Da (Doug) Anderson with Darrell Backen
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Da (Doug) Anderson How the Oak Video Brochure Book Works Innovations to Improve Effectiveness with Darrell Backen
By Darrell Backen
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Press Link�To Listen What is the Oak Video Brochure book? This is a new concept in getting your story told to your target market. Is it a magazine? No, it's not a magazine, but it is printed on full color, full gloss magazine stock by top quality printers in the Vancouver area, the exact same as a major magazine, but it is not designed to be a magazine.
What's the difference between it and a magazine? A magazine is time dated. Once people have read it, they seldom go back to it, and a magazine is designed in a different concept. They have major, major, overhead to put into it. Who writes the stories? Okay, this is a major difference. With the magazine, they have writers. They have people that will do articles on your business. Now they do not have the same knowledge that the owner has.
So we have a different system where we interview the owner of the company. And every company is always asked 10 to 20 questions, the same questions over and over again. I get the owner of the company to send me that list, and then I interview them over the phone, not in person, and he simply answers the questions. It's quick and simple, roughly in a 6 to 10 minute interview is three to four pages of original, accurate copy. Here's the biggest thing. As a company owner, people are nervous about people writing a story on their company because they got to vet it and they got to go through it and make sure... When it's your information, it's there. The brightest part of it is because this is a digital brochure book as well, the actual interview is complete. All the pages are there, but they can just listen to the interview and when you hear the actual owner telling the story, it feels like you're a third person in that room. You get such a better view of it. What are the ad sizes? There are no ad sizes. There are no ads in the video brochure book. A typical magazine, the way they make their living is selling you an ad for their stories and it covers their overhead and all these... 80% of the cost is all the overhead. The actual paper and distribution is not a large factor, and people, they're very expensive to advertise in the magazine. A half a page, one page in a magazine can be 3 to 4 thousand dollars for just one page. So we've completely scrapped that idea. And we have a better system. Why are there no ad sizes? Because the entire brochure, if you think of your brochure, your brochure does not change over and over again. No, it's there. It's your story. That's it. The old days when we used to send out a media kit or a brochure book kit, it was in a folder with a CD and 8 to 10 pages of full color, and they were put in an envelope and mailed directly, but they were booked 12 to 15 dollars each. Could do a thousand with $15,000. A lot of money. Very few people would do that today. And technology has changed, that entire information that was in that media package before can now all be done digitally.
And here's the thing. People remember your story. They don't remember an ad. Nobody remembers an ad they saw three months ago in the magazine. No, it's there and there's no real call to action. This system is built with a call to action into it. It's a standardized format, and that's very important because people don't have to work to find your number, your
Da (Doug) Anderson How the Oak Video Brochure Book Works Innovations to Improve Effectiveness with Darrell Backen
By Darrell Backen
contact, and it's quick to call. It's very simple for them. There's a click to call action built into it. “We built an app for everybody and it's quick and simple to use.”
having a magazine sitting in the rain on the side of the street. It's just not... it never thrilled me. It costs a lot more money, but here's the biggest difference. What magazine can you think of that makes a living off of the magazine owner selling their wares? No, they don't. They make their living off it off you're advertising, this is different. I'm not a publisher. I'm not a big magazine company. I was the advertiser for decades. And the story is that I'm the first advertiser. I'm the first, because my interest in putting this out is to send my brochure to a quality distribution, and I make my living off of the sales that I get from the brochure, not the sales of everybody else giving me ad money. That's not my objective. Who is the target market for the Oak Video Brochure Book? The target market is a decision maker in a targeted area, delivered by either Canada Post, address mail, directly addressed to the business owner, or to an area by postal zone. How is it shared? Well, this is designed, it has a digital format to it.
How was it printed? This is printed on a web press in a major printing company. All magazines are printed this way. If you're doing a sheet fed or a little flyer run, that's a very expensive way to print. But if you're doing on a web press, this is done. Now there's a new method just came out, it's called digital printing. You get a full color, full gloss magazine format. It's not a magazine, but it looks like a magazine and it is print digitally. You can have one copy or a thousand copies, over a thousand you might as well go web press, because then it's cheaper.
There is the paper magazine, and then there's the digital magazine. And the digital video brochure book is built in issue. All major magazines are in issue, Oprah and all those major names. And it can easily be shared by email, by posting on Facebook, by posting on Instagram. It is easily shared. But I also embed it into a special app. And the reason that is called Oak is because Oak.Tell is the special app that I built, that people would download. “ They see it once, say "Oh, that's useful"
and they look at it and they say, "Oh", and they simply add to their home screen.” They do not have to download it. But what it does is daily answers to a hundred different questions are there in this simple app. So things like, what's the gas price near me, what's the transit alerts. We're going through this crisis now, and there's so many alerts that they need.
How's it distributed? I'm a very, very big fan of quality distribution. All areas and target markets are researched and delivered by Canada post. I don't believe in
We've got a simple web link express that goes to there. Instant market updates for the markets. What's near you by the GPS of your phone. How do you click conversions of dollar. Instant concierge info. Take out food near me.
Da (Doug) Anderson How the Oak Video Brochure Book Works Innovations to Improve Effectiveness with Darrell Backen
By Darrell Backen
These are all things that are relevant today, next year and 10 years from now, and they change constantly. Because all of the information is supplied by Google. All I do is provide a link to the Google system. That's it. Now, how an effective referral tool? I've been networking for decades, and there's people that I've know, for 10 years. But if I was going to refer them, I don't necessarily have all their information, that I could meet somebody and say, I know somebody who does that. I can't refer them because there's not a system built for it. So this was one of the major things I wanted to do is have a referral to that if I want to refer to somebody that I know their name, their address, what they do, and a link to them is all in this system. The best thing you can get, we all know that advertising is not how we make our living.
Now, most people don't go through every hidden page of your website. We know that, but with the magazine format, the brochure format, they can find all the information they need to make a well informed decision. And I embed videos in it. I take the information from your website and create a show-and-tell video that shows pictures and actions from the information from your website. I've done this over and over again. It's very effective. We are in a high ESL, English as second language, population. People are trained for watch TV, and they're trained to talk to people. That's how we do it. Reading is the least effective way of communicating with people, because they don't read that well, some people are dyslexic, but they watch videos. It is what they're trained to do from a little kid. They sit there and watch TV.
“We make it by referrals. But we've never
put the time and effort into building a quality effective referral system, and that's what this is.” People say, well, my website has all the information that they need for customer make a decision. Well, that's true. However, how do they find it? Most companies do not have a highly effective means of finding it. They spend thousands of dollars on SEO on this. They still don't get it. There are different ways that is part of the system as well. “Tribe Effect... Try it with Friends Share Together Mutual Benefit Marketing” Even if they do find your website, most people don't go through every hidden, little something in your website to find all the information. This is why I take the information of your website and I convert it into a brochure format. “People have hundreds of years of
experience of flipping through magazines. They look at titles, they look at pictures. ”
That's what grabs their attention. You can flip through an entire website full of information in a few seconds, find what you want, click on it and get there with this system. They'll never even get to your website, most likely, because there's so much. People just don't search effectively.
Press Link☝To See Live The original digital brochure was built in 2009. That's when I developed it there. It is still placing on page one of Google in 2009, 2010, 2011. They're still at the front page of Google because of the SEO I built into them, and they are logo branded videos. They have billboard branded videos. They have so much information that when people ask a question to Google, the video pops up with the logo brand or a logo branding, and it's there. People can see and it's quick and easy. I also build it, most people don't do this. I build it so that the phone number is part of the text. They don't have to even open the video to phone you. People don't want to work to find the information they want. They see what they want and the phone number's there, click they can call it.
How the Oak Video Brochure Book Works Da (Doug) Anderson Innovations to Improve Effectiveness with Darrell Backen By Darrell Backen
Now the logo branded video with SEO built into, is something I developed around the year 2009. It's a proven 10 year system. I will provide a lot of live links today, that was developed 10 years ago. It's still effective. Now why YouTube? YouTube was bought by Google from the three little young guys that developed it for an incredible amount of money. Google is the number one source. YouTube, most people don't realize this, but you can build SEO into YouTube, so that it shows up and it is featured on the first page of Google. Most people don't realize this. This is the most effective means and if you're looking at a full page of text, and you've got a video on there that basically has a logo branded, or a billboard branded video on there, you've got the dominant feature on Google. Now that's what I developed 10 years ago. Now, I've also gone through all the investment into a full studio production system with Tascam, and all kinds of cameras and stuff like that. The most effective system that I use, is doing the interviews on the telephone with the owners of the company. Because a simple system when we are on the telephone, there is no site noise, and there is no distractions. And people are absolutely natural, when they're talking on the phone. People will not go, and think about things they're talking. People grow up talking naturally on the telephone. If you get into a room and you put a camera on them, they'll freeze like deer and the headlights. I know myself, I hate being on camera. Most people do. Except people who are actors, and stuff there, but most people don't like it. It's not something that we're natural. Now, the system that I've done is building a multimedia, multi-platform, multi market results. Once I built the whole thing and the print is part of it, and then the digital component is built into it. And it reaches all this multimedia markets, multi platforms, and multi markets. It has been a whole development. “Now, this isn't over the last couple of months because of the pandemic. I've been developing this for 10 years for the digital, and the magazines since 1983 ”
I did my original production and again, I was the advertiser. I ran the company that I had to do coupons, I had to do ads in newspapers. I had to do all these other things, and I was doing flyers.
“I asked my ad rep, "This isn't really working?" He says ' Well advertising is accumulative". Well so is your ad bill. "It isn't working, what's going on? ” And that's when I learned I was doing the flyers. I wanted to go into, because I had a business that needed full color. I asked the printer. "Can I go to a three color?" "Well, if you're going three color, you might as well go to four color". You might as well print a magazine as one account for a magazine. That was the day I learned that a magazine is printed over on web press. It is a major production. All major magazines are printed on web press and they're cheaper than printing a full color sheet, than flyer. You can print thousands of copies. They've run a couple thousand just to adjust the press. “It was a game changer for me, because
then I now figured out, I wanted to have somebody to share the flyer with me. ” Now I could go and so what I did is, I could put together all in one. I put together, I phoned them up the business owners and said, I'm going to put together a direct mail campaign and it's going to go to the upper income homes of Edmonton. That was my market. That's your
market. So we share the same market. We might as well share the price and we are going to take everybody's full color, fly out, put it all in one catalog. What's it going to be called? All on one catalog. The name just came out. That section, that second it was called all in one catalog. Simple it worked. Very good. Went there, printed it. The first one went to go to Canada post and they said, "Well, where's
Da (Doug) Anderson How the Oak Video Brochure Book Works Innovations to Improve Effectiveness with Darrell Backen
By Darrell Backen
your catalog numbers?" Oh, I don't have one. "Well, you can't put it out unless it's got a catalog number". Oh, okay. There you go. I've got all these tens of thousands of catalogs that are not deliverable by Canada post. So what do I do then? I says, well, I sent it out by private carrier and it ended up being better than Canada post anyhow. At one third, the price and what I did because I was going to households. It is different if you're going to businesses, but for households, this was very effective. Then I went, I was up late at night, like one in the morning, looking at the figure, how am I going to do this? I want to do this again, my next print. How do I send this out now? It's not a catalog. I saw Travel and Leisure and Homes and Gardens, side by side at the magazine stands. I thought it's okay. I want to be Home and Leisure. That's what my market is, homes and leisure and that's how home and leisure magazine came up. Late at night, looking at the magazine rack and going Homes and Garden, Travel
magazine, but I couldn't afford it. Ten thousand bucks for a full page. I couldn't do that. The cost of a magazine, the paper is not that much. The distribution is a lot, but it's not that much. 70 to 80% of the cost is because the overhead. People to sell you, write stories for you, collect your money, go into collections and overhead and big buildings. I had none of that, so I could bring the cost down and that is what I did for years. The number one thing that was there, I was not a magazine making money off of the advertisers. I was one of the advertisers. Huge different thing because things that I learned to in advertising too, is that percentage. Percentages mean nothing and I used to tell people that and said, "are you selling pianos, pizzas? You are selling a thousand dollar piano or $10 pizza. It's a big difference in production in percentages. The percentage of the only thing that mattered to me was, if I put a thousand into advertising; how much return on investment do I get? And that is what I learned, is that return on investment is the only universal measurement. That is it. There are other things that happen, lifetime value of a customer, but in the meantime, you got to pay the bills. There are lots of benefits later down the road but you got to have something that pays for itself right away. So, that is what I did. It has worked very well on this latest version, the digital, the issue and the app. They are all the latest development of 40 years of development.
and Leisure, combine the two words. And that's why we have Home and Leisure magazine. That was back in the eighties.
So this is the concept, is that everything in most people's lives, when they think about it. There is little y's in the road that they come to and that was one of mine. The biggest thing I learned, when I figured out that traditional magazines, because I wanted to go into it, the big name
Da (Doug) Anderson How the Oak Video Brochure Book Works Innovations to Improve Effectiveness with Darrell Backen
By Darrell Backen
Da (Doug) Anderson with Darrell Backen
http:// www.homeandleisuremagazine.com/ innovations http:// www.homeandleisuremagazine.com/ advertisers
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Da (Doug) Anderson How the Oak Video Brochure Book Works Innovations to Improve Effectiveness with Darrell Backen
By Darrell Backen
Da (Doug) Anderson with Darrell Backen
ABOUT DA Doug (DA) Anderson has created a Management Training Program used by over 300 businesses in the past 15 years. The program objective is to increase the business and management job skills of the business owner and their staff. The program comes from the experience of attending 25 years of sales training programs from IBM, Apple, Mitsubishi and over 100 other management-training sessions. The trainers were Tom Hopkins, Steven Covey, Brian Tracy and other leaders of the business training community. In addition to 30 years of business management experience, DA has also trained business owners through volunteer work with the Canadian Youth Business Foundation (7 yrs), SUCCESS (5 yrs) and YMCA Entrepreneur Program (2 yrs) showing a big dedication to helping entrepreneurs succeed.
I help people build their own "field of dreams" and achieve their goals
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Da (Doug) Anderson with Darrell Backen
The TOP 5 biggest problems facing business owners and sales managers are: 1. 2.
your sales process could be improved (profit focus and sales pipeline) “people effectiveness” (have you the right people in the right roles?)
time management and prioritization (improve your ‘juggling’ quality)
decision making and goal setting (they need to be written down)
putting the right systems in place to improve (by documenting repetitive tasks)
We have world-class assessment systems to help identify potential problems in hiring and staffing. We use world-class materials to help implement change and develop internal systems. Then we offer ongoing mentoring to ensure new plans are implemented and followed through for as long as it takes to reach success. I help people build their own "field of dreams" and achieve their goals. Strategize. Organize. Globalize. Vancouver Business Trainer Doug (DA) Anderson
At DA top Talent, we help you with these problems with our comprehensive business coaching service for those who want more out of life, or for those who’ve hit a ‘glass ceiling’ in their business.
DA Top Talent 604.738.4786 604-897-6152 Cell datoptalent@gmail.com Use My App http://d1.tel/
Da (Doug) Anderson with Darrell Backen
Press Link�To Listen Darrell Backen: Hi DA. Thanks for meeting with me today on the phone and I've got a few questions about your business. Excellent. Now what is a business mentor? DA (Doug)Anderson: A mentor is you want to invest their time and effort into their mentorship duties and they truly want to help a mentee grow in their personal and professional life. The best mentors teach mentees their insight, draw from their experiences, and provide once in a lifetime education.
Well, excellent. What, talk a, what topics do you discuss when you need DA (Doug)Anderson: the common topics? Mentees asked me to work on include their communication skills, their leadership skills, networking tips, uh, work life balance, learning and teaching and developing their organizational culture purposefully and also for higher end management skills. Oh, great. Darrell Backen: Uh, could you please break down a few of these topics and provide details. For instance, leadership
DA (Doug)Anderson: for leadership. For entrepreneurs, it's critical to understand their mission, their vision, and the Darrell Backen: values that they want to have both for themselves, Oh, that sounds great. Why do you do what you do? their actions, their decision making, their employees, their suppliers and their customers. And good businesses have defined values in the DA (Doug)Anderson: area of management. For example, who is going to My mission is to help entrepreneurs succeed by be on the organizational chart? So three years from helping the little guy. It's something I love doing. now, what's the plan? Who will you have on your Getting the underdog to overachieve is extremely board of advisors? The third pillar is operations. All satisfying in business and sports and in life. And good companies have systems and processes. What I've adjusted my mentoring so that we can meet should yours be? Great companies or banks and virtually. I've had clients overseas and all over credit unions have operations manuals with details North America, so helping people outside of about every transaction, but a lot of small Vancouver is not an issue. businesses don't even have a one or two page guide so that the owner can transfer and delegate duties better. A fourth pillar, Darrel is finance and do you Darrell Backen: Oh, excellent. What does working on your business really understand your books, your cashflow? Are you getting the right information on a timely basis? mean to you? Uh, the last two pillars of every great business is lead generation and this is where we need to reach DA (Doug)Anderson: and communicate with all customers and also find out what the businesses 90 day marketing plan is. This is a phrase I learned from my mentor. His And the last pillar for us is with lead conversion. name was Michael Gerber, and he was the author of the key method with this. Is it a book that I ask And when we take our clients and turn them into a raving testimonials, we know we've done a good all my clients to read? And when we're talking job. about working on the business, we want to make sure that we're taking a good overview of objectively, rationally, non emotionally about the Darrell Backen: business, its parameters, its success, it's a potential and really examining the business from a Excellent. What qualities should a good mentor possess? number of different pillars. Darrell Backen:
DA (Doug)Anderson:
Da (Doug) Anderson with Darrell Backen
I think a willingness to share skills, knowledge and expertise. Definitely if they were a nurturer, somebody who truly got satisfaction from helping others, that would be another great quality to have. I think for me it's important to demonstrate a positive attitude and that as a positive role model in decisions and voluntary work in the community and parenting and also upsell relations or partner relations, all important about the life balance. The last couple of qualities that should be mentioned is if someone who also takes an interest in the mentoring relationship and goes beyond an hour by hour basis to really look out for information, research and tips, somebody who exhibits enthusiasm in the field and in the industry, and lastly they have the values of ongoing learning and growth and that makes a good mentor. I truly believe that everybody should learn something new every day. Darrell Backen: Excellent. Who else would you recommend that I connect with? DA (Doug)Anderson: Feel free to contact any of the da top talent clients over the last 30 years. Most of all know me by da. It's my nickname from university of Victoria. Some might know me as Doug Anderson, but I've helped small businesses for many years. Prior to starting DEA top talent. 20 years ago I spent time with both Apple and Mitsubishi working with their dealers, helping their small businesses grow. The question too of who else you could recommend that connection with. I think Darrell, this question is probably best served for a later meeting when there's trust, the two parties. I know I can exponentially expand somebody's network, but I really want to make sure I'm doing it for the benefit of both parties and not just exchanging business cards in a mass gathering. I like being very purposeful with my connections Darrell Backen: That I, I agree with it too. DA (Doug)Anderson: Okay. Darrell Backen:
Well thank you for meeting with me today and, um, I look forward to meeting with you again. DA (Doug)Anderson: All the best and I really appreciate the time and effort you've spent and giving me a listen. Thank you.
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Da (Doug) Anderson with Darrell Backen
http:// www.homeandleisuremagazine.com/ innovations http:// www.homeandleisuremagazine.com/ advertisers
Da (Doug) Anderson How the Oak Video Brochure Book Works Innovations to Improve Effectiveness with Darrell Backen
By Darrell Backen
Darrell Backen Digital Marketing
Darrell Backen experienced in FM Radio, Narration and Voice Over
Darrell Backen has decades of experience in narration video and audio production. He has his own Tascam Porta studio and uses a variety of interview methods that can be done over the phone l
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DARRELL BACKEN Google recognizes Darrell Backen As An Author for Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing Innovations: New Concepts In Digital Marketing 5.5" x 8.5” 800 pages Innovations In Marketing: Lessons From My 50 Year Career In Marketing 5.5" x 8.5" 804 pages Mobile Marketing App: Cost Effective Mobile Marketing App Solution
https://bit.ly/2OShxLz Press Link☝To See Live
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5.5" x 8.5" 456 pages
How the Oak Video Brochure Book Works Innovations to Improve Effectiveness By Darrell Backen
How the Oak Video Brochure Book Works Innovations to Improve Effectiveness By Darrell Backen
How the Oak Video Brochure Book Works Innovations to Improve Effectiveness By Darrell Backen
How the Oak Video Brochure Book Works Innovations to Improve Effectiveness By Darrell Backen
How the Oak Video Brochure Book Works Innovations to Improve Effectiveness By Darrell Backen
How the Oak Video Brochure Book Works Innovations to Improve Effectiveness By Darrell Backen
How the Oak Video Brochure Book Works Innovations to Improve Effectiveness By Darrell Backen
How the Oak Video Brochure Book Works Innovations to Improve Effectiveness By Darrell Backen