Homeless Voice; A Heck of a Guy

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Mr. Thomas


hat a difference a few were not met with any enthusimonths can make. asm. Vending the paper was just as bad. Don't get M r . Thomas came to Mr. Thomas we at me wrong, he was a good person, just us as an extremely shy, the Homeless Voice no motivation. quiet young welcome you with We tried to figure out if his appearman, almost open arms to our ance and gestures stoic and just 25 years old. He family. Mr. Thomas were from taking medication, or was basically walked at a snails pace, there is one last thing he a little burnt out from drugs? Either with his arms we need you to do, way we could still outward. He and that is to put not figure it out. may have had out of nointerest in what your arms back out Then where I noticed his was going on around him but and give us a great arms in a position that I call "holding you couldn't tell big hug. the basketby looking at ball syndrome." I him or speaking to him. We tried him at many have seen this a lot with mental jobs around the complex, which health consumers who took medi-

cation. Their arms are stretched out like they are holding an invisible basketball. They could be watching TV and those arms will be holding that ball. When he walked it was a walk with no Mr. Thomas describes himself as ‘A heck of a guy.’ He is emotion what- real low-key and does not cause any problems here at the shelter. Thank you Mr. Thomas. You are an asset. soever. And as stated above he walked as slow as a snail and that fore those arms finally came snail began to come out of his down and it took a lot of effort to get them to come down. Every shell. HOW DID HE DROP time we saw him holding that ball we told him to "drop the THE BALL? (Continued on page 9) It was a few weeks be-

Joe Martin


M I IN TROUBLE? That was the first words out of Joe Martin’s mouth when we called him up to the office tonight...and that went back to what he heard from his dad when he was growing up...but all we wanted to do was to talk with him. Just for the record, Joe says that they have a good relationship now, due to a change of lifestyle on both their parts. His parents were divorced when Joe was about five

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and basically he spent time with dad and step mom and his mom who never remarried. So Joe spent his childhood going back and forth between Minneapolis, where he was born and Florida, where he has spent the last four them. He graduated high school up there in snow country. years. But now here he is in It brought back memosunny Florida ries of “up north” when Joe spent his childhood and here at COHe has he was telling going back and forth SAC. goals to one day me stories of p l a y i n g between Minneapolis, leave and be on his own. He hockey and where he was born and has a good relataking his s n o w mo b ile Florida, where he has tionship with his mom (who to school on Fridays. It spent the last four years. is a very beautiful lady and was funny that he said only on Fridays, but they resemble each other to a that was the day that the kids “T”) and her boyfriend. He was went out after school, about 40 of quite specific that he is a born

Joe, I remember the first day you got here, I visioned the words "boot camp" and then when I heard you speak low of yourself I knew boot camp was not proper for you. You continued to speak low about yourself for a few weeks and I must admit that it was not us who helped you come to where you are now. It was you, one day at a time you prevailed and made Joe become Mr. Joe. It was like you matured into a young man, in just a short time. After meeting your mom, who you refer to as "Sean, isn't my mom pretty." I know she is quite proud of you as well. Keep the good work up and let’s see how much better you will improve in the year 2004. Is improvement possible? -Sean Cononie

again Christian as of two years ago thanks to his mom’s brother who started the process when he took Joe to church. I remember one night when Joe came in from work selling the Homeless Voice. He hadn't done very well at all and the Ops Mgr spoke sternly to him. By the way, it wasn't the (Continued on page 10)


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Robert Jesus Llanes Comet Couriev Proietto Family In Memory of Billy Corwin Josh Searles Patricia Lee Russ Delores B Mordon Everglades Moon, Covenant of Goddess, Elibet Hanson Judy B. Pascarella Mrs. Jenkins John Gaeta Michael R. Prokop, Jr. Jackie M. McCarty Marilyn R. Smith In Memory of Charles Horton In Memory of William F. Judge Todd Palgon The Morabito Family Todd Palgon Holly J. Andrus Lois Cross In Loving Memory of Florence & Nat Popkin Tailored Advertising, Inc Claudia K. Tapolow Margie Jones In memory of Wesley H. Woodall Maria M. Riveiro Gottlieb & Blair Family Pioneer Middle School Youth Crime Watch

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January, 2004


This year will be different. How many times do we say that? I am guilty of this to. Not following through. Saying things and never doing them. This year I pray for preserverence. Mark Targett LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SEND TO: P.O. BOX 292-577 DAVIE, FLORIDA 33329 FAX TO: 954-926-2022 EMAIL: info@homelessvoice.com





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The story of the Homeless Saviour


round two-thousand years ago in a small town called Bethlehem, a child was born. His life was destined to change the course of history , as we know it today. However, the child was not born in the king’s palace, or even in a decent home. Instead, the birthplace of this icon who is worshiped and revered by millions, maybe even billions, across the earth, was an animal shelter, a stable; considering this, the smell in there must have been wretched. In this stable there was a manger from which the animals would eat their daily rations; this was the baby’s bed. It was in this meager setting that Jesus Christ was born. Some thirty years went by and baby Jesus became a man, and during this time, he revolutionized our society. As a preacher, Jesus lived his life traveling from city to city with his disciples, proclaiming that the kingdom of God had come to earth. There were also some miracles and healings that would accompany his words, which gave much validity to all that he said. There were some in Israel who wanted to crown him as their king, but he would have none of it. He lived a lowly lifestyle; some may

even consider it a homeless lifestyle. Because he was constantly on the move, one can imagine that he didn’t always have a fixed place to stay. In fact, one day a man came up to him and expressed his interest in becoming a follower, but Jesus responded, saying, “Foxes have holes and birds have nests (to sleep in), but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head.” Maybe this man was only thinking of the glories involved in serving Jesus, but through what he said, Jesus revealed that following him might involve some sleepless, perhaps even some homeless nights. During his days as a preacher, Jesus was criticized for eating with the prostitutes and the tax collectors (the most despised people of the day). In response to these criticisms, he made it clear that he had not come to earth for the morally upright in heart, but rather, he had come for the sick and needy. One thing Jesus faced constantly in his life was rejection (something that all homeless people today can identify with on a regular basis, for we as a society have rejected them). When he went to preach in his hometown of Nazareth, the people didn’t receive him. In fact, they tried to kill him,


M a r - tin was always p e a c e f u l and reminded his many followers that their fight would be victorious if there was no bloodshed. On August 28, 1963, 200,000 people gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. It was a peaceful protest for laws to guarantee every American equal civil rights. The March was one of the largest groups of AfricanAmerican and white people Washington had ever seen. Even more amazing was the fact that no violence happened. During this march, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech. One year later, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. Dr. King traveled across America, organizing marches, speaking about world peace and supporting civil rights. In April 1968, he went to Memphis Tennessee to support sanitation workers who were on strike. On April 3rd, Dr. King gave his last speech. The following day, as he was leaving his hotel room, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed. With all that this guy has accomplished and all he could have gone on to accomplish - it's no wonder he has a holiday named after him!

very third Monday in January is set aside to honor a man who changed the lives of AfricanAmericans. Upset that AfricanAmericans had to ride in the back of public buses, Martin Luther King, Jr. convinced others who didn't agree with the law not to use public transit. After 382 days of people being threatened, attacked and even jailed, the Supreme Court declared that the Alabama State law had to be changed. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. His dad was the minister of the Ebenezer Baptist Church and so was his dad before him. M.L. (as he was called back then) was taught by his parents to treat everyone with respect, regardless of race. His dad firmly believed that AfricanAmericans should have the right to vote. M.L. decided to follow in his dad's footsteps when he went to college. In 1954, Martin received his Ph.D. and accepted the job as pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Martin would now be known as Dr. King. He also became the leader of the civil rights movements. He organized non-violent protests against the mistreatment of African-Americans.

"I Have a Dream"

“I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me.” because they could not believe that a little boy that they had seen grow up could become a healer and a preacher. Even his own brothers treated him with much skepticism. The worst rejection, however, came when his very own disciples, those who had walked by his side for three years, fled in fear when the roman soldiers came to arrest him. This arrest initiated one of the most inhumane and cruel treatments known to man. It is here that the sufferings of Jesus become far more extreme than anything experienced by any suffering person today. After his arrest and trial in court, Jesus was sentenced to be crucified. Before his crucifixion, he was publicly reviled. The roman soldiers flogged, beat and spit on him. To top it all off, in mockery, they placed a crown of thorns on his head. Then he was lead to the cross “like a sheep being lead to the slaughter”, as detailed in Isaiah 53. There, they pierced the nails through his hands and feet, and he was left on a cross to die. During his time on earth, this man, if he can even be called a man, did not live with or, for that matter, he didn’t even reach out to the rich and famous of the day. Instead, he extended his hand to the broken and the poor; to the despised and the homeless. In one of his parables, Jesus says to one of his followers, “I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me.” His follower then asked, “When did I see you in that state.” Jesus replied, “When you did it to the least of these (i.e. the poor and needy….the homeless), you did it to me.” This is his instruction to all those who claim to follow him. And even those who don’t believe cannot deny that the moral standards he spoke of would do us all some good if we attempted to heed them. The point of all this is that Jesus Christ, the man who is worshiped throughout the world by millions, maybe even billions of people, was not some big shot superstar when he was on earth. He probably could’ve been, but in-

Daniel Carvalho stead he chose to live in humility among those who needed him most and he ended up dying for them (and he died for us as well). In considering his life, perhaps it would serve our world best, if we were to live in the same manner: caring for the needy, just as we care for ourselves. Isn’t that “the golden rule“: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.? Oh yeah, it was Jesus who said that too, wasn’t it. by Daniel Carvalho

According to The United States Conference of Mayors:

DID YOU KNOW THAT WHEN IT CAME TO… Charlotte : The increase of people requesting emergency shelter in our city is caused by unemployment, underemployment and the economy. Currently, there is a shortage of at least 20,000 safe decent and affordable rental units. Chicago: There are two kinds of data that the city tracks: 1) the number of requests for shelter and 2) the number of people served. Data from the city’s 3-1-1 center indicates that over the past year, requests for shelter have increased 36.2 percent. From January 2001 to October 2001, there were 27,194 requests received for shelter. From January 2002 to October 2002, there were 37,047 requests for shelter.

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January, 2004



s the countdown began, their cider and were complaining Brandy thought of all the about why they hadn’t been New Years she had had given a full cup. Brandy turned in the past. When she was fif- her attention back to the T.V. just teen, her family had spent the as the New Year started. The New Year in London. With Eng- room suddenly erupted with Brandy lish men and women with their cheers and singing. elegant accents, she had drank sipped down her cider and went her first glass of champagne and outside for a smoke. As she slowly puffed on experienced her first kiss. When Her first duty was her cigarette her mind wandered she was seventeen a group of her to hold a little baby back to about nine ths befo re friends had rented whose mother had mon when she had a cabin in the Poneglected her. learned that she cono’s. In the hot was pregnant. tub with snow When she came home melting on the way down, they had all shouted and sang when from the doctors she was bubmidnight struck. At twenty-one bling with excitement at the Brandy and her boyfriend pulled thought of telling her boyfriend. the slots in Las Vegas and spent When he came home from work, the rest of the evening in their she told him that he was going to hotel room celebrating a new be a father. The color had left his face and he said that he needed to year together. Now at twenty-four she lie down. He was still asleep looked around at the other people when Brandy went to bed hours with out homes and again tried to later. Sometime during the night figure out how she had gotten she was violently awoken to her there. At the small shelter in East boyfriend punching her repeatOrange everyone was given a sip edly. When he finally stopped full of sparkling cider in a tiny and Brandy went to the bathroom white Styrofoam cup. The cou- she knew she had lost the baby. ples and families present gath- That was the last time she had ered together closely not taking seen her boyfriend. She moved their eyes off the “ball” on T.V. into a hotel about an hour away that was seconds away from that night. She had not talked to dropping. The “crazies” as her parents in years and when she Brandy called them were all in called them they immediately Brandy knew her the back of the room. They were hung up. only there because staff had money wouldn’t last forever, but made the countdown mandatory. she couldn’t bring herself to get a Most of them had already drank job, let alone get out of bed. She

What makes us good is what’s inside


he beginning of each year, in the month of January, we all make many resolutions. The dictionary defines the word, firm intention, great determination, and formal statement of a committee’s opinion. What ever it means to us, we try to be sincere in our resolve, but can we really commit to something positive that we had promised ourselves. I for one never make a resolution for myself, or express my intentions of making one to a friend or a family member. Perhaps I do this because I am afraid to fail, afraid of conveying my shortcomings to others, therefore I put no barriers or deadlines on my goals. We all seem to define success with how much money we possess, what our home looks like, what kind of clothes we wear, or what kind of job or education we have been able to attain. In olden times you were judged by how much cattle or sheep you owned, and if you really think about it, it’s not that much different now, what kind of car you drive or what part of town y o u live in, auto-

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had dreams about her unborn child. They would be playing dress-up, going to the zoo, getting ready for the prom, but they all ended with something terrible happening to the child. She would watch T.V. and start crying hysterically whenever she saw a pregnant woman. After six months, Brandy was kicked out of the hotel for not paying. She spent six weeks on the street dodging the cops until she was finally picked up sleeping under a bridge. They took her to the shelter where she had been for the past month. She lit another cigarette off the end of the first and continued to reflect on the past. When she had gotten to the shelter, they had asked if Brandy had any work skills. She told them that she had worked at a nursing home for years as a cook. They called day-labor and by the next day Brandy was sent to the local hospital as a dishwasher. Her money so far had gone to her uniform, and her stay at the shelter. The work was tiring and repetitive, but it was better than laying in bed all day. Brandy finished her cigarette and went to bed depressed at the idea of spending the New Year as a homeless person. The next day after breakfast Brandy took the bus to work and started to head towards the kitchen. One of the nurses stopped her and asked her to follow her upstairs instead. The

nurse had spoken to the kitchen staff and had transferred her upstairs to the nursery. At those words Brandy’s heart jumped and then fell back down to her stomach. The nurse continued to tell her that they were so busy and desperately needed help. She didn’t seem to notice the nauseated look on Brandy’s face. Her first duty was to hold a little baby whose mother had neglected her. She was un-respondent and would need a lot of love, nurturing and touch if she were to survive. Brandy spent the entire day holding Lissa. She rocked her back and forth, sang lullabies, and softly cooed in her ear. When the day was over, Brandy reluctantly went home. It had been the best day of her life. Better than London, better than the Pocono’s, and better than Las Vegas. When Brandy went to bed that night in her room with five other people, she thanked God for Lissa, and for giving everyone a new year. She fell asleep smiling and that night all her dreams ended happily ever after. -Sara Cunningham Homeless Voice of Ohio scunningham@homelessvoice.org

matically puts you at the head of the class or at the back. Unfortunately these social standards are still with us, and probably they will always be. I am not putting people down who do make resolutions; some of us are perfectly capable of following thru with them. The holidays is a very vulnerable time for some of us, we look back at the passing year, and the ups and the downs we endured, and then we look forward to the coming year and wonder what will be in store for us, and can we handle it? I for one will stop keeping my resolutions to myself, simply because I am afraid to fail, I will share them with my family and friends, hoping that they would help and support me if I start to falter, without thinking they will judge me. If you think positive, things or people will be positive, if I happen to fall, and there is a helping hand to help me up, great, and if there is not, I will help myself up, and dust myself off and start over again. That will be my resolution, never to give up, because as long as I keep on trying I have not failed on keeping my resolution alive. We should not be judged by our monetary gains. We should be judged by our goodwill our strength to keep going not matter how many obstacles are in our path, we should be able to look pass designer clothes the gold rings and fancy cars, that does not a good person make. What makes us good is what its inside, of course that does not mean I would turn down a gold ring or a fancy car, but I truly hope it would not change me to a person I don’t want to be, I would still want to be a person that would give a helping hand to another person, that is trying to keep their resolution of not ever giving up. By Mary Lou Gonzalez

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hristmas, celebrating the birth of Christ has past. The New Year has been rung in with all its good intentions and promises still fresh in our minds. For some religions and cultures the Feast of Epiphany is another holiday or holyday. Better known to some as the Twelfth Day of Christmas, it celebrates the arrival of the Magi to see the Christ Child. Nativity scenes, unless they depict only the Holy Family, usually have the Magi in adoration, but we all know that it took years for them to reach that point in Bethlehem where the star had pointed to. And I doubt if the Child was still living in His birthplace. But still, to coin a phrase, it is the thought that counts. This holiday is celebrated with song and festivities, good deeds and dismantling the Christmas trappings. But with this dismantling comes building. The old year has passed and the new one is at hand. We make our New Year resolutions because we need to make a change. If you remember, king Herod asked the Magi to report the whereabouts of this Child to him. We know he had an ulterior motive, and they were so warned by an angel, thus these kings changed the direction of their return trip home. They saw the light! And they acted on it. EPIPHANY(1): a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something (2): an intuitive grasp of

r e a l i t y through something (as an event) usually simple and striking (3): an illuminating discovery b: a revealing scene or moment.... thank you Mr. Webster. Perception, intuition, illuminating, revealing. Now haven't we all had occasions like this. The first time you figured out that algebra equation. When you figured out how to balance the checkbook. When you realized that taking home all those office supplies was really stealing. When you admitted that you had a substance problem, or someone else that you know. When you realize that your kids are just kids and treat them that way. When you realize that you can’t live someone’s life for him or her. When you realize that you have to stand on your own two feet and make your own decisions whether you fall flat on your face or not. If you do fall, then you have to pick yourself up and start over from there, realizing what was the cause and make the change. There are so many small, seemingly unimportant things in our lives as well as huge very important issues that thread their way through our daily lives. We can usually see the error in another’s behavior but not in our own. Maybe we should take a closer look?? If we would like a better world to live in, we truly need to be our brother’s keeper. We need to keep an eye out for each other’s safety and wellbeing. This covers anything from helping an old person across the street to checking in on the elderly. From teaching our children the value of obeying rules and having respect for the police to speaking up when you see the police breaking the same rules they enforce. It goes from here up through all the levels in our society. We provide to the best of our ability, usually, to make sure our families are clothed and fed and have a roof over their head, but it can’t end there. The population of the entire world is God’s family and therefore ours too. Helping all those people would be impossible by ourselves, but if we were to speak up and persist, legislation


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might somehow save all that food real person is underneath this apthat is thrown away, when it could pearance and would probably surfeed the starving in other countries. prise most. Slowly but surely, the If changes were made, medication cities are doing their best to take us could be available also. If it was off the street and should they succheap enough for us to buy to take ceed, what will become of the shelto Haiti, then it should certainly be ter? What is the shelter? Ancheap enough to send also. Some countries are so far gone, that other epiphany? It’s not just a “help” just won’t do it, they need place to come to sleep and eat and to be educated before the process take advantage of a great situation. A job is offered and thus a chance can even start, much less work. We have a “third class of at changing your life for the better. people” right here in the United For some, not many, just getting States! They aren’t really, but are out of bed in the morning is an treated as such. They are the for- accomplishment. For others who have struggled over gotten. They the years with little are the outcasts. They When you realize that or no money to are less than your kids are just kids speak of, social security checks and most of the checks “you and and treat them that way. pension have been reI’s”…but When you realize that searched and delivguess what? They are not. you cant live someone’s ered. Some have moved on and They are no life for him or her. some have stayed. less than “you We have NA/AA or I”, who would suffer financial disaster due meetings. We have a doctor and to any of the multitude of reasons nurse. Staff has been trained as that would cause it. True, many of first responders. We have purthem suffer from mental, emo- chased the necessary life saving tional and physical disabilities that equipment, AEDs (automatic exkeep them from, at the best, build- ternal defibrillator), for example. ing a next egg: and at the worst, We work with outside psychiatric even holding down a decent job. treatment when needed. As I/we Truthfully, we need to throw in have said so many times, we take addictions too. After becoming hospital referrals and police referhomeless, how many can take ad- rals also, saving taxpayers tons of vantage of a place like our shelter. tax dollars. But God forbid that the There are many good programs out hospitals would help us financially there, we all know that, but they or that the police would not harass have lots of restrictions too. For us on the street corner as we sell every upside to the program there the paper or worse…do you believe that they would arrest one of is a downside. So why don’t we make our residents for “loitering” 20 feet our Epiphany this year, at least one from our own front door! I’m getof them, to get to know the home- ting off the track. This shelter is a less a little better…to at least try to good place. It is home; but if have an open mind about their someone’s behavior warrants it…it can be like a prison. Just like your situation. Then there is another home when you put your kids on situation where I wish people restriction for some sort of infracwould have an Epiphany. That’s tion. Lives have been saved here, the Homeless Voice vendors on the literally. Families have been kept street corner and the shelter they together and put back together. support. I have been told to get a Just tonight, Senator Clinjob when I volunteered. I have ton commented that it is ok for been told that some of our vendors people to be rich but that they are look like they belong in suits and no better that the ones who are working at real jobs. The ones poor and that we should do what who look so functional have been we can to make things better for made fun of as well as the home- them. I would add that the homeless looking” person, only the lat- less are no less that those with (Continued on page 10) ter is done with real scorn. The









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January, 2004



t was a beautiful sunny day. I could never hold him down. I My girlfriend and I, two truly believe a lot of his homeless teenagers, had gone to Coney background had come from his Island to sun on the beach. Then roots. He was adopted at four, there he was this handsome guy. didn’t have any memory of his mom or dad and I made to clear to then had his my girlfriend, I For Johnny, being name changed. don’t want to leave here unless I homeless was like living He never got to walk away with on the dark side of the know the boy he left behind and him. That day I did! I felt this new moon with no reflection never felt whole he just moved and strong emoin sight. around in cirtion called love. One year later at the age cles. He eventually landed of seventeen, we were married. At that moment in time, I felt we himself in the state of California. had made the right move. Seven While there, he meet up with a years later our marriage fell woman who took a liking to him. apart. My husband had become She took him off the streets beaddicted to heavy drug use and cause she felt that there was he became abusive to me. I was something different about this devastated and heartbroken. At hungry, tired, and lost stranger. Underneath his ragged clothes first, we separated then divorced. Johnny was a drifter and and worn out body, she saw


something different and took him into her world. Our daughter, through a system of finding lost loved ones, had her dream come true, she found her father after twenty years. She was overwhelmed by feelings of excitement and relief. Finally the connection with "My Dad" had been made. As feeling of her childhood flashed before her eyes the reality also hit. She then found out, her dad had passed away in California and his cremated remains were at the city morgue. My daughter spoke with my son and he was happy and sad about the news. He wanted to have a part of his father with him even if were only his ashes. I went over to a funeral parlor and had cards printed. They were called "Safely Home" and the Lord’s prayer was also written on

move. And there are more poverty is a very important and often forms of capital than curmisunderstood one. For all that Clinrency itself. For example, ton does not have in his life, the many military officers in other half of his story illustrates this China have very low salaries difference quite well: In the past in terms of real 'international' earnyear, Clinton has also flown to ings, but they are not poor. Their Europe twice. He has visited Gerposition offers them many, Poland, the access to all sorts of United Kingdom Poverty is not other resources that and Russia. He is rest of the popufinishing a degree at simply about not the lation could not the University of even buy if they had Chicago, and has having money, the money. As offisecured for himself an occasional posi- poverty is primarily cers, they get free free cars tion in development about being immobile vacations, and chaffeurs, free for an international testing company. in the larger sense of housing and a host of other perks. He is a gifted writer the word. There are who has managed three broad categoto preserve his own ries of capital: economic, political sense of freedom and mobility - at and cultural. If you do not have ecothe cost of material comfort. To him, nomic capital, then you are poor. If the ability to travel and live day-toyou do not have all three, then you day as he pleases is are living in poverty. Poverty is not worth more than any It’s a Matter of FAITH… I believe in sunshine even when it rains particular item that simply about not having money, poverty is primarily about being I believe in love even when there is no one money might buy. immobile in the larger sense of the He is poor around word. Someone who lives in povbecause he does not I believe in something you can’t always have much actual erty, no matter how much they try, is see monetary currency at simply unable to escape the situation I believe someone will be there to lift you his disposal. And that is that they are in. On the other hand, if you an appropriate definiup when you need it have political or cultural capital, it is tion of being poor I believe in God even when He is silent lacking in monetary often possible to transform that capital into a source of currency or into currency. But he does essential commodities. Clinton has a not live in poverty. huge reserve of cultural capital. He Capital, in the larger has been educated, for free, at one of sense of it, represents a the best universities in the United potential to act or to

y any normal standard my friend Clinton (that's his first name) is poor. He spent three days in September sleeping on the subway and wandering around the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York City. He is occasionally homeless. He spent one winter in Chicago living on an enclosed porch in the back of a fraternity house, sneaking into the basement at night to warm up. He has never had a steady job, and he has managed to scrape by living on $2 a day for much of the past few years. By IMF standards, he is counted amongst the poorest of the 3rd world, who survive on their own $2 a day or less. Cheap spaghetti and canned food are often the best meals his money can buy. He is poor. But he does not live in poverty. And this distinction between being poor and living in

them. For Johnny, being homeless was like living on the dark side of the moon with no reflection in sight. I did return to the beach were we had first met and picked up some of the sand we had once sat upon. I now have some in a glass dish and have placed shells and a candle in it. Also the women who knew him in California sent a photo of Johnny to me. I must say it was strange to see him after all this time. I now kept him in my wallet, safely next to me. -Catherine Sutter

States. That, combined with his own innate writing abilities, means that he has a marketable skill on hand. Whenever he is seriously lacking in monies for basic necessities, such as food and shelter, he can relatively easily convert what he has learned into real money. He can do high quality development work for testing companies, write freelance articles, copy edit or do short-term work for a newspaper. No matter how poor he may be, Clinton will never live in poverty. This distinction is important because it tells us something about correcting poverty. Providing currency, or necessary commodities such as food and medicine to those who are poor can help them temporarily, but it can never truly lift them out of poverty. In order for money or personal items to have any value, there must be some larger guarantee by the society that your personal items will remain distinctly yours. Political capital is partially about political power and partially about security. Real Estate, for example, is a useless form of capital or investment in countries where the government can cease your property at will with relative impunity. Rising out of poverty then is also about achieving a balance in these forms of capital. Without political capital, you can never be sure that the things you have, you will have the next day. Without cultural

we need reporters, Call the Homeless Voice 954-4106275

(Continued on page 9)


Page 8



n America most employees will keep a person who is out sick. But if you are new on your job and you get the flu chances are you will loose your job. If you were just out of work for another health problem and the Flu strikes you chances are you will loose your job. There are companies in America that allow a person to be sick three times per year and any other time off work can be a reason to be fired. If you are in school chances are if you get a real bad case of the flu you may flunk your college course. Some institutions may be tolerant and some or not. When people are in position of great responsibility some employers sometimes invite the health department to come in and give a free flu shot. Here at the Homeless Voice the health department came in and gave flu shots to our staff as well as our clients. I got hit with the Flu and because I had a flu shot it was a mild case. Most employers are tolerant but some only give you three days sick time meaning that you will not be paid if you are out more than three days. So if you are living pay check to pay check chances are you may loose your apartment if a bad case


nfluenza (flu) is a viral illness that comes on suddenly, causing fever, shaking chills, body aches, and other symptoms. The flu is not the same as the common cold. When you have the flu, you will often miss more work or school than you would with other illnesses. Most people recover without problems, but sometimes the illness leads to a bacterial infection, such as an ear infection, sinus infection, or bronchitis. Good home treatment may help prevent these infections. More serious complications, most commonly pneumonia, may develop in some people. Most deaths occur in those who are older or whose immune systems are not working properly.


eople who have the flu are most likely to pass it to someone else from 1 day before to 5 days after symptoms develop. Children may be infectious for up to 6 days before symptoms develop. Symptoms usually develop 1 to 4 days after you are infected. Because symptoms may not develop for a couple of days, you may pass the flu to someone before you know you have it.


nfluenza viruses A and B cause the classic flu. Type A is usually responsible for the outbreaks that occur annually. These viruses may have offshoots, called subtypes or strains, that are different from the original virus but retain some of its characteristics. Strains of influenza virus that cause the flu may differ from year to year. The influenza virus causes the classic flu. Doctors classify the virus as influenza type A and type B, each of which includes several offshoots called subtypes or strains. These strains are different from the original virus but retain some of its characteristics. Type A is usually responsible for the annual outbreaks that typically occur in the late fall and early winter. The influenza virus changes often, so having flu caused by one strain does not give you full immunity to other strains. Widespread outbreaks of the flu usually follow significant changes (called antigenic shifts) in the virus. These epidemics occur about every 10 years. People who get the flu tend to become much sicker when a shift in the flu virus occurs. Minor changes in the virus (called antigenic drifts) occur nearly every year. The virus is spread from person to person: Through small droplets that form when a person sneezes or coughs. By contact with objects such as handkerchiefs that have been in contact with fluids from an infected person's nose or throat. Direct contact such as shaking hands.


n m o s t healthy people, the flu will go away in 5 to 7 days, though fatigue can last much longer. Although you may feel very sick, home treatment is usually all that is needed. If it is flu season, you may just want to treat your symptoms at home.


hits you. WASH YOUR HANDS AND COVER YOUR MOUTH ... Here our staff washes our hands throughout the day and we make announcements over the P.A. telling staff and clients to go to your bathroom areas and wash your hands. We also go to a sterile defense system by having the door knobs and common areas wiped down throughout the day. We had a small out break this year and we believe it was because we have these procedures in place. So if you work in an institution where lots of people stay inside all day long, consider developing a policy similar to ours. You can email us at nogerms@homelessvoice.com And we will give you a copy of our policy. Lets work together keeping us all safe.

yearly flu shot is recommended for anyone at risk of complications from the flu and for anyone who comes into contact regularly with people at risk. People who should receive a flu shot include those younger than 4 or older than 65 and those who have lung or heart diseases, heart failure, or medical conditions that impair their immune system. Flu vaccines are most effective when the strains of virus in the vaccine match those that are causing illness during the current flu season. An annual flu shot (influenza vaccine) is effective at preventing infection. Because the virus changes every year, having a flu shot one year will not prevent you from getting the flu the next year. An alternative to the flu shot is now available. The United States Food and Drug Administration recently approved FluMist, a vaccine in the form of a nasal spray.

Watch closely for signs of a bacterial infection. Call your doctor if you have any concerns that your symptoms are caused by something other than the flu.


he flu causes fever, cough, shaking chills, body aches, headache, and fatigue. These symptoms usually last for 3 to 4 days, after which you may have a dry cough, runny nose, and sore or scratchy throat for another week or so. The fle comes to us late fall and winter. The symptoms of influenza appear suddenly and often include: Fever of 100°F (37.8°C) to 104°F (40°C), which can reach 106°F (41.1°C) when symptoms first develop. Fever is usually continuous, but it may come and go. Fever may be lower in older adults than in children and younger adults. Shaking chills. Body aches and muscle pain and headaches. Fatigue, a general feeling of sickness (malaise), and loss of appetite. A dry cough, runny nose, and dry or sore throat. You may not notice these during the first few days of the illness when other symptoms are more severe. As fever goes away, these symptoms usually become more evident.


ost healthy people do not need to see a doctor for the flu. The illness usually goes away in about 7 to 10 days. Although you may feel quite sick, home treatment is usually all that is needed. However, you should see a health professional for a fever if: An infant under age 3 months has a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher. A child age 3 months to 3 years has a fever of 104°F (40°C) or higher that does not come down after 4 to 6 hours of home treatment. A person age 4 or older has a fever of 104°F (40°C) or higher that does not come down after 2 hours of home treatment. Your fever does not begin to go down after 3 to 5 days. You have a fever that goes away and then returns. You could have a bacterial infection. You or your child also has shortness of breath or other breathing problems. You or your child has a fever and a severe headache or stiff neck, or seems confused or hard to wake.

FluMist will be available for the 2003–2004 flu season to vaccinate healthy children age 5 and older and adults up to age 49. Every year, the influenza vaccine contains the strains of virus that were most common near the end of the previous flu season. When the viruses in the vaccine match those currently causing the flu, the vaccine will prevent illness in 70% to 90% of healthy children and adults under age 65. The vaccine may be less effective in older people; one study reported it was 58% effective against flu-related respiratory illnesses in people over age 60. Studies have found that the flu shot reduces the number of: People who need to be hospitalized or who die from pneumonia. Secondary upper respiratory infections, missed days at work, and visits to a doctor for respiratory infections. Even if a flu shot does not prevent the flu in some older adults, the vaccine can reduce the severity of flu symptoms and decrease the

risk of complications. In spite of these results, many people choose not to get a flu shot. Some do not get the shot because of myths they believe about the flu or the vaccine. The flu shot may cause side effects in some people, but they are usually minor and do not last long. If you live in the United States, the best time of year to get a flu shot is October and November so that your body has time to become immune to the flu before the flu season starts in December. Experts recommend vaccination in October for people who have the greatest risk of developing flu complications (such as older people and those with chronic health conditions) and people who might spread the flu to those at risk (such as health care workers). Other people who want the vaccine should receive it in November. Vaccination for all groups should continue through December.

From all of us here at the Homeless Voice

Page 9

January, 2004



ou may reduce the risk of getting the flu and other viral respiratory infections if you: Wash your hands often, especially during winter months when the flu is most common. Keep your hands away from your nose, eyes, and mouth. Viruses are most likely to enter your body through these areas. Stop smoking. It irritates the lining of your nose, sinuses, and lungs, which may make you susceptible to complications of the flu. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Get regular exercise.


ou cannot prevent the flu or make yourself better faster by taking: Antibiotics. Taking antibiotics will not treat viral infections such as the flu or prevent complications. If a bacterial infection such as an ear or sinus infection develops after the flu, antibiotics may be helpful. Large doses of vitamin C, zinc, or other vitamins and minerals. They will not prevent or treat the flu.


ome people cannot have a flu shot because they are allergic to eggs, from which the vaccine is made. The antiviral medications amantadine and rimantadine can prevent flu caused by influenza A. Two other antiviral medications (zanamivir and oseltamivir) can prevent the flu caused by influenza A and B viruses. These medications may also reduce the length of the illness if they are given no more than 48 hours after the first symptoms. During a flu outbreak, these medications may be given at the same time as the flu shot and for 2 weeks after while your body produces antibodies to protect you from the virus. These medications are taken by mouth (pill) or inhaled into the lungs (inhaler).

(Continued from page 1)

ball" and he did. Even other clients would come by and ask him to get rid of the ball. At times we would have to grab his hands and help them go down. Sometimes it was a little bit of a struggle because it was like his arms were frozen. But soon the ice melted and his arms became so tender as though they were cooked for hours getting that perfect tenderness. They moved up and down and side to side. Sometimes even Mr. Thomas would be a joker and come by and put his arms back holding the ball and then when we would go over to him to get him to move his arms he would say "Kidding, got you" and then start to box with you like a pro. HOW DID THE SNAIL MAKE HIS MOVE? Mr. Thomas was taking one step at a time, and with each step he became more functional.

(Continued from page 7)

capital (education and acquisition of knowledge) you will find it very difficult to adapt to new environments or market demands. Someone who makes a reasonable wage, but is basically an unskilled laborer is, in real terms, poorer than someone who makes less money but is more flexible in the range of skills they can perform. Capital, in the general sense, represents a potential to act. It is a reserve of a particular kind of energy. Povertt, in essence, is about the lack of potential. It means that no matter how much you may want to change or improve your situation you cannot do so. Even if you gave the poorest child in a village in a 3rd world country $100 a day for them to live on the for next five years, it would do little to effectively improve their lives. Why? Unless there was a system in place to guarantee the liquidity of that economic capi-

It reminded me of the first time I took off my training wheels on my bike; I was as stiff as a two by four. His walk was stiff and slow and almost like a robot. We walked with him and then at night we would give him directions like "Simon Says." We basically tried to improve his coordination. We would say, take two steps forward, five backwards, run, walk, touch your toes and then we finally would say "run, forest, run" and Mr. Thomas began to run. Every time he did something else to improve he would get the biggest smile on his face and then give us the biggest and the coolest laugh. It was then that I knew Mr. Thomas was a man that had more than feelings, he had expeditions, he was compassionate, he had ambition, and he was very eager to start working. It was now six weeks and Mr. Thomas was put on a Homeless Voice training team. He wanted

to be like the others and he be- the night. Many times we feel came one of the others. He went like giving up and throwing in from doing nothing, to helping the towel and say this is way too by cleaning up the much work, complex to now be- He went from doing but then there ing one of the is a person like nothing, to helping y o u w h o top vendors. His sales increased into our by cleaning up the comes and now he does lives and gives complex to now what most people u s t h e can do. hope and being one of the WHAT strength to top vendors. continue. We MAKES HIM SO might have had SPECIAL? To you Mr. Thomas it is the strength and gave you the gift so nice to see how you have im- of being here so you could return proved. Your cool-ness comes back into the working world, but from the heart and your smiles you gave us the gift of wanting will brighten many more peo- to continue helping those who ple’s days. When I am down and need help. Mr. Thomas we at the Homeless Voice welcome I walk by you, you cheer me up. The other night when Lois and I you with open arms to our famwere doing midnight room ser- ily. Mr. Thomas there is one last vices bringing in the snacks for thing we need you to do, and that our people, you smiled when you is to put your arms back out and got your pudding and then gave give us a great big hug. Written By Sean one big laugh. I want you to know that Lois and I talked Cononie, Lois Cross contributed about that big old laugh for an hour before we went to bed for

does not have this choice. They do live in real poverty because they are lacking all three forms of capital. And of these forms of capital, the one that is apparently most needed for them, is often the one that does them the least good. Economic capital is the indicator that everyone uses to define movement out of poverty. But the truth is that economic capital is, more often than not, the end product - the result of broad-based political and cultural capital. Countries that are rich are also countries that tend to have very educated citizens as well as very strong political rights for the protection of personal free-

tal, the little child would quickly find the money frozen or stolen. This is, for example, precisely what happened in Somalia in the late 1990's. The United Nations donated large amounts of rice and other foodstuffs to the starving people of Mogadishu. But the starving people, the ones who needed that food the most, had no political capital to ensure its appropriate distribution. Instead, local warlords seized all the food on arrival and used it as barter to procure guns. Clinton is lucky, because he chooses to be poor. The lack of material goods gives him a freedom to travel and to spend what • Talk to your Human Resource Manager money he does about how you can donate money to help the homeless thru a payroll deduction for make on his own the COSAC Foundation adventures instead of on various American Express Will Match Any monthly bills. But, Donation Their Employee Makes much of the world

dom and property. Economic capital is the effect, not the cause of wealthy countries and people. It is a mistake to assume that foreign direct investment and donations will solve the problems of the third world. The poorest of the poor in this world must, first and foremost, be helped by their own governments and must be given the opportunity to acquire political and cultural capital: something that takes more honesty and time than dollars. If they are lucky, they, or their children, may end up being just as poor as my friend Clinton. By: Mark Juszczak


Page 10


HELP PAY OFF OUR MORTGAGE We need just 41,800 people to send in a check for $20.00, Or 16,720 people to send in a check for $50.00, Or 8,360 people to send in a check for $100.00, Or 836 people to send in a check for $1,000, Or Just one wonderful person or business to send a check for the entire $836,000.00 Remember the donation is tax deductible!! Please send your checks to:

The COSAC Building Fund P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, Florida 33329 We do thank you


ur campaign still exists. If we can’t get the mortgage paid off, we would love an interest rate of about 6 percent on the outstanding balance. This would save us about $2000.00 a month. Our mortgage payment go down from $8400.00 a month to approximately $6400.00. We would need the remaining balance financed over 30 years. So, if anybody can find us a mortgage, please let us know.

(Continued from page 6)

home and money either. And our shelter is just as good as anyone’s home. I wish that all the people who think ill of us would look us up on the Internet…. not just our webpage but search the newspapers online. Come and see what we do. Sure we seem to be always fighting the system…we are. We have to. The system doesn’t care about the homeless. As for what do we do? We are not a meal and a cot, as we have been accused. We do not warehouse people as we have been accused. We are a home…a home with all the problems and heartaches and sense of pride…just like a regular home. Some of our clients will be staying with us forever, and pass away with a family who loves them at their side. Some, who are more functional, have the chance to get back on track, save some money and get on with their life. Some will never “get anywhere.” Some we may struggle with for the umpteenth time and make us feel that they will never change, but we don’t give up. We would like to sometimes, to discharge someone, but that would only be adding fuel to the fire. As for the person, they would be out on their own, without the supervision or support that they need, and making wrong decisions would lead to relapse and that would be even worse. Besides, since we try to be invisible to the neighbors, having clients on the streets would not be very wise…especially since our people have been arrested 20 feet from their own front door. And speaking of our door, do you know that there is no zoning set up for a homeless shelter, yet we “aren’t in the correct zone”…we should be in an industrial/manufacturing area. We aren’t wanted period. My aunt used to tell me that tolerance is an insult. We are slightly tolerated rather than accepted. Therefore we are harassed and harassed and harassed. One day I will write an entire article on just how we fit in with the city, but for now I leave you with this thought: “I hope this New Year brings you and yours the most happy and prosperous future. I hope you have an epiphany where the homeless and the shelter are concerned. God bless us all.” -Lois Cross

WE NEED gift certificates for Publix or Winn-Dixie Call 954-925-6466

“Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance." --- Ralph Waldo Emerson

(Continued from page 1)

money factor...it was the fact that apparently Joe hadn't put in that much effort. He stood there and said, “I'm retarded.” This broke my heart, that someone would say such a thing, or feel that he had to. Joe is far from retarded; he is, however quiet and a little shy. We gave him encouragement. We put him with captains who would give him a little extra time and effort. Well, we have a winner! Joe's figures have spiraled. He is now a Co-Captain. And he proudly boasts that he brought in 145 bills yesterday! This is the Christmas season and everyone who

Lost Bond Receipts?

Want Your Bond Back? Call 954-410-6275

does their job correctly and with enthusiasm is going to bring in good figures; and with this, as with Joe comes the chance to build a nice little savings account. Joe, we are so proud of you and what you have accomplished...you may be only 22 but you have the qualities of a good, honest and caring man...and that will take you far. I know that in time, the help you have received will be given a hundred fold. God bless you…….. -Lois Cross

I Buy at Top Prices. E-mail Me Your Inventory comicsbuyrsell@aol.com 954-614-7326


Page 11

January, 2004


Do not buy a paper from him. This man was arrested. He is not authorized to ask for donations for the Homeless Voice or Helping People In America. If you see this man wearing one of our shirts please call our Loss Pre-

vention Department at 954-2148529. If for some reason you cannot get a hold of us you may call the Police. He sometimes wears a black stocking on his head. He uses these intersections but May use more than what is listed: Commercial and 411 Commercial and 31 St. Commercial and Powerline Oakland and 441 Oakland and 31st McNab and University Drive Commercial and University Commercial and Rock Island McNab and Rock Island Cypress and Powerline McNab and 31st

Keep in mind that he may even try to go to Dade in the future.

This Issue, Vendors should be wearing a bright yellow or white shirt with ‘Homeless Voice’ in black on the front and back. No other shirt colors should be used. If you see any other color shirts with this issue, please call LOSS PREVENTION at 954-920-1277

Things We Need Donated Soda Sneakers Laundry Detergent Pillows Linens for Bunk Beds Blankets Towels Cars Computers Motor Homes

Over the Counter Pain Medication Copy Paper Pens Notebooks House Telephones Sugar Butter Salt Coffee creamer

Liquid Bandage Medical Gloves Rubber Cloves Vitamins Face Mask Bleach Lunch Meats Milk VHS movies Hand Soap

Coffee Coffee Frequent Flier Miles Toilet Paper Lysol Spray Clorox Wipes Industrial Mops Brooms Pillow Cases Recreation Items

P le a se H e lp … T h e R a in is D ro w n in g U s D O N AT E O N L IN E … @ b y u s in g

w w w.H o m e le s s Vo ic e .o rg



We may need you to pull over and make a donation

Cities are Changing and want us off the street So please do not get mad at our vendors if you are holding up money and they do not come to your car. • I know this will be a big pain • We can only do medians for now • We are going to court

en español Page 2



Call 954-925-6466

What Causes the Flu? Article on page 8

Article on page 1

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