1 minute read
Enjoying one another’s company…..
A wonderful Birthday celebration with Betty, and her Care Pro’s Julie & Jo. Julie had taken the weekly COOK brochure for Betty to choose what she wanted for her special Birthday lunch and she chose King Prawns with fennel Linguine YUM! Julie and Jo cooked dinner fresh in Betty’s very own kitchen, whilst they chatted away. All had a wonderful lunch, celebrating together with the Birthday girl, Betty enjoying a meal fit for...well...BETTY!
We enjoyed a wonderful Picnic at The Tea Boat Project, Staines, making friends and new connections in the community, hearing about the amazing work The Tea Boat Project are doing along the river Thames in Staines. We were joined by care pro’s, clients and their family members. Mark who heads up The Tea Boat Project gave a wonderful talk about the project, Surrey Choices kept us warm with lots of tea and coffee from Ari’s cafe on site. Also much appreciated hospitality from Waterfront Business Park, sheltering us from the elements. Good food, great company and a little entertainment thrown in by way of Care Pro Liz giving a masterful paddle board lesson on the Thames for Jo's maiden voyage! We are delighted clients and spouses are keen to help with volunteering on Wednesday and Friday mornings with the team of regular team volunteers at the team at the Tea Boat Project

Care Pro Natalie took her gorgeous boy Maximus to meet the lovely Marie. They got on a treat and Nat said it was difficult to drag him away from his new friend.

Care Pro Sandra had a request for a trip to the pub with Maurice and his good friend. Of course, Sandra willingly obliged.