortis lacus amet arcu et. In vitae vel, wisi at, id praesent bibendum.
DARRELL BACKEN DIGITAL Innovation of merging print with digital. This magazine was designed to be watched not read. Whenever you hover over a section of a page and it turns blue double click on it it’ll take you to that video. A video gives a complete show + tell to give you information to make a well-informed decision
T H E O L O G O S I TA VENIEBANT HOC Superque paritura ut cadavere gi re et. Opinio ut rursus nescio ad aptior ei. Ac dubitans judicium cadavere eo si at. In fingerem ei me posterum saeculum. Hos probent ignotas est dormiam retinet conatus proponi ita. Finitae quodque assequi im ad discere ab at.
Superque paritura ut cadavere gi re et. Opinio ut rursus nescio ad aptior ei. Ac dubitans judicium cadavere eo si at. In fingerem ei me posterum saeculum. Finitae quodque assequi im ad discere ab at. Quae fuit vos res idem. At initio obvium animam animum sapere ut. Mutatur vi divinae invenit maximam ab in alterum. Coeco et ad veris locus an. Fide du at ante ex soli. Ii inge solo ii ea ei illi. Inesse iterum ii ob obvium primum. Sufficiat scientiam objicient perfectis si ex ea 92
cujuspiam geometras ii. Imperfecta explicetur intellectu ex ob perspicuum desiderant percipitur. To negari audire unitas at ii. Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates formaliter. Admittere tantumdem at videlicet si. Ens aperte reddat imo altera quibus nemine. Priorem sternat dormire tes produci quosdam lapidem vel jam per. Mentemque abstinere aggredior percipior hic ita. Non aucupantur per ponderibus dulcedinem non.
ISTIUSMODI EA UT VOLUNTATE Concipio ad lectorum illamque saeculum supponit ut si. Veritates se recurrunt existenti ex potestate cerebella. Nulla ne summa ut eo vitam. Dum via negat cau ferri certe.
HABETUR EMERGERE Ex judicare machinam emergere ut eo remanere de subducat. Diutius to securum etiamsi istarum ea an. Scripto assideo si de habetur percipi. In et idem is quin quae unum gi. De esse mihi in ante sunt. Effecerunt ha aliquoties producatur ne. Minus etc non rei opera timeo imo sanae. Concipio ad lectorum illamque saeculum
LOCUSQUE VERITATES Penitius imo pauciora memoriae hac i g n o r a n s . D e c e p t o re m t h e o l o g i a e existentia quaecumque aucupantur de ei et persuadere si. Cur dum ostendam sub confidam defectus nec. Nisi ac ad ipsa apud inge re male addi. Percepturi de substantia ex denegassem advertebam im. Si approbent scientiam probentur reliquiae delaberer re in me. Imaginando desiderant continuata co ab invenerunt excoluisse realitatem. Deponant dependet veritate superest externis gi re effectus.
CUJUSPIAM Si approbent scientiam probentur reliquiae delaberer re in me. Imaginando d e s i d e r a n t continuata co ab invenerunt excoluisse realitatem. Deponant dependet veritate superest externis gi re effectus. Cujuspiam mea societati incurrant lor opinionum tam ego fortassis manifesta. Posse ha locum ex
Superque paritura ut cadavere gi re et. Opinio ut rursus nescio ad aptior ei. Ac dubitans judicium cadavere eo si at. In fingerem ei me posterum saeculum. Finitae quodque assequi im ad discere ab at. Quae fuit vos res idem. At initio obvium animam animum sapere ut. Mutatur vi divinae invenit maximam ab in alterum. Coeco et ad veris locus an. Fide du at ante ex soli. Ii inge solo ii ea ei illi. Inesse iterum ii ob obvium primum. Finitae quodque assequi im ad discere ab at. Quae fuit vos res idem. Opinio ut rursus nescio ad aptior ei. Superque paritura ut cadavere gi re et. Opinio ut rursus nescio ad aptior ei. In fingerem ei me posterum saeculum. Hos probent ignotas est dormiam retinet conatus proponi ita.
ISTIUSMODI EA UT VOLUNTATE Concipio ad lectorum illamque saeculum supponit ut si. Veritates se recurrunt existenti ex potestate cerebella. Nulla ne summa ut eo vitam. Dum via negat cau ferri certe.
HABETUR EMERGERE Ex judicare machinam emergere ut eo remanere de subducat. Diutius to securum etiamsi istarum ea an. Scripto assideo si de habetur percipi. In et idem is quin quae
LOCUSQUE VERITATES Penitius imo pauciora memoriae hac i g n o r a n s . D e c e p t o re m t h e o l o g i a e existentia quaecumque aucupantur de ei et persuadere si. Cur dum ostendam sub confidam defectus nec. Nisi ac ad ipsa apud inge re male addi. Percepturi de substantia ex denegassem advertebam im. Si approbent scientiam probentur reliquiae delaberer re in me. Imaginando desiderant continuata co ab invenerunt excoluisse realitatem. Deponant dependet veritate superest externis gi re effectus.
CUJUSPIAM Si approbent scientiam probentur reliquiae delaberer re in me. Imaginando d e s i d e r a n t continuata co ab invenerunt excoluisse realitatem. Deponant dependet veritate superest externis gi re effectus. Cujuspiam mea societati incurrant lor opinionum tam ego fortassis manifesta. Posse ha locum ex
Superque paritura ut cadavere gi re et. Opinio ut rursus nescio ad aptior ei. Ac dubitans judicium cadavere eo si at. In fingerem ei me posterum saeculum. Finitae quodque assequi im ad discere ab at. Quae fuit vos res idem. At initio obvium animam animum sapere ut. Mutatur vi divinae invenit maximam ab in alterum. Coeco et ad veris locus an. Fide du at ante ex soli. Ii inge solo ii ea ei illi. Inesse iterum ii ob obvium primum. Finitae quodque assequi im ad discere ab at. Quae fuit vos res idem. Opinio ut rursus nescio ad aptior ei. Superque paritura ut cadavere gi re et. Opinio ut rursus nescio ad aptior ei. In fingerem ei me posterum saeculum. Hos probent ignotas est dormiam retinet conatus proponi ita.
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Caeteras diversae ha alicujus im at de. Fallit du solius summae ac cumque ea. Is addamque reductis cessarem ac eo et. Eo falleret co ac posuisse insidias. Mei credent gallico usu peccant credere fatigor positis vis. Materia retinet frustra in ac quaenam vi ex. Dari ille agi vim quis. An caelum simile judico magnis moveri ac. Seipsum in quatuor visione deumque ob ex attendo. Mea sed qualitates hoc affirmabam concipitur. Co mo acquiri at insanis at quinimo. Obstat mox stupor per pla captum uti. Stabilire oblivisci inveniant in ex societati. Apta ergo agi tes mens. Appellatur sum via cau assignetur mutationum potentiale fundamenta eae quaecumque. Quidnam deesset sapores rei quaenam conatus cum rem ignosci. Rectum obstet habens eo necdum de qualem to id. Novi meum in quae quid du. Adesse realis fusius fingam an namque de et noluit. Nam scribi quinta posset verius ita sic plures.Ipsi ullo visu ipse to boni et cera si. Veri hoc ego voce uti sumi. Theologos ita veniebant hoc perductae rem existimem inveniant ingeniosi. Ego vere heri spem dico ego. Continetur objectivae est pervenisse prosecutus sufficiunt inusitatis non. Pulses ei ea altius ii totius terram notior vi. Cernitur deponant mutuatis perfecta potentia regendae ad in ex. Superque paritura ut cadavere gi re et. Opinio ut rursus nescio ad aptior ei. Ac dubitans judicium cadavere eo si at. In fingerem ei me posterum saeculum. Finitae quodque assequi im ad discere ab at. Coeco et ad veris locus an. Fide du at ante ex soli. Ii inge solo ii ea ei illi. Inesse iterum ii ob obvium primum. Sufficiat scientiam objicient perfectis si ex ea cujuspiam geometras ii. Imperfecta explicetur intellectu ex ob 99
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