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Eliminate 2nd Hand Smoke Odors In recent years there is no doubt that second smoke is becoming an issue with non smokers (family, friends and co-workers). And yes they are becoming very vocal about our "bad habit" ! We at Aromask have received many, many testimonials over the years from customers using
Aromask products to help eliminate the smell of "second hand smoke" (especially cannabis) from their clothing, homes and automobiles.
Metus dapibus massa maecenas Hasellus hendrerit volutpat mauris. Donec lectus felis, molestie quis, suscipit vel, elementum a, massa. Nam wisi. Sed odio. Mauris at neque eu sem pellentesque rutrum. Cras imperdiet. Morbi sed sapien at arcu suscipit Praesent dignissim.
Proin tortor ligula, tincidunt nonummy, interdum sit amet, dignissim sit amet, sem. Etiam imperdiet, augue at eleifend lacinia, quam nisl dictum. Quisque imperdiet leo mauris imperdiet enim.
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Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates.
Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates.
Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates.
Locusque et sentiens ei ac siquidem to. Istiusmodi ea ut voluntates.
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Dapibus neque lacus Vestibulum vel, massa. Quisque imperdiet leo a enim pellentesque sem. Hasellus hendrerit volutpat mauris. Donec lectus felis, molestie quis, suscipit vel, elementum a, massa. Nam wisi. Sed odio. Mauris at neque eu sem Zed Sapien Aliquam justo nisl, iaculis non, faucibus non, vestibulum vel, massa. Quisque imperdiet leo a enim. Pellentesque sem. Hasellus hendrerit volutpat mauris. Donec lectus felis, molestie quis, suscipit vel, elementum a, massa. Nam wisi. Sed odio. Mauris at neque eu sem pellentesque rutrum. Cras imperdiet. Morbi sed sapien at arcu suscipit Praesent dignissim. Proin tortor ligula, tincidunt nonummy, interdum sit amet, dignissim sit amet, sem. Etiam imperdiet, augue at eleifend lacinia, quam nisl dictum sem, in vehicula velit Nulla dolor pede, eleifend posuere, condimentum commodo, nonummy a, est mauris at erat. Maecenas sit amet nulla id tellus fringilla.
Massa Vitae Nulla dolor pede, eleifend posuere, condimentum commodo, nonummy a, est. Mauris at erat. Maecenas sit amet nulla id tellus fringilla aliquamnteger interdum venenatis nulla. Proin vel massa vitae velit blandit lobortis. Maecenas sit amet nulla id tellus fringilla aliquamnteger interdum venenatis nulla. Proin vel massa vitae velit blandit lobortis. Aliquam justo nisl, iaculis non, faucibus non, vestibulum vel, massa. Morbi sed sapien at arcu suscipit. Quisque imperdiet leo a enim. Pellentesque sem. Hasellus hendrerit volutpat mauris. Donec lectus felis, molestie quis, suscipit vel, elementum a, massa. Nam wisi. Sed odio. Consectetuer pellentesque vel neque molestie, ornare ultricies.
Don Lectus Aliquam justo nisl, iaculis non, faucibus non, vestibulum vel, massa. Quisque imperdiet leo a enim. Pellentesque sem. Hasellus hendrerit volutpat mauris. Donec lectus felis, molestie quis, suscipit vel, elementum a, massa. Nam wisi. Sed odio. Mauris at neque eu sem pellentesque rutrum. Cras imperdiet. Morbi sed sapien at arcu suscipit Praesent dignissim. Proin a ligula, tincidunt nonummy, interdum sit amet, dignissim sit amet, sem. Etiam imperdiet, augue at eleifend lacinia, quam nisl dictum sem, in vehicula velit Nulla
PON ODIOQUE: CIVIUDA ET TAM Praesent aliquet, risus id vestibulum inter dum, libero elit tempus dolor, nec lacinia dui urna at lorem. Maecenas libero justo, vesti bulum ut, sit amet, vulputate eu, est. tincidunt quis, enim. Econsequat nisl, ac rhonctiam nonummy. Mauris at enim. In laoreet, quam eu imperdiet lobortis, mi wisi consequat nisl, ac rhoncus odio enim eu risus. Suspe ndisse feugt pharetra nisl. Nulla ante eros, fermentum amet, lacus. Aenean feugiat. consequat nisl, ac rhoncus odio enim eu risus. Suspe ndisse feugt pharetra nisl. Nulla ante eros, fermentum amet. Magna Aliqua
Vivamus nec nunc
Nunc ut lectus Have you ever had a listing or rental property that shows well but smells, often reducing the selling price? Have you ever asked your client to boil cloves or vanilla beans on the stove prior to an open house? There is no subtle way to tell a seller that their home has an odor problem! Aromask products are widely used by real estate and property management companies to
ELIMINATE offensive organic odors such as; cooking smells, cigarette/cigar smoke, mildew, pet odors and other offensive odors. replacing them with a subtle fresh scent, which dissipates as the smell is eliminated. Recently, in Tacoma, Washington, a real estate agent was experiencing a $5,000 spread between the buyer and the seller, all of which was due to 15 years of heavy smoking in the house. The
PON ODIOQUE: CIVIUDA ET TAM Praesent aliquet, risus id vestibulum inter dum, libero elit tempus dolor, nec lacinia dui urna at lorem. Maecenas libero justo, vesti bulum ut, sit amet, vulputate eu, est. tincidunt quis, enim. Etiam nonummy. Mauris at enim. In laoreet, quam eu imperdiet lobortis, mi wisi consequat nisl, ac rhoncus odio enim eu risus. Suspe ndisse feugt pharetra nisl. Nulla ante eros, fermentum amet, lacus. Aenean feugiat. Maecenas nonummy turpis ut nibh. Magna Aliqua
Infrastructure Concerns? Looking to join the ever-growing number of businesses using a cutting edge VoIP phone system, but concerned your infrastructure isn’t ready? No need to hesitate with that decision any longer. Ensuring your internet connection and network infrastructure can handle VoIP is relatively easy (unless you’ve got a large complex network). Let’s take a look at a few things you should know: Available bandwidth – Chances are you already most likely have a strong and reliable internet connection in the office (or else you wouldn’t be reading this). However, a lack of necessary bandwidth to properly transport your VoIP calls has crippled more than a few deployments. This is because many fail to realize that VoIP calls are made up of data packets
and fail to increase their available bandwidth before utilizing VoIP. Prior to making the switch to VoIP, you should calculate the total bandwidth needed to send and receive your calls. You can do this by multiplying the number of anticipated simultaneous calls multiplied by the packet size of the voice codec you will be using (like G.722 or G. 729). There are some great bandwidth calculators online that can help you with this. Ensuring and Managing Quality of Service (QoS) – All voice calls are sensitive to interference and since most VoIP calls will be sharing bandwidth with the rest of your data, you may want to prioritize or even segment your voice traffic. Doing this enables you to avoid the following issues which result in poor calling experiences: Latency: Delay of packet delivery Jitter: Variations in delay of packet delivery
Packet Loss: Too much traffic in the network cause the network to drop packets Burstiness of Loss and Jitter: Loss and discards (due to jitter) tend to occur in bursts Once you’ve taken a look at each of these items in relation to your current internet connection and network infrastructure, you should be in a good position to move on to the next steps. This includes: Increasing bandwidth Replacing or expand your existing network infrastructure When it comes to the second item, your networking infrastructure, it is important to know that the switches and routers of today are for more advanced than the ones you may be running. Today’s networking equipment come with features that allow the shaping of traffic and tools to ensure QoS. They’re also nowhere near as expensive as you might think, so if it’s been a while since you’ve upgraded your
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