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Direct from the publisher. We can supply you with high-response mail order buyers. These are fresh, high-quality names and mailing addresses of people interested in starting their own side hustle, remote gig, or earning extra income.
If you are looking for results, and higher conversion rates, this inhouse publisher’s list is for you.
Because of our publishers’ resources, we will 3x your order on all names purchased. Our special pricing is as follows:
200 Names (you get 600) $60.00
500 Names (you get 1,500) $125.00
1,000 Names (you get 3,000) $250.00
Over 80% of our buyers are repeat buyers a testimony to the responsiveness of our list.
2,000 Names (you get 6,000) $350.00
3,000 Names (you get 9,000) $495.00
All names supplied on peel and stick labels. All orders include fast, free priority shipping. Personal checks and money orders welcome. Orders will be processed within 24 hours. If you would like the file emailed in a CSV file, please make a special note of that, and include your e-mail address. We can either e-mail you the file or ship you peel and stick labels. We cannot do both.
What is the name of your offer ____________________________________________________________
Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: ________________________
Email address: ____________________________________________________________________________________
❏ Visa ❏ Mastercard ❏ AMEX ❏ Discover
Total Quantity: _________________________________________
Total Price: _____________________________________________
$ $ $ Mail to: Bob Schwartz & Company 6461 Cherry Street East Petersburg, PA 17520 Phone: 717-808-1772
(Leave message)
❏ Peel and Stick Labels ❏ Email me the .csv file
Credit Card# _____________________________________________________________________________________
Exp. Date __________________________________________________________ CVV ________________________
Card Holder Signature ____________________________________________________________________________
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