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York & Ryedale newsletter
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November 2017
Local schoolgirl raises Dementia Awareness Local schoolgirl Beth, daughter of our CAREGiver Annette, came to our office last month to interview Karen, our Dementia Friends Champion. Having had personal experience of Alzheimer’s and dementia from her grandma, who had mixed dementia, one of Beth’s friends spoke to her a while ago about Alzheimer’s Disease when her own
grandparent started with symptoms. Beth told her everything she knew and tried to be reassuring. After that, Beth decided that she’d like to represent her school and raise awareness about dementia within her age group, in case other pupils were also going through the same within their family. Beth wanted to interview Karen and
become a Dementia Friend so that she could gain more knowledge about Alzheimer’s Disease. She’s now taken that knowledge and made a presentation of her interview and dementia friend session, which she will be sharing at school in an assembly.
Christmas Events
◆ From 4th December you can come into the office and collect your Christmas gift from us. Select your bauble from the tree and match it to your present below. ◆ We will be buying a Christmas plant for each of our clients. Come in and collect them from early December, with each plant there will be an accompanying Christmas card, designed by local York schoolchildren. ◆ ‘Nominate a neighbour’ – as well as all our clients receiving a Christmas plant, we are asking all CAREGivers to ‘nominate a neighbour’, friend or just someone in the community you think would appreciate a Christmas gift. ◆ On 14th December you are all invited for a Christmas drink at the Minster Inn on Marygate, join us from 7.30pm to celebrate Christmas with your colleagues. There will be platters and a drink for everyone on arrival.
BBC NHS Tracker This new guide available from the BBC uses the latest published data on performance against three key NHS waiting-time measures. This data is currently published either monthly or quarterly depending on where you live in the UK, and there are differences between how the targets are measured in each part of the UK. Go to www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-41483322 and pop in your post code to find out how our NHS is performing locally. A&E treatment – target is four hours in which to treat and discharge, admit or transfer a patient in 95% of cases. Cancer care – target is that patients commence treatment within 62 days of an urgent referral. Planned operations and care, such as knee and hip replacements – 18 weeks from your GP referral to the point your treatment starts in 92% of cases.
Free NHS Health Check If you are aged 40 – 74 you are entitled to a free NHS Health Check. Even if you are feeling great you may still be at risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, diabetes or dementia. A health check can help reduce these risks and make sure you stay healthy. The checks are part of a national scheme and you will be invited to have one every 5 years. To find out more go to www.nhs/healthcheck.
Andy’s Advice
As well as documenting your logging in times correctly on your Clients Activity Log it is equally important that you remember to log in and out through the automated telephone system. Logging in and out through this system lets us know you have arrived safely and when you have left your clients. It also calculates your mileage to your next call so it’s important to remember to log out.
Winter Check List
Now that winter is here we’ve put together a check list to make sure your clients are ready for the cold winter days and nights. ▶ Make sure their heating has been serviced. The general advice is they should do this annually. ▶ Put together a torch, handy in case of power cuts and a radio with extra batteries. ▶ Ensure they have plenty of layers of clothing to wear, warm slippers for indoors and grippy shoes if they are heading out. ▶ Encourage regular hot drinks – it’s a good idea to leave a flask close by before you leave. ▶ It is important to have at least one hot meal a day. Eating regularly will help keep energy levels up.
Christmas Swing and Sing show
Yes Christmas is coming and to get you in the festive mood YAC Productions’ first Christmas show will be on 2nd December at the Joseph Rowntree Theatre featuring the Sam Johnson Big Band. Singers will perform Christmas classic swing songs plus modern festive classics given the swing treatment. All proceeds will go to York Against Cancer. Visit www.yorkagainstcancer.org.uk or call 01904 764466.
▶ Make sure that the room your client spends most of their time in is warm throughout the day. ▶ Heat their bedroom before going to bed. Set their timer on heating to come on before they get up and switch off when they go to bed. ▶ Use an electric blanket or a hot water bottle but not at the same time. ▶ Wear bed socks, thermal underwear and hat in bed if it’s really cold.
Home Instead York’s CAREGivers did more than 95,200 miles to support clients over the past 12 months
Last month we had a group of CAREGivers receiving certificates and badges. Congratulations to Ann, Jenny and
Margaret who received their certificates for completing our City & Guilds Alzheimer’s & Dementia Course. As well as this, Odette received her badge for completing 1 year’s service, and Jenny her
certificate for completing our Food Safety course.Receiving their Care Certificates were Lindsey, Amelia and Daphne.
Well done Ladies!
STOP PRESSURE ULCERS EVENTS Come and join us at one of the drop in sessions to help raise awareness of pressure ulcers.You will receive training and demonstrations of pressure relieving devices to reduce the risk of pressure damage to your patients.
Drop in Sessions 11.00am to 3:00pm
Tissue Viability talk at 1.15pm ‘Exploring Suitable Seating’ Thursday 23 November – York Acomb Gateway Centre, YO24 3BN Wednesday 29 November – Malton Malton Rugby Club, YO17 7EY
Free of charge to attend, you will be given a certificate of attendance for your own personal development files. There will also be an opportunity to win some prizes! Refreshments and lunch will be provided, please advise during booking if you have any dietary requirements. Places can be booked by e-mailing Sarah Mills sarah.mills@crawfordpharma.com or call 07973 731176 If you book a place, please ensure you attend as lunch will be provided. If you cannot make it and you have booked a place please advise as soon as possible. Kindly Supported by Crawford Healthcare
You have the right to speak out…
Whistle blowing We encourage all staff to express concerns or complaints while providing protection for those that blow the whistle You need to speak out if you believe: ◆ Someone may be at risk of harm ◆ An offence has been committed ◆ A person has failed with legal obligations ◆ A miscarriage of justice has occurred ◆ An individual’s health and safety has been endangered
Please contact the Care Manager or Senior member of staff immediately if you have any concerns on 01904 690884 Home Instead Senior Care 10 Clifton Moor Business Village James Nicolson Link, Clifton Moor York YO30 4XG Telephone: 01904 690884 Email: info@hiscyork.co.uk Web: www.homeinstead.co.uk/york
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Safe ■ Effective ■ Caring ■ Responsive ■ Well-Led “Each Home Instead Senior Care® franchise office is independently owned and operated.”