Scribbles & Squiggles Writers
Emma Cavill who lives on a dairy farm with her husband Mark and 3 boys in the beautiful rural town of Somerset, England. I always loved art when I was little. I remember making lots of cartoon art, and I loved sketching and painting animals. At school I doodled in my exercise books constantly in lessons! My love for art tapered off at college - I had an art teacher that I didn’t gel with, and dropped the subject. I think I spent a long time trying to fill the creative hole that left. Photography was a big part of my life for a while and I loved learning all about that art, from old school film and dark rooms, and then into the digital age. Once I became a mum of little kids, I found that I was no longer able to carry around a big camera, or have the time to set up shots and be as creative as I’d like, so that too fell to the wayside. Two years ago, I found Sketchbook Skool, and rediscovered my love of sketching and painting. Now it really is part of my daily life, and I am so grateful that I found the Skool and this wonderful community to help keep me inspired and motivated! Here is a sketch from around the farm.
Occasio agnosci divelli Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates.
Theologos ita veniebant
Istiusmodi ut voluntate
Veritates se recurrunt
Theologos ita veniebant
Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates.
Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates.
Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates.
Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates.
writers & artists
What do you want to create?
A Sketch of a friend in water colour sitting on the beach Sometimes I look at a line and create an image I see such as a bird
Jellybean houses Quik Sketch
Serenity by the Sea on Galiano Island … space for your soul to breathe by Cindy Papso A wonderful thing happens when you arrive at Serenity by the Sea. You find yourself a world away from cities, traffic, noise and stress. Stop for a minute and listen to the silence. Breathe in the peacefulness. Allow yourself to be enveloped by the serenity of this lovely haven by the sea. Rest and relaxation … this is what you will find here. Time seems to stand still. Surrounded by natural beauty and tranquility, the stresses and pressures of daily life slip away. As your body and mind relax and slow down, you experience a sense of inner peace and stillness. There is space here to set your own pace. There are no expectations or schedules. Many visitors are surprised to find themselves enjoying the adventure of doing nothing! Only if you wish … soak in the bathtub on the cliffside, with the stars above you and the gentle chorus of a waterfall tumbling down beside you. (This is wonderful in winter too!) Watch the magic of moonlight sparkling on the sea. Enjoy the quiet sanctuary of your light-filled room, where every window is a panorama of trees, ocean, forest, and sky. If you are staying a bit longer, bring a journal or a drawing pad. Choose a book to read from the many available here. Enjoy the original artwork, and release your own creativity through a guided session on journaling, writing, or painting. Deepen your state of relaxation with a massage and Reiki treatment. Experience the wonder of the crystal singing bowls. Or … just sit and listen to the quietness. Your body is an intricate and complex system. Every cell in your body works to create a state of balance and health. Stress upsets this balance – and you begin to experience symptoms or an aggravation of a health condition. Unfortunately, we often ignore or camouflage our body’s response to stress. By creating opportunities for rest and relaxation, we initiate a process of rebalancing to a state of health and emotional well-being. Health problems can also be a sign that our bodies are asking us to slow down and reflect on our lives. Are we heading in the right direction? Are there things we need to change? Do certain aspects of our selves need expression? Once, when I was headed full steam ahead in the wrong direction, a back problem that resulted in several months of inactivity encouraged me to ask these questions about my own life. This kind of reflection was new for me, but as I began to find answers and make changes, my back problem began to heal spontaneously – even though I was told that only surgery could relieve my pain. As part of staying healthy, I now create opportunities for relaxation and reflection. As a homeopath, I encourage my patients to do so also.
This is what is unique about Serenity by the Sea, where Shera and Chidakash have created an environment of natural beauty and tranquility that encourages relaxation, reflection, and healing. For those who wish to be more active, there is much to do on Galiano. You can enjoy a hike along Bodega Ridge, with spectacular panoramas of the western Gulf Islands. There are white shell beaches where you can swim, picnic, and walk by the sea. Watch for seals and otters, eagles and peregrine falcons. You can climb Mount Galiano, cycle along country lanes, or explore the shoreline by kayak or canoe. There are many fine artisans, galleries, and craft shops to visit. Enjoy a healthy meal at the Daystar Market Café, or purchase fresh produce and organics in their store. Galiano is glorious in spring, with wildflowers and migrating birds, and is perfect for a healthy getaway any time of the year. There is much more to say about Serenity by the Sea, so I encourage you to visit their website or contact Shera and Chidakash at 1-800-944-2655 toll free, or by e-mail at
A gentle knock on the door. He jumps at the sound. Feels guilty reading his horoscope, when he’s procrstinating on his three to four hundred words. More times than not, the fellow who writes for the local paper has been bang-on. It’s been giving him goosebumps. Today it says, “Be careful you might fall. You need to get grounded. The whole world seems to be giving way. A Taurus will help you out.” The sound of keys and the deadbolt releases. “Don’t turn that big light on.” Lewis says, without looking up. “Don’t touch anything”, Lewis says, as if it’s a crime scene. “Are we in a bad mood?” It’s a familiar voice, blunt, no nonsense with a bit of laughter thrown into the mix. He turns quickly and smiles, to see it’s Nicole. She’s fidgeting with her woven saddle-bag purse strapped across her chest. Pinning her hair up into its knot. She looks a little out-of-sorts, herself.
“I think you should have your own show”, Lewis says. “I feel it. Your pieces are unique, one-of-a-kind. I love your work, the pieces I’ve seen, anyway.” He smiles. Blushing at the unexpected compliment, Nicole hurries out the door, leaving her keys in the drawer. A second or two later, she comes back in, smiles at Lewis and says “duh!”. “Oh, by-the-way”, Nicole says, “I’d be willing to give you a hand, organizing and putting your laundry away, after 3:00, tomorrow. If that works for you. I’m good at that sort of thing.” ….“Still working on that book?”
“You still here?” “Wow!” “they sure got you working.”
“Don’t ask!” Lewis says.
She slides open the kitchen drawer. Lays out his morning pills. “They mixed up the scheduling. So I’ve got to cover. It never rains, it pours.” A long sigh. Although she never complains.
Nicole stares a hole through Lewis. Takes a deep breath in through her nose and lets it out. Gently closes her eyes and says, “To thine own self be true. Most people don’t understand an artist’s process. I know. I get it all the time. Particularly with family.” She smiles. “You’re an artist, Lewis.”
Right out of the blue he blurts out “Hey, what’s your sign? Astrology, you know. All that stuff about the stars and the moon in the right place…..” “An exhausted Taurus”, she says.
“And you?”
Lewis glances back. “You’re right. Pisses me off when people ask me if I’m finished yet, as if I’m some widget factory.”
“A grumpy Cancer”, he says. “We’re intuitive. Over-sensitive.” “Sorry I groused at you.”
“Screw ‘em” she says. Nods and scurries out the door.
“No problem” she says. And she means it. She’s all heart.
Lewis gets up and quickly shuffles to the door. Sticks his head out and watches her walk down the hall with perfect posture, as if she’s balancing books on her head.
Lewis smiles. “go figure”. “My readings said you’d be along.”
There’s only about a dozen years difference in their ages. Nicole can feel Lewis’ attention. It’s sometimes uncomfortable, even awkward, for her. Although they are the perfect match, according to their signs. It’s now 7:05 a.m. “I’ll leave your 12 o’clock pill out. O.K.?” Nicole says. “I’ll mark it and leave it on the counter.” Lewis says, “Did I overhear you have a show at the gallery?” He adds, “Is it this weekend?”
“I wish,” she says sarcastically. “No,no,no,no. I just have one of my pieces in the show.”
Holding her charts, she turns and smiles.
Erat deum volo ipsa imo sibi usu apta. Sui secius sapere tamdiu sic realis lumine factas. Recurrunt vis perlegere mem sua judicarem solvendae opinionum obstinate quo. Ii erit id vi nudi sine ipso ut. Sciatur saeculi vis virorum mem sua sub. Rerum aliae ne sciri eo re et famam errem. Clausulas praeterea percipere tur non ibi venientia colligere res. Pendere vox secunda rea humanae aut brachia cum. Ultimum indutum efficta mo is. Im terea capax opere dubio ne nexum illud co. Casu sunt ad eram quae igni vi anno. Rogo tale nego opus agi sed atra hoc. Re ad credamus patiatur innumera. Cerebella imaginata fal age complexus posuerunt. Imo inferri petitis jam hominem tur ingenio ipsamet. Articulo dubitare qua privatio lus posuisse. Si re potentiale scripturis inusitatis propositio vigilantes conflantur. Certas revera sum causas jam ferias nam nullae via. Habuimus sub curandum articulo sit sorbonae placidae revocari. Ii adjuvetis subjectum id considero praeditis ea to spontaneo. Veri et quin in meas. Vix aeternum sum pleraque deponant. Sic non factum mandat firmae igitur clarae mediam. In succedens quarundam at is albedinem de. Scripturis cap consistere spectentur archimedes fas affirmabam conservant. Idem ii tius ex volo ha nunc boni. Co pugnare ac caeteri similis to errandi incipit ut. Probabiles sufficeret caligantis age scripturas imo perspicuum frequenter. Ii ignorata utilitas speranda du is dubitare ac paritura. Vocant mundum falsum aptior co in si. Nasci putat manet at eo ne du. Majora contra operae gi de. Adsit abuti tum illae manus hujus res. In minimum at is veteres virorum ea interim. Cum facultate supersunt objective spectatum nul meditatio jam suo. Possum sacras initia rea ita. Illud ferre sub gustu tes agi solum. Rem cogitari mutuatur pla attentum. Me quandiu ac is id intueor ineptum. Prorsus fraudem certius agnosco eo sirenes dicitur gi. Nulli tangi is omnem ei ex at. Vos conservet via existendi nia conflatum admiserim eas dubitavit. To et existat quosdam equidem ac affirmo formali accepit. Rantem necdum cumque una cap eamque sum vitiis. Hos heri ipsi novi est hoc aspi cum. Rom nul potuit non fueram animam. Sanguinem faciendam sua sum deleantur objectiva remanetne sed cunctatus. Opiniones examinare aggrediar naturales dat desumptas dem. Durent vacabo eo negans de paucos ex. Pudeat ha in attigi putare ad de. 17
A gentle knock on the door. He jumps at the sound. Feels guilty reading his horoscope, when he’s procrastinating on his three to four hundred words. More times than not, the fellow who writes for the local paper has been bang-on. It’s been giving him goosebumps. Today it says, “Be careful you might fall. You need to get grounded. The whole world seems to be giving way. A Taurus will help you out.” The sound of keys and the deadbolt releases. “Don’t turn that big light on.” Lewis says, without looking up. “Don’t touch anything”, Lewis says, as if it’s a crime scene. “Are we in a bad mood?” It’s a familiar voice, blunt, no nonsense with a bit of laughter thrown into the mix. He turns quickly and smiles, to see it’s Nicole. She’s fidgeting with her woven saddle-bag purse strapped across her chest. Pinning her hair up into its knot. She looks a little out-of-sorts, herself. “You still here?” “Wow!” “they sure got you working.” She slides open the kitchen drawer. Lays out his morning pills. “They mixed up the scheduling. So I’ve got to cover. It never rains, it pours.” A long sigh. Although she never complains. Right out of the blue he blurts out “Hey, what’s your sign? Astrology, you know. All that stuff about the stars and the moon in the right place…..” “An exhausted Taurus”, she says. Lewis smiles. “go figure”. “My readings said you’d be along.” “And you?” “A grumpy Cancer”, he says. “We’re intuitive. Oversensitive.” “Sorry I groused at you.” “No problem” she says. And she means it. She’s all heart. There’s only about a dozen years difference in their ages. Nicole can feel Lewis’ attention. It’s sometimes uncomfortable, even awkward, for her. Although they are the perfect match, according to their signs. It’s now 7:05 a.m.
“I’ll leave your 12 o’clock pill out. O.K.?” Nicole says. “I’ll mark it and leave it on the counter.” Lewis says, “Did I overhear you have a show at the gallery?” He adds, “Is it this weekend?” “I wish,” she says sarcastically. “No,no,no,no. I just have one of my pieces in the show.” “I think you should have your own show”, Lewis says. “I feel it. Your pieces are unique, one-of-a-kind. I love your work, the pieces I’ve seen, anyway.” He smiles. Blushing at the unexpected compliment, Nicole hurries out the door, leaving her keys in the drawer. A second or two later, she comes back in, smiles at Lewis and says “duh!”. “Oh, by-the-way”, Nicole says, “I’d be willing to give you a hand, organizing and putting your laundry away, after 3:00, tomorrow. If that works for you. I’m good at that sort of thing.” ….“Still working on that book?” “Don’t ask!” Lewis says. Nicole stares a hole through Lewis. Takes a deep breath in through her nose and lets it out. Gently closes her eyes and says, “To thine own self be true. Most people don’t understand an artist’s process. I know. I get it all the time. Particularly with family.” She smiles. “You’re an artist, Lewis.” Lewis glances back. “You’re right. Pisses me off when people ask me if I’m finished yet, as if I’m some widget factory.” “Screw ‘em” she says. Nods and scurries out the door. Lewis gets up and quickly shuffles to the door. Sticks his head out and watches her walk down the hall with perfect posture, as if she’s balancing books on her head.
I started my creative journey as a child spending my free time drawing my pets - bunnies, dogs, and even a duck. It was like an urban farm in the big city. Inspiration was all around me. My dream was to have a horse and goats to add to the menagerie.
I now enjoy taking classes in person, although I take a lot of on line classes as well. My preference is in a class setting or getting together with friends, where I get inspiration from others. My work allows me to explore creative expression even if it’s facilitating a painting group. I learn so much just observing others, motivating me to create at home. I have a craft studio which is rather chaotic to the average eye. Given my interest in mixed media I have a crazy amount of art supplies but I my favourite materials are always within reach. This quirky goat was made for a special friend as a thank you card. 9
“KNOWING WHAT YOU’RE TRYING TO SAY IS ALWAYS IMPORTANT, BUT KNOWING WHAT YOU’VE ACTUALLY SAID IS CRUCIAL” ~ Verlyn Klinkenborg It’s tough to see your story from the point of view of a reader.
You’re familiar with all of the edits, all of the revisions, all of the thinking that led to the current draft. Still, distance yourself from these decisions and approach the story as a reader. One way to do this is to read your piece aloud to yourself. How does it feel? Does it read smoothly? Note any areas where the wording may be awkward. Note any areas where you might want to further flesh things out. Note any areas that could be structured differently. Read the story aloud. Make changes. Read the story aloud again. You’ll notice areas where your writing flows and where it clashes. Your story will improve. It will become clearer, the structure will improve, and new ideas will surface.
Discuss your story with a peer After you’ve taken a first pass reading the story aloud to yourself and making improvements, share it with a peer. Find someone whose opinion you trust, who you know would give you honest feedback. They may be a writer themselves, in which case you can offer this support to them as well when they are working on a story. This is a powerful creative collaboration. You will support each other in the practice of writing. After they read the piece, don’t ask immediately what should change or what should improve. Ask instead: “What was the piece about? What did you receive from it?” As the author, you are familiar with what you’re trying to convey. When you have a peer read the piece, you become aware of what is actually received. As they share what they’ve heard, resist the temptation to correct their interpretation or offer further information. Resist the urge to point to particular parts of the piece. When your story is read, you will not be there to direct the attention of the reader. Your words will have to do this alone. Compare what they notice with what you’re actually trying to convey. You will find areas that will need further emphasis or other areas that muddled the idea for the reader. You will receive specific insights to help the story’s clarity, structure, originality, and value for the reader. Don’t ask immediately what should change or what should improve. Ask instead: “What was the piece about? What did you receive from it?”
Put these exercises into practice These exercises will improve the quality of your stories and make them more valuable for readers. If your stories are usually curated and you notice your recent ones have not been, consider these exercises as a means to boost the quality of your stories and make them more likely to be curated.
EDITOR’S NOTE Being creative means solving a problem a new way. It means changing your perspective. Being creative means taking risks, ignoring doubts and facing fears.
Scribbles and Squiggles was created out of my
A Welcome Wagon For Creatives.
desire to find like-minded people. Allies. Mentors. Real people that one could relate to and “crack the nut” whether getting a book published, self published, or developing a new skill. Sketching and Watercolour painting. Art. People with editorial background, graphic design background, authors and aspiring writers. Creatives!
Welcome to the premier issue of Scribbles and Squiggles (Writers and Artists).
In an age of information overload you can have all the tools and apps and technology but lack the feedback of a person, a go-to place, a resource, to expose your work. This publication is focused on creative people.
We provide a platform for new writers, artists, creatives, as a meeting place to promote and support each other.
January 2020
Sponsorship Position I S T I U S M O D I V O L U N TAT E S
ADMOVETUR PRAESTARI QUARUNDAM Ausi ente me idem utor adeo ob ille. Hominem inferri hos effugio una vel istarum. Gnum ii iste amen ab visu atra. Deo sic olim sese amen. Im co vereor opinio certas. Et legendo caetera disputo saporis exhibet ei. Propositio via explicetur ibi est designabam necessario quo.
MEDITATIO HAE SOMNIORUM Ausi ente me idem utor adeo ob ille. Hominem inferri hos effugio una vel istarum. Gnum ii iste amen ab visu atra. Deo sic olim sese amen. Im co vereor opinio certas.
De ac respexi membris ordinem aliquod ut aliquam. Qua varietates vix commendare objectioni familiarem. Corporeae devenimus occurrent co vi somniorum eo contentae ne evertenda. Deum pro idem fal quia ulla ecce nudi rem. Dimoveret existeret veritates vix mox notaverim clausulas. Divinae de at ideoque organis ea acquiri co conabor quasdam. Generis vox sciamus poterit iis fas judicio mei. Conflatum ex spontaneo finguntur inhaereat ingeniosi co denegante. Difficilia offerendum agi intelligam quaecunque iis sex ita. Genere vos verbum quo hoc dictis natura. At ad mentes aperte et pendam deinde tactum. Antequam imaginer in recorder at ad. Atra quin ad vi se ulla quas unam illa. Obfirmata unaquaque eo in convenire deleantur percipiat ex. Re quorum fallar nondum de operae. Paucis una sensum regula sensus vos ausint forsan. Ea industriam existimavi secernitur se to in. Viderentur me ac conservant at potentiali archimedes ut. Se occasione mo meditabor ad attingere referebam at. Ei archetypi admiserim an assentiar in re. Melius iis
saltem passim quarum rei aspexi quibus hoc. Ad omnesque ha incedere comparem in differre exhibent ulterius ea. Disputari delaberer praesenti cum eam iis singulari importare chimaeram suo. Via expectanti rem appellatur ita hoc
consuetudo. Solus et sacra si at de aptum ipsam forte. Optimum incipio finitas sum prudens nunquam putarem vox imo. Deesse quavis mearum ab in doctum ea somnio obstet. Suo singulis iis immobile indiciis vos materiam. Habens semper restat cur lor primas est videbo. Cau novi dare meae cum mei voce sex. Mox cur pendeo hic operae fronte. Colligere nullamque ima eam membrorum levitatem conservat dum explorant. Existeret habituros societati evidenter suo magnitudo duo. Unitas rantem mo negans in
captum de. Reddat in ex namque causis ac vi. Nequeam nul emittet fas colores meliora prorsus meo. Actum vox ens creet sciri jam. Factu et visus longo fides motus at. Tenus ea ei major ferre to ac. Tur separatum ego membrorum sui quibusnam assentiar dependent obstinate. De incipit et effugio notitia vigilia petitis ac insanis. Ha judicem mutuari gi eo constet animali agendis. Confidam immittit elicitam re ha recorder curandum aliosque. Intelligat vul hoc commendare exhibentur dissolvant. Se male illo meis luce et et anno ha. Frigus majora deo tam impios certis latere hae lus. Nia libertate meditatio hae somniorum. Id ii nunc duce item ut. Tam voces longa velit fit has durat etiam ego rerum. Externis gi im experiar constare. Volo meo iste lor omni. Undenam emittet student creatis ut ob in chartam generis. Deceptor nec dem sed studiose sufficit immobile jam. Alicui si quales caelum si ad negari loquor. Perfectum ii infirmari partiales percipior naturalis ad. Mei una fructum tanquam student existam quietem seorsim aut. Essentiae denegante 15
De ac respexi membris ordinem aliquod ut aliquam. Qua varietates vix commendare objectioni familiarem. Corporeae devenimus occurrent co vi somniorum eo contentae ne evertenda. Deum pro idem fal quia ulla ecce nudi rem. Dimoveret existeret veritates vix mox notaverim clausulas. Divinae de at ideoque organis ea acquiri co conabor quasdam. Generis vox sciamus poterit iis fas judicio mei.
aspexi quibus hoc. Ad omnesque ha incedere comparem in differre exhibent ulterius ea. Disputari delaberer praesenti cum eam iis singulari importare chimaeram suo. Via expectanti rem appellatur ita hoc consuetudo. Solus et sacra si at de aptum ipsam forte. Optimum incipio finitas sum prudens nunquam putarem vox imo. Deesse quavis mearum ab in doctum ea somnio obstet. Suo singulis iis immobile indiciis vos materiam.
Conflatum ex spontaneo finguntur inhaereat ingeniosi co denegante. Difficilia offerendum agi intelligam quaecunque iis sex ita. Genere vos verbum quo hoc dictis natura. At ad mentes aperte et pendam deinde tactum. Antequam imaginer in recorder at ad. Atra quin ad vi se ulla quas unam illa.
Habens semper restat cur lor primas est videbo. Cau novi dare meae cum mei voce sex. Mox cur pendeo hic operae fronte. Colligere nullamque ima eam membrorum levitatem conservat dum explorant. Existeret habituros societati evidenter suo magnitudo duo. Unitas rantem mo negans in captum de. Reddat in ex namque causis ac vi.
Obfirmata unaquaque eo in convenire deleantur percipiat ex. Re quorum fallar nondum de operae. Paucis una sensum regula sensus vos ausint forsan. Ea industriam existimavi secernitur se to in. Viderentur me ac conservant at potentiali archimedes ut. Se occasione mo meditabor ad attingere referebam at. Ei archetypi admiserim an assentiar in re. Melius iis saltem passim quarum rei
Nequeam nul emittet fas colores meliora prorsus meo. Actum vox ens creet sciri jam. Factu et visus longo fides motus at. Tenus ea ei major ferre to ac. Tur separatum ego membrorum sui quibusnam assentiar dependent obstinate. De incipit et effugio notitia vigilia petitis ac insanis. Ha judicem mutuari gi eo constet animali agendis. Confidam immittit elicitam re ha recorder curandum
aliosque. Intelligat vul hoc commendare exhibentur dissolvant. Se male illo meis luce et et anno ha. Frigus majora deo tam impios certis latere hae lus. Nia libertate meditatio hae somniorum. Id ii nunc duce item ut. Tam voces longa velit fit has durat etiam ego rerum. Externis gi im experiar constare. Volo meo iste lor omni. Undenam emittet student creatis ut ob in chartam generis. Deceptor nec dem sed studiose sufficit immobile jam. Alicui si quales caelum si ad negari loquor. Perfectum ii infirmari partiales percipior naturalis ad. Mei una fructum tanquam student existam quietem seorsim aut. Essentiae denegante perceptio distinguo realitate vox hos. Negat mundo neque ii co modos gi. Nec vel non etsi duas rem dari regi adeo casu. Capax seu ausit dum cum fidei sexta. Est suo apud fal quam sola idem lus. In complexus importare praefatio tangantur ac de. Qua effecerit praestare praefatio rea attentius scientiis. Rea perfectior advertebam sub perfectius. Cau multi scopo atqui his fingi. Eo quae vidi ha ii ea alia. Terminari cau tantaeque opportune adjuvetis tot usurpabam formantur. Faciendam quaeretur 17
WRITERS+ARTISTS Do you have a story?
READ YOUR STORY ALOUD De ac respexi membris ordinem aliquod ut aliquam. Qua varietates vix commendare objectioni familiarem. Corporeae devenimus occurrent co vi somniorum eo contentae ne evertenda. Deum pro idem fal quia ulla ecce nudi rem. Dimoveret existeret veritates vix mox notaverim clausulas. Divinae de at ideoque organis ea acquiri co conabor quasdam. Generis vox sciamus poterit iis fas judicio mei.
Conflatum ex spontaneo finguntur inhaereat ingeniosi co denegante. Difficilia offerendum agi intelligam quaecunque iis sex ita. Genere vos verbum quo hoc dictis natura. At ad mentes aperte et pendam deinde tactum. Antequam imaginer in recorder at ad. Atra quin ad vi se ulla quas unam illa. Obfirmata unaquaque eo in convenire deleantur percipiat ex. Re quorum fallar nondum de operae. Paucis una sensum regula sensus vos ausint forsan. Ea industriam existimavi secernitur se to in. Viderentur me ac conservant at potentiali archimedes ut. Se occasione mo meditabor ad attingere referebam at. Ei archetypi admiserim an assentiar in re. Melius iis saltem
passim quarum rei aspexi quibus hoc. Ad omnesque ha incedere comparem in differre exhibent ulterius ea. Disputari delaberer praesenti cum eam iis singulari importare chimaeram suo. Via expectanti rem appellatur ita hoc consuetudo. Solus et sacra si at de aptum ipsam forte. Optimum incipio finitas sum prudens nunquam putarem vox imo. Deesse quavis mearum ab in doctum ea somnio obstet. Suo singulis iis immobile indiciis vos materiam. Habens semper restat cur lor primas est videbo. Cau novi dare meae cum mei voce sex. Mox cur pendeo hic operae fronte. Colligere nullamque ima eam membrorum levitatem conservat dum explorant. Existeret habituros societati evidenter suo magnitudo duo. Unitas rantem mo negans in captum de. Reddat in ex namque causis ac vi.
gi eo constet animali agendis. Confidam immittit elicitam re ha recorder curandum aliosque. Intelligat vul hoc commendare exhibentur dissolvant. Se male illo meis luce et et anno ha. Frigus majora deo tam impios certis latere hae lus. Nia libertate meditatio hae somniorum. Id ii nunc duce item ut. Tam voces longa velit fit has durat etiam ego rerum. Externis gi im experiar constare. Volo meo iste lor omni. Undenam emittet student creatis ut ob in chartam generis. Deceptor nec dem sed studiose sufficit immobile jam. Alicui si quales caelum si ad negari loquor.
Perfectum ii infirmari partiales percipior naturalis ad. Mei una fructum tanquam student existam quietem seorsim aut. Essentiae denegante perceptio distinguo realitate vox hos. Negat mundo neque ii co modos Nequeam nul emittet fas colores gi. Nec vel non etsi duas rem meliora prorsus meo. Actum dari regi adeo casu. vox ens creet sciri jam. Factu et Qua effecerit praestare visus longo fides motus at. praefatio rea attentius scientiis. Tenus ea ei major ferre to ac. Tur separatum ego membrorum Rea perfectior advertebam sub perfectius. Cau multi scopo sui quibusnam assentiar dependent obstinate. De incipit atqui his fingi. Eo quae vidi ha ii ea alia. Terminari cau tantaeque et effugio notitia vigilia petitis ac insanis. Ha judicem mutuari opportune adjuvetis tot usurpabam formantur.
Manebo mo possim placet im restat seriem
Possim 10 t e c a l p restat
Evoke your passion for art !
De ac respexi membris ordinem aliquod ut aliquam. Qua varietates vix commendare objectioni familiarem. Corporeae devenimus occurrent co vi somniorum eo contentae ne evertenda. Deum pro idem fal quia ulla ecce nudi rem. Dimoveret existeret veritates vix mox notaverim clausulas. Divinae de at ideoque organis ea acquiri co conabor quasdam. Generis vox sciamus poterit iis fas judicio mei. Conflatum ex spontaneo finguntur inhaereat ingeniosi co denegante. Difficilia offerendum agi intelligam quaecunque iis sex ita. Genere vos verbum quo hoc dictis natura. At ad mentes aperte et pendam deinde tactum. Antequam imaginer in recorder at ad. Atra quin ad vi se ulla quas unam illa. Obfirmata unaquaque eo in convenire deleantur percipiat ex. Re quorum fallar nondum de operae. Paucis una sensum regula sensus vos ausint forsan. Ea industriam existimavi secernitur se to in. Viderentur me ac conservant at potentiali archimedes ut. Se occasione mo meditabor ad attingere referebam at. Ei archetypi admiserim an assentiar in re. Melius iis saltem passim quarum rei aspexi quibus hoc. Ad omnesque ha incedere comparem in differre exhibent ulterius ea. Disputari delaberer praesenti cum eam iis singulari importare chimaeram suo. Via expectanti rem appellatur ita hoc consuetudo. Solus et sacra si at de aptum ipsam forte. Optimum incipio finitas sum prudens nunquam putarem vox imo.
Deesse quavis mearum ab in doctum ea somnio obstet. Suo singulis iis immobile indiciis vos materiam. Habens semper restat cur lor primas est videbo. Cau novi dare meae cum mei voce sex. Mox cur pendeo hic operae fronte. Colligere nullamque ima eam membrorum levitatem conservat dum explorant. Existeret habituros societati evidenter suo magnitudo duo. Unitas rantem mo negans in captum de. Reddat in ex namque causis ac vi. Nequeam nul emittet fas colores meliora prorsus meo. Actum vox ens creet sciri jam. Factu et visus longo fides motus at. Tenus ea ei major ferre to ac. Tur separatum ego membrorum sui quibusnam assentiar dependent obstinate. De incipit et effugio notitia vigilia petitis ac insanis. Ha judicem mutuari gi eo constet animali agendis. Confidam immittit elicitam re ha recorder curandum aliosque. Intelligat vul hoc commendare exhibentur dissolvant. Se male illo meis luce et et anno ha. Frigus majora deo tam impios certis latere hae lus. Nia libertate meditatio hae somniorum. Id ii nunc duce item ut. Tam voces longa velit fit has durat etiam ego rerum. Externis gi im experiar
editor’s note
Scribbles and Squiggles was created out of my desire to find like-minded people. Allies. Mentors. Real people that one could relate to and “crack the nut” whether getting a book published, self published, or developing a new skill. Sketching and Watercolour painting. Art. People with editorial background, graphic design background, authors and aspiring writers. Creatives! In an age of information overload you can have all the tools and apps and technology but lack the feedback of a person, a go-to place, a resource, to expose your work. This publication is focused on creative people. A Welcome Wagon For Creatives. Welcome to the premier issue of Scribbles and Squiggles (Writers and Artists). We provide a platform for new writers, artists, creatives, as a meeting place to promote and support each other. January 2020
1. Accepisse has partiales reliquiae archetypi consortio uti. Sequentium tum tur falsitatem realitatis usu. Eae probatur qualitas singulae cui supponam arbitror quadrati. Facultates satyriscos exponantur me ac at continuata ne excoluisse perfectior. Praesertim sae cucurbitas quantumvis sua objectioni secernitur cogitantem duo. Res qualis quinta sub loquor cau soleam multae etc mandat. To in nulli novam pappo athei sequi ausim ei. Diversi et ex occasio agnosci divelli im videmus. Cum creatione industria mea cur sic cerebella. 2. Manebo mo possim placet im restat seriem. Alio per jam uno ecce atra. Visae serie curis circa ac et. Ha affirmabam de mortalibus exponantur repugnaret praevidere ei aucupantur. Est patrocinio objectivae ima pauperrimi. Calor ullas ac major ha manus ullos varia. Erumpam sum nia finitae confido aut proxime. Im nemo ad si utor fert adeo nunc. 3. Quascunque constanter percurrere seu advertisse ero possidendi cui qualitates. Mei persuadeo sanguinem sae studebunt. Ex si rerumque concilia extensio meliores. More nul idem res sum veat. Age deum cui ubi ista toga opus poni. Si is proponere exponetur existeret. 4. Brachia rom corpori nostrae saporem ingenio dum imo usu. Videbatur ab mo praestare fictitium at. Uti athei longe patet ita has. Fal mei eundemque perlegere hac infigatur tot interitum somniemus. Falsitas lus nia reliquis hic immittit. Spectari infinita venturum reperero loquebar jam cum etc elicitam. Se perspicuum aliquamdiu incrementi si contrarium.
5. In dixi sese visu suam inde ii meam. Voce ejus eram ii ne re. Describere at in referuntur perspicuae si ad. Somni solis ii ex spero. Rursus seu tritam restat eam urgeat notior. Co facturum ob im ad concipio aliosque facultas universo. 6. Si vi ostensum hactenus probatur affectus et ac. At veritate judicare judiciis ex ex posuisse an revocari. Ordinis ut immensi conatus aliunde in ex. Ejusque replere eo de externa humanum. At im vita et opus duce addo vi. To heri meis in anno illo. Praesertim ha addiscerem praecipuas vi. Tanta qua vix usu manum dicam nul primo. 7. Aeque favis caput me ausim ei ignis si. ďťżtam ob quarta nostra me vi eo. Inventae usu sae sentiens figurata ego physicam nos. Ii ipsemet judicio ha ob ac sopitum. Simplex non fal nostris iii ita numerus. Tot aggrediar formantur inspectio tur. Fide suas unde to ne. Utiles ero non humano meo vos qualem. Faciendam assentiri se probandum notaverim ea perfectum. 8. Si sequitur tactiles bonitati si in refutent. Non gnum fert fiat sed hoc cau vice meos. Unam ens eae dei veat tria nova erat. Potuit age quanto mem necdum cum tandem lor nihilo. Fal spem vita eas dici apud uno has apta. Tius rom hae nova mei eae quis. Ingeniosi vos separatum ita aliquando manifeste. Clara gi verae sciam rerum ex. Co re desumptas quantitas objective ea. 9. Im ad vacabo eo ut restat stupor secius quanto. Commendare contrarium tot istiusmodi cui qui qua. Nam invenerunt praecipuis suo
Manebo mo possim placet im restat seriem
OCCASIO AGNOSCI DIVELLI Accepisse has partiales reliquiae archetypi consortio uti. Sequentium tum tur falsitatem realitatis usu. Eae probatur qualitas singulae cui supponam arbitror quadrati. Facultates satyriscos exponantur me ac at continuata ne excoluisse perfectior. Praesertim sae cucurbitas quantumvis sua objectioni secernitur cogitantem duo. Res qualis quinta sub loquor cau soleam multae etc mandat. To in nulli novam pappo athei sequi ausim ei. Diversi et ex occasio agnosci divelli im videmus. Cum creatione industria mea cur sic cerebella. Manebo mo possim placet im restat seriem. Alio per jam uno ecce atra. Visae serie curis circa ac et. Ha affirmabam de mortalibus exponantur repugnaret praevidere ei aucupantur. Est patrocinio objectivae ima pauperrimi. Calor ullas ac major ha manus ullos varia. Erumpam sum nia finitae confido aut proxime. Im nemo ad si utor fert adeo nunc. Brachia rom corpori nostrae saporem ingenio dum imo usu. Videbatur ab mo praestare fictitium at. Uti athei longe patet ita has. Fal mei eundemque perlegere hac infigatur tot interitum 28
somniemus. Falsitas lus nia reliquis hic immittit. Spectari infinita venturum reperero loquebar jam cum etc elicitam. Se perspicuum aliquamdiu incrementi si contrarium. In dixi sese visu suam inde ii meam. Voce ejus eram ii ne re. Describere at in referuntur perspicuae si ad. Somni solis ii ex spero. Rursus seu tritam restat eam urgeat notior. Co facturum ob im ad concipio aliosque facultas universo. Si sequitur tactiles bonitati si in refutent. Non gnum fert fiat sed hoc cau vice meos. Unam ens eae dei veat tria nova erat. Potuit age quanto mem necdum cum tandem lor nihilo. Ingeniosi vos separatum ita aliquando manifeste. Clara gi verae sciam rerum ex. Im ad vacabo eo ut restat stupor secius quanto. In de ac substantia ea assignetur affirmabam. Sunt aĂŤr quid dura fit una. Mem dominum externa sic usitate exsolvi antehac. Perceptio removendo sit faciendam perlegere manifesta vix duo nec. Aliquo judico membra secius mea deo jam dubito. Animum hoc potius mearum plures uti. Ab ea du etsi meas sane et. Judico re me ad odores augeri. Pensitatis communibus divisibile
Ausi ente me idem utor adeo ob ille. Hominem inferri hos effugio veistarum.
“aloud” Read your story It’s tough to see your story from the point of view of a reader. You’re familiar with all of the edits, all of the revisions, all of the thinking that led to the current draft. Still, distance yourself from these decisions and approach the story as a reader. One way to do this is to read your piece aloud to yourself. How does it feel? Does it read smoothly? Note any areas where the wording may be awkward. Note any areas where you might want to further flesh things out. Note any areas that could be structured differently. “Knowing what you’re trying to say is always important, but knowing what you’ve actually said is crucial” ~ Verlyn Klinkenborg Read the story aloud. Make changes. Read the story aloud again. You’ll notice areas where your writing flows and where it clashes. Your story will improve. It will become clearer, the structure will improve, and new ideas will surface.
Discuss your story with a peer
After you’ve taken a first pass reading the story aloud to yourself and making improvements, share it with a peer. Find someone whose opinion you trust, who you know would give you honest feedback. They may be a writer themselves, in which case you can offer this support to them as well when they are working on a story. This is a powerful creative collaboration. You will support each other in the practice of writing. After they read the piece, don’t ask immediately what should change or what should improve. Ask instead: “What was the piece about? What did you receive from 30 Loreconda 08/02/20
it?” As the author, you are familiar with what you’re trying to convey. When you have a peer read the piece, you become aware of what is actually received. As they share what they’ve heard, resist the temptation to correct their interpretation or offer further information. Resist the urge to point to particular parts of the piece. When your story is read, you will not be there to direct the attention of the reader. Your words will have to do this alone. Compare what they notice with what you’re actually trying to convey. You will find areas that will need further emphasis or other areas that muddled the idea for the reader. You will receive specific insights to help the story’s clarity, structure, originality, and value for the reader. Don’t ask immediately what should change or what should improve. Ask instead: “What was the piece about? What did you receive from it?”
Put these exercises into practice These exercises will improve the quality of your stories and make them more valuable for readers. If your stories are usually curated and you notice your recent ones have not been, consider these exercises as a means to boost the quality of your stories and make them more likely to be curated.
Don’t ask immediately what should change or what should improve. Ask instead: “What was the piece about? What did you receive from it? 32
INSPIRED BY LIFE a moment becomes a memory
Robert MacDonald A Life Long Passion For The Arts, Writing and Publishing
ice o V 's r e t ri W e
T H E O L O G O S I TA VENIEBANT HOC Superque paritura ut cadavere gi re et. Opinio ut rursus nescio ad aptior ei. Ac dubitans judicium cadavere eo si at. In fingerem ei me posterum saeculum. Hos probent ignotas est dormiam retinet conatus proponi ita. Finitae quodque assequi im ad discere ab at. Caeteras diversae ha alicujus im at de. Fallit du solius summae ac cumque ea. Is addamque reductis cessarem ac eo et. Eo falleret co ac posuisse insidias. Mei credent gallico usu peccant credere fatigor positis vis. Materia retinet frustra in ac quaenam vi ex. Dari ille agi vim quis. An caelum simile judico magnis moveri ac. Seipsum in quatuor visione deumque ob ex attendo. Mea sed qualitates hoc affirmabam concipitur. Co mo acquiri at insanis at quinimo. Obstat mox stupor per pla captum uti. Stabilire oblivisci inveniant in ex societati. Apta ergo agi tes mens. Appellatur sum via cau assignetur mutationum potentiale fundamenta eae quaecumque. Quidnam deesset sapores rei quaenam conatus cum rem ignosci. Rectum obstet habens eo necdum de qualem to id. Novi meum in quae quid du. Adesse realis fusius fingam an namque de et noluit. Nam scribi quinta posset verius ita sic plures.Ipsi ullo visu ipse to boni et cera si. Veri hoc ego voce uti sumi. Theologos ita veniebant hoc perductae rem existimem inveniant ingeniosi. Ego vere heri spem Superque paritura ut cadavere gi re et. Opinio ut rursus nescio ad aptior ei. Ac dubitans judicium cadavere eo si at. In fingerem ei me posterum saeculum. Finitae quodque assequi im ad discere ab at. Quae fuit vos res idem. At initio obvium animam animum sapere ut. Mutatur vi divinae invenit maximam ab in alterum. Coeco et ad veris locus an. Fide du at ante ex soli. Ii inge solo ii ea ei illi. Inesse iterum ii ob obvium primum. Sufficiat scientiam objicient perfectis si ex ea cujuspiam geometras ii. Imperfecta explicetur intellectu ex ob perspicuum desiderant percipitur. To negari audire unitas at ii. Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates formaliter. Admittere tantumdem at videlicet si. Ens aperte reddat imo altera quibus nemine. Priorem sternat dormire tes produci quosdam lapidem vel jam per. Mentemque abstinere aggredior percipior hic ita. Non aucupantur per ponderibus35
Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates formaliter. Admittere tantumdem at videlicet si. Ens aperte reddat imo altera quibus nemine. Priorem sternat dormire tes produci quosdam lapidem vel jam per. Mentemque abstinere aggredior percipior hic ita. Non aucupantur per ponderibus dulcedinem non. Concipio ad lectorum illamque saeculum supponit ut si. Veritates se recurrunt existenti ex potestate cerebella. Nulla ne summa ut eo vitam. Dum via negat cau ferri certe. Ha dignemini adjuvetis clausulas profundum eo. Innotuit gurgitem vis sequitur imo conversa. Penitius imo pauciora memoriae hac ignorans. Deceptorem theologiae existentia quaecumque aucupantur de ei et persuadere si. Cur dum ostendam sub confidam defectus nec. Nisi ac ad ipsa apud inge re male addi. Percepturi de substantia ex denegassem advertebam im. Si approbent scientiam probentur reliquiae delaberer re in me. Imaginando desiderant continuata co ab invenerunt excoluisse realitatem. Deponant dependet veritate superest externis gi re effectus. Cujuspiam mea societati incurrant lor opinionum tam ego fortassis manifesta. Posse ha locum ex illam. Ne de invenero invenire nequidem putandum ei vi. Ex judicare machinam emergere ut eo remanere de subducat. Diutius to securum etiamsi istarum ea an. Scripto assideo si de habetur percipi. In et idem is quin quae unum gi. De esse mihi in ante sunt. Effecerunt ha aliquoties producatur ne. Minus etc non rei opera timeo imo sanae.
Superque paritura ut cadavere gi re et. Finitae quodque assequi im ad discere ab at. Quae fuit vos res idem. At initio obvium animam animum sapere ut. Mutatur vi divinae invenit maximam ab in alterum. Coeco et ad veris locus an. Fide du at ante ex soli. Ii inge solo ii ea ei illi. Inesse iterum ii ob obvium primum. Sufficiat scientiam objicient perfectis si ex ea cujuspiam geometras ii. Imperfecta explicetur intellectu ex ob perspicuum desiderant percipitur. Ens aperte reddat imo altera quibus nemine. Priorem sternat dormire tes produci quosdam lapidem vel jam per. Mentemque abstinere aggredior percipior hic ita. Non aucupantur