Summer so far has been fantastic with our team and their very enthusiastic kids as part of our extended family representing Home Instead at lots of local Summer fairs. We are holding free "Name the Bear" competitions, give away "Take Me Home Instead" bears and sweet treat purple pouches to raise awareness of our outstanding care and support. We are also proud to be raising funds for the incredible Dementia Carers Support in Runnymede, who provide invaluable social support to those living with dementia, along with their loved ones.
Last month we had a wonderful Open Day where Worshipful Runnymede Mayor Cllr. Shannon Saise-Marshall joined us to celebrate the launch of our Key to Care. Our free learning circles are open to all in the community and cover various topics, running on the last Friday of each month, 2pm-3pm. We also recognised team members who have been with us for over 11 years, marking their remarkable dedication.
Finally, please join us in welcoming our new scheduler, Gurmeet. With extensive professional scheduling experience and over 2 years giving exceptional and loving care with our Home Instead, Gurmeet will ensure seamless matching of clients and care professionals for satisfaction, enjoyment, and peace of mind. More about Gurmeet in this newsletter – he is a man of many talents.
Thank you for your continued support as we strive to make a positive impact in our community.
Ottershaw Village Fair - £2 adult entry, £1 child entry
• WHEN: Saturday 1st July. 1pm – 5pm
• WHERE: Ottershaw Memorial Grounds, Ottershaw, Foxhills Road, KT16 0NQ
• WHAT: Lots of free entertainment and activities for the kids. Come and see us at the Home Instead stand – we’ll be running our Name the Bear competition, fund raising for Dementia Carers Support Runnymede. Contact Jo for more info. Jo.halstead@homeinstead.co.uk
Windsor Parallel Festival of Inclusivity & Wellbeing
• WHEN: Sunday 2nd July, from 10am
• WHERE: The Long Walk, Windsor
• WHAT: The Festival of Inclusivity with challenge events for all ages, health conditions & abilities. We’ll be spreading the word about giving & receiving care the Home Instead way, & handing out fresh free watermelon slices to keep everyone hydrated & talking about how colourful food that’s high-water content can help those with dementia live well. Contact Jo for more info. Jo.halstead@homeinstead.co.uk
Hilary’s Hut, Free Fun & Friendship Group, Staines – Free event
• WHEN: Weds 5th July, 10am–12pm (+ Pop-up event 12th July Stanwell Cordelia Pk, 10am12pm / 12pm – 2pm Stanwell Events Community Lunch)
• WHERE: The Hall behind Christ Church on Kenilworth Gardens, Staines, TW18 1DR. FREE parking is available in the Christ Church car park opposite Matthew Arnold School.
• WHAT: Social club for the active 45+ year olds, 1st Weds of the month. Community Care Pro Sam will be holding a stall talking about who we are and connecting the community with our What’s on Where guide.
Contact jo for more info: jo.halstead@ homeinstead.co.uk,
Black Cherry Fair, Chertsey – Free to attend
• WHEN: Saturday 8th July, Parade at 10.30am, Fair commences 11am -4pm
• WHERE: Abbeyfields, Chertsey
• WHAT:. We have a stand and are running Name the Giant Bear (he’s huge!) plus other free activities, to raise funds for Dementia Carers Support Runnymede.
• Contact jo for more info: jo.halstead@homeinstead.co.uk,
100 Years of Victory Park, Addlestone – Free event
• WHEN: Sunday 9th July, 11.30am – 3pm. WHERE: Addlestone Victory Park
• WHAT: Celebration opened by the mayor. Free to attend, hosted by the Addlestone Historical Society. A lovely, leisurely day with refreshments after in the beautiful bowls club. We’ll be there with our local clients. Contact jo for more info: jo.halstead@homeinstead.co.uk,
Tea Boat Project Picnic – Free event, all welcome
• WHEN: Friday 14th July. 12pm – 2pm
• WHERE: River Thames. Upstream on the tow path from Staines Bridge heading upstream towards Windsor. Free parking (inc. blue badge) at rear of Waterfront Building off the Causeway. TW18 3BA.
• WHAT: Free event – Summer picnic beside the river with the wonderful tea boat project. Eat, drink & make new friends. Contact Jo. Jo.halstead@homeinstead.co.uk
Age Concern Windsor, Summer Fair
• WHEN: Saturday 15th July, 10am – 1pm
• WHERE: Spencer Deny Centre, Windsor
• WHAT: Guess the name of the toy dog, raising funds for Battersea Dogs Home Old Windsor, who like Hone Instead are on a mission to overcome loneliness, isolation and frailty through socialisation. Contact Jo. Jo.halstead@homeinstead.co.uk
Summer Signing Sensation – Free Event
• WHEN: Tuesday 18th July, 1.30pm – 2.30pm
• WHERE: Englefield Green Hub, 7 Larchwood Dr, TW20 0SL
• WHAT:. A talented group performing a selection of feel-good summer songs, with 3 part harmonies, comedy and dancing. Please book: 07721 621 878. Email: gulnar@thejourney.org.uk
Coffee Stop with lovely Lynne and marvellous Mike
• WHEN: Thursday 27th July, 11am-12.30pm.
• WHERE: Notcutts Garden Centre, Staines
• WHAT: Coffee, cake and a good chit chat with Lynne, Mike, our Care Pro’s and clients.
Key to Care Learning Circle: Understanding Parkinson’s
• WHEN: Friday 30th July, 2pm- 3pm.
• WHERE: Home Instead office, Gogmore Ln, Chertsey. KT16 9AP
• WHAT: 1 hour, bite-sized info session & discussion about Parkinson’s with practicle advice to make a difference. Informal, interactive and open to all. No charge. Contact Laura for more info: laura.newton@wrws.homeinstead.co.uk
Coffee & Cake Karaoke Sing-a-Long
• WHEN: Friday 4th August, 4pm – 6pm
• WHERE: Lord Knyvett Hall, High Street Stanwell Village, TW19 7JS
• WHAT: Sing along together to all the classics – Juke Box available so you can choose the tune! All over coffee and cake, raising funds for new local charity, Good Neighbours Stanwell. Stay on and join Gill’s Bingo, nibbles, singing and dancing from 7pm. Email Jo Jo.halstead@homeinstead.co.uk
We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to our office team here at Home Instead: Gurmeet! Many of you may already know Gurmeet as one of our dedicated Care Professionals, but he has now taken on a new role as Scheduler.
Gurmeet has lived in Egham for 10 years and is in his third year with Home Instead. Prior to joining us, Gurmeet worked as a postmaster and later as a print manager for British Gas, where he gained valuable experience as a scheduler. Drawing from his background blended with his experience giving outstanding care the Home Instead way, Gurmeet was keen to enhance the personalised touch to scheduling that Home Instead is known for. Transitioning to the office team fulfils Gurmeet’s desire to combine his scheduling skills with a deep understanding of the personal connection that is crucial for our clients and their families. Having had the opportunity to experience the wonderful office atmosphere and team camaraderie, Gurmeet feels that he is getting the best of both worlds with his new hat on. He thrives under pressure and is eagerly looking forward to his pivotal role as a scheduler in bringing happiness and peace of mind to our clients, their families, and our care professionals.
Outside of work, Gurmeet is an incredibly artistic individual. He is a skilled henna artist and shares his talent with the Sikh community, making weddings truly beautiful. His creativity extends to baking as well, where he specialises in creating beautiful and intricate wedding cakes and flower arrangements. In addition, Gurmeet takes part in charity work, raising funds for NISHKAM SWAT, a Sikh charity that feeds the homeless. His kindness and generous spirit truly reflect the values we uphold here at Home Instead.
Currently, Gurmeet is undergoing training and eagerly awaits the opportunity to dive into his new role Although he will predominantly be based in the office, Gurmeet will maintain close contact with clients, their families, and care professionals through his day-to-day interactions. He will also spend time with existing and new clients as part of our on-call rota, allowing him to get to know everyone personally. This deep understanding of their interests and personalities will enable Gurmeet to fulfil his critical role in carefully and lovingly matching clients and care professionals. Please join us in welcoming Gurmeet to his new position as Scheduler. We are confident that his skills, compassion, and dedication will contribute to the seamless operation of our services and the continued provision of outstanding care.
Weweredelightedtohaveour newWorshipfulRunnymede
MayorCllr.ShannonSaiseMarshallalongtoouropenday, launchingournewLearningCircle Series,KEYTOCARE,and celebratingourlongestserving teammembers,withtwoofour CarePro’swithussincewe launched11yearsago!Thankyou forcomingShannon-we thoroughlyenjoyedbrainstorming waystomakemorecommunity connectionstobringmoreofus together,moreoften.
We had a very lovely Friday night out together singing (badly) and bopping along to an amazing ABBA tribute band. Loads off fun was had by all who attended- The Addlestone Centre is such a fab venue with lots of great entertainment.
Thank you Sharon for bringing Billy-Bob the octopus in to see us before he went on his merry way to his new home with Sharon’s grandson George.
Our lovely, funny Jess left us for a new adventure. We wish her very well and a warm welcome to Gurmeet who has moved from the Care Pro team to the office team as our new scheduler.
Did you know about Talking Therapies Surrey?
Free CBT & counselling, and no waiting list!
Supporting people struggling with mental health.
We were delighted that our Home Instead stand was set up beside Team Leader at With You's NHS Talking Therapies service at the Staines Rotary Health Expo at Staines-upon-Thames day last month. With the work we do with our clients and in the community, we sometimes come across people struggling with various challenges such as mental health and might benefit from the services With You in Surrey offer. We think they are fab…. Here’s a little more about them.
Talking Therapies in Surrey is a free, confidential service to support people struggling with poor mental health including (but not limited to)
depression and anxiety. They can help you to understand and provide tools to help you manage if you are feeling low, anxious or stressed.
They offer one to one support such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and counselling, along with courses and group programmes. They are proud to be able to offer a service in Surrey with no waiting list! You are not alone.
Their service is Surrey wide and available free of any charge to anyone aged 17 years or over and registered with a GP in Surrey. The appointment will take no more than 45 minutes and will be with one of Talking Therapies Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners, trained to listen to you and to work with you to formulate a plan about next steps and how we can support you best.
Clients do not need a GP referral (although this is possible) and can be referred by another professional or by themselves either by completing the self-referral form on our website: wearewithyou.org.uk/mentalhealth or by calling 0300 012 0012. If you prefer, you can speak to your GP and they can make a referral on your behalf.
And the additional welfare benefits that can come with it.
Attendance Allowance helps with extra costs if you have a disability severe enough that you need someone to help look after you. It’s paid at 2 different rates and how much you get depends on the level of care that you need because of your disability. You could get £68.10 or £101.75 a week to help with personal support if you’re physically or mentally disabled, and of State Pension age or older. It is not means tested. Additionally, some other benefits can increase if Attendance Allowance is in place. You do not have to have someone caring for you in order to claim. If you do have a carer, they could also get Carer’s Allowance if you have substantial caring needs. Get help and support to understand what you and your family are entitled to and how to apply:
We have had a wonderful run of Summer Fair’s so far this year, raising funds for Frances and her amazing team at Dementia Carers Support, Runnymede. We have been playing Guess the Bear’s Name and sharing ‘Take me Home Instead’ Bears with those who sign up for our monthly newsletter and What’s on Where Guide. Dolly the Giant Dementia Duck even took part in the Staines-upon-Thames Day Midas Race. Staffed by the Home Instead community team, our amazing Care Pro’s, and of course the kids have been roped in to help! Actually, they stole the show – and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Village Fair with Liz & Claire G
Ottershaw Village
Fete with Jo, Zoe & James
Wraysbury Village Fair with Liz & Claire G
Old Windsor Summer
Fayre wit Zoe, Laura
N, Laura W & Nicki
Raising funds for Dementia Carers Support and awareness about the Home Instead way of giving care.
Staines Rotary A look behind the scenes….
Where else were we in June?
Claire P & Rachel arranged a lovely day out on the Thames with three lovely clients
Firm friends, out for tea and cake at He Brews in Addlestone
Sam & Liz loved Careers Day at Lyne School, talking about what Home Instead do, how and why, playing name the bear and sharing our sweet treat purple pouches
Our first Wellness Walk, attended by clients, care pro’s and even the mayor!
Sam & Claire P took Michael for a much-enjoyed trip to beautiful Royal Holloway
Liz enjoyed networking at Windsor Castle with Berkshire Mummies
Sam & Liz loved their coffee morning quiz take over, playing name that tune
Over the past two years, 15 million people have taken part in this chance to say thank you for everyone and everything that makes our communities great places to live in and to get connected with the people they live alongside all year round. We decided to celebrate it as Care Professionals, saying Thank You to Anitra our MD and our dearly loved clients for making our job the best in the world!