Health Tips
very year in the United States, thousands of people die of meningococcal meningitis and many more experience serious complications from this disease. Other people may develop pneumococcal meningitis. In both cases, most of those affected are children under the age of 5. Meningitis is an infection and inflammation of the membranes (meninges) and fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) surrounding your brain and spinal cord. Meningitis is most often caused by bacteria or viruses. Bacterial meningitis is usually much more serious than viral meningitis. Most cases of meningitis occur when bacteria from an infection in another part of your body travel through your bloodstream to your brain and spinal cord. But bacteria can also spread directly to your brain or spine from a severe head injury or from an infection in your ear, nose or teeth. Some types of meningitis are contagious. You may be exposed to the bacteria when someone with meningitis coughs or sneezes. The bacteria can also spread through kissing or sharing eating utensils, a toothbrush or a cigarette. You're also at increased risk if you live or work with someone with the disease. Meningitis strikes suddenly, usually with a high fever, severe headache and vomiting. As the disease progresses, the brain swells and may begin to bleed. Meningitis is fatal in about 10 percent of cases. Unfortunately, many of those who survive an (Continued on page 4)
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..(continued from cover page)
shins, as if they were both not only holding onto me but also praying for me. When I woke up I asked who the little boys were, not one person knew what I was talking about. Let me mention here that I suffer from another condition called Restless Leg Syndrome, which makes my legs move violently when I am attempting to fall asleep. All during the time I was in the coma I was trying to make sure I did not kick the little boys at my feet. I believe those little boys were angels that were sent to pray for my recovery. Let me further say that I believe 100 percent that those boys
were sent to me by God and not one person can tell me differently. When Lois arrived at the hospital in Jacksonville they were taking the tube from my mouth and I had just awakened. Apparently, I asked both my mom and Lois if they saw the Virgin Mary. Lois said, why did you see the Virgin Mary? And I said yes. I do not remember asking either of them this question but I must have because they both told me I said this. Even though I consider myself a Catholic, I seldom pray in remembrance of the Virgin Mary. So I am honored that she visited me. I also remember thinking to myself that I can certainly take the pain I
new report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) shows that almost 5 million alcohol-dependent or alcohol-abusing parents have at least one child living at home with them. These parents were more likely to smoke cigarettes, use illicit drugs and report household turbulence than other parents. "Children living in homes with alcohol-dependent or abusing parents are at high risk of also becoming alcohol and drug abusers, with the potential of perpetuating the disease when they have their own children," SAMHSA Administrator Charles Cu-
Sean Cononie as he wonders if he will ever be normal
was going through, if Jesus took the severity of pain He took for all of us. I remember telling God that I was not ready to die and at the same time I asked him for forgiveness. After coming out of the coma and being moved from the critical care unit to a
regular room, I could not lift my head much less see clearly. The brain swelling that I had had from the meningitis and lack of fast treatment when the doctor misdiagnosed me, left me cross eyed, with hearing loss, balance (Continued on page 8)
rie said. "The good news is chil- community-based organizations dren of alcoholic parents can be to help them initiate local activihelped to build on their strengths ties that can help reach children and develop resilience to over- and youth who live in family environments domicome their difficul"The good news is nated by alcohol. ties. We must also The data, reach out to the children of alcoholic parents and offer parents can be helped derived from the 2002 National Surthem an opportuto build on their vey on Drug Use nity for recovery by encouraging them strengths and develop and Health, show to enter and remain resilience to overcome that the almost five million parents with in substance abuse their difficulties. problems with alcotreatment." hol who have chilSAMHSA released this new report during dren under age 18 at home constithis year's observance of Children tute over a quarter (28 percent) of of Alcoholics Week. SAMHSA all adults with alcohol dependalso partnered with the National ence or abuse. The majority of Association for Children of Alco- these parents (62 percent) are holics (NACoA) this week to de- male and most of the parents (69 (Continued on page 9) velop and distribute materials to
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FRIENDS OF THE HOMELESS For just $15.00 a month you can keep a homeless family off the streets for a day
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Donald Peterson The Cononie Family The Targett Family Patrick Helings John Bendor The Preston Family Jake Forest Lisa Gram The Jameson Family In Loving Memory of Uncle Joe Shannon Brooks Jose Rodrigues Lisa Cebrat Greg Thompson The Bowe Family Pakita Price The Stone Family Nana Sullivan The Watsons Sean Cononie Sally Lister Judith Kelly Arnold Goldstein Martha Roman The Baptista Family The Whoa Family Jacob Robinson Julie Stokes De De Hupp John Criasia Daniel Harrison The Martinez Family Amanda Reynolds Dolores R. Cerra Bob Hall Tressie W. Osborne Clark Rogers The Savir Family Peter Richman Richard McHenry Stevie Nix Corinne James The Browns Chris Sanchez Hugo DeCarpintini Mario Yuio Richard Friedman Diane Friedman Uylna Quadrino Ginny Scott Arnold Reemer Chris Tucker In Loving Memory of Peter Sullivan Maryann Springer Elaine Snaith Marshal Bugin Keith Yude Steve Murrey Young Anderson
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Grace Marth Regla J Ferrer The Baldwin Family Horace Gracie Russell J. Ferguson Marjorie G. Rhines Jamie F. Flores In Loving Memory Of Thomas Gasbarro Cathy and Kids The Davis Family Graham R. Mitchell Essential Oil Healthline Amparo L. Korey John’s Plumbing Service Thank You Winn Dixie Adrienne and Mike Ms. Marilyn Smith Albert J. Taragowski Ruth C Grey Mike Cross Tamara Southard Raul Cardenas MD PA Al and Annie Hurricane Prevention Inc Danny and George The Thompson Family OTD Messenger, Inc M. Smith Yorick and Bonita Parrica Lee Russ & Delores B Mordon Robert Jesus Llanes Comet Couriev Proietto Family In Memory of Billy Corwin Josh Searles Patricia Lee Russ
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Delores B Mordon Everglades Moon, Covenant of Goddess, Elibet Hanson Judy B. Pascarella Mrs. Jenkins John Gaeta Michael R. Prokop, Jr. Jackie M. McCarty Marilyn R. Smith In Memory of Charles Horton In Memory of William F. Judge Todd Palgon The Morabito Family Todd Palgon Holly J. Andrus Lois Cross In Loving Memory of Florence & Nat Popkin Tailored Advertising, Inc Claudia K. Tapolow Margie Jones In memory of Wesley H. Woodall Maria M. Riveiro Gottlieb & Blair Family Pioneer Middle School Youth Crime Watch Rhenals-Mei Family The Strikowski family Margie Jones & Friends Ronald Prescia In memory of Brian Groleau Laura Flash
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March, 2004
You don't know how good it feels to have Sean back in our midst, even though he isn't able to work. We ask your prayers for his full recovery and also prayers for each other, no matter what each person's problem of health, mind or body. Remember to take each day as a gift and use it to the best of our ability. The paper is also missing Sean's touch but we are doing the best we can. thanks for your patience and prayers. -Mark LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Targett SEND TO:
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HEALTH Meningitis Signs and Symptoms (Continued from page 1)
attack may have serious long-term neurological complications, such as deafness, blindness, speech loss or brain damage. Meningitis is a medical emergency. How well you recover depends on how quickly you receive treatment. If you suspect that you or someone in your family has symptoms of meningitis, seek medical care right away. Signs and symptoms It's easy to mistake the early symptoms of bacterial and viral meningitis for the flu. These symptoms may develop over a period of 1 or 2 days, but some types of meningitis can prove fatal in a matter of hours. Even in less severe cases, the longer you delay getting treatment, the more likely you are to have permanent neurological damage. Seek medical care right away if you or anyone in your family has any of the following signs or symptoms:
· A high fever that prevents you from eating or drinking · Severe headache · Vomiting · Confusion · Seizures · Progressive lethargy · Drowsiness · Stiff neck · Skin rash, especially near your armpits or on your hands or feet · Rapid progression of small hemorrhages under your skin · Sensitivity to light Symptoms in newborns Newborns and young infants may not have the classic symptoms of headache, fever and stiff neck. Instead, they may cry constantly, seem unusually sleepy or irritable, and eat poorly. Sometimes the soft spots on their head may bulge. Babies who are very ill may actually have a lower than normal temperature. A very late symptom may be a spasm consisting of extreme hyperextension of the body (opisthotonos). Causes Most meningitis is caused by either bacteria or viruses. But the disease can also result from a fungal infection, a blow to the head, some types of cancer, inflammatory diseases such as lupus, or a sensitivity reac-
e would like to announce the birth of the Chick Grant Foundation, started in fond memory of Charles “Chick” Grant, Founder and Executive Director Aaron Jackson’s Grandfather. Chick was free spirited architect and artist who will be cherished in our hearts and in the eyes of every creature we help. Thank You Chick. The “developing” world now spends $13 on debt repayment for every $1 it receives in grants. That would be like if one day, you gave a homeless person a dollar and then the next day, came back, and expected him/her to give you $13 dollars back. You would be crazy if you even expected the onedollar back, right? Well, that is how it is done in the land of the very rich and very poor. Because of this debt repayment “plan”, 7 million children die every year. In response, the Chick Grant Foundation has researched and built strong plans to implement sustainable, community based initiatives for impoverished rural areas around the world.
tion to certain medications — especially ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) and an infusion of gamma globulins used to treat other conditions. Bacterial meningitis A number of types of bacteria can cause acute bacterial meningitis. They include: · Pneumococcus. This bacterium is the most common cause of meningitis in adults and children. It most often occurs when the bacterium Streptococcus pneumonia (pneumococcus) enters your bloodstream and migrates to your brain and spinal cord. You may also have this type of bacteria in your lungs, where it causes pneumonia. Pneumococcal meningitis can also result from an ear infection. · Meningococcus. This bacterium is another common cause of meningitis in children under age 5, in teens and in young adults. The incidence of meningococcal meningitis is increasing among collegeaged students, especially those living in dormitories. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of cases among 15- to 24-year-olds doubled between 1991 and 1997. Meningococcal meningitis commonly occurs when bacteria from an upper respiratory infection enter your bloodstream. It's highly contagious and may cause localized epidemics in college dormitories, boarding
schools and on military bases . Acute bacterial meningitis also can occur when bacteria invade the meninges directly, rather than through the bloodstream. Common causes include ear or sinus infections and skull fractures. There are some vaccines available ask your doctor if you are living in a group environment Viral meningitis Also called aseptic meningitis, viral meningitis is usually mild and often clears on its own in 1 to 2 weeks. Common intestinal viruses cause about half the cases in the United States. Viruses associated with mumps, herpes infection or other diseases can also cause viral meningitis. In some cases, you or your child may pick up viral meningitis from polluted water. · There are some other forms of Meningitis FOR OTHER TYPES OF MENINGITIS ASK YOUR DOCTOR. -Sean Cononie, Lois Cross contributed because of Sean not working
comes from water stricken countries and communiThrough organic/biodynamic farming, waste water treatment based on a process involving “living ma- ties (A lot of bottled water is only lightly filtered tap water), proper education for the youth (old chines”, child enrichment, green building, Building sustainable commu- history books used by students still call Russia the U.S.S.R), reducing waste to a bear minilegislative letter writing campaigns, and the nities of environmentally and mum (every hour Americans throw away 2.5 spreading of public socially conscience individu- million plastic bottles), developing a sustainawareness through the als will bring the world back able energy plan for America (Americans use generations of resources in one generapublication of our into harmony and balance. 14 tion)…these things can happen, these things magazine CONTROmust happen. If you don’t believe me just VER-SEE and camresearch it for your self. It is scary and it is a lot of paigns such as F.O.O.D (Freeing Ourselves from hard work, but we can change if we work together. Oppressive Diets), "WE ARE AT WAR It would be easy to point fingers and blame a class AGAINST AIDS/HIV!", and Gifts for Kids, we of people for what is damaging the planet but that plan on making a significant impact on surrounding won’t fix anything and besides, we all pollute. We communities and communities abroad regarding want to work with all people to create a sustainable social and environmental justice. CGF’s first susfuture that our kids and grand kids will be able to tainable community project will take place in Haiti enjoy. If you a the kind of person who would reply beginning January of 2004. We have just recently completed all substantial planning and have ob- to this piece with a simple, “It won’t happen in my lifetime so, I don’t care.” Stop being so selfish! Also tained land to begin the first phase of building. If remember, it is happening in your lifetime. Just you would like to receive more information regardthink about the number of people living with caning this project or any future projects please call the number listed below. “There are no passengers on cer now, compared to 100 years ago. It is frightening. spaceship earth, we are all crew.”- Marshall McCluen. Uniting the Social Justice Movement with the Environmental Justice Movement is the only way to bring change to this planet and trust me, it must change. Building sustainable communities of environmentally and socially conscience individuals will bring the world back into harmony and balance. The world does not have to rely on massmarket economies to survive…the trust and love of Corinne Coffey your neighbor, the buying and selling of local, orCo-Founder and Executive Director ganic produce (agricultural waste and run-off from The Chick Grant Foundation pesticides and herbicides is one of the biggest enviPlease call 954.924.8983 for more information and ronmental concerns, not to mention what it does to remember to spread some love today! our bodies), advocating for clean water to come out Proudly Sponsored by the Homeless Voice of our pipes instead of buying bottled water that
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March, 2004
he would have been able to get back to work, he would have been absent for over a year. As I sit here now in the chair that has been my bed for a week, I look around at the get well cards and prayer cards from friends and family, as well as the hand drawn “I love you” cards from his little niece and nephews. Flowers sent by a friend, Kleenex box, Sweet & Low packets, food menu, glasses with straws, containers of juice and much more sit on table tops and windowsill and lining the one side of the floor are bags of impromptu clothes and necessities. The bathroom has that f he were one of “most Ameri- “moved in” look. Besides the uricans”, he would have been one nals are toothbrush and paste, depaycheck away from homelessness odorant, shampoo, hair dryer etc. last week. This week he would be Living in a hospital room in deep trouble and sometime dur- for the last week sort of reminds ing the next three weeks he would me of living out of a suitcase in a have lost everything. By the time hotel room when I used to go on my pilgrimages but with According to The United States Conference huge difference. The of Mayors: pilgrimage is carefree ad peaceful. The hospital DID YOU KNOW THAT room is worry and WHEN IT CAME TO… worry, but both are full Denver: Requests for food have continof prayer. ued to increase, largely due to lay-offs and an You have heard overall lag in the economy. People who have and read before how
never asked for food assistance are finding themselves in line at metro-area food banks and applying for food stamps. Kansas City: According to Harvesters, a local Community Food Network organization, their pantry and on-site providers report that the total number of requests for emergency food assistance increased. Pantries showed an increase of 72.7 percent, with the number of households served having increased to 121,724 households served during the year just ended as compared to 70,480 households served the previous year. On-site agencies reported an increase of 16.4 percent during the same time period, with meals served increasing to 3,075,605 from 2,641,755. A total of 356 pantry and on-site agencies reported. Los Angeles: Agencies report serving more undocumented families, homeless persons, and unemployed people. Louisville: Working poor and welfareto-work families have to make difficult decisions as to whether to pay for utilities, rent, medicine or food; “suburban” food emergency is new. Miami: Emergency shelters report a 23 percent increase and one of the key food providers in Miami-Dade reports a 100 percent increase.. We ask the Mayors to make sure that all the poor is served in their communities.. We also ask the Mayors if your own reports show that poverty is very bad and it will never get better by itself why do you continue to our vote service providers and outzone soup kitchens. If you are spending tax dollars to go travel to these conferences and then out zone these places from opening up why go in the first place. You know the facts, so across the USA, The Mayors and other commission members start to help to fix the problem instead of just being a talking society. This is for all the city government in the USA, it is a wide trend. Their hearts may feel the pain but they make the decision to outzone these places because of voters who do not want the poor and homeless to be seen in their community. Go with your heart ....
Sean, our Sean, only takes a day a tion...something new to reverse the year to visit his parents at Christ- flu. When this didn’t work, he mas. Usually he manages to leave went back to the doctor, holding late on Christmas Eve, drives his head in his hands because it up...makes an appearance on and his neck hurt so badly, and Christmas Day, was finally usually starting “As I sit here now in the given an antibithe drive back that otic...for an ear chair that has been my infection. It night or the next day. This year bed for a week, I look was too late, was different. He though, he around at the get well never got to planned to say a couple of extra cards and prayer cards use it!! Only days. hours later he from friends and He did was taken, by stay a few extra to family, as well as the ambulance, days, in fact he is St. Luke’s hoshand drawn “I love pital, evaluated still here and still hasn’t opened his placed into you” cards from his and presents, nor has the Intensive his mom cooked little niece and nephews.” Care Unit. diner. MENINGISean had TIS!! In critibeen dealing with sinus congestion cal condition, he lay there for four the day he left. No fever just days and then six more days in this “sinus pressure” He hurt all over hospital room...all the while atand was starting a fever. He felt so tached to an IV. This same antibibad that he left the family gather- otic would follow him home to his ing at his brother’s house and went mom’s by way of home health care back to his moms and to bed. This nurse. was Thursday. When I talked to I remember when his dad him on Friday, he had been to the told me that Sean was in ICU. We doctor who said it was the flu and were all shocked, not only at the (Continued on page 11) have him an anti-viral medica-
elen Jones was a client of ours off and on for about four years. In earlier days, she was one of our regular vendors. She was always a very quiet person. I remember one day she came in tears because she had gotten gum stuck in her beautiful blond hair. I tried to cut it out so carefully so I wouldn't leave her with a chunk missing. Sometimes she would take off for a while to be “on her own,” but would always return. She said she had a big knife for when she slept in the bushes to protect herself. And Boy did she when she checked for her last stay. It was “As big as a machete.” She had a boyfriend named Dale who she spent time with both here and on the street. Helen was always a frail looking lady, she would tilt her head a little to the side and smile this shy little
crooked smile, but she must have been able to take care or herself all right whenever she would go out “on the street.” Again the knife was the protector for her. Recently she had suffered a series of strokes which left her slower, uncertain of herself and much weaker. About a month ago, she and her boyfriend, who by the way had not been a client of ours for years, but would come and visit with her, got an apartment and she moved out. She was supposed to check back in daily with us so that we could check on her health and make sure she was taking her medication properly and monitor her blood pressure. That never happened though, we never saw her again. During her last stay here, with Cathy's help, she had started the paperwork filing for her Social Security
we need reporters, Call the Homeless Voice 954-410-6275
disability. As frail as she was, she was just as stubborn and would never say where they were moving to...except that they would be all right. We haven't heard a word from him either. Then one day, the hospital called, telling us that she had suffered another stroke and was in the hospital. Sean and I went up to see her and she was only slightly responsive. The hospital asked Sean if he would, as a friend, be her health care surrogate. We had a priest go to bless her. Within a week her condition had worsened to the point of massive bleeding in her head and there would be no hope. We placed her at Hospice just a couple of days ago. This morning at 6:45am she passed away. Helen was always a very private person (Continued on page 11)
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This is the book they will study from. Once they pass the test they are given a state certificate which will allow them to become more employable.
Trainee Gravel inspects under the ice machine for mildew growing.
he Homeless Voice and Helping People in America announce a new plan of vocational training. Homeless Voice newspaper vendors will be training at night to receive the Food Handler’s Certification-training program. The trainees will be given the wisdom, the knowhow, and the rules for safe food handling. At the end of their training period they will be given a test and if they pass the test they will receive an ID card that states they are certified to work in the kitchen. After they are certified they will do job search two days a week and work the paper the
ime and time again you may hear bad things about the way the shelter raises money with the vendors. Most people really do not believe what's going on here because they think that all it is is the homeless taking donations for papers they sell and that is it. Well I would like to tell you two things: a) explain some of what goes on and b) enlighten you to few personal stories that I have. First this is a short description of who I am. I am the granddaughter of Sean's CO-Director and I'm still in high school. So instead of another adult point of view you have a teenager's. Usually when I come up to volunteer something always happens and it’s not a good thing most of the time. So here’s what I perceive what goes on. There’s four different jobs you can do as a client: one be a newspaper vendor, two is to work around the shelter like in the kitchen and housekeeping, third is to have an outside job and the forth is just sitting here because you cannot work. For these people the shelter takes care of all their needs for free. Then there are some people who can’t work but have checks that pay for their way. By the way there are mothers with kids and they can’t work either. There are some moms who do have a job but can only work part time because they do not have day care. The public only sees the collectors. Well there are people that can’t vend out on the street because of an sickness or an accident they had that got them fired and are to weak to do anything. Housekeeping cleans every day I’ve been here. The kitchen crew makes breakfast lunch and dinner for everyone. They all do good at what they’re doing as far as I can see. But this place really depends on what you the public does. That is donating when you buy the paper. This facility is ran by you in a way. The vendors bring in money for themselves and for the people that can’t go out so you the readers and you the vendors are the main way of
other days. With this new certification program it makes them more employable. Our Certified Food Protection Kitchen Manager Joseph Reed will be the chief in charge of this program. His job will be to get these new recruits certified as well as teaching them to satisfy the consumer. Not only will they receive the materials needed to handle food safely they will be taught the essentials to be a Line Chef as well as the familiar title “Food Prep” Program itinerary will also include training class, test preparation so that individuals may pass the
keeping this place open. Every penny brought in is helping everyone. Going back to what happens in terms of not being planned. Here are a few short stories: The first one happened the first time I ever came up to the shelter. It was not at the place it is now, it was the old shelter on Lincoln Street and I was three years younger at the time. . A female in the age range of 20 to 25 came in she was having withdrawal symptoms from OxyContin. She was freaking me because she was the first person I really saw that had to withdraw from a drug. Nobody anywhere else would help her and so she ended up at the shelter. Sean knows a lot about this kind of stuff and he knew what to do to make her comfortable and so she wouldn’t be so scared. In today’s world I’ve known more people that have had to go to rehab than I can count on both my hands and feet and now I am only 14 years old. There have been so many kids and teenagers not adults, that I have seen go to rehab since that night. But if you stop to think about it that’s messed up in a serious way. There she opened my eyes to what is going on. I spent the night here last year and a man wanted money some of his savings money to pay for drugs. He didn’t say that’s what it was for but you could tell. Well Sean was leaving to Washington D.C. and Sean said it was up to Lois (my grandma), she was in charge. He does things like that sometimes She said no. He came back an hour or/and half an hour later saying Sean said yes. So again he was told no he can’t have it. Well he came back around seven o’clock and this time he had to be under the influence. He started to throw a fit and called the police. He was told by the police that if he called them again he would be arrested for being under the influence. So about an hour later he called again. In between that time he came to the office and was saying that he never called the police and was still
certification examination, and an employment skills class to help individuals understand what is expected during a job interview. Our hope is that we can help the homeless obtain jobs in the food service industry and become self-sufficient productive members in our community. If you are a member of the food service industry, have a heart for helping the homeless and are in need of employees please contact our agency at 954924-3571. -Staff Reporter
In accordance with State Statute and Safe Staff Guidelines, Gravel learns how to take the temperate of the walk in cooler.
and ended up in the middle of the sticking to Sean said he could have the money. That night he street and the shelter thought he was arrested. I haven’t seen him would get hurt if he tried to walk to since. the store again. One day my gramma I have more stories that I was outside walking Lady and she could tell but these show that they heard tires screeching. When she help and try to keep you clean but looked, here he was in the middle of it’s up to you to make your own Federal Highway turning around in opinion. But circles and cars whizzing by. They all do good at She got someone to take I think if you spent a day what they’re doing as lady into the office quick here you and went to rescue him. But w o u l d n ’ t far as I can see. But the state refused to help him believe how because they said he had a this place really much Sean mind and was not in danger. and Lois and depends on what you I am only 14 and can see that the rest of this man needed something the public does. the office more than a homeless shelstaff actually ter. But the lady who came really care and help the homeless and from the state, who was real nice, she the poor. Wait, I should tell you what said without a check no agency happened yesterday. A family came would give him a place to stay and in asking for help. The mother had he would be better off here than no brought someone in a month or so where. Sean agreed. Actually right ago and said she was ok didn’t need now gamma is talking to a policeman help till now. She was so grateful who wants us to help a family who that Sean and Lois would help them doesn’t have any electricity. But I out so much as they did. She cried will tell you that story some time in and her son just kept on hugging the future and wait until you hear people. Hopefully you understand that story. what I’m trying to get across. If not Every person in here has let me explain, the mom was about to their own special story on how they be homeless and Sean said “ Here got here. A lot of them are like little you go” and then handed her about kids and have to be led by the hand 500.00 in money orders and said for for everything but a lot are just like her to pay her next month rent. She regular people who live in houses in cried and cried because she was so our neighborhood. happy that she would make her rent. I wish people would get to By the way she had saved up know what happens in here. Some$165.00 and was about $500.00 times it never stops in here and you short. There are also two ladies here think you are going to go crazy and that Sean is trying to get their kids sometimes it’s real peaceful. The back for them. There is even a blind office is always busy; Lois my speold man here that doesn’t have a cent cial Grandmother is always busy, and the shelter is the only place that now that Sean is sick, getting calls to will take him. He has been here for take someone or to help someone or year and never paid anything and she is trying to help out someone Sean has tried and tried to help get who is already here and he still has to him to place that he would be better take care of what goes on around off at but nobody will take him behere. cause he does not have a check. They -Kim all have their reasons for saying no, like we can't help someone who is blind. Sean called the state, what he calls “protective services” because the man left the shelter several times
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March, 2004
ordon had had his fill of women before he met April. They were introduced to each other by a mutual friend at a bar one night. April was studying to be a massage therapist and Gordon worked as a manager at a local record store. There was an immediate attraction and the two started to date. Before long they moved in together and made plans to get married. Although they only drank occasionally, April had some history of heavy drug use. She had stopped however long before she started seeing Gordon. When April started to feel sick Gordon insisted that she see a doctor immediately. She ignored Gordon's persistency and wrote it off as the flu. When a month had passed and April's condition had only worsened April decided that she should find out what was wrong. She was not prepared for what her doctor had to say. She had contracted AIDS from a dirty needle. Devastated by the news, April decided that she couldn't live with the guilt of having given it to Gordon. With only a note explaining that he too had AIDS, April decided to take her own life. For months Gordon stayed in his apartment alone. His friends and family could do nothing to console
he day finally arrives, Forest Gump dies and goes to Heaven. He is at the Pearly Gates, met by St. Peter himself; the gates are closed. St. Peter says, "Well, Forest, it's certainly good to see you. We have heard a lot about you. I must tell you, though, Heaven is filling up fast, so we've been administering an entrance examination for everyone. The test is short, but you have to pass it before you can get into heaven." Forest responds, "It sure is good to be here St. Peter, sir. Nobody ever told me about any entrance exam though. Sure hope the test isn't too hard...Life on earth was a pretty big test all by itself." St. Peter goes on, "Yes, I know, Forest, but the test is only three questions... 1st: What two days
him. He was having more trouble with the loss of April then the fact that he also had the virus. He didn't care that he was sick. He wished the virus would hurry up and kill him. But he felt fine. When his rent was finally due, Gordon packed a bag, took a picture of April and left the rest of his belongings. He didn't talk to any of his loved ones and didn't return to work. Instead he slept in the streets that night, and the night after, and the night after, and for the following weeks. He lost over thirty pounds trying to starve himself. Occasionally he gave in to his growling stomach betraying his plan to die. One day not unlike the days and weeks proceeding, Gordon sat by himself staring at the picture of April he had. He was disturbed when a man with a little drum came and sat right next to him. The man started to play a quick little beat on the drums and after a while sang along to it. Gordon felt like his space had been intruded so he started to get his bag to leave. Before he could walk away though the drum man stopped him. "I've seen you around here before." His voice had a thick Jamaican accent and was kind. "Yeah, so," was all that Gordon could think of to respond with.
of the week begin with the letter T? 2nd: How many seconds are there in a year? 3rd: What is God's first name?" Forest leaves to think the questions over. He returns the next day and sees St. Peter who waves him up and says, "Now that you have had a chance to think the questions over, tell me your answers." Forest says, "Well, the first one, which two days in the week begin with the letter 'T'? Shucks, that one's easy. That'd be today and tomorrow." The Saint's eyes open wide and he proclaims, "Forest, that's not quite what I was thinking, but you do have a point, and since I didn't specify, I'll give you credit for that answer. How about the next one," asks St. Peter..."How many seconds in a year?"
"And I rus. Some had similar stories to think I can help Gordon's and he could sympathize for others. The meeting you." At that lasted three hours and afterwards Gordon walked Gordon talked to a couple of away, angry at people one on one. He decided to get help the presumptuous statement of right away. He the drum man. He For months Gordon stayed with an was probably tryold friend that ing to sell him stayed in his night. He redrugs, Gordon thought, and he apartment alone. His turned to work, wasn't interfriends and family and after borrowing money from ested. The drum could do nothing to his family he got man ran after him. his old apartment "There is console him. back. He started a meeting at seven going back to the that I will take you to. If it doesn't help you, doctor and after a while he had then I will leave you alone. I gained most of his weight will meet you here at quarter of." back. Gordon went to meetings Before Gordon could every night and formed close protest, the drum man ran relationship's with a handful of off. He turned a corner and was people. He felt good about himout of sight within sec- self again and even started visitonds. Gordon sat back down and ing April's family who had pulled out his picture of missed him very much. When his friend Scott April. He planned on leaving before the man returned. Hours died from AIDS a year later, later however, Gordon was still Gordon decided to speak at his sitting in the same place. When eulogy. At the end of his speech the man came back Gordon went Gordon started to cry when he with him without an argu- recapped how Scott had saved ment. It was as if his body was his life. He closed the ceremony making him go rather than his by singing a little song and tapping a beat. mind. "This one's for the drum That night changed the rest of his life. The drum man man." -Sara Cunningham had taken him to a life support meeting where he met dozens of men and woman who were also infected with the AIDS vi-
"Twelve," said Forest. Astounded, St. Peter says, "Twelve? Twelve!? Forest, how in Heaven's name could you come up with twelve seconds in a year?" Forest says, "Shucks, there's gotta be twelve: January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd..." "HOLD IT!" interrupts St. Peter. "I see where you're going with this, and once again I see your point, though that wasn't quite what I had in mind. I'll have to give you credit for that one, too, since I wasn't more specific. Let's go on with the third and final question. Can you tell me God's first name?" "Sure," Forest replied, "it's Andy." "ANDY " exclaimed
an exasperated St. Peter. "Ok, I can understand how you came up with your answers to my first two questions, but just how in the world did you come up with the name Andy as the first name of God?" "Shucks, that was the easiest one of all," Forest replied. "I learnt it from the song... ANDY walks with me, ANDY talks with me, ANDY tells me I am his
own. . . . St. Peter opened the Pearly Gates and said, "Run, Forest, run."
Page 8
what my mom did; she asked the doctors if they were sure it wasn’t meningitis? If she hadn’t asked, I wonder if they would have taken any blood tests at all. At first, the doctors at the Mayo clinic thought I picked up Sean Cononie rests at the shelter as he something on my recovers from spinal meningitis. mission trip to Haiti, but then treated me for someone has the flu. What I am meningitis. talking about is education. If we Meningitis is not a very can save one life we will know common disease. There are not that we have done our job. Finish that many cases per year, but that reading through this paper so you does not mean that doctors should can learn more about the signs assume that it’s not meningitis and symptoms of meningitis. And because the results can be fatal. then hold on to this paper, share it We need to be careful with a dis- with others and keep it close, so ease that kills within a few hours you can make sure you have our or days if treatment isn’t started number in case you need it. Our early. For me it’s simple, when it future plans include educating comes to people dying, especially parents as well as church groups innocent children, we need to get and others by making pamphlets a blood test whether or not we to give out throughout the comhave insurance coverage. There munity. Our web site will be up should be no limit to what we shortly so the public can need to do! Parents if you feel download a flyer on this disyour child is that sick and your ease. The web site is doctor says it’s the flu and they www.meningitisawareness.org. refuse to do blood work, simply One last thing, when I got pick yourself up and go to the back to south Florida I went to the nearest ER, and then tell them funeral of John Coleman, a foryou want blood work on your mer Hollywood City commischild to see if infection is present. sioner. I sat in the church and said And if they don’t respond and you why does God let people die. It is still think your child has meningi- so sad to see how the families tis or has an infection there is a suffer. Then I looked at myself place that will help you. Call our and thought about how I almost hotline and we will be happy to died and reevaluated my life. I advocate for you. We will talk to realized, people need to always be the hospital so there is a record of right with their Maker… their a possible meningitis case or an- God, because death can come at other type of bacterial infection any time. I think funerals were and insist that the hospital do eve- created to remind us of things like rything possible to test for it. This being right with God. No matter is the only way we can ensure how many people I feed or house families that their loved ones are each day that’s not what will get being taken care of properly. Rest me to heaven; it’s being right with assured, if notice was given and God that will get me there. So resomeone dies because of a test not evaluate your life and begin each being done, those responsible will day giving praise to God for life be held accountable for their lack and for those who are suffering. of medical services. Keep in mind Pray for the sick and the ones who and do not get the wrong idea that don’t know Him, so that one-day I think all doctors/hospitals are your prayers just might get them not doing their job right, because to know God. After all we should most do. It is just a simple fact all be able to enjoy the rewards of that there are not many cases of heaven. this disease so most medical proOne last thought, if you fessionals first response is that now know how many people in the USA die of Meningitis, stop and ask the question, how many die in third world countries? Written By Lois Cross & Cathy Freites for Sean • Talk to your Human Resource Manager Cononie about how you can donate money to help
This article is the start of what we loss, a loss of taste, and no control will be doing to educate the pubover my facial nerves as well as lic about meningitis. We want to some other impairments began to educate people everywhere, especially those who are in lowmake me think. At first, I felt badly hav- income areas. We will have a toll ing to deal with all these disabili- free number for parents and others ties. But then it hit me that I was who bring their loved ones to the alive. Therefore, why should I emergency room with meningitis concern myself with that fact that symptoms and are told by the ER I might be left with a few handi- that they don’t want to do blood work because they have no insurcaps? ance coverage. In Today, I just hang out at the Shortly after getting many cases all it takes is a simple shelter, so that back I went to a blood test to see Lois and the gang can help take care physical therapist, he how high your white blood count of me. My eyes are still weak, and told me his little girl is. If it’s high they at times I see dou- died of meningitis for can start you on strong antibiotics ble or even triple. I have headaches, the same reason… a to prevent the meningitis from my balance is off, misdiagnosis. progressing. My and I am quite dizzy all day long. I tried driving blood count was141,000 (that’s four times since the coma and will real high) and I now know the not consider driving again in fear first doctor I saw should have of hitting some other car or hurt- used better judgment. I also ing someone. My eyesight is just learned that some children have not what it used to be! My biggest died waiting in the hospital ER problem right now is because I because the flu that doctors susthought I had the flu when I had pected was really meningitis and actually almost died from menin- it was not treated as quickly as it gitis, is that I now take my tem- should have been. One of the perature all day long. I guess the things I read about on the Internet experience was pretty traumatic. said when it comes to suspecting If my normal temperature of 98.6 meningitis don’t try to find the goes up to 99 degrees I become best hospital, just get to the nearfearful that I am going to die in est hospital. Because the earlier two days. I guess that’s because it it’s treated the higher chance of took only two days for me to go survival you have. More importantly, quick treatment will elimiinto the coma. After I got back to South nate the chance of leaving you Florida I tried going on the Inter- with less severe disabilities than I net to look up meningitis. My lack now have. Doctors today need to of coordination and weakened start doing blood work when they eyesight failed to let me research believe someone has the flu. This it. So Lois completed the search. I will prevent moms and dads from soon found out that there are loosing little ones. Especially many people who die of meningi- when children are under the age tis because they thought or their of 2 and cannot describe their symptoms. A parent never gets doctor thought they had the flu. Shortly after getting back over the death of a child. I don’t I went to a physical therapist, he want you to think that every time told me his little girl died of men- your child has symptoms of meningitis for the same reason… a ingitis that you should go into misdiagnosis. So, after my experi- panic mode, I just want parents to ence with meningitis, researching be aware and have the knowledge it, and hearing various tales I to ask their doctor to have some threw out this idea to staff. How simple blood work done. Even if about starting an awareness cam- you need to bypass your doctor paign about meningitis? Everyone and go straight to the emergency agreed it would be a great idea. room and basically tell the ER doctor to make sure blood work is done. Do it! That’s (Continued from page 1)
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Page 9
March, 2004
It's a Wednesday night and you are at a church prayer meeting when somebody runs in from the parking lot yelling, "Turn on a radio, turn on a radio!" And while the church listens to a little transistor radio with a microphone stuck up to it, the announcement is made: "Two women are lying in a Long Island hospital dying from a 'mystery' flu." Within hours it seems, this thing just sweeps across the country. People are working around the clock trying to find an antidote. Nothing is working! California, Oregon, Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts. It's as though it's just sweeping in from the borders. And then, all of a sudden, the news comes out. The code has been broken. A cure can be found. A vaccine can be made. It's going to take the blood of somebody who hasn't been infected, and so, sure enough, all through the Midwest, through all those channels of emergency broadcasting, everyone is asked to do one simple thing: Go to your downtown hospital and have your blood type taken. That's all we ask of you. When you hear the sirens go off in your neighborhood, please make your way quickly, quietly, and safely to the hospitals. Sure enough, when you and your family get down there late on that Friday night, there is a long line, and they've got nurses and doctors coming out and pricking fingers and taking
fect. It's blood and clean, it is putting pure, and labels on we can it. make the Your vaccine." wife and As the word your kids begins to are out spread all t h e r e , across that parking lot full of and they take your blood type folks, people are screaming and and they say, "Wait here in the praying and laughing and cryparking lot and if we call your ing. name, you can be dismissed and Then the gray-haired go home." doctor pulls you and your wife You stand around, aside and says, "May we see scared, with your neighbors, you for moment? We didn't realwondering what in the world is ize that the donor would be a going on and if this is the end of minor and we need ....... we the world. need you to sign a consent Suddenly a young man form." You begin comes running out of the hospi- A friend is someone who to sign and then you see that the tal screaming. fills our lives with number of pints He's yelling a name and waving Beauty, Joy and Grace of blood to be taken has been a clipboard. left blank. "HWhat? He yells it how many pints?", you ask. again! And your son tugs on And that is when the old your jacket and says, "Daddy, doctor's smile fades and he that's me." says, "We had no idea it would Before you know it, they be little child. We weren't prehave grabbed your boy. Wait a pared. I'm sorry sir, we need it minute! all!" Hold on! And they say, "But but .. You don't "It's okay, his blood is clean. His understand." blood is pure. We want to make "We are talking about sure he doesn't have the disthe world here. Please sign. We ease. We think he has got the need it all!" right type." Five tense minutes "But can't you give him later, out come the doctors and a transfusion?" nurses, crying and hugging one "If we had clean blood another ... some are even we would. Can you sign? Would laughing. It's the first time you you sign?" have seen anybody laugh in a In numb silence, you do. week, and an old doctor walks up to you and says, "Thank you, Then they say, "Would you like sir. Your son's blood type is perto have a moment with him be-
fore we begin?" Can you walk back? Can you walk back to that room where he sits on a table saying, "Daddy? Mommy? What's going on?" Can you take his hands and say, "Son, your mommy and I love you, and we would never ever let anything happen to you that didn't just have to be. Do you understand that?" And when that old doctor comes back in and says, "I'm sorry, we've GOT to get started! People all over the world are dying. Can you leave?" Can you walk out while he is saying, "Daddy? Mommy? Daddy? "Why, why have you forsaken me?" And then next week, when they have the ceremony to honor your son some folks sleep through it ... some folks don't even come because they go to the lake or the seashore ... some folks come with a pretentious smil e an d just "pretend" to care. Would you want to jump up and say, "MY SON DIED FOR YOU! DON'T YOU CARE?" Is that what GOD wants to say? "MY SON DIED FOR YOU. DON'T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I CARE?" "FATHER, Seeing it from YOUR eyes breaks our hearts. Maybe now we can begin to comprehend the great Love YOU have for us." A friend is someone who fills our lives with Beauty, Joy and Grace and makes the world we live in a better and happier place.
(Continued from page 1)
percent of parents without alcohol problems. Parents with alcohol problems were more likely to use marijuana, 25.8 percent compared with 7.1 percent; prescription drugs used nonmedically, 16.3 percent versus 5.0 percent; cocaine, 9.5 percent versus 1.2 percent; hallucinogens, 3.1 percent versus 0.6 percent; and heroin 0.4 percent versus 0.1 percent. Parents with alcohol problems were more likely to use cigarettes, 57.9 percent versus 30.6 percent, and were more likely to report living in turbulent homes. However, past year physical violence between parents and their spouses or partners did not differ significantly by whether or not the parent was
alcohol-dependent or alcoholabusing. The report, "Alcohol Dependence or Abuse Among Parents with Children Living in the Home" was developed from SAMHSA's National Survey on Drug Use and Health. This survey interviews 68,126 respondents in their homes. The new report is available online at http://DrugAbuseStatistics.samhs a.gov. Also available from SAMHSA is a Children's Program Kit. The kit was developed by SAMHSA in partnership NACoA and covers a wide variety of topics and practical teaching strategies for providing educational lessons and support to elementary, middle and upper school children of alcohol abusing parents. The kit also contains information for therapists to distribute to their clients
to help parents understand the needs of their children, as well as training materials for substance abuse treatment staff who plan to offer support groups for children. SAMHSA is a public health agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The agency is responsible for improving the accountability, capacity and effectiveness of the nation's substance abuse prevention, addictions treatment and mental health service delivery systems.
percent) were married. The standard for determining alcohol dependence or alcohol abuse is the criteria in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). The data consistently show that parents who misuse alcohol are more likely to also use illicit drugs. The data indicate that over 35 percent of parents with " ... past year alcohol dependence or abuse" used illicit drugs in the past year, compared with only 11
Drug Tests Instant Results •
We Need Reporters, Call the Homeless Voice 954-410-6275
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Web site: http://DrugAbuseStatistics.samhsa.gov
Page 10
HELP PAY OFF OUR MORTGAGE We need just 41,650 people to send in a check for $20.00, Or 16,660 people to send in a check for $50.00, Or 8,330 people to send in a check for $100.00, Or 833 people to send in a check for $1,000, Or Just one wonderful person or business to send a check for the entire $833,000.00 Remember the donation is tax deductible!! Please send your checks to:
The COSAC Building Fund P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, Florida 33329 We do thank you
ur campaign still exists. If we can’t get the mortgage paid off, we would love an interest rate of about 6 percent on the outstanding balance. This would save us about $2000.00 a month. Our mortgage payment go down from $8400.00 a month to approximately $6400.00. We would need the remaining balance financed over 30 years. So, if anybody can find us a mortgage, please let us know.
he Downtown Denver partnership produced 20,000 brochures urging citizens to "Support Real Change. Don't Give Spare Change." Shoppers on the 16th Street Mall should "redirect their generosity" to support homeless shelters and other facilities. So a friend asked the question: "What would Jesus do?" I knew the answer, but checked this quotation attributed to Jesus in Matthew 5:42: "Give to everyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you." I direct attention to the word "everyone," and add that I could cite other verses consistent with Matthew 5:42. It is understandable that merchants fear that the presence of beggars will turn away potential customers. One wishes they could be more sensitive to the material needs of the least among us. The poor do demonstrate a canny entrepreneurship when they realize they can make more panhandling than at day labor. PHILLIP K. TOMPKINS Denver. What the Homeless Voice has to say about this We at the Homeless Voice say buy our paper and help the homeless but if you should see a homeless person panhandling in front of a store, do what your hearts says. Sometimes giving a hand out can start a friendship and then you can bring that person to a shelter one day. For some of us that think they will go and buy a beer, this may be true, remember that sometimes that beer will be used to help them form “withdraws” because there are very few detox beds in this community Give food, not money We should be uncomfortable when we see beggars. I have food, a bed, clothing. I even have air conditioning and heat in my apartment. I have yet to truly know what life is like for them. We make so many assumptions. We take so many things for granted. People who "have" should feel uncomfortable when they see the have-nots. I consider it a moral compass, an ethical thermometer in my life. I agree - we should not give panhandlers money. Shelters do a wonderful job caring for and providing for the needy. I choose to give them pre-packaged food - I keep crackers, Pop Tarts, etc., stashed in my glove compartment at all times. My heart cries when I see these people. Money isn't the answer, because some homeless will choose destructive behaviors. But I do need to do something. CHRISTINE KOACH Englewood
What the Homeless Voice has to say about this We at the Homeless Voice commend Christine Loach for her opinion, however, even if the homeless may use the money for destructive behavior, it still may be the lesser of the two evils. What happens to the person who is addicted to heroin and needs a fix because he cant get clean without medical help. Some people detox on the street and others still use so they do not get sick. If they are turned away they may use other means such as robbery or prostitution to get their fix. If they use prostitution and there is HIV blood present then we have just contributed to spreading HIV. We are not saying just give money so they can use drugs, but it is something to think about. Maybe you can talk to the person and really see why they need the money and yes at times you will be scammed. But again talking to them may be a way of helping them and if you give them money and they buy their fix you might have just saved a few peoples lives. If you give , try to help them and yes giving them food is as good as giving them money if they do not have any other issues. No, do give money Regarding the issue of giving change to panhandlers, a onetime homeless person in the Denver Voice, a newspaper that advocates for the homeless, homelessnewspaper says it best: "Don't give spare change. Give real money." We live in a bizarre time of unprecedented wealth and unmet human need blossoming side-by-side. This month, the Denver Catholic Worker, a shelter and soup kitchen, celebrates 25 years in Denver. The words of Peter Maurin, who was born in 1877 in France and was a cofounder of the Catholic Worker movement, give freshness to the banter: "People who are in need and are not afraid to beg give to people not in need the occasion to do good for goodness' sake. Modern society calls the beggar 'bum' and 'panhandler' and gives him the bum's rush. But the Greeks used to say that people in need are ambassadors of the gods. Although you may be called 'bums' and 'panhandlers,' you are in fact the ambassadors of God. As God's ambassadors you should be given food, clothing and shelter by those who are able to give it." SHIRLEY WHITESIDE Denver What the Homeless Voice has to say about this:
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The Red Cross begs for money by telephone, the firemen beg for money, the police departments beg for money, the politicians beg for money, the churches beg for money and even the COSAC Foundation, Helping People In America, the Homeless Voice begs for money. And when you really think about it every business begs for your money we see it daily when they spend their millions of dollars on ads. Just look at the Super Bowl ads. And most importantly every other agency we know begs for money. Do I need to say anymore…? One last thought…if you looked at Lois’ mail you would see “friendly reminders” from local agencies as well as out of town, reminding her that it is time to give again. “Please don't forget us,” they say… “We need your help.” Her biggest peeve to all this is that they waste so much money on postage and supplies…money that was supposed to be used for the cause it was intended for in the first place.
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March, 2004
HOBO JUNGLE (Continued from page 5)
and we had no way of contacting a daughter that she might have had. Tonight we, her friends, will have a memorial service for her at the shelter. We will miss Helen, but we all know that she is in a Better Place. Helen there is one special joke that made you laugh and laugh and laugh some more, tonight I will remind your friend Valerie Couch of hiding the................(joke.) God bless us all….Lois
SAFELY HOME I am home in Heaven, dear ones; Oh, so happy and so bright! There is perfect joy and beauty In this everlasting light. All the pain and grief is over, Every restless tossing passed; I am now at peace forever, Safely home in Heaven at last. Did you wonder I so calmly Trod the valley of the shade? Oh! But Jesus’ love illumined Every dark and fearful glade. And He came Himself to meet me In that way so hard to tread;
(Continued from page 5)
seriousness of his condition, but this was Sean, strong...fearless...always in control...HEALTHY SEAN!! Business went on as usual but in a very somber atmosphere. When, a couple of days later, his sister used the word “critical” my heart dropped. Of course one would be in critical condition if they are in ICU, but to me, Sean, our Sean who I just described was just in very serious condition. How could he be critical? We can’t lose him! But the situation warranted change. We needed to make long range plans rather than just holding the fort until he gets back. I scoured the internet for information on this deadly disease. The more we read the more scared we became. It wasn’t until the doctor explained that this type of Meningitis itself isn’t caught. That usually it starts with an ear infection or one in the sinuses...then if it spreads to the meninges, the lining covering the brain...that’s when it becomes meningitis. On the flight up, I braced myself for a scene of tubes and machines, but by the time I got there, he had been unrestrained and the intubation tube out. He was making a good effort to talk but he looked like he was high as a kite. I had to laugh at times because he was comical. He couldn’t keep track of what he wanted to say and he was seeing double, triple and kept seeing these things that weren’t there. Like the blue flower in his mother’s head. He sort of reminded me of some of the people we have had here on occasion. His mind was sharp though on a lot of things. I started this article in the hospital room, and am finishing it back in Hollywood.
And with Jesus’ arm to lean on, Could I have one doubt or dread? Then you must not grieve so sorely, For I love you dearly still; Try to look beyond earth's shadows, Pray to trust our Father's Will. There is work still waiting for you, So you must not idly stand; Do it now, while life remaineth— You shall rest in Jesus’ land.
He will gently call you Home; Oh, the rapture of that meeting, Oh, the joy to see you come! ******************* Although this is one of my Catholic prayer cards, I mean to offend no person. We each have our own belief in the hereafter. THIS IS A COMFORTING THOUGHT We at the Homeless Voice offer our Sympathy and Prayers to anyone who has lost someone special in their life. Lois
When that work is all completed,
It’s been just a month since he was released from the hospital...but the struggle is not over yet. He still has trouble with his eyes, still sees in multiples most of the time. He may never see the way he used to, which means that the capability of working up to full capacity is in serious question. He isn’t able to drive. He still has trouble with balance and coordination. He has trouble with short term memory loss and concentration. There are other “side effects” that he suffers from. If he had an employer who would be able to hold his job for him for this past month, how would he even get to work, much less be able to perform? What would he do if he were one of the most Americans who are only one paycheck away from homelessness? It is so important to look towards the future and plan for that rainy day. It is so very important. Put away those savings. It may not sound like much to save 25 cents a week, but if that’s what you can save...then save it. Put it aside before you pay the bills, and more importantly before the luxuries are bought. Don’t laugh at 25 cents a week, that’s how my husband and I started and increased it to 50, 75 cents…$1.00..$10.00 on and up whenever we could. That’s why I can volunteer here and not worry about finances. There are all kinds of savings plans that you can take advantage of. Another thing that is very important is long and short term disability insurance. Life is full of
surprises. We plan so well for the “good things” in life...please don’t forget the catastrophes. They can happen to anyone. Do some deep and serious thinking about where you would be...IF. Research what might be available and affordable for you and your family. Don't let sickness or accident or financial turnarounds ruin your life, your future. I dare say there isn’t a mother or father who deep in their heart wouldn’t give up their life for their child so don’t make the mistake of not providing the best also. Aside from the financial aspects, be aware also when there is sickness. Ask questions of your doctor, be it private or at the hospital or clinic. We trust our doctors, they are educated but they are busy, they can make mistakes. And believe it or not, a lot of decisions on testing are made on what the insurance company will allow. You are being bombarded purposely with volumes of information on this disease, Meningitis, and for a very good reason. It is deadly. Read it, study it and save it. Share what you have learned with others. Take care of yourselves mentally, physically and financially. Have a wonderful life and God bless us all. -Lois Cross
“He may never see the way he used to, which means that the capability of working up to full capacity is in serious question.”
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We may need you to pull over and make a donation
Cities are Changing and want us off the street
Donate Online or Send check or money order to: P.O. Box 292577 Davie, Fl 33329
So please do not get mad at our vendors if you are holding up money and they do not come to your car. • I know this will be a big pain • We can only do medians for now • We are going to court
en español Page 2 WE NEED
Silverware, soup bowls, and pillows
Call 954-925-6466 The
‘WWJD’ question,
article on page 11
s I promised to you and all the clients who wished me a speedy recovery in the other Homeless Voice article here is the story of the illness that almost ended my life. It was December 24th, late on Christmas Eve, when I left to drive to Jacksonville. I arrived there early on Christmas day. I was feeling a little sick and slept most of Christmas day. On December 26th I went to the doctor with a high fever and severe neck pain, the pain was so severe that I could hardly move my neck at all. The doctor said I had the flu. The next day my fever became even higher and I went back to the doctor I went to the day before. Once again he said I had the flu. Keep in mind I could not move my neck, my fever was somewhere around 103.5, my ear hurt badly and I was vomiting. All of what I now know are typical signs of Meningitis. After I
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left his office and within a few hours I had a fever of 105.5, went into a coma and was placed in critical care. The flu misdiagnosed by the doctor, had become a really deadly disease. After the ambulance brought me to the hospital I remember only bits and pieces of what happened from that point on. After the fact, others told me that I spent several days in critical care and was a complete mad man during my pre -coma. My medical records state that I was thrashing around the emergency room saying “Oh my God”, over and over again. I guess it was the best call of my life because I truly believe God spared me. The things I remember the most while I was in my comatose state are very interesting. I saw two little African American boys at my feet. Each one held one of my feet and laid their foreheads on top of my