Homeless Voice; Pandemic Bird Flu

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Pat relaxing in her shelter bed. She made her bed area really relaxing so she could watch her cable TV at her feet when she laid down.


ny day you left operations ing days her answer was always you saw her there sitting in “with friends.” Although the time came a chair in the hallway. Sometimes with a mouth full fast she did get to spend it with of smiles and at other times a body friends at the shelter. Patricia full of pain. No mat- As I stood and made my little Briggs had canter how much pain tribute to Pat and another cer but you she really had for client Roger Lutar, that you would not know some unknown reason the smile ex- will read about in this issue, I it by her spirits. towards isted. When you said to the friends of Pat, “I Even think if Pat was here right the end she gave asked her how she was doing, her an- now she would tell us stop comfort to many swers were that of a talking about me and get right of the shelters residents and strong human being, with God... even at the end “fine, feeling ok tothey were all comforted by knowday just a little tired.” Then as you asked her how ing that Pat would be in a better she would want to live her remain- place. In January we all thought Dear Readers, Pat would be with us for a longer Please keep our friend time but it ended a few days after they put her in Hospice. During Cathy in your prayers. -Homeless Voice this crisis we thought Pat would

come back and be able to live her life out at the shelter that sometimes we made into a makeshift hospice center for our friends who were homeless and living with us. As Pat went into the hospice center it became somewhat depressing at the shelter. I got the

call from her daughter Debora saying that they expected Patricia to die very soon so we stopped what we were doing and responded to Memorial Pembroke Hospice Center. Pat might have died as a homeless woman in theory but in reality (Continued on page 11)

...after scene shows beating of homeless man


omeone in Hollywood thought it would be funny for the new spoof Date Movie to depict a young couple on a romantic date exhibiting their impulsive wackiness -- by beating and robbing a homeless man. The humor was lost on the 21

Most Americans are “Two Paychecks” away from being homeless. Help the shelter stay alive. We are trying to pay the mortgage off! To help, please send a check or money order to: COSAC Foundation Burn That Mortgage Campaign P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, Fl 33329

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homeless citizens and advocates picketing the movie in South Florida's Hollywood on Thursday. "You can't show someone beating up homeless people and laugh about it," said Sean Cononie, founder of the Cosac Foundation's homeless shelter. "Kids see this and think it's all right. It's just a little trigger." In a region where four homeless men were beaten this year -- one fatally -- the scene sparked protesters to commandeer the intersection of Sheridan and Oakwood, two blocks from the Oakwood 18 Cinema showing the film. Picketers held electric pink and chartreuse signs urging a boycott. Some motorists honked in support; others honked to urge gawkers out of the intersection. The group wants the producers at 20th Century Fox or the exhibitor, Regal Entertainment Group, to edit the scene or run an announcement supporting the homeless before the film. Regal spokesman Dick Westerling responded, "We program films that cover a variety of topics and subjects. We don't make censorship of our films a practice." The film studio could not be reached for comment. Cononie plans to see the movie soon to confirm reports from

two colleagues. He may not have to fight for a seat. The film received acidic reviews from critics. On the Internet Movie Database, more than 2,400 voters ranked it 57th among the 100 worst movies of all time. By Bill Hirschman South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Co- Director Lois Cross proudly holds her sign protesting the movie ‘Date Movie’ which showed a homeless man being beat up.

Beating Video Stuns San Francisco

Homeless Man Set on Fire in Boston Park


Trio Attack Homeless Man Asleep On Sidewalk (CBS) SAN FRANCISCO Police in San Francisco are searching for three suspects in connection with an attack on a homeless man who was beaten while nearby a surveillance camera caught the whole incident on video. Sunday, about 4:30 in the morning, a security camera outside

homeless man sleeping in a park was attacked early Sunday by two men who kicked him in the stomach and then set him on fire, police said. No arrests were made and police gave no indication of what might have provoked the attack. The 30-year-old homeless man, whose name was not released, told police he was awak-

(Continued on page 11)

(Continued on page 10)

The Voice of the Homeless

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FRIENDS OF THE HOMELESS For just $15.00 a month you can keep a homeless family off the streets for a day. Please make check payable to: COSAC Foundation Friends of the Homeless. Please include on memo what name should appear in paper.

Mail check to: Friends of the Homeless P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, FL 33329

Your Name Will Be Printed in Our Paper Every Month • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Donald Peterson The Cononie Family The Targett Family Patrick Helings John Bendor The Preston Family Lisa Gram The Jameson Family In Loving Memory of Uncle Joe & Nana Shannon Brooks Jose Rodrigues Lisa Cebrat The Bowe Family Pakita Price Nana Sullivan The Watsons Sean Cononie Sally Lister Judith Kelly Arnold Goldstein Martha Roman The Baptista Family Jacob Robinson Julie Stokes De De Hupp John Criasia Daniel Harrison The Martinez Family Amanda Reynolds Dolores R. Cerra Bob Hall Tressie W. Osborne Clark Rogers The Savir Family Peter Richman Richard McHenry Stevie Nix Corinne James The Browns Chris Sanchez Hugo DeCarpintini Mario Yuio Richard Friedman Diane Friedman Uylna Quadrino Ginny Scott Arnold Reemer In Loving Memory of Peter Sullivan Maryann Springer Elaine Snaith Marshal Bugin Keith Yude Bruce Wethersoon Isabelle J. Henry Raul Cardenas M.D. Wendy Bryan Jacqueline McCarty Albert J Taragowski Darla King Paula King

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Richard Gomez Anthony Ralph Jennifer Hicky Timothy Lukehard Thomas Rua The Jackson Family Justin Rowan Mary Green Morris Grazi Marvin Shatze Ronald Shafer Vance Gunn Adam Staler Allen Yancy Jimmy Daniels Mel Blount Carol Lockette Joe Golden Anna Marye Levier Magan Narduzzi Andre Johnson Antione Collins Eric Harrison Jessica Padilla

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Sheldon Jones Carlo Harrison Jason Emrik Dan Gilcert Amber Rowan

• • • • •

Jackie Johnson Ricky Cambell Dorr’e Terry Samual Manery Marilyn Vokish Jenny Curic

• • • • •

Amy Curic Lisa Jackson Jim Johnson Bobby Neal Erica Fulton Darren Nolf

Erica Sanclair Steve Dillan Dallan Michele King Bobby Ore Casandra Thomas Tara Hunter Mark Faber Nichole Faber Kevin Britt The Cable Family The Maione Family Barbara Strong Grace Marth Regla J Ferrer The Baldwin Family Horace Gracie Russell J. Ferguson Marjorie G. Rhines Jamie F. Flores In Loving Memory Of

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Thomas Gasbarro Cathy and Kids The Davis Family Graham R. Mitchell Essential Oil Healthline Amparo L. Korey John’s Plumbing Service Thank You Winn Dixie Adrienne and Mike Ms. Marilyn Smith Albert J. Taragowski Ruth C Grey Mike Cross Tamara Southard Raul Cardenas MD PA Al and Annie Hurricane Prevention Inc Danny and George The Thompson Family OTD Messenger, Inc

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

M. Smith Yorick and Bonita Parrica Lee Russ & Delores B Mordon Robert Jesus Llanes Comet Couriev Proietto Family In Memory of Billy Corwin Josh Searles Patricia Lee Russ Delores B Mordon Mrs. Jenkins Everglades Moon, Covenant of Goddess, Elibet Hanson Judy B. Pascarella John Gaeta Michael R. Prokop, Jr. Jackie M. McCarty In Memory of Charles Horton In Memory of William F. Judge Todd Palgon The Morabito Family Todd Palgon Holly J. Andrus Lois Cross In Loving Memory of Florence & Nat Popkin Tailored Advertising, Inc Claudia K. Tapolow Margie Jones In memory of Wesley H. Woodall Maria M. Riveiro Gottlieb & Blair Family Pioneer Middle School Youth Crime Watch Rhenals-Mei Family

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Ronald Prescia In Memory of Brian Groleau Laura Flash Jacqueline M. McCarty The Herrmann Family The Monserrate Family Madeline Butera Jennifer S. Nickel Marilyn R. Smith David Thawley On Behalf of Matthew Lambert Mustafa Mehmet Gokoglu In Memory of Scott Paul Cooper Robert and Ruth Baal In Memory of Melba DeSanto In Memory of My Mother Pearl McCann, Love Teresa Barbara Desanto Leah and Ray Michael & Michale Rhett Marie Sutera Floyd and Luana Coats Doug Boucher Family Kevin Jones Dorothy Griffith Family In Loving Memory of Kris Soltan Kevin “KJ” Jones Douglas Boucher The Swartout's Ivonne Fernandez The Verny & Stewart Families In Loving Memory of Frances Klein The Herrmann Family John C. Burt Albert Taragowski Renato & Malika Vasconez In Memory of C.T.R. Adriana Fernandez Andrea Brown The Kunicki Family Thank you so much, Sean & Lois, for all your help. –Joan Futscher & Kids McAvoy Family The Geise Family Richard & Margaret Martin Kenny Angela K.J. Williams Hartford Property Connection, Inc. In Loving Memory of Jose A. Estruch, Jr.


The Strikowski family Margie Jones & Friends

Did you know?

• You can setup payroll deduction through your employer to support the COSAC Foundation’s Homeless Voice • Your company might even match your donation • See your human resource or department manager

Page 3

Volume VIII, Issue 4

HOMELESS VOICE This month we wanted to cover the bird flu issue because if a pandemic would occur, many people would become homeless because many people would die and many households will be affected. Having your family prepared is the way to stop unnecessary death. Please keep informed and pray daily that the flu does LETTERS TO THE EDITOR not become SEND TO: a pandemic. P.O. BOX 292-577




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The Voice of the Homeless

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ello, my name is Eberhard. I don’t mean to complain but my day is full of ups and downs…constantly day and night. I really enjoy my job; I make life so much easier for so many people. Sometimes it is very hard for people to get around. Some have trouble just walking so they really can’t climb stairs. Like anyone or anything, I need substance to keep me going. My problem is, I am leaking this substance, I have some sort of a seal that is leaking. My maintenance people have run tests and believe that my hydraulic lift is leaking somewhere beneath ground level. So now they want to take me apart again so they can find and repair the problem. That is going to put me out of commission for a while and is going to be really expensive. It is absolutely imperative that this gets done because if it isn’t, not only will I die, but also I will be ruining the environment in the process. In case you haven’t figured it out, I am the elevator at the The Homeless Voice shelter. My people depend on me to be there for them, and while I can still work, my oil will be polluting the ground and I can’t have that happen! I’m really worried about the outcome of this operation, because I have no idea

HELP FIX EBERHARD P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, Fl 33329 what they are going to have to do to dismantle my innards to find this problem and correct it. I think that they are going to have to take my whole shaft apart. We have so many creaky knees and Emphysema victims and cardiac patients in our population, what will they do when they have to do when they have to use the stairs? Oh, I know, exercise is good for you, but you have to be capable of it first. Aside from the mechanics of all this, is the expense! My director, Lois, has a contract to sign for 7600.00. And that’s if nothing unexpected goes wrong (My last operation was over 10,000.00.). Where are they going to come up with that sort of money? They plan ahead, even so far as a toilet paper escrow fund, but this figure is so out of sight, higher than any floor that I’ll ever reach! So in a nutshell, or elevator shaft, if you will, if I don’t get fixed immediately, more damage than we want to think of will be caused. I will be in worse shape and maybe not fixable at all. It isn’t a laughing matter, but maybe

The sounds of wedding bells danced in his head. For ten months he lived in the sweet sun of Pembroke Pines lavishing in the love he shared. However, like the screeching halt of a trains breaks pressing against the tracks, his engagement came to a stop. “On December 14, 2004 at 11:30 pm, I found out it was a homeless shelter,” Ron states. He speaks of the night he called his ex-fiancée and asked for a helping hand. After refusing to take him in she referred him to a “hotel” that helps people get back on their feet. Without any credit cards, money, food or a place to go he found himself on the other side of life looking outside instead of in. “I could remember about two years ago I contributed to the Homeless Voice,” Ron begins. “I would keep dollars in my car and even make U-turns to give one to each vendor at every corner. I never thought I would end up being the one collecting.” Ron Gauthier, 54-yearsold, begins to reminisce about his humble upbringing and his desire to help others. His mother instilled in him the values of always speaking from the heart and to readily give time. “If you can’t take the time to give someone your time,

then you shouldn’t have time to give,” Ron says, quoting his mother. That December 14, Ron began his service to others. By the fifteenth he was working in the homeless shelter kitchen and by the sixteenth he was out on the corner, vending to keep him and his new family off of the streets. “I always wanted to help the less fortunate,” Ron says. “I know God brought me here.” What more assures Ron that his duties, time and effort were meant to be played out at The Homeless Voice is the camaraderie and the family atmosphere he loves and desires to come back to. Furthermore, when speaking of the legal matter that left him penniless, Ron admits he has no regrets. “I met the girl here that I am going to marry,” Ron states. “If I had to do it again, I would do it 1,000 times over.” Ron speaks of Lily, another woman within the shelter

it will take all the toilet paper fund money to buy enough to blot up my oil from the ground. Seriously though, I would like to ask you please, help my people just a tad more and send in a check for whatever you can so that Lois can start a ‘Fix Eberhard Fund’. You people are so wonderful. Everyday I carry my vendors upstairs with the proceeds from selling the Homeless Voice and happily carry them back down with their pay in their pockets. And back up again, sometimes, with the purchases they have bought. I want to continue doing this. I want my eye to light up when they push the call button and open my arms for them to step in and out of my car. I want to continue my service to others. So all together now: HELP FIX EBERHARD… HELP FIX EBERHARD Thank you from the bottom of my shaft, Eberhard

whom he is now engaged. With whom he readily refers to Lily as, “My GIFT for my contribution.” “I always wanted to help the less fortunate,” Ron says. Ron, “I know God brought me here.” now 14 months later and the Supervisor of the trust and faith he bestowed upon shelters kitchen, shares a home him. He talks of Sean helping with Lily in Dania. He also looks others introduce themselves back forward to the day that he can into the world and furthermore move on and begin life anew. He helping Ron, who has never been doesn’t see the homeless shelter a drug or alcohol abuser, back on as an inconvenience but more-so his feet. Ron does hope to someas a newly marked out path on day move to back to New Hamphis way to a great destination. “It’s not a burden, just a shire, his original place of origin, and establish a cause identical to detour,” Ron states. Appearing to be a bit shy Sean’s. Nevertheless, no matter about speaking of himself, Ron where he ventures off to he alreadily attributes many great ways plans on having a place qualities to the staff. Each one right here at the shelter. Ron, in his yellow doing the best that they can to make the lives and journeys of striped shirt, tan hat with a blue those within the shelter more brim, coffee in hand, takes a sip pleasant. And furthermore, Ron, and with his lips pressed tightly with endearment in his eyes, together he finally opens up and thanks the public for the warmth states, “No matter where I go this place will always be with me. My in their heart towards the shelter. “Generosity of the peo- home will always be a part of ple out there has made this cause this. And this place will always worthwhile,” Ron begins. be a part of my heart.” And what a big heart this “Without them we wouldn’t have place has to fill. it.” -Jeremy Swift With a sparkle in his eyes Ron thanks Sean for all the

Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

Page 5

Volume VIII, Issue 4

HOMELESSVOICE Poems The Concord Monitor reported March 7- 2006 that a homeless man was discharged from Concord Hospital in pajamas, with a Styrofoam box of food! The man’s name was John Arsenault. The hospital sent him by taxi to the First Congregational Church. The taxi driver had to help this sick man into the shelter; where it was reported he couldn’t walk and had a hard time sitting upright! He died 12 hrs. after being discharged to a cab! The hospital reported that they followed a set of “guidelines” and that Doctor’s assess each patient! They furthermore stated that, “if a patient’s condition is not deemed medically acute doctors can’t keep the patient in the hospital” – NOTE: I daresay unless he’s someone of importance! A man can’t make it to a cab or into the shelter without assistance – can’t sit up and this isn’t CRITICAL – 12 hours from death’s door? I would like to know if this cavalier indifference to a suffering human being hastened his death ? My God what have we come to when MONEY takes precedence over a suffering man? It just makes me sick to think of him discharged, in the dead of winter in hospital pajamas, with a damn box of food, like he was off on a damn picnic. Dying in pain amongst strangers!! I want someone to find out why Mr. Arsenault died! Is this what medicine has come to, even in NH– with people being treated like damn litter!! Patti Nichols is the hospital’s director of patient and family services, and was quoted in the article. Judith Moriarty Claremont, NH noahshouse@adelphia.net

The Sharing Corner the best dreams are the ones that don't come with any maps or directions. let alone with any promises or guarantees. they're the ones that seem so far away. so hard to reach that lots of people say you just can't do it. they say you should be more practical, more realistic and after a while you almost start believing thembut not quite, because deep down in your heart, you believe in yourself. you know you have what it takes to keep working harder and harder, to keep trying over and over.... you know you'll never give upyou're going to make it!

How could you pass someone And feel no pain When the man you pass Is sleeping in the rain How could you beat someone And feel so good When the man you beat (Is) Just misunderstood Why are these people So cruel in life How could these people Have so much strife If only, these people Could change for a day Then maybe their hearts Wouldn't be so gray. By: Danielle Nicole Lee

The Voice of the Homeless

Page 6



ou might have seen him during Christmas season wearing his Santa hat while vending the Homeless Voice and you would have thought that just maybe he could be Santa himself. With his silver beard and his holiday smile one could say if he was not Santa himself maybe he could be one of Santa's helpers. This was a man that was as gentle as Santa and made the kids always smile by telling them, “You better be good.” This was also a man who worked very hard his entire life until he became laid off at the age of 59 and he became homeless. He sold the Homeless Voice for almost three and a half years and was very good at it. In fact he was self sufficient his entire stay at the CSS (COSAC Shelter System). Roger at the age of 62 got his early retirement just a few months ago. To our supporters we know you respect our vendors but there are many people that drive by the vendors screaming at them with statements such as “Get a job you bum.” Some even get spit on. I am sure you know from the recent attacks on homeless people that these words occur very frequently by passers-bys to our vendors. When we were protesting 'Date Movie' and not even vending our paper this guy came by in a BMW and told me to get a job you bum! What these rude passer-by's don't understand is that most of these vendors had some sort

of job in the past. In Mr. Lutar's case he had a very good job and he was able to get his retirement at the age of 62 and I will tell you his retirement check was not a small one. He was really proud when he got his social security checks; In fact he moved out of the shelter system and got his own place. The sad part about this story is that Mr. Lutar did not get to spend his retirement days at the beach soaking the sun and living the life of luxury. What Roger Lutar got was a severe case of cancer, In fact it was so severe that most of his friends including me did not even get to say bye to him as we always try to do. A few of his roommates and close personal friends did get to see him, Thank God..... I spoke to him on the phone and made arrangements at the hospital so some of his friends could visit him in the Intensive Care Unit where at first they were not allowed to visit him because they were not family. It did take me some time because the hospital could not fashion the idea that we the homeless have extended families. But when they understood they were pleased to be able to allow him to have non family members visit him. I was a little sick and did not want to transfer anything to him. If I would have known it was going to be that fast I would have stayed by his side. At least I got to spend some time on the phone with him and we talked about keeping his faith.

Roger at the age of 62 got his early retirement just a few months ago.

Santa himself in plain clothes, Roger you were truly a man of ability. Roger we will miss you; it was a pleasure to know a man who worked very hard to have a comfortable life. I do thank you for all those dollars you donated to the kids we have in Haiti. It was nice to see how you gave back to someone else who needed more help than you. And you sure did help our kids. You, Mr. Lutar, who was a homeless person, actually took care of one Haitian child for a whole year by those little donations you gave to our joint orphanage with the Chick Grant Foundation. That was your legacy, Mr. Lutar, and a great one at that. -Sean Cononie

A focus on bird flu misses the big issue Poverty abroad is breeding new infectious diseases that eventually reach U.S. shores BY DR WILLIAM H. GREENE. Dr. William H. Greene is an infectious-disease physician and associate director for medical and regulatory affairs at Stony Brook University. March 19, 2006 Avian flu is gradually circling the globe, carried by migratory birds. It has caused the death of thousands of domestic fowl and the culling of millions more, and will

almost certainly reach the United States in the relatively near future. As of this writing, there were 175 confirmed human infections and 95 deaths, mainly in China and Southeast Asia. What does this mean for people in the United States? For most of us, probably not much. The disease is poorly transmissible from human to human. In its present form, once it reaches our shores, its spread to humans will be sporadic, if at all, and not sustained. This is fortunate, because

we have little capacity to influence the spread of avian flu via migratory birds. The slaughter of domestic poultry flocks showing some evidence of the disease is a common but imperfect attempt to limit its local spread and prevent exposure to humans. A recent report found that about 1 percent of domestic poultry in southern China still showed evidence of avian influenza infection, despite extensive culling and vaccinations. We also can do little to affect the occurrence or the timing of

the critical genetic change that will permit avian flu to be efficiently transmitted from human to human. Recent evidence already shows some genetic changes in the virus that favor its spread in mammals as well as increased resistance to some antiviral medications. The response of the world public health community and of U.S. agencies - notably the Department of Health and Human Services through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health - has been to emphasize early detection, isolation of flocks, culling of potentially infected domestic fowl, stepped-up produc-

Most Americans are “Two Paychecks” away from being homeless. Help the shelter stay alive. We are trying to pay the mortgage off! To help, please send a check or money order to: COSAC Foundation Burn That Mortgage Campaign P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, Fl 33329

(Continued on page 10)

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Volume VIII, Issue 4

HOMELESSVOICE COSAC’S PREVENTING EPIDEMICS AND PANDEMICS PEP UP TO SPEED CAMPAIGN www.PandemicBirdFlu.ws P.O. BOX 292-577 Davie, Florida 33329 Dear City Leader: According to President Bush’s recently published National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza, all local and state governments, as well as private industry and individual citizens have important roles to play in responding to a possible pandemic influenza. There should be predetermined plans of action at all levels of government, including each individual family. Some experts agree that an influenza pandemic would be five to ten times worse than the effects of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. The human toll could be in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions. Not to forget the complete loss of infrastructure. The economy will stagnate. The food and water situation might become critical. And, as a result of mass amounts of absenteeism at jobsites, power and gas shortages will be widespread. Hospitals will be overcrowded. And people will die from lack of medical care and basic necessities. What has our city, county, and state governments done to prepare us for such an event that can kill our old, weak, young, and healthy? The answer is nothing at all. I say this not to be critical, but to forewarn you. This problem is new in the field of Emergency Management and more must be done today, not tomorrow. We have not dealt with such a possible problem in many years and things have changed and we now must look at options. There are plans out there; however no education is currently being done anywhere in the USA to educate the public before a time of crisis. We cannot start educating the public at the time of crisis. This is a trend across America. We must make it mandatory that the public be told what to do and how to do it. A simple teaching of a “wash your hands” campaign is a great start. Again, this letter is not written to attack any member of a local or state government because even I was not prepared for our own agency even after the President’s report suggested that social service and community faith based agencies have their own plan for consumer education and to make sure we can still service our clients if a pandemic would occur. Today I start our own plan and I urge your city to start a task force in your community and start doing what the President’s plan suggests us all to be doing. This is a wake up call for all of us. As we know from the terrorist attacks we were told to conduct business as usual so the terrorist did not win by instilling terror in our hearts. We must respond differently to a possible epidemic or pandemic, therefore, closing down a city may be our best option for controlling such a problem that could kill thousands of people in a local community. Ordering residents of cities to stay home and not go to work may be a vital necessity. Are our citizens prepared by having stockpiles of food and water? What system do we use if we are ordered to stay at home, yet a family member becomes sick and we must get that person to a hospital? How do we transport that person? Is there an alert system or where will the established makeshift hospitals be located? Do we shut down the mail system? Do we shut down everything that can spread germs other than emergency services? You think we were short serviced for Katrina?... what about if we had millions in hospitals? Do we have pre-established volunteers who are pretrained to work and relieve health-care workers even if it amounts to simply washing the linens between patients and relieving the nurses from taking the temperature of patients? Do we have ample supplies of anti bacterial soap and bleach per household? Does your household have masks to help stop the spreading of germs? Mine does and it is about time the rest of the households in America have what it takes to prevent the death of our family members. Yes, it may be a total collapse of a local economy if we shut down a city but that shut-down may shut down the spread of a germ that could kill your grandchild. It may hurt our infrastructure but what good is an infrastructure if half a town is wiped out. We can withstand a collapse of our infrastructure for short periods of time but we can’t withstand the death of the people we love. Rebuilding an infrastructure can be done but putting the life back into a loved one can’t be done. The government did a great job by printing a book “Are We Ready” for all kinds of disasters including terrorist attacks. However, we must now turn to preventing a possible epidemic or pandemic. I urge you from the bottom of my heart to start preparing your community, your businesses, and your family for such an event to take place. For those of us who think we are over exaggerating, we have nothing to lose because everything you plan for, can be used for any type of natural disaster or if we are attacked with a dirty bomb, a chemical or biological weapon. If we play our cards correctly the volunteers who are predetermined to work in a special place at the time of a pandemic can be the same volunteers we use in other disasters and terrorist attacks preventing another (KRT). If you are a member of a local government, a leader in a social service organization, a Chief Executive Officer in a major business or even a mom (Continued on page 8)

National Homeless Advocate Sean Cononie For more information, go to our web at: www.PandemicBirdFlu.ws Today is the day that you organize an emergency plan of action for your local community. Today is also the day that you should follow steps at home making sure that your family has an individual plan of action by having the items you need in case of a pandemic. Does your family have a stockpile of food and water for 30 days? Does your family have fever reducers? Do you have antibacterial soap, bleach, water, Pedialyte, anti-diarrhea medication such as IMODIUM, medical gloves, tissues, thermometers, health care masks, and even some of the medication that the government has stockpiled such as Tamiflu? Although the flu may be viral it can cause an infection such as an upper respiratory infection that antibiotics may be the only thing that works. If we are at a pandemic time you may have to treat yourself and the shortage of antibiotics may exist. I am no doctor however these plans seem to be simple and are a good start. The only way to combat such a trying time is to be prepared. If we as families are prepared and we as good community members help stop cross contamination by using good sterile techniques and always washing our hands it can reduce the impact and help stop infection from spreading. The key to good hand washing is friction not just using antibacterial products. Good old fashion washing your hands for as long as it takes to sing the ABC’s is recommended by health care providers. Experts agree that the simplest way to stop the spread of any flu is good hygiene habits and disinfecting things such as door knobs, telephones, elevator buttons, and bathroom areas. Does your business currently have a plan of disinfection at the time of crisis? Teaching people to cough correctly on their arm and not in their hands or using tissues is a way to stop the spread of germs. Your emergency supplies can be used in many forms of disasters and being prepared is the key answer to winning the battle. We cannot expect the government to take care of all our needs. Make today the day, not tomorrow, so we don’t have a (KRT) Katrina Response Time.

Examples of food and

Examples of medical, health,


and emergency supplies

Ready-to-eat canned meats, fruits, vegetables, and soups

Prescribed medical supplies such as glucose and blood -pressure monitoring equipment

Protein or fruit bars

Soap and water, or alcohol-based hand wash

Dry cereal or granola

Medicines for fever, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen

Peanut butter or nuts


Dried fruit

Anti-diarrheal medication



Canned juices

Fluids with electrolytes

Bottled water

Cleansing agent/soap

Canned or jarred baby food and formula


Pet food

Batteries Portable radio Manual can opener Garbage bags Tissues, toilet paper, disposable diapers

The Voice of the Homeless

Page 8


NEVER KNEW THIS BEFORE. wonder how many people know about this? A 36 year old female had an accident several weeks ago and totaled her car. A resident of Kilgore, Texas, she was traveling between Gladewater & Kilgore. It was raining, though not excessively, when her car suddenly began to hydroplane and literally flew through the air. She was not seriously injured but very stunned at the sudden occurrence! When she explained to the highway patrolman what had happened he told her something that every driver should know - NEVER DRIVE IN THE RAIN WITH YOUR CRUISE CONTROL ON. She had thought she was being cautious by setting the cruise control and maintaining a safe consistent speed in the rain. But the highway patrolman told her that if the cruise control is on and your car begins to hydroplane -- when your tires lose contact with the pavement, your car will accelerate to a higher rate of speed and you take off like an airplane. She told the patrolman that was exactly what had occurred. The highway patrol estimated her car was actually traveling through the air at 10 to 15 miles per hour faster than the speed set on the cruise control. The patrolman said this warning should be listed, on the driver's seat sun-visor - NEVER USE THE CRUISE CONTROL WHEN THE PAVEMENT IS WET OR ICY, along with the airbag warning. We tell our teenagers to set the cruise control and drive a safe speed - but we don't tell them to use the cruise control only when the pavement is dry. The only person the accident victim found, who knew this (besides the patrolman), was a man who had had a similar accident, totaled his car and sustained severe injuries. If you tell this to 15 people and only one of them doesn't know about this, then it was all worth it. You might have saved a life. -unknown source


We are short!!!

We need towels and/or coffee Call 954-920-1277 PEP UP TO SPEED CAMPAIGN (Continued from page 7)

and pop store owner…what plans have you made to assist in a possible pandemic? As we have all learned from Katrina, it was the guy next door who was busy saving lives. We must all work as a team no matter what and make a plan that will work today not tomorrow. If you are a hospital administrator have you yet figured out where you will put the next 10,000 patients who will show up at your doors? We hope that your local government is planning a task force to combat the rising threat of an influenza pandemic. If you are not a governmental leader and you received this letter I also urge you to contact your city leaders and ask them to start an emergency plan. Our children are precious and we need to prevent the loss of little ones and loved ones no matter what the cost, no matter how stressful it is, no matter what, it needs to be done for there is no excuse to not be prepared. This letter is not to scare anyone, it is to make us all think and to start preparing, so panic is not present if a pandemic occurs. I would also suggest that you all go to the government’s website at http://www.pandemicflu.gov. This is what I am talking about, being prepared. I found the president’s plan while doing research on the subject; otherwise I would not have known it even existed. It is a very detailed plan to help us all in case a pandemic would exist. Once we get this information out to the public and once the cities start task forces, it will dramatically help if a pandemic would occur. Just having the information on a website is not nearly enough, the public must know that there is information out there to assist us all. This campaign is to get the governments and the public to PEP UP TO SPEED, so all of us have the potential to live through a pandemic. The key is, we want to avoid a pandemic in the first place. This letter will be going to every outlet of the press and every city leader in the United States in the next 30 days. Sean Anthony Cononie Cosac Homeland Security Council

By Stephen Deere and Joel Hood South Florida Sun-Sentinel


inancially burdened from housing dozens of homeless Hurricane Wilma refugees, Westgate Tabernacle on Monday had to borrow money from one of its homeless residents to have the church's power restored. Florida Power & Light Co. cut power to the West Palm Beach church about 9:30 a.m. only to restore it roughly eight hours later. Bishop Avis Hill, the church's pastor, said FPL cut power because it refused to acknowledge a receipt of a $6,000 cashiers check a donor sent the company last week. Late Monday, Hill said the company indicated it found the check but still required an additional $3,200 for a reconnection fee, deposit and this month's charges. Westgate borrowed the $3,200 from a man who has been staying at the shelter more than a year and recently received Social Security and disability money. Hill said the church would repay the man, who Hill said did not want to be interviewed. "Right now, I don't know how, but we will," he said. The church had fallen about 60 days behind on its power bill after caring for the 115 people who eat and sleep at the church since Hurricane Wilma struck South Florida in October, Hill said. Westgate is in an ongoing legal dispute with Palm Beach County for operating a homeless shelter in violation of county ordinances. It has been at more than twice its capacity since Hurricane Wilma. During the past few weeks, a donor tried twice to pay Westgate's electric bill through an automated payment system but was unable to do so, Hill said. Last week, the donor sent the check through a courier to FPL, but the power company still didn't credit the church's account, Hill said. FPL spokeswoman Karen Vissepo said the company was looking into the church's claim that the bill had been paid. "We are investigating where the last [check] went," she said. Vissepo said she could not discuss the specifics of the dispute. She did confirm that a partial payment on the account had been made Monday, but would not disclose the amount. She also said that the company had offered the church a payment plan to get caught up before power was disconnected. "In this case, we tried to work with [the church]," she said. Hill said once the dispute over the check is settled the church's account would be current. He was unsure how it would continue to pay to house so many hurricane refugees, but said it's not uncommon for Westgate to receive unexpected gifts for as much as $10,000. "Where God guides, God provides," he said.

Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

Page 9

Volume VIII, Issue 4

HOMELESSVOICE Homeless man allowed to live in shed near school upsets parents


homeless man who has been living in a church shed has sparked concern among some parents whose children attend school on the church's property. Reverend Vincent Scotto, the pastor of the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, 401 W Henry St. in Punta Gorda, said he allowed an unidentified middleaged homeless man to stay in the church's shed at night since Christmas. But Scotto asked him to leave Tuesday morning after parents became concerned. Parents of children attending the Good Shepherd Day School, like Laurie Towles, became upset after realizing that a man they did not know was living in close proximity to the school. "He was there (the homeless man) and nobody knew about it," she said. "We don't know who this person is." Towles, whose 4-year-old son Gavin attends preschool at Good Shepherd, said she does not fault the school, which she said strives to protect children, but she blames the church for making a decision to allow an unknown person to be near the school. "I think as a parent, I should be informed," she said.

The man had supposedly been allowed to stay in the church's storage shed, which is adjacent to the church, on cold nights, Scotto said. The shed is used to store pews. Scotto said the man, who hails from Vermont, came to the area around the time Hurricane Charley struck in August 2004. He told Scotto he had lost his job and he came to Florida to find a new one. The church supported the man because he is an Episcopalian and needed help, Scotto said. The church gave him money to stay in motels, but once money got tight, Scotto allowed him to stay in the church shed. "It was the only solution we came up with," Scotto said. "We were providing temporary shelter." But the problem arose when some people started noticing the homeless man around the school about two weeks ago. The religion-based private school educates children from preschool to eighth-grade, according to Karen Wedemeyer, who oversees the school. His presence caused enough of a stir that the Punta Gorda Police Department was notified to

Scotto said the homeless man check on the situation. According to an incident report, Scotto was was never on school grounds. uncooperative with the officer The school, however, belongs to dispatched to the church. The the church. According to Scotto, report stated Scotto refused to let the man did not have any contact the officer inspect the shed. with students who attend the school. Scotto told the Towles, whose Last Thursday, conofficer the home4-year-old son Gavin cerned parents apless man would leave later in the attends preschool at Good proached Wededay. Shepherd, said she does meyer about a man Scotto said not fault the school, which living in the shed. Wedemeyer then he was never she said strives to protect spoke to the church asked to allow a search of the children, but she blames board and told parthe church for making a ents the issue would shed. be resolved. But Butch decision to Arenal, the allow an unknown Scotto said he found out on Monday and spokesman for person to be near took action on Tuesthe police departthe school. day. The pastor said ment, said he he told the homeless does not understand why Scotto would not al- man he had to leave. Like Towles, Connie Woflow officers to check out the shed or know the identity of the man ford was also surprised to hear about the incident. using it. But she feels her son Noah, a Though the police couldn't legally get into the shed, city kindergartner, was never in danbuilding inspectors can. Randy ger. She said school staff superCole, the chief building inspector vise the students well. "I feel sorry for this guy," for Punta Gorda, said he will check on the shed today. He said Wofford said. Wofford said it's sad that it is a code violation to allow people to live in a shed, even there are not homeless shelters in Charlotte County. temporarily. "I think it's a shame more "I don't want human beings being housed in storage sheds -- than anything else," she said. especially on school grounds," he You can e-mail Ella Nayor at said. enayor@sun-herald.com By ELLA NAYOR

“Help Feed Our Sheep� The Homeless Voice is looking for churches to volunteer for feeding the homeless. Please Call Mark at 954-410-6275

The Voice of the Homeless

Page 10

HOMELESS VOICE For more information, go to our web at: www.PandemicBirdFlu.ws


outh Florida is a great place to live in. Because of its location, it is notorious for its beaches, climate, economy and diversity. These qualities attract a great variety of people to visit, move to or stay living in this great melting pot. In all reality, South Florida residents share the same problems and difficulties as in any other location. Some of these are divorce, job loss, drug and alcohol abuse and dependency, loss of a loved one and problems within the family structure, just to name a few. All these problems and changes require some type of restructure to our normal every day life. Every day we are faced with new challenges and experiences. As human beings, we are constantly making decisions that can influence and alter our life and the life of those around us. It is fortunate when these decisions yield positive results and bring us joy. However, sometimes our choices may seem limited or non existent thus creating a state of confusion, uncertainty and ambivalence. Often times, individuals going through difficulties feel alone and misunderstood. There are those who are blessed with the support of others. However, family members and friends can also be affected by the suffering of a loved one. Unfortunately, there are many people who are truly alone and in need of a helping hand. Some difficulties may increase when ignored and others when a wrong approach is taken. The purpose of this column is to provide our readers with a chance to share their case with others, ask questions and get advice from a Mental Health Professional who will answer their e-mails or letters and address their concerns. Often, people are surprised to see how many others share difficulties that are similar to their own. The column welcomes questions from all readers and invites you to e-mail your letters to:


A focus on bird flu misses the big issue (Continued from page 6)

tion of vaccines and antivirals, and more extensive communication and education. All are laudable and necessary steps, but they are a reaction targeting the latest specific threat and are of particular use to richer nations that can afford to develop, produce and distribute vaccines and medications. What about infectious diseases of the future that are breeding continuously around the world? After the discovery of penicillin, sulfa drugs and other antibacterials in the past century, many thought infectious diseases as a threat to human life were close to elimination. Since the 1960s, however, we have witnessed a remarkable proliferation of persistent old (often resistant) or new or newly re-emerging infectious agents. From Legionnaire's disease to drug-resistant malaria, from severe diarrheal diseases of childhood to drug-resistant tuberculosis, from Nipah virus of pigs and humans to Ebola and Marburg virus infection, infectious diseases continue to devastate humankind, especially in poor countries. Almost all these diseases have reached U.S. shores at some point, usually in the importation of foods, birds, animals or people that have carried and, sometimes, spread them. In our culture of largely adequately nourished people, with appropriate sanitary facilities and general access to some level of medical care, the spread has been limited. This is partly because most of these agents are not easily transmissible in the normal course of human interaction. But HIV, Hong Kong influenza (from 1968) and SARS are important exceptions. All emanated from the underdeveloped world, reached our shores (SARS was a significant problem in Toronto) and killed hundreds, thousands or millions. What are the lessons to be learned? New infectious threats will continue to emerge, or old ones will become resistant to previous methods of prevention or treatment. Most of the diseases seem to come from countries with overcrowding, poor sanitation, poor nutrition and inadequate access to medical care. The globalization of commerce and travel means such threats will continue to reach our shores. Some, such as HIV, will kill or injure in epidemic or pandemic form, despite our best efforts, and become part of our ongoing struggle with disease. It's in the interest of the United States and our colleague rich nations to think more long-term and more proactively - to try to stem the tide of worldwide poverty and its attendant malnutrition, overcrowding, lack of hygiene and lack of public health and medical infrastructure that breed infectious disease threats. We underfund the fight against root causes of diseases that inevitably end up on our doorstep. But, as the world's leading economic engine, the United States has a responsibility to act globally, if not for the welfare and benefit of our impoverished brethren (a noble, lofty goal), at least for our own ultimate self-interest and protection. Copyright 2006 Newsday Inc.

Homeless Man Set on Fire in Boston Park The Cooperative Feeding Program is in desperate need of food for the com m unity food pantry. •

• •

T he shelves are empty and we need to feed our co mmunity members that need just a litt le help. P lease get with your church, optimi st clubs, schools, or social clubs and do a food drive so our little ones, seniors and individuals get some food in their bellies. P lease call 954-792-2E A T www.F ee dingB roward .org

Learn how to start your ow n food pantry so your ow n group can do w hat w e do to help our poorest members of our community. G o to w w w.Training.cscBrow ard.org. Project name: The Cupboard Is Bare.

(Continued from page 1)

ened by the men kicking him in Langone Park in the city's North End. He drifted back to sleep after the assault, but the men returned, drenched him with a flammable liquid and set his legs on fire, police said. A 911 caller reported flames in the park, and firefighters found the man wrapped in a blanket after he had ripped off some of his burning clothes. "He was shivering and was partially dressed," said police spokesman John Boyle. The park is a short walk from a cluster of downtown bars. The victim was treated at Massachusetts General Hospital for burns to his legs. Nationally, the number of

assaults against the homeless has risen dramatically since 2002, according to a recent report by the National Coalition for the Homeless. In 2005, 73 homeless people were assaulted nationwide and 13 died, the report said. Last August, a 40-year-old homeless man died in Boston after he was beaten. Two teenagers have been charged with manslaughter. In Fort Lauderdale, Fla., a surveillance camera captured two people beating a homeless man to death with baseball bats, the same night two other men were seriously injured. Three teenagers have pleaded not guilty to charges of murder and attempted murder. By ANDREW RYAN Associated Press Writer

HELP Wanted Call Jeff Sprinklers & Irrigation 954-448-4552

Page 11

Volume VIII, Issue 4

HOMELESSVOICE "Whatever we learn has a purpose and whatever we do affects everything and everyone else, if even in the tiniest way. Why, when a housefly flaps his wings, a breeze goes round the world; when a speck of dust falls to the ground, the entire planet weighs a little more; and when you stamp your foot, the earth moves slightly off its course. Whenever you laugh, gladness spreads like the ripples in a pond; and whenever you're sad, no one anywhere can be really happy. And it's much the same thing with knowledge, for whenever you learn something new, the whole world becomes that much richer." -Norton Juster,

Shop and Help the Homeless: 4 easy steps

1– Go to www.HomelessVoiceMall.com 2– Bottom left frame find "choose an organization to shop for"; fill in Homeless Voice and click "find organization" 3– Top of middle frame will show "homeless voice shelter" link; click on link 4– Just go shopping, you can use the search, or store directory. All stores show what percentage of the purchase goes to Homeless Voice. You'll notice the percentages are higher because you now get 75% of the profit instead of 50%.

Download the Homeless Voice.

Make Your Donation Online www.HomelessVoice.org

(Continued from page 1)

she did not, she chose to live at the shelter after she was self sufficient because this became her extended family. She had the home with her because at home you have family and she had that at her side just before she died. All her friends were gathered around her giving their goodbyes. Her daughter stood strong and told mom, “don’t fight it, it’s all right we love you.” Me I kind of use the same words when this time comes, I simply kiss them on the forehead, while holding their hands and tell them to talk to Jesus the whole way through, “Pat speak to Jesus, talk to Him Pat He is with you.” The first time I had to do this was with Jan Cerito who died many years ago, it just so happens that the two were connected because their families knew of each other. I kind of thought why is my speech to them always generic because there has been many since I founded Cosac but there is no other way to do it than to tell them to be with Jesus, after all He is the one that gives the gift of life. He makes life, He takes it away and He gives it right back to us. As I stood and made my little tribute to Pat and another client Roger Lutar, that you will read about in this issue, I said to the friends of Pat, “I think if Pat was here right now she would tell us stop talking about me and get right with God, be a person that believes because on the other side it is so beautiful, the gift Pat would want us all to have is salvation. I know Pats heart and I can sit and tell you all how good Pat really was. But after knowing what Pat would really want for us, you will know for sure just how great she really was. If Pat was here right now she would tell all of us to believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We love you Pat Briggs. -Sean Cononie

Beating Video Stuns San Francisco

(Continued from page 1)

Ed Jew's florist shop in Chinatown captures a brutal beating of a homeless man who was rousted from his sleep by three men who seemed to attack him just for the thrill, reports CBS station KPIXTV. The video is a window into the world of the homeless we rarely see - but a picture those on the street say is not uncommon. In the video, one man takes the victim's shopping cart and may have been about to hit him with it when the two others grab him and take him away before he could do more harm. Jew told police he doesn't know the victim by name but has seen the man sleeping around for six months or so. He always cleans up after himself, Jew says. The man abandoned his camp after the attack and Jew collected what was left to give police, who have no reports of any such crime over the weekend. Jew also happens to serve on San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom's Commission on Homelessness. Newsom's pointman on homelessness, Trent Rhorer, was shown the tape by KPIX-TV staff. "We don't hear about it a lot, but clearly it happens. And this is a good example of it. Or really, a sad example," Rhorer said. "It's common. People don't like homeless people." Thaddius Branch can tell you a personal story, "I was lying and sleeping, and they came with bottles and chains. I got pinned in the eye with an ice pick or something." Attackers rarely get caught. But police say this case, because of clear pictures, may be different. "The pictures of the suspects are pretty good," said San Francisco police officer Leon Sorhondo. "If they can be seen by some people who might recognize them, they did look fairly well." Police say the assault occurred between 4:03 am and 4:13 am Sunday in front of 118 Waverly Place. The suspects are three Asian males, according to police, who described the first suspect as between the ages of 22 and 28, about 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighing 120 pounds. That suspect was wearing a hip-length jacket over a black tank top, and wore white shoes. The second suspect stands about 5 feet 8 inches tall, weighs about 130 pounds and was wearing a white long-sleeve shirt, faded blue jeans and black shoes, according to police. The third suspect was wearing a dark jacket, a white shirt, white pants and white shoes, and stands about 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs roughly 130 pounds, police say.

Checklist Cutout on page 7

Is your family prepared?





Dear Friends: As you can see we are almost there. Please reach out to your friends this month and every month and try to network and let us all reach a goal of getting our 31,750 friends to each send in a check for $20.00. I am so tired, very tired and it becomes harder and harder each day. As I try to expand out to other projects there is only one of me and trying to always fit the monthly budget of about $100,000.00 and still try to get the mortgage paid off which will then make our monthly budget go down to about $90,000.00 a month it makes my life even more difficult. I have been in the hospital September, November, December and January and I am way behind on everything. This is your place, please come by and see what you have created it belongs to the community. It has now been ten years and I need a well deserved rest. If we had 635 churches to each raise a $1000.00 that would be the fastest way to get this place paid off. Go to your church leaders and ask them to help us by doing one special collection at the end of service. After all, this is one of the places where the churches send their homeless to. We need their help more than ever now. We all are so very much tired just not me and we need you even more than before.

HELP PAY OFF OUR MORTGAGE We need just 31,750 people to send in a check for $20.00, Or 12,700 people to send in a check for $50.00, Or 6,350 people to send in a check for $100.00, Or 635 people to send in a check for $1,000, Or Just one wonderful person or business to send a check for the entire $635,000 Remember the donation is tax deductible!! Please send your checks to:

The COSAC Building Fund P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, Florida 33329 We do thank you

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