Presentation app

Page 1 All The Information To Make A Well-Informed Decision Print+Digital+Video+App Targeting The Decision Makers Of The Nanaimo Regional District The First Publication To Merge Print With The Digital To Provide A Multimedia Presentation “Tell Your Whole Story To The Decision Maker So They Can Make A Well-Informed Decision” The Presentation System Answers The 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions This Full-Page Article As A Result Of The Six Minute Telephone Interview Answering Questions That People Wanted To Know 1st Publication to be instantly converted to “app to go� No download just add to home screen

The app has the presentation publication inside it as well as links to every advertisers app and the video

Simple click enables reader to hear the whole interview

AIDA A…headlines attract the readers eye I…Column builds interest D…reader now desires product A…simple click for app call, email and website

37 minute interview develops into 3 full pages

Have enough pages to tell your whole story

social media marketing The presentation system works on social media Facebook twitter LinkedIn all get posts with one click

social media marketing The presentation social media system enables personal introduction to tens of thousands of people by the related sharing.

social media marketing The presentation social media system See how fast it spreads If you have 10 friends or employees posting with one click it goes to their individual social media network It now becomes viral as it is picking up momentum as more people share it

social media marketing The presentation is listed on issuu we're all major magazines are listed such as Martha Stewart Living, Oprah, Time The presentation is now digital so let when people look at it they can click on one of the things that interest them and it takes him directly to that page, video or app The webpage now becomes the presentation publication read by print, shared by social

The major sections of the website convert into a four page tabloid spread. People are used to scanning newspapers looking for titles subtitles and photos that capture their interest

Ideas over lunch targets a huge target market over 300,000 employees

Target market is the industrial parks of Nanaimo Regional District

OverLunch A pullout section is called over lunch, simply to be read over lunch. The Nanaimo regional district has approximately 117,000 employees As we grow a full color full gloss magazine will be distributed with the presentation publication. It is designed to stay in the lunchroom waiting room or doctors office

ideas Targeting The Employees Of The Nanaimo Regional District Industrial Parks Over Lunch In The Company Lunchroom There Are Over 100,000 Employees Within A Half Hour Of Nanaimo

We Do Not Target Homes It Would Require Over 100,000 Homes To Reach The Same Readership

ideas...A Welcome Addition To Lunch


1st Publication to be instantly converted to “app to go” No download just add to home screen

Nanaimo info app

ideas digital magazine is inside App App supplies instant answers to if you'll catch the next ferry, 14 day weather, where's the nearest ATM near me, what fast food and coffee are near me, what bus stops are near me, what medical clinics are near me, what banks are near me. What are instant conversions for dollar and metric.

The digital magazine can link to all info Social media videos websites news stories phone text and email

The digital magazine can link to up to 50 pages of full color profile info on a person.They instantly learn all about you.

The digital magazine can link to up to 50 pages of full color profile info on a person.They instantly learn all about you.

Ideas over lunch targets a huge target market

Target market is the industrial parks of Nanaimo regional district

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