Homeless Voice; Finding a Way to Be Thankful

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Miami Pushes To Stop Feeding Homeless In Streets

City Wants Homeless Fed At Official Facilities Only MIAMI -- There is a new push to stop feeding the homeless on the streets of Miami. The city says as many as 76 organizations, including religious groups, must stop feeding Miami's homeless in the streets or risk paying fines and possibly face arrest. The director of homeless programs cites health problems. Brad Simon, the Director of Homeless Programs, says that the programs cause garbage and even rats and he says, "It has just become a health issue." There are an estimated 1,600 people who live on the streets of Miami. Sharon Gray, who is homeless, said she prefers the food she gets from the street programs. "The food is more fresher," Gray said. "At least they look out for the homeless, more so than the shelter." Aaron Thomas is also homeless and he agrees with Gray. "The Camillus House -- they only serve once a day and that's around 2:30," Thomas said. The city says the homeless should only be fed at authorized facilities such as the Camillus House and at the city's own sites. Miami even offers to transport the city's homeless to the facilities for free meals. Simon said, "There are plenty of shelters and organizations where people can go to." Gray said, "I don't think that's right. Some of the food in the shelter, it makes me sick." A spokesman for the MiamiDade Homeless Trust agrees with the city and said street feeding is neither dignified nor responsible. The city is so serious about ending street feeding that commissioners may be asked to pass a law forbidding it. Reprinted with permission

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One Woman’s Positive Outlook on a Bleak Situation


ver the past 6 weeks change but I’ve or so I sat myself come to realize down to type a letter it’s one that was to all of you many, planned by a many times. I wanted to let each higher authority. and every one of you know how Like others who have gone special you are through mato me and how life hard it was for “A few months jor changes and me to move on. ago one split have been Perhaps it was that not the right second changed o n Street vendors in Caracas moment o r my whole life.” r o l l e r coaster ride maybe I just of emotions, needed to sort out my feelings because no mat- in the beginning, you usually re- misery or walk along the new ter how hard I tried I just could- ject the changes and struggle to path set before you, with your n’t seem to find the right words try to keep things the way they head held high. I believe what to begin. Today, I’m feeling quite are, you get angry and cry out also enlightens and makes differently and I’m determined to saying things like, “it’s just not changes easier is that you eventutype it out, whether or not it fair or why me?” But as the days ally come to a point where you makes sense to you, me, or any- pass acceptance becomes easier realize that there have been so and you realize that whether or many other times in your life one else’s path this may cross. A few months ago one not you like it your life has when you went through what felt split second changed my whole changed, it has taken a new like inconceivable struggles and life. Today, I still don’t fully un- course and that you have the right later found out that those hard(Continued on page 8) derstand the reason for the to choose to wallow in your own


e just hit the road. We're on our way to do outreach. Connelly is driving the bus and Lois has the ambulance. We are going out to look for the homeless, to try and persuade them to go with us and stay out of the oncoming hurricane. On a good day we should rescue about 10 souls. I am Connelly's “eyes” as we cruise the streets, pointing out people who might be in need of shelter. The shelter will also provide those that join us with food, toiletries, clothes and cigarettes. Now we've just finished a side trip to the Salvation Army to drop off brand new blankets. I had noticed a young couple sitting outside as we pulled up and I tried to persuade them to come with us but it took Lois to convince them. Then it was off to the (Continued on page 11)

Last month you saw our Disaster Service Ambulance when we bought it. Now you can see it on the street serving the Homeless as we do medical outreach. It was also used for the hurricane evacuation for the homeless that missed the county evacuation times. You won’t miss it, it proudly says on its side “Helping People in American Disaster Services" We still need your help helping us replenish our disaster fund. In the future the staff will increase their medical training from First Responder to Emergency Medical Technician. And yes we will respond to the homeless like a full fledge ambulance. It is right around the corner. Thank-You for allowing us to expand the way we felt we’re needed to. Our people will be serviced like any other person.

The Voice of the Homeless

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FRIENDS OF THE HOMELESS For just $15.00 a month you can keep a homeless family off the streets for a day Mail check to: Friends of the Homeless P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, FL 33329

Your Name Will Be Printed in Our Paper Every Month • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Donald Peterson The Cononie Family The Targett Family Patrick Helings John Bendor The Preston Family Jake Forest Lisa Gram The Jameson Family In Loving Memory of Uncle Joe Shannon Brooks Jose Rodrigues Lisa Cebrat Greg Thompson The Bowe Family Pakita Price The Stone Family Nana Sullivan The Watsons Sean Cononie Sally Lister Judith Kelly Arnold Goldstein Martha Roman The Baptista Family The Whoa Family Jacob Robinson Julie Stokes De De Hupp John Criasia Daniel Harrison The Martinez Family Amanda Reynolds Dolores R. Cerra Bob Hall Tressie W. Osborne Clark Rogers The Savir Family Peter Richman Richard McHenry Stevie Nix Corinne James The Browns Chris Sanchez Hugo DeCarpintini Mario Yuio Richard Friedman Diane Friedman Uylna Quadrino Ginny Scott Arnold Reemer Chris Tucker In Loving Memory of Peter Sullivan Maryann Springer Elaine Snaith Marshal Bugin Keith Yude Steve Murrey Young Anderson

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Bruce Wethersoon Isabelle J. Henry Raul Cardenas M.D. Wendy Bryan Jacqueline McCarty Albert J Taragowski Darla King Paula King Richard Gomez Anthony Ralph Jennifer Hicky Timothy Lukehard Thomas Rua The Jackson Family Justin Rowan Mary Green Morris Grazi Marvin Shatze Ronald Shafer Vance Gunn Adam Staler Allen Yancy Jimmy Daniels Mel Blount Carol Lockette Joe Golden Anna Marye Levier Magan Narduzzi Andre Johnson Antione Collins Eric Harrison Jessica Padilla Sheldon Jones Carlo Harrison Jason Emrik Dan Gilcert Amber Rowan Jackie Johnson Ricky Cambell Dorr’e Terry Samual Manery Marilyn Vokish Jenny Curic Amy Curic Lisa Jackson Jim Johnson Bobby Neal Erica Fulton Darren Nolf Erica Sanclair Steve Dillan Dallan Michele King Bobby Ore Casandra Thomas Tara Hunter Mark Faber Nichole Faber Kevin Britt The Cable Family The Maione Family Barbara Strong

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • •

Grace Marth Regla J Ferrer The Baldwin Family Horace Gracie Russell J. Ferguson Marjorie G. Rhines Jamie F. Flores In Loving Memory Of Thomas Gasbarro Cathy and Kids The Davis Family Graham R. Mitchell Essential Oil Healthline Amparo L. Korey John’s Plumbing Service Thank You Winn Dixie Adrienne and Mike Ms. Marilyn Smith Albert J. Taragowski Ruth C Grey Mike Cross Tamara Southard Raul Cardenas MD PA Al and Annie Hurricane Prevention Inc Danny and George The Thompson Family OTD Messenger, Inc M. Smith Yorick and Bonita Parrica Lee Russ & Delores B Mordon Robert Jesus Llanes Comet Couriev Proietto Family In Memory of Billy Corwin Josh Searles Patricia Lee Russ Delores B Mordon Mrs. Jenkins Everglades Moon, Covenant of Goddess, Elibet Hanson Judy B. Pascarella John Gaeta Michael R. Prokop, Jr. Jackie M. McCarty

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Marilyn R. Smith In Memory of Charles Horton In Memory of William F. Judge Todd Palgon The Morabito Family Todd Palgon Holly J. Andrus Lois Cross In Loving Memory of Florence & Nat Popkin Tailored Advertising, Inc Claudia K. Tapolow Margie Jones In memory of Wesley H. Woodall Maria M. Riveiro Gottlieb & Blair Family Pioneer Middle School Youth Crime Watch Rhenals-Mei Family The Strikowski family Margie Jones & Friends Ronald Prescia In Memory of Brian Groleau Laura Flash Jacqueline M. McCarty The Herrmann Family The Monserrate Family Madeline Butera Jennifer S. Nickel David Thawley On Behalf of Matthew Lambert Mustafa Mehmet Gokoglu In Memory of Scott Paul Cooper Robert and Ruth Baal In Memory of My Mother Pearl McCann, Love Teresa



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Volume 5, Issue 14

HAPPY THANKSGIVING What are we thankful for. Do we have a roof over our head today? Did we eat? Is there someone out there that loves us? If you answered yes to all three of these questions than you are blessed. Let’s reach out to others this holiday season. And remember to be grateful for what we have; rather than focus on the things we want. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR -Mark SEND TO: Targett P.O. BOX 292-577 DAVIE, FLORIDA 33329 FAX TO: 954-926-2022 EMAIL: info@homelessvoice.org ALL DONATION REQUESTS IN THE HOMELESS VOICE FOR ANY CHARITY ARE ADVERTISED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS WORDING A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE IN THE STATE 1-800-435-7352 REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE THANK YOU FOR HELPING THE HOMELESS



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The Voice of the Homeless

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Diane Davis


t took one classroom visit to Challenged Child & Friends to hook the volunteer in Diane Davis, a Jackson EMC employee of Gainesville. "I plan on being back there Friday, my first day off," Davis said. Davis learned about Challenged Child & Friends through an office visit by the United Way of Hall County. A representative for Hands on Hall, a year-round program of the United Way, spoke to the Jackson EMC employees about the program for children with developmental delays, disabilities and at-risk tendencies. "Just from listening to her about what they do for the children, I doubled what I give out of my paycheck," Davis said. Davis helped with finger painting at Challenged Child on Aug. 31 and found her calling in the community. Hall County residents will have a chance to find their own niche next weekend at a countywide volunteer event through the United Way of Hall County. Hands on Hall Days of Caring begins Friday morning and will continue through Saturday evening. Participants can lend a hand to the community by participating in one, or more, of 58 projects, said Carol Williams, United Way's Vice President of Community Impact. Some opportunities include painting transitional housing for domestic abuse victims at Gateway House, landscaping at The Guest House for elderly adults, sewing gowns for Hospice patients or assisting children with arts and crafts at Elachee Nature Center's Snake Day. Williams said United Way will try to match volunteers with the project that would be most fulfilling to them. "Some people are willing to get sweaty and dirty, and others are not. So we try to match the project with the people," Williams said. Over the two-day span, Williams anticipates around 250 volunteers. People, companies and organizations are invited to join the communitywide event. "It's a great teambuilding opportunity," Williams said. The volunteers will let nonprofit agencies stretch operational dollars and leverage funding while relieving staff to do more critical work, Williams said. "This is such a savings for the agencies, because these are the kind of things that, if they had to pay for them, would cost a good bit," Williams said. One volunteer hour is worth $16.54, Williams estimated. If 250 volunteers work four hours, that's a donation of $4,135 to the community. Days of Caring is in its second year in Hall County, though it is not new around the country. United Ways nationwide use Days of Caring as a way to engage individuals in the community. "We might even wind up with some long-term volunteers out of this," Williams said. Judging from Davis' experience at Challenged Child & Friends, Williams already has added one more helping hand to United Way.

Dear Community, As a Field Service Representative for Jackson EMC in Gainesville, GA I have the opportunity to visit between 250 and 350 people’s homes each day. I have several customers that are elderly and are not fortunate enough to have family and friends. I spend on average about 30 minutes with each of these special people. They are usually waiting for me, if not I knock. I can't give this much attention to all my customers. You can't imagine what a few minutes once a month can make in a persons life. I have to admit I not only do it for them but also for myself. I receive great pleasure in making a persons day a little brighter. I think if more people were to try it everyone would be a lot happier. I have one lady friend named Mrs. Kidd. She stopped me and asked if I knew anyone who could fix a septic tank. Mrs. Kidd is 81 years old and has never had a working indoor toilet. Before her husband died they dug a new well. Her son had a septic tank put in. Unfortunately he died also before it could be hooked up. Mrs. Kidd lives in a rural area and has an outhouse on her property. She was proud that she has an extension cord running to it so she has a small fan and light. I mentioned this to my husband Chris Davis and to my friends Donna and Steve Flood. We decided we would go over and see what was involved. We all went over the next weekend. Chris and Steve surveyed to see what they needed and they pressure washed her house. Donna and I wanted to help Mrs. Kidd clean and do things on the inside of the house. She wouldn't hear of it. All she wanted to do was talk. Steve's boss Chris Boratyn of Chris Craft Construction wanted to help as well. It’s amazing how goodness spreads. Mr. Boratyn offered us 3 of his laborers and himself. The following weekend all of us went back to Mrs. Kidd's house. It only took a couple of hours. Mrs. Kidd now has a working toilet. Sometimes we can take a lot for granted. Mrs. Kidd is not well off and was worried about paying us. She did not want charity. Donna and I convinced her we only wanted to help. We did not want any money. We told her we would hope someone would help our Mom if she needed help. It took 2 weekends and under $200 to make such a difference in someone's life. I can't begin to tell you how wonderful all of us felt. For her birthday we gave her a cordless phone. As I said she lives in a rural area and God forbid she ever fell outside. Again this phone was a very big thing for her. Most of us are irritated when we can't use ours while it charges. The point I'm trying to make is if everyone gave just a little of themselves it could make such a difference in a persons life. Thank You, Diane Davis P.S. Since writing this letter Mrs. Kidd found out the Cancer in her mouth has returned. Any prayers would be appreciated.


The Times

We Need Medical Supplies for the Shelter Call 954-925-6466 SHOP ONLINE AT THE HOMELESS VOICE INTERNET MALL go to www.homelessvoicemall.com

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Volume 5, Issue 15

LOCAL NEWS A homeless Hollywood man is getting more than just food and shelter from the Homeless Voice. He's getting some long overdue money that he hopes will help him get back on his feet.



ruce Aronson had hit rock bottom. Over the last 12 years, the former stock broker was diagnosed with diabetes, suffered three serious heart attacks, served time in jail, and totaled his car. After failing to make payments on his condominium mortgage, he lost his home. He found his way to the Homeless Voice shelter in Hollywood last year, where he finally got the help he needed to start rebuilding his life. Two staffers, Ginny Dangola and Kathy Freites, helped Aronson, 56, get insurance money and other cash that he should have received years ago. His first check, which covered the full value of his totaled car, arrived on June 16th -- five years after the crash. The amount: $17,901. T h e shelter also found a $780 payment for Aronson from his father's life insurance policy. And it is still trying to help Aronson get $66,000 that Aronson believes he is owed from the sale of his condo -- money he says someone else fraudulently obtained. N o w , the shelter is working with Aronson to help him manage his money. Dangola, director of operations at the shelter, said it took about five solid days of legwork to track down the money, going on tidbits of information that Aronson could remember. ''It's a matter of people taking the time that we took to do all the work on it,'' she said. In 1992, Aronson was doing

sons.'' But the company With his jail time served, could not reach him Aronson told his tale to Dangola and at his last known Freites, who decided to help him readdress -- the condo cover the missing money. he had moved out of - and therefore did PROMPT HELP After they called USAA, the not send him his insurance company promptly sent money, according to Aronson the $17,901 check. Paul Barry, a spokesThe homeless shelter also man for USAA. Aaronson after being homeless for some time, found an additional $780 in unclaimed After numerous atfinally receives his money that was owed to him. tempts to find funds from the Florida Department of Financial Services. Aronson, USAA put The money came from an his check on hold until he contacted fine. He had a job, a condo, a car and Ohio state life insurance policy created them. That would take more than 10 - he believed -- good health. But that when Aronson's now-deceased father years. year, he was diagnosed with diabetes. attended Ohio State University. That Aronson knew the money The illness and related health money should be on its way soon. should have been coming, but in a problems, combined with a drug probAronson is also applying for series of events that followed, he never lem, sent his life spiraling out of condisability insurance, with the shelter's received it. trol. help. He has also applied for Social Since First Union National In 1997, Aronson Security and is doing volunteer work Bank was not receiving any mortgage moved out of his for now. payments on Aronson's condo, the condo and into a ''I knew I had a check somebank foreclosed on it in 1999. hotel room to avoid where floating around,'' Aronson said. arrest on charges of ASSISTED LIVING ``We just had to make three Without a place to live and in cocaine possession or four phone calls.'' declining health, Aronson moved into and a lewdness vioThe Floridian, an assisted living facillation for soliciting a BY ZACHARY EPSTEIN ity in Hollywood. prostitute. zepstein@herald.com He paid about $2,600 a He said he quit his Reprinted with month to stay at the facility and to job as a stock broker permission of the cover his medication expenses. in Hallandale Beach Miami Herald But his savings because of health eventually ran out, and he problems, and his wound up at the Homeless employer-sponsored Voice shelter in 2003. health insurance He left the sheleventually expired. ter after a month to plead To make matters worse, he guilty to his cocaine possuffered heart attacks in 1999, 2000, session charges, and and 2001, all related to his diabetes. served four months in the In 1999, a blood sugar imbalBroward County Jail. ance caused him to pass out while Aronson said he driving his car. He crashed into the has been clean for more back of a truck, and totaled the car. than two years. He didn't After he was treated for migo through rehab, just nor injuries and released from an area made a decision to get off hospital, he filed a claim with his indrugs, ``health-wise and surance agency, USAA Casualty InMr. Aaronson as he opens his check, for a lot of different reasurance Co.

Two staffers (from the Homeless Voice), Ginny Dangola and Kathy Freites, helped Aronson, 56, get insurance money and other cash that he should have received years ago.

Things We Need •

Batteries; all sizes • Solar panel for our solar system • Copy paper • Envelopes, big yellow ones and regular white ones for mail; all sizes • COFFEE • Garbage bags • Medical bandages • Medical tape • Band aids, regular types • Tampons • Bottles of alcohol and peroxide • Paper towels • Toilet paper • Lunch bags • Silverware • Plastic drinking cups • Dinner plates • Pens • Ketchup and mustard • TV’s

that was long overdue.

Bug bombs and roach motels • BLEACH • Flashlights • Generator • Extension cords • Emergency exit light • 200 gallons of white or yellow outdoor paint • Paint sealer • Tylenol • Aspirin • Cough syrup • Throat and flu medicine • Zantacs or Tums • Candy by the box • Lays potato chips; individual bags • Soda • Folding chairs; metal • Light bulbs • Plungers for toilets • Lysol

The Voice of the Homeless

Page 6


A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys. How can this be possible?

ALL the children are boys, so half are boys and so is the other half. In the NBA, how many men are on the basketball court for each team.

Five. If you said ten, don't feel bad as most people do. "Each team" is the key here. Do you have a riddle? Email to: Voiceus@aol.com

Why do turkeys always go, "gobble, gobble"? Because they never learned good table manners!

"For every thousand hacking away at the leaves of evil, there is one chopping at the root." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

For food in a world where many walk in hunger For friends in a world where many walk alone For faith in a world where many walk in fear We give you thanks, O Lord. Rob Towler, 2001


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Page 7

Volume 5, Issue 15



ne early Sunday morning, as this case you are what you say. There will be times if not most of I prepared to leave my place the time of employment, I when you could not help but overhear my boss say, “Here “Most people don't have to take comes another miserable realize the impact tc ha op ut gi vh et s, day.” I thought to myself bring them what is she saying, the their words…” under control day had not even begun and think on and she spoke it into existhings that are pure, true, honest, tence. just, and loving. Once we allow unhealthy This takes me to Genesis, thinking to take up residence in our THE FIRST BOOK OF THE BIthought process, it effects our emotions, which causes our words to be BLE. When God spoke the world into creation, He spoke with divine tainted. Her way of thinking expower and authority, with assurance pressed what she thought and felt; and faith, not doubt. His words have her words were framed by her thinkmeaning and purpose, IF you have ing. been born again you have the same Most people don't realize power, to call those things to be as the impact their words hold; your they were so, don’t be scared by words can cause you to be confused, discombobulated and unstable, a your words or other's. Barbara Darby hindrance. There is power in your BarbaraDarby@bellsouth.net words as well as life and death in the power of the tongue, you know what they say, ‘you are what you eat,’ in

FAMOUS LAST WORDS 1. I'll get a world record for this. 2. Let me reach in and get your watch out of the printing press. 3. It's fireproof. 4. He's probably just hibernating. 5. I'm making a citizen's arrest. 6. So, you're a cannibal. 7. It's probably just a rash. 8. Yeah, I made the deciding vote on the jury, so what of it? 9. The odds of that happening have to be a million-to-one! 10. Pull the pin and count to what? 11. Which wire was I supposed to cut? 12. I wonder where the mother bear is. 13. I've seen this done on TV. 14. These are the good kind of mushrooms. 15. I'll hold it and you light the fuse. 16. Funny, you look just like Charles Manson. 17. Rat poison only kills rats. 18. It can't possibly rain for forty days and nights. 19. This doesn't taste right. 20. I can make this light before it changes. 21. Nice doggie. 22. I can do that with my eyes closed.


ell, Thanksgiving is coming our way and as I sit here and wander what is coming our way so our services come to you if you should need them , I must pause for a second, and never wish our services has to come your way. Why ? If they did you would be in trouble. However if you did get in trouble or someone you knew got in trouble I want us to be able to serve you as best as we can. A lot of new things are coming to the community because the public has been so generous to our agency: not only with our Disaster Action Team but with many other exciting programs. I will thank you the readers for making this all possible. Sometimes I sit back and say God is so great to make all this happen. I went one thought further and said to myself what else can our friends the homeless do to help the community and help themselves in the rehabilitation process. Great research has indicated that when someone is in rehabilitation and they have stronger ties to the community it helps them recover and do better. In fact judges go by the same principals, when someone is arrested and there is a bond the bond is reduced when someone has ties to the community, In fact a person is less likely to commit fewer crimes if they have a friend who is a police officer. So now we are trying to give our population ties to the community so those ties can tie up all their loose ends in the recovery process. This agency has always been an agency that would step to the plate when their was a problem in the community that needed to be addressed from missing children searches, to disaster services, to international aid, to human rights, to research on hate crimes and even Anti Terrorism Policy. It is a n honor to be able to do so much for the community and we give Thanks and Praise to the person who has allowed us to operate all these agencies that are supported by the sell of this paper you are reading. Lord I really do thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing us to serve, sometimes I wish the days had 40 hours in them so I would only have to work about three days a week and do my 120 hours and then get to take a few days off. Even though I am not working right now I want to get in to the action but soon I find out I am tried and my eyes are still week form the post meningitis. Not only that but the confusion does not allow me to make a decision for the clients because my memory has really failed. But I will be back soon as I regain my strength from the post bacterial meningitis I suffer from. The holidays are coming and I want just one thing, a winning lotto ticket so I can pay off this mortgage and the left over money would go to other programs we can start . Sometimes I wish I could travel the USA and go to towns that suffer from poverty drugs and crime. I would want to teach the kids about paying it forward just like the movie. I would fly to the town and start something there and then off to the next town. I would have no problem spending all the money. Let me stop dreaming for a while and say God will only give us what we can handle. I can defiantly handle our mortgage getting paid off , well let me say it this way. So our job will be easier. Not to be a wimp…. it is just hard working like we have for the last eight years so many hours and days with no days off. We do want to make it easier for us and then we can become a little better than we are now. We are to thank the Lord and the people who are in our life at


any of the signs and billboards in the area were no match for Hurricane Charley. However, one billboard resisted the 100-mile per hour winds of the eye wall of the storm. While the billboard still stands, the advertisement that was there when Hurricane Charley’s high winds hit was pealed back to reveal an earlier message. When the sun rose the next morning on Sand Lake Road in Orlando the words on the billboard clearly read,


(Continued on page 11)

The Voice of the Homeless

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One Woman’s Positive Outlook on a Bleak Situation vehicles here. Don’t get me wrong there are ships were really blessings in disguise. So are some very nice taxi companies here with sparyou now wondering, where is this all leading? kling autos and company names painted Well first I’d like to tell all of you that I have neatly across the body of their vehicles. But undoubtedly accepted the changes set before then you have the competition, dun, dun, dun, me. Second, I’d like to tell each of you thanks dun, these are the ones who just decide to opfor the precious memories that you’ve left erate their vehicles as taxis. So they plop a taxi sign on their car roof and etched in my mind and finally “To keep the new tah dah, presto chango, the I’d like to tell you a little about some of my new experi- villages as sanitary as vehicle operator is now a taxi driver. Now get this I’m talkences. possible residents ing 1968 Chevy with only Boris and I have been living a front bumper, no in Venezuela for almost two choose a main focal half lights, windows that won’t months. We live in a mounpoint to dispose of close, and smoke billowing tain town called Carrizal, it is out of its tailpipe, but you pretty and close to all the matheir trash…” know what, when there’s an jor conveniences one needs. enormous population you This may sound like nothing… living close to all “major conven- learn that everyone needs to eat, so you someiences,” but when you have no car and are times stand on the street corner and patiently living in a mountainous area you most defi- wait as the brand name taxi’s with their names nitely want to be as close as possible to every- painted neatly across the body of their vehicles pass you by and you wait for that 68 thing you need. When I first got here I was under the Chevy because you know that guy needs to impression that I would be the only one going make a buck too. Here’s another one, TOILET PAthrough a culture shock, since this is my husband’s homeland, but it’s been quite the con- PER! This was another one of those surprises trary. Boris’ living in the U.S. for more than I didn’t expect. It does not happen everywhere 20 years has caused him to go through the but you only need to experience it once and same culture shock as I. Now, this may sound you’ll never forget. Well, at least that’s the a bit sadistic to you but I’m really pleased that way it was for me. Boris and I are shopping at I’m not going through this culture shock thing a mall and I need to use the rest room. He directs me as to where I need to go and takes off alone. One of the first things I learned about in the other direction to use the men’s rest living in Venezuela was that I needed to have room. I go in the bathroom open the door of more patience and needed to learn how to do the stall and see that there’s no toilet paper. So without because that’s just the way it is. It’s I leave that stall and move on to the next one like this, you go to the supermarket today and only to find there’s no toilet paper in that one find the shelves filled with all sorts of brands either. Then I say to myself, let me try stall of coffee, but you forget to pick up your fa- number 3, good things come in 3’s, I’m sure vorite brand. So you go back tomorrow to I’ll find some toilet paper in there. I open up pick up your forgotten purchase and find that stall number 3 and to my surprise there’s none now there’s only one brand of coffee avail- there either. Now I’m not only running from able, and it’s not the one you want. So you stall to stall in search of a mere single sheet of wait another day and go back, but you still toilet paper but I’m also looking around suspifind the shelves have not been restocked with ciously because I can swear I must be in some your favorite brand of coffee. So you go back sick Candid Camera episode. I go from stall to again tomorrow and ditto you find the same stall and guess what? There was not a single situation as yesterday. Now you’re thinking to sheet of toilet paper to be found anywhere in yourself, my coffee supply at home is really that bathroom! I then come up with a brilliant low and even though this brand is one I don’t plan… I think to myself I’m sure Boris must even really like I’ll need to buy it or simply do be waiting for me outside the restroom, I’ll just send him down to the men’s bathroom to without! Something else I found to be interest- borrow some toilet paper for me. I leave the ing is that over the past 20 years the popula- restroom, meet up with him and tell him tion in Venezuela has tripled. Let me tell you what’s happened, that’s when he begins that Venezuela is a very large country and can laughing. I say what’s so funny and he says I hold the tripled population quite nicely. How- forgot to tell you that you need to buy; yes ever, the problem is that the majority of the you read that right you need to BUY toilet population is concentrated in Caracas, the paper to use in some of public restrooms. So capitol. There, the streets are overflowing off we go to the lady who sells you a wad of with thousands of people and vendors. My toilet paper for what is the equivalent of an first impression of Caracas was that it looked American nickel, in Venezuelan currency, so like a city where all the shops closed down that I can use the rest room. Once was cerand decided to operate on the streets instead. tainly enough… now I just carry extra toilet paper with me wherever I go. The vendors sell everything! The Venezuelan culture is a jumble of Traditional fast foods to pipe fittings, shoes, meats, light bulbs, veggies, pets, spices, uniqueness. Some people are sweet and laid back, others oppressed and unsophisticated cheese, and even underwear. Let me put it this way, if you need it while still others are materialistic and selfish. they’ve got it no matter what it is you may be As I’m writing this I’m realizing they own the same characteristics as people in the U.S. but looking for! Now for some things that came as a the difference here is that poverty is up close real surprise to me. Taxi’s… these are not ex- and personal, in your face, day to day evident. actly what you find in the states. There is no No one tries to hide it or maybe I should say it (Continued on page 9) Taxi and Limousine Commission regulating (Continued from page 1)

The sewerage canals of Caracas.

Carmen under the bridge

Necessities to cook outdoors

Angela with her son

Napping on the street


Page 9

Volume 5, Issue 15


One Woman’s Positive Outlook on a Bleak Situation (Continued from page 8)

can’t be hidden because 80% of the population is poor. Some can sense it and I mean literally sense it. Especially if you have a keen sense of smell, as I do. From the time I got off the plane at Simon Bovilar Airport, I knew it. I could smell the stench from the thousands of dead bodies left behind beneath the rubble from the disastrous 1999 mudslides. While living in the states and reading about the mudslides back in 1999, I wondered how it was possible that so many people died as a result of a mudslide? But when you see the jam-packed clusters of shacks built on the hillsides of the mountains it becomes rather obvious. I’m now learning more about these shanty towns, better known as ranchitos. However, before I tell you more I need to give you a better description of what I’m talking about. The ranchitos are made of plastic, cardboard, wood, bricks, aluminum or anything else one can get their hands on. They are placed on top of and adjacent to one another in a pattern of no rhyme or reason on and alongside the mountains. Let me explain better how it all begins, innocently it starts out with one or two families who decide to build a ranchito in some area on a mountain, then these families miraculously bring in free electricity from city owned electric poles. It starts like this!!! Water, well this is a different story. Most of the time there is no running water going up into the mountains, although you may sometimes find a stream of water running down a mountain. If water is not available, which is the case most of the time; it means water must be carried up the steep mountains for daily use. It does not take long for other poor people to notice the new ranchitos being constructed. I guess this gives others the courage to move up into the mountain and also begin constructing their own homes. The result, a few months later the area gives birth to hundreds of new little ranchitos. Just a short time later! Along with this new population of people come tons and tons of garbage that pose health threats and are not easily disposed of. To keep the new villages as sanitary as possible residents choose a main focal point to dispose of their trash, which usually results in what is normally seen by passerby’s as a tremendous cluster of trash sliding down the mountain. Now you must be wondering, just who is it that lives in these ranchitos? Well, they are made up of mostly the poor working class and the homeless. Yes, there are many homeless who live in the ranchito villages. First of all, the homeless are accepted by those living in these villages, so this makes them feel good to be surrounded by others who accept them and they also have hope that one day they may aspire to those around them and own a ranchitto of their own. Those are what the homeless look like but the indigents are something completely different. The indigents are the people who live on the streets, along the canals and under the bridges. They are the ones who just a few months ago were being killed at night, by an attacker, dubbed the crusher. Over the course of a few weeks a garbage man used a brick to bash in the heads and chests of 8 indigents

leaving them dead on the streets of Caracas. After being caught, the reason he gave for murdering the indigents was his frustration of having to constantly pick up the overturned trash bags on the streets left behind by indigents who look through the trash during the night for morsels of food. Boris and I have met and talked with other indigents, mostly the men and women who live under the bridges and along the canals in Caracas where sewerage pipes release human excretions into the channels. This is the water the indigents use to bath with. Here they live together in tiny villages with others who make up the indigent population. These are the throwaway people who no one cares for. Under one of the bridges we met Carmen and her children. They have a few tattered mattresses to sleep on and some cooking utensils. Her children spend their days begging for money. Carmen would like to help support her family but she has been wheelchair bound after losing her left leg. She says, it’s much too difficult for her kids to carry her up from below the bridge near the canal, up above to the street level, so she remains below praying that her children will find generous people and they will not go hungry this evening. None of her 3 children attend school nor are there any laws to protect them. Carmen is not the only one living in this wee village that depends on a child for support. Along with Carmen and her children are Angela and her son; who share a common outdoor living space. Angela is dependent on her 12 year old for support because she is blind. Without him she would surely die. It’s heartbreaking to see these helpless single moms trying their best to raise their children. Without assistance, advocacy, laws or people who can help them, their futures are without hope. Indigents like Carmen, Angela, and their children are much better off than many of the other indigents we’ve met from this population, others just live on the streets and feel fortunate if not stepped on by a passerby. On the streets you find the mental health consumers or deathly sick individuals who walk along moaning in pain. We met Jose who lives on the street. His lower legs beet red and swollen from cellulites with ulcerated sores oozing puss and blood down his ankle. These are truly the lost, lonely, and forgotten people. I asked myself how a society can ignore these people and casually pass them by. Well, it’s because the indigents have become permanent fixtures on the landscape that are easier to ignore than to try to figure out how to deal with. Today, I truly believe that Boris and I were sent here by God to advocate for and assist the forgotten population we’ve met. We’re currently working to achieve these goals and will pass on our accom-

Jose just one of societies castaways

Trash disposal area!

Sores, so common among our homeless population

plishments as we encounter them. With much love, Cathy & Boris

The Voice of the Homeless

Page 10

NATIONAL NEWS Faith is like radar that sees through the fog -- the reality of things at a distance that the human eye cannot see. -Corrie Ten Boom

Bishop donates small paycheck to storm victims


ometimes it takes a hurri- it to the victims of Hurricane cane to see what people Charley. Leola Barry, property are all about. Certainly, the Keys' manager of the Overseas Market near-hit with Charley has opened plaza where Bishop does odd the hearts of many locals who jobs, was floored. "I tried to convince him to have done their "It was nothing. I just keep it," she said. best to provide aid to hard-hit southfollowed my honor." "He does not make a lot of west Florida, money, and he where the hurricane ravaged countless commu- does not panhandle. He works." Bishop insisted, telling Barry nities. But one contribution of that "those people need it more $216 stands out as just how than I do; they are much worse much some people are willing to off." Barry sent a money order give to those in need. Richard "Gunny" Bishop to the Angel Rescue Fund, a fedis a homeless Key West man and eral nonprofit in Central Florida. former Marine who did three This particular relief effort was tours of duty in Vietnam. For recommended by Rev. Stephen two weeks, he worked under the Braddock, executive director of sweltering August sun spreading the Florida Keys Outreach Coaligravel, hauling loads of it across tion, an advocacy group for the a parking lot radiating heat. He homeless. Though it was every picked up trash, spread mulch, trimmed unruly bushes. In return, penny he had, Bishop told the he received $216 in pay - which Keynoter, "It was nothing. I just he immediately handed back to followed my honor." By Alyson Matley his employer, asking her to send

Go Back To The Old Days ‘N’ Buy From WATKINS


iemoller was a pastor during the times of Hitler. He was arrested and sent to a concentration camp because he refused to go along with Hitler’s plans. Days before his scheduled execution, he was freed by American forces. During the years he was imprisoned, and for years after, Niemoeller spread inspiration and God’s word through his preaching and literature. Joshua 1:9: "Be strong and of good courage: be not frightened, neither be dis1892-1984 mayed. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." "When I was young I felt I had to carry the gospel. Now that I am old I know that the gospel carries me." -Research done by Sara Cunningham Homeless Voice of New Jersey

First they came for the gun owners, and I did not speak out because I was not a gun owner. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Homosexuals, and I did not speak out because I was not a Homosexual. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me. -Pastor Niemoeller, victim of the Nazis


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Page 11

Volume 5, Issue 15

HOBO JUNGLE (Continued from page 7)


the time of Thanksgiving, so I am thanking you all as well for the fine work you have done over the years of helping us grow. Threw the hard times, the bad times we have been through so much, from the city wanting to close us down at our old property, and then trying to shut us down at the new place. Lets not forget about the cities cutting our vendors out of their jobs and then to “ making it” no matter how much tribulations we go though. I have always said these words, “If God wants us in business helping His poor then it shall be done.” Tonight as you go to bed thank God himself for allowing us all to keep this place open to serve His people. I leave you with these final statements today. Help someone you don't

Smile at a total stranger and ask them how they are doing. When someone is down in the dumps go to that person and give them the biggest hug as you can. Say prayers for strangers daily. And as always help us pay off our mortgage. One day it will all be paid off and then we can open many more. I really want you to understand , it is because of you , the people who buy this paper we can do the all these things. We THANK YOU from all us here at the shelter. Back to the "and as always" If everybody who bought this paper this month sent in a check for $10.00 our whole mortgage would be paid off completely and we would have left

We NEED: Garbage Bags Men’s Clothing Gauze Pads Johnson and Johnson Supplies Work Boots Computers Music Instruments Help Tapes or Movies 954-925-6466

We Need Boats for Our Disaster Relief Program: Call the shelter 954-925-6466

Get your yearly subscription for the Homeless Voice. Call 954-410-6275 or fill out form on page 3 over money to expand. So all campaigns are ruining this month, from the penny drives, to the what is on the back page where the money meter is , to this special holiday drive campaign with the $10.00 only" campaign, it can be done. Send you checks made payable to the "Cosac Mortgage

Burning Campaign" we will burn the mortgage papers as we pay it off. On the envelope write the words “Sean Burn that Mortgage" God Bless and don't forget to make a depressed person happy this holiday. Hey if you cant send in your money do me (Continued on page 12)

We have moved to a new location with better access and bigger facilities to serve you better.

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Email: info@mycomputerpeople.biz

(Continued from page 1)

Greyhound bus station, the county bus station and points in between, always looking for one more soul to bring to safety. It's hard to convince some people that they would be better off in a shelter than on the street with a loaded hurricane pointing at them. Lois is very good at changing their minds. She gives mental health consumers an extra dose of gentleness and compassion. We're on our way home now with seven souls on board that, just a few minutes ago, were on the street waiting on a hurricane. -Ramona Volunteer Reporter

Help Us To Replenish The Disaster Fund Call 954-924-3571

W e may need you to pull over and m ake a donation

Cities are Changing and want us off the street

Donate O nline or Send check or money order to: P.O . B ox 292577 Davie, F l 33329



So please do not get m ad at our vendors if you are holding up m oney and they do not come to your car. • I kn ow this will be a big pa in • We can on ly d o m ed ian s fo r n ow • We are go in g to co ur t

HELP PAY OFF OUR MORTGAGE We need just 38,300 people to send in a check for $20.00, Or 15,320 people to send in a check for $50.00, Or 7,660 people to send in a check for $100.00, Or 766 people to send in a check for $1,000, Or Just one wonderful person or business to send a check for the entire $766,000.00 Remember the donation is tax deductible!! Please send your checks to:

The COSAC Building Fund P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, Florida 33329 We do thank you

(Continued from page 11)

one favor. I need two things, the first thing is, Prayers and the other favor is to make someone else happy and pray for those who have nothing. PS, I have left over gas from the hurricane season that will help burn those mortgage papers…….. With Love, Sean


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