JAN 2011
The Homeowner’s Magazine for Home Services, Home Products & Landscaping • S e r v ing Po r t Cha r lo tt e , P unt a G o rd a & N o r t h Po r t • W $10 in Pa 0 ge 11
ON THE INSIDE 12 Dangerous household chemicals - Page 6 How to prevent dryer vent fires - Page 7 Do I have a pool leak? - Page 13 Home Improvement Guide - Page 1
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Acenturyofcraftsmanship.Alifetimeofquality. Acenturyofcraftsmanship.Alifetimeofquality. Acenturyofcraftsmanship.Alifetimeofquali Acenturyofcraftsmanship.Alifetimeofquality.
ip. f craftsmanship. A lifetime A century of quality. A of lifetime craftsmanship. of quality. A lifetime of quality. A century of lifetime craftsmanship. A lifetime of quality. ip. f craftsmanship. A lifetime of quality. A of quality. A century of craftsmanship. A lifetime of quality.
Expertlycrafted.Exquisitelystyled.Emphaticallyyours.For100years,YorktowneCabinetry® hasbeendedicatedtocreating ® hasbeendedi classically beautiful cabinetry, one room at a time. elegant kitchens to stunning Expertlycrafted.Exquisitelystyled.Emphaticallyyours.For100years,YorktowneCabi nExpertlycrafted.Exquisitelystyled.Emphaticallyyours.For100years,YorktowneCabi etryFrom catedtocreati ng baths and exquisite dressing areas to netry® hasbeendedicatedtocre ® hasbeendedi classically beautiful cabinetry, one room athomeofficesandentertainmentcenters,Yorktownecanhelpyoucreateauniquelypersonalizedspacewithinyourhome. a time.Expertlycrafted.Exquisitelystyled.Emphaticallyyours.For100years,YorktowneCabi From elegant kitchens to stunning baths classically and exquisite beautifuldressing cabinetry,areasonetoroom at a time.netryFrom elegant kitchens to stunning catedtocreati ng baths and exquisite dressing are
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The Consumer Law Page lists the Top 12 Hazardous Household Chemicals: 1. Air Fresheners - Don't let the commercials fool you. Most air fresheners interfere with your ability to smell by disabling your nasal passages with an oil film or a nerve-deadening agent. Common chemicals in air fresheners include formaldehyde (a highly toxic known carcinogen) and phenol (which can cause hives, convulsions, circulatory collapse, coma, and even death) 2. Ammonia is a volatile chemical that can damage your eyes, respiratory tract, and skin. 3. Bleach is a strong corrosive that can damage the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. NEVER mix bleach with ammonia, as the fumes can be deadly. 4. Carpet and Upholstery Shampoos generally contain highly toxic substances like perchlorethylene (a known carcinogen that damages the liver, kidneys, and nervous system) and ammonium hydroxide (a corrosive that irritates eyes, skin, and respiratory passages). 5. Dishwasher Detergents - Most of them contain highly concentrated chlorine, which is the #1 cause of child poisonings. 6. Drain Cleaners commonly include lye (which can burn skin and eyes, and the esophagus and stomach if ingested), hydrochloric acid (a corrosive eye and skin irritant that damages kidneys, liver, and digestive tract), or tricholoroethane (eye and skin irritant and nervous system depressant). 7. Furniture Polish is highly flammable and can cause skin and lung cancer. It often contains phenol as well as nitrobenzene, which is an extremely toxic chemical that's easily absorbed through the skin. 8. Mold and Mildew Cleaners often contain sodium hypochlorite (a corrosive which can lead to fluid in the lungs) and formaldehyde (a highly toxic, known carcinogen). To clean mold and mildew safely - and to prevent it from coming back - use M-1 House Wash and M-1 Sure Cote Sealant. 9. Oven Cleaner contains lye (sodium hydroxide). Lye is often used to dissolve roadkill dumped in landfills; that can't be healthy. 10. Antibacterial Cleaners often contain triclosan, which is absorbed through the skin and linked to liver damage. Antibacterial soaps may also contribute to the development of drug-resistant bacteria. 11. Laundry Room Products may contain sodium or calcium hypocrite (a highly corrosive agent that can irritate the skin and eyes), hypochlorite bleach (a corrosive that can burn the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract). If exposed to other chemicals, hypochlorite bleach may form chlorine fumes that could be fatal. 12. Toilet Bowl Cleaners may contain hydrochloric acid or hypochlorite bleach.
Other Dangerous Chemicals around the House • Pesticides - Dimpylate, or Diazinon, is extremely toxic and impairs the central nervous system. Chlorinate hydrocarbons are suspected carcinogens and mutagens; they accumulate in fatty tissue and attack the nervous system. Organophosphates are toxic and poisonous; if you can smell it, that means your lungs are absorbing it. • Lice Shampoo - Inhalation, ingestion, or absorption of lindane causes vomiting, convulsions, and circulatory collapse and may cause liver damage, stillbirths, birth defects, and cancer. • Car Wash, Car Polish - Petroleum distillates are associated with skin and lung cancer, and they irritate the skin, eyes, nose, and lungs. Inhalation could cause fatal pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs).
Home Improvement Guide - Page 6
Murdock Flooring in Port Charlotte, FL is a family-owned and operated company that offers quality and professional ! ! flooring products and services. We are a ! ! licensed and insured company that offers low ! ! cost, high quality, and personalized service. ! ! We provide professional custom installation. ! ! Come and visit our new designer showroom. • CERAMIC TILE
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This could happen to you!! A Deputy Chief Stephen Goldsmith has been fighting all sorts of fires. But there is one fire — a house fire more than two years ago — that he remembers most. Why? Because that house was his own! In less than an hour, his home was gutted by fire. “We had three dogs. And I was hoping that the three dogs had gotten out. But the three dogs did not get out,” says Goldsmith. The fire chief was in for another shock when investigators determined the fireʼs source — the clothes dryer. According to national estimates, 14,500 dryers catch fire every year, killing 10 people. Dryer fires start easier and spread faster than most people might think. In Goldsmithʼs fire, investigators assumed a short in a wire had caused a spark. The bigger question was what fueled the fire? Investigators finally came to the conclusion it was something so tiny even they had overlooked it — lint. Lint accumulates very quickly and is extremely combustible. It ignites easily and fires spread in a flash. In fact, fire officials believe lint is a leading reason dryer fires become so destructive. They say if lint gets into the machineʼs heating element, it can be the very thing that sparks and fuels a fire.
Gary Drake DRYER VENT CLEANING & INSPECTION • Prevent Fires! $39.99 • 30+ Years Exp. • Senior Discount • Insured • Go Green • CALL NOW Don t wait until it s too late!
Home Improvement Guide - Page 7
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Home Improvement Guide - Page 8
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Home Improvement Guide - Page 9
Stay Away From the Hard Stuff
Hard water harms nearly every item in your home, leaving mineral deposits & scale build-up on everything your water touches. Hard water is especially tough on plumbing & on water-using appliances, resulting in more frequent replacement - and costing a lot of money! Is this happening in your home?
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Do I have a pool leak? To verify that you have a true water-losing leak, you will notice your pool's water level dropping. In other words, if you're not adding water to your pool more often than normal, then you do not have a leak. If you have a pool / spa combo, always measure from your pool, not your spa, since your spa may experience "Water Transfer". Once your leak has been detected, you will be provided with an estimate for repairs. The more your pool is exposed to the sun and wind, the more evaporation you'll see. (Less wind / sun exposure vs. more wind / sun exposure) • A covered pool will evaporate less than an uncovered pool. • A pool surrounded by a fence, trees or a structure will evaporate less than a pool not surrounded by a fence, trees or a structure. If you are still unsure as to whether or not you are experiencing a leak as opposed to evaporation, CALL US - A & M Pool Renovations at (941) 623 - 8459 (See our ad page 12) Home Improvement Guide - Page 13
GASPARILLA GLASS FREE EST IM AT ES & AFFORD ABL E P RIC ES We offer service, repair & installation on: • Storefront Fabrication & Installation • Tabletops • Mirrors • Beveled Mirrors • Glass Shelves • Doors • Windows • Screens • Roller Replacement (Repair on sliding doors) • Custom Frameless Shower Doors
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• Serving Southwest Florida Since 1974 • 50+ Years of Combined Experience • Factory Trained and EPA Certified Technicians • 24 Hour Emergency Service Daleʼs Air Conditioning and Heating is a family owned and operated business that has been serving southwest Florida since 1974. We have a total of over 50 years of experience and have been members of the Better Business Bureau in excellent standing since 2001. Co-Owner John Gable has lived in southwest Florida since 1979, has worked in the air conditioning business since he was 15 years old, and worked for Dale as a teenager during summer breaks. Wife and co-owner Carrie Gable was born and raised in southwest Florida and together they have two children aged 18 and 16. John and Carrie (pictured above) bought the business from Dale when he retired in 1998 and since have been striving to make employees and customers alike feel like family. All of our technicians are factory trained and E.P.A. certified, and we service all makes and models of air conditioning systems. We provide 24 hour emergency service and always encourage you - the home owner - to be with the technician as he goes over your system. We understand that selecting a new air conditioning system for your home or business can be confusing. This is why we use products from the leading A/C manufacturers. Each one of our products has been hand-selected based upon it's quality and reliability, and we are confident that each can meet and exceed the needs of our customers.
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