1 minute read
Hello there, fellow business coaches!
• Advertising in my magazine: My magazine reaches over 25,000 prospects through print and direct mail as well as online. 80% of my advertisers renew their ads year after year. If you want a prime positionact fast!
• Leads: I generate 1500 leads a day for people looking for extra income, side hustles, and remote gigs. I also offer an affiliate program that can help you pay for your leads and even earn extra income.
• Direct traffic to your website: I generate up to 5000 clicks a week for people looking for extra income. You can redirect these clicks straight to your lead capture page for as little as $0.88 per click. I also offer an affiliate program that pays you 10% on any referrals you send to me.
• Save on direct mail costs: I can save you 75% on direct mail costs by inserting your preprinted postcards inside my magazine for as low as $0.15 each.
• Write an ad copy: If you need help writing an effective ad copy, I can write it for you for $45 an hour (with a two-hour minimum.)
• Training seminars: I offer live and recorded training seminars for groups looking to grow their business. I have 20 years of experience and believe I can help you too.
• Direct mail mailing lists: Direct mail is still one of the best ways to reach your target audience. I have small, targeted lists of individuals looking for side hustles and work from home opportunities. Prices are available on my website.

Remember, I’m a family-owned business and a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I strive for a good reputation and hope to be around for another 20 years.

If you are an internet marketer, affiliate marketer, or network marketer