Homeless Voice; Trick + Treat = Thanksgiving

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as it a trick or was it a treat? Was it something to be thankful for or something to be really upset about? What was the real story about Hurricane Wilma and her impact? You are about to find out. To me and to the rest of us all living down here in South Florida we all got our Halloween treat real early this year and we all should be so thankful for Hurricane Wilma coming to us. We actually got the treat of the century... I know some of you are saying to yourselves, Sean, how could you say A 40 foot this? Well I will tell you... First of all the people of the Gulf Coast had way to much to deal with already and if Wilma would have went right up between Florida and Texas she would have once again hit the city of New Orleans and in most cases it would have had time to develop into a Category five. But instead Wilma came to us with a middle name being Category three and for that reason we all should be kissing the ground we walk on. We should be so thankful that most of us here in South Florida have homeowners and flood insurance unlike the already poor people of New Orleans who in most cases had no insurance for their complete loss. The loss of life was little compared to New Orleans. The loss of power that we struggle with daily is nothing compared to the people who not only lost their power, lost their car, lost their home, lost their job, lost their friends who lived next door to them for 30 years but had to relocate. Do we all Most Americans are down here see how thankful we all should be to God’s Mother Nature? This Thanksgiving let’s “Two

Paychecks” away from being homeless. Help the shelter stay alive. We are trying to pay the mortgage off! To help, please send a check or money order to: COSAC Foundation Burn That Mortgage Campaign P.O. Box 292 -577 Davie, Fl 33329

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(Continued on page 9)

tree landed on our front entrance.

Baby Mica is something to give Thanks about. We love you baby Mica.

The Voice of the Homeless

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FRIENDS OF THE HOMELESS For just $15.00 a month you can keep a homeless family off the streets for a day. Please make check payable to: COSAC Foundation Friends of the Homeless. Please include on memo what name should appear in paper.

Mail check to: Friends of the Homeless, P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, FL 33329

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Donald Peterson The Cononie Family The Targett Family Patrick Helings John Bendor The Preston Family Jake Forest Lisa Gram The Jameson Family In Loving Memory of Uncle Joe & Nana Shannon Brooks Jose Rodrigues Lisa Cebrat The Bowe Family Pakita Price The Stone Family Nana Sullivan The Watsons Sean Cononie Sally Lister Judith Kelly Arnold Goldstein Martha Roman The Baptista Family The Whoa Family Jacob Robinson Julie Stokes De De Hupp John Criasia Daniel Harrison The Martinez Family Amanda Reynolds Dolores R. Cerra Bob Hall Tressie W. Osborne Clark Rogers The Savir Family Peter Richman Richard McHenry Stevie Nix Corinne James The Browns Chris Sanchez Hugo DeCarpintini Mario Yuio Richard Friedman Diane Friedman Uylna Quadrino Ginny Scott Arnold Reemer In Loving Memory of Peter Sullivan Maryann Springer Elaine Snaith Marshal Bugin Keith Yude Steve Murrey

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Young Anderson Bruce Wethersoon Isabelle J. Henry Raul Cardenas M.D. Wendy Bryan Jacqueline McCarty Albert J Taragowski Darla King Paula King Richard Gomez Anthony Ralph Jennifer Hicky Timothy Lukehard Thomas Rua The Jackson Family Justin Rowan Mary Green Morris Grazi Marvin Shatze Ronald Shafer Vance Gunn Adam Staler Allen Yancy Jimmy Daniels Mel Blount Carol Lockette Joe Golden Anna Marye Levier Magan Narduzzi Andre Johnson Antione Collins Eric Harrison Jessica Padilla Sheldon Jones Carlo Harrison Jason Emrik Amber Rowan Jackie Johnson Ricky Cambell Dorr’e Terry

• • • • •

Samual Manery Marilyn Vokish Jenny Curic Amy Curic Lisa Jackson Jim Johnson

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Bobby Neal Erica Fulton Darren Nolf Erica Sanclair Steve Dillan Dallan Michele King Bobby Ore Casandra Thomas Mark Faber Nichole Faber

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Dan Gilcert

Tara Hunter

• • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • •

Kevin Britt The Cable Family The Maione Family Barbara Strong Grace Marth Regla J Ferrer The Baldwin Family Horace Gracie Russell J. Ferguson Marjorie G. Rhines Jamie F. Flores In Loving Memory Of Thomas Gasbarro Cathy and Kids The Davis Family Graham R. Mitchell Essential Oil Healthline Amparo L. Korey John’s Plumbing Service Thank You Winn Dixie Adrienne and Mike Ms. Marilyn Smith Albert J. Taragowski Ruth C Grey Mike Cross Tamara Southard Raul Cardenas MD PA Al and Annie Hurricane Prevention Inc Danny and George The Thompson Family OTD Messenger, Inc M. Smith Yorick and Bonita Parrica Lee Russ & Delores B Mordon Robert Jesus Llanes Comet Couriev Proietto Family In Memory of Billy Corwin Josh Searles Patricia Lee Russ Delores B Mordon Mrs. Jenkins Everglades Moon, Covenant of Goddess, Elibet Hanson Judy B. Pascarella John Gaeta Michael R. Prokop, Jr. Jackie M. McCarty In Memory of Charles Horton In Memory of William F. Judge Todd Palgon The Morabito Family Todd Palgon

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Holly J. Andrus Lois Cross In Loving Memory of Florence & Nat Popkin Tailored Advertising, Inc Claudia K. Tapolow Margie Jones In memory of Wesley H. Woodall Maria M. Riveiro Gottlieb & Blair Family Pioneer Middle School Youth Crime Watch Rhenals-Mei Family The Strikowski family Margie Jones & Friends Ronald Prescia In Memory of Brian Groleau Laura Flash Jacqueline M. McCarty The Herrmann Family The Monserrate Family Madeline Butera Jennifer S. Nickel Marilyn R. Smith David Thawley On Behalf of Matthew Lambert Mustafa Mehmet Gokoglu In Memory of Scott Paul Cooper Robert and Ruth Baal In Memory of Melba DeSanto In Memory of My Mother Pearl McCann, Love Teresa Barbara Desanto Leah and Ray Michael & Michale Rhett Marie Sutera Floyd and Luana Coats Doug Boucher Family Kevin Jones Dorothy Griffith Family In Loving Memory of Kris Soltan Kevin “KJ” Jones Douglas Boucher The Swartout's Ivonne Fernandez The Verny & Stewart Families In Loving Memory of Frances Klein The Herrmann Family John C. Burt


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Volume VII, Issue 2

HOMELESS VOICE Hurricane Schmurricane. That’s what I said to myself when listening on the news that Wilma was coming our way. Of course I prepared myself with gas, water, and other misc supplies as well as putting the shutters down, as it seems I do every year. I guess it was just our turn. I have never seen such damage to our cities. Eight hours to get gas, looking for a hot meal to eat every night for myself and my family, driving with water and food, was all part of our community disaster. I was very proud of our community on how we handled the situation. Hopefully we can move on and have a more appreciative holiday to focus on what LETTERS TO THE EDITOR we have and SEND TO: not what we don’t. P.O. BOX 292-577 Mark Targett




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The Voice of the Homeless

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NEW LIFESTYLES I have many fond memories of spending Thanksgiving with the whole family. We would go to my mother’s sisters’ house and she would spend all day in the kitchen cooking turkey, potatoes, stuffing, and homemade pies and cakes. The food was always delicious, the cousins were always there and we would play football outside while the women were cooking dinner. My wife continued the same tradition when I got married, always fixing a lovely meal for myself and the kids, after praying to the Lord thanking him for his many blessings of that particular year. Here at COSAC, Sean, the staff and the cooks all do their best to continue with the holiday tradition of feeding us too much good food and giving us a place to rest our weary heads. For that I am extremely grateful. Mark Powers

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. As such, it is a good time to reflect and meditate on the meaning of gratitude and on the gifts that God has chosen to bestow. I try to remember to be thankful not only for the positive things in my life but also for the absence of negative factors as well. I’m grateful, having gone without in the past, for simple things like a bed to sleep in, being able to eat when I’m hungry, getting the medicines I need and having a few dollars left in my pocket. My children are happy and as smart as whips. My son, 9, is getting A’s in his studies and his behavior grades. My daughter, 15, is doing well in the 10th grade and already taking college courses this year and preparing to go off to Berkeley or Amherst or Oxford for more college courses this summer. I am so grateful and proud of my children and their gifts. I had a lot of losses this year. I lost most of mine and my parents possessions. And more importantly I lost my fiancé and soul mate, but I try to focus on the positives that came out of the losses. I now have a freedom that I never had when I was tied down with belongings. And I get to have the experience and knowledge of what it was like to be so totally taken care of and completely loved. I still thank the Lord everyday for allowing me that privilege. Ramona


A boat docked in a tiny Mexican village. An American tourist complimented the Mexican fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took him to catch them. "Not very long," answered the Mexican. "But then, why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?" asked the American. The Mexican explained that his small catch was sufficient to meet his needs and those of his family. The American asked, "But what do you do with the rest of your time?" "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, and take a siesta with my wife. In the evenings, I go into the village to see my friends, play the guitar, and sing a few songs... I have a full life." The American interrupted, "I have an MBA from Harvard, and I can help you! You should start by fishing longer every day. You can then sell the extra fish you catch. With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat." "And after that?" asked the Mexican. "With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second one and a third one and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers. Instead of selling your fish to a middle man, you can then negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your own plant. You can then leave this little village and move to Mexico City, Los Angeles, or even New York City! From there you can direct your huge new enterprise." "How long would that take?" asked the Mexican. "Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years," replied the American. "And after that?" "Afterwards?” Well my Friend, That's when it gets really interesting," answered the American, laughing. "When your business gets really big, you can start selling stocks and make millions!" "Millions? Really? And after that?" said the Mexican. "After that you'll be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the coast, sleep late, play with your children, catch a few fish, take a siesta with your wife and spend your evenings doing what you like and enjoying your friends." And the moral is: Know where you're going in life... you may already be there.

Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

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Volume VII, Issue 2

NEW LIFESTYLES The best memories I’ve had about my Thanksgiving past is when I lived with my family, (my parents and my two sisters) up north in West Orange, N.J. Every Thanksgiving we would all go to the next town over (Livingston, N.J.) to a place called Nellie Oaks Apple Farm. It was a great apple orchard where you could pick your own apples off the trees and they also had a store there where you could buy apple pies, apple jam, etc. There would be a line of people waiting to buy products. Our most favorite was their apple cider, which was the best! This was a big family tradition for us and our Thanksgiving dinner. Steve Schneiderman

I’m thankful for my family and for those around me and the one or two good moments with my family. And the time when the family all sat around the table. Angel Rodriquez

A time to give thanks to all good things that God and life has given me. A time for family and friends to reflect upon all the good things that are happening in my life. It’s a time for gratitude lists to grow even more. A time to reflect on how life can get better if you allow life to happen. As I grew up my family would gather at the table and think about how good things have been and how to grow even closer as a family. They say life is as good as you make it but without giving daily thanks for our achievements and taking my shortcomings and decide on how to make them short time goals to better myself. Most of all I give thanks for everyone who is interested in me as a person even my bad side they overlook because they see something in me I don’t see in myself. Vinny Macrina

The Cooperative Feeding Program is in desperate need of food for the community food pantry. •

• •

The shelves are empty and we need to feed our community members that need just a little help. Please get with your church, optimist clubs, schools, or social clubs and do a food drive so our little ones, seniors and individuals get some food in their bellies. Please call 954-792-2EAT www.FeedingBroward.org

Learn how to start your own food pantry so your own group can do what we do to help our poorest members of our community. Go to www.Training.cscBroward.org. Project name: The Cupboard Is Bare.

Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks for all the blessings the good Lord has given us. It is a time of sharing with others and coming together as one. It is a time when family comes closer and friends become family, even those that we do not know, they too become friends. It is a special occasion for remembrance and joyous times. It is an occasion of thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving! Hieu-Le Nguyen Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude. -E.P. Powell

The good memories of Thanksgiving were when my grandmother was alive and all my family would be together. That all ended when my grandmother died. Our family has not been together on any holidays since she passed away. But now I am thankful for my five year old son because he is the only reason that I am still going strong and haven’t given up. I moved here from Indiana to start a new fresh clean life. I thank God for making me strong and helping me hold on. I am also thankful for when I got hit by that car that I only got broken ribs and nothing worse. I have a lot of memories about Thanksgiving but only a few are worth remembering. I just wish sometimes I could go back in time and make everything perfect. But that is just not reality. So I have to play with the cards I was dealt. To end I am just thankful for being alive and for having a roof over my head and food to eat. But Thanksgiving has not and never will be the same again. It is funny how death pulls everybody away. Chris Prather

The Voice of the Homeless

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NEW LIFESTYLES Thanksgiving always evokes memories of football and beer with my old man. The rest of the ritual had grown monotonous by my last Thanksgiving with my father. We would inevitably make the forty five minute drive east to an even more miniscule town than the one we lived in, made the perfunctory greetings to the rest of the family, ( already embroiled in squabbles and gossip) and immediately found an isolated corner to plop down and turn on the Cowboys game. Neither I nor my father are emotionally open individuals and this would give us time to actually share in meaningful conversation. My father passed just a short time ago and I see now that these heartfelt (and not entirely sober) discussions will be something that I will miss greatly. I’m having a hard time envisioning the coming holidays surrounded not by family but by strangers. But it could certainly be worse. This shelter provides both substance and shelter and thanks can certainly be easily given for that. It can also be given for sharing this holiday with individuals that, while strangers, can empathize with the situation I currently find myself in. When the occasions occur that I feel depressed with my loss of a life that I only recently discovered was ideal I usually remember those poor lost souls I’ve seen wandering around with no COSAC to turn to for the immediate necessities of life and I feel that, sustained with the memory of my father, I perhaps will also be able to make this a joyous holiday when perhaps I can once again open myself up to another to give thanks to the bounty the world has brought. Steven Fox Main Entry: Thanksgiving Day Function: noun : a day appointed for giving thanks for divine goodness: as a : the fourth Thursday in November observed as a legal holiday in the U¡S. b : the second Monday in October observed as a legal holiday in Canada

My Thanksgiving memories are full of children and family gathering together. The day arrives in a hurry. No school and a time to count blessings are in order. My memories are full of happy Thanksgivings. I have carried my children and celebrated a day of blessings in three states. Even in a foreign country. Many Thanksgivings have come and gone. My children have grown up to be teenagers and older adults now, but I still recall our wonderful Thanksgivings together. A table full of food and people you love most, these are the memories that can always be cherished. Renata Rodriguez

A holiday in the year when you want to give thanks for the things you have. Nice car, nice home, nice job, etc., etc., etc. But what about giving thanks for being the strongest nation we are, having the men and women willing to give their lives to help other countries, nations, men, women, children! To help them live, win their freedom so they can in themselves give thanks. It is a wonderful thing to be able to give thanks on Thanksgiving Day and not worry about being arrested or condemned in some way. How about giving thanks for just being alive and free?! Greg Gaudette

Thanksgiving was always a time for traditions. Whether going around the dinner table and saying what we are thankful for or watching the parade or football game on the television. My mother always went all out. Invitations, food, music, games, the works. She put time, effort, and love into every preparation and every detail. Each year we would experiment with a new or ethnic food. Like squid, a shark or frog legs. She always took pride in this special day of thanks and you could really see the joy it gave her to see everyone happy and enjoying themselves. Hopefully and willingly I will start and pass on the traditions to my daughter and future children. Being in difficult situation only now brings me closer to my loved ones and makes me thankful that I have someone to share these memories with. Mrs. Glacken

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Page 7

Volume VII, Issue 2


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ou always hear the usual stories of pennies on the sidewalk being good luck, gifts from angels, etc. This is the first time I've ever heard this twist on the story. Gives you something to think about. Several years ago, a friend of mine and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at the husband's employer's home. My friend, Arlene, was nervous about the weekend. The boss was very wealthy, with a fine home on the waterway, and cars costing more than her house. The first day and evening went well, and Arlene was delighted to have this rare glimpse into how the very wealthy live. The husband's employer was quite generous as a host, and took them to the finest restaurants. Arlene knew she would never have the opportunity to indulge in this kind of extravagance again, so s! he was e njoying herself immensely! As the three of them were about to enter an exclusive restaurant that evening, the boss was walking slightly ahead of Arlene and her husband. He stopped suddenly, looking down on the pavement for a long, silent moment. Arlene wondered if she was supposed to pass him. There was nothing on the ground except a single darkened penny that someone had dropped, and a few cigarette butts. Still silent, the man reached down and picked up the penny. He held it up and smiled, then put it in his pocket as if he had found a great treasure. How absurd! What need did this man have for a single penny? Why would he even take the time to stop and pick it up? Throughout dinner, the entire scene nagged at her. Finally, she could stand it no longer! She causally mentioned that her daughter once had a coin collection, and asked if the penny he had found had been of some value. A smile crept across the man's face as he reached into his pocket for the penny and held it out for her to see. She had seen many pennies before! What was the point of this? "Look at it." He said. "Read what it says." She read the words "United States of America." "No, not that; read further." "One cent?" "No, keep reading." "In God we Trust?" "Yes!" "And?" "And if I trust in God, the name of God is holy, even on a coin. Whenever I find a coin I see that inscription. It is written on every single United States coin, but we never seem to notice it! God drops a message right in front of me telling me to trust Him? Who am I to pass it by? When I see a coin, I pray, I stop to see if my trust IS still in God at that moment. I pick the coin up as a response to God; that I do trust in Him. For a short time, at least, I cherish it as if it were gold. I think it is God's way of starting a conversation with me. Lucky for me, God is patient and pennies are plentiful! When I was out ! shopping today, I found a penny on the sidewalk. I stopped and picked it up, and realized that I had been worrying and fretting in my mind about things I cannot change. I read the words, "In God We Trust," and had to laugh. Yes, God, I get the message. It seems that I have been finding an inordinate number of pennies in the last few months, but then, pennies are plentiful! And, God is patient... Have a blessed day!! The best mathematical equation I have ever seen: 1 cross 3 nails -------4 given That's the whole gospel message simply stated.

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This is a story about Thanksgiving. On this day we are all truly blessed to spend time with family. Loved ones that are no longer with us. My mother, I miss so much was not much of a cook. Dad always did the cooking. He would make a vodka based turkey with dressing and the whole nine yards. My dad is still alive, still loves to cook. He is remarried and lives in Delray Beach with his wife. I haven’t seen him in a few years but we’ve spoken on the phone. It would be nice if my family could get it together, and have a holiday together. We did last year for Christmas. The food was delivered, not planned out. It was still great. I have an older brother who’s married with two kids and a married sister with one kid. We haven’t all been together for one year. And even before that someone is usually missing. I’d like it if maybe we could do something like that again. Need pictures. For now, I’m thankful for my health and my current situation. Also my current boyfriend and I need help. Please add this blessing and help Mark stay off the hook. He was just in jail for 32 days and now has to attend Bark and IRT for 30 more days. Please let this sink in his head. He needs help. I can’t do this alone. Plus I feel sometimes that I make the situation worse. For personal reasons, sometimes I feel that I’m no good for Mark. He needs stability and firm planted roots. I’m too off the chain. He knows what I’m talking about. I feel that in certain ways I influence Mark instead of doing my hardest to make him fly right. Please guide him into the right path for both our sakes. I feel like I’m guilty of something for continuing this way. Don’t know what else to say. I know this will be our down fall. If you’re reading this, I love you. Hope we all have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving and future ahead. Good luck for”2006” all my love. Paula Caruso

All it takes is One We are looking for churches and/or other organizations to get involved by starting penny drives at your location. Call 954-924-3571

The Voice of the Homeless

Page 8


Adjuster Busters • • •

Let us deal with your Homeowners Insurance Claim Do you feel your Homeowners Insurance is not giving you the correct amount for your claim No fee if we don't get you more for your claim


Most fees work like this. Let’s say you had a Wilma Claim and the insurance company paid you $10,000.00 and we reviewed your claim and we got you another $3,000.00 you would pay us a fee of 30% of the $3,000.00 which is $900.00. You would get $2100.00 extra for a valid cost that your insurance adjuster missed.

I am thankful for COSAC for feeding me, and giving me a place to stay. Also for God blessing me today. I’m thankful for my health and wellbeing and for the wisdom and knowledge from God and courtesy from you guys here at COSAC. On Thanksgiving I am thankful for the food I am about to receive and people I am with. Thanksgiving is a time of caring and sharing and being with friends and family. For peace and harmony and prayer and music. Also for the blessings we are being received on Thanksgiving. David Frost

Thanksgiving with my family, I am thankful for my mother and father, sisters and brothers. My family is very special and important to me. They gave me life. They gave me food and water. They are easy to love and they love me. They are also funny. They make me laugh. When I think of people who have no family it makes me sad but grateful that I am lucky enough to have family that loves me. Jackie Keemer

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Page 9

Volume VII, Issue 2

HOMELESS VOICE Need A Computer and Don’t Have the Money Call Darren from My Computer People

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(Continued from page 1)

not forget to give thanks to the person who made this possible. In my case I will thank God that we had limited impact from Wilma’s middle name. Sean, where does the trick come into play? For I was tricked, and tricked good. Again my mind was set to help our neighbors who might have been injured from tornados or falling roofs. We here at the shelter had enough first aid supplies for over 2000 people for minor emergencies and even severe traumas that our first responder could have used until the person was taken to the hospital. I did all my normal procedures by letting the local EOC’s know what we could do pre and post Wilma. We informed them that they had access to our ambulance as well as our bus for evacuations and of course our team of disaster workers who are all trained as First Responders. After the storm we planned to ask officials where they needed our team. However I realized that Wilma tricked me to the maximum. We were our own victims of damage and our building had some impact that could become a dangerous situation if not handled quickly. Our big tree out front fell on our front entrance. We had trees on our roof, over our shed filled with gas and tree limbs that were stopped by our shutters prior to glass breakage. Water was coming into our building from the roof and ending up in light fixtures. We had many small medical emergencies from cuts to bruises on the people who were trying to get the building to a safe point so nothing would fall on any client. We had to make sure our mental health consumers who wanted to leave the building right after the storm did not go out and investigate the damage because there were street lights that were still hot with sparks coming from them. We also had down power lines in the back which became not only dangerous for our own people but also for the guests who came to us pre Wilma who were not homeless but were not sure if their apartment would be safe from the winds. We had about 20 guests who came to us who were not homeless because they were just a little concerned about staying in their apartment with no level of protection from Wilma and not one of them were familiar with our procedures and exits as

well as who to listen to. So we had to protect our own like a mom or dad would do. It was a good trick anyway because there were not too many emergencies in the community. I also got a real treat pre Wilma. We had this very nice family that came to us with the sweetest little baby girl named Mica. I barely did anything to get us ready for the storm because of me being sick but I did get to meet with Jason and Janisa the beautiful parents of Mica while they were holding Mica in the hallway. I was so eased and I wanted to reassure them that this building is safer than most cities’ emergency operations centers. It was a building with an eight inch solid concrete roof with special beams that was also cement... that meant our roof was going nowhere. The building had approved hurricane shutters we just got a few months ago as well as solid concrete in our command center at the shelter. We had generators for lights and safety equipment, satellite phones and still had working landline phones. We had a two way radio system that allowed us to stay in contact with each other to make sure our guests were safe especially the little gift from God named Mica. I call this a treat because this baby was going to be safe no matter what. The parents were told if a tornado hit this building we should still be ok but they were given a preassigned location in the building which was the elevator shaft that Lois named Everhardt. Everhardt is a strong elevator, he is surrounded by not only our outside concrete walls but he has another concrete shaft that also has steel. They were told at some time we may come and rush them in the elevator or to the fire exits also with double concrete. I told Mom Janisa that if we did come and get them to just follow directions. I also told her how to lie on top of her baby to protect her from any type of wind and debris impact. Dad Jason knew how to then protect his family. He had the attitude that nothing would hurt his family and he was going to make sure of it. Yes this was a treat for me knowing that this baby would be safe but this should also be a treat for you all who buy and read this paper. You see when you buy this paper, you basically bought this building for the (Continued on page 10)

A tree and fence landed on one of our client’s car.

Bush and tree limbs covered our storage shed, but the workers of Helping People of America worked hard by hand for days, considering we had no power tools.

This group is for any young boy living in Broward County or its surrounding area, ages 6-18 that has Special Needs. It can be Physical, Mental, Developmental, or learning disabled. We are working with the Boy Scouts of America and will do everything that typical scouts do just in a little different way. We will work at the pace of your children, we will alter activities so ALL kids can participate. If you are interested please drop me an email or give me a call: Teresa Julian jtjulian2003@yahoo.com 954-729-9428 We meet on Tuesdays at 7:00 Pompano Beach Highlands Park 650 N.E. 50 Ct

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The Voice of the Homeless

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homeless. You made this baby safe, do you understand that you have provided for these people and that should be a treat and this Thanksgiving give each of yourselves a hand for being so helpful. I too will give thanks for this special place that the public is paying for. A few days after the storm hit and we took care of the emergency repairs we heard that poor people and the elderly could not make it to places assigned for people to eat. Some could not make it up and down their stairs. When we heard this we called the Hollywood EOC and informed them that if there was anybody in the city that needed food or water or just a hot meal to give us a call. Well a few minutes later, and I mean a few minutes later we got our first call that someone needed some food and it was a real pleasure and a treat to be able to bring someone a cooked meal. Yes we had our locals who live in the community who come by every few weeks to get some food stop by and get water and food daily but to bring someone who was really in need made it feel even different and that treat became the Spirit of Cosac. Besides me getting a treat there came a certain person who really not only got a treat but had a real earth moving experience. On the third day of taking calls for people who needed help, we got a call from an elderly couple who one was a diabetic. They also could not make daily trips up and down the stairs at their condo. They actually really wanted a hot meal that was good for diabetics because they really did run out of food. So in came Chef William Robb who was also the driver on call for hospital runs... At first he just thought it was his job and went to the kitchen to get their food. But (Continued on page 11)

Chef William Robb loads water and food in our disaster ambulance and was on his way to help a person in need who had no food, water, power and gas.

Jason and Janisa Glacken holding Baby Mica in front of down trees in the rear of the shelter.

Trees landed everywhere and we surely will miss the great view we use to have in the front and rear of the shelter.

Are You Selling Your House? Call to place your listing in the Homeless Voice 954-410-6275

Download the Homeless Voice.

Make Your Donation Online www.HomelessVoice.org

Graduating Soon? Graduating Later Get Experience Now! Looking for Volunteer Interns. Call the Homeless Voice 954-444-7326

Homeless Voice needs employees for the Holidays. Call Lois 954-325-7326

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Volume VII, Issue 2

VOICE UPDATE Support the Homeless Voice Purchase Home Depot and/or Lowe’s Gift and Shopping Cards through us! We accept Credit Cards. The gift cards can be picked up at a location near you. Call 954-325-7326

Shop and Help the Homeless: 4 easy steps

1– Go to www.HomelessVoiceMall.com 2– Bottom left frame find "choose an organization to shop for"; fill in Homeless Voice and click "find organization" 3– Top of middle frame will show "homeless voice shelter" link; click on link 4– Just go shopping, you can use the search, or store directory. All stores show what percentage of the purchase goes to Homeless Voice. You'll notice the percentages are higher because you now get 75% of the profit instead of 50%.

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when he came back he said he had goose bumps after talking to the couple. He was so excited that he was able to be part of taking care of this couple. Again it was an earth moving experience for him because he said he really liked feeling that way. It is really a treat when you can help someone in need. My friends this Halloween let’s all remember some of us got our tricks and treats from a storm that was minor in nature and this Thanksgiving let’s give thanks to the volunteers, the guy down the street that you knew only by face for the last five years but now you know his name and of course to the man who created this earth. Oh I almost forgot we had two storms that damaged our shelter, that means two large deductibles each at $27,000 and then there is “We still need your help campaign, Burn that Mortgage”. So if you are not hurting too much from the storm and you can, please once again spread the word that this paper you buy helps people and if you can send in a check to the Cosac Homeless Assistance Center Burn that Mortgage Campaign. If you want to help with the deductible write the word damage on the memo of the check. -Sean Cononie

HELP PAY OFF OUR MORTGAGE We need just 35,144 people to send in a check for $20.00, Or 14,058 people to send in a check for $50.00, Or 7,029 people to send in a check for $100.00, Or 703 people to send in a check for $1,000, Or Just one wonderful person or business to send a check for the entire $702,880.00 Remember the donation is tax deductible!! Please send your checks to:

The COSAC Building Fund P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, Florida 33329 We do thank you

The Homeless Voice sells approx 80,000 papers per month. This month we ask you, our supporters to send in $10. If everyone participates that normally purchases a paper; we will be able to pay the mortgage off this month. Please if you can find it in your heart to help us in our endeavor. Please send a check or money order to: COSAC Foundation BURN That Mortgage Campaign P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, Fl 33329

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