Home Instead
York & Ryedale newsletter
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February 2018
‘Best Employer in Care’ for second year We’re delighted to announce that Home Instead York & Ryedale have officially been recognised as “Best Employer in Care” for the second consecutive year. The award of 5 Star Employer is based on the feedback from thousands of our CAREGivers and is only awarded to the top 10 per cent of 120 organisations which enter. Ending a hugely successful year on a high, we’re ALSO thrilled to be crowned as the UK’s NUMBER ONE franchise in the Elite Franchise 100. The Elite Franchise 100 is a brand new annual league table that celebrates the greatest franchises the UK has to offer. The ‘power list’ is ranked by a panel of experienced judges and judged on core criteria including growth, support, innovation, network size and future plans. We are immensely proud to be recognised as a Best Employer in Care and also as the UK’s number one franchise. It proves that we are succeeding in our mission to become an employer of choice in the UK and that our model of person centred home care really works, not only for our clients but for our CAREGivers too.
Daphne celebrates three years! Daphne Ellis, General Manager of Home Instead Senior Care York & Ryedale, this month celebrated 3 years with us. In her role of General Manager, Daphne’s duty is to ensure the smooth running of the office, she has a passion for people and processes, and hopes that her support motivates and inspires the great team at Home Instead. Daphne is pictured here collecting her silver badge for completing 3 years service, we look forward to having her as part of our team for many more years to come!
Living with Dementia If you have been diagnosed with dementia you may feel like your life has been turned upside down but the Alzheimer’s Society can help. Their programme has been designed with and for people in the early stages of dementia. They offer sessions which run over seven weeks where you can gain the understanding, knowledge and skills to live better with dementia. The programme will increase your confidence in managing day to day and help you better plan for the future. If you would like to know more, contact the Alzheimer’s Society on 01904 547701 and ask about booking a place on the next programme.
Here are 10 things you can do to look after your heart 1. Give up smoking – Quitting is the single best thing you can do for your heart health. 2. Get active – Getting and staying active can reduce your risk of developing heart disease and is a great mood booster and stress buster. 3. Manage your weight – Stick to a healthy, balanced diet low in fat and sugar, with plenty of fruit and vegetables. 4. Eat more fibre – Eat plenty of fibre to help lower your risk of heart disease. 5. Cut down on saturated fat – Eating too many foods that are high in saturated fat can raise the level of cholesterol and increases your risk of heart disease. 6. Get your 5 a Day – Eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day. 7. Cut down on salt – Avoid using salt at the table and try adding less to your cooking. 8. Eat fish – Eat fish at least twice a week, including a portion of oily fish which can help protect against heart disease. 9. Drink less alcohol – Try to keep to the recommended daily alcohol limits to reduce the risk of serious problems with your health. 10. Read the food labels – See how many calories and how much fat, salt and sugar products contain to help you make healthier choices.
Bringing the library to you If you still love reading but find it difficult to get to your local library, the Home Library Service offers you the chance to get the books that you love to read delivered straight to your door. You can choose from a wide variety of fiction and non fiction in a range of different formats including regular print, large print and audio books. Books will be delivered to your home on a regular basis. A Royal Voluntary Service volunteer will visit you to discuss what types of books you enjoy reading and organise a regular time to visit. It’s as easy as that! They can also show you how you can read our large selection of e-books and listen to audio books using the Explore e-Library on a tablet computer. Don’t worry if you don’t have a tablet computer or the internet, they can loan you one pre-loaded with e-Books. Just give them a ring and we’ll make an appointment to visit when it’s convenient to you. Contact Natasha Morton at natasha. mort@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk or 07469378205.
Look after your eyes Your eyes should give you a lifetime’s service, but sometimes they can be affected by conditions that develop as you grow older. It’s easy to neglect your eyes because they rarely hurt when there’s a problem. If you have a low income, you may be eligible for help with the cost should you need glasses or contact lenses. An eye test can pick up eye conditions, such as glaucoma and cataracts, as well as general health problems, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. You can help keep your eyes healthy by: ▶ not smoking – smoking damages the eye, making it more likely to develop age-related macular degeneration and cataracts ▶ eating lots of fruit and vegetables ▶ protecting them from the sun by wearing sunglasses. The good news is that if you’re 60 or over, you can have a free NHS eye test every two years. You can have
a free test every year if you’re 70 or over. Having an eye test will not only tell you if you need new glasses, it will also check the health of the eye and can spot eye conditions before you become aware of them so they can be treated early.
Sharon Richardson of Crombie Wilkinson Solicitors LLP considers
Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA’s) By a Financial LPA you appoint Attorneys to look after your financial affairs if you are not able to do so yourself due to a lack of physical or mental capacity. By a Health and Welfare LPA you appoint Attorneys to make decisions for you about where you live, who sees you and what medical treatment or care you receive if you cannot make those decisions yourself because you do not have mental capacity. Here are my top tips for creating LPA’s: Plan early – While you have capacity, you should get your affairs in order and choose the best people to manage your affairs, in case of an accident or illness. You cannot appoint an Attorney once mental capacity is lost. Choose carefully – Think carefully who to appoint as your Attorney. Have an open conversation with them so they understand your wishes and their responsibilities. Consider appointing more than one Attorney so they can share the responsibility. Appoint a professional – A family member might not be the
best person to act as your Attorney. Instead, you can appoint a Solicitor or other professional. They could be a neutral third party to make unbiased decisions in your best interests. Bear in mind this usually involves a cost. Think about different circumstances – How would you like your Attorney to manage your finances in different situations? Are you happy for your property to be sold to pay for your care for example? Difficult questions – Your Attorney might have to make difficult decisions about your health and welfare. If you have specific wishes about your care, medical treatment, or end of life wishes, you should discuss this with them and make your choices clear. Seek professional advice – Shop-bought and online LPA kits may be suitable for those with very straightforward financial situations or with considerable legal experience, but for most people, seeking professional legal advice is the best way of ensuring that an LPA is effective, legally robust and safe.
Keep your plans current – Make sure you keep your LPA updated if your circumstances change. Your choices around the people you want responsible for your finances and wellbeing may change, such as following a marriage or divorce, when children reach adulthood, or if parents pass away. No-one knows what the future holds and it’s often hard to think about a time when you may need to select someone to manage your personal affairs. Nevertheless, planning ahead for such a situation can save a lot of issues later on. Please contact Sharon Richardson on 01904 697751 (s.richardson@ crombiewilkinson.co.uk) to discuss how you can put an LPA in place.
Tornado on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway The legendary locomotive, 60163 Tornado, will storm on to the North Yorkshire Moors Railway in March of 2018. The stunning Peppercorn A1 Pacific class engine has been on a whirlwind of tours since she began moving under her own steam in 2008. You too can now travel on a return journey from Grosmont to Pickering and back behind this 100mph locomotive, albeit at a much more sedate speed, through the stunning North York Moors National Park. You do need to pre-book by telephoning Customer Services on 01751 472508, or enquiries can be emailed to info@ nymr.co.uk.
Home Instead York provided over 51,000 hours service to clients last year
DID YOU KNOW? Home Instead Senior Care 10 Clifton Moor Business Village James Nicolson Link, Clifton Moor York YO30 4XG Telephone: 01904 690884 Email: info@hiscyork.co.uk Web: www.homeinstead.co.uk/york
Nature Trails at York Cemetery The Friends of York Cemetery help York Cemetery Trust and the cemetery staff to manage the site. The Friends raise money through their public programme of walks and other events, private tours and donations. The Friends have a range of Self-Guided Trail Guides including a nature trail, butterfly trail and WW1 trail so that visitors to the cemetery
can follow them at their leisure. You can print the trail guides from the Friends’ web site at www. yorkcemetery.org.uk/friendsof-york-cemetery. Alternatively, laminated copies are available for use from the cemetery office for a small donation and look out for the ‘Snowdrops in the Cemetery’ leaflet. The cemetery has both a wheelchair and motorised buggy that you can book in advance by calling the cemetery on 01904 610578.
Concerned about dementia? Call your local helpline
01904 692 473 Covering York & Surrounding Areas Delivering a North Yorkshire Dementia Support Service provided by
Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group
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Safe ■ Effective ■ Caring ■ Responsive ■ Well-Led “Each Home Instead Senior Care® franchise office is independently owned and operated.”