Homeless Voice; Forgiveness

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Old Buildings New Solutions




efore you read this article let me explain a few things. Please do not take my words as Gospel. There are phrases in this article to open up our minds and my own mind, as well as examples. It does not demonstrate how I feel at 100 percent of the time. I do personally believe we should at all cost try to forgive as many as we can because Jesus said so. However forgiving those who attack us like September 11th or those who attack our military in Iraq sometimes becomes impossible. However we are going to have to forgive some of the people some of the time to go forward to try to come up with some type of peace plan or we may have terrorist acts for the next 100 years. Mr. Bush is left with many hard decisions to make and frankly it is quite hard to get rid of terrorism all together. No matter Democrat or Republican, both parties will have to try to come up with the best plan, instead of name calling against each other. If they took all that time that was used on the name calling then just maybe they

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Takeshi Meada and Richard Fiske, An extraordinary example of forgiveness. could spend more time on the exact problem. Mr. Bush (Continued on page 8)

Margate may outlaw sleeping in vehicles in measure aimed at homeless


he city is planning a wake-up call for the homeless, banning people from sleeping in their cars when they have nowhere else to go. Margate would be joining cities such as North Lauderdale, Lighthouse Point and Pompano Beach that have similar measures. Officials say the proposal, which will be considered at today's commission meeting, is needed to prevent people from sleeping in parking lots. It doesn't pertain to children napping in the backseat or tired drivers who pull off to the side of the road for a catnap, officials say. The meeting is at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall, 5790 Margate Blvd. If the ordinance passes, it still needs two more commission approvals before it can be enforced. Commissioner Art Bross supports the measure. "We get complaints from [property] owners that there are people sleeping in vehicles and throwing their trash all over the place," he said. "I feel bad for the homeless, but I can't allow them to squat on other people's properties." But advocates said the net effect is a clampdown on homelessness. "I think it's unintelligent, short-sighted and morally wrong," said Laura Hansen, executive director of the nonprofit group, The Coalition to End Homelessness. "The answer to homelessness is providing a place for people to have a roof over their heads -- not outlawing poverty, which is what this is doing."

“City rules already ban people from living in tents, unless they're camping, or on boats.” Margate City Attorney Gene Steinfeld said zoning regulations forbid people from sleeping in their cars in areas that are not zoned residential, such as the parking lot of a business or a park. He said the city wants to make the law broader. City rules already ban people from living in tents, unless they're camping, or on boats. Steinfeld said he decided to amend the city's existing ordinance after a code enforcement officer told him a man was sleeping in his car outside Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, just off State Road 7. This proposed ordinance would have prevented him from sleeping in his car there, even though he had the church's permission. Myrna Gallo, 60, of Margate, said she is protesting the proposed ordinance because she fears becoming homeless herself. She and her neighbors at the Rancho Margate (Continued on page 9)

hile it is difficult in some states to solve the problems of affordable housing, in other places it seems to be quite a simple solution. In Fort Wayne, Indiana, Finley Development, a Florida based firm, has found that old buildings really can be used for good hearted issues in conserving them versus knocking them down into a pile of rubble. This good heartedness has been successfully attempted at St. Peter, built as a three story Catholic Elementary School and transformed into an affordable housing community. The elegant poised structure with 18ft high ceilings and marble staircases today is home to many tenants 55 years of age and older. Many say “its like heaven here”. Very appropriate name! Why not take a historical building with all its aesthetic beauty and let her stand gracefully with dignity? Instead of destroying her and forgetting she once existed. Better yet, lets take historical schools, warehouses and churches and transform them into a pleasant place to live in! This is what is happening in 25 states throughout our country. Some states are transforming historical buildings into affordable housing for the older adult. The tenants are appreciative of the great deed as well as the consciousness created by renovating such a building and converting it to apartments. In order to live here their income can’t exceed 60% of the local average income. The residents there say they are so happy here they never want to move. That’s the way it should be! We all want a home we can be proud of, that we feel good to go to. That is what home is all about. Someone out there had the right idea and knew that conserving what we have is the way to go. Although it seems like these buildings are being conserved and new ones built, still more affordable living is desperately needed in our country. Residents benefit from federal tax credit programs that encourage developers to build affordable housing and to preserve historical buildings. This tax credit has provided 1 million apartments in the last 20 years. It can continue to play a huge role in providing many more apartments for seniors. To qualify for preservation tax credits, the historical character of the building must be preserved and have architectural significance. Let’s continue to play our role in assisting those in need so that we can live in comfort in our own home! Here’s how we can all help! In order to save an old building, if you see a historical building in your neighborhood and you believe it can be converted, contact your state housing department and find out who allocates tax credits. Partnering up with non-profit developers is usually achieved with nonprofit neighborhood or faith-based groups. Finally, to get started, go to www.LISC.org to contact the Local Initiatives Support Corp. They help community groups to create such projects. Credits: AARP Bulletin April 2007 Issue By Adriana B. Guerra

The Voice of the Homeless

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FRIENDS OF THE HOMELESS VOICE For just $15.00 a month you can keep a homeless family off the streets for a day.

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The Cononie Family The Targett Family Patrick Helings John Bendor In Loving Memory of Uncle Joe & Nana Shannon Brooks Lisa Cebrat Pakita Price The Watsons Sean Cononie Sally Lister Judith Kelly Martha Roman The Baptista Family John Criasia Daniel Harrison The Martinez Family Amanda Reynolds Dolores R. Cerra Bob Hall Tressie W. Osborne Clark Rogers The Savir Family Corinne James Chris Sanchez Hugo DeCarpintini Mario Yuio Richard Friedman Diane Friedman Uylna Quadrino Arnold Reemer In Loving Memory of Peter Sullivan Maryann Springer Elaine Snaith Marshal Bugin Keith Yude Bruce Wethersoon Isabelle J. Henry Raul Cardenas M.D. Wendy Bryan Jacqueline McCarty Albert J Taragowski Darla King Paula King Richard Gomez Anthony Ralph Jennifer Hicky Timothy Lukehard Thomas Rua Justin Rowan Mary Green Morris Grazi Marvin Shatze Ronald Shafer Vance Gunn Adam Staler Allen Yancy Jimmy Daniels Mel Blount Carol Lockette Anna Marye Levier Magan Narduzzi

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Andre Johnson Antione Collins Eric Harrison Jessica Padilla Sheldon Jones Carlo Harrison Jason Emrik

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Jenny Curic Amy Curic Lisa Jackson Jim Johnson Bobby Neal Erica Fulton Darren Nolf Erica Sanclair Steve Dillan Dallan Michele King Bobby Ore Casandra Thomas Tara Hunter Mark Faber Nichole Faber Kevin Britt The Cable Family The Maione Family Barbara Strong Grace Marth Regla J Ferrer The Baldwin Family Russell J. Ferguson Marjorie G. Rhines Jamie F. Flores In Loving Memory Of Thomas Gasbarro Cathy and Kids The Davis Family Graham R. Mitchell Essential Oil Healthline Amparo L. Korey John’s Plumbing Service Thank You Winn Dixie Ms. Marilyn Smith Albert J. Taragowski Ruth C Grey

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Proietto Family In Memory of Billy Corwin Josh Searles Patricia Lee Russ Delores B Mordon Mrs. Jenkins Everglades Moon, Covenant of Goddess, Elibet Hanson Judy B. Pascarella John Gaeta Michael R. Prokop, Jr. Jackie M. McCarty In Memory of Charles Horton In Memory of William F. Judge Todd Palgon The Morabito Family Todd Palgon Holly J. Andrus Lois Cross In Loving Memory of Florence & Nat Popkin Tailored Advertising, Inc Claudia K. Tapolow Margie Jones In memory of Wesley H. Woodall Maria M. Riveiro Gottlieb & Blair Family Pioneer Middle School Youth Crime Watch Rhenals-Mei Family The Strikowski family Margie Jones & Friends Ronald Prescia In Memory of Brian Groleau Laura Flash Jacqueline M. McCarty The Herrmann Family The Monserrate Family Madeline Butera Jennifer S. Nickel Marilyn R. Smith David Thawley On Behalf of Matthew Lambert Mustafa Mehmet Gokoglu In Memory of Scott Paul Cooper Robert and Ruth Baal In Memory of Melba DeSanto In Memory of My Mother Pearl McCann, Love Teresa Barbara Desanto Leah and Ray Michael & Michale Rhett Marie Sutera Floyd and Luana Coats Doug Boucher Family Kevin Jones Dorothy Griffith Family In Loving Memory of Kris Soltan

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Kevin “KJ” Jones Douglas Boucher The Swartout's Ivonne Fernandez The Verny & Stewart Families In Loving Memory of Frances Klein The Herrmann Family John C. Burt Albert Taragowski Renato & Malika Vasconez In Memory of C.T.R. Adriana Fernandez Andrea Brown The Kunicki Family Thank you so much, Sean & Lois, for all your help. –Joan Futscher & Kids McAvoy Family The Geise Family Richard & Margaret Martin Kenny Angela Adriana N. Quila Elizabeth P. Sublett Barbara N Robinson Mark E. Johnson Adrienne and Mike Julio A. Izquierdo Ann M. Hamilton Nicole Lee Nelson Anthony Rhodes Susan P Brady Christine M Wilson K.J. Williams Renato and Malika Vasconez Christine McAuliffe In Memory of Chief George J. Hodges Real Breakthrough Solutions Hartford Property Connection, Inc. In Loving Memory of Donald Fraser In Loving Memory of Rex Lichtenberger In Loving Memory of Jose A. Estruch, Jr. Ronald & Cathy Walker Real Breakthrough Solutions Ms. Evelyn Salerno Nicole Lee Nelson Al & Barbara Liebmann In Loving Memory of Isabel Grimany Dr Mary Michaela Farren In Memory of My Good Friend Pat Gibson Fred T Verny JR Nicole Lee Nelson C.R. Gallagher Jonathan Burger In Memory of Dan Holland Sheila Holder Merav & Ezra Alexander In Memory of Maxima Oakland Park Elks Lodge # 2407 J. Coffee In Memory of Martin Grey YOUR NAME HERE

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Volume IX, Issue 5


The theme of this paper is forgiveness and love. It is not a coincidence that we have written about this during Mother’s and Father’s Day. All we have is time. How do we want to spend it? Angry or at Peace. As you read on, we hope that you can open your minds. If there are any LE TT ER S TO T H E E D ITO R amends that can be SEN D T O: made, we should no P.O . BOX 2 9 2-5 77 longer procrastiDAVIE , F LO RIDA 3 3 3 29 nate. FA X TO : 9 54 -9 2 6 -2 0 2 2 -Mark Targett

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The above represents an estimate of an un-audited glance until final figures are calculated. Program Services, includes donations we give to our international programs such as the orphanages in Haiti as well as 14 different homeless social service agencies such as our shelter system. How do we do it? Most of the top staff are full time volunteers and we only have a very small paid staff. The paid staff gets below the normal salaries in the world of not for profits. We had a mission to do and we did it and will continue to do it living by the rules of the founding fathers.

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The Voice of the Homeless

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ACI supports the Homeless Voice and the Cosac Foundation in raising awareness and providing solutions to homelessness in our neighborhoods. ACI knows that lending aid to human beings in need is good for our souls, our communities and is simply the right thing to do. ACI would like to thank all people who are actively engaged in helping humanity here on the blue planet. God bless the Cosac Foundation Commercial, Industrial, & Government 2-way Radio www.advantage-com.com

Mark Lavallee, President 954-961-2642

The History of Father’s Day


ather's Day, contrary to popular misconception, was not established as a holiday in order to help greeting card manufacturers sell more cards. In fact when a "father's day" was first proposed there were no Father's Day cards! Mrs. John B. Dodd, of Washington, first proposed the idea of a "father's day" in 1909. Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart. William Smart, a Civil War veteran, was widowed when his wife (Mrs. Dodd's mother) died in childbirth with their sixth child. Mr. Smart was left to raise the newborn and his other five children by himself on a rural farm in eastern Washington state. It was after Mrs. Dodd became an adult that she realized the strength and selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent. The first Father's Day was observed on June 19, 1910 in Spokane Washington. At about the same time in various towns and cities across America other people were beginning to celebrate a "father's day." In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of a national Father's Day. Finally in 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday of June as Father's Day. Father's Day has become a day to not only honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure. Stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers.

New Number 954-437-3776

Excellence in Radio

Father’s Day Gift Ideas Footprint T-Shirt Make a fun T-shirt full of real footprints and a special message. A great gift idea! Instructions: I simply had my kids step into a shallow dish with fabric paint in it (each kid had a differnt color) and then step on the t-shirt. Once the footprints were dry, I used black fabric paint and wrote "My Kids Walk All Over Me".

Handprint Poem Gift A great gift idea submitted by Lynette K. Instructions: Make a home-made card or a wall hanging with your handprint on it, and print this poem on it! “Sometimes you get discouraged Because I am so small And always leave my fingerprints On furniture and walls But everyday I'm growing big And soon I'll be very tall Then all my little handprints Will be hard to recall So here's a special handprint Just so that you can say this is how my fingers looked when I placed them here today.” Hints shared by Ronda: "I put a boarder around the poem and add the child's name and the year. Poem to the right of the page, Name on the bottom left and year at the top left with handprint in the center. To acquire the boarder I used Create a Card."

Notary Service 954-325-7326 $10 All proceeds to help the homeless Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

Page 5

Volume IX, Issue 5

HOMELESS VOICE Parents Are Wonderful


There is a lot of history that I know nothing about and since both have he internet is such a vast supply passed away, I will never know. I of knowledge. Just search the word never knew my dad because he died mother (and father. don't leave him when I was a toddler. My mother out!) Instantly you have links to contracted polio when I was eleven what to do and buy to make them and nearly died. As a result, she was happy on their special day, when that handicapped and struggled the rest day is. You have the history of how of her life. For whatever reason, I Mother’s Day and Father’s Day was “sent” to live with my aunt and came about. How the days are celeuncle when I was pre-4 yrs old. brated throughout the world. FaIt must have been hard for mous parents are quoted. Poems are my mother to do printed. Songs that because a sung. And the list "Youth fades; love mother would goes on and on. walk through hell Sadly, droops, the leaves of for their children. Mother’s Day is celebrated on the friendship fall; A mother's It took love for her to do that a second Sunday in secret hope outlives special kind of May and Father’s them all." love. And it took Day is on the third Sunday in June. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes love for my aunt and uncle to These days are set (1809-1894) spend the next, aside especially what 15 years or for remembering so sacrificing, and revering our loving me and parents and/or treating me like those who have their own. filled that special Chilplace in our dren for the most lives...the adoppart love their tive parents, the parents, but for substitute parents, sure don’t act the surrogate parlike it. I had ents, the family reached a point members who step in my life that I in and take the actually hated place of the parmy aunt for all ents when needed, the restrictions the friends and she put on me and all the “fun she neighbors who seem to be the had kept me from having” with the “parents" sometimes, the teachers rest of the kids. It wasn’t until I had who take on the role, the older sibmy own children that I started to lings who must shoulder that job/ realize what she had done; and it blessing and the list goes on and on. took a few years more before it Notice that I said sadly and it is a sad thing that they have one day set really sunk in. When I looked back and heard stories of who did what aside and everyone goes all out to over the years, I thought that I could show and say how much we love have been in those predicaments. I them and then merrily go about our thank God now, that I had the presbusiness, which for the most part is ence of mind to write her a letter set aside from them, for the rest of thanking her for loving me enough the year. This however, is not true to be so cruel in putting her love into of everyone, thank God. action. She and my Uncle Joe had When babies come so viotwo of their own kids, but I was lently and beautifully into this world, never treated any differently than mom is there to hold and comfort they were. and so start a life time of doing just Years went by and I was that. Ideally dad is there too, at her back with my mother and roles had side to hold up his end of the bargain reversed because now I had become as the head of the family. I almost the caregiver to someone who was said breadwinner, but that term is so my mother, whom I did love but still outdated and in this day and age, it a stranger of sorts because of all the usually takes both paychecks to surtime we had spent apart. We had vive. always been a family so there was no I was really not raised by estrangement from her, but the day my mother; my Aunt Ann raised me.


Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love, Where there is injury, pardon Where there is doubt, faith, Where there is despair, hope, Where there is darkness, light, Where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, not so much to be understood as to understand, not so much to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in dying that we awake to eternal life. - St. Francis of Assisi

to day experiences not shared form a little gap. Once I was an adult, my mother would spend the winter months with me and the better seasons with her sister, Ann. Once the traveling became impossible she moved in with my family and me and stayed with me until the day she died. I could say I loved them both with all my heart and I did and I felt anger and disappointment with both as well; but love was the dominant emotion and it was because of them, I am who I am today. I have to give so much credit to single moms but deep in my heart I think I give more to single dads. The mother instinct is there, always there, there is no denying it, but for a man, no matter how loving and how wonderful he is….to take on and succeed in single parenting...that is really something to be proud of and commended for. You know, we see so much here at the shelter. We’ve had girls and couples who have had their children taken away from them and don’t (as far as what we can see) make a single effort to get them back. The bad choices they made that removed their kids in the first place still hold first place in their lives. On the other hand there is the rare case that perhaps it was a slight miscarriage of justice that took them away and the parent or parents are so devastated and fight tooth and nail to be reunited and somehow the system just doesn’t seem to cooperate in the slightest. My heart goes out to any woman, any parent, which includes all who I have named beforehand, who has had a child and has lost them or has issues with them that just tears at your heartstrings. Most of us have been through the latter and you have my prayers. My family is going through that right now and I would ask your prayers for Brian. This is a little off the side of the road, but every time I think of asking prayers from someone else, I think of Geri B who I worked with very many long years ago. I had asked her once to pray for something and she told me she would “think

deep thoughts” for me. What is the hardest and irreconcilable heartache is the loss of a child...no matter what the age. Our children are supposed to outlive us. When that happens the world is at a loss for words. The closest of friends don’t have the words to express their feelings. All the cards and verses can’t soothe that tremendous void that ravages the heart, soul, body and mind. Columbine has always been at the forefront of our minds when it comes to the wasting of young lives, but now we have the massacre at Virginia Tech. Every time I visit my daughter in Georgia, I pass hundreds of our kids on their way (this time) to Iraq; so many who won’t come home again and some when they do, come broken and shattered in body and emotion. Diane wears her heart on her sleeve and whenever she comes in contact with our fatigued clad boys and girls, she goes right up to them, tells them “thank you and God Bless You”. True, life could be a lot worse for some of us but the world could and should be a lot better for everyone. It’s like that one little candle in the darkness that sends it’s light to the far corners of the room, or that drop in a puddle that ripples out to the very edge. We can all do something to make a difference. So being Mother’s Day and Father’s Day that we will be celebrating...lets start there...start with our parents that we have been out of touch with or out of sorts with. And although we don’t like to admit it, parents can be very obstinate also and that needs to change too. Someone needs to make the move and someone needs to reciprocate. The day will come when it will be too late to make any amends. Too late to say, “I love you.” Too late to say, “I’m sorry.” Too late for anything to make a change. The chance to take just those 5 minutes for a phone call or a few hours off from work to visit are forever gone...gone...gone. -Lois Cross P.S. I just wanted to give a special Thank You to all of our Vets.

The Images of Mother

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4 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mommy can do anything! 8 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot! 12 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mother doesn't really know quite everything. 14 YEARS OF AGE ~ Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either. 16 YEARS OF AGE ~ Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned. 18 YEARS OF AGE ~ That old woman? She's way out of date! 25 YEARS OF AGE ~ Well, she might know a little bit about it. 35 YEARS OF AGE ~ Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion. 45 YEARS OF AGE ~ Wonder what Mom would have thought about it? 65 YEARS OF AGE ~ Wish I could talk it over with Mom.

The Voice of the Homeless

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ow empty life must really be without love. I wish I could honestly say that we all love our parents, our children and our family members, but we know, unfortunately, that this is far from the truth. I probably should explain that I am on retreat over Easter weekend…this would probably explain somewhat. Yesterday I had a bowl of Special-K for breakfast…the plain kind…no berries and what a difference from what I am used to! Even the flakes seemed to be a different shape. And so I thought about how much is missing from our lives and do we miss it? Do we even know its missing? Far too frequently we are faced with violence and hatred in our communities and homes. Sean keeps asking how these people (and now it has dropped to 10 yr. olds), how these people hurt others the way they do. Specifically, you know I am speaking of the attacks on the homeless, but it’s not confined there. This of course, has been blamed on the Bum Fight videos which are so horrendous and degrading. But take a step backward and what do you blame the videos on. Where do you place the blame for the producers’ mindset? I wonder if their parents are proud of them for being so successful and bringing in those big bucks; or, might they be a little saddened or even embarrassed at what their children think is important to them. And so goes each generation, backwards…all the good mixed with the bad. You know Sean has been quoted many times as saying, “nobody wakes up in the morning and says ‘I think I will become an addict or homeless today’”. And nobody ever wakes up in the morning and wants to be mean and hateful to others…WHICH…if we are hon-

est, is really being hateful and hurtful to ourselves. “They” say that evil exists everywhere, but what does exist really mean. According to Mr. Webster, exist means, 1 a: to have real being whether material or spiritual 2: to continue to be 3 a: to have life or the functions of vitality. I remember the first question asked of us in chemistry class was: What is cold? Such a complicated question and so many complicated answers were given. But the answer was: the absence of heat. Evil isn’t something, it is the lack of it. What is lacking is LOVE. This lack of love has been building for centuries, for eons, and has now generally become the way of life. Don’t take me wrong, there are a lot of good, loving, truly loving people in this world. Love is a tricky word because it should be something that is given freely, but I think for the most part, there is most definitely something expected in return. I wish I knew the answer to how can we get things back on track, how can we put the love back in our lives. I know the answer to what is needed, but not how to get people to let it in. My Aunt Ann used to have an expression and usually used it as an exasperation. She would say, “Oh, for the love of God.” It wasn’t until yesterday that I realized that we should live exactly that way. I always feel the need to apologize up front, so that I don’t step on anyone’s toes. Whether we are Christian or non-Christian we all have our God, Creator or Supreme Being that we believe in. So now my Catholicity comes through: Jesus Christ is that LOVE of God given to us to show just how much He loves us. I don’t want to get into preaching, but the human Jesus didn’t want to suffer and die

My Aunt Ann used to have an expression horren- and usually used it as an exasperation. death. She would say, “Oh, for the love of God.” It wasn’t until yesterday that I realized divine that we should live exactly that way.

that dous The Jesus loved His father and was obedient to the end and so proved His indescribable love for us in dying for our salvation. How many times have we used the expression, “I love you, him, or her to death.” Well, He did and actions speak louder than words. That’s another of Aunt Ann’s sayings. (She had one for everything when I was growing up.) It wasn’t just you or me who He died for, it was everyone…the rich, the poor… American or foreign…the beautiful or ugly (of heart as well as face). He died for the very worst person on earth that ever was or ever will be and if that person was the only one in creation, He still would have done it. I think that we can’t love our neighbor, friend or enemy unless we let the LOVE of God (no matter how we call it) into our lives and allow it to influence our lives. Catholics are so used to the Blessed Sacrament…the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ… being in the Tabernacle in church, we take it for granted sometimes, some of us do. And for years now, because of this evil in the world, the churches are locked up when not in use. So most would not have the chance to stop in on Good Friday or Holy Saturday and see the Tabernacle doors open, empty inside. The Sanctuary Lamp is not lit. The place is just empty. It does feel very strange to say the least. That awkward, “out of our element” feeling that I last spoke of. But God is there. Always He is with us. We need to take a minute or two or an hour or two out of our busy important lives and listen and listen and listen! And when we do, we will know how to change the world, but

changing ourselves comes first. So about these homeless you don’t want around, who you don’t think are worthy of your efforts…they are good enough for God to love. Nobody enjoys being homeless, even the ones who refuse help or shelter. This is only my opinion but I think they have just become so set in their ways, their mindset so unbendable that a stick of dynamite wouldn’t change it. It may not even be stubbornness; it could very well be selfpreservation. “They” say that we have to be able to love ourselves before we can love others and I sort of have a hard time with that one because I know that I tolerate or do much that I wouldn’t do “if I love myself”. But I do love others! True, I see their faults and look at that sometimes more deeply than I should but I still would rather love than hurt. It occurred to me this morning that the soft instrumental music I was hearing was Christmas music and I thought how appropriate it was (today is Holy Saturday) because that Christmas Babe would have been nothing more than an extraordinary man had Easter not happened. Love abounds at Christmas time with good will, presents and giving but what change does Good Friday and Easter bring about in our lives? We have been given all the Love in the world…what do we give back? -Lois Cross

House Passes Hate Crimes Against Homeless Legislation



he House unanimously passed HB 11 – Assault or Battery on Homeless Persons sponsored by Representative Priscilla Taylor (D-West Palm Beach). The bill is being sent to the Senate for consideration. “Florida is considered the meanest state, leading the nation in the number of violent acts against homeless persons,” said Rep. Taylor. “These acts are hate crimes in that they are “Florida is considered the meanest state, senseless, bias-motivated, and leading the nation in the number of violent acts based upon prejudice.” against homeless persons,” said Rep. Taylor. HB 11 amends Florida hate crimes laws to include: homeless status of a victim. Violent crimes evidencing prejudice based on the homeless status of a victim are now subject to increased penalties. Nationally, attacks against homeless men and women have reached their highest levels in years. Florida has the highest rate of attacks against the homeless. Florida’s incident rate is ten times the national average. In many of the documented cases, victims were intentionally and deliberately targeted because they were homeless. “Violence against the homeless is a growing problem in our state and something has to be done to address it,” said Rep. Taylor. “Increased penalties, I believe, will help quell the rise in homeless beatings we’ve seen over the past few years. This is just one way we can protect some of our most vulnerable citizens.”

Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

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Volume IX, Issue 5


Over the last few months we started to really enhance our Burn that Mortgage Campaign. We did not do as good as we expected but in reality we did do good because anytime someone sends you a donation you are grateful even though you don’t make your goals. We are thankful for the people who helped us and for the people who could not help us out because we know their prayers are with us. We are getting there and we will indeed pay off this mortgage. So we ask you one more time to reach in and try to get others to help us meet our goal. In fact let’s all make a new goal. Look how much the friend’s column has grown over the years. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had to devote two whole pages to the friend’s column? Today we give you the challenge to bring five of your friends to our friend’s column so we can still keep on helping the ones who need help the most. Please remember it is going to be raining a lot during the next few months and we also need help with our rain budget. This money is saved for rainy days so when the vendors are not out there raising money for the homeless we can pull from the rain conserved funds. Please go to page 2 and follow the directions and let’s add some of your friends to this column.

Joe Schaefermeier


ecember 21, 2006. Only Three More Shopping Days… If the advertisements were to be believed, Dads would get power tools and new cars, Moms would shine in diamonds (and new cars), and the kids would fill the air with the sound and sometimes fury of their new electronic toys. Most of us in the real world, however, hoped we’d be Christmas-lucky and get what we needed to soothe our anxieties and gladden our hearts. In that sense, Joseph (Joe) Schaefermeier was one of the lucky ones: Inside the Homeless Voice shelter, he found a safe place to lay his head, three meals a day, and a supportive and welcoming community. Joe is a young man of medium height with a slender build and a redhead’s porcelain complexion. Without his mustache and goatee, he would look much younger than his 25 years. His boyish looks are reminiscent of one of Mark Twain’s characters; but Huckleberry Finn lived in gentler times, and Huck didn’t have epilepsy. Joe does. According to the National Epilepsy Foundation, perhaps as many as 30% of new cases begin in childhood. In 75% of all cases, the exact cause cannot be ascertained. Epilepsy is a chronic, nervous disorder of the brain, characterized by the frequent occurrence of seizures. A

seizure is the malfunction of the electrical system of the brain. A surge of energy passes through the brain; this “overload” clouds a person’s awareness, blocks communication, and creates uncontrolled or unorganized movement. It can result in a convulsion, which consists of muscle spasms and complete loss of consciousness. Needless to say, these behaviors are often misunderstood, disconcerting to strangers, and worrisome to family. Joe and his older brother and sister lived with their mother in her parents’ house in St. Louis, Missouri. When Joe was around seven or eight, he started having seizures in his sleep. Although they must have concerned his family, Joe says he wasn’t very disturbed by them because he was asleep at the time. They didn’t stop Joe from working every little job he was offered, nor from drinking the alcohol he found in the refrigerator. (He remembers the adults blamed each other for the disappearances.) So Joe’s early days were filled with school and friends, odd jobs, and the unconditional love of his maternal grandmother. But this world fell apart when he was ten

years old: His grandmother died. Joe was inconsolable; he suffered what he calls a nervous breakdown. His seizures increased, and he says his behavior was “out of control.” His mother sent him to live with his paternal grandparents who, in turn, passed him on to his abusive father who lived and worked at a motel in Phoenix, Arizona. If it is true that home is where the heart is, then Joe Schaeffermeier became homeless at the age of ten. The years in Phoenix were filled with school, work, and fatherly beatings. At fourteen, Joe found a job at Pete’s Fish & Chips and became a short order cook. At fifteen, Joe ran away from the abuse and headed back to St. Louis. At sixteen, having long since lost his school attachments, Joe dropped out of tenth grade and worked full time at such jobs as roofing, construction, and landscaping. But seizures, triggered by stress, illness, lack of sleep and other factors, became more frequent, thereby severely limiting the work he could do. One study reported in the Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health (2002) found that epilepsy

occurs proportionately six times more frequently among the homeless than in the general population. Whether it is the stresses and behaviors of homelessness that cause seizures, or the social stigma and physical limitations of epilepsy that lead to homelessness, is uncertain. In Joe’s case, it is probably both. After St. Louis, Joe went to Chicago; eventually, the brutal winters drove him to an uncle in Ft. Lauderdale. He was able to stay with the uncle for a short period, but he ended up in a hospital last December with chest pains and no address. That hospital referred him to the Voice shelter. Here, Joe seems to have discovered his niche. Since the day he arrived, Joe has volunteered tirelessly. He does whatever needs doing, even bringing his expertise to the kitchen. He continues to have seizures, but he has roommates and others to look out for him, and medical attention and counseling when it’s warranted. He has set his sights on attaining a staff position before too long. As this article is written, there is a girlfriend on the horizon. It just may be that after 15 years of transience, neglect, and various forms of abuse, Joe has found his way home. MH Poulson

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The Voice of the Homeless

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HOMELESS VOICE Forgiveness OK, you have your right to express has tried his best but any general of your thoughts because we are free to any military will tell you most of the do so and the reason we are free to time you invade a country and redo so is because many former USA move it’s current government you are soldiers have fought to give us those guaranteed some type of civil war rights. Some of the comments I made, turmoil. I may not even believe in, again, We all sin and if you are one it was just written to expand our of these people who can’t forgive that thought process so we can learn to is your sin. You may have other gifts forgive more and for us to see how that allow you to do more where I fall hard it is for any President to make short and commit sin. I may have any decision. When I wrote this story other sins but may have the gift of I debated with myself as if I was in a forgiveness. We all sin and I am not debate club at school and truthfully so perfect that I can forgive everyone debating with yourself allows you to who has wronged me. I was there in help make decisions that are very New York just two days after Septemimportant. I urge each and every one ber 11th with our disof you to send letters to your memaster agency and bers of Congress when I saw those "Forgive your and express your moms and wives holdenemies, but thoughts, views and ing pictures of their loved ones stating never forget their suggestions. “have you seen my names." My Story on Forhusband, have you seen my son,” I pergiveness on to the sonally would not be -John Fitzgerald Holding past and the fact able to forgive them Kennedy that you just can’t as a human, I was forgive someone very sad and those and then focus on images remain in my that incident that head forever. Howcaused all the pain ever when it comes to is a way for some diplomacy we somepeople to times must forgive to stay dysfunctional move forward but their entire never to forget. If we life. We as Chrisdid not do this the tians know that we whole world would be are to forgive at all at war 24 hours a cost. However day. When It comes some of us have a to President Bush real hard time askmany are really going ing for forgiveness after him for the way and giving forgivehe is handling Iraq ness. Maybe not forget but for sure but please remember he has advisors we must forgive. Jesus said it best, that have more experience with wars Father forgive them for they know not than any president would ever have. what they do. We also are faced with In fact many of these war experts if we expect Jesus to forgive us then have been put in power by other we better know how to forgive others presidents. So in a nut shell he is not so we are not judged harsher at the to blame at 100 percent of the time. I time of meeting our maker. do personally dislike some of the Can the theory of forgivethings he does but then on the other ness work at stopping wars in the hand I think he can be so brilliant at Middle East? Can America forgive times. I respect him dearly for at its attackers and can the insurgents least getting our nation somewhat forgive the Americans for the death prepared for a pandemic. Many othwe did when we responded in force? ers have left this area untouched. He Do we look at history to see what has has set the wheels in motion to prohappened to solve our current probtect us from a pandemic, I do think lems? Perhaps maybe there will the administration can do more but at never be forgiveness that takes place least we are starting to get prebut will the American Bush Adminipared. I have never voted for him for stration do whatever it takes to stop other reasons; however the Iraq war terrorism? How do we do was not one of them. He did do a that? There is only two ways to stop great job after the attacks on Septemterrorism. The first being you must ber 11th and by his actions and the destroy every terrorist that exists and actions of our military it gave a new make sure no other person would spirit to the word America. want to become a future terrorOne last thought before you ist. And frankly that cannot be done, get in the story. I am in no way sugwe will never be able to control who gesting that our soldiers who are would want to become a terrorist in being killed in Iraq are terrorthe future. However we can look to ists. They are heroes and I do hope the second way to try our best to we treat them better than we treated combat terrorism. The second way to the Vietnam Veterans. Every time I stop terrorism is that we must undersee one of their faces on TV when stand the hate that exists, and seek they announce what servicemen lost ways to get the terrorist not to hate us their life today, I then stop and say a anymore or at the very least not hate prayer for them. This was just writus as much. We have to understand ten to help us think and help us unwhy exactly they hate America and derstand that there are many different then figure out ways to make the hate ways for people to hate us even if we go away. Even if we are not doing are truly correct in our actions. I anything wrong, we have to seek have made some comments below that (Continued on page 9) some people may be upset with. It is (Continued from page 1)

Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

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Volume IX, Issue 5

HOMELESS VOICE Forgiveness their citizens to show them that we could totally wipe them out we ways for them to understand our acsigned a peace treaty. Many people tions and we have to give and take a died but yet we are the best of friends little to get rid of some of the hate. now. Define extremist, can it be Then over time as we get along a described by the shock and awe we little better we may be able to make did to Iraq when we went to war improvements in our relationagainst them? To us, no, but to ship. Sometimes when you meet them, maybe so. Can their actions face to face with an enemy it belike strapping bombs on their bodies comes harder to fight with each to blow up anyone around be considother. A good example was Mr. ered an extremist act? About a Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbamonth before we attacked Iraq I chev two Presidents and two friends wrote a piece about the possible outthat solved the long term conflict come of a war with Iraq. One of the between the USA and the Soviet statements I made was, as we kill one Union. I am not saying that we have of them another will to conform to them be born. Would an but we must speak to attack on Iraq cause them and ask them why they hate us and "It is easier to more terrorists? Apparently so, according ask them what we can do to make the hate forgive an enemy to our own governgo away. than to forgive a ments report. We call them insurgents, we You see, friend." call them terrorists, these terrorists did not and we call them bad just wake up and say, If the Interna“I hate the USA.” -William Blake, people. tional Community got Our actions caused them to hate us even Jerusalem, 1820 together and decided that the war on Iraq if our actions were was an illegal action nothing of bad taste. and they decided to To them it is a war call Mr. Bush a war criminal and and if it is war then truly the only then they formed a coalition against way to end war is go back in time the USA and then invaded our land and get back to the diplomacy table and removed President Bush from and draw up new plans for peace. power what would you and I do? Let Can this be done with extremists? it be known I am a hard core DemocWell we did it with Japan, we were rat, and I dislike a lot of things that just enjoying that day and then they the president does. However, he is bombed us with a delayed declaramy Commander and Chief and I tion of war. This too was for sure a would be using anything I could to terrorist act. After they killed many get these invaders out of America. I of our servicemen who did not dewould blow up anything they had serve it and after we killed many of (Continued from page 8)

and was using against us. If Mr. Bush was committing genocide on the American people we all might welcome the invading forces. So if Saddam was committing murder after murder then I am sure that many Iraqis would be welcoming us. And many do… Would the international press call me an insurgent and terrorist? Probably so. Their actions of wanting us gone create hate towards us and if we do not get out when we can they will continue to hate us, years to come. Even as a Democrat I do not feel that Mr. Bush is to blame all on his own. Let it be known we allowed Saddam to do his behavior over the years and did not mess with him what so ever when he did his horrible actions to others. It was when he was going to get more control of the oil with Kuwait when we jumped in. I do not believe we went to war for the Iraqi people because if that was the reason we would have done it years ago. Weapons of Mass Destruction are weapons that Saddam Hussein could not have and if he did have them we had every right to remove the weapons from his hands.

He had violated the peace agreements from the first war and from his actions we could do what was necessary to keep him in line. We did not even need the United Nations to say yes or no, Saddam said yes to us by his own actions when he violated almost every agreement. Our sister agency which is a human rights division "The Peoples United Nations" even met with the American Iraqi Council pre war and asked if Saddam should be removed from power. We asked them what they would do to help stop a possible conflict. We met at the shelter for about six hours and they showed us some of Saddam's works, the killing of innocent people. To tell you the truth at the time, I thought for sure this man had to be dealt with. But as the time grew I saw the politics that got in the way. Our past behavior in dealing with Iraq and other Middle Eastern nations may predict what kind of hate will exist in the future. I do not ever believe that we should make forms of governments that we think should exist. We should never be the government (Continued on page 10)

Margate may outlaw sleeping in vehicles in measure aimed at homeless (Continued from page 1)

mobile home park off State Road 7, where townhouses are planned, have already received an eviction notice. "When they kick me out of here, yes, I'll be on the streets," she said. "Once I get evicted, they don't want me in Margate." If the ordinance is passed, violations could include citations or more serious penalties. "Technically, they could be arrested," Steinfeld said. Brandon Hensler, a spokesman for the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida, said the organization would monitor the situation. "A better solution for the city of Margate would be to spend their time and resources on addressing the underlying causes of homelessness, not criminalizing people for their state of being," Hensler said. By Lisa J. Huriash South Florida Sun-Sentinel


The Homeless Voice Response:

et’s not forget that many people who have worked all their life are now becoming homeless when

beds they would be filled in a few they retire because of lack of income months. Does this commission and they just can’t make it on what know that every night in Broward they get from social security. We are seeing people who are now age County there are about 30 homeless families with in67 who only get fants some as young $700.00 per month as three weeks old to live on. Has anyone ever looked at Does this commission who live in their Every night what it costs to live know that every night in car? there are at least 12 in this community? I will say it again, Broward County there females who are these people have are about 30 homeless abused by their mates and there are worked their entire families with infants only a few beds. life and are just poor and now are some as young as three Some females leave with their car and it becoming homeless. weeks old who live in takes them a week Are we asking them or two to get into a to sleep outside? In their car? domestic violence case we forgot just shelter. What last month the figwould happen if a ures for the whole family with small children was in USA were released on the most dantheir car and then had to rest at a bus gerous state for the homeless to live stop in the middle of the night bein. Guess what, Florida has more cause they would be arrested for hate crimes and attacks on the homeless than any other state. In fact being in their car and one of those kids were abducted and killed? How South Florida has more than any are they going to feel? other community in the whole counThis is not the way to hantry. Why are we denying them a dle the situation and for any city to safe place to sleep like their car? target a certain group of people like What we need to do is come up with the homeless would be against the beds for the homeless. There are law. Are we going to force drunk about 8000 homeless people in the drivers to make it home instead of county. Yet there are less than 1200 pulling off to the side of the street? beds for the homeless for an emerIn case you are wondering gency, and the Homeless Voice has why some cities have more violence about 300 of them. If we had 10,000

towards the homeless than others let me explain it like this. Research has proven that when cities make laws that target the homeless, these cities that target the homeless have more violence towards the homeless than cities that do not target them. Florida is one state that targets the homeless and South Florida does the same. The decisions our local leaders are making, gets in to the head of kids who then think that if our elected officials are saying you can’t feed a homeless person, or we don’t want a shelter in our city, or it is against the law for a homeless person to sleep in their cars then the homeless must be bad and then when the kids hunt and kill a homeless person for the fun of it, they think they are doing a public service. Research has shown when cities are mean to the homeless then so are the people that live in the same city and these attacks increase. Let’s not dehumanize the homeless because there are many fine people that live in your city that don’t want to see this law passed. Not all people that live in mean cities do violent acts towards the homeless… There are only a few selected kids who go out of their way to target the homeless and beat them to death. -Sean Cononie

The Voice of the Homeless

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HOMELESS VOICE Forgiveness (Continued from page 9)

maker of the world. We have to now because we over threw their government, and we should have to rebuild their country because now we want a Democracy. Let me ask you this. What happens if there was no conflict in the world and we were minding our own business and then because a group of leaders thought that the United States of America needed to change its form of government? So they invade us and remove the President from power and give us a new form of government to follow. Would we then be fighting along side our armed forces? Would we then become terrorists and attack the invaders? Would some of us oppose the new form of government and then start fighting with other Americans to bring America the way it was in the past? Would we again become our labels as terrorist? Did it ever occur to some people that these terrorists and insurgents in Iraq may feel that this invasion was an illegal act and this is why they are killing our servicemen? Do they feel that this current government is a rouge government and it was taken over illegally and they want their own old Iraq back? This article is not a political article. It is written to expand our minds and to look for answers when it comes to forgiveness. I am in no way suggesting that we should just let people pounce on us and then forgive them like it never happened. There is a point to my madness. We have to understand how people feel and then try to resolve the conflict. In the world of homelessness many people can’t forgive each other and then those ties are broken. Basically a parent felt this way, my son stole from me over and over and I don’t care if he is on the streets, I can’t afford having him stealing my pay check for crack…. Not one time but over and over. So what does dad do, dad does not let the son in the house and now the son is homeless. Sure the dad is responding correctly. However maybe the dad should forgive his son and try to help him in other ways such as offering him a place to get help. So dad can forgive but not forget and try to help at the sidelines. What happens if it is over something stupid and the years go by and now dad is homeless because he got sick and his pension was not near the amount of money he needed to keep that roof over his head? The son who has never forgiven his dad

Japanese. To Richard his friends, all decides to say it is his own problem soldiers, who he was so close to, and he deserved it. I am here to tell were dead because of them. Those you that many cases of homelessness pilots who dropped bombs on our are caused by the lack of forgiveness men in uniform in a sneak attack and that is why it is so important to could Richard ever forgive them? look at history. Some of the ways Look back to WW2 our two we unite family with our clients is by worst enemies were Germany and teaching forgiveness. We teach our Japan but today we are very close clients to learn how to forgive and allies and friends. How can that be not to forget. I am not writing this true, enemies and now article so when best of friends? That someone steals from that exists you that you turn “In the world of friendship today has prevented your back once again so they can continue homelessness other aggressive attacks. By the way that to steal from you. If many people friendship exists only we taught them that because of the act of we would need milcan’t forgive Yes, lions of more beds each other and forgiveness. peace as well was because many people would become homethen those ties created when we introduced the world to less by allowing othare broken.” nuclear bombs but our ers to continue to friendship today is not steal from them. I out of fear it is out of know there is a part forgiveness. Can America and Iraq in the Bible that says something ever forgive each other so the war close to that, and also suggests that if would end and all terrorist attacks someone hits you let them hit you would cease to exist in the future? If again on the other side of the face or we understand how they feel and something close to these words. I why there is hate could there be forthink Jesus was trying to get us to giveness and could that lead to a understand that forgiveness is someworld free of terrorist attacks? I am thing we have to live by. Forgivenot suggesting that we should not ness but do not become forgetful. convict any person who did these Is there ever a way for a dirty deeds on September 11th, what I person to forgive someone who has done such a drastic bad deed to am saying is that if we ever catch Bin you? Well the answer is simply yes. Laden would there be peace with Let me explain the ultimate act of AlQuida and the United States? forgiveness. We all know that Jesus But would Richard ever showed us all how to forgive when forget the Japanese pilots that sunk He said Father forgive them, for they his ship the USS Virginia the last do not know what they do….. Then years of his life? Remember Takelet’s explore how forgiveness works shi? In case you don’t he was the among humans. It was December 7, pilot who sunk Richards’s ship, Mr. 1941 …. When Richard Fiske of the Takeshi Meada…. Would Richard USS West Virginia was sunk by Taforgive Takeshi Meada? What keshi Meada who was in the Japawould the final outcome be for the nese Military. Richard was just a both men who were not getting any young man at that time minding his younger? Well let’s let the two of own business when the sneak attack them answer that. happened in Pearl Harbor. Richard It was in 1995 at the 50th Fiske lost some of his best anniversary of the ending of WW2 . friends. Put yourself in Richards’s Over 400 Japanese veterans and their shoes for a few minutes. When you families were invited to the memorial are in the military you share the same at Pearl Harbor to meet some of the common goals such as police offipeople they attacked. It was a time cers, when you lose one it affects to heal old wounds. At this time Mr. them all. When you are in the miliTakeshi Meada, said to Mr. Richard tary at such a young age and you Fiske, "I am sorry for sinking your share the same common goals then ship." Mr. Fiske said, "Do not say all your friends get killed by the enyou are sorry it was a war between emy, you really learn how to have so two nations and we were soldiers and much hate in your heart for the enour duty was to fight the enemies, emy. Richards' entire life he had to there is no need for you to say you have so much hate in his heart for the are sorry." They then hugged each

Please Send To: Homeless Voice Survey PO Box 292-577 Davie, Fl 33329

other and taught the entire world a very good lesson. If we take this example of how two men gave each other forgiveness we should be able to make the world a better place. As leaders the Bush Administration needs to look back at history and try to incorporate a good plan to stop the war. This was not written to criticize the president because we all serve at the pleasure of the president. This story does not suggest that we should just let Bin Laden be. It’s just to make us open our minds a little to see if we can make the world a better place by forgiving those who hurt us. It is to make us look at history to see if forgiveness can be used to stop current problems. By the way when the Japanese surrendered on September 2, 1945 there was instant forgiveness so the two nations would not be at war any longer. They did not duke it out on the ship when they officially surrendered. We looked past what happened at Pearl Harbor and the Japanese look past the Nuke attack on them by us. When people do bad deeds to us we have to look past the dirty deed and remember it and protect us in the future but we shall forgive them in order to make the world better and safer. Also when it comes to personal forgiveness, we should forgive and in some cases not forget. We also have the option to forgive and not have anything to do with that person ever again. Some people may say this is wrong. They may say, if you truly forgive the person then you should just continue the way it was before that person wronged you. But let’s look at another possible conflict where forgiveness can hurt over a life time. We see a lot of moms and small children who fled a domestic violence situation. In a lot of these situations the mom will forgive her husband for beating on her, and then goes right back into the marriage and then gets beat and beat again. This happens many times. In a situation like this it would be wise for the mom to forgive, but not to forget and then have nothing to do with that person again for fear of the husband who can't control his anger once again make a punching bag out of her. So in some cases it may be a matter of survival for your own well being not to have anything to ever do with that person again. So what have we learned so far today? Maybe we should all do what we were told to do when we were younger and that is forgiveness. I am here to tell you, that there are many cases of homelessness because of the lack of forgiveness. As Jesus taught, we should forgive. We should try our hardest even if we think it is impossible to forgive someone. Oh yes, I would like to never ever see wars or terrorist attacks between any nations that hold Jesus so high in ones lives…. Now I can say, do I need to say any more. -Sean Cononie

Advantage Communications, Inc. is a proud supporter of The Cosac Foundation "Excellence in Radio"

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Volume IX, Issue 5



usually write the "We Still Need Your Help" column. However, one of our formally homeless heroes Ron who now works for us sent this story to me. I thought it was way too good and this meant I could save some time if I would let Ron's story be mine this month. The story suggests that people should give us their spare change; well I am sure you have done this over the years because you are reading this story. I want to thank each and every one of you for the help you have given to us. The money you give not only helps our shelter system, but now we have little orphanages for HIV orphans in Haiti. Can you believe there are infants and kids with HIV living on the streets just a few hundreds miles from Florida? This cost was about $2,000 a month but it is now almost $4,000 a month to house all these kids, this is very inexpensive and I could not say no. One of the best articles in the USA about Haiti Orphans was written a few months back by Tim Collie of the Sun-Sentinel. Go to the link below and follow my directions to see the video done by the Sun-Sentinel and see the work Aaron and us do with these kids. You may even cry when you see the

kids Aaron are de-worming. You see they hardly have any food for Haitians and when the kids who did get food have worms the worms eat a lot of the food after the child eats it. So to help starving children you have to de- worm them. The Homeless Voice also picked the town that was the worst on the poverty scale titled Cité Soleil, to de-worm. We are de-worming the whole town. This town is where I use to go however because of kidnapping the state department advised me if I was in Cité Soleil and was kidnapped that the UN or our government would not come to the rescue so they advised me not to go. The kidnappers pick high profile people who have missions over there and kidnap them for money. It is not the nice people of Haiti, it is the “Thugs”. These are kids only 15 to 18 years of age armed with machine guns who run Cité Soleil. What I ask you to do this month is to network out to others who do not buy the Homeless Voice. Some of them may still think it is a bunch of homeless people who printed up shirts and just collect money so they can drink for the night. They need to understand what ex-

actly we do with the money that is collected. Either copy this article or give them this current issue. When you hand it to them give them a self addressed envelope and ask them if they care to help us. We still need to pay off our mortgage and it becomes tougher and tougher to do that with the cities restricting our vending. You may want to consider sending in your checks for the mortgage, for the friend’s column or even to help in our orphanages. Just memo the check to where you want your kind donation to go. Let your friends read Ron's article so they know all about the homeless. Ron great story, it is straight from the heart. -Love Sean and Lois Story on us helping Aaron http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/sflaidsorphans-howtohelp,1,7044943.story? ctrack=2&cset=true How to Help

1. h t t p : / / w w w . s u n - s e n t i n e l 2 . c o m / graphics/AIDSOrphans/ Click Begin Presentation 2. 3.

Click “Houses of Hope”

After you watch the first video from the Sun-Sentinel you will get another

screen, go down to where it says “Aaron Jackson and the Agape Home” After watching the video spread the word and if you want to help thanks a lot. If you can't we ask that you pray for our work and that Aaron remains safe while going back and forth. -Sean Cononie scononie@homelessvoice.org

Somewhere Over The Rainbow?


omeless, how does one describe this word and to whom does it apply, who does it affect? Is there hope for the homeless and is there really a somewhere, out there, over that elusive rainbow? In the richest, most prosperous country in the world, the number of homeless in America continues to rise at an alarming rate. I write this article solely for the purpose of creating awareness regarding our country’s homeless citizens. Contrary to what people may perceive them to be, the homeless in this country are human beings, beings created in God’s image. Regardless of one’s race, creed or religion, regardless of what may have created the situation or circumstance that resulted in a person becoming homeless, that person is no less of a human being than one who may have been blessed with financial and material wealth. During the era of the “Great Depression”, this country banded together to help its brothers and sisters survive the economic downfall. In today’s society, we turn a deaf ear to the plight of the less fortunate. Why is that? Have we become so self-sufficient that no one else matters? Have we become a society that only accepts equals and abandon those in strife? Could it be perhaps that the homeless are perceived as non contributory members of society and therefore are ostracized into a world of abandonment and heartlessness? Picture this if you will. A man is successful in business, trusts his advisors to make smart business decisions only to have the advisors squander and embezzle what

he worked so hard for. The man becomes homeless, nowhere to turn and strives every day to make due with what is at hand and become a better person as a result of this. A mother leaves a marriage filled with abuse, verbally and physically and her children are brainwashed into believing that she is the villain, they abandon her and she becomes homeless, yet every day she strives to do what is necessary to survive in her new environment and learns to cope with the fact that society has allowed this to happen. A young adult, faced with the temptation of drugs and alcohol succumbs to them both and loses his job, friends and most importantly, his family. He is thrown out of his home and told to never come back, he is now homeless and desperately looking for help. These are but a few examples of how one becomes homeless. We are but one or two paychecks away from losing it all, becoming homeless and having society forget about what that person once was and walking away from that person, letting him or her fend for themselves. There are cities is this land of opportunity known as America, that do not recognize the homeless. Instead, the homeless are considered vagrants, a menace to society and are placed in jail in order to keep the rest of society safe. “Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses.” That is what is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. We are a country that welcomes all, yet shuns the homeless. Are not the homeless, poor, tired, weary and afraid of what their tomorrow will

bring? Are not the the staff house, a modest homeless still part of home a few miles north of this country, they were the shelter. I begin my day before they became early in the morning and homeless. finish it late at night. I look I have been forward to each and every fortunate and blessed to day and the new challive among the homelenges that may arise. less, kind people who I have no regrets and I all have one common consider this but a slight goal, that is to help one detour in the road of the another and work with life that God has created each other to improve for me. My day and time upon their circumwill come when once again stances. A band of I will return to the life I Story Written by brothers and sisters who once knew, but I will never have become a self leave the life that I now Ronald L. Gauthier proclaimed FAMILY. have. I will continue to Our government needs work with the homeless to recognize that in and to create more public order to survive as a nation, indivisible and awareness to what I consider a travesty in under God, it must return to the values set this society of ours. There are bright, intelforth by our forefathers and creating not ligent homeless people. There are homeless only liberty but truly justice for ALL. who simply need more care than others and There is no justice in allowing our citizens simply ask that someone be there for them. to become and remain homeless. We are I intend to be there for them until I breathe fortunate in this country that there are those my last breath. I pray that we as citizens of who recognize the need to restore dignity the greatest country in the world, finally and pride back into the hearts and spirits of recognize that homelessness is no less the homeless. These angels are those who serious than the state of our economy, have opened shelters for the homeless. The homelessness is no less serious than a life true heroes are those who opened these threatening disease, homelessness is no less shelters privately, without federal, state or serious than war and terrorism. Homelesslocal assistance, who have given of themness is a serious issue that should be dealt selves and parted with their own personal with in a positive manner. If every citizen finances in order to create a home and a in this country would contribute the pocket safe environment for these unfortunate change they have toward the homeless each human beings. and every day, we could wipe out homeI became homeless in December lessness and create an environment that of 2004 and like everyone who becomes would allow private shelters the ability to homeless, I was afraid, discouraged, dehelp retrain and counsel the homeless into a pressed and worried about what I might new life, a life that would enable them to face tomorrow and the next day and for return to mainstream society as valuable how long. I was welcomed with open arms contributors to their respective communiand was told that there was no need to ties. worry anymore, you are part of us now and So, I ask that the next time you as a family, we will be there for you and see a homeless person on the street or if with you through thick and thin. you see a homeless person selling a newsI have been with this shelter for paper or asking for a contribution, please nearly two and a half years now and have give this person the chance to return to the become a senior staff member of this fine life he or she once had, the life that you so organization. I thank God every day that enjoy, please contribute with love and from He has blessed me with what I consider a the heart and realize that your help will new opportunity in my life. The opportueventually produce a productive and connity to help others less fortunate than I, for tributing member to your community. I consider myself luckier than most and Franklin Delano Roosevelt said truly loved by God, because God has althat “The only thing we need to fear is fear lowed me to help turn something negative itself.” We need not be afraid of the homeinto the most positive thing I could ever less but should remember that we as human accomplish in life. My life with this shelter beings have a moral responsibility to help has become addictive, though I have never our brothers and sisters in need. Remember been involved with drugs nor alcohol in my that we are all created as one and in God’s life, I am addicted to the passionate work image and after all, as Americans, isn’t that greets me every single day at this shellove and generosity, compassion and care ter. what makes this country the great nation I do not live at the facility anythat it is? more, in fact for the past twenty months, I have been living in what is referred to as

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