The Reno Rotarian The Rotary Club of Reno • • District 5190 Chartered August 1, 1916 || Volume 29, No. 30 || March 14, 2016 The Rotary Club of Reno meets at Harrah’s Reno at Noon on Monday
Find us on Facebook Rotary Club of Reno
Rotary International K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, President Bradford R. Howard, RI Director Gail “Virus” Ellingwood, District Governor
Rotary Club of Reno Curt Chapman, President Craig Wesner, President Elect Bill Boon, President Nominee Harvey Fennell, Past President Carl Fuetsch, Secretary Harvey Fennell, Treasurer
Directors: Kris Wells (2013-2016) Sheila Hlubucek (2014-2017) Phil Mahoney (2014-2017) Kurt Mische (2014-2017) Maria Sheehan (2015-2018) Diana Hoffman (2015-2018) Gary Warren (2015-2018)
Reno Rotary Foundation Jim Pfrommer, President, Reno Rotary Foundation Carl Fuetsch, Secretary Harvey Fennell, Treasurer John Spears, Investments Curt Chapman, Ex-officio Craig Wesner, Ex-officio
Trustees: Brian Armon Steve Kent Laurie Leonard Kevin LeVezu Kim Mazeres Tom Taelour
Monday’s Program Students in the MIS Program Most Improved Student Achievement Beyond Obstacles
The Rotary Most Improved Student Program is a collaboration with the Reno South Club (founder), the Rotary Club of Sparks and the Rotary Club of Reno. These students are seniors who will be graduating this spring, having overcome challenging obstacles in their lives to reach this milestone. Thirty students have been selected by their Principals and Counselors for their achievement and have an opportunity to receive scholarship money from the sponsoring Rotary Clubs. We will hear from about 10 students who attend Bishop Manogue, Reno, McQueen, Innovations, Rainshadow and TMCC, each speaking for about 2-4 minutes about their experiences. The students will have spent a weekend with Leadership Trainers Dean and Rochelle, preparing to share their story. Bring Kleenex. This is one of the most moving and inspirational meetings you will ever attend.
Potential New Members The following individuals have been approved for membership by the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of Reno, and have completed orientation. If you have any comments on the proposed memberships in the Rotary Club of Reno, please submit them in writing to the Club Secretary.
Nidia Jones is i honored h d for f her h 30 years off service i at Harrah’s by President Curt. Thank you Nidia!
Save the Dates For more information or to register online, go to: Tahoe City Rotary Clubs Annual Ski Race March 11, 2016 Reno Centennial Shamrock Shindig March 12, 2016 Vinton Cowboy Poetry Show March 18, 2016
Upcoming Meetings
Gerald Swanson Government Executive Jerry Hall is the sponsor
March 14: Students in the MIS Program Most Improved Students
Mitch Harrigan Insurance Richard Moore is the sponsor
The Challenges Facing Israel in a Vibrant Reality
March 21: Elam Kott March 28: Dr. Kyle Yamamoto How to Look Younger Over Your Lunch Break
PAUL HARRIS FELLOW VS. difficulty some year that prevents the full $1000 gift. But the pledge is meaningful PAUL HARRIS SOCIETY Last Meeting Volunteers Scanner: Maria Sheehan Greeter: March Meich Greeter: Maria Sheehan Raffle Tickets: Gretchen Hughs Invocation: Vic Bucher Pledge: Greg Mosier Sgt. At Arms: Liza Maupin Sgt. At Arms: Eaton Dunkelberger Photographer: Kevin LeVezu Piano: Genie Mathews
Honor Roll Dave Bianchi ........................... $100 Eaton Dunkelberger................. $100 Sue Sadler ............................... $100 Hans Scheurer......................... $100
Club Board Club Board Meeting – April 14, 4:30 pm, Sunshine Reporting Services, 151 Country Estates, Reno.
The Paul Harris Fellowships awarded at recent meetings are to recognize Rotarians who contribute a total of $1000 to The Rotary Foundation. That $1000 does not have to be a single gift--it may represent several gifts donated over a few years. But each time your contributions reach a $1000 mark, you receive another Paul Harris Fellowship, and another pin to recognize your generosity. Our club has many members with Paul Harris Fellowships, and for many years was a 100% PHF Club, meaning EVERY member in the club had earned at least one Paul Harris Fellowship. We would certainly like to earn that club recognition again! The Paul Harris Society is something different. A Paul Harris Society member agrees to contribute $1000 every year to The Rotary Foundation. The agreement is not a binding contract--a Paul Harris Society member might have a financial
and represents a real commitment to the good work Rotary does throughout the world. Our club currently has 32 Paul Harris Society members. To join the Paul Harris Society, contact club coordinator Gary Bullis or club TRF chair Anne-Louise Bennett. You will be asked to sign a pledge sheet, and as a Society member you will be invited to participate in special District PH Society events. Best of all, you’ll know your philanthropic dollars are going to sustainable projects that benefit people around the globe. The Rotary Foundation is ranked 93rd by the Chronicle of Philanthropy out of the 1.2 million charities in the USA. And Charity Navigator, an organization that rates the efficiency of charities on financial overhead vs. sustainability and benefit of projects, gives The Rotary Foundation four stars, its top rating. Makes you proud to be a Rotarian, doesn’t it?
All members are welcome to attend.
Foundation Trustees Foundation Trustees Meeting - Tuesday, March 22, 8:00 am, Rounds Bakery, 294 East Moana Lane #10, Reno. All members are welcome to attend.
District 5190 Newsletter Link:
Debe Fennell received a Paul Harris Fellow +2 award for her excellent service on our Mardi Gras Fund-raiser. Bill Boon (left) and President Curt presented the award. Great job Debe!
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How To Introduce Your Guests And New Members At A Club Meeting
Colin Robertson (center) receives his Blue Badge from his sponsor Jim Pfrommer (left) and President Curt.
When introducing a guest or new members during a Club meeting, the correct way is to greet the Club President, fellow Rotarians and guests, introduce yourself and state your classification, and then introduce your guest, their title and business affiliation. Please do not introduce any guest as a prospective new member or that they are looking for a position or clients.
Attendance And Make Up Reminder
Valerie Clark receives her Blue Badge from her sponsor Craig Wesner (left) and President Curt.
President Curt awards Paul Harris Fellows - left to right: Jim Urmston, PHF+2; Joe Murin PHF+6; Pat Horgan PHF+7 and George Peek PHF+8.
Your attendance is important to both you as a member and to the Club in meeting attendance percentage requirements. Please make sure you turn in make-ups to our Club Secretary at a club meeting or by email. Don’t forget that you need to attend or make up at least 50% of club regular meetings in each half of the year (rolling six months) and attend at least 30% of this club’s meetings in each half of the year. Credit can be received for Rotary committee work and other official Rotary functions. You can also do make ups on-line. A list of E-Clubs can be found at http://www.rotary. org/RIdocuments/en_pdf/ eclub_list.pdf Just click on this link and it will lead you to others. There are a variety of clubs listed, but all must offer at least 30 minutes of content for any makeup. For additional information, please check out members/generalinformation/ PilotClubsAnde-clubs/Pages/ ridefault.aspx
March Birthdays B.J Sullivan. .........................................................................1-Mar Kirk Bailey ...........................................................................2-Mar Liza Maupin .........................................................................3-Mar Michael Lee .........................................................................4-Mar Jack Yammine......................................................................4-Mar Kyle McCann .......................................................................8-Mar John Lawton .......................................................................14-Mar Pat Horgan .........................................................................17-Mar Rick Riley ..........................................................................19-Mar Kristen Kennedy ................................................................23-Mar Murph Murphy ...................................................................24-Mar Scott Rottman.....................................................................24-Mar Tom Hall ............................................................................25-Mar Bud James ..........................................................................25-Mar Maria Sheehan ...................................................................28-Mar
The Four-Way Test Of the things we think, say or do 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Local Area Rotary Clubs MONDAY 12:00 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
RENO - Harrah’s INCLINE VILLAGE - The Parasol Foundation RENO MIDTOWN - Silver Peak on Wonder & Holcomb
TUESDAY 7:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:10 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
TRUCKEE SUNRISE - Marty’s Cafe, RENO CENTRAL - Peppermill CARSON CITY - CC Nugget MINDEN - Carson Valley Inn FALLON - Fallon Convention Center BISHOP - Astorga’s Restaurant TONOPAH - Kozy Korner Kafe RENO CENTENNIAL SUNSET - Tamarack Junction TAHOE CITY - Jake’s on the Lake YERINGTON - Giuseppes’ Steak House
WEDNESDAY 7:00 a.m. 7:10 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
MAMMOTH SUNRISE - CJ’s Grill BISHOP SUNRISE - Northern Inyo Hospital Board Room SPARKS - Nugget Casino Resort S. LAKE TAHOE - Harrah’s S. Lake RENO ROTARACT CLUB - check
THURSDAY 7:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:10 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
SPARKS SUNRISE - The Resort at Red Hawk TAHOE-INCLINE - Hyatt MAMMOTH - Rafters Restaurant and Lounge TRUCKEE - Truckee Community & Cultural Center LOYALTON - Community Church RENO SOUTH - Atlantis FERNLEY - Black Bear Diner C.C. SUNSET - Red’s Old 395 Grill SMITH VALLEY - Heyday Inn, Wellington
FRIDAY 7:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m.
Attendance Please make sure you turn in makeups to Carl Fuetsch at a club meeting or by email: Don’t forget that you need to attend or make up at least 50% of club regular meetings in each half of the year (rolling six months) and attend at least 30% of this club’s meetings in each half of the year. Credit can be received for Rotary committee work and other official Rotary functions. Published by The Rotary Club of Reno P.O. Box 1750 Reno, NV 89505 David Spillers, Editor, DigiPrint Corporation (775) 786-4464 Fax: (775) 786-3913 Articles and inserts must be received by 8 a.m. on Wednesday for inclusion in the next week’s newsletter. If you would like to receive this newsletter by email, please contact David Spillers at the following: If you receive the newsletter by email, you will not receive it via US Mail unless you request it. You will need to install Acrobat Reader on your computer to view the newsletter. Acrobat Reader is a free download at