Home Improvement Guide (December 2010)

Page 1

DEC 2010



The Homeowner’s Magazine for Home Services, Home Products & Landscaping • S e r v ing Po r t Cha r lo tt e , P unt a G o rd a & N o r t h Po r t • W $10 in Pa 0 ge 10

Front Cover By:

See Page 5

ON THE INSIDE Is there any mold behind your shower tiles? - Page 4 Why does your water smell like rotten eggs? - Page 7 The benefits of spa hydrotherapy - Page 9 Home Improvement Guide - Page 1


Phone: 941.625.6271 1544-9 Market Circle Units #906 Port Charlotte, FL 33953 www.crwgranite.com Email: crwgranite@crwgranite.com


Our beautiful granite countertops are available in six levels of materials to ensure that the right color, movement, and price are available for all of our customers.


Quartz countertops combine the beautiful colors of nature with the durability of manmade materials. We have six different vendors to choose from to ensure that any color you need can be fabricated for your job.

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Commercial & Residential Home Improvement Guide - Page 3





Murdock Flooring in Port Charlotte, FL is a family-owned and operated company that offers quality and professional ! ! flooring products and services. We are a ! ! licensed and insured company that offers low ! ! cost, high quality, and personalized service. ! ! We provide professional custom installation. ! ! Come and visit our new designer showroom. • CERAMIC TILE







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Is There Mold Behind Loose Tiles In Your Shower? ! Tub or shower surroundings require routine care to keep grout joints waterproof & seams between tile and shower base or tub sealed with caulk. If the tiles are mounted on drywall, the moisture will eventually turn the drywall to a messy mush. The first step in the repair is to assess the damage to determine how much of the wall has gotten wet. Leaks typically start along the bottom of the wall where the tile meets the top of the tub or shower pan. Those areas are exposed to the most water, so damage tends to spread quickly. The longer the leak has gone unnoticed, the larger the repair will be. ! Mold is a serious health issue and itʼs time builders, renovators and especially the authors of the various provincial “Building Codes” take notice and change the standards for ceramic tile and stone setting especially in wet areas like showers and steam rooms. Certain Tile & Marble Associations have very clear guidelines which if had been applied, would have prevented this problem.



Home Improvement Guide - Page 4








Acenturyofcraftsmanship.Alifetimeofquality. Acenturyofcraftsmanship.Alifetimeofquality. Acenturyofcraftsmanship.Alifetimeofquali Acenturyofcraftsmanship.Alifetimeofquality.

ip. f craftsmanship. A lifetime A century of quality. A of lifetime craftsmanship. of quality. A lifetime of quality. A century of lifetime craftsmanship. A lifetime of quality. ip. f craftsmanship. A lifetime of quality. A of quality. A century of craftsmanship. A lifetime of quality.

Expertlycrafted.Exquisitelystyled.Emphaticallyyours.For100years,YorktowneCabinetry® hasbeendedicatedtocreating ® hasbeendedi classically beautiful cabinetry, one room at a time. elegant kitchens to stunning Expertlycrafted.Exquisitelystyled.Emphaticallyyours.For100years,YorktowneCabi nExpertlycrafted.Exquisitelystyled.Emphaticallyyours.For100years,YorktowneCabi etryFrom catedtocreati ng baths and exquisite dressing areas to netry® hasbeendedicatedtocre ® hasbeendedi classically beautiful cabinetry, one room athomeofficesandentertainmentcenters,Yorktownecanhelpyoucreateauniquelypersonalizedspacewithinyourhome. a time.Expertlycrafted.Exquisitelystyled.Emphaticallyyours.For100years,YorktowneCabi From elegant kitchens to stunning baths classically and exquisite beautifuldressing cabinetry,areasonetoroom at a time.netryFrom elegant kitchens to stunning catedtocreati ng baths and exquisite dressing are

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classically beautiful cabinetry, one room at a time. From elegant kitchens to stunning baths and exquisite dressing areas to home offices

home offices and entertainment centers, Yorktowne can help you create a uniquely personalized space within your home.

and entertainment centers, Yorktowne can help you create a uniquely personalized space within your home.

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Home Improvement Guide - Page 5


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Stay Away From the Hard Stuff

Hard water harms nearly every item in your home, leaving mineral deposits & scale build-up on everything your water touches. Hard water is especially tough on plumbing & on water-using appliances, resulting in more frequent replacement - and costing a lot of money! Is this happening in your home? • Bad taste or odor in your tap water? • Spotted or cloudy glassware? • Towels & clothing are dingy and rough? • Crusty deposits on faucets? • Clogged pipes & appliance lines? Need salt, filters, well parts? Come visit our fully stocked retail store. FREE Water Analysis/ Inspection

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Mention this Ad & receive 10% discount on any service or system install

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Why does my water smell like rotten eggs? If you notice this smell in your water, it probably contains hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas. Sources of this gas include: Decay of organic matter or chemical reactions with sulfur-containing minerals in soil and rock. • •

Sulfate-reducing bacteria which convert naturally occurring sulfate & other sulfur compounds to hydrogen sulfide gas. Water heaters can produce hydrogen sulfide gas by: o Providing a warm environment for sulfate-reducing bacteria to live. o The anode, which is usually magnesium, supplies electrons that sustain the reaction of sulfate to hydrogen sulfide gas.

How do I determine the source?

Run water separately from both the cold and hot taps, preferably when you have been away from the house for a few hours so your sense of smell is more keen. • • • •

If the smell is only from the hot water tap, the source is most likely your water heater. If the smell is from both hot and cold taps, but only from water treated by a water softener, you may have sulfur-reducing bacteria in your water softener. If the smell is from both taps & diminishes after the water runs, you may have sulfur-reducing bacteria in your well or piping. If the smell is from both taps and is persistent, you may have hydrogen sulfide gas in your groundwater

How can I eliminate hydrogen sulfide gas? If the source is hydrogen sulfide gas in the groundwater the water may be treated by: • •

• •

Activated carbon filters for hydrogen sulfide concentrations less than 1 mg/L. Manganese greensand filters for hydrogen sulfide concentrations up to 6 mg/L. Oxidation filtration systems for hydrogen sulfide concentrations up to and exceeding 6 mg/L. Chlorinator System

Home Improvement Guide - Page 7

Home Improvement Guide Pick Up Your Copy Today! Here are just a few locations to serve you: Perkins Restaurant

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Charlotte State Bank

Sears - Service Center Lobby

Home Depot Plaza

Goal Post - Roadside

Biglots Plaza - Roadside Bellʼs Outlet - Venice

Our Name Says it ALL !

Winn-Dixie - Kings Hwy

Buffalo Wings & Rings

Five Star Pools

Dunkin Donuts - PG

Action Appliance - PC

C21 Almar - NP

7-11ʼs (Coming Soon)

AMF Bowling Lanes - PC

AquaFlow - PC

PC Post Office - Roadside

Town Center Mall

Chamber of Commerce

(Inside Alli-Gators)

Lashley Park Crab House

& Many More...

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*CONTEST RULES: • Winner will be drawn randomly • Must be 18 years or older to participate • Limit 1 entry per month / household / issue per person

Sit back, relax and leave it to our professional staff to assist you!

• Only applicable to local residents only (Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda and North Port) • Winner must pick up Cash Prize within 30 days of being notified

Home Improvement Guide - Page 8



• New & Used Hot Tubs • Hot Tub Parts • Hot Tub Accessories • Pool Supplies • Service • We buy used spaʼs • Trade-ins welcome

(941) 625-6600 www.spasandmoreinc.net 2260 Tamiami Trl • Port Charlotte

The Benefits Of Spa’s & Hot Tub’s Include Hydrotherapy Over the past few years it has become evident that the health professionals endorse the use of hot tubs and spas as a way of healing the body. When you think of the fact that we all started in water, it makes sense that having a place to relax in water at the perfect temperature can be very beneficial. Whether you are looking to enhance you physical body or your peace-of-mind, we at Spas & More have the right hot tub for you. Americans today are much more concerned in their health and are interactive with their health care professional's opinions to the benefits of a hot tub and hydro-therapy. The heart is designed to pump blood in response to our body's demands. Your heart works much less when your body temperature elevated slightly and is in a state of buoyancy. You relieve your body weight by as much as 20% when in a hot tub and neck deep in water. The effects of the natural gravitational pull that is lessened by this is well worth considering a hot tub. Increased circulation by hydrotherapy leaves the body with a true feeling of well-being. There are many more benefits to be enjoyed by owning a hot tub. Sore muscles and joints and the feeling of total relaxation will get you your best night's sleep ever. Stop in Spas & More and let us "put you in hot water. We won't soak you." Home Improvement Guide - Page 9





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ON: Home Improvement Guide - Page 10

*Winner will be drawn randomly on the 23rd of each month. Must receive entry on or before the 22nd. Limit (1) entry per person / per household / per month. Winner will be acknowledged in the following issue.

CUSTOM WINDOW TREATMENTS SLIPCOVERS & UPHOLSTERY ADO-WRAP VERTICALS & GRABER BLINDS WALL-COVERING & FAUX PAINTING IN-STOCK FABRICS - 100’S OF YARDS Monday - Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm Saturdays by appointment Email: suncountrydecor@comcast.net Website: www.suncountrydecor.net 20020 Veterans Blvd Port Charlotte, Fl


Where Design Matters Sun Country Décor has been decorating and designing southwest Florida homes since 1993. We are proud to be associated with some of the finest craftsmen in the area and to bring you the latest decorating solutions for todayʼs floor plans.

Sun Country Décorʼs highly trained & creative design team, with over 30 years of decorating experience, can make your home a perfect reflection of your style. Browse through hundreds of bolts in our fabric shop, or our design professionals can help you make selections from the largest fabric book library in southwest Florida. Custom window treatments, bedding, wallpaper, & upholstery can complete your custom look.

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Home Improvement Guide - Page 11

“...To the right of the entrance door is a doorway leading into another “Wow” room. This room resembles a library; shelves line the walls with sample books, hardware displays, fabric and trim combination displays. “ “...a full-service interior design business. ” “...celebrating their 15th year in business. “

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Home Improvement Guide - Page 13

We Are The Area’s Most Affordable Full Color Advertising!

Your Ad in the Home Improvement Guide will be seen throughout the area’s below:

North Port Port Charlotte Murdock Deep Creek Punta Gorda Punta Gorda Isles Burnt Store Isles

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Charlotte County in ShoppingJason Centers, Port Charlotte Town Center Mall, LaViolette Restaurants, Convenience Stores and many Outdoor/Indoor Racks on display in North Port, Port Charlotte, Murdock and Punta Gorda.

Advertising Info: 941-704-5090 HomeImprovement@mail.com Graphics Dept: 941-661-7475 HomeImprovement-Online.com Home Improvement Guide

13435 S McCall Rd #225 Home Improvement Guide - Page 14

Port Charlotte, FL 33981

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Celebrating 36 years servicing Charlotte, Desoto & Sarasota! Free Estimates

• Serving Southwest Florida Since 1974 • 50+ Years of Combined Experience • Factory Trained and EPA Certified Technicians • 24 Hour Emergency Service Daleʼs Air Conditioning and Heating is a family owned and operated business that has been serving southwest Florida since 1974. We have a total of over 50 years of experience and have been members of the Better Business Bureau in excellent standing since 2001. Co-Owner John Gable has lived in southwest Florida since 1979, has worked in the air conditioning business since he was 15 years old, and worked for Dale as a teenager during summer breaks. Wife and co-owner Carrie Gable was born and raised in southwest Florida and together they have two children aged 18 and 16. John and Carrie (pictured above) bought the business from Dale when he retired in 1998 and since have been striving to make employees and customers alike feel like family. All of our technicians are factory trained and E.P.A. certified, and we service all makes and models of air conditioning systems. We provide 24 hour emergency service and always encourage you - the home owner - to be with the technician as he goes over your system. We understand that selecting a new air conditioning system for your home or business can be confusing. This is why we use products from the leading A/C manufacturers. Each one of our products has been hand-selected based upon it's quality and reliability, and we are confident that each can meet and exceed the needs of our customers.

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