Homeless Voice; Dear Santa

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Dear Santa, When I was much younger I wanted lots of toys like the other kids got but you never brought them to me. Instead I got some coloring books and play dough. You gave me the books to color but no crayons to color with! When I asked Mom, she said that maybe you were busy and you forgot. It was six weeks later that I got some broken crayons from you along with a note explaining that you were sorry but the reindeers had accidentally stepped on them. I was kind of upset with you because there were only two crayons in the wrapper, and I wrote to you; but on the bottom of that note I made a little P.S. asking you not to punish them because it was OK and I understood that the reindeers could not see the crayons because you were so fat. Do you remember Santa? I also remember one year I wanted a tool kit and you gave me some wood that was all dirty. I wrote you a letter again asking you what you wanted me to do with the wood and you wrote back telling me that next year I can help Santa fix his sleigh that broke because the reindeers ran into a chimney and that it needed to be fixed. A few months later I woke up and at my bed was a bunch of tools that were very dirty. Some were broken and I wrote you another letter and asked you why you don’t make sure that the reindeers stop messing up my presents. The last year that I got presents from you I also got your note telling me that this would be the last year and that Mom and Dad would be giving them to me in the future. You said you had lots of other kids to make presents for and you warned me that I shouldn’t expect a lot from my parents because they had a lot of bills to pay so we would still have a home to live in. On the bottom of the letter you had the strangest request…you wanted me to give back to you all the presents you had just given me last year. If it was OK

5 Tricks to Improve Your Credit


s the Holidays get closer and closer, my credit debt gets bigger and bigger. And although this year I am doing better with them, I can see how easily it can get out of control. Today I will not buy anything… that is what I tell myself. (Continued on page 5)

(Continued on page 8)

Cathy’s Prayer List •

Daysmiel • Sage • Tommy • Hollywood • Joseph • Julie • Roger’s Family • Killingsworth Family • Owens Family • New Destiny International Christian Center of Tamarac • William Skofstad To add a name to the list call 954 410--6275 954--410 No monetary donations needed Names will be listed in paper for 6 months

How’s My Vending? Call (954)

925-6466 X101

What if the Homeless Voice earned a Penny every time you searched on the Internet?

...Well, Now We Can!!! We Need Your Help


ver the last six years we have developed all kinds of fund raising plans to get our mortgage paid off and for the most part we have done real good because of you the readers and the homeless who helped create such a beautiful place. We also thank the people of the “Friends Column.” Do you know if we had only 6000 people send us in their $15.00 a month we would make our monthly budget and we could also pay double mortgage payments? We don't have 6000 people but we have a lot and we are always looking for more. We thank all you givers out there. Even the ones who can only give a nickel, those nickels do add up. And for the others who can’t afford to give at all I know you are praying for us because we could not do what we do now and in the past without you. The last few years have been a little hard on us and it has become a pretty difficult month for us. We as always are trying to stay open, keep the current budget (Continued on page 9)

Rain Season is HERE! If you do not see your normal vendor this month because of rain, make your donation online at www.homelessvoice.org

OK, Sister, Drop That Sandwich! Cities fight panhandling by outlawing food giveaways in parks.


alking around downtown Orlando, Fla., feels like strolling through "The Truman Show" 's fictional town of Seahaven. But spotless sidewalks, a tidy business district, lush parks and lakes belie a (Continued on page 10)

The Homeless Shelter Needs Computers for Classes. Call 954410-6275

The Voice of the Homeless

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FRIENDS OF THE HOMELESS For just $15.00 a month you can keep a homeless family off the streets for a day.

Mail check to: Friends of the Homeless P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, FL 33329 Please include on memo what

• • • • • • • • • •

name should appear in paper.

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The Cononie Family The Targett Family Patrick Helings John Bendor The Preston Family In Loving Memory of Uncle Joe & Nana Shannon Brooks Lisa Cebrat Pakita Price Nana Sullivan The Watsons Sean Cononie Sally Lister Judith Kelly Arnold Goldstein Martha Roman The Baptista Family John Criasia Daniel Harrison The Martinez Family Amanda Reynolds Dolores R. Cerra Bob Hall Tressie W. Osborne Clark Rogers The Savir Family Peter Richman Richard McHenry Stevie Nix Corinne James The Browns Chris Sanchez Hugo DeCarpintini Mario Yuio Richard Friedman Diane Friedman Uylna Quadrino Ginny Scott Arnold Reemer In Loving Memory of Peter Sullivan Maryann Springer Elaine Snaith Marshal Bugin Keith Yude Bruce Wethersoon Isabelle J. Henry Raul Cardenas M.D. Wendy Bryan Jacqueline McCarty Albert J Taragowski Darla King Paula King Richard Gomez Anthony Ralph Jennifer Hicky Timothy Lukehard Thomas Rua The Jackson Family Justin Rowan Mary Green Morris Grazi Marvin Shatze

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Ronald Shafer Vance Gunn Adam Staler Allen Yancy Jimmy Daniels Mel Blount Carol Lockette Joe Golden Anna Marye Levier Magan Narduzzi Andre Johnson Antione Collins Eric Harrison

• • • • • • • • •

Jessica Padilla Sheldon Jones Carlo Harrison Jason Emrik Dan Gilcert Amber Rowan

• • • • •

Jackie Johnson Ricky Cambell Dorr’e Terry Samual Manery Marilyn Vokish Jenny Curic

Amy Curic Lisa Jackson

• • • • • •

Jim Johnson Bobby Neal Erica Fulton Darren Nolf Erica Sanclair Steve Dillan Dallan Michele King Bobby Ore Casandra Thomas Tara Hunter Mark Faber Nichole Faber Kevin Britt The Cable Family The Maione Family Barbara Strong Grace Marth Regla J Ferrer The Baldwin Family Horace Gracie Russell J. Ferguson Marjorie G. Rhines Jamie F. Flores In Loving Memory Of Thomas Gasbarro Cathy and Kids The Davis Family Graham R. Mitchell Essential Oil Healthline Amparo L. Korey John’s Plumbing Service Thank You Winn Dixie Ms. Marilyn Smith Albert J. Taragowski Ruth C Grey Mike Cross

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Tamara Southard

Raul Cardenas MD PA Al and Annie Hurricane Prevention Inc Danny and George The Thompson Family OTD Messenger, Inc M. Smith Yorick and Bonita Parrica Lee Russ & Delores B Mordon Robert Jesus Llanes Comet Couriev Proietto Family In Memory of Billy Corwin Josh Searles Patricia Lee Russ Delores B Mordon Mrs. Jenkins Everglades Moon, Covenant of Goddess, Elibet Hanson Judy B. Pascarella John Gaeta Michael R. Prokop, Jr. Jackie M. McCarty In Memory of Charles Horton In Memory of William F. Judge Todd Palgon The Morabito Family Todd Palgon Holly J. Andrus Lois Cross In Loving Memory of Florence & Nat Popkin Tailored Advertising, Inc Claudia K. Tapolow Margie Jones In memory of Wesley H. Woodall Maria M. Riveiro Gottlieb & Blair Family Pioneer Middle School Youth Crime Watch Rhenals-Mei Family The Strikowski family Margie Jones & Friends Ronald Prescia In Memory of Brian Groleau Laura Flash Jacqueline M. McCarty The Herrmann Family The Monserrate Family Madeline Butera Jennifer S. Nickel Marilyn R. Smith David Thawley On Behalf of Matthew Lambert Mustafa Mehmet Gokoglu In Memory of Scott Paul Cooper Robert and Ruth Baal In Memory of Melba DeSanto

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

In Memory of My Mother Pearl McCann, Love Teresa Barbara Desanto Leah and Ray Michael & Michale Rhett Marie Sutera Floyd and Luana Coats Doug Boucher Family Kevin Jones Dorothy Griffith Family In Loving Memory of Kris Soltan Kevin “KJ” Jones Douglas Boucher The Swartout's Ivonne Fernandez The Verny & Stewart Families In Loving Memory of Frances Klein The Herrmann Family John C. Burt Albert Taragowski Renato & Malika Vasconez In Memory of C.T.R. Adriana Fernandez Andrea Brown The Kunicki Family Thank you so much, Sean & Lois, for all your help. –Joan Futscher & Kids McAvoy Family The Geise Family Richard & Margaret Martin Kenny Angela Adriana N. Quila Elizabeth P. Sublett Barbara Robinson Mark E. Johnson Adrienne and Mike Julio A. Izquierdo Ann M. Hamilton Nicole Lee Nelson Anthony Rhodes Susan P Brady Christine M Wilson K.J. Williams Renato and Malika Vasconez Christine McAuliffe In Memory of Chief George J. Hodges Real Breakthrough Solutions Hartford Property Connection, Inc. In Loving Memory of Donald Fraser In Loving Memory of Rex Lichtenberger In Loving Memory of Jose A. Estruch, Jr. Ronald & Cathy Walker Real Breakthrough Solutions Ms. Evelyn Salerno Nicole Lee Nelson Al & Barbara Liebmann In Loving Memory of Isabel Grimany YOUR NAME HERE

Did you know?

• You can set up payroll deduction through your employer to support the COSAC Foundation’s Homeless Voice • Your company might even match your donation • See your human resource or department manager

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Volume VIII, Issue 12

HOMELESS VOICE I want to thank everyone for their support on our “Soap & Shampoo” drive. It was a success. I also want to urge your friend to change their searching habits on the internet. By using GoodSearch.com and typing in Homeless Voice; every time a search is made , a donation will be made to the shelter. Please take the time to read the story on page 1. I am also willing to take time out to help you get this set up on your computer. Thank you again and Happy Holidays.





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The Voice of the Homeless

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ACI supports the Homeless Voice and the Cosac Foundation in raising awareness and providing solutions to homelessness in our neighborhoods. ACI knows that lending aid to human beings in need is good for our souls, our communities and is simply the right thing to do. ACI would like to thank all people who are actively engaged in helping humanity here on the blue planet. God bless the Cosac Foundation Commercial, Industrial, & Government 2-way Radio www.advantage-com.com

Mark Lavallee, President 954-961-2642

Excellence in Radio

Spreading the Holiday Cheer


ou know, there are a lot of wonderful people in the world and there are a lot of rotten apples and the rest of the human race falls in between somewhere. I’m referring only to the goodness in ones heart… nothing at all to do with status. I am Catholic, which means I am a Christian...yes, I am! A lot of people think that Catholicism is something separate from Christianity. Wrong! Actually, the correct word for us would be JudeoChristians because that is where our roots lie. For some of the Jewish religion, their belief stops with the birth of Christ and others do not. And then there are folks who profess another religion which is not Christian and there are those who profess no religion at all. There are those who believe in some sort of higher power but not specifically in any specific god or God or G-d and there are some who can’t believe in a god in any way shape or form. My purpose in even mentioning religion is that no matter how or what we believe, we were created by God or that Higher Power...and although I don't know

enough, even the atheist must believe that they were created somehow. I remember listening to a discussion at a science fair at Boston College...not that I attended any college...but the fact in question was, “which came first...the chicken or the egg?” But getting back to life as it is now, I think everyone for some reason or another acknowledges the “Golden Rule.” I heard mentioned the other day that in pre-Christ time there was what was called the “Silver Rule” which said don't hurt others because you don't want to be hurt yourself. That in turn became... “do unto others as you would they do to you” and unfortunately has so often in modern day become, “Get the other one before he can get you” or “Look out for Number One, because nobody else will.” When I started writing, my thoughts were centered on Christ's words to help those who are less fortunate than you, to feed the hungry and clothe the poor, but the “Number One” rule just struck a chord. Yes, we do have to look out for ourselves, that is our responsibility but what about those who have to live with the second part of that expression as a measurement of their lives. NOBODY ELSE WILL. That is so sad. We get so wound up in our own lives, in our own possessions in our own dreams and prejudices. How is it possible that we can look at someone different from ourselves and criticize? Are we so perfect? I thought God alone was perfect! Are we all so set on that path of goodness that we must condemn another for not being so...because if that is fact, then there is a very large chink of that pathway missing and we just might fall into that pothole sometime. When a family member becomes sick or unemployed we rush to their side, at least I hope we do. When there is a disaster we open our hearts and wallets. I wonder why. Is it because our eyes have

“How much effort does it really take to help someone less fortunate?”

been opened to a need in someone else? Remember the blind man who asked Jesus to heal him? His eyes could not see, but his heart and his mind could...that's why he trusted that Jesus would heal him. And he didn’t worry about all the people around him who were telling him to be quiet. He knew what he wanted; he knew what was right. His eyes were blind, but he could see. At certain times our “eyes are opened” to what is needed in this world and we react and act; however, there are times we don't because it doesn't affect us right here and right now. But if we thought about the day that we would be judged and had to explain why we didn't help, what sort of answer would we come up with? We were too good to help in that situation or the ones in need in the situation were not “good enough” to deserve our help. Neither answer would be acceptable. How much effort does it really take to help someone less fortunate? Personally, I think it is very hard for a lot of people because first they need to rid their minds and hearts of the opinion that these less fortunate, homeless people are worthless because they have made their bed and need to sleep in it. Nobody can know the true reason why one becomes homeless; sometimes they really don’t know themselves. We all hear horror stories of tragedies that our friends and neighbors suffer…who’s to say that 5, 10 years down the line that it might affect them in such a way to interfere with their lifestyle or job or health, mental or physical. Now would you want them to be ignored and ridiculed? We all extend our hand in greeting to welcome new people into the congregation or neighborhood. Do you know if that person is or has been a sex offender or a judge or a homeless person who actually got back on their feet or a “normal” person like

Lois and Little Caden, her newest great grandson yourself? We have no right to judge; even if we knew 100% the circumstances…we still don’t have the right. Christ was born into this world for each and every one of us. He died for each and every one of us. If each one of us was the only person in the world, He would have done the same. He knew exactly who would accept this salvation and who would not, yet He didn’t specify that He would die for just certain people. He also asked His Father in heaven to forgive His persecutors because they didn’t know what they were doing…so why can’t we forgive? So the holiday season is upon us, on each and every human being…no matter how we celebrate it. Why not spread the holiday cheer, spread the good will but don’t stop on January 1st…keep it going through the year. Good will, be it a smile, a door held, a dollar to a panhandler, a Homeless Voice bought, old clothes and toys donated to a shelter or dinner served, donations or service… whatever you can do for someone who has less and seems down and out…do it. Prayer is most powerful. Even if you don’t call it prayer, it is still powerful. The rich and poor can do it; the rich and poor need it. I think I have already said too much, so let me give just one more expression: “If the shoe fits, wear it.” Remember always, THERE, BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD, GO I!

Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

Page 5

Volume VIII, Issue 12


If This is December, It Must Be Christmas Time


like my cards better now. For Christmas dinhen I was a child, ner I have no stove to bake Mother bought us construcmy-own-recipe pumpkin tion paper, elaborate sets of pie. I can't soak walnuts in crayons and markers, soft, my own tarragon vinegar for fresh modeling clay, knitting my special needles, three “We compare notes spinach colors of yarn, on depression. salad. I will neatly planed my wood, all bev- Someday, one of us miss sister's eled and trimmed, candle will understand it.” ParkerHouse rolls. wax with a line I will miss baking stuffed of scents and colors made Cornish hens for my son on just for candles, to make our our other-parent's Christmas. handmade gifts. I will eat overcooked turkey I have rummaged and bland inoffensive stuffpaper. A group of ing that kind people have (somewhat) assorted markdonated for me and kind ers assembled from donapeople have cooked for me tions. One skein of donated and kind people will serve to turquoise yarn from a lady at church. A crochet needle me. I will eat off a paper plate with a small white from a social worker. plastic spoon (I gave my son Scrounged wood. Odd-sized Tylenol with a spoon like nails. Amusing objects that when he was three picked up off the street. I

months old) and a small white plastic fork that kind people have bought for me, in a shelter that I cannot afford. I will eat with Jessie, sixty years old, who has a hard time walking. (Jessie always has a hard time.) She grates on my nerves when she whines, but she makes me glow when she laughs. She looks like a portrait I loved, of an old peddler-woman, made from a dried apple. I will eat with Coral, who works, who irons her clothes every morning, who hates being called homeless, who lives in the shelter so she can pay her bills. I will eat with Sue who does art with us on an Antioch scholarship. She is recovering from divorce, and she lets us comfort her when the tears are wild and

the shaking won't stop. She is one of us. I will eat with Liz, who does art with me at the Street Life Gallery. We compare notes

on depression. Someday, one of us will understand it. I will have a good Christmas. -homelessnewswire

5 Tricks to Improve Your Credit (Continued from page 1)

Also during the Holidays I try to work on my credit. Hoping that if I do this every year that one day I will have excellent credit. You see when I was younger I made a little mess out of it. I came across this article on the internet and “boy” did it make sense to me. Should I keep this a secret? Will they find out what I did to increase my credit score? Hopefully by the time you read this I will have put my system in place. Now you can too. -Mark Targett EVERYONE KNOWS BUILDING good credit takes patience and persistence. If you pay your bills on time and keep your card balances low over the long haul, you'll be rewarded with a solid score. But what about quick fixes? Many of these tricks are scams. But there are a few sneaky ways to legitimately give your score a boost when needed. Here are five ways to do it. 1. Increase Your Credit Limits Credit utilization, or how much of your available credit you're using, affects 30% of your credit score, otherwise known as your FICO score. It isn't surprising, then, that credit experts insist you keep your balances low if you want to increase your credit score. But here's a trick: Asking your creditors to increase your credit limits will have the same effect. Should the creditor agree to do it, the increase in available credit will automatically lower your credit utilization ratio, says Craig Watts, a spokesman for Fair Isaac, the company that calculates FICO scores. Just how much of a boost your score will get is hard to predict. It depends on many other factors, including how long you've been using credit and how responsibly. Needless to say, using up those higher limits to get into more debt isn't a good idea. 2. Be an Early Bird So you pay your credit cards in full each month. That's great, but as far as your credit report is concerned, you're still in debt. Why? Each month creditors report to the bureaus your latest statement balance -- i.e. what you rack up each month before you pay your bill in full, explains Watts. That dollar amount will appear on your credit reports and will be picked up by the FICO

formulas. So if, for example, the balance on your latest statement was $2,000 and you sent the credit card company a $2,000 check, your credit report will show you had a $2,000 balance for that month, not $0. A smart way around that: Pay your card bills before the next statement date. That's typically mentioned on top of the bill, right alongside your due date. Because of the grace period creditors give -- usually 20 to 25 days -- your statement date is typically 20 to 25 days before your actual due date. (You can find out when your next statement date is by logging onto your credit card account online or calling your creditor.) Once you know your statement date, pay off the full balance a day or so in advance. The result: The creditor will report $0 to the bureaus, bringing your credit utilization as low as possible and improving your score. 3. Use Old Cards Occasionally Obviously, the longer your credit history, the higher your score can be. (That's assuming you're doing all the right things like paying your bills on time.) What you may not know: If you haven't used a credit card for more than six months, the creditor may start reporting the account as inactive. That doesn't mean the account will disappear from your report, says Watts. But when an account is inactive it isn't factored into all FICO formulas. One example: The credit utilization formulas typically don't pick up inactive accounts. Even if your balances are low or $0 on these cards, that won't be reflected in your credit score. "If you have open creditcard accounts, using those cards occasionally will keep them active with the bureaus and contribute to your credit score," Watts says. 4. Piggyback If your credit history isn't all that long or spotless, adding a credit account with a long, positive credit history to your report will certainly boost your score. But how do you all of a sudden add an old account to your report? It's easy. Just ask someone -- a friend, relative or someone you trust and who trusts you -- to make you an authorized user of a credit card they've had for a long time and handled responsibly,

1. Increase Your Credit Limits 4. Piggyback 2. Be an Early Bird 5. Mind Your Utility Bills 3. Use Old Cards Occasionally says credit expert Gerri Detweiler, author of 'The Ultimate Credit Handbook.' "If I get your card with my name on it, the whole entire history from day one will show up on my report as well," she says. "That's pretty beneficial. Even if they had it for 20 years, I'll get that 20 years of history." The good news: Because you are only an authorized user, you are not liable for any card balances, Detweiler says. And the original card holder doesn't need to give you the card itself, so they can be sure you won't rack up debt in their name. 5. Mind Your Utility Bills It used to be that you had to skip paying your utility bills for months for that negative information to pop up

on your credit report. Most utility providers -- from phone companies and wireless carriers to electric suppliers -only reported delinquent accounts, Watts says. Not anymore. An increasing number of utilities have started reporting to the bureaus the same way as creditors do, which means paying your electric and cable bills on time has to be just as important as your credit card bills. AOL NEWS

The USDA has cut off giving food to residents of shelters. Free food from the USDA is only granted for our soup kitchen. This will increase our budget by $5,000 a month, we need your help! Have your church do a food drive once a month!!! •

Spaghetti • Spaghetti Sauce • Oatmeal • Grits • Eggs or Egg batter • Ground Turkey or Ground Beef • Garlic Powder • Sugar • Assorted Spices • Barbecue Sauce • Syrup for Pancakes

• • •

Pancake Mix Instant Potatoes • Milk • Foil Powder Drink Mix • Ice Tea Cheese for Sandwiches Hamburger Patties • Toilet paper • Chicken

Please Call 954-920-1277

The Voice of the Homeless

Page 6


Victor the Great Homeless Painter


e was not the great Picasso, nor was he the great Matisse, and he sure did not offer any codes with hidden messages in his painting. He was Victor the Great Homeless painter. He was Victor our friend. He was Victor our family. Although he did not offer any hidden messages he did keep it hidden from me that he was such a great painter. I knew he painted however I did not know he was such a great one until after he had passed. When he passed I found out he had a bunch of paintings at Memorial Hospital on display there and I wanted to display them here. When it happened I had the horrible job of running to the room when they stated those horrible words on the PA system. “Code Blue, Code Blue Code Three Medical Emergency on an unresponsive person. Sean he is unresponsive hurry Sean he is unresponsive.” When I arrived in the room I knew right then and there it was too late…… Victor had passed. I did an overall check on Victors’ vitals and had another first responder verify as well as another responder because I still am having problems with my ears from the meningitis. We called Fire Rescue and told them to slow it up because he was a signal seven; this is the code that most cities use for “Dead on Arrival.” Since I have worked in the public safety field in the past I know that it can be dangerous responding Code Three with lights and sirens on people not moving out of your way so it is our policy to always tell the 911 operator the latest update so the guys don’t get in an accident coming here especially when we put the call out at first that the person is unresponsive. These medics have kids at home waiting for their safe return and we want them to get home to their kids, so why risk their lives getting here so fast if there is nothing at all that can be done? Rescue came in and legally pronounced his death. The police came in with their CSI unit and did their normal routine. Their routine was very good and they also gave us friendly support knowing that we lost one of our homeless friends. In fact they were so nice to us and so nice to Victor’s body and gave his body the utmost respect that I took the time to send a thank-you letter to the chief and the City Manager. Making That Telephone Call to Victors Family Even though we are a homeless shelter some people who stay here do not have to stay here after they become self sufficient. In Victor’s case he had money to move out and live in an apartment. However, in seven years we all became family and Victor had a place to call home. Victor did have mental health issues and sometimes it is much better for those types of people to continue to stay here so they continue to take their medication. This is the major problem with the homeless industry, which teaches most of us, to get them in and get them out. When this happens the people continue to stay homeless their entire life. Having transitional housing for clients once they have all their emergency issues done and over with keeps them stable. A lot of people don’t know how it works for people who suffer mental health issues. Their life becomes a vicious cycle, so it is very important to start programs that deal with their whole life and not just part of it and this is what we do here at the Homeless Voice. The vicious cycle is very simple, the mental health person is in crisis, they become homeless. The shelter then takes them to a hospital or finds them mental health medication and then they become stable once again. Here is the

downfall of this; once they start to feel better and they know they got their life back together they say to themselves that they do not need the medication anymore. Then in a matter of days they stop taking their medication and begin to deteriorate. This is when they leave their stable housing because they may feel that someone is after them or that their apartment walls are trying to kill them. This continues to happen their whole life. In Victor’s case he was stable here and he felt safe. If he did stop his medication we would find out faster than him and then we would try convincing him to take his meds therefore stopping that vicious cycle. A lot of our clients do not have any family to check on them. In all of my years doing this I have not seen any family like Victors family. I have seen many families get completely burnt out trying to deal with their loved ones mental health issues and write them off. I have seen many families just ignore the fact that their loved one is homeless and could care nothing about them. However Victor’s family was a family that truly loved him and they cared for him so much. His death was the first time I have seen a family travel to come to a funeral of their loved one. This was the fifth time that a family member even showed up. In the past I have called some parents and told them that their son died and their return response was….. Let me say it this way….. This is our Christmas issue and I do not think I should spoil it with some of the responses I have gotten in the past. Well with Victor’s family I knew it was going to be a difficult call to make. I have also known them for as long as we knew Victor because they were very active in Victor’s life. After the police left I picked up the phone and placed a call to Sharon, Victor’s sister in law. I explained that Victor died in his sleep and he died peaceful. Many of our clients pass very young in their life because of so many health problems that cause a person to become homeless in the first place. Victor was one of these friends, he had many health problems as well as his mental health issues and he was just too young to die. Sharon put Niles on the phone which was Victor’s brother. I told him that we were sorry and advised him of the facts around Victors passing. I also told him that the county would take care of all the cremation expenses as they have done in the past for our special clients we call friends. At that time of the call it went from me being afraid to tell them to a very happy call that still brings tears to my eyes. Niles told me that Victor would have a regular funeral and he would be buried at their expense. This is when I said to myself that this married couple Sharon and Niles Jonaitis renewed my faith in the families of homeless people. I was so shocked that they said this to me. I do not know why because they have always helped support Victor and always came by to see him even though they lived in Pennsylvania. Again they have been the most active in one of our special friends lives that I ever have seen in the last ten years and I should have realized that they would do something like this, however, routines always set the mood and that is what was in my head … routines of all the times I have called before and got those dreaded replies from other families. Making That Telephone Call to Victor’s Family became my early Christmas present. Thank You Niles and Sharon Jonaitis for restoring my faith in the families of homeless people. Boyd’s Funeral Home came by and picked up Victor’s precious body. (Continued on page 8)

Victor's artwork was laid out in the lobby for everyone to admire.

The processional into the building by our formerly homeless staff. Two American flags were present in honor of Victor having served our country.

In House Preacher Chet led Victor’s service for family and friends.

Our final good-bye before Victor was taken to rest.

Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

Page 7

Volume VIII, Issue 12


William Melody "Captain"

Mr. Melvin Pouge “Philosopher

Mr. Jeff Doe “Mayor Jeff"

Mr. Charlie Brown “Always on time Brown”

Ms. Hope Thorpe “Gentle as Jesus”

Mrs. Daun Jasper “Publix for 17 years"

John McCormick “The famous My Friend Named John" Featured in the 1999 Sun- Sentinel story that told how much love Sean and John had for each other, the best of friends.

Ms. Linda Sabo “Precious Sabo"

Ms. Lynn Williams “On her way to perfection Williams"

Ms. Sue Simoneau “Kat"

Mr. Joe McKissick “Cowboy”

Ms. Connie Pisapia “Mrs. Paralegal”

The Honorable Joseph M Martinez " Former Florida House of Representative 1966 to 1970 Republican Yes it can happen to anyone.”

The Voice of the Homeless

Page 8

HOMELESSVOICE Dear Santa, (Continued from page 1)

with me, I was supposed to put them in a red pillow case so one of your helpers could pick them up from me. I couldn't understand how Santa could be poor this year but you said you were and that you needed my presents to give to my little brother Jimmy so he could have a great Christmas like all the ones that I had had before and that I should keep this secret between you and me. I told you that I will keep it a secret and Jimmy would never know. And I asked you to go on a diet so your reindeers would not make the crayons worse so Jimmy could color on Christmas Day and not have to wait like I did. It was not until about five years later when my dad got a promotion at work and Mom started to work that they took us to a place called Bennigans Restaurant, it was my first time out to eat. So me, Mom, Dad, Jimmy and now we had our baby sister, Angie went out to eat. The waitress asked my mom if it was OK for Angie to have crayons.

I couldn't believe she was giving my sister the same crayons that I got so many years ago! I remember I ran into the bathroom, crying because I thought that I wasn’t loved very much because I had been given crayons from a restaurant. My dad couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me so he followed me into the bathroom. That’s when I learned what love really is. Dad told me that he and Santa spent hours trying to get those crayons for me. The first time he asked the lady at the door for some crayons she said I had to be a customer. Dad said he went back the next day and the same girl was working so he didn’t ask for them. He went back on the third day and another girl was there waiting at the front desk and he asked her for a pack of crayons and she said sure. My dad explained he missed the city bus and it took him five hours to get home. It was very cold that night and daddy was

“And now, years later, I know what love is and what a present from the heart is about.”

so tired he missed the next day at work. For our Christmas dinner that year we ate at a big place with lots of others who also had a bunch of presents that were dirty and not in wrappers, these people all live at the place we were eating at. They said this was a place where poor people eat…they called it a homeless shelter. Now this is all behind me, I think back to the great Christmases we always had. And now, years later, I know what love is and what a present from the heart is about. I think back now, that my parents are pretty cool… they were just like Santa and they were poor too. I bet you all the money in the world that the kids down the street who got more presents than me can’t say that Santa kept on writing back to me explaining everything. What is love? Love is the fact that, my parents went through all this to make sure that I had a good Christmas. Besides, what other kids got to keep secrets like Santa and I shared. My dad took so much of his valuable time to get me two crayons for those coloring books! He could have just said there was no Christmas this

year. Or make up a lie saying I was a bad boy and that Santa was not giving me presents this year. You see I was upset at all those kids who kept getting more presents than me, but now I realize that any of my past Christmases was more special to me than any of those with all their presents that they wanted…toys and coloring books and crayons that Santa and his elves had in storage. I got more love out of those two little crayons and used coloring books. By the way those coloring books also had the name Bennigans on them as well. It looked like a place mat. Thank you Santa, Thank you Mom and Dad for giving me the best Christmases in the world. Love, Anthony C. Today I would like to add a PS to that letter: Santa, don't forget to ask other kids to feed the poor and bring other great presents to other kids who are also poor like my family was.

walls. This picture you see here is a self portrait that Victor drew of himself; the other was one of his other creations. I wished I had known all these years what a really good artist he really was. We loved you Victor and please draw some more in Heaven so the people up there also know just how good of an artist you really are. Don’t hide it … show it off so others can enjoy your work. Before I go Before I go, let me say a few words about “Victor the Great.” He loved to eat and loved to eat. He went everyday to some type of “arts” place. It was the library one day, the arts and crafts part of Memorial Hospital the other day, the movies the next day and then he would find some type of special museum or display such as King Tut. I think that is what made him such a good artist. Not only did he like to learn but he taught a lot of us some stuff we should have known but did not pay

any attention to at school. We all have taken classes in upper education places such as music or art appreciation, but how many of us actually paid attention to the meaning of art? As I explained above, I did not know just how good of a painter he was; I did know how good of a photographer he was. He would take digital pictures of all kinds of stuff with the camera I got him for his birthday. He would show them to me almost daily. He then took those pictures and made either drawings or paintings from his pictures. He added some stuff to these pictures that would make them seem happier. Victor had joy in his heart. In the years that I have known him, he was one of these guys who never got called to the principles office. Victor thanks for allowing me to know you and love you. Love Sean and the Gang

Victor the Great Homeless Painter (Continued from page 6)

A Day Went By A day went by and I called them when they were driving down to Florida so we could go over arrangements. I asked them if it was possible to have the service here. They said what a great idea so Victor could have all of his friends with him and be at a place that was his home. Usually we just have the memorial service here and place a picture here on a table and have all of their friends saying their final words to a picture. This was the first time we actually had their body be driven in first class service from the funeral home to the shelter. This was the first time we had two flags as the body was being brought in with the Pall Bearers. This was the first time we even had Pall Bearers. I have always been a person to say that the homeless deserve a funeral just like the rest of us and this time we were able to do just that and share such a great time together. I say “a great time together” because death should be celebrated because Victor was on his way to a new shelter, Jesus said it Himself, He went to prepare a place for us and Victors place was Heaven. The Funeral We turned the Café into a place to have a nice service and many people showed up. Even Victors nurse George and his wife came and also people from the hospital that treated Victor showed up. He had several friends on the outside that knew he was a great artist. In the front were flowers and several of Victors painting were laid out

on the counter top where all of us saw just how good of an artist he really was. How many of us will be able to say that our nurses and people who treated us will show up when it is our time? You see they showed up because Victor was a great person. One at a time our clients came to the casket and said their good byes to him. It was a sad moment is all of our lives. Especially when his old time friend Carol Massed went to the casket and said her prayer for him, she kissed Victor and said she loved him. I was holding Carol at the time and started to cry with her. I felt her pain and gave her a kiss and told her we love you the same Carol. Carol suffers from a terminal illness and she is family and I told her when it is your time we will do the same thing for you. Carol has been here even longer than Victor and some of you may know her as Queen Carol The dancing Queen. After the kiss I gave her, Lois came over and the three of us stood while the others were saying their good byes. After the funeral the family took a few of the paintings back home with them and offered the remaining painting to me and the shelter. We walked the family to the car and said we were honored to have them here and they drove off to go back home. As Lois and myself were walking back into the shelter we saw one of the paintings through the front glass door and said I wonder how much more hidden talent sleeps in this building. I must admit Victor the Artist was a talented artist and his paintings will hang on our

Or make your donation online at www.HomelessVoice.org

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Most Americans are “Two Paychecks” away from being homeless. Help the shelter stay alive. We are trying to pay the mortgage off! To help, please send a check or money order to: COSAC Foundation Burn That Mortgage Campaign P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, Fl 33329

Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

Page 9

Volume VIII, Issue 12

HOMELESSVOICE What if the Homeless Voice earned a Penny every time you searched on the Internet?

Well, Now We Can!!! (Continued from page 1)

going, paying off the current mortgage balance and of course dealing with the cities that are still in the process of removing us from the streets. First we had me with the Meningitis. Then we had the few storms that caused floods in our offices. Then came Wilma and Wilma caused us to lose our complete computer system and all our back up files. When a storm approaches it takes us about five days to prepare and even if the storm does not come our way it also take about two weeks getting the shelter back to being able to operate fully. We call these days “Down days” meaning staff does nothing other than getting us back to normal so we become late in all forms and government paper work as well as even balancing our check books. To give you an example we still are five months past due on reconciling our check book as well as a few years late on tax paper work. Thank God the IRS understands and they know we are trying our best to do our paper work that is needed. Then we just got our office back from the damage of Wilma and we still got another $600,000 worth of work repairs to do at the shelter which is going to cause us to become even slower and more behind in our paper work. With all the damage we had to come up with major amounts of money for the deductible and also had to lay out almost $200,000 in cost to start the repairs and also another $50,000 just to have the new elevator placed in our building after Wilma caused her to short circuit and destroy the ability for her to work correctly. Then all you know I lost Cathy in August from lung cancer and Cathy did so much to cover up with my memory loss and left over disabilities from the meningitis. She did mostly everything for me. And as most of you know that with all these hate crimes on the homeless it takes so much of my time away from the shelter. We all must start educating our kids that these attacks must stop. With all these problems we are very concerned that we are going to continue to have a hard time securing donations and working on getting the mortgage paid off as well as paying the monthly bills just to stay open. There has also been a very big increase in the numbers with the elderly who are receiving social security income and cannot make it on their level of income and end up homeless. A few years back I told you that we needed to take the word AMWAY and change the words to A WAY TO PAY OFF THE MORTGAGE AMWAY is the parents of Network Marketing. We created one of the largest Homeless Newspapers in the North American Continent as well as running the Homeless News Wire Service which is like the AP of homeless newspapers. There are a little over 50 of these homeless papers in the same continent. So now we are going to change the name of AMWAY to A WAY TO PAY OFF OUR MORTGAGE with another detailed business plan that is going to help the people we serve. We Need So Many Campaign Thermometer Campaign Campaigning is still going on. You can show all your friends the thermometer in the Homeless Voice and ask them to send in their checks. We had this one man at an office who photo copied that page in the paper and asked all his friends at work to make a check payable to the COSAC Homeless Assistance Center, Inc and give him the check for $20.00. Well over three months he raised a total of $4420.00. He also asked his friends to make copies as well and hit all their friends up in their community or at their spouse’s workplace that raised another $1840.00. A job well done…. .

Santa On His Way Contest We had such a fantastic response with the “Santa On His Way Contest,” we decided to have three winners. The winners will be given their Toys R Us gift card on December 15th, 2006. We will send out a letter or call you by that day. We will not be able to print the winners’ art work until the January issue. To find out if you won call 954-444-7326 on December 15th, thank-you!

HELP PAY OFF OUR M ORTGAGE We need just 26,062 people to send in a check for $20.00, Or 10,425 people to send in a check for $50.00, Or 5,213 people to send in a check for $100.00, Or 522 people to send in a check for $1,000, Or Just one wonderful person or business to send a check for the entire $521,230; We will name the shelter after you or whomever you choose Reme mber the donation is tax deductible!! Please send your checks to:

The COSAC Building Fund P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, Florida 33329 We do thank you The Famous Friends Campaign You have seen this in the Homeless Voice, this is where you all send in your check for $15.00 per month and then we print your name in the paper every month. This is a real good plan for people who play cards together, watch football together, or at family functions. Bring the Friends page to the work place asking your co workers to join in the fun. You can also make copies of this page in the paper and ask your church leaders and elders to allow you to speak so they too can be involved. The One Time Donation for the Holidays This plan is where you try to collect donations from everyone you know asking them to send in a Holiday Gift to the COSAC Homeless Assistance Centers Inc. You can buy a package of Holiday Cards and pre-address our address on the envelope and hand out the cards to your friends. You can include a little message in the card asking them to send in their donation to the listed address on the flyer. Two Christmases ago we had one lady by the name of Cindy, and thank you Cindy, who bought three boxes of fifty cards and passed them to her friends asking them each to send in their special donation. We got 101 cards out of the 150 that she passed out making a total donation of $7,070.00. Come to find out she was an Amway Rep for about ten years of her life. She used her Network Marketing skills to reach out. The Matthew Plan This is the plan that asks your church to send in a one time nice size donation. If we had about 500 churches that each sent in a check for $1,000 then we all will burn those mortgage papers and have a great feast and feed many more according to the book of Matthew. We do get many referrals from the churches and please have your church come by and see this community center for the poor people. Your Church Leader will want to come and live here and help us out. Penny drive We all have seen those unwanted pennies in our car, in our home in our desk drawers; and hopefully soon those unwanted pennies can be brought here to the shelter. This can be a lot of fun. Last year we had a young boy at the age of 15 who collected pennies from all his friends and family. He went around to his neighbors and also collected pennies but a lot of those people also gave him checks and other coins that made his efforts reach almost $3500. The fun part of this penny drive was bringing the pennies here. He collected almost 1600 lbs of pennies. Search with Us over the Internet Go to your search engine and enter in goodsearch.com. You search the internet just like you do with Google and Yahoo and you get the same results and it is entirely free to you. It is pow(Continued on page 12)

The Voice of the Homeless

Page 10

HOMELESSVOICE Cities fight panhandling by outlawing food giveaways in parks. (Continued from page 1)

real city with real problems, in particular a burgeoning homeless population that local officials are struggling to control. After a law banning begging outright was struck down by the courts, the city tried regulating panhandlers by issuing them ID cards, then by confining them to 3- by 15-foot "panhandling zones" painted on sidewalks. But it wasn't enough, so this summer Orlando tried a supply-side solution, cracking down on churches and activists who had been feeding large groups of homeless people in downtown parks. Now it's not just the panhandlers who risk getting arrested, it's the people trying to help them. Advocates say anti-feeding ordinances are the latest in a series of municipal efforts to legislate against homelessness. A report this year by the National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH) found double-digit increases since 2002 in laws prohibiting begging, sitting and lying in public places. A week before Orlando passed its ordinance; Las Vegas outlawed giving food to even a single indigent in any city park. The law defines an indigent as a person who appears "to be entitled to apply for or receive" government assistance. "It's revoltingly immoral. It literally enforces a class regime by defining criminal behavior based on income," says Lee Rowland, a public advocate with the ACLU of Nevada, which filed suit in August against the Vegas feeding ban. "Cities figure that if you quit feeding the homeless, they'll go away," says NCH executive director Michael Stoops. But in Orlando they've kept coming, drawn by warm weather and low-skill service- industry jobs. The homeless population, including seasonal agricultural workers, is estimated at about 7,000; the city has shelter capacity for about 2,000. Activist and church groups tried to fill the gap with food programs. The largest, run by a group called Food Not Bombs, began giving away meals once a week at Lake Eola, one of Orlando's most pristine parks. Their wellintentioned efforts led to some negative side effects for nearby residents. Police say that crime, along with reports of trespassing and lewd behavior, spiked after many of the large feedings, which often drew hundreds of homeless into some of the nicest parts of downtown. "I was having to pick up human waste from my yard and shoo people out from sleeping in my bushes," says Robert Harding, a local attorney whose office is around the corner from Lake Eola Park. While the ordinance has reduced the size and frequency of feedings, Food Not Bombs is finding ways around it by feeding from the backs of cars parked across from parks. More than once, it's thumbed its nose at the city by feeding in front of municipal buildings, even city hall, which raises the issue of whether the ban is even enforceable—just as the city prepares to defend it in court. Supported by the ACLU, Food Not Bombs sued to overturn the ban earlier this fall. Food, says the group's head Ben Markeson, "is a right, not a privilege." The city may look like a movie set, but the people lining up for sandwiches aren't actors. By Matthew Philips Newsweek

The Homeless Voice’s Response To feed or not to feed is the question. I am still trying to figure out after all these years as being a

pretty outspoken advocate for the poor. Now as far as I am concerned in my heart I will tell you that everyone deserves a chance to get fed no matter who you are, where you live, or whatever condition your community is in. I have the same position on the third world countries who claim they have no food to feed their poor. Over the last ten years you all have heard me say that there is no excuse for a child to starve because they can’t get food in their bellies. You heard me say that if we can put a man on the moon and now have cars that can become a boat or cars that can fly we can do just about anything in the world. Actually flying cars have been around for years but no person had the need to have one. How can any country say to its people there is no food or better yet, let their citizens die of starvation. Every night when you and I go to bed the ticker starts to count. One dead child, two dead children, three, 30,000 people a day die because of the lack of food. With all this technology how can this still happen and should it be criminal to allow it to happen? Now look at the local problems where cities outlaw the public feeding of a homeless person. You and I can sit in a public park having lunch. In fact you and a few people from the office could be waiting for me to bring you lunch in the park because it was my turn to pick up the tab. Let a hurricane happen and the whole city can eat just about anywhere in the city. However try to feed the homeless and now you are facing some time in a county jail. My God this is sick…for the behavior of any elected person in office to try to pass as a law. To you Mr. Political leader the season is the reason why we all help the poor. If you could be so kind and remember that America was founded by criminals who broke British law and she was also formed with principles of the Bible. You know …. Help the poor, feed them and clothe them as the Book of Matthew puts it in Jesus’ own words. You see Mr. or Mrs. Mayor there was a little boy born on Christmas day as the story goes. Ok maybe it was not December 25th but that is the day your former politician’s decided to call the Christmas Holiday. In fact this is the day that every local government in the USA pays as holiday pay. So what are you doing ….you are paying city workers to take off of work because of a Christian Holiday yet you do not pay attention to what that Christian guy said about feeding the hungry. I ask you how you can do that. Yes, you can outlaw feeding the homeless until someone takes you to court, but some outspoken advocate like myself can bring a “roach coach” to your community and you certainly can’t outlaw the homeless paying one penny for their food, and you can’t outlaw some person giving the homeless one cent to buy the food from the roach coach. What will your tax paying voting crowd say when you get sued like Dade County when they made laws targeting the homeless and millions had to be paid out? You may be able to get your local commissioners to sign off on the new law, and it may pass the state courts as well but you will never win in Federal Court. Who are you to ever dictate when and where a person can eat especially when that person has no home or refrigerator to open up to get something to eat? You and I Mr. Elected official can at any time go to our kitchen and make something to eat but our poor friends have to wait until some nice person comes there way and shares some food. Some may say Sean you are

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taking this too far. I say it this way. The reason why kids are dying daily in third world countries is because we, meaning all the nations can feed them but don’t because our little hearts have hardened over time. We just figure there is nothing we can do and over time we let that thought carry out our deeds. I never want to see my own country to have such a hardened heart that laws can be passed that interfere with a miracle in progress. When you are homeless and hungry and some stranger comes up to you and gives you something to eat it is a miracle and to most of the hopeless and homeless it always comes from God. What would happen Mr. Mayor if your town got hit with three hurricanes in one season and then you opened up parking lots at shopping malls like all communities do post hurricane so its town people can come and get food? Let’s say you had all your kitchens set up and you were feeding your citizens and in line helping out was your own police officers handing out bags of ice and then comes a court order to your feeding location because the homeless went to court to get a court order for you to stop breaking your own city laws of feeding the homeless in public locations. Yes Mr. Mayor, “what is good for the goose is good for the gander.” The only things I can tell you for sure is that even though you may take food out of the mouths of the homeless in no way would the homeless do something like you did to stop the feeding of your townspeople. Instead of going to court they would be passing out bags of ice like many do post disaster just like my homeless did for the West Coast during the aftermath of Hurricane Charlie. They took thousands of dollars worth of water for several days… these are the guys and gals behind the buckets and papers they carry daily so they can do just that and provide for their brothers and sisters. They worked for days going from our East Coast warehouse to the West Coast and then back again and back again. Mr. and Mrs. Mayor, if you are going to give your workers off this Christmas, if you are going to put up a sign that says “Happy Holidays,” if you dare have any Christmas programs then don’t you dare take the birth of that little guy so light. His mom and dad traveled many miles and the townspeople got together and yes the inn owner violated city ordinances and opened up a homeless shelter in the barn because there was no room at the inn. Then volunteers from many other towns came and helped provide assistance to Mother Mary with food and items and to help bless such a precious moment. The little guy then grew up and we now know him as Jesus and you must remember that Jesus commands us to feed the poor. Don’t stop letting miracles happen. Don’t stop the good deed of others because you want to preserve your town image. Instead create an image of helping the less fortunate and do the work we were taught to do when we all went to church when we were little. Just for a moment look at your own grandchild in the eyes and tell them that other kids their age deserve to die because you don’t want them fed. I bet you your own grandchild would be the first one to share their food with the homeless teaching you a few things. And please most of all don’t act like you like the homeless and that you are doing this to keep order in your city. If the homeless make a mess after they get fed then clean it up. Look how much tax money is used to clean up after our favorite team wins the World Series. Look how much tax payer’s money is used to clean up after the President’s inauguration. Try to work with the people who want to feed the poor and get a basic understanding of how things should work but don’t you dare pass a law that does not allow me to feed the poor. (Continued on page 11)

Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

Page 11

Volume VIII, Issue 12


Last month we started to really enhance our Burn that Mortgage Campaign. We did not do as good as we expected but in reality we did do good because anytime someone sends you a donation you are grateful even though you don’t make your goals. We are thankful for the people who helped us and for the people who could not help us out because I know their prayers are with us. We are getting there and we will indeed pay off this mortgage. So I ask you one more time to reach in and try to get others to help us meet our goal. In fact let’s all make a new goal. Look how much the friend’s column has grown over the years. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had to devote two whole pages to the friend’s column? Today I give you the challenge to bring five of your friends to our friend’s column so we can still keep on helping the ones who need help the most. Please remember it is going to be raining a lot during the next few months and we also need help with our rain budget. This money is saved for rainy days so when the vendors are not out there raising money for the homeless we can pull from the rain conserved funds. Please go to page 2 and follow the directions and let’s add some of your friends to this column.

Cities fight panhandling by outlawing food giveaways in parks. (Continued from page 10)

There seems to be an increase in homeless attacks when communities try to pass laws like this that makes it seem that the homeless are not real human beings. It almost gives permission for the kids to viciously attack the homeless because they are not real people. After all it is against the law to feed these people so they must not be worth anything. We have all seen the signs “don’t feed the ducks, don’t feed the birds” and now we have signs that say “don’t feed the homeless.” Then there is hunting season, you can hunt

the birds you can hunt the ducks, so these kids now go around hunting the homeless killing them by decapitating them or better yet lighting them on fire while they sleep. Are the elected officials actually teaching the young to kill the homeless by the examples they teach? This Holiday season we all need to see exactly what our elected officials are doing with their lives. There was a very important reason why Jesus was sent to us here on earth and that was for the forgiveness of sins and to treat others the way we want to be treated. When we see the little ones we know that these little

creatures are precious. We all love the babies and little Jesus came to us as a baby. I am so glad that no person back then outlawed the assistance to this homeless family. Mr. and Mrs. Mayor, Jesus was homeless. How dare you ever try to make a law that outlaws a miracle and an action that Jesus commands us to do. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. -Sean Cononie National Homeless Advocate

The Homeless Voice Needs Volunteer Reporters Call 954-410-6275 Stories, Documentaries, Podcasting, News

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What if the Homeless Voice earned a Penny every time you searched on the Internet?

...Well, Now We Can!!! (Continued from page 9)

ered by Yahoo Search. For every search you do, the Good Search Company will donate $.01 to us here at the Homeless Voice. You can also add their link to your employer’s web browser so it is in your tool bar which makes it very easy to use. After you get to your link you will see enter in the Homeless Voice and it will prompt you to the COSAC Homeless Assistance Center, verify it and then whenever you go to that page our name should be there. Here is the fun part‌ You can see every time you search how much money was raised for us. After you verified your charity you then go to and enter your search words. When you go to this page it will give you directions to install in your employer or other search engine so it will always be there. Basically it will become your homepage. AOL Users may have to clear your footprints or cookies every so often so it automatically can be used in their tool bars.

Please use this site honestly. Fraudulent searches will result in a charity being de-listed. Recent Searches: disinfects smallpox, disinfects small pox, disinfects smallpox, disinfect smallpox

Here is the most exciting part, send this link with a little note telling your friends and families to do the same thing as you did. This means you are going to Network Market with this plan. I ask you please help make our Holiday Season a very special one and help us until we have burned those mortgage papers. You can send in your checks to The COSAC Homeless Assistance Center, Inc P.O. Box 292-577 Davie, Florida 33329 Or call 954-924-3571 and ask for the Campaign to pay off our mortgage department. Thank-you for keeping us in your prayers! May the Lord Bless you!

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