Contents 10
,dxlSh wYaj rcoyk
Create a Religion
Go 3D with Savoy
w多;a rEmjdyskshla
f,vla ke;s f.hla
,is;af.a kjd;ek
,kafoa uOqiuh
Event of the Month
It's my life
Tropical lounge
Interior thinking
12 80
2012 November
Editor M.Dissanayaka Writers Kasun Prabash Niroshan premarathna Sanuja Nadeeshani Nalaka Ekanayaka Rafidh Rifaadh Head of Layout B.K. senadeera Layout Designer Sameera Asiri Contributing Photographers Chandana Janaka Prabath Chaturanga Sales Marketing Manager Suranjan Kodikara IT and online Manager Nilantha wijesekara Promotion Manager Dinusha Gunarathne Circulation Manager Sujeewa Bandara
Publisher Flash Art NA 23/193 A, Dharmapala Place, Thalawatugoda, Sri lanka. General (+94) 112775266 Advertising (+94) 777580736 Email 10
2012 November
,dxlSh wYaj rcoyk
ksfla;ks nKavdr
m%Nd;a p;=rx.
,xldjg Tífnka msysá kuq;a'' ,xld rchg wh;a ¥m;a iuQyh w;ßka fv,a*aÜ ¥m;g ysñjkafka úfYaI' ia:dkhls' b;d úYd, N+ñ m%udKhla i;= fv,a*aÜ ¥mf;a fm!rdKsl jákdlulska hq;= ia:dk rdYshla ±l.; yelsfjhs' foaYsh wYaj ¥m; f,i úfYaI wjOdkhg md;% jk fv,a*aÜ ¥mf;a ck.ykh mqoa.,hska yhoyila muK fõ' mjq,a fofoyia mkaishhlf.a tl;=fjka ieÿï,;a fï msßi i|yd mdi,a folla" ;eme,a ld¾hd,hla" jrdhla" fmd,sia ia:dkhla fjku m%dfoaYsh iNdjla" fldaú,a lsysmhla" LKsc f;,a fnodyßk ia:dkhla msysgqjd ;sfí' ta yereKq l, fm!oa.,sl fukau rdcH fndaÜgq iy keõ fiajdjlao fudjqka i|yd fjkaj we;af;a ,xldoaùmh iu. in|;d ;nd .ekSu i|ydh' hdmkh k.rh fudjqka i|yd we;s wdikak;u úYd, k.rhhs' fulS iQkaor ¥m;g fv,a*aÜ hk kduh fukau zfkvqka;SjqZ hk kduho Ndú;d fõ' fuu ¥mf;a we;s fm!rdKsl ia:dk fukau iQkaor;ajh ksid;a ixpdrlhkaf.a wdl¾Ykhg md;% ùug fv,a*aÜ ¥m;g yelshdj ,eî we;' 12
2012 November
le,e wYajhka fv,a*aÜ ¥mf;a wdld¾YKshu wx.h fuu le,E wYajhkah' ,kafoaiSka úiska wYajhka fnda lrk uOHia:dkhla jQ fuu ¥m; ,kafoaiSkaf.ka miqj wyajhka ks±,af,a .ejfik ;ekg m;aj úh' ,kafoaiSkaf.a md,kh wjika ùu;a iu. w;yer oukq ,ÿj le,E jeÈ wYajhska fufia wog;a mrïmrd.;j ìysfjk nj lshefõ' miqld,Skj Wiska wvqj ìysjq neúka fndfyda fokd fuu wyajhka zfmdakshkaZ f,i yÿkajhs' ysre ke.Su;a iu.u ;K msá lrd tk wYajhka iq,n oiqkls' 2012 November
wYaj .d,
,sh,k .,
,kafoaiS n,fldgqj
¥mf;a tydfuyd .uka lsÍu
fmdf<dfõ isg wä myla
ysß.,a iy nodu Ndú;fhka ksujd we;s
i|yd mD;=.siSka úiska fv,a*aÜ
muK Wilska msysgd we;s
fuu n,fldgqj uy,a follska hqla; fõ'
¥m;g wYajhka f.keú;a we;'
,shk., ., áflka ál
ldur mylska hq;= my; ud,fha lsisÿ jd
kuq;a'' ,kafoaiSka úiska fuu ¥m;
jefvk njg ¥m;a jdiS
ljq`Mjlska f;drj fuu ldur my b|sj
wyajhka fnda lr keõ j,g úl=Kk
yQ úYajdi lr;s' ¥mf;a
we;' ysrlrejka iy fjä fnfy;a .nvd
ia:dkhla jYfhka Ndú;d lr we;s
n,h fuu mdIdKh
fldg ;eîu i|yd fuu ldur Ndú; fldg
w;r È.ska óg¾ 100la muK jk
u; /£ we;ehs úYajdi
we;' úYd, m%udKhg jdljq`M iys;jo
wo kgUqkaj we;s fuu wYaj .d,
lrk Tjqyq tu ksid
ksujd we;s by< ud,h uqrl=á j,skao
fnda lrk wYajhka .nvd lrk
fuu ., foaj;ajfhka
iukaú;h' ±kg ¥mf;a we;s rcfha frday,
ia:dkhla f,i Ndú; fldg we;'
msgqmi fuu n,fldgqj msysgd ;sfí'
2012 November
2012 November
iqúYd, jDCIh
ffp;H kgUqka
¥mf;a fl<jr l÷.eghla uqÿfka fuu bmerKs ffp;Hfha kgUqka ±l.; yel' ¥mf;a msysá wfkla fndfyda f.dvke.s,s fukau fuu ffp;Hho lsß.,ska ksujd we;' ffp;Hh jgd ;j;a l=vd ffp;Hh y;rl kgUqka fõ' ix>ñ;a;d f;rKska jykafia oUfld< mgqkg jevu lrùug fmr fuu ia:dkfha .suka y, njg u;hla mj;sk w;r ta ksid fuu ia:dkfha ffp;Hhla bÈ jQ nj lshefõ' 16
2012 November
mfrú l+vqj ,kafoaiS n,fldgqj wdikakfha fuh msysgd we;' hdmkh fj; mKsúv heùug mqreÿ mqyqKq fldg ,kafoaiSs md,lhska úiska fhdodf.k ;snQ mfrúhka r|jd ;eîug fuh Ndú;d fldg ;sfí' iu p;=ri%dldr ljq`M 70la iys;j mfrúhkag ,e`.=ï .ekSug ilid we;' foÈYdjl ljq`M 15la ne.ska jk mßÈ fuu ljq`M 70 ieliS we;' mdofha .eg .eiQ mKsúvh ksYaÑ; ia:dkhg ndr§ kej; fuu ljq`Mj fj; meñKsug fuys isá mfrúhkag úfYaI mqyqKqjla ,nd § ;snqKs' 2012 November
óg wu;rj jir ish .Kkla merKs úYd, jg m%udKhlska hq;= .io fv,a*aÜ ¥m;gu wkkHjQjls' ëjr l¾udka;h m%Odk wdodhu fldg.;a oñ, ckhd Ôj;ajk fv,a*aÜ ¥m; bÈßfha§o ixpdrl l¾udka;h f;da;ekakla jk ,l==Kq ±l.; yelsh' 18
2012 November
Create a Religious Atmosphere at Home Advice - Pro Pathegama Gnanissara thero
Nalaka Ekanayaka
It is of paramount importance that a house in which one lives is kept in such a way that a religious atmosphere is created. The blissful eye of the gods and goddesses is cast upon a home in accordance with the conduct of its inhabitants. Gods are of two devisions; those who like the good deeds and conduct and those who like the ill. When there is a religious atmosphere at home, it is the well intentioned gods that are attracted to that place. They like the good deeds and as a result , the blessings of them fall upon the members of the house. To protect such a place, various help sources are supplied.Nevertheless it could vary in accordance with the behaviour of the dwellers in the house.The Gods accompanying the four gods (Sathara waram), who are in charge of the four directions , fullfill the needs of the humans who preserve the fiveprecepts (pansil).They are on watch especially on Poya Days for those.
2012 November
- The shrine room at home Almost in every house, there has been a shrine room for Buddha. It has been a long time tradition. It is important to have a shrine room either inside or outde the house. In past, in most houses, it was in front of the house outside to it. Today, the shrine room can be seen mostly inside the house. There is no harm in this. When placing the Buddha statue inside the house, most find it difficult in deciding to which side it should be placed. In placing the shrine room or the Buddha statue inside it, The directions north, north east and south west are more suitable and also there is no harm in placing the Buddha statue in what ever direction convenient. The most important thing is to keep the place in a sacred state contrary to an artistic object or place.
- Conducting religious observances. It is essential to conduct religious observances towards the Buddha statue at home. Performing this at an exact particular time leads to the well functioning of the normal household duties too. It is very important if all the members can engage in religious observances together. If there are children engaged in education, it is important for them to engage in religious observances prior to their educational works. It is important to perform these religious duties in a particular systematic manner.In occasions where food and water is offered as the alms to Buddha, there is no rule that says it must be conducted on a daily basis. If there are to be any specialities in the alms offering, it is better to plan it in accordance with the average household duties. As well as offering alms, it is important to tidy the place before and afterwards.If there are several members in the house, it is important to conduct the ritual of lightening the oil lamp for Buddha in such a manner that everone shares the act each day. The amount of time spent on religious duties each day could be based on the convenience of the members in the house.
- Is it suitable to chanting Pirith at home? It is more suitable for the members of the house to go near the shrine room in order to chant Pirith. It is a good practice to chant any Pirith Suthra which one
2012 November
prefers in the Pirith Book with correct articulation. In occasions where Pirith is broadcast or telecast either on radio or television, it is appropriate to let these at home but what is more suitable is to chant them by one self rather than mere listening.Time for chanting of Pirith too can be allocated in accordance with the daily duties at home so that there could be no disturbance for the average household works. Bad conducts such as smoking, using liquor or other harmful drugs at home is unsuitable and it could attract various unseen evil forces outside into home and this will ultimatetly cause the illbeing of the dwellers of the particular house.Since a house is not a temple, it is the duty of the members to conduct the other household chores separatedly and away from the place of worship. Is it appropriate to invoke merits on the Gods and dead relatives, being at home? Having done the religious observances being at home, invoking merits on the gods and dead relatives should be performed. Unaware of the facts in Dhamma, some consider this inappropriate. By invoking merits on those who expect them, one can expect progress in his or her life. When it is not done, it leads to the deterioration. In most occasions, the gods who have a liking for a house premise live with the expectation of merits from its dwellers.So are the dead relatives.In invoking merits, what is more important is
2012 November
the meaningful conduct of one’s self. No gods or any dead relative have a liking for acceptance of merits from a person who behaves himself into bad conducts and ill behaviour patterns.
- Conduct near the Buddha statue There is a difference between a temple and a house owing to the fact that a house is unlike a temple. But behaving near the Buddha Statue at home with true respect causes the life progress of its inhabitants. It is not suitable to express one’ s hard emotions near the statue. There is no harm in laying or sitting by the statue in order for tranquility of mind. What Buddha preached is not on living in a trouble free world but on living in the world solving one’ s own problems, when and where it occurs, in a harmless manner to the society or the person. When a problem occurs and the mind becomes anxious, it is no harm in asking for help from the Lord Buddha. It is not misconduct to look at the Buddha Statue and ask “May you give a solution to this problem of mine”
2012 November
GO 3D with Savoy
In an era where the world cinema is attaining its peaks, it seems that the Sri Lankan cinema industry too is making efforts to move with the trend. Performance of Sri Lankan stars as well as the creative products have immensly contributed towards this. At the same time, certain film theatres in Sri Lanka have been modernized to go parallel with the Hollywood cinema. The best example for this could be The Savoy Thetre in Wellawatta, which was declared open recently. Sanuja Nadeeshani
Mihira Bandara
2012 November
The hall is equipped with 3D technology. Here, the spectators get the opportunity of watching a film with maximum entertainment.It uses high tech 4k projectors compatible with 3D technology.This is truly a novel experience for the Sri Lankan film fans as they had been so far enjoying â&#x20AC;&#x153;the sellolide illusionâ&#x20AC;? only with2k projectors.They now have got the opportunity of experiencing crystal clear superb scenes from these 4k projectors. This makes the film very much similar to the live experience.Compared to the HD technology , this moves beyond that because it gives the spectators a whole new entertaining experience many times superior in qualitywise. The Savoy theatre which itself is a massive creation belongs to the EAP Film Company and for the erection and smooth operation of it , the company has spent Sri Lankan rupees 100 millions, a massive investment in deed.Giving the spectators a live and vivid experience and entertaining them to the fullest of 3D experience, the Savoy 3D Theatre has now been able to become the Superb film theatre in the Asian region as well as in Sri Lanka.Its silver screen is unique and no any silver screen so far used in Sri Lankan film theatres or being used now can match its performance. You can obtain many of the super class services from Savoy 3D film theatre. The service has been categorized in several classes and The Gold Class Service has the highest value.The tickets here are Rs. 650 each and you will get the opportunity of watching the film being in an
Operation Director Mr. jayarathna Galagedara
2012 November
extra comfortable seat in the upper floor. The ground floor or the ODC ticket here is sold at a price of Rs. 400. For the first time in Sri Lanka , you can reserve the tickets here online and through this , you can also have a look at your seat and its position even before you enter the cinema. The first 3D release in the film hall was the Ice Age â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4, which is the fourth of the series which ultimately won the hearts of millions of film fans all over the world. The Savoy 3D cinema has been able to earn a huge income via this venture. It has already been planned now to start screening in the Theatre Savoy the 3D movies produced in Hollywood as well as in Bollywood. This will give the Sri Lankan film fans a whole new world of 3D entertainment with much more entertaining experiences.
2012 November
w¨;a rEmjdyskshla .ekSug isf;hs kï''
ish,a, o;a rEmjdysksfha fkdo;a ;dlaIKh liqka m%NdIa
Èfkod Ôú;fha fndfyda fokdg ióm;u wx.hka ms<sn| l;dlrk úg rEmjdyskshg m%uqL;u ia:dkhla ysñjkafka ta ;rugu rEmjdysksh tÈfkod Ôú;fha ióm wx.hla ksidh' rEmjdysksh fl;rï Tng ióm jqj;a tys mj;sk ;dlaIKsl ldrKd ms<sn|j Tn fkdokakjd úh yel' ta fndfyda fofkl= fkdokakd ldrKh jkafka yßhdldrj ;ukag .e,fmk rEmjdyskshla f;dard .ekSuhs' tfiakï fï ,smsh ielfikafka rEmjdyskshla f;dard .ekSug iy ta ms<sn|j Wkkaÿjla olajk Tn fjkqfjks' rEmjdyskshla f;dard .ekSug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk Tn Bg m%:u my; lreKq ms<sn|j ie,ls<su;a ùu iy wjfndaOhla ,nd .ekSu jà' 01' jeh l< yels uqo, Tng jeh l< yels uqo, u; ish¨u foa r|d mj;S' remsh,a 30"000;a remsh,a 40"0000;a w;r fndfyda rEmjdyskS j, ñ, .Kka mj;sk w;r th my; lreKq u; fjkia fõ' 01' ;srfha m%udKh 02' úfYaIdx. 03' udÈ,sh ;;a;ajh rEmjdysks j¾.h
2012 November
03. LCD TV 04. LED TV 05. Plasma TV
jqj;a'' *a,eÜ mek, rEmjdyskshla f;dard .ekSug fhduqùfuka iïm%odhsl rEmjdyskshla fj; fhduqjkjdg jvd my;jdis Tn fj; w;alr fokq we; ' 01' wju n,Yla;s mßfNdackh' 02' b;d úYd," w,xldr yd Tnf.a wd,skaofhka wju bvla ,nd .ekSu' 03' weig wys;lr UV lsrK j,ska f;dr ùu' 04' kj;u ;dlaIKhka .%yKh lr .ekSug yelsùu'
nyq;rhla fuka Tno fï Èkj, isyska *a,eÜ mek, ^Flat Panel& rEmjdysks hka;%hla .ek isysk ujñka isákjd úh yel' flfia
fï wkqj ne,Sfï§ *a,eÜ mek, rEmjdysks hka;%hla ñ,§ .ekSug fhduqùu jvd jdisodhl fjhs' thg m%Odk;u fya;=j Tn jeämqr
02' fjf<| fmdf<a iq,Nj olakg we;af;a my; i|yka rEmjdysks j¾. fõ' 01. CRT (old fashioned) 02. Back Projection TV ^merKs jsYd, ;srhla iys; hka;%&
úhoï l, uqo, fndfyda ÿrg jir lsysmhlska n,Yla;sh f,i fyda b;sß fldg m%;s,dN ,nd .; yelsúuhss' ±kg f,dalfha jeämqr wf,ú jkafka LCD remjdysks fõ' fuu f.dkakgu LED yd Edge LED hk j¾. folu wh;a jk w;r tajd w;r mj;skafka iq`M fjkils' Tng i,ld ne,Sug b;sß jk wfkl=;a m%Odk;u úl,amh kï ma,diaud rEmjdyskshhs' iudk m%udKhkaf. ka hq;a hka;% yd iei§fï§ fïjd ñf,ka uola wvqjk kuqÿ b;d by< rEm ;;a;ajhka ^Picture Quality& mj;ajd .ekSug ma,diaud hka;% j,g yelshdjla we; ' fï ms<sn|j bÈßfha§ iúia;rd;aulj úia;r flf¾' LCD, LED iy Edge LED
fuu ish,af,au we;af;a LCD ^Liquid Crystal Display& ;dlaIKh jk w;r iqÿ wdf,dalh j¾K fmryka ;=<ska md,kh fldg heúfuka wod, j¾Kh
l=vd mslai,a u`.ska ks¾udKh lrhs' by; j¾. 3 fjkia jkqfha m%Odk jYfhkau fuu uq,sl iqÿ wdf,dalh m%Njfha ^Back Light& j¾.h yd th iúlr we;s wdldrh u`.sks' LCD j¾.fha§ fï i|yd CFL n,anhla Ndú;d jk w;r LED j¾.fha§ LED n,an rdYshla fï i|yd fhdod .efka' Edge LED j¾.fha§ fuu LED n,an ;srfha odrfha iúlr we;s w;r LED j¾.fha§ tajd fldgq oe,la fuka ;srh msgqmiska iú fõ' tu ksid Edge LED j¾.h jvd;au ;=kS remjdysks j¾.hhs' ;;a;ajh flfia fj;;a'' fuu Back Light tl ;srh iïmq¾Kfhkau w÷re wjia:djl jqjo ±,aú we;s neúka l=vd wdf,dal m%udKhla ;srfhka msg;g meñfKa' tu ksid fuu rEmjdysks j, ;o l`M meyeh tf,iskau Èia fkdfõ' Wmßu iqÿ iy l`M w;r fjki Contrast Ratio u`.ska m%ldY flf¾' fuu w.h by< ±óug ksIamdolhka úiska úúO jQ Wml%u Ndú; lrhs' úfYaIfhkau LED
rEmjdyskshla i;=j ;srfha w÷re m%foaY y÷kdf.k tu m%foaY j, muKla Back Light dim lsÍfï yelshjla mj;s' fuh Local Dimming kñka y÷kajk w;r b;d ;o l`M meyehka fï u`.ska b;d w,xldrj m%;s ks¾udKh lrkq ,nhs' óg wu;rj LED Back Light ys wdhq ld,h CFL j,g jvd jeäjk w;ru Yla;s mßfNdackfha§ wvqjla olakg ,efí'
ma,diaud rEmjdysksh ma,diaud rEmjdysksho *a,eÜ mek,a j¾.hfha jk w;r fuys ;dlaIKh LCD j,g jvd yd;amiskau fjkia fõ' fuys Back Light fkdmj;sk w;r l=vd mslai,a u`.ska iDcqju wod, RGB j¾K ixl,khla ksl=;a lrkq ,nhs' tu ksid fuys Contrast Ratio b;du;au by< jk w;r ;ju;a Wiiau rEm ks¾udKh lsÍu w;ska fmruqfKau isáhs' óg jir lsysmhlg by;§ 3D ;dlaIKh m%:ufhka l,
2012 November
u`.ska kerôh yels úäfhda iDcqju USB Drive tlla ud¾. fhka rEmjdysksfhka kerôh yel' túg Bluray Player tlla Tng wksjd¾fhkau ñ,oS .ekSu w;jYHu fkdjkq we;' wmg kqÿf¾§u yuqjk ;j;a ;dlaIKhla jkqfha Digital TV iïfma%IK ;dlaIKhhs' tfu`.ska fuf;la o¾Ykh jQ wmyeÈ,s fvdÜ iys; oiqka ke;s ù hk w;r b;d meyeÈ<s oiqka kerôug yelshdjla ,efnkq we;' fuu yelshdjka iys; rEmjdysks j, ^DVB-T& OK f,i i|ykaj we;' 2011ka miq ksmojk fndfydauhla udÈ,s j, rEmjdysks i;=j fuu yelshdjka fndfyda ÿrg mj;s' ta kuq;a'' ñ,È .ekSug fmr ta ms<sn|j uola ie,ls,su;a ùu jeo.;a fõ' Tn w; we;s uqo, .e; jo fjñka isá kï ±kg fuu ;dlaIKh iys; rEmjdyskshla ñ,È .ekSug wu;rj úYd, uqo,la úhoï lsÍfuka j<lskak' ukao DVB j, wd.ukfha§ converter tlla fndfyda ÿrg wvq ñ,g fjf<| fmdf,ka .ekSug yelsjkq we;s neúks'
;srfha úfNaokh ;srfha we;s mslai,a m%udKh
t<snisk wjia:dfõ§ ta i|yd wjYH ;rï jQ fõ.hlska rEm rduq m%o¾Ykh lsÍug yelshdjla ;snqfkao ma,diaud rEmjdysks j,g muKs' wo fï ;;a;ajh uq`MuKskau fjkia ù fuu j¾.h LCD yd LED j,g jvd ñf,ka wvq ù ;sfí' fuys we;s m%Odk;u .eg¨j LCD yd iiok l, m%fõYfuka mdúÉÑ l< hq;= ùuhs' fïjdfha wdhq ld,ho LCD j,g jvd wvq ùug fndfyda bvlv mj;skr w;r LCD fuka iq,Nj olakg fkd,efnk w;r ^ieïiqka.a iy mekfidksla& jeks iSñ; ksIamdolhka úiska ksmojkq ,nhs' ñka mekfidksla udÈ,sfha ma,diaud w;ska by<u fjf<| fmd<la wh;a lrf.k isá' ;jo LCD yd iiok l, fïjdfha b;d by< fldaKsl kerUqï mrdihl ^Viewing Angle& isg kerôh yels neúka úYd, idudðlhka ixLHdjla isák mjq,la i|yd jvd iqÿiq fõ' tu ksid LCD TV Tn i;= tlu úl,amh f,i fkdis;shs hq;= w;r Tn b;du w,xldr j¾K yd Wiia 3D ri úkaokhla ,eîug wfmlaId 30
2012 November
lrkafka kï ma,diaud rEmjdysksh i;= úfYaI;ajh ;ju;a b;d fyd¢ka lemS fmfkk nj mejish hq;= fõ'
rEmjdysks j¾.h rEmjdysks j¾.h .ek l;d lrk úg 3D TV wu;l l< fkdyelafla th ±kg iq,Nj Ndú; fkdjqko kj;u /,a, 3D TV foig fhduqfjñka mj;sk neúks' fïjdfha ñ, .Kkao ixikaokd;aulaj .;a l, my< hñka mj;sk w;r 3D ;dlaIKh iys; wka;¾.;hka ^3D Content& o is>%fhka fjf<| fmd<g meñfKñka mj;s' ;j;a jeo.;a úfYaIdx.hla jkqfha rEmjdyskshgu we÷k Internrt iïnkaO;djhhs' fïjd Smart TV f,io ye¢kafjk w;r iïmq¾K wka;¾ cd,hgu msúish fkdyels jqjo Online Content yd iDcqju iïnkaO úh yel' ;j;a jeo.;a fohla jkqfha rEmjdysks ;=< mj;sk media player yelshdjhs' tu.ska ^.mkv, flv, mp4, avi) o ^divx+) jeks ;dlaIKhkao mj;S kï Tng myiqfjkau mß.Kh
fuu`.ska woyia lrhs' ´kEu mska;=rhla hkq funÿ b;d l=vd mslai,a ,laI fyda ñ,shk .Kkl tl;=jls' fuu w.h by< hkúg rEm jvd meyeÈ,s yd ðjudk njlska hqla; fõ' fuh bÈßm;a lrkqfha ;sria yd isria hk úfNaok folls .=Ks;hlsks' WodyrKhla f,i .;fyd;a idudkH rEmjdysks mek,hlh úfNaokh 640x480 fõ' fuys ;srig mslai,a 640lao isrig mslai,a 480lao mj;s' fuh standard definition 5,D TV f,i ye¢kafõ' fuys ;sri yd isri w;r wkqmd;h Aspect Ratio kï fõ' by; WodyrKfha§ fuu w.h 4(3jk w;r mq`M,a ;sr rEmjdysks j, fuu w.h 16(9la fõ' tu ksid idudkH jek, fuu rEmjdysks u`.ska kerôfï§ rEmh ;sria w;g we§ula ^Strech) isÿfõ' th wjYH kï Aspect Ratio fjkia lr idod .; yels jk w;r túg fomiska l`M ;Sre folla b;sß fõ'
;srfha m%udKh rEmjdyskshla .ekSfï§ is;k m%Odk;u idOlh tys ;srfha m%udKh fõ' CRT TV w`.,a 14 isg 29 olajdo LCD TV w`.,a 15 isg 90 olajdo ma,diaud TV w`.,a 37ka by<go ,nd.; yel' fndfyda fokd fndfyda úg kj
rEmjdyskshla ñ,g .ekSfï§ ±kg mj;sk rEmjdyskshg jvd úYd, tlla fj; hdu ks;e;skau isÿfõ' idudkH wd,skaohla iys; ksfjila i|yd fndfyda fofkl=g w`.,a 40la fyda 42la m%udKh Wjukdjg jvd iefyhs' kuq;a'' rEmjdysksfha isg kerUqï ia:dkhg' ÿr wä 8la fyda Bg jvd jeä jk úgl§ úYd, rEmjdysks hka;%hla fj; hdfuka buy;a
wdYajdohla ,nd.; yel' úYd, bvlvla we;a;kï yd w;ñg hyñka mj;S kï w`.,a 46la fyda w`.,a 56la jeks m%udKhla fndfyda wjYH;d i|yd iefya' Tn i;=j TV room fyda ñks ;shg¾ tlla mj;s kï jvd úYd, rEmjdyskshlg hdfuka th jvd jákd wdfhdackhla lr.; yelsjkq we; ' Tn ksok ldurhg fyda uq`M;ekaf.h i|yd rEmjdyskshla .ekSug is;kafka kï w`.,a 32lg jvd l=vd hka;%hla fj; fhduqjkak' th jvd ,dNodhs fõ' uq`M;ekaf.h i|yd w`.,a 17la jqjo iEfya' tfukau Tn l=vd wd,skaohla i|yd wkjYH f,i úYd, rEmjdyskshla .ekSfuka tÈfkod krUk standard definition TV uola fnd|jq iajdNdjhlska o¾Ykh fõ' tu ksid Tn jeämqru rEmjdysksh Ndú; lrkafka l=ula i|ydo hkak kej; kej;;a is;d n,kak' fndfyda ÿrg w`.,a 42lg jvd úYd, ;sr fndfyda ÿrg jvd;a WÑ; jkqfha HD vidoe oiqka i|yd muKs'
;Srfha úfNaokh ^Screen resolution& LCD mek, j, resolution tl fndfyda úg bÈßm;a lrkq ,nkafka tys isria w;g we;s mslai,a .Kk ie,ls,a,g .ekSfuks' fï wkqj HD TV fyj;a full HD TV hkq isria w;r mslai,a 1080lao HD ready hkq isria w;r mslai,a 720lao hkd§ jYfhka mej;Su fõ' kj;u Ultra definition TV ys fuu w.h
2160la fõ' fuh i|yka lr we;af;a 1080P, 1080i, 702p hkd§ jYfhks' fndfyda HD ready hka;% j, my; i|yka resolutions olakg we;' 12080x720 , 1366x768 yd 1024x768 Full HD j, w.h 1920x1080 jk w;r UD TV ys§ fuu w.h 3840x2160 jk ;rï fõ' fïjd QHD (Quad HD) f,io ye¢kafõ' fïjd ±kg t;rï Ndú;fha fkdmj;sk w;r úfYaI wjYH;djhkag muKla Ndú; lrkq ,nhs' tkuq;a'' full HD úfNaokh iys; rEmjdyskshla ñ,§ .ekSu Tn blueray jeks HD Movies jevsmqr krUkafkla kï jvd jeo.;a fõ' fndfydauhlau rEmjdysks iïfma%IKhka Wmßu jYfhka 720p Tiafia meñfKk neúka Tn ta i|yd wu;r uqo,la jeh lsÍu wkjYh nj udf.a ye`.suhs' fndfyda ÿrg ;srfha m%udKh w`.,a 42g jvd jeäjk úg fndfyda rEmjdysks hka;% j, full HD úfNaokhla mj;s' tfy;a'' iuyr Chinese Branded TV hka;% j, fuu resolution i|yka lr we;s .Kk fyd¢ka ksÍlaIKh yd ixikaokh lr ñ,§ .; hq;=h' *a,eÜ mek, rEmjdyskshl ;j;a b;du;a jeo.;a ñkqula jkqfha tys Refresh rate tlhs' fuh 60Hz, 120Hz, 200Hz, hkdÈ jYfhka i|yka lr we; ' fuu w., by< hkúg jvd ðjudk o¾Ykhla ;srh bÈßmi uefõ' idudkH ñ, .Kka hgf;a úlsfKk ^30"000180"000& rEmjdysks fndfydauhla 60Hz, jk w;r fuu w.h by< hkúg rEmjdysksfha ñ,o b;d 2012 November
is>%fhka by< k.S' fuu w.fhka lshfjkqfha rEmjdysks hka;%hg ;;amr tll§ fmkaúh yels rEm rduq .Kkhs' idudkH Ñ;%mghl fyda úäfhda o¾Ykhl wka;¾.;j we;af;a fndfyda ÿrg ;;a;amrhlg rEm rduq 30la fyda Bg wvq m%udKhls' tu ksid fuu rEmjdysks hka;% j,§ wu;r rEm rduq interpolate lr m%o¾Ykh ùug i<iajhs' fï u`.ska jvd ;shqKq oiqka kerôug yelshdjla ,efí' 120Hz jeks uOHia; w.hlska hq;a rEmjdysks f.jk uqo,g Wmßu jákdlula ,nd fok w;r Tn 3D iys; rEmjdyskshla .ek i,ld n,kafka kï fuu w.h 200Hz jeks by< w.hla ;sîufka b;d ;d;aúl 3D w;a±lsula ,nd.; yels jkq we;' by; olajk lreKq j,g wu;rj ie,ls,su;a úh hq;af;a rEmjdysks hka;%fha úfYaIdx. yd udÈ,sh hkdÈhhs' ±kg *a,eÜ mek,a TV f,dfõ ±je;hska f,i ie,flk ieïiqka.a fidaks t,a'Ô' yd mekfidksla hk iud.ï jk w;r bka ieïiqka.a udÈ,sh ±kg úYd, fjf<| fmd,la w;am;a 32
2012 October
lrf.k isá' w;S;fha§ rEmjdysks ±jeka;hd jQ fidaks iud.uo lrg lr hñka Tjqkaf.a Bravia kï jQ rEmjdysks fm< jvd jvd;a ÈhqKq lr.ksñka isá' cmdkfha iqm;, mekfidksla iud.uo Tjqkaf.a kï Viera kï TV fm< iu.ska lr<sfha isá' f,dfõ ±kg lsre< ord isák ieïiqka.a iud.fï Series 4 isg Series 9 olajd w;s ±jeka; rEmjdysks fm<la mßfNda.slhdf.a wjYH;d uekúka y÷kd .ksñka bÈßm;a lr ;sfí' rEmjdyskshla i;= úfYaIdx. i,ld n,k úg m<uqj ie,lsh hq;af;a tys input/output iïnkaOjh' fndfyda ÿrg kùK rEmjdysks iEu tllu mdfya HDMI port lsysmhla mj;sk w;r fuh Tnf.a fydaï ;shg¾ moaO;shg fyda Bluray /DVD Player iu. iïnkaO lsÍug Ndú;d flf¾' *a,eÜ mek, fkdjk merKs CRT rEmjdysks i;=j fuu HDMI port fkdmj;sk w;r iïm%odhl Composite Video input fyda Composite Video in mj;s'
wjYH foa muKla ñ<§ .kak
mqxÑ fnd/,a,
lady J
2012 November
2012 November
zÿgq ÿgq foa ñ<g .kak tmd' wjYH foa muKla ñ<§ .kakZ fï mqxÑ fnd/,af,a msysá f,aä fÊ kï jQ ldf.a;a m%idohg md;% jQ idmamqjg msúfik úg ud ÿgq jelshls' flfia fyda mdßfNda.slhdf.a uqo, ;u idlal=jg mqrjd .ekSug fjr orK jHdmdßlhka isák jljdkqjl fujeks jokla ;sîu ieneúkau uú;hg lreKla'
Èkfha mdßfNda.slhdg isÿjkafka ;ukaf.a wf;a we;s uqo,g iß,kak nd, nvq ñ<§ f.k wudrefõ jefgkak' fï ksid wms /flkakkï wms mdßfNda.slhd /l.; hq;=hs'Z
zmdßfNda.slhd ieuod wfma kï Tjqka ieuodu isáh hq;=hs' wo Tjqkaf.a wf;a ;shk uqo,a ksrmrdfoa úhoï flrekfyd;a Tjqkg fyg úhoï lsÍug uqo,a ke;sjkjd' tfia jqjfyd;a fyg
zfï jk úg ,xldfõ ck;dj wdydr i|yd lrk úhou wvq fj,d we÷ï me<÷ï .Dy NdKav iy m%jdykh i|yd flfrk úhoï jeä ù ;sfnkjd' fï ksid ck;dj tu úhoï lsÍu
f,aä fÊ jHdmdr iuQyfha iNdm;s fÊ'Ô' iqukmd, uy;d ;uka fh¥ tlS helsh ms<sn| woyia ±lajQfha tf,isks'
kuq;a'' th lshd fokak l%ufõohla keye' yefudau yokafk i,a,s lvd.kak' yenehs tfyu jqfkd;a mdßfNda.slhd ke;sj hkjd' wms Tjqkaj /l.; hq;=hs wms / flkak kï'Z f,aä fÊ l<uKdldr wOHlaIl wkqreoaO úfÊr;ak uy;d orkafka tjeks woyila' 1986 § .d,af,a fldgqfõ lfâ kñka werfUk fuu jHdmdrh ck;djf.a b,a,Su mßÈu tlu jy,la hg§ iEu fohlau ñ<£ .ekSu hk ixl,amh hgf;a j¾Okh úh' wvq,dN m%;sY;hla ;ukag ysñlr .ksñka NdKav wf,ú l< ksid tlS jHdmdrh toji fnfyúka ckm%sh úh'
;Srenÿ rys; idmamq j,ska ñ,§ f.k úl=K ksid fufia wvq,dN m%;sY;hlska NdKav úlsKsug yelsùu ksidfjka ck;dj uq,a ld,fha fuu jHdmdrh yryd frdla jQy' by< me,eka;sfha isg wvq wdodhï ,dNska olajd b,lal jk wkaoñka ieliquqKq jHdmdrh miqld,Skj fld<U mqxÑ fnd/,af,a§ f,aä fÊ kñka újD; úh' .d,a,g jvd fjkia yevhlska fld<U ck;djg iß,k wkaoñka ieliqk ksid flá ld,hl§ fld<Uo f,aä fÊ jHdmdrh ckm%sh úh' f,aä fÊ ;=< uqia,sï mdßfNda.slhdo jeä bvla .;a fyhska th Tjqkf.a Ôjk" wd.ñl rgdjgo wkqj iliñka wfkla ck j¾. i|yd jk iudk bvla Tjqkgo ,ndÿka ksid f,aä fÊ fï jk úg iEu fokd ;=<u" ckm%sh" Tjqka iEu wjYH;d imqrd,k ksjykla njg m;aj we;'
iïnkaOfhka ±kqj;a Ndjhla we;s úh hq;=hs' wfkl biair jf.a fkfjhs' ±ka uqo, lshk foa iEu fohlgu wjYHhs' tu ksid mdßfNda.slhd wf;a ;sfnk uqo, fndfyda iliqrejï f,i úh meyeoï l< hq;=hs'
2012 November
Wmfoia ffjoH chrejka nKavdr
2012 November
iqrxcka fld채ldr
ksjila bÈlrk Tn th ksjerÈ jdia;= úoHd Ys,am l%u j,g iy idïm%odhsl pdß;% jdß;% j,g wkqj bÈlr .ekSug fmf<fnkqfha tjka lrKd Tfí udkisl ia:dë;djh we;s lsÍug ks;e;skau bjy,a jk ksidh' ie,iqfï isgu Tn wjg we;s mßirh" fidnoyu" ksji iu. .,md .ekSu já' ta fidndoyu ;rï ñksidf.a udkisl ieye,a¨j we;s lsÍu flfrys n,mdk fjk hula fkdue;s ksidh' ksji fyd¢ka wdf,dalh iy jd;dY%h ,efnk mßÈ ie,iqï lr.; hq;=h' jd;%dY%h fkd,efnk w÷re mßirh Tn fj; f.k tkafka f,v frda.hs' ÿj,s iys; f;; w÷re mßirh iajik ud¾.h wdY%s; frda. l=IaG frda." tkaihsud ;;a;ajhka muKla fkdj udrdka;sl fvx.= jeks frda. mjd f.k taug fya;= fõ' Tfí ksjyk fyd¢ka jd;%Y%h ,efnk" kshudldrfhka wdf,dalh ,efnk ;ekla fõ kï Tn iy Tfí mjqf,a idudðlhka l%shdYs,S;a msßila jkq we;' Tfí orejkaf.a ksjerÈ YdÍßl iy udkisl j¾Okhg ta th fya;=jla jkq we;' mjqf,a iduh yd iudodkhg mjd ksjfia ie,iqu n,mEï lrk nj fndfyda fokd fkdokakd lreKls' .Dy w,xlrKh i|yd úúO j¾K Ndú;dfhka Tfí ksji ukrï ia:dkhla njg m;a fjhs' tfy;a'' ksji j¾K .ekaùï i|yd j¾K f;dard .ekSfï§ j¾K j,ska we;slrk n,mEu .ek wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;=hs' jerÈ f,i j¾K Ndú;h Tnf.a YdÍrl iy udkisl iqjhg n,mEï we;s l< yelsh' ksji j¾K .ekaùfï§ .Dy w,xlrK Ys,amSka iu. ksjerÈ .kqfokqjla isÿl< hq;af;a fufyhsks' WodyrKhla f,i ksjig r;= l`M jeks ;o j¾K Ndú;h Tfí udkisl fi!LHg ys;lr fkdfõ' tjeks j¾K Tn ks;ru fkdikaiqka Ndjhg m;a lrkq we;s' ksok ldurh" Tfí orejkaf.a ldur j¾K .ekaùfï§ ksjerÈ j¾K Ndú;fhka fndfyda fi!LHuh ys;lr j¾K ksjig Ndú;d fkdlsÍfuka Tfí iy mjqf,a fi!LH ukd f,i wdrCId lr.; yelshs'
Tn Tfíu lshd ksjila bÈlr .ekSug isysk ujñka isákjd úh yelsh' ke;skï ±kgu;a tys ysñldrfhla ù isákjd úh yel' flfia jqj;a Tn Tfí ksji" Tfí mjqf,a idudðlhkaf.a fi!LH iy wdrlaIdj w;r we;s iïnkaO;djh ms<sn|j wjOdkh fhduq l<do@ ksjil ie,iqfï isg ksjila bÈlsÍu" mßyrKh kv;a;=j hk ldrKd j,§ tl f,i jeo.;a jk lreKq rdYshla fjhs' tysÈ mjqf,a fi!LH" wdrCIdj ms<sn| úfYaI wjOdkhla fhduq l< hq;=h'
2012 November
kssjig lD;s%u wdf,dalhla iemhSfï§ ksis WmlrK iy ksjerÈ l%ufõo wkq.ukh lsÍu jeo.;ah' m%;s§ma; úÿ,s myka j, wdf,dalh ksjerÈ f,i l%shd;aul fkdùfuka ñksia weiaj,g n,mEï we;sùug mq`Mjks' orejkaf.a wOHdmk lghq;= isÿ lrk ldur ksjerÈ mßÈ wdf,dalj;a fkdlsÍfuka Tjqkaf.a fofk;a j,g È.=ld,Skj hï ydkslr ;;a;ajhka we;s úh yelshs' ksjig Ndú;d lrk fodr frÈ cfk,a frÈ l=Ika ljr fldÜg fuÜg ljr wdÈho fi!LH flfrys ys;lr fukau wys;lr n,mEï rdYshla we;s lrhs' Tn ksjig ;sr frÈ f;dard .ekSfï§ myiqfjka ÿú,s fkd/f|k iy myiqfjka ÿú,s msg fkdlrk frÈ j¾. f;dard .; hq;=h' tfia fkdl,fyd;a th Tfí fi!LHg wys;lr fõ' ÿú,s /f|k frÈ Ndú;fhka .Dyia: ÿú,s uhsgdjka we;s úh yelsh’ tu uhsgdjka msglrk ridhk øjH ksid Tfí iajik wdndO W;aikak úh yelshs' kq;k fjf<| fmdf,a by; ÿ¾j,;d u; ksujk ,o kùk mkakfha fodr cfk,a frÈ úúO fudia;r iy j¾K j,ska ,nd .ekSug mq`Mjks' we;eï úg ñ, ;rula wêl jqj;a fi!LHhg ys;lr ùu ksid jl%dldrj Tfí uqo,a b;sßlr §ul=;a tjeks ksIamdok isÿlrhs' ksfjia ie,iqfï§u ksjfia wdrCIdj .ek ie,ls<su;a úh hq;=hs' Tfí ksjfia fm,la ;sfí kï tys mä w;r ksjerÈ Wila msysàu okysia wudre jeks frda. we;s lr,Su j<lajhs'
2012 November
l=vd orejka .ejfik ksfjia j, Tjqkaf.a wdrlaIdj Wmßu jk wdldrfhka ie,iqï l< hq;=hs' uy¨ jhfia miqjk who flÈkl fyda ksji ;=< .ejfik nj Tn wu;l fkdl, hq;=hs' tfyhska ksji ie,iqï lsÍfï§ wdrlaIdj Wmßu whqßka ie,iqï lsÍug mßCId jkaksh' ksji;a ta wjg mßirh;a ks;sm;d msßisÿ lsÍfuka" ukd f,i kv;a;= lghq;= lsÍfuka Tng fndfyda fihska fi!LH iïmkakj ðj;aùu ñksfil=f.a ðù;hl jákdlu isyskhls' fi!LH iïmkakj iy wdrlaIdjg ys;lr ;;a;ajhla we;s lr .; yelsh' ksji;a ;kd .ekSu fid÷re ksjil Ôj;aùu ñksfil= úiska ,nk by<u Okhhs' wjOdkfhka isàu wjfndaOfhka lghq;= lsÍu ;=<ska Tng Tfí ksji ;=< fi!LH iy wdrCIdj ukd f,i ;yjqre lr.; yelsjkq we;'
iqrxcka fldäldr ñysr nKavdr pkaok cdkl m%Nd;a p;=rx.
2012 November
T,ajrika y`äka ñÿKq
,is;af.a kjd;ek zzf,dal l=i,dk ;,sfhka miqj ug lKavdhfï iaÓr ;ekla ,efnkjd lshk úYajdih ;snqKd' ta woyi;a tlalu fld<U kej;s,d È.ska È.gu mqyqKqùï lghq;= j,g iyNd.S ùfï wjYH;djh we;sjqKd' ta ld,fha yeáhg uf.a wf;a ;snqK uqo, wkqj ug ñ,È .kak mq`Mjka lu ;snqfKa fï ksjihs' bÈß mqyqKqúï lghq;= i|yd wjYH uqo,a .ek uq,slj ys;,d ug .e<fmkjd hehs ys;=k mßirhl msysg,d ;snqK fï ksji uu ñ,oS .;a;d'ZZ
- ,is;a
2012 November
2012 November
wêl lemùfuka uykais ù mqyqKqùï lghq;= j, ksr; ù ksjig meñfKk ud,sx.g ksial,xl nj ;ukag fnfyúka jákd njhs ud,sx. mjikafka' fofokdf.a woyia wkqj ksjfia id,hg iqÿ j¾Kh uQ,sl lr.ksñka j¾K ixfhdackhla ,nd § ;sfnkjd' id,h w,xldrj;a lsÍu i|yd Ndú;d lr ;sfnkafka ir, is;=jï lsysmhla' w;HdjYH .Dy NdKav lsysmhla muKla id,fha ia:dk .;lr ;sfnkjd' id,h mqrd wdf,dalh úys§ hk wdldrfhka ksji wdf,dallrkh lr ;sîu úfYaI;ajhla jkjd'
2012 November
2012 November
"wfma újdyfhka miqj ;uhs wms fï ksjig wdfõ' Bg l,ska ud,s fï ksji ñ,g wrf.k ál ld,hla fuys ðj;afj,d ;snqKd' újdy fj,d fï ksjig meñKs miq wms wmsg wjYH mßÈ fjkia lï lr.;a;d'"
- gdkshd
ud,sx.f.a ìß|
2012 November
uq`M ;ekaf.h wms fofokdu Ndú;d lrkjd' wmsg Ndú;hg myiq w;HdjYH Wmlrk iy ir, úÈhlghs wms fï uq`M ;ekaf.h ks¾udKh lr.;af;a' - ud,sx. fuysÈ ,is;a hkq ksjfia§ wdydr msisk fldalsfhl= nj;a fkdlshdu neßh'
2012 November
ksjfia ir, pdï nj w;f¾ ud,sx.f.a l%slÜ Èúfha olaI;d w.hñka ,efnk iïudk l=i,dk iy Tyqf.a ;r. Èúfha ieureï u;lhka .nvd lr ;sfí' Tyq;a Tyqf.a mshd;a tlaj ieliQ fï ieureï tl;=j ksjig wNsudkj;a njla tla lrhs'
2012 November
There’s no better way to beat the heat than with your very own pool. A swimming pool is a perfect choice for vast fun in the sun! Every home owners dream of owning a swimming pool is now a REALITY !!! Paradise Pools offers above ground swimming pools for every budget and garden size. It’s all the fun of a swimming pool without the permanent structure and maintenance costs!!! Each pool is equipped with a water filtration system eliminating the need to frequently change the pool water.
Our above ground pools come in numerous sizes to suit any house, school or hotel: Manufactured by the world’s leading company in above ground swimming pools – INTEX®. 1. ROUND METAL FRAME
Round Metal Frame pools are supported by strong and durable steel frames and range in depths from 2.5 ft to 4 ft.
And no pool is complete without accessories. That’s why Intex® provides a full line, including filtration systems, cartridges, pool covers, maintenance kits, volley ball nets and much more that will extend your swimming experience throughout the year.
2012 November
Rectangular Deluxe Ultra Frame pools are beautiful , incredibly strong and large enough for the whole neighborhood to swim in with lengths ranging from 18 ft – 32 ft and a depth of 4.3 ft.
Advantages of owning an above ground pool • No construction required • All the fun of a swimming pool for a
fraction of the cost • Easy to assemble. Ready for water in 30 - 90 minutes • Portable (take it with you when you move to another location) • Easy to store when not in use • Low maintenance (costs and labour). Filtration system included with all pools • Available in a wide variety of sizes
Benefits of an above ground pool for Homes With a depth of only 2.5 feet, the round pools are perfect for Montessoris and Day Care Centres. Toddlers can have hours of water-play fun. All our 8, 10 and 12 feet diameter pools come with a depth of 2.5 feet.
Benefits of an above ground pool for Primary and Secondary Schools and Community Centres Above ground pools are perfect for schools that need to introduce swimming on a small budget. Our Deluxe Ultra Frame Rectangular pools come in 3 sizes that can fit any space and budget. These pools are specially designed for lap swimming and swimming training. Schools can offer swimming and water-based physical exercises to its students and to the community after hours. Our Deluxe Ultra Frameâ&#x201E;˘ Rectangular pools are best suited for schools and community centres. The pools range in sizes from 18x9 to 24x12 to 32x16 feet. All pools have a depth of 4.3 feet
Benefits of an above ground pool for Boutique Hotels, Estates and Rental Properties. With the huge influx of tourists visiting Sri Lanka each year, our above ground pools are an ideal asset for all Boutique Hotels, Estate and Rental properties. Having a swimming pool can elevate your property ratings and allow you to command a higher daily rate from your guests. It also provides your guests with a vital fun-filled activity on your property. We have pools to suit every garden size and budget.
Benefits of an above ground pool for Homes
Buy a pool today and start swimming tomorrow !!!
For more info and to have a look at our model pool, please visit us at our Colombo showroom:
Paradise Pools
187, Deans Road, Maradana, Colombo 10
Every home owners dream of having a swimming pool is now a REALITY!!! Depending on your garden size and budget we have a variety of pools to choose from. For medium sized gardens, are popular 8 and 10 ft round pools are a hit with the kids. For the ladies, our above ground pools provide a fun relaxing experience in the privacy of your own home.For the senior citizens, pools provide the best aquatic and physiotherapy exercises in the comfort of your own garden.
Hotline: 0777 706-100
2012 November
uOqiufha iqkaor
2012 November
foaYsh fukau úfoaYsh ixpdrlhskaf.a úfYaI wjOdkhla fhduqlr.;a ixpdrl flakaøhla f,i fn,syq,a Th úfYaI ;ekla .kS' foaY.=Kfha we;s iqúfYaI;ajh;aa" ixpdrlhkag ú`Èh yels mdßißl fya;= idOl;a" ksjdvqjla .; lsÍu i`oyd wjYH flfrk fN!;sl jgmsgdj;a ksid fndfyda fokd fld<ôka lsf,daógr 155la ÿßka msysá fn,syq,a Th ;u ksjdvqj .; lsÍug f;dard .kS' tfia fn,syq,a Th m%foaYfha ksjdvqj .; lsÍug leu;s Tnf.a kjd;ek úh hq;af;a fulS iqkaor;ajh ukd fia ú`o .; yels jgmsgdjlska hq;= ia:dkhls' fuys,d z,kaoZ ksjdvq ksfla;kh fndfyda iqúfYaIS fjhs' tfukau hfulag ;u iqkaor uOqiuh .; lsÍug f;dard .; yels fyd`ou ia:dkhla f,io fuu ,smsh wdrïNfha§u i`oyka lsÍu já'
2012 November
ukialdka; iajdNdúl mßirhl .yfld<ska jgj l=re`M kdohg ueÈj .,k c,fha y`vg uqiqj yud tk iS;, iq,x /,s z,kaoZ ksjdvq ksfla;kfha we;s iqjmyiq ldurhl isák ldf.a jqjo .;o is;o ksjd,kq ksielh' ú,d follska hq;a z,kaoz ksjdvq ksfla;kfha ldur fofofkl=g kjd;eka .; yels f,i ±liS we;af;a ne,alkshl we;s ihkhlao iys;jh' tfukau iEu ldurhlu msg;ska msysgk ne,alksh WoEik ysre t<sh jefgk mßÈ jkfrdog udhsïj ieliS we;' my<ska .,d nisk Èh iSrdfõ kdoh WoEik ;j;a m%fndaOu;a lrkqfha ojil iqkaor;ajh lshd mdñks' iEu ldurhlu ksudj úfYaIs; ±j j¾.hlska iy fgrd fldgd uqiqjlska ieliS we;' fuys úfYaI;ajh jkafka lsisu ksjykl ;j;a ksjyklg Èia fkdjk whqßka jkfhka jeiS ;sîuh'
2012 November
tla f.dvke.s,a,l mjq,a i`oyd jQ ldur ^Family Room& folls' úYd, m%udKfha we`olska rEmjdyskshlska iy by< fid,a fodrhl we;s w`olska th iukaú;h' wfkla ksjyfka we;s ldur fol .e<fmkqfha hqj< i`oydh' b;du;a fm!oa.,sl;ajfhka tlsfklg iïnkaO fkdjk fulS ldur fol .,dnisk .`.g udhsïjk f,i msysgd we;' mßirhg f,ka.;=lula olajk ixpdrhlhska Wfoid ks¾udKh ù we;s .yla Wv msysá ksjyk ,kao ksjdvq ksjyfka úfYaIs; wx.hls' we;=,;ska msysá kdk ldurh;a t,af,ka ihkh;a fuu ksjyfka we;s iqkaor;ajh Tm uÜgï fldg we;'
2012 November
,kao ksjdvq ksjyfka ;j;a úfYaI;ajhla jkafka ksjyfka N+ó ieleiauhs' iajdNdúl;ajhg lsisÿ ydkshla fkdjkfia ieliS ;sfnk fuys N+ó ieleiau fukau ish¨u .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amSh woyia fko¾,ka; cd;sl N+ ieliqï Ys,ams ^Landseaper&fc*aß jekav¾,S uy;d w;ska isÿj we;' Y%S ,dxlSh rgdjg .eñhka w;ska ielfik wdydro fndfyda ixpdrlhka z,kaoZ fj; le`oùug fya;= ù we;' fï ish,a, fjkal, iqkaor uOqiuhla" ksjdvqjla .; lsÍug ,kao Tng iqúfYaIs ia:dkhla jkjd ksielh'
Web site: www.landaholidays. com Email : Resevations 0452280288 0452280388 0777599889
2012 November
mj;akd mßirhg wkq.;ùu fyj;a
jdia;= Wmfoia # jdia;= úoHd{ fÊ' f.dvlkaowdrÉÑ
ksfrdaIka fm%aur;ak
2012 November
ksjila bÈlsÍu i`oyd iqÿiq ìï fldgila f;dard .ekSu ksjdi iy fjk;a bÈlsÍï lghq;= j,§ jdia;= úoHd;aul Wmfoia ,nd .ekSu iy tu isoaOdka; wkqj lghq;= lsÍu j¾;udkfha b;d ckm%sh ud;Dldjls' ksjdi ie,iqï Ys,amska" .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amska fukau ksjdi bÈlsÍï lghq;= j, kshef<k iud.ï mjd ish fiajdjkag wkqnoaO fiajdjla f,i jdia;= úoHd;aul Wmfoia ,nd§u isÿlrkq ,nhs' jdia;= úoHdj ms<sn`o úfYaI{hska rgmqrd ish ±kqu fnodyßñka by< fiajdjka bgqlrñka isà'
2012 November
;uka úiska /ialr.;a uqo,la fyda Khla f,i ,nd.;a uqo,la fhdojñka ñ,g .kakd bvu ksjerÈ mßÈ f;dard .ekSu ;=<ska wd¾Ól jdis fukau ;j;a fndfyda jdis w;afjhs' bvula f;dard .ekSfï§ bÈlsÍug wfmaCIs; ksjfia ie,iqug .e<fmk bvï fldgila f;dard .ekSu ;=<ska wkd.;fha§ bÈlsÍï lghq;= j,§ u;=úh yels fndfyda .eg`M u`. yrjd .; yels fõ' ñ,g .kakd N+ñh" m%foaYfha ðj;ajkakkaf.a ðjk rgdjo iajNdúl msßirfha ;;a;ajh ms<sn|jo úfYaI wjOdkhla fhduq l< hq;= lreKq fõ' WodyrKhla f,i iajdNdúlj we;sjh yels kdh hEï .xj;=r jeks ;;a;ajhka we;s fkdjk m%foaYhlska bvula ñ,g .ekSu ksjeishkaf.a wdrlaIdj Wmßu lsÍug fya;= fõ' kef.kysr fyda ol=K ÈYdkq.; bvula fõ kï .sKsfldK ÈYdjg m%Odk msúiqu ia:dk .; l, hq;=fõ' ksjil ie,iqu ilia lsÍfï§ ie,iqï Ys,amshd fj; ikaksfõokh l,h;= lreKq /ila mj;s' ksji bÈlsÍu i`oyd jeh lsÍug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk uqo," tu uqo, imhd .ekSug woyia lrk wldrh" ie,iqu wkqu; lsÍu i`oyd fhduq lrkjdo keoao hk j." ksjfia mÈxÑ ùug wfmalaIs; idudðlhka .Kk" ksjig we;=,;a lsÍug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk wx.| ta w;ßka jeo.;a ldrKd lsysmhla fõ'
W;=re ÈYdj wkqj Tfí ksjfia wx.hka ia:dk .; lsÍu ie,iqï Ys,amshd úiska isÿlrkq ,nhs' kssjil uq`M;eka f.h ia:dk .; l, hq;= jkafka .sKsfldk ÈYdjghs' .sKsfldK ÈYdjg uq`M;eka f.h ia:dk .; lsÍfuka Tfí ksjfia b;sßh fi!Nd.H iy wd¾Ól ÈhqKqj Wod fõ' ksß; ÈYdjg uqyqK,d m%Odk ksok ldurh ia:dk .; lsÍu isÿl< hq;=h' <uhskaf.a ldur iy wOHdmk ldur W;=re" Bidk " kef.kysr ÈYd wkqj ia:dk .; l< hq;=fõ' jdyk kej;=u ksjil Bidkd iy ksß; ÈYdjg ia:dk .; fkdlsÍug wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;=hs' ksjfia wx.hka ksis ÈYd wkqj ia:dk .; fkdlsÍfuka Tfí bÈlsÍfï jev lghq;= wvd, ùu iy ;j;a fndfyda wjdis iy.; ;;a;ajhkag uqyqK§ug isÿfõ' ksjil ie,iqï ilia lsÍfï§ Tn by; ish`M lreKq ms<sn`oj fukau ;j fndfyda lrkq ms<sn`oj ±kqj;a úh hq;=fõ' ksis ie,iqï Ys,amSh ±kqula fukau jdia;= úoHd isoaOdka;hka ms<sn`oj ukd wjfndaOhlska hq;= ie,iqï Ys,amsfhl=f.a Wmfoia ,nd .ekSfuka Tng fndfyda jdis w;alr .ekSfï yelshdj ,efí' ie,iqï Ys,amshd iy Tn w;r ukd ikaksfõokhla mj;ajd .ekSu u`.ska Tfí bÈlsÍu iïnkaO fndfyda .eg`M i`oyd úiÿï fidhd .ekSug yelsfõ'
jdia;= Ydia;%h hkq iajdNdúl mßirh fyj;a mj;akd mßirhg wkq.;j ukqIHhdf.a Wmf;a isg urKh olajd jeo.;ajk zksjiZ bÈlsÍug wod, jk idol iuqyh ms<sn`oj idlÉPd flfrk úIhhs' jdia;= Ydia;%h ms<sn`oj ±kqu fidhdf.k ;sfnk lreKq wkqj Ydia;%fha b;sydih rdu" rdjKd hq. j,g;a tyd b;sydidhla lrd Èjhhs' w;S;fha§ ksjdilrkhg iy fjk;a iqúfYaIs bÈlsÍï i`oyd jdia;= úoHd;aul Ys,amsh l%u fhdod.;a njg idOl yuq ù ;sfí' ksjil fi!Nd.H iïm; ÈhqKqj Wodlr.ekSu i`oyd jdia;= Ydia;%hg wkq.;j lghq;= lsÍu jà' ksis jdia;= úoHd;aul Wmfoia ,nd .ekSu;a tajdg wkqj l%shd lsÍu;a ;=<ska wd¾Ól jdiS fukau ðù;hg iduh fi!Nd.Hh iïm; yd ÈhqKqj Wodlr.; yels fõ'
2012 November
hq;=fõ' li, bj;alsÍu" wmú;% c,h bj;alsrSu" u,mjdyk bj;a lsrSu" jeis c,h bj;a lsrSu yd wod, m%foaYhg isÿjkakd jQ mdßidßl n,mEu iïnkaOj uOHu mrsir wêldßfhka .sKs wdrCIKh iïnkaOj .sKs ksùï fomd¾;fïka;=fjka k, c,h iïnkaOj c, iïmdok uKav,fhka úÿ,sh iïnkaOj úÿ,sn, uKav,fhka
Y%S ,xldfõ m%:u jrg
fmdl=re ksjdi ixlS¾K'' wmf.a ksudúka fvj,m¾ia iud.u u.ska oekg fydrK" w;a;k.,a, yd l|dk m%foaYj, ksjdi ixlS¾K boslrñka isà' fydrK ksjdi 750lao" w;a;k.,a, ksjdi 350lao" l|dk ksjdi 125lao idoñka isà' fuu ksjdi ixlS¾K G+One (Ground Floor + One Floor) fmdl=re ksjdi ixlS¾K f,i yÿkajkq ,efí' fuu iEu ksjilau remsh,a ,CI tfld,fya isg ,CI oywg
2012 November
w;r ñ, mrdihka hgf;a myiq f.ùfï l%uhg wf,úlrkq ,efí' fujeks wdldrfha ksjdi ixlS¾K boslsrSu Y%S ,xldfõ ksudúka iud.u muKla oekg lrkq ,efí' fuu ksjdi ixlS¾K iydêm;H (Condominium) kS;sh hgf;a boslrk w;r fuu iydêm;H kS;sh fuhg fmr fld<U k.rh;=, boslrwe;s uy,a ksjdi ioyd n,mj;ajd we;' oeka ksudúka iud.u úiska fuu
kS;sh hgf;a ksjdi ixlS¾K fld<U k.rfhka msg bÈlsÍu isÿlrkq ,efí' fuu jHdmD;sh ioyd iydêm;H l<uKdlrK wêldßh (Condominium Management Authority) yd kd.rsl ixj¾Ok wêldßh (Urban Development Authority) tlaj úfYaI jHdmD;s f,i i,ld wkque;sh ,ndoSu isÿfõ' tfia wkque;sh ,nd.;a;o ;j;a rdcH wdh;k lsysmhlska wkque;sh ,nd.;
fuu ish¿ wdh;kj,ska wkque;sh ,ndf.k idod ksul, miq ksjdi ixlS¾Kfha m%ñ;sh yd ;;a;ajh iïnkaOj isú,a bxcsfkarejrfhl=f.a m%ñ;s iy;slh;a" wkqu; ie,iqï wkqj ksjdi ixlS¾Kh bosl, njg .Dyks¾udK Ys,amshdf.a iy;slh;a kd.ßl ixj¾Ok wêldßh fj; bÈßm;a l,hq;= fõ' bka wk;=rej fï ish,a, wëCIKh lsÍfukaa miq Tjqka úiska ksjdi jHdmD;sh ioyd wkql+,;d iy;slh (Certificate of Conformation - COC) ,ndoSu isÿlrkq ,efí' tu wkql+,;d iy;slh u; ñkskafodare uy;d úiska wosk wjidk iydêm;H ie,eiau (Final Condominium Plan) ioyd iydêm;H wêldßfha wkque;sh ,ndoSu isÿlrkq ,efí' túg ksjdi ixlS¾Kfha ksjdi ysñhkag iydêm;H Tmamq ,ndou isÿl, yelsfõ' boslrñka mj;skakd jQ fuu ksjdi ixlS¾Kj,a bÈlsÍï
wjika l, miq tys kv;a;= lghq;= isÿlsrSu 1973 wxl 11 orK noaO ksjdi whs;sjdislï mk; ^ixfYdaê;& (Apartment Ownership Act) hgf;a iydêm;H Tmamqj ,shdmosxÉ l, úg bfíu mosxÉlrejka w;r we;sjkakd jQ l<uKdlrK ixia:dj u.ska isÿfõ' l<uKdlrK ixia:dj iydêm;H ksjdi ixlS¾Kj, iydêm;H l<uKdlrK wêldßh wëCIKh yd l<uKdlrKh fjkqfjka tu ksjdi ixlS¾Kfha mosxÑ ksjeishkaf.ka iukaú;j msysgqjkakd jQ iñ;sh l<uKdlrK ixia:dj fõ' l<uKdlrK ixia:dfõ ldrHNdrh' fmdÿ wxf.damdx. kv;a;=j' ksjdi ixlS¾Kfha we;s f.dvke.s,sj, ;Ska; wdf,am lsrSu' uyd ud¾. kv;a;= lsrSu' ùos wdf,dal lghq;= ksismrsos kv;a;= lsÍu' li, bj;a lsrSfï l%shdj,sh kv;a;= lsrSu' l<uKdlrK ixia:dj msysgqùfï l%ufõoh' jirlg ierhla ksjdi ixlS¾Kh ;=,skau bosrsm;ajkakd jQ wfmaCIlhka w;ßka ksjdi ixlS¾Kfha ksjeishkaf.a nyq;r Pkaoh u; l<uKdlrK ixia:dj ioyd ks,Odßkaa m;a lr .ekSu isÿfõ'
fmdfydr yd c,h fhdod kv;a;= lsrSu' leü ìoS we;s ùos ,dïmq wÆ;a jeähd lsÍu' jej jfÜ yd fmdÿ ia:dkj, ;Kfld< lmd ksismrsos kv;a;= isÿlsrSu' ldKQ moaO;sh wju jYfhka udi yhlg jrla iqoaO mú;% lr kv;a;= lsÍu' WoHdkj, we;s <ud l%Svd NdKav wÆ;a jeähdlr ksismßos mj;ajdf.k hdu' jej wmú;%ùug fkd§ ksismßÈ kv;a;= lsÍu' oekaùï mqjre ksismrsos kv;a;= lsrSu' l<uKdlrK ixia:dj ioyd wruqo,a ,nd .ekSfï l%ufõoh' Tmamq ,sùfïoS l<uKdlrK ixia:d .dia;=j f,i wdrïNl wjia:dfõoS f.jkq ,nk uqo, l<uKdlrK ixia:dfõ iaÒr ;ekam;=jla f,i rdcH nexl=jl ;ekam;alr mj;ajdf.k hkq ,efí' túg ia:sr ;ekam;=fjka ,efnkakdjQ udisl fmd,sfhka ksjdi ixlS¾Kfha úYd, kv;a;= (Major Repairs) isÿ lsÍu lrkq ,efí' ksjdi ixlS¾Kfha mosxÉ ksjeishkaf.ka udislj ,nd. kakdjQ l<uKdlrK ixia:d udisl .dia;=fjka l<uKdlrK
ixia:dfõ fiajl jegqma f.ùu isÿlrk w;r b;srs uqo,a iq¿ iq¿ kv;a;= lghq;= ioyd fhdojkq ,efí' l<uKdlrK ixia:dfõ jHjia:dfõ ioyka kS;s moaO;sh hgf;a ksjdi ixlS¾Kfha cSj;aùfïoS ksjeishka ms,smeosh hq;= fmdÿ kS;s' n,a,ka" n<¨ka yd mCISka yd ish¿u i;=ka we;s jrola fõ' l=Kq l<uKdlrKh lsrSu ioyd fjkalr we;s ia:dk" tkï fmd,s;Ska" ùÿre lgq" hlv" osrk øjH jYfhka fjkalr we;s ia:dkj,g oeñh hq;= w;r" tfia fkdoeóu jrola fõ' ksjdij, bÈßfha we;s ;dmam u; lsisu úgl fros jekSu" frosje,a .eg .eiSu jrola fõ' fmdÿ ia:dkj, yd ud¾.j, fl, .eiSu jrola fõ' fmdÿ ia:dkj, we;s .ia iy me, lemSu" bj;a lsrSu jrola fõ' fmdÿ ia:dkj, yd hdno ì;a;sj, weK .eiSu fyda isÿre lsÍu jrola fõ' ksjig bosrsfha isgqjd we;s me, yd .ia lemSu"bj;a lsÍu jrola fõ' wkawhg mSvdjkfia fkdukd Yío lsrSu" Yío iys; hka;% mdúÉÑ lsÍu fyda wka lsisu
wdldrhl mSvdjla lsÍu jrola fõ' fmdÿ ia:dkj," ksji bosrsmsg yd miqmi ud¾.h fomi fjf<odï lsÍu fyda fjf<odï lsrSug ie,eiaùu jrola fõ' uyd ud¾. wjysrjkfia jdyk k;r lr ;eîu" fyda ud¾. wjysrjkfia jdyk k;r lsrSug ie,eiaùu kS;suh jrola fõ' oekaùï mqjre yer ;dmam u;" fmdÿ ia:dkj," fjf<o oekaùï" urK oekaùï" fmdaiag¾" lgjqÜ iy nek¾ iúlsrSu" we,ùu jrola fõ' ksjdij, bosrsmsg fyda msgqmi l=Kq li, msÉÖu" msÉÖug ie,eiaùu" l=uk l%uhlg fyda ÿu we;sjk wdldrfha l%shdjka isÿ lsÍu yd ÿ¾.kaOh we;sjk wdldrfhka hï lsis l%shdjka isÿlsrSu yd isÿ lsrSug ie,eiaùu jrola fõ' tneúka oeä kS;s moaO;shla hgf;a idokakdjQ fuu ksjdi ixlS¾K b;d l%uj;a kS;s rduqjla hgf;a tkï iydêm;H kS;sh (Condominium Law) hgf;a kv;a;= lghq;= mj;ajdf.k hk neúka fujeks ksjdi ixlS¾K bÈßfha§ jeä jeäfhka bosùu isÿfõ' tfiau fujeks ksjdi ixlS¾K j,ska úkh iys; jvd fydo mqrjeishka ìysùulao isÿfõ'
l<uKdlrK ixia:djg kv;a;= fiajlhska nojd.kakd wdldrh' udisl iaÒr jegqmla hgf;a l<uKdlrK ixia:dj u.ska fiajlhska nojdf.k ksjdi ixlS¾Kfha kv;a;= lghq;= isÿlsÍu lrkq ,efí' l<uKdlrK ixia:dfõ kv;a;= fiajlhkaf.a ldrHNdrh' tl;=jkakd jQ l=Kq i;shlg jrla l=Kq mqÉpk hka;%h fj; f.kf.dia msÉÖu' ksjdi ixlS¾Kfha ud¾. moaO;sh w;=m;= .d Y=oaO mú;%j ;nd.ekSu' ud¾. fomi we;s .ia 2012 November
marians Studio open with
pics by Pradeep jayasanka 62
2012 November
Qbaa open with jayasooriya
De Fonseka Rd, Colombo - 04
2012 November
bmerKs .Dy NdKavhka ys iqkaor;ajh kej; f.fkk'''
rdcH oej ixia:dj
mßir wud;HdxYh hgf;a mj;sk m%uqL;u jdksc wdh;khla jk rdcH ±j ixia:dj Y%S ,xldfõ ±j wjYH;d i|yd m%uqL odhl;ajhla imhñka ±j l¾udka;fha m%uqL f,i m%uqL ia:dkhla miqfõ' ;srir ixj¾Ok i|yd ;srir jk l<uKdldrKh ;=<ska ish fiajdj bgq lrk rdcH ±j ixia:dj tu.ska rfÜ ±j wjYH;djh imqrd,sug cd;sl odhl;ajhla iemhsu i|yd l|ka" bre ±j" is,amr iy úÿ,s lKq imhk w;r" ld¾hd,sh .Dy NdKav fukau mdrïmdßl .DyNdKav ks¾udkh lsÍfï iqjfYaIs ld¾hl kshe<s isá' m%Odk jYfhka rdcH wxYfha .DY NdKav wjYH;djh imqrd,k w;r" isß,l isúfok ck;djf.a .Dy NdKav wjYH;djho j.lsulska bgq lrñka isá' rdcH ±j ixia:dfõ ksIamdok jk .Dy NdKav ish,a,lau fyd¢ka moïfldg ^Seasoning& ±jfha M,h fldgi ^Sap Wood& bj;a lr wrgqj 66
2012 November
fldgi ^Heart Wood& muKla Ndú;d lrñka úoHdkql+, f,i ksIamdokh flf¾' ±jhl M,h yd wrgqj Yla;sh ^Strength& tl yd iudk jqjo l,amej;au ie,ls,a,g f.k wrgqj fldgia muKla .Dy NdKav ksIamdokhg fhdod .efka' kùk ±j breïy,a u.ska ±j l|ka kshñ; m%ñ;sh iq/flk mßÈ kshñ; ññ wkqj mßj¾:kh fldg .Dy NdKav ;eksug Ndú;dhg .efka' ld¾hCIu ±j Ndú;hl§ ;sìh hq;= ±jhl mej;sh hq;= wju >Klu ^Minimal Thickness& iy yrial, m%udKfha ^Real Scale Of the Croos Section& jeks lreKq b;du;a ie,ls,a,g .ksñka ±j fldgia j, Yla;sh ^Strength& iqreflk mßÈ ish¨ .DyNdKav ksIamdok ld¾hhka bgq lrhs' tla tla .DyNdKav ie§u i|yd WÑ;u ±j Ndú;d lrk w;r" l`Mjr" nqre;" fldia" f;alal" l=Uqla" ñ,a," .%dkaäia jeks ;o ±j ^Hard Wood& fukau mhskia jeks uDÿ ±j ^Soft Wood& l¾udka;hg fhdod .efka' ;jo mhskia jeks ±j
±j .nvd lsÍfï§ fukau moï lsßfï§ ksis ;;a;ajh ^Quality& yevh ^Shepe& iy l,amej;au ^Durability& iq/flk mßÈ ksis kshñ; úoHd;aul m%ñ;ska iy l%shd j,shka Ndú;d lr .ksñka .Dy NdKav ksIamdok i|yd wjYH ±j wuqøjH ,nd .kakd neúka rdcH ±j ixia:dfõ .Dy NdKav l,amj;sk" wk¾> ;;a;ajh iq/flk mßÈ ks¾udKh jk mßÈ ksielju lsj yelsh' merKs .Dy NdKav ksjfia ;nd .ekSu j¾;udkfha kj ú,dis;djlaj mj;s' kuq;a'' fujeks .Dy NdKav ñ<g .ekSug wêl uqo,la jeh lsÍug isÿjkjdla fukau tajd fidhd .ekSugo wmyiqh' tjeks ;;a;ajhka ;=< rdcH ±j ixia:dfõ mdrïmdßl .Dy NdKav wo Tng myiqfjka ,nd .ekSug yelshdj ,eî we;' mdrïmdßl .Dy NdKav ksIamdokh lsÍfïo w;S; Wreuh iq/flk mßÈ ksis ksIamdok yd ;dlaIKsl l%ufõohka Ndú;d lrñka" mdrïmßl Ys,amska ,jd tu ld¾h bgq lrkq ,nhs' fuu mdrïmßl .Dy NdKav ks¾udKYs,s Ndjfhka hqla;j bmerKs .Dy NdKav j, lsisÿ fjkila olakg fkd,efnk mßÈ ksIamdokh fõ' rdcH ±j ixia:dfõ mdrïmßl .DyNdKav ksIamdok tall .d,a," nqiai m%foaYh ia:dk.; lr we;s w;r" fuu tallfha jev lrk fndfyda Ys,amska fudrgqj" wïn,kaf.dv iy .d,a, wjg fuu l¾udka;h
úfYaI fndafrdaka mßrCIK l%shdj,shlg Ndckh fldg ^Boron Treatment& l,ameje;au iy ksudj jeä lrñka wmf.a ksIamdokh i|yd fhdod .efka'
ms<sn| yi, ±kqulska fyì Ys,amska ùu ksid rdcH ±j ixia:dfõ mdrïmßl .DyNdKav i|yd w;s úYd, b,a¨ula Èjhsk mqrd mj;s' wïmdr m%foaYfha Y%S ,xldfõ úYd,;u ±j .Dy NdKav ksIamdok tallh msysgqjd we;s w;r" l,afouq,a, m%foaYfha ;j;a .Dy NdKav tallfha msysgqjd ;sfí'
ceflchhs' fuysS remsh,a 100000l jákdlula olajd jq .DyNdKav jir rdcH fiajlhskag wjia:dj ,nd§ we;' rdcH fiajlfhl= jk Tn ñ,§ .kafka remsh,a 100000l jákd lulska hq;=
.Dy NdKav kï remsh,a 100000 olajd jQ uqo, m%ido wNsudKs meflach hgf;a b;sß uqo, Tn w;e;s uqo,skao f.jd NdKav ,nd .ekSfï wjia:djo mj;s'
fuu ksIamdok tall j, ksIamdokh lrkq ,nk .Dy NdKav wf,ú lsÍu i|yd .Dy NdKav m%o¾YK.dr /ila Y%S ,xldj mqrd ia:dk.; fldg we;' Tnf.a ksjig wjYH wk¾>" ;.a mj;sk .Dy NdKav i|yd rdcH ±j ixia:dfõ ksIamdÈ; .Dy NdKav flfrys úYajdih ;nd .ekSug Tng tel' rdcH fiajlhska i|yd jk zm%ido wNsudksZ meflach rdcH fiajlhka i|yd jk m%ido wNsudkS meflach m%ido wNsudkS hkq rdcH ±j ixia:dj úiska rdcH fiajlhka fjkqfjka l%shd;aul flfrk iyk
2012 November
It's my
fjkia jQ yelshdjkaf.ka hq;= fjkia jQ Yla;Skaf.ka hq;= ñksiqka fndfydauhla f,dalfha isá' Tjqkaf.a l%shdldrlï yryd Tjqyq ck;djf.a wdorhg md;% fj;s' fï ksidu iudcfha Tjqkaj weoySug mjd fm<fò' fï Èkj, wfma rfÜ fndfyda l;d nyg ,laj we;s tjka pß;hls Ydia;%dpdßKs .x.d iqo¾YkSs uy;añh' úúO jQ i;H wkdjels .Kkdjla m%ldY lrñka weh fndfyda fokdf.a úYajdih iy m%idoh Èkdf.k isà'
,xldj ch.%yKh fkdlrk njg l, wkdjelsh jeo.;a ;ekla .kS' tfukau ;u Yla;s n,fhka frda.Ska iqj lsÍuo .x.d iqo¾YkS uy;añhf.a úfYaI;ajhls'
l=vd l< isgu hï hï wkdjels m%ldY l,;a fuu úfYaI n,h ms<sn| weh jeäysáhl= njg m;a jk f;la f,djg t<s lsÍug wehf.a fouõmshka bv§ ke;' ta weh orejl=j isáh§ fï ms<sn|j ñksiqka ±k .ekSu wehf.a <ud úhg ndOdjla fj;ehs wehf.a foudmshka is;+ ksidfjks' wdhq¾fõo ffjoHjrfhl= jq mshdf.;a hym;a .Dykshla jQ ujf.a;a fijfka yeÿKq orejka ih fofkl=f.ka hq;= jq .x.d uy;añhf.a ksji wd.ñl mßirhlska jeiS.;a mkai,la n÷ ;ekla úh' mshdf.ka fnfy;a .ekSug meñfkk frda.Skag wjYH fnfy;a iy tu frda.shdf.a brKu" ;;a;ajh" frda.hg fya;= jq l¾u ksOdkh wdÈh l=vd l< isgu wehf.a ukig ú;a ;snqfKa .x.d iqo¾Yks uy;añh i;=jQ widudkH n,h ksidh' ima; lkHd .=jka wk;=r" iqkdñ Wjÿr ms<sn|j weh wkdjels m%ldY fldg ;snqfKa wehf.a l=vd wjÈfhauh' ta ms<sn|j wehf.a foudmshkao igyka ;nd ;snQ nj lshfjhs' uE;l§ úiaihs úiai f,dal l=i,dk wjika ;r.fha§ Y%S 68
2012 November
zzuu fcHda;s¾h fõÈkshla fkfjhs' tfukau uu ffjoHjßhlao fkfjhs' fndfyda kùk úoHd,jg yiq fkjk frda. iEfokafka ;ukaf.a fmr wd;au j, l¾u úmdl ksihs' ug úfYaI Yla;shla we;s ksid fujeks ldrKd ug fmfkkjd' uu lrkafka tu l¾u úmdl bj;a lsÍug wjYH msx oyï lsÍu iy uf.a Yla;sh frda.skag m%;sldr lsÍuhs'ZZ tfia .x.d iqo¾YkS uy;añh m%ldY lrhs' fmr wd;au Njhl furg úiQq f;afcdan, rcl= jq rdjKd rcqf.a kef.ksh jQ iqm¾Ksld foaúh f,io mq,;sis iDIsjrhdf.a ñksìßhla f,io isàu fya;= fldg f.k tu n,h fufia mqk¾ Njhl§ ;ukag ,efnk nj .x.d uy;añh mjihs' zziEu fndfyda foaj,a isÿjkafka ;ukaf.a l¾u Yla;sh wkqj' ta ksid ks;ru wms fyd| foaj,a l< hq;=hs' bÈßfha§ f,dalhg ;j;a oreKq iq<s iq,x" N+ p,k iy uqyqo f.dv .e,Sï ùug kshñ;hs' ,xldjg;a fï foaj,a wksjd¾hfhkau n,mdkjd' fïjdfhka .e,ùug wjYHkï nqÿka irK hd hq;=hs' msx oyï /ia l< hq;=hs' ks;ru fyd| foaj,a lrñka ;u ;ukaf.a wkql+,j isáh hq;=hs'ZZ
f,!lsl iemiïm;a fndfydauhlska wE;aj w;HjYH foa muKla ;ndf.k ;u Ôú;h fï jk úg f.ùug mgka f.k we;s njhs' .x.d uy;añh mjikafka uyshx.k m%foaYfha b;d úYd, jkhl .ejiS.;a N+ñhl weh Ôj;a fjhs' iSñ; iem myiqlï ;u Ôú;fha wdOHd;añl wruqK lrd ;uka fufyhùug fya;= jk njhs weh mjikafka' ðù;fha ms<sfj<;a" ukd ie,iqu;a" ksfrda.S nj;a" msx oyï /ia lsÍu;a Ôú;fha kshu wre; ;ukag ,`.d lrkq we;s njhs' iqo¾Yks uy;añh mjikqfha' zzug wjYH ñksiqkag jeo.;a jk wkaofï jev lsÍughs' ta ksid ;uhs uu úYd, uqo,la jeh lrjd uyshx.k rcuyd úydrfha O¾u Yd,dj yefoõfõ' ta uu .sh ld,fha wikSm ;;a;ajfhka miqjk frda.Ska Wfoid frdao mqgq mß;Hd. lsÍfï jHdmdrhla l<d' fï jk úg uu >d;kh lsÍug isá .jhka 1500la muK ksoyia lr ;sfnkjd' bf.ksug olaI wirK <uhska fjkqfjka mß.Kl" fmd;am;a" uqo,a" we÷ï wd§ foa ks;ru uu ,nd fokjd' fkdfnda Èklskau lrjke,af,a .,msg uv úydria:dkfha§ ud úiska bÈ lrjQ ffp;Hhlao" rkak lÈrf.dv§ uKavr kñka ud úiska bÈ lrjQ foajd,hlao újD; ùug kshñ;hs' Ydikhg iy ck;djg lrk fiajfhka uf.a is;g ±fkkafka wm%udK i;=gla' fnod yodf.k" mß;Hd. lrñka Ôj;a ùu
w;HjYH fohla Ôú;fha§" thska wfma Ôú;hg ,efnkafka i;=gla'ZZ .x.d iqo¾YkS uy;añh mjihs' weh orejka i;r fofkl=f.a ujla' zzfï jk úg uf.a msßñ orejka fofokd jHdmdr lrñka isákjd' thska f,dl= mq;d jðr olaI fcHda;s¾h fõÈfhla' uf.a tla ÿjla újdylhs' wfkla ÿj Wiia wOHdmkh ,nk YsIHdjla' orejkaf.a me;af;ka uu fndfydau ;Dma;su;a' fyd| ujla ùu Ôú;fha iEu .eyeksfhlau ,nk Nd.Hhla' ta ksid fudk jevrdcldß ;snqK;a .eyekshla fyd| ujla úh hq;=hs' tfyu ke;s jqfKd;a weh fï iudchg odhdo lrkafka iïm;a fkfjhs' ms<s,' túg fudk foa l,;a wjidkfha§ ;uka wiu;a''ZZ orejka iy Ôú;h weh tfia olskakSh' zzmdkaor ;=kg uu wjÈ fjkafka' bka miqj uu nqÿka jeo Ndjkd lsÍu isÿ lrkjd' f.a fodr jev ;sfíkï tajd lsÍu wdydr msiSfï jev;a uu lrkafka' wdydr msiSfï§ f.or wfkla idudðlhkaf.a fi!LH .ek uu ie,ls<su;a' Tjqkag wjYH fmdaIKh imsß .=Kodhl wdydr muKhs uu msiskafka' m<;=re iy OdkH j¾. ;uhs uukï m%Odk jYfhkau wdydrhg .kafka' .DyKshla jqkdu wdydr .ek ie,ls<su;a úh hq;=hs' ;ukaf.a;a" orejkaf.a;a" iajdñhdf.a;a" fi!LH iïmkak nj /£ ;sfnkafka .Dyksh wf;ahs''ZZ ta wef.a Ôú;hhs''
2012 November
irfkare yd fodr.=`M Wmdx. l¾udka;fha kj hq.hla''
mjqv¾ fldaáka ;dCIKfhka ksujd m%:u jrg ,dxlSh fjf<| fmd<g t<s ±lafjk j.hs'' Tnf.a ksjig wjYH irfkare iy fodr.=`M Wmdx. f;dard .ekSfï§ Tn úiska úfYaIfhka wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;= ldrKd lsysmhla fjhs' l,ameje;au ksudj ks¾udKYs,s;ajh iy j.lSu ta w;ßka m%Odk;u lreKq fõ' fuysÈ fjf<|fmd< ;sfnk wfkl=;a irfkare w;ßka Tn hd hq;af;a fld;eklgo@ flfi,aj;a; fÜ%äx mqoa.,sl iud.u Tfí ksjig" ld¾hd,hg wjYH irfkare iy fodr.=`M Wmdx. kùk" ;dlaIKfhka Wiia ksudfjka ks¾udKYs,s;ajfhka iy j.lSfuka hq;=j ,nd§fï m%uqLhd fjhs' wdh;kfha ksIamdokd.drh ;=<§u muKla ksmojk irfkare iy fodr.=`M Wmdx. mjqv¾ fldaáka ;dCIKfhka úúO j¾Khkaf.ka iy úúO m%udKhkaf.ka iqúfYaIs ñ, .Kka hgf;a AVRO fjf<| kdufhka úYajdijka;j Èjhsk mqrd msysá m%uqL fmf<a yd¾âfjhd¾ wdh;k j,§ Tng ,nd .; yel' fuys ;j;a iqúfYaIs ;;a;ajhla jkafka Tng wjYH 70
2012 November
±kaùuls' j¾Khkaf.ka iy ±juh ksudfjka hq;= j¾Khkaf.ka ñ,§ .ekSug yelshdj ,eîuhs' AVRO irfkare iy fodr.=`M Wmdx. ksIamdok l%shdj,sh f,dalfha Wiiau jdfka ;yvq j,ska ksudjk AVRO fodr.=`M Wmdx. m%:ufhka ksYaÑ; ridhksl l%shdj,shlska msßisÿ fldg jdhq f.da,hg m%;sl%shd fkdlrk mg,hlska wdjrKh lrkq ,nhs' miqj mjqv¾ fldaáka ;dlaIKh fhdod .ksñka jdfka fldgia u< ne£ulg iSßulg fyda j¾Kh fjkiaùulg ,la fkdjk wdldrfhka wdjrKh lrkq ,nhs' ksmojk NdKav j, .=Kd;aul Ndjh wLKavj mj;ajdf.k hEu i|yd ksIamdokd.drhka ;=< Wiia ;dCIKsl l%ufõohka yd hka;% iq;% fukau mqyqKq Y%uho Ndú;d lrhs' tfukau mßir ys;ldó f,i mßirhg ydksodhl fkdjk wdldrfhka mjqv¾ fldaáka ;dlaIKh fhdod .ksñka fuu AVRO ksIamdok l%shdj,sh mj;ahdf.k hdug flfi,aj;a; fÜ%äx mqoa.,sl iud.u lghq;= lrhs'
2012 November
A home is something more than a place which we live. It reflects our lifestyle, passions and our identity. People generally hire an architect to design a home to reflect their way of living and at the same time making the maximum out of the land plot. One such home designed by Architect Thisara Thanapathy for the â&#x20AC;&#x153;La Passionâ&#x20AC;? fashion chain outletsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; owner, Mr. Sanjeeva Kumarapperuma, is situated in a narrow sub-road from the road leading to Hokandara form the Thalawathugoda junction. After buying a 24 perch land in Thalawathugoda, Mr. Kumarapperuma needed to put a home to accommodate his lifestyle. His main requirement was to have spaces for his social life inside the house while preserving the privacy of his personal home. Architect Thisara Thanapathy interpreting his requirements, designed a tropical house wgardens on both sides and the dining at an upper level also opens out to a garden at the same level. These outdoor gardens can be connected with the inside, for an occasion, by simply opening out the door windows. Rafidh Rifaadh Mihira Bandara 72
2012 November
The Tropical Lounge
2012 November
The View from the entrance. The entrance tunnel is painted in vibrant orange and allows light form the slits on the right. Upon entering, oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vision is directed towards the antique placed at the other end.
2012 November
The guest Lobby is situated at the end of the narrow passage which is convenient to treat outside visitors. The shallow pond, not only acts as an element of aestetic, but also acts as a zoning element. It restricts movement to the servant/ Drivers quarter from the guest lobby.
Other than that, the main feature of thehich could be converted a private party lounge. The double space living opens out to house is that the architect has played with the spatial experiences. The entry way is designed to take the visitor through a narrow passage to a large living. The 12 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 14 step walk to the living through the narrow passage painted in vibrant orange, while feeling the coolness of the cut cement tile floor, is the first experience on entering the house.
2012 November
The Living
Within each spaces of the house, antiques and objects of Feng - Shui are placed in a suitable way to enhance the spatial experience of that particular space. Mr. Kumarepperuma says that he is an antiques lover with a collection of mystical Feng-Shui objects and has displayed only a few collectibles in his home. He is on the go to get a gallery type house designed by Architect Thanapathy only to display these collectibles!
The living is a double height space which allows visual links to the dining level. 76
2012 November
2012 November
The dining opening out to a garden. This garden transforms as an outer dining space during private parties. In daily routine, it comes to use as a drying yards for clothes.
The entrance to the Master Bedroom. The narrow passage ensures a sense of privacy and gives a feeling of a suite.
View of the master bedroom form the upper floor.
2012 November
Spaces The Ground floor consists of a narrow entry passage, a guest lobby, a large living with garden on either sides and a pool, servant quarters and a parking for two cars. The dining level consists of a ten seater dining opening out to the garden at the same level, the master bedroom which is designed for privacy with a toilet and walk in closet, and the kitchen. The upper floor is of three bedrooms and a shrine with a Buddha statue.
The view of the living and the bedrooms form the pool 2012 November
eing popular among many, it is Nilhan Senewirathna who designed costumes for the film Aba, the film which has earned the highest income in the Sri Lankan Cinema industry so far. It has been 20 years since he entered the field as a fashion designer. Since then, he has contributed to a number of creations and it is Nilhan who worked as the main costume designer in several films and tele dramas, popular even today. Sanuja Nadeeshani
2012 November
Suranga Basnayaka
“I enter the field as a fashion designer in the year of 1994. After that, I have worked as the main costume designer in many creative productions. It was on my designs that the costume was created in the film Aba, the film which kept the record of earning the highest income earned by a Sri Lankan Sinhala film. Having contributed to such a film, I can say that it is because of my talents and capacity that I got such an opportunity. But, even today, a large number of people in this field don’t know me and they are many.”
“It is before entering this field I began collecting those statues. It was a time that I had no job. I was engaging in a pooja in Katharagama. My wish was to get a job. I happened to notice a Buddha’ s statue which was there to be sold. It caught my eyes and I bought it.It was there I had a liking to have a collection of mine.Few days after the Poojawa, I actually got a job as a fashion designer. It naturally led me to think that it was the poojawa I did in Katharagama which has given me this job. Ever since, I have been collecting these statues.”
Nilhan as a fashion designer is news but it is doubtful whether many know him to his precious collection of statues. In his residence, one finds that there are more than 400 statues belonging to him. Dilhan has a marvellous story on this.
In his collection, Nilhan has paid special attention to Buddha statues belonging to different faiths and to the statues of gods as well. It is no surprise that one who sees this collection imagines it to be a little museum rich with tradition.
“I enter the field as a fashion designer in the year of 1994. After that, I have worked as the main costume designer in many creative productions. It was on my designs that the costume was created in the film Aba, the film which kept the record of earning the highest income earned by a Sri Lankan Sinhala film. Having contributed to such a film, I can say that it is because of my talents and capacity that I got such an opportunity. But, even today, a large number of people in this field don’t know me and they are many.”
Nilhan as a fashion designer is news but it is doubtful whether many know him to his precious collection of statues. In his residence, one finds that there are more than 400 statues belonging to him. Dilhan has a marvellous story on this. “It is before entering this field I began collecting those statues. It was a time that I had no job. I was engaging in a pooja in Katharagama. My wish was to get a job. I happened to notice a Buddha’ s statue which was there to be sold. It caught my eyes and I bought it.It was there I had a liking to have a collection of mine.Few days after the Poojawa, I actually got a job as a fashion designer. It naturally led me to think that it was the poojawa I did in Katharagama which has given me this job. Ever since, I have been collecting these statues.” 2012 November
In his collection, Nilhan has paid special attention to Buddha statues belonging to different faiths and to the statues of gods as well.It is no surprise that one who sees this collection imagines it to be a little museum rich with tradition. “I have statues high in value as well, specially those I bought from India. I don’t know why but it is India that I have travelled more frequently and with much diligence.When I have a look on those statues, I get a feeling of tranquility. I also have some ancient photographs. They have high value as well. By now, they have been kept away safely with the doubt that they might get harmed with the prevailing situation.”
2012 November
Though collected for twenty years merely as a hobby, the feeling of fullfillment that Nilhan derives out of it, as he says is, infinite, which can’t be expressed in words.Nilhan concluded his talk on his collection saying no person or place in Sri lanka possess a collection of statues like this.Nilhan is no doubt a great fashion designer but also he is a kind of veteran in interior designing.Gazing around his residence in which he keeps his statues, we natuarally come across this wonderful blend of colours. His home with different shades gives one an awareness of interior décor and also of colour blend as well as a sense of how different colours could be used in.