2024 Holiday Special: Home Business Advertiser

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You’ve put in the effort, believed in the promises, and maybe even invested your hard-earned money. But instead of success, you’ve been left disappointed, frustrated, and burned out. We get it—people have let you down, and trusting another opportunity might feel like setting yourself up for more pain.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Here’s why our solution is different:

• Turnkey System: No more guessing games. Everything is ready for you to hit the ground running.

• Eliminates the Stress: Forget the headaches of traditional business models. We take care of the heavy lifting so you can focus on success.

• Support Every Step of the Way: We understand where you’ve been. You’ll never feel like you’re doing it alone.

• No False Promises: Real results, real people, and a proven track record. We’re in this together.

“I made $8,000 September 17th doing EXACTLY what Leonard showed me how to do. His simple 1,2,3 system is extremely profitable.”

- Casey K. Las Vegas, NV

• Built for Trust: No gimmicks, no empty promises—just a business that works without the pain of the past. It’s time to leave the disappointment behind and finally build something that works for you.

NOV/DEC 2024

Issue 5/Vol 20


Bob Schwartz & Company

National Marketing Director

Jennifer Schwartz

Marketing Coordinators

Hannah Schwartz

Rebecca Schwartz

Ella Schwartz

Creative Director

Maria Hostetter

Display Advertising: 1-717-426-2438


Home Business Advertiser® is published bi-monthly by Bob Schwartz & Company. All material within is copyright protected by the publisher. All submissions are handled with care; we assume no responsibility for unsolicited materials. Although all advertisers are believed to be honest and truthful, the publisher accepts no responsibility or liability for the conduct of the advertisers in this publication. The publisher recommends consulting legal counsel before entering into any business relationship. Please notify the publisher if any misconduct is detected.


The term “advertorial” is a combination of “advertisement” and “editorial” written in an editorial format as an independent news story, when in fact the advertisement may promote a particular product or interest. Advertorials are only illustrative of what might be achievable and that they should not be taken literally.

Home Business Advertiser® 6461 Cherry Street East Petersburg, PA 17520 717-426-2438


© 2024 All Rights Reserved

All advertisers are responsible for content of their own ads. Thank you for advertising!

Hey Friends!!

I want to thank all the advertisers, editors, and contributors who make Home Business Advertiser magazine such a success year after year:

CJ Eaden, Justin Gerena, Bryon Gunter, Bill Silverson, Dean Galloway, Ken Wasiewicz, Dan Gill, Rich Atashian, Juan Cruz, Theodore Stagg, Andy Firth, Scott Sanders, Beverly Lavers, Ron Kushner, Sam Smith, Cliff Whitt, Charles Zito, Pamela Miller, Melanie Cote, Andre King, Georgia Gold Rush, Joseph Schwartz, Shawn Dreffs, Mary Dertien, Chris Hooper, Joan Sprinkle, Sean Kelly, Michelle West, Jonathan Joanes, Ed Lomax, Colleen Kennedy, Doug Ziprick, Scotty Paulsen, Tharold Delacruz, Ann Hansen, Andy Laurents, Gary Parris, Eli George, James Longs, Michael Maglione Jr, Kevin Hansen, Ernie Cadiz, Marcus Jones, Ron Santoro, David Fangmeier, Jerry Hodges, Ross Puryear, David Knop, Leonard Grant, Marvin Williams, Ray Price, Paul Korzeniowski, Todd White, Aaron Johnson, Kelly Isom-Tolar, and Troy Dooly.

Don’t miss advertising in the January 2025 issue!

A big shout-out to our feature cover advertiser, Shane Douglas, an entrepreneur whose determination has stood the test of time.

If you want to advertise in the next issue, which closes on December 9th for the very special January 2025 issue, get in touch with me at www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com to place your ad or call/text 717-808-1772.

Don’t miss advertising in the January 2025 issue—you’ll kick yourself later!

I hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday. Our family loves you and prays for you almost every day.

All my best, Bob Schwartz, Jr. Publisher/CEO


“Let not your heart be troubled” - Jesus Christ

Interview with Shane Douglas

Shane before we get into understanding the power of your NEW Automated Business Builder APP lets cover a few important topics. Entrepreneurs always want to know what the most important factors are in building a home-based business. I ran across this website www.LifeTimeEarners.com

.It currently ranks you as the #11 all time earner amongst all networking distributors across all companies worldwide which is a pretty cool feat.

So, it’s pretty obvious you know what you are doing in the industry I’d like to ask you some very direct questions that people reading our magazine would like the answers too when choosing and building a business from home.

Q – When someone considers joining a homebased business what is the most important factor in deciding on a company?

1. Compensation Plan

2. System

A – It’s absolutely SYSTEM. The reason why some joining the industry haven’t always experienced their best possible result wasn’t because it doesn’t work, or that they can’t do it. There’s already been too many who have succeeded for that to be true.

I believe many times, the new person joining may have been lured into the industry by the over hyping of a compensation plan or the “We will do it all for you” approach. The real truth is, you must have an exact system in place that helps the least experienced, least talented person who joins your team, or the business simply won’t duplicate long term. Duplication is what creates true residual based income, not the ability to sell people into the business or the compensation plan. It doesn’t matter how great a compensation plan or even a company may be if you and most of your team can’t build the business through duplication.

Q – What about when companies / distributors say things like you don’t need to do anything, we do it all or build your organization for you? Or a potential sponsor tells you just join I’ll do all the work and you’ll get paid?

A – I would say to anyone if you’ve heard anything close to those comments run as fast as you can away. Nothing worth having or owning will ever be completely hands off. This is just ridiculous to even think it’s possible or probable. A business isn’t a lottery ticket, this is why we created our APP in the first place. Simplifying the process without requiring personal skill or talent just requiring a little effort.


– How long do you think a company should be in business before considering joining it?

Frankly I wouldn’t even consider a company that hasn’t been in business for at least 10 years.

A – Frankly I wouldn’t even consider a company that hasn’t been in business for at least 10 years. Here’s why, many companies begin in the industry either undercapitalized or understaffed to meet the growing pains that a newer company will face if it’s successful. Not to mention I prefer a company that has stood the test of time with regulators, showing that they have a viable forthright program that has withstood any scrutiny of their model.

Q – Many ask why does it cost money to start a home-based business?

A – Honestly when I get asked this question, I know right away this person probably shouldn’t be in business. My question back is name me one business that gives you any chance of achieving financial success that doesn’t require your capital? The answer is none, even a lemon aide or popcorn stand cost your capital to get started. I’ve owned several traditional business’s before turning to networking that cost me multiple times more capital than any home-based business I’ve ever seen.

Q – Ok this all makes common sense. So, let’s talk about your NEW unique automated APP that has been helping create great results for you and your team. Why do you think this is the ultimate game changer in your home - based business especially at this time in the industry?

A – What I’ve discovered in my 30+ years of building a business from home fulltime is many

people join the industry with NO past experience or NO past success. Many times, they just lack the personal confidence on what to say, how to say it and most importantly when to say it. Our APP is designed to take the least experienced, least talented person and give them a tool with the exact content and structure to build the business. Our APP has everything PRELOADED on it from reach out & follow up messages via text, email or social media. Along with all the professional video content needed. Such as potential business partner piquing interest videos, business presentation, compensation plan & launch training videos. It also includes direct links to their web page for people to be able to sign up as a customer or as a business partner. In addition, it’s even preprogrammed in the exact order for the new person to send the content out and when to send it. They simply upload contacts and press send. The process takes just a few minutes.

Q – Ok that’s sound great, but I assume the APP must cost the new person an arm and a leg?

A – Not at all when people partner in the business with us the APP is Free for them and their team to use to build their business. We must remember that all things must be duplicatable for you and your organization to grow and succeed.

... when people partner in the business with us the APP is Free for them and their team to use to build their business.
... I’ve always believed that the growth of a new person’s business within our team should create profit for all that are part of the process.

Q – But wait a minute in the past it seems like a lot of individuals out there sign a new person up into a business then try to start selling them training etc. Are you saying you don’t do that?

A – Absolutely NOT, I’ve always believed that the growth of a new person’s business within our team should create profit for all that are part of the process. If not, you’re with the wrong company and or sponsor. I have NO interest in nickel and diming new business builders that join with add ons, training ETC.

Q – What other valuable features does the APP have?

A – Another great feature is when someone new sends out a text, email or video link from the APP

to a potential client / business partner the APP tracks when the message is opened or when the video is played and for how long. Then the system immediately sends you an alert to your email and phone letting you know real time that they are interested and looking!

Q – What if they open the message or video 6 months or a year from now?

A – Yes absolutely you are alerted immediately every time forever. Imagine how valuable this information is when you know what the potential client/business partner is thinking and doing with the information you’ve sent them. It’s extremely powerful knowledge in any industry to have.

Q – What other capabilities does the APP have?

A – It keeps accountability running stats on how many people you’ve reached out to and how many of them engaged in the information. This feature keeps all of us accountable to ourselves and tracks real time results of what’s working and what isn’t.

Q – Is there anything else the APP can do?

A- YES, the APP actually has so many great features we could never cover them all in this interview. Some other great features are it generates a great digital business card that you can text or email out to people. It also has a great calendar scheduler you can access. It also allows you to run promotions with your team with a built-in leader board so everyone on the APP can see and be recognized. Honestly the list goes on and on and did I mention we give it to the new person FREE ;-)

Q – Do you have any closing thoughts you think would benefit someone who is looking for a business right now.

A – Absolutely I always share with everyone I talk to about the business, all companies will offer you

a business you can enroll in. They may even try to over hype all the money you may earn and why joining them is so great. But the truth is we are the only group that not only offers you a longevity proven business model, but we also give you an advanced way of building it successfully. Without requiring past experience, past success or even much technical skill. Our APP allows you to be in control of your own speed and destiny with business. Easily upload contacts and press send. No other skill is needed.

Q – Great so if anyone just wants to explore this APP / business model with you how do they do it?

A – Simple they just go to www.BThe1.com and watch my quick 3-minute video on exactly how the APP works. If they like what they see and have questions they can easily schedule a no obligation quick 15-minute meeting with me right on the webpage to get their questions answered. I realize timing is everything in people’s lives. I’m a NO pressure guy that is happy just building relationships with people until the timing is right for them to get started. ... the APP actually has so many great features we could never cover them all in this interview. If not now then when? If not this then what? Start living your best life rather watching others live theirs. You and your family deserve it.


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Mail to: Bob Schwartz & Company 6461 Cherry Street East Petersburg, PA 17520 Phone: 717-808-1772 (Leave message)

“Let your light shine before others” - Matthew 5:16 <><

All I Need to Know About Marketing, I Learned in Kindergarten

Who would have thought that the basic principles we learned in kindergarten could apply to marketing? Yet, the timeless lessons of sharing, playing fair, and treating others with kindness are the foundation of success in this business. Let’s revisit those early teachings and see how they translate into the world of network marketing.

Sharing is Caring

In kindergarten, we learned to share our toys, and in network marketing, it’s all about sharing opportunities. The more you share valuable products, services, and the benefits of your business with others, the more your network grows. You’re not just selling; you’re sharing solutions that can improve lives. Just like sharing toys helped us make friends, sharing in affiliate marketing builds trust and relationships that are crucial for success.

Play Fair

Kindergarten taught us the importance of fairness and playing by the rules. In affiliate marketing, this means being ethical in your dealings with customers and team members. Transparency, honesty, and integrity are nonnegotiable. Your reputation is your most valuable asset, and just like in kindergarten, when you play fair, people want to stick around.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Remember when we needed help tying our shoes or learning a new game? We weren’t afraid to ask our teachers or friends for assistance. The same applies in network marketing. Don’t hesitate to seek guidance from mentors, upline leaders, or peers. The most successful people in this business are lifelong learners who are willing to ask for help and guidance.

Be Kind

Kindness was a golden rule in kindergarten, and it’s just as important in affiliate marketing. Treat people with respect and genuine care, whether they’re customers, prospects, or members of your team. People want to do business with those they like and trust, and being kind fosters long-lasting relationships that help your business grow.

Work Together

Teamwork was a huge part of kindergarten life, whether it was building a block tower or working on an art project. In network marketing, teamwork is just as important. Supporting and collaborating with your downline and peers makes the entire network stronger. When your team wins, you win too.

Persistence Pays Off

If at first you didn’t succeed at a kindergarten task, you were encouraged to keep trying. In affiliate marketing, persistence is key. Not every prospect will say yes, and not every sale will close immediately. But if you stay consistent, keep showing up, and maintain a positive attitude, success will come.

In the end, the basic lessons of kindergarten—sharing, fairness, kindness, teamwork, and persistence— are the very skills needed to thrive in affiliate marketing. Sometimes, the simplest principles lead to the most profound results.

Learn more at www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com - Place an ad before Dec 9 for the January 2025 issue

GreatLife Worldwide New Anti-Aging Pill

If you’ve never made money in MLM Now You Will !

Earn up to $5,300 without enrolling anyone-no sponsoring required.Totally new compensation plan pays four times more than other membership programs. PhytoZon is the only Nutraceutical Formula of its kind. IT WORKS!



►Stimulate your immune system

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Authentic Testimonials

“I’m J.D. Mills, Tulsa, OK 74132. Ph 918-370-6653 ADN has The amazing PhytoZon that has done wonders for my health. In just a few months my blind left eye began seeing, my knee pain is gone, even my memory is better and I have more energy to take care of my disabled wife 24/7” ADN also has a liquid product called PureAquaMins® that works fast to remove 99.9% of all viruses. Doctor’s are excited about this virus killing product.

Dr. Ed Schmidt, PhD. Member of American Dream Nutrition Ph 920-728-7886: “Since I started taking These products, within 6 months my knee pain is entirely gone! My gums feel better. I have an enlarged prostate which has caused horrible problems.. Prostate drugs helped, but since taking these products, I NO LONGER NEED DRUGS! Several other ailments are being helped as well. Best of all I have more energy! Check it out here at: https://greatlifeworldwide.com/ref/rayp/9



What is Home Business ACADEMY?

Home Business Academy (HBA) helps people start and grow businesses from home.

HBA offers training, tools, and support for finding customers, creating sales websites, and marketing. The goal is to help people earn money and succeed in their home-based businesses using “principle-based” leadership.

Who owns HBA?

Paul Hutchings and Mike Hobbs.

They are both experienced entrepreneurs who created HBA to provide education and support for people looking to build successful home-based businesses.

Who are Paul Hutchings and Mike Hobbs?

1. Entrepreneurs: Both have built multiple successful home-based businesses.

2. Experienced Trainers: They have extensive experience in training and mentoring others in entrepreneurship and online marketing.

3. Authors and Speakers: They are recognized authors and speakers, sharing their knowledge at events and through their published works.

4. Community Builders: They have created a supportive community within HBA that helps members achieve their business and personal goals.

5. Innovators: They have developed unique and effective training programs that have helped many individuals succeed in their home-based businesses and family lives.

How do I earn money?

To make money with the Home Business Academy (HBA), you can:

✔Apply What You Learn: Use HBA’s training to start your own home-based business, focusing on affiliate marketing or providing business services.

✔ Affiliate Marketing: Promote HBA’s programs and earn commissions for each sale made through your referral link.

✔Create & Sell Sales Funnels: Use the skills learned from HBA to create effective sales funnels for your business or for other businesses. Local businesses need websites.

✔Lead Generation: Activate HBA’s lead generation strategies to attract customers and form lifelong partnerships.

✔HBA Community Support: Leverage the HBA community for networking, support, and opportunities to grow your business.

Does HBA pay 80% commissions?

Yes, the Home Business Academy (HBA) pays 80% commissions to its affiliates.

When you promote HBA’s products and services and make a sale through your referral link, you earn 80% of the sale price as a commission. This high commission rate is designed to provide significant earning potential for affiliates.

*Examples of earning 80% commissions with HBA:

1. HBA Funnel Builder:

• Price: $25 per month

• Commission: $20 per month

• Example: If you refer 10 customers, you earn $200 per month.

2. HBA Premium Membership:

• Price: $125 per month

• Commission: $100 per month

• Example: If you refer 10 customers, you earn $1,000 per month.

3. HBA All-In-One Business:

• Price: $20 upfront + $25 per month for the Funnel Builder

• Commission: $16 upfront + $20 per month

• Example: If you refer 10 customers, you earn $160 upfront + $200 per month.

How do I take the next step? Get Started in 3 Simple Steps:

1. Sign up on the HBA website –www.HBALaunch.com

2. Complete the training course.

3. Apply the knowledge and earn 80% commission.

*Income Disclaimer. The Home Business Academy (HBA) makes no guarantees of income or success. Earnings and income examples provided are not typical and should not be considered as a promise or guarantee of results. Your success in the program depends on your own efforts, market conditions, and other factors beyond our control. Results vary widely and are influenced by the level of time, energy, and dedication you commit to applying the training and resources provided by HBA. We do not guarantee that you will make any specific amount of income or that you will make any money at all.

* “Average affiliates can expect to earn $328 with this business.” For full earnings disclosure visit: Income. TheHBA.net. To earn much higher income amounts, work, skill, and commitment are required. This business has paid over 5 Million dollars in affiliate commissions so far...

Mike Hobbs
Paul Hutchings

Receive Repeating $500 Cash Payments!

This EXPLOSIVE CASH GENERATOR is The Easiest and Most Profitable Home Income System Ever! Payments Come Directly to You – WE DO EVERYTHING ELSE!

OK, no BS or wasting your time! Simply make copies of this simple one-page flyer, put it in an envelope, drop it in the mail, and begin receiving MULTIPLE $500 CASH PAYMENTS over and over again! Believe me, making money just doesn’t get any easier than this! I’ve spent years developing and perfecting this system so that the everyday person can REALLY MAKE MONEY working from home. You will be PROUD to promote this value loaded package and rake in money like never before! I won’t hide anything from you or fill you up with all kinds of useless hype. I will show you EXACTLY how our system works. The product is a proven winner and valuable, and the payments are real! I’ve used this exact blueprint to make hundreds of thousands of dollars from home and to develop and perfect this system. Just follow my Easy Home Mailing Cash Method and you can do the exact same thing!

After 35 years of trial and error and experience, I developed this revolutionary method designed to plug EVERYDAY people into a never-ending stream of REAL INCOME in the easiest way possible, while providing a valuable and useful product! I would LOVE to see you getting these $500 cash payments day after day. That’s why I developed this amazing system. To help you to easily grab REAL EXTRA CASH - EACH AND EVERY MONTH! This is not hype. This is a real, tested. Proven dynamic system that cuts right through all the unnecessary BS and gets right to the heart of what a good money-making operation should do – provide a great product and put REAL CASH MONEY IN YOUR POCKET!

If you ever dreamed of making a real income working at home, this amazing money-making package is what you have been looking for. This is a REAL LEGITIMATE HOME-BASED OPERATION THAT IS SIMPLE AND EASY TO DO AND MAKES HUGE PROFITS! Let me assure you this is a one-of-a-kind, truly unique method of making money from home - unlike anything you have likely ever seen. If you are willing to put in the small amount of effort to follow my simple system, you can easily begin collecting REPEATING $500 CASH PAYMENTS right away! This system was developed to generate a quick and lasting income without all the hassles and headaches of most home-based businesses. Forget low money programs where you need hundreds of buyers to make decent money. Just 2 sales a week will give you an extra $3,200 a month pure profit! THAT my friend is life-changing money that will really help you!

This is very possibly the last time you will have an opportunity to participate in a REAL GUARANTEED INCOME PROGRAM THAT ACTUALLY WORKS! That’s the truth! I’m sure you get tons of so-called money-making offers in your mailbox and being the wise person you are, you KNOW they are almost all nothing but junk. Usually, they are only designed to make money for the guy selling it NOT the person buying it. That’s where this is completely different. THIS SYSTEM ALLOWS YOU TO PLUG INTO A VERY REAL INCOME PROGRAM THAT HAS MADE ME MONEY FOR OVER 30 YEARS AND IS MAKING MONEY FOR MANY OTHERS AS WE SPEAK!

Our Product - The Instant Easy Home Business Package!

This package comes with over 590,000 current opt-in email addresses with phone numbers - Over $5,000 Retail Value! Use these emails yourself or sell them for HUGE PROFITS! We even include a fully detailed marketing system to help you resell them if you wish. BONUS: We also include THE ULTIMATE EBOOK LIBRARY. You have FULL RIGHTS TO RESELL THESE or just use them for your own education! PLUS, you get THE BIG BOOK OF TIPS on CD containing hundreds of secret tips for Money, Health, SelfImprovement and much more! A $500 value! These are all great, but it is our exclusive system that makes you HUGE Bucks! You get our Exclusive Instant Business Manual and your own customized flyer so you can rake in $500 cash payments again and again! ALL THE MONEY COMES DIRECTLY TO YOU! No monitors, administrators, or any of that nonsense –you are in control! You keep a whopping $400 on every order and send $100 to us. We do ALL fulfillment! It doesn’t get any easier than that! All you do is share the flyer! Don’t delay, order today and start making money right away!

Yes! I want to receive repeating $500 cash payments over and over again! Send me entire Instant Email Home Business Package which includes over 590,000 opt-in email leads and FREE BONUS EBOOK LIBRARY and BIG BOOK OF TIPS that I can use or sell. Here is my one-time payment of $500.00 so I can get started making money right away! (Cash or Money order processed same day Checks held for clearance)

Kelly Tolar: Leading the Charge for a New Era in Home Business with LiveGOOD

Kelly Tolar’s rapid rise to Diamond status in LiveGOOD isn’t just a personal success story — it’s emblematic of a larger shift in the home business industry. The way people engage in entrepreneurship is changing, and LiveGOOD, alongside leaders like Kelly, is at the forefront of this transformation. As individuals look for greater flexibility, transparency, and authenticity in their business opportunities, Kelly’s journey exemplifies what’s possible in this new era of homebased entrepreneurship.

From Paycheck to Paycheck to Diamond Status: Kelly’s Journey

Kelly’s story is one of resilience and determination. Before joining LiveGOOD, she worked in public school support staff, balancing her role as a single mom while living paycheck to paycheck. Financial strain was a constant reality, but Kelly refused to give up on her dreams of providing a better life for herself and her family. The opportunity to build a business and improve her financial situation came when she discovered LiveGOOD’s membership-based model, which offers premium wellness products at affordable prices.

Kelly had spent over 25 years in network marketing companies, never quite finding the success she was searching for. The obstacles were familiar: highpriced products, leadership that didn’t inspire, expensive entry fees, and a lack of duplication that made it hard for her to grow a sustainable business. These challenges kept her from reaching her true potential.

When she found LiveGOOD, it was a breath of fresh air. Here was a company offering affordable, high-quality products, transparent leadership, and a model that eliminated the high costs and complex requirements. Kelly saw LiveGOOD as a way to finally break through.

However, just before joining, Kelly found herself in a tight spot. It was the holiday season, and with only one paycheck a month from the public schools, she had already budgeted every penny. Desperate to start but short on funds, Kelly asked her credit card company for an extra $50 credit limit to make it possible. Determined to seize the opportunity, she joined LiveGOOD and immediately began sharing the business with others.

Her fast start was fueled by her proactive approach — launching webinars and presentations, conducting product demonstrations, making videos, reels, and creating daily content to get the word out. Thanks to LiveGOOD’s marketing tools, which include websites available in both English and Spanish and the ability to translate into over 100 languages, Kelly was able to connect with a wide audience and quickly grow her business.

With hard work, strategic networking, and a deep belief in the potential of the company, she reached Diamond status — the pinnacle of achievement in LiveGOOD — in just 92 days. This achievement is a testament to her determination and belief in the LiveGOOD opportunity.

Just five months after starting, Kelly was able to go full-time with her business, leaving behind the paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle and embracing the freedom that comes with entrepreneurship. “LiveGOOD gave me the chance to change my life,” Kelly says. “I went from barely making ends meet to building something that allows me to take care of my family and help others do the same.”

LiveGOOD: A Fresh Approach to Home Business

The shift that Kelly represents is part of a broader movement in the home business world. For years, people were forced into outdated practices that included large, expensive product packs, high-priced items, and strict requirements to maintain product volume (PV), customer volume (CV), or business volume (BV). These hurdles often made it difficult for the average person to succeed.

LiveGOOD’s model is a breath of fresh air. Rather than requiring large upfront investments or forcing people to buy overpriced products, LiveGOOD offers top-quality wellness products at affordable prices. In fact, members save up to 75% off on these premium products. Becoming a member allows you to access wholesale pricing on all LiveGOOD products, making it a compelling choice for individuals who prioritize both quality and value.

LiveGOOD’s mission statement captures its philosophy perfectly: **“Our Mission is Simple: To Help People Get Healthy, And Stay Healthy Without Having To Spend A Fortune To Do It.”** This simple but powerful goal is what sets LiveGOOD apart from traditional home businesses. Members can shop when they want, without the pressure of maintaining complex volume requirements. This freedom is what’s driving the company’s rapid expansion and attracting people from all walks of life.

Kelly has fully embraced this shift, showing her team that success doesn’t have to come with the stress of navigating traditional business models. “People today don’t want to be forced into buying big product packs or expensive items just to stay active in a business. They want freedom — the freedom to shop on their own terms,” Kelly explains. “LiveGOOD allows us to focus on sharing great products with no tricks or pressure.”

Expanding Product Line for a Growing Market

One of the ways LiveGOOD continues to stand out is through its constant innovation in product development. Each month, new products are introduced, helping entrepreneurs keep their offerings fresh and relevant. This forward-thinking

approach not only helps members grow their businesses but also ensures that LiveGOOD is meeting the diverse needs of its customers.

Looking ahead, LiveGOOD plans to expand its product line to include a 4-product skin care line, a men’s hormonal product, cleaning solutions, and sleep gummies. These new additions reflect the company's commitment to providing a comprehensive range of wellness products that support a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, LiveGOOD has the ability to expand into other market categories such as pet products, cryptocurrency training, personal hygiene, water filters, and the travel industry. For Kelly, these expansions represent even more opportunities to grow her business and help others experience the benefits of LiveGOOD’s high-quality products.

“As the company introduces more products, it just makes it easier for us to reach new people,” Kelly says. “We’re offering solutions that improve people’s lives, and with every new product launch, our business has the potential to grow even more.”

Building a Global Business: Kelly’s Expansion Efforts

Kelly’s journey to Diamond has taken her far beyond her local community. To build her business, she’s traveled extensively, visiting

key cities like California, Nashville, New York, Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, and Las Vegas. These trips have been essential in expanding her network and helping others join the LiveGOOD movement. By connecting with people from all walks of life and sharing the LiveGOOD opportunity, Kelly has created a nationwide and international team of entrepreneurs who share her passion for health and financial freedom.

Her success is not limited to the U.S. With LiveGOOD’s global reach, Kelly is helping teams develop in countries such as India, Vietnam, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, Australia, China, and Korea. Recently, new partners have joined Kelly’s business from Australia, France, Ireland, Norway, Serbia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong (China), Denmark, and South Korea. These international markets represent significant growth potential for LiveGOOD, and Kelly’s leadership has been key in fostering this expansion. “It’s

exciting to see how quickly LiveGOOD is growing around the world,” Kelly says. “People everywhere are looking for an opportunity that gives them real freedom, and LiveGOOD provides that.”

LiveGOOD’s Tools for Success: Innovation and Empowerment

One of the key reasons for Kelly’s rapid rise to Diamond status is the innovative tools LiveGOOD provides. The company is constantly developing new ways to make business-building easier and more efficient for its members. With new product offerings added each month, LiveGOOD ensures that its entrepreneurs always have something fresh and exciting to share with customers.

In addition to its growing product line, LiveGOOD is rolling out new sales funnels and marketing websites designed to simplify the business-building process. These tools make it easier for members like Kelly to reach new customers, grow their teams, and generate sales without needing extensive technical expertise. Kelly has been a strong advocate for these innovations, helping her team maximize the potential of these tools.

“LiveGOOD’s tools make it easy for anyone to succeed,” Kelly says. “Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, you can build a thriving business with the resources the company provides.”

Empowering Others to Succeed

As a Diamond leader, Kelly’s mission is to empower others to achieve the same level of success she has found in LiveGOOD. Her personal journey, from living paycheck to paycheck to building a global business, resonates with individuals who are looking for a way out of the traditional 9-to-5 grind. Kelly’s leadership style is rooted in mentorship, ensuring that every team member has the guidance, support, and tools they need to grow their business.

Her influence extends across borders, as LiveGOOD’s teams continue to grow in international markets. With over 100 Diamond leaders already developed in the company, Kelly plays a key role in shaping the future of LiveGOOD’s global expansion. She believes that the opportunity LiveGOOD offers is universal — anyone, regardless of their background or financial situation, can achieve success with the right mindset and support.

“I want to help as many people as possible experience what I’ve experienced with LiveGOOD,” Kelly says. “It’s not just about financial success — it’s about having the freedom to live life on your own terms.”

A New Era in Home Business: The LiveGOOD Revolution

Kelly’s story is just one example of how LiveGOOD is transforming the home business industry. As more people reject the traditional model of overpriced product packs and complex volume requirements, they are turning to opportunities like LiveGOOD that offer transparency, flexibility, and real value.

This shift is part of a broader trend in the industry. People no longer want to feel pressured into purchasing large quantities of products or navigating complex systems just to remain active in their business. They want to shop when they want, without the tricks of keeping up with PV, CV, or BV requirements. LiveGOOD’s model allows them to do just that, and Kelly’s leadership is helping drive this change.

Looking Ahead: The Future of LiveGOOD

As LiveGOOD continues to grow, so does Kelly’s vision for her business and her team. With new products being introduced regularly and the company’s global expansion in full swing, the opportunities are endless. For Kelly, the journey has only just begun, and she’s excited to see what the future holds for her and the thousands of people who are joining her on this path to success.

“I’m grateful for everything LiveGOOD has done for me,” Kelly says. “And I can’t wait to see how many more lives we’ll change in the years to come.”

Build a Wildly Profitable Income Stream from Home—Without Lies, Hype, or Pressure

Transform the world with life-changing products and earn 80% commissions (Not MLM).

Who We Are

We are a heart-centered group of home business entrepreneurs, united by the dream of helping people build incomes from home. Our vision is simple: Freedom through Principle-Centered Leadership. Visit HBALaunch.com to learn more.

Founders Mike and Paul collectively earned over $2 million from home-based businesses before starting the Home Business Academy (HBA). Since its inception, HBA has paid out over $5 million in commissions and contributed to over 300,000 meals for children through its products. Visit HBALaunch.com to explore how you can get started.

They founded HBA to create a business model that retains all the positives of home-based businesses without the negatives. HBALaunch.com offers the perfect starting point for entrepreneurs looking for honest, ethical business opportunities.

Our Business Model

Affiliate marketing with HBA is straightforward. You earn money by referring others to valuable products, without the need to build huge teams or face the challenges typical of MLMs. Visit HBALaunch.com for detailed information on how you can build your business with 80% commissions and residual income.

In contrast to earning small commissions with physical products, HBALaunch.com helps you earn larger commissions that can keep paying you month after month. Start your journey today!

Try it all for just $1 today and explore the potential of building a business that aligns with your values while providing financial freedom.

“Scan me!”


Hey there! I have a question for you to ponder: “Is leadership something you’re born with, or can it be developed through the right intention and practice?” This question has intrigued experts for a long time. The fact that there’s no clear answer yet keeps the debate alive and kicking!

According to most experts, leadership ability is distributed in a way that resembles a bell curve. There are a few natural leaders, some who struggle, and a majority who fall in the middle. With time, coaching, and intention, those in the middle can become good leaders. This group is the focus of many leadership philosophies.

I can’t help but mention John Maxwell when discussing leadership. He was my first leadership mentor and continues to be my go-to even now. I had the privilege of working with his team for a couple of decades and gained invaluable wisdom on leadership.

So what are the five levels of leadership?

Level 1 – Position – People follow because they don’t have a choice

Maxwell’s first level is what many consider to be the foundation of leadership – Position. This is when you are in a managerial role, and people follow you because of the organizational structure. You gain authority through the rules and regulations of the organization.

Because many consider this level to be the ultimate goal of leadership, they don’t go beyond it and remain stuck at Level 1 for most of their careers.

Level 2 – Permission – People follow because they want to

At Level 2, leaders are valued for their

personal relationships and ability to build influence beyond authority. Transitioning to this level involves focusing on interpersonal skills, building trust, and fostering a healthy team culture. Empathy is crucial to progress, as it allows leaders to make decisions that strengthen team bonds.

Level 3 – Production – People follow you because of your significant contributions to the organization.

Respect and admiration are different. When people follow you because they like or respect you, it’s because of your personality. However, true admiration requires more – results.

At the Production level, you have dedicated enough time with your team to deliver specific, measurable results. The team admires you for your leadership. You have not only mastered the interpersonal skills of the previous level but have also acquired deeper expertise in your role.

Level 4 – People Development –People follow because of what you have done for them personally.

When a Level 3 leader leaves the team, it can be challenging for the team to recover quickly. The positive impact the leader brings leaves with them, creating a noticeable gap within the team.

At Level 4, you understand the importance of looking beyond immediate desires and motivations. Your influence is evident in the team, even in your absence. People follow you because their own careers have flourished due to your leadership.

According to Maxwell, a Level 4 leader devotes nearly 80% of their time to coaching and only 20% to personal productivity.

Level 5 – Pinnacle – People follow because of who you are and what you represent.

In contrast to the previous levels, reaching the pinnacle of leadership requires training leaders who can reach this level themselves. In essence, the pinnacle of leadership involves creating a new generation of leaders who surpass your achievements. This is not driven by personal ambition but by a selfless desire to mentor others.

At this level, you promote leadership principles and mentor others to not only achieve personal success but also to train the next generation. You perpetuate the cycle and embody the values you advocate for.

Troy’s greatest moment in history is marrying his high school sweetheart; 4-time best selling romance author, Paige Dooly. Over the last 35 years they have laughed and cried raising their nine children, (4 boys/5 girls) and two granddaughters. Today, Troy is a leading authority in the area of Trust-Inspired, Purpose-Driven communication. From Main Street and home-based entrepreneurs to multinational corporations and non-profits, all engage with Troy to deliver a real difference to the people they serve. Call or text today @ 850-332-EPIC (3742)

The Power of Belief: 7 Key Questions to Unlock Your Network Marketing Success

To be successful in any endeavor, you must have faith and belief. In network marketing, success relies on these seven core beliefs. Ask yourself these “what if” questions to solidify your confidence and drive.

1. What if you believed in the industry?

What if you fully embraced network marketing as a legitimate business model? Believing in the industry would allow you to confidently pursue your goals, knowing that you are part of a powerful system that has transformed lives.

2. What if you trusted your company?

What if you had full confidence in your network marketing company to ship products, pay commissions, and support your growth? Trusting your company allows you to focus on building your business without distractions.

3. What if you believed in the pay plan?

What if you were certain that your company’s pay plan works? The fastest way to believe in it is to start earning commissions. Once you experience it firsthand, your confidence in the pay plan will increase, driving your motivation.

4. What if you became a product of the product?

What if you used your company’s products and had your own success story to share? Believing in the products through personal experience makes it easier to share them with others authentically and enthusiastically.

5. What if you believed in yourself?

What if you fully trusted in your ability to succeed? Believing in yourself and committing to personal development will

improve both your mindset and skillset, helping you overcome challenges and lead others confidently.

6. What if you trusted your method?

Whether you build your business online or offline, what if you had full belief in your chosen approach? Trusting your method helps you stay consistent, even through challenges, which is essential for long-term success.

7. What if you believed you were helping people?

What if you believed that you were doing something for people, not to them? By introducing them to opportunities and products that can improve their lives, you shift your mindset from selling to serving, building stronger relationships.

By applying these beliefs, you’ll be well on your way to achieving success in network marketing.


Coach Marcus Jones

6 & 7 Figure Success Coach 623-428-9622 PST

“Check out our Premium Quality Personal Care Products that won’t break the bank.”


HERE’S HOW THIS ALL WORKS: Just loan two people $200 C ASH each and pay a one-time $100 C ASH Monitoring Fee. That’s all! Never worry about finance charges or repaying the money! Once you see how easy it is to get people to send you $200 loans that you NEVER have to pay back, you’ll become enthusiastic! Just sit back and watch the cash flood your mailbox! Mail as many circulars as you can afford to mail. (We recommend starting out with 500 to 1,000) Mail them to others like yourself who are interested in generating cash fr om home. Those who send you their offers are excellent pr ospects, as they are already actively involved in mail order and, therefore very interested in receiving excellent money making offers such as this one.

The AMAZING $200 LOAN PROGRAM is a NEW FAST MOVING 2-Tier pr ogram that meets the needs of any budget, large or small. Look what happens if everyone enr olls just 20 people on both tiers... 20 x 20 = 400 at $200 each = $80,000 CASH MONEY! YOU CAN DO THIS AGAIN & AGAIN! Why not? It beats working! Each time you receive an offer in the mail, respond with this letter. Think about that! Not interested? C ’mon! Isn’t the idea of receiving $200 PAYMENTS DAY AF TER DAY, WEEK AF TER WEEK, worth a little experimentation, and a couple hours a week of your time?





Because there are only TWO names on the list, you can anticipate your loans coming FAST as lighting – MUCH FASTER than pr ograms with four, five, and even six names on the list. So, when you’re short of CASH, grab your AMAZING $200 LOAN PROGRAM and start mailing as many copies as you can!

KEEP THE FOURTH COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. After we receive your completed application, we will verify with each dealer that they received payment prior to sending out your pr oduct marketing kit. THIS PROGRAM IS STRICTLY MONITORED! THE ORIGINATORS WILL BE OVERSEEING THEIR DOWN-LINES & CHEATERS WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE PROGRAM!

Remember to conceal YOUR C ASH prior to mailing. FOR ADDED SECURITY, WE RECOMMEND YOU USE THE USPS FLAT RATE PRIORITY MAIL ENVELOPE AND ADD AN EXTRA SHEET OF DARK PAPER WRAPPED AROUND YOUR CASH. You can also pay with money orders if you prefer, THE CHOICE IS YOURS. Just follow the same 3 steps with MONEY ORDERS instead!

Over 20 years and still going strong! The Perpetual Cash Program!

People keep joining every year, and it’s still making money! Join today and get your share. The products below are only available when you join the Perpetual Cash Program. For more information on these products, just follow the instructions below.

This program also offers bonus payments when you order. Fill your mailbox with money orders and cash every day! There’s also a “do nothing” option, where we do all the work for you, and you still get paid. Financial freedom can be yours within weeks—no experience necessary and no computer needed. This system can bring in an extra $5,000 to $10,000 or more, plus bonus payments!

Here’s what you get:

✔ Up to 500 free postage stamps

✔ 3,000 free names for mailings (both first-class and third-class)

✔ Monthly third-class mailings for a year

✔ If you’re hurting from the economy and want a great opportunity, jump on this program today!

Bonus Offers When You Join:

• “How to Get Rich Mailing Postcards Every Month”

• Postcards to Wealth Marketing Guide (includes a free website)

• “How to Make Money in the Perpetual Cash Program Before Anyone Joins”

• The “Magic Machine” that pulls drinking water from thin air

• 50-60 more miles per gallon from a single tank of gas for less than $2.00

• “How to Make $500 a Week from Home Working Only Minutes a Day”

• “How to Make $10,000 a Month Online Without Paying for Traffic”

• Remote viewing for future lottery numbers using a scientific process

Valuable Reports Included:

✔ Personal and Financial Freedom Report

✔ Profit Report

✔ Crisis Hoarding Report

✔ Earn Profits Selling Simple Information Report

Found Money Guide – Find cash when you’re living paycheck to paycheck, strapped for funds, and don’t know where to turn

The Multi-Billion Dollar Publishing Compact Disc: This CD is packed with professionally written information products, flyers, postcards, website copy, and sales letters. It also includes eBooks, software, and tools for marketing and making money in business, valued at over $1,000!

Additional Offers:

• Get paid for receiving telemarketing calls!

• The Home Employment Book – Companies that will hire you to work from home

• 101 Money-Making Book – The “how, who, and where” of making money, like your own personal money machine

• How to Get Paid to Play the Lottery – Learn how to play the lottery and get paid even if your ticket is a loser!

• 99 Ways to Increase Mail Order Profits – Easy, fast, fun, and profitable!

For More Information:

To learn more about the Perpetual Cash Program and all the products and offers, send $5 and two first-class postage stamps to:


16419 Dove Canyon Lane, Charlotte, NC 28278

Richard Trotter’s Legacy: “How One Ad Turned Into $200,000”

Why did I sign up with American Bill Money? Well, it’s a bit of a strange story, but it’s true. A good friend of mine, Richard Trotter, was buying advertising space in Home Business Advertiser magazine from me.

Richard, who loved his Mustangs and racing cars, was passionate about network marketing and direct mail. I believe he said his daughter was an MLM millionaire in a company called Monavie.

I knew Richard for years, and we had many mutual friends. Sadly, Richard passed away a few years ago and I pray is now with the Lord, but I remember our conversations vividly. He signed up with a company called American Bill Money (ABM) and was excited about it.

Richard wanted to run a full-page ad in the magazine, which cost about $595 back then. He ran the ad and told me

he had 3 or 4 new distributors sign up under him, so the ad was profitable and worth running again. I like that.

When Home Business Advertiser’s clients renew their ads (almost 80% do), that’s good for my publishing business. But when it came time for renewal, he didn’t call me back. I wasn’t sure if it was because he wasn’t happy with the ad's performance or if something had happened to him. I called and emailed him and didn’t hear anything back.

Possible Opportunity? I knew all Richard had to do was run the fullpage ad. He didn’t have to talk to anyone because ABM did all the follow-ups and took the calls for him. All he needed was his ID number in the ad. So, long story longer, 17 years ago, I decided to sign up with American Bill Money myself, using the same ad Richard ran but with my ID number instead of his.

It’s been about 17 years since then, and I can say not a week goes by without receiving $75, $150 or $225 in the mail. Just last week, I got $515, and I’ve even received $1,000 money orders overnight. Over the years, I’ve made almost $200,000 part-time, passively, just by advertising American Bill Money in Home Business Advertiser.

If you’re interested in American Bill Money, check out my website below. But only join if you’re committed to sticking with it, mailing postcards, and following their unique marketing system.

If you join my team, let me know, and I’ll give you a 15% discount on clicks (www.SuperTargetedClicks. com) if you decide to run click traffic to your website. www.incomedoubled.com/5134



Are you an affiliate marketer looking to generate more leads and improve your conversion rates?

The key to success lies in driving high-quality, targeted traffic to your website or landing page.

Here’s how you can supercharge your affiliate marketing efforts:

1. Get Live Targeted Traffic to Your Website/Landing Page: One of the most effective ways to increase your leads is by driving live, targeted traffic to your site. With our service, you can get traffic that is specifically tailored to your niche and target audience, ensuring that the visitors are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

2. We are Getting up to 35% Opt-in Rates: Our targeted traffic is not only live but also highly effective. We are proud to report opt-in rates ranging from 20% to 35%. This means that a significant portion of the traffic you receive will subscribe

to your mailing list, giving you a pool of potential customers to nurture and convert.

3. Exclusive Custom Leads: The leads you generate through our service are exclusive to you. This exclusivity ensures that you are not competing with other marketers for the same prospects, allowing you to maximize your conversion rates and build a strong, loyal customer base.

4. Build Your List: Building a list of subscribers is crucial for any affiliate marketer. With our high opt-in rates, you can quickly grow your email list with engaged and interested prospects. A robust list is a valuable asset, allowing you to promote products, share content, and drive sales over the long term.

5. Utilize Autoresponders: An autoresponder is an essential tool for nurturing your leads. Set up automated email sequences to welcome new subscribers,

provide valuable content, and guide them through your sales funnel. This automation saves you time and ensures consistent communication with your audience.

6. Hand Texting Follow-

Up: While automation is powerful, personal touch can make a significant difference. Incorporate hand texting followup into your strategy to connect with your leads on a more personal level. This approach can help build trust and increase the likelihood of conversions.

How to get started:

Ready to experience the benefits of live targeted traffic? Visit www.SuperTargetedClicks.com for exclusive clicks or opt for our “Subscribe and Save” option at www.HomeBusinessClicks.com

Our service guarantees that the traffic you receive is high-quality and ready to convert.


Fresh, high-quality names and mailing addresses of people interested in starting their own home-based business. These are fresh, “out of circle” beginners who have called or written in response to national advertising.

4,000 to 6,000 New Names Available

All names are between 1 and 45 days old!

Names are printed 1200 dpi on laser labels to increase the quality of your mailing piece!

Phone, fax or mail us your order!

All orders shipped within 24 hours! We can even e-mail your names to you same day if we receive your order by 12 noon!


Managing Time and Productivity as a Side-Hustle Entrepreneur

Juggling a side-hustle alongside a full-time job or other responsibilities can be challenging, but mastering time management and productivity can make all the difference. Here are 5 hacks to get you started.

1. Set Clear Priorities: Begin by defining your most important goals and tasks. Use the 80/20 rule (Pareto Principle) to focus on the 20% of activities that generate 80% of your results. This approach ensures that you’re always working on high-impact tasks that drive your business forward.

2. Create a Structured Schedule: Allocate specific blocks of time each week for your side-hustle. Whether it’s early mornings, evenings, or weekends, set aside dedicated periods to work on your business. Use tools like Google Calendar or Trello to schedule your time.

3. Leverage Automation: Use automation tools to streamline repetitive tasks such as email marketing, social media posting, and customer follow-ups. These tools can save you hours each week, freeing up time to focus on growth and strategy.

4. Minimize Distractions: Establish a designated workspace and minimize distractions. Turn off notifications, use productivity apps or timers, and communicate your work hours with family or roommates and friends.

How to Thrive in the Booming AntiAging Market

Ray Price, from Altadena, California, has been an entrepreneur for as long as he can remember. As a successful affiliate with Great Life Worldwide, Ray is dedicated to helping others achieve success. He offers a unique opportunity to those who join his team: free full-page co-op advertising and he will enroll new members under you, Guaranteed! With tools like a postcard marketing system and self-replicating websites, Ray’s team is well-equipped to thrive.

One of the standout features of Ray’s business is a compensation plan that can pay up to $5,300 a month without requiring you to sponsor anyone. Additionally, Ray is excited to share

5. Take Breaks: Don’t let your side-hustle encroach on time for yourself. Incorporate breaks to avoid burnout. Schedule downtime to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

By following these strategies, you can efficiently manage your time and increase productivity without compromising your wellbeing or other responsibilities.

Let The Systems Ninja help with your business!

Strategy, Integrations, funnel builds, automations and more. Schedule a free call today. https://www.thesystemsninja.com

Authentic Testimonials and other information about Phytozon, a new product in the anti-aging market. As Generation X enters their 50s, the demand for anti-aging products is growing rapidly, and Ray is positioned to help you tap into this booming industry.

Ray firmly believes in the power of leading by example. As he often says, “The best way to lead is to show others the way by doing it yourself.” This philosophy has helped him build a strong, motivated team that thrives under his guidance.

If you’re interested in learning more or joining Ray’s team, reach out to him at raypriceray@yahoo.com.

Ray’s ad is on page 15 of this issue, so be sure to check it out for more details.

Ray Price Success Story: by Bob Schwartz

Feeling stuck in your business or life?

You’re not alone.

A recent study found that over 95% of online marketers fail. I struggled for decades with procrastination, perfectionism, fear of failing (again!) and limiting beliefs (the “I can’t” disease!).

After chasing countless “shiny objects” and blaming everything and everyone but myself, I finally realized the problem was my mindset. Self-help books and programs were worthless. Out of desperation I even tried a session of hypnosis!

Finally, I was introduced to Paul Turner’s life-changing NLP techniques! His simple to read $7 eBook has helped me break free, and now I’m earning unlimited $6 commissions (while unlocking the power of YouTube University), and you can too!

Ready to start earning? Don’t wait—get the eBook for just $7 and start your journey toward mindset reset and unlimited $6 commissions helping others do the same!

• Trusted, Established Brand for 10+ Years!

• Company was cruising at $200k per month before COVID!

• Small Existing Customer Base To Build On!

• Functioning website with Affiliate Program!

• Manufacturing contacts, product formulations, domain names, trademarks, all yours!

All you need to do is decide if you want an affiliate comp model or put your spin on a new mlm model and go out and kill it!!

It has never been easier to become an owner because we have it all done!

5 Common Lessons People Often Realize Too Late in Life

1. Time is your most valuable asset

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle, thinking there will always be time later. Many people realize too late that time spent with loved ones, pursuing passions, or taking care of themselves can never be regained. Use it wisely.

2. Health is wealth

You don’t appreciate how crucial good health is until it’s compromised. Eating well, staying active, and managing stress aren’t just for a long life—they’re for a better quality of life. Prioritize your well-being today.

3. Money isn’t everything

While financial success is important, it doesn’t guarantee happiness. At the end of life, people often wish they’d spent more time making memories rather than chasing money. Balance your ambitions with what truly matters.

4. Relationships matter most

Career achievements fade, but strong relationships endure. Many people regret not nurturing their connections with family and friends. Invest in meaningful relationships—they’re the true markers of a fulfilling life.

5. Failure is part of growth

Fear of failure holds many back from taking risks. The truth is, failure teaches resilience, creativity, and problem-solving. It’s a necessary stepping stone to success. Embrace it as part of the journey.

Learning these lessons early can lead to

The Profit Matters More Than The Titles

I see a lot of people using ranks, titles, and big stats to glorify themselves in our industry.

But let me be clear-none of that matters if it’s not profitable.

Being a ‘top recruiter’ or holding a rank in a company that doesn’t pay you what you’re worth is not something to feel good about. Even worse, pushing volume with no real profit is just creating risk without reward.

We’ve seen real results on our team, like Seymour from Texas and Charlotte from Georgia, who just achieved over $75,000.00 each in royalties, or Marcus from Las Vegas and Kim from Canada, who have each earned over $750,000.00 in royalties. Those are the kinds of results that truly matter-profits, not just titles.

I could say I sponsored hundreds of people, but if that didn’t translate into actual income over $1,300,000.00 , I’d just be bragging for no reason.

Remember, ranks, follower counts, volume, and ‘potential’ don’t mean anything without the bottom line.

RESULTS are what matter. Measure

Jerry and Dottie are part of an elite community of successful entrepreneurs, using a revolutionary affiliate model that helps people generate up to $300,000 in commissions each month.

Their system is designed to empower everyday individuals to break free from mediocrity and achieve financial freedom. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced marketer, this system provides the cuttingedge tools, resources, and support needed to launch a profitable online business in just 7 days.

As Brian Tracy wisely said, “Successful people are simply those with successful habits.” Jerry and Dottie’s community is committed to developing these habits by offering comprehensive training, resources, and a support network to ensure you’re never alone in your journey.

Their affiliate model isn’t just about making money; it’s about building a real deal business where anyone can build a sustainable income, improve their lives, and live with purpose. By partnering with them, you

gain access to everything you need to launch and grow your business, from step-by-step training to a turnkey system that’s already proven to work.

Jerry invites HBA readers to watch a free video and learn how you can start earning with affiliate marketing.

He’s offering an exclusive opportunity for 2025 and beyond. Ready to take control of your future?

Watch Jerry’s Free Video and join the community at https://bestaffiliatesource.com

Generate Cash through Leads and Traffic clicks

When you’re building a team of affiliate marketers, one of the first questions people ask is where to get leads, autoresponders, CRM systems, and more. Here are three lead sources I personally use and recommend, not only to help you drive leads and traffic to your website, but also to generate extra cash through referrals. This strategy, coined “double-dipping” by David Nelson, allows you to maximize your relationships while helping others reach their goals.

Aaron’s HBA Clicks to Your Website: Get high-quality traffic directly to your site and generate cash by sharing it with others. Visit URL: www.clickinstantprofits.com

Aaron’s AI Lead Generation Link: This system uses AI to generate leads for you, while also giving you the opportunity to make money on referrals. Learn more at www.viralleadgenerator.com

Aaron’s ViralMarketingSystem: A complete site system that brings traffic and leads to your site, while earning you referral bonuses when others use it. View Sample Ads at www.viralmarketingsystem.com

Using these tools, you can effectively receive leads, boost your team’s performance, and generate additional cash by offering these resources to the people you bring into your organization.

the Home-Based Business Industry


Will & Dave have been key players in the home-based business market for decades, bringing over 40 years of experience to the table. Will began his journey in 1979 with various direct mail offers, eventually helping to manage the largest mail order program of its time, which grew to an impressive 122,000 members. Dave’s success story is equally inspiring, having achieved the rank of Diamond Level distributor in the MLM industry—a testament to his dedication and expertise.

Since 2010, Will & Dave have been integral in launching some of the top-tier programs in the industry. Their leadership, combined with a deep understanding of business-building strategies, has helped countless entrepreneurs reach new heights in their home-based ventures.

Today, they are proud to operate the first-ever high-ticket opportunity that utilizes a 2-tier pay plan, offering industryleading digital products that continue to drive success for their partners. Their commitment to excellence and innovative approaches make them a force to be reckoned with in the digital economy.

Plus, discover how to automate your marketing with personalized cards and gifts for prospects and clients. Boost engagement and retention with SendOutCards’ personal touch.

Mail a Free “Thank you” Card to anyone you like today!

Call Gary at 603-988-5187 or visit www.sendoutcards.com/u/marketingninja

For more information about Will & Dave’s business opportunity and how to join their dynamic team, visit: https://cli.re/ccs-cb1 Take the next step towards your entrepreneurial journey with two seasoned veterans by your side.

Our cooperative advertising program is an affordable way for your business to reach new customers. We will mail 5,000 postcards for just $750 and we'll give you a FREE Quarter Page Ad in our magazine (valued at $325).

Inserting your postcards in our next magazine mailing is the perfect solution if you are looking for an affordable way to market your business. We offer cooperative advertising, which means we share the cost of mailing your postcards with you. We’re going to mail the magazine with or without you, but…we would rather do it with you.

Who do you mail the Home Business Advertiser Magazine to?

We mail Home Business Advertiser Magazine to 25,000+ entrepreneurs, affiliate marketers, big ticket promoters, and network marketers, 5-times a year.

Do you print the postcards too?

No. But you can, very inexpensively too, through postcard printing companies like PrintRunners.com, VistaPrint.com, GotPrint.com or your local printing company.

Do postcards fall out of the magazine during mailing?

Yes, unfortunately, 3-5% of the postcards do get lost in the mailing process. But don’t fret. You’re still getting 95% of your postcards delivered for about 20% of the cost of doing it yourself.

How well will my postcard perform in your magazine? The answer is - it is impossible to tell. We’re mailing to folks looking for an extra income stream, and folks who are familiar with MLM, network marketing, and affiliate marketing. Is your offer a good match for that audience? If so, consider testing it once. If it works, do it again.

Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 aka 2018 Farm Bill defines “hemp” as cannabis with a THC concentration of less than 0.3% by weight and removes it from the federal controlled substances schedules.

• Our products contain Hemp-Derived (HDI) cannabinoids

• Our products are under 0.3% Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) by weight

• We provide Third Party Certificate of Analysis (COAs) on all our products

Marty Hale, Cannaglobe CEO (Center), Dillon Worley, Scientist (Left), Dalton Worley, Scientist (Right)


Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 aka 2018 Farm Bill defines “hemp” as cannabis with a THC concentration of less than 0.3% by weight and removes it from the federal controlled substances schedules.

• Our products contain Hemp-Derived (HDI) cannabinoids

• Our products are under 0.3% Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) by weight

• We provide Third Party Certificate of Analysis (COAs) on all our products

Marty Hale, Cannaglobe CEO (Center), Dillon Worley, Scientist (Left), Dalton Worley, Scientist (Right)

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